United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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41,193 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Svein H. Vormedal

    Dear Andrea
    It must be possible for Ecat users to deliver the energy they do not use to the regular grid.
    This will provide major economic benefits for the first to acquire Ecat and of great environmental significance in most parts of the world.
    Regards Svein H. Vormedal

  • Chris

    Hello Mr Rossi,

    I am wondering if “self looped SKLs” are irrelevant for testing / certification, because of its possible triviality?

    Best regards,


  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    1. In a previous comment you said that you have not demonstrated a self looped (SSM) Ecat SKL to Partners or the certification agency. Was there any particular reason not to do that?
    2. Are tests on self looped Ecats being planned for Partners?
    3. Do your foresee that self looped Ecats will be the main way in how Ecat SKL’s will be operated as opposite to mains supplied Ecats?
    4. How long has an Ecat SKL been in self looped operation without interruption until now?
    5. Any important test coming up soon?
    5. How happy are you?
    Thanks, great success!
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Greg Leonard:
    I am not able to answer.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Theoretically, the grid can be a back-up.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Are there advantages in operating the E-Cat from the grid, rather than in closed-loop mode? If so, what would they be?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Greg Leonard

    Dear Thomas Florek and AR,
    Your question and answer lead me to another naive question – from an engineer rather than a nuclear scientist.
    If the energy in space is causing particles (with mass) to appear and disappear, then at any moment there will be transient mass throughout the Universe. So the question is: is this ‘dark matter’?
    greg leonard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Because that is a theoretical speculation: their existence has not been proved yet.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    manuel cilia:
    that also should be an option,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Dr Rossi
    Will your partner be manufacturing a basic Ecat box that other companies can use to make products they intend sell to the public? I am not sure if you can answer, but it is getting exciting

  • Pierce

    Hi Andrea,
    I watched with great attention the video in
    and read
    About this paper, why do you call in the Abstract “exotic” the dense electron clusters whose formation is investigated ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Greg Daigle:
    Thank you for your insight and your suggestion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Nothing is arbitrary, everything is quantized. About automotive applications, I am not ready to answer.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Dorr:
    Thank you for your kind support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thomas Florek:
    I think so.
    Thank you for your permanent support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Hello Andrea,

    I am still enjoying and thinking about your excellent publication on research gate. Zero-point energy and the discussion of virtual particles that come into existence are a fascinating part of quantum mechanics. So I have a question that I hope is not overly naive. If energy exists in a vacuum (from virtual particles), is space itself simply a kind of stored energy, (just as mass is)?

    Looking forward to your continued success!

  • Robert Dorr

    Dear Andrea,

    Will the initial production of the SKL by your partners allow operation in:

    A. Units will only operate in self-sustaining mode
    B. Units will only operate in non self-sustaining mode
    C. Units will be able to operate in both self-sustaining mode and non self-sustaining mode, depending on what is required

    Thank you for your indefatigable efforts on your production of the SKL.

    Robert Dorr

  • Dear Andrea,

    Thanks for you answers about the batteries, I am impressed.

    Can I conclude that one just needs one suitable battery and use this one to start an arbitrary number of e-Cats which on their turn can be used to feed any number of batteries required for a certain application, among which the start-up batterie. Right?

    So, an application would be feeding electric cars such that they can drive for any amount of miles. Right? Or are there other issues preventing such an application?

    Thanks again for your answers.


  • The United States may potentially be facing a split government the next four years. In this article: https://prospect.org/day-one-agenda/277-policies-biden-need-not-ask-permission/
    several energy policies are elucidated which do not require going through Congress. Among them are these recommendations:

    • Address barriers for low-income families to access programs that enable home energy efficiency.

    • Establish federal task force for coal and power plant communities to set up jobs and aide the clean-energy transition.

    • Facilitate private-sector and state investment in clean energy and environmental justice.

    • Increase transparency and fairness for clean energy in power markets.

    • Ensure that Department of Energy-funded innovations are manufactured in the United States.

    • Launch a federal “Buy Clean” program by 2022 that mandates government procurement of clean energy and industrial products with high labor standards.

    • Engage in a Tribal Needs Assessment to gather data on the needs and goals of Tribes in the energy transition.

    • Promote American clean energy exports worldwide.

    My question is whether you have contemplated engaging with the U.S. government on potential initiatives such as these should a new administration be in place next year?

    Greg Daigle

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I answered it is sufficient, not that it is necessary.
    I am not going to give the data of the Ecat SKL before its presentation.
    Warm Regards,

  • Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    You’ve replied: ” I never said how much is the power necessary to start an Ecat”.

    But to Rinus’s question “Would a standard 12 V, say 600 A start capacity, car battery be sufficient to start-up the ecat in self contained loop?” you replied: “maybe”. So, I don’t know how to understand your reply, can you clarify this?

