Thank you for answering my previous question. So am I right in concluding that your manufacturing licensee will have all the information and technology required to build the E-Cat SKLs independently of Leonardo Corp.?
1) Based on your comments, it appears clear that DARPA, DOD, or another similar branch of the USA Government is your first client. Congratulations.
Is the above observation: a)True or b)False?
2) If so, they may require you to delay manufacturing for a period of time.
Is the above observation: a)True or b)False?
3) Do they also have a say in when you can be “allowed” to start your own manufacturing?
Thank you for your willingness to communicate on the blog with us!
For sure, when the E-Cat is available to the public it will be met with enthusiasm and astonishment. It is like magic and will raise the question “Where does the energy come from”.
– Do you have that answer ready?
– Can you share it now?
As promised a google-maps view link to the photo of the monument for Hendrik Antoon Lorentz in his birthplace.
This just as a nice gesture towards your work, because the Lorentz-force is an important issue in your paper.
your last comments about your licencees are very encouraging. Two questions:
1- With the initial licence fees do you have the money to finance your first own e-cat factory?
2- Do you have an agreement with your licencees, that they don`t compete with you in the same market you want to serve?
In your response to Bill Conley today, I was not quite sure what your answer meant. You stated ‘they will be independent’.
a) Do you mean that the fuel charges will be manufactured by a different manufacturer than the rest of the E-Cat SKLs?
b) If so, will it be Leonardo Corp manufacturing the fuel charges, or someone else.
I assume that the licensing agreement with the manufacturer to produce E-Cat SKLs was made after they had performed tests with the SKL, and were satisfied with its performance. Am I correct?
Will the licensees be able to manufacture their own eCat/SKL fuel along with building their building reactors/controllers or will Leonardo retain that sole right?
Dear Andrea,
Today you confirmed to Frank Acland that your partner already started to build a facility for making Ecat SKL’s. Congratulations with that very promising progress!
Are you still convinced that the Leonardo Company will have an Ecat SKL on the market first, as you replied to me a few weeks ago?
Thanks, Kind regards, Gerard
It is excellent news that your new licensee partner is moving forward with building a manufacturing facility for SKLs.
This positive decision and movement towards “broad and rapid global deployment” opens me towards a questioning attitude.
How do you think the public in the many different countries would change their view of the ECat SKL if truck/train-loads of SKLs where stationed at the many large industrial solar and wind farms, say in Sweden and Germany for example, thereby quickly boosting the ~20% utilization of the respective connections to the national grid to +100%?
Would they associate the SKL with the positive thoughts and reputation associated with clean renewable energy? Would the members of and investors in the wind/solar industry come to think positively towards the SKL? Would the government’s views about the SKL be positively impacted?
My best to you, to Team Rossi, to all your new partners, and of course your patient tennis coach.
Never before has an area the size of South Australia been supported by solar power alone. At the same time, we should note that the share of solar systems on the roofs of consumers was 77%, ”said Audrey Siebelman, Executive Director of AEMO
1) Was there ever a time with eCat evolution when you became close to giving up your ‘mission’ (if so, which version)?
2) Has there been a continuing technical/physics link between all eCat versions? (Y/N)
3) If eCat technology becomes a successful product in the marketplace then the hydrocarbon-based economy will change – would you ever consider revisiting petrolDragon (or similar) (Y/N)?
As always, thank you for your consideration
Safe journeys for you, your family, and your team, through the 2nd Wave of CV19
you say that you use the time factor to understand if the charge has to be changed. Does this indicate that you plan to disable the charges after a specified timespan or do you plan to just give strong advice via, lets say per display, to change the charge?
No, it is not possible to read the color or other cosmetics to understand if the charge has to be changed.
Thank you anyway for your insight, but we use the time factor and eventually, with experience of statistics, the supposed lifespan will be updated.
Warm Regards,
Is it possible to tell from the appearance of an E-Cat charge, say discolouration, whether it has been used or not?
If it was possible, it may be worthwhile to have a visual means of identifying whether a charge has been used, also for how long, a tell-tale indicator, possibly using a spot, a line or a coating, utilizing some chemical that reacted to heat, that changes colour based on temperature attained or length of time at a temperature, or a chemical that reacted to length of UV exposure, possibly colour change calibrated so that if required an instrument could determine from the colour the actual used lifespan.
For transportation and storage of fragile / sensitive goods, it is common for packaging to have tell-tale indicators, i.e. anti-tamper indicator, shock sensitive indicator, temperature sensitive label that records the highest temperature reached, or records if there is a period of greater than a specific length of time at a temperature. One battery manufacturer has a visual indicator on the side to check if the battery still has a charge. Visual tell-tale indicators can be low cost and provide vital information. A visual indicator on the E-Cat charge may be useful for maintenance, especially if you pull an old charge out and place it down next to a new one then look away and forget which is which as they both look the same.