    Thanks a lot,


  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea, Rather than using two ecats to supply 120V and 240V for residential service, maybe it would be better to run the output of an ecat through a 180 degree phase shifter and then provide a 3 wire output that mimics the 240V power source currently in use, where one wire would be connected to the ecat output and a second wire would be connected to the output of the phase shifter and the third wire is the common. That would make the conversion from the utility source to the ecat transparent.

    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Andrea Rossi

    Svein H. Vormedal:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    Sorry, I cannot give this kind of information.
    Thank you for your kind support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi

    You informed us that the E-Cat draws energy from a vacuum.
    I am surprised that some of your supporters talk about “combustible” incorporated into the reactor. Personally, I deduced from your comments that the reactor did not contain any fuel but that the latter was made up of elements that promote the reaction. I concluded that they were more of catalysts.

    Can you confirm my thinking?

    All my support for your work in this difficult time.
    Best regards
    Raffaele bongo

  • Svein H. Vormedal

    Dear Andrea
    I would recommend that you postpone the presentation until more or all of your licensees are ready to come forward with their products and solutions.
    Regards: Svein H. Vormedal

  • Andrea Rossi

    Fabrizio Sgorlon
    Thank you for your opinion and for your kind support.
    News about updates related to the commercialization of the Ecat will always and immediately published here, when it will be time.
    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- I never said how much is the power necessary to start an Ecat
    2- it is not possible
    3- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    It can produce both
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Does the E-Cat SKL produce DC or AC electricity?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    1- I’m surprised by the heavy capacity you need to start the SKL.

    2- You still haven’t had the opportunity to carry out a long duration test of the reactor fuel so you’re not entirely sure if it will last 6 to 12 months. Does it make sense to carry out an accelerated test with only 50% or 10% of the fuel?

    3- Is the amount of fuel in the reactor critical?

    With kind regards,


  • fabrizio sgorlon

    Salve Dr Andrea Rossi
    Mi rendo conto di essere fuori luogo.Non sono uno scienziato.Aspetto solo con Entusiasmo, da molti anni ,la comercializzazione di E-cat home , per uso domestico..Notizie fresche,,ZERO..da nessuna parte.Mi rendo conto dell argomento MOLTO SCOTTANTE..!!!
    .ma diavolo questi politici e militari,non si rendono ancora conto che la TERRA e’sull”orlo di una era Glaciale…molto prossima? e che LEI e la SUA TECNOLOGIA capitate al momento giusto? Glielo dica ai militari del mondo cosa se ne faranno di un milione di carri armati che corrono con 10 grammi di nickel e idrogeno se poi la terra sara inondata di 10 metri di acqua.mi fermo qua.
    Le chiedo solo, se puo,dove poter attingere notizie fresche sulla prossima comercializzazione di ecat home in Italia..ho letto che il vicepresidente della Defkalion, il chimico fisico Christos Stremmenos doveva essere il responsabile in Europa per il commercio., ma forse le cose sono cambiate ancora.
    Sono fermamente convinto che questo mondo politico,militare,non si meriti il SUO GENIO e la SUA ECCEZIONALE SCOPERTA SCIENTIFICA.
    Il grande Ettore Majorana nel 1938 non e’ scappato per nulla.
    Cordiallissimi saluti
    fabrizio sgorlon jesolo lido venezia ITALIA

    Hi Dr Andrea Rossi
    I realize I am out of place. I am not a scientist. I have been looking forward to the commercialization of E-cat home, for many years, for domestic use .. Fresh news ,, ZERO .. nowhere. VERY HOT topic .. !!!
    .but the hell these politicians and military, still don’t realize that the EARTH is on the brink of an Ice Age … very near? and that YOU and YOUR TECHNOLOGY happen at the right time? Tell the military of the world what they will do with a million tanks running with 10 grams of nickel and hydrogen if the earth is flooded with 10 meters of water.
    I just ask you, if you can, where to get fresh news on the upcoming marketing of ecat home in Italy .. I read that the vice president of Defkalion, the physical chemist Christos Stremmenos was supposed to be responsible in Europe for the trade., But maybe things. have changed again.
    I firmly believe that this political, military world does not deserve ITS GENIUS and ITS EXCEPTIONAL SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY.
    The great Ettore Majorana in 1938 did not run away for any reason.
    Best regards
    fabrizio sgorlon Jesolo Lido Venice ITALY

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Phalen:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    sandy r:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- maybe
    2- maybe
    3- yes
    4- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Heinz Sause:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Heinz Sause

    Hello ! dear Andrea Rossi, i associate hope and fear with an introduction to e-cat technology. The fear relates to the challenges facing the societies of peoples in social terms. I see challenges here comparable to the introduction of steam power or electricity. Doesn’t it make sense for social and societal research? to draw attention to the challenges? With best wishes to you and your team!

  • Dear Andrea,

    I was wondering,

    1. Would a standard 12 V, say 600 A start capacity, car battery be sufficient to start-up the ecat in self contained loop?
    2. If not, is it possible