Good point, I have to update the paper with this information.
The answer is: yes, we always measure during our tests and experiments the ionizing radiations emitted by the E-Cat and never found differences from the background radiations above the margin of error of the instruments.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
You say you believe that global climate temperature increase is happening. Some people say this would result in catastrophic changes in human existence. If it is correct, shouldn’t you be making your device available today with no regard to how it would effect your financial situation?
Wishful regards.
Gerard McEk:
You have not to apologize, I just did not understand. Now I do:
1. not yet precisely
2. I cannot give a date I am not sure I am able to respect
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi
One question please will some of your licensees will be able to buid by themselves a complete SKL ?
Kind Regards
Toussaint François
Dead Andrea, Is your partner a well-know, famous industry ? Best regards
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for answering my previous question. So am I right in concluding that your manufacturing licensee will have all the information and technology required to build the E-Cat SKLs independently of Leonardo Corp.?
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea,
1) Based on your comments, it appears clear that DARPA, DOD, or another similar branch of the USA Government is your first client. Congratulations.
Is the above observation: a)True or b)False?
2) If so, they may require you to delay manufacturing for a period of time.
Is the above observation: a)True or b)False?
3) Do they also have a say in when you can be “allowed” to start your own manufacturing?
Thank you for your willingness to communicate on the blog with us!
Warm Regards,
Tom Conover
If the licensees will be independent, does that mean they will know the secret how you make the E-Cat work?
Dear Andrea, Are the generators to be built by the licensees for industry, domestic use or both?
Warm regards,
Chuck Davis
Calle H:
1- yes
2- you can find it here:
Thank you for your kind support,
Warm Regards,
Svein H. Vormedal:
Energy generation
Warm Regards,
Magnificent monument to a monumental scientist,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
For sure, when the E-Cat is available to the public it will be met with enthusiasm and astonishment. It is like magic and will raise the question “Where does the energy come from”.
– Do you have that answer ready?
– Can you share it now?
Wish you and your team all the luck.
Calle H
Dear Andrea.
What type of products are your licencees producing?
Regards SHV
Dear Andrea,
As promised a google-maps view link to the photo of the monument for Hendrik Antoon Lorentz in his birthplace.
This just as a nice gesture towards your work, because the Lorentz-force is an important issue in your paper.,5.903122,3a,75y,40.11h,83.97t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipM3PmLj-5pfcQrzinYMuHGTnSxNMNK_XMUbXv_o!2e10!3e11!!7i10232!8i5116?hl=nl
Kind regards,
Frank Acland:
a) no
b) see 1
Warm Regards,
E. Hergen:
1- yes
2- yes
Warm Regards,
Nicole Vind:
Yes, thank you for noticing,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
I saw today on
you updated the par. 5 with the instrumentations to measure the emissions
Dear Mr. Rossi,
your last comments about your licencees are very encouraging. Two questions:
1- With the initial licence fees do you have the money to finance your first own e-cat factory?
2- Do you have an agreement with your licencees, that they don`t compete with you in the same market you want to serve?
Thank you and best regards,
E. Hergen
Dear Andrea,
In your response to Bill Conley today, I was not quite sure what your answer meant. You stated ‘they will be independent’.
a) Do you mean that the fuel charges will be manufactured by a different manufacturer than the rest of the E-Cat SKLs?
b) If so, will it be Leonardo Corp manufacturing the fuel charges, or someone else.
Thank you for any clarification you can give.
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
Bill Conley:
They will be independent.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I assume that the licensing agreement with the manufacturer to produce E-Cat SKLs was made after they had performed tests with the SKL, and were satisfied with its performance. Am I correct?
Best regards,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea,
A quick question for you:
Will the licensees be able to manufacture their own eCat/SKL fuel along with building their building reactors/controllers or will Leonardo retain that sole right?
I do not know.
Thank you for your kind wishes.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
Convinced yes, sure not,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Today you confirmed to Frank Acland that your partner already started to build a facility for making Ecat SKL’s. Congratulations with that very promising progress!
Are you still convinced that the Leonardo Company will have an Ecat SKL on the market first, as you replied to me a few weeks ago?
Thanks, Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea,
It is excellent news that your new licensee partner is moving forward with building a manufacturing facility for SKLs.
This positive decision and movement towards “broad and rapid global deployment” opens me towards a questioning attitude.
How do you think the public in the many different countries would change their view of the ECat SKL if truck/train-loads of SKLs where stationed at the many large industrial solar and wind farms, say in Sweden and Germany for example, thereby quickly boosting the ~20% utilization of the respective connections to the national grid to +100%?
Would they associate the SKL with the positive thoughts and reputation associated with clean renewable energy? Would the members of and investors in the wind/solar industry come to think positively towards the SKL? Would the government’s views about the SKL be positively impacted?
My best to you, to Team Rossi, to all your new partners, and of course your patient tennis coach.
Sincerely and Respectfully,
Mason Ainsworth
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Never before has an area the size of South Australia been supported by solar power alone. At the same time, we should note that the share of solar systems on the roofs of consumers was 77%, ”said Audrey Siebelman, Executive Director of AEMO
Dear Andrea,
Is the partner you have licensed E-Cat manufacturing rights to already in process of building the capabilities to manufacture E-Cat SKLs?
Kind regards,
Frank Acland
We will give instructions and among them will be also the demand to change the charges every a specific operation time.
Warm Regards,
Iggy Dalrymple:
Warm Regards,
sandy r:
1- never
2- yes
3- no: see
Thank you for your kind sustain,
Warm Regards,
Greetings Doctor Rossi
Thinking back over your whole career:
1) Was there ever a time with eCat evolution when you became close to giving up your ‘mission’ (if so, which version)?
2) Has there been a continuing technical/physics link between all eCat versions? (Y/N)
3) If eCat technology becomes a successful product in the marketplace then the hydrocarbon-based economy will change – would you ever consider revisiting petrolDragon (or similar) (Y/N)?
As always, thank you for your consideration
Safe journeys for you, your family, and your team, through the 2nd Wave of CV19
Dear Dr Rossi,
1- Will Leonardo furnish their licensees with E-Cats
2- or will your licensees build their own E-Cats?
Best Regards,
Hello Mr Rossi,
you say that you use the time factor to understand if the charge has to be changed. Does this indicate that you plan to disable the charges after a specified timespan or do you plan to just give strong advice via, lets say per display, to change the charge?
Warm regards,
No, it is not possible to read the color or other cosmetics to understand if the charge has to be changed.
Thank you anyway for your insight, but we use the time factor and eventually, with experience of statistics, the supposed lifespan will be updated.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
The company that has a license to manufacture products with the E-Cat SKL, would you consider it a necessary carrier to help diffuse your technology?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea,
Is it possible to tell from the appearance of an E-Cat charge, say discolouration, whether it has been used or not?
If it was possible, it may be worthwhile to have a visual means of identifying whether a charge has been used, also for how long, a tell-tale indicator, possibly using a spot, a line or a coating, utilizing some chemical that reacted to heat, that changes colour based on temperature attained or length of time at a temperature, or a chemical that reacted to length of UV exposure, possibly colour change calibrated so that if required an instrument could determine from the colour the actual used lifespan.
For transportation and storage of fragile / sensitive goods, it is common for packaging to have tell-tale indicators, i.e. anti-tamper indicator, shock sensitive indicator, temperature sensitive label that records the highest temperature reached, or records if there is a period of greater than a specific length of time at a temperature. One battery manufacturer has a visual indicator on the side to check if the battery still has a charge. Visual tell-tale indicators can be low cost and provide vital information. A visual indicator on the E-Cat charge may be useful for maintenance, especially if you pull an old charge out and place it down next to a new one then look away and forget which is which as they both look the same.
Keith Thomson.
Sture Andreasson:
Warm Regards,
Good point, I have to update the paper with this information.
The answer is: yes, we always measure during our tests and experiments the ionizing radiations emitted by the E-Cat and never found differences from the background radiations above the margin of error of the instruments.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
During the Experimental Setup described on par. 5 of
you did not describe any measurement system of the ionizing radiations; my question is: did you make also such measurements ?
Thank you if you can answer,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Have any of your partners been licensed to manufacture e-cat in their factory for use in their own products?
Warm Regards
To you and your team
Sture Andreasson
The Ecat will be fully available when it will be ready and when its diffusion will have the necessary carrier.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
You say you believe that global climate temperature increase is happening. Some people say this would result in catastrophic changes in human existence. If it is correct, shouldn’t you be making your device available today with no regard to how it would effect your financial situation?
Wishful regards.
Maybe more, but obviously I do not have proof of it,
Warm Regards,
Tom Conover:
This year is not impossible, but time run more fast than I expected…I strongly hope within next year.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
You have not to apologize, I just did not understand. Now I do:
1. not yet precisely
2. I cannot give a date I am not sure I am able to respect
Warm Regards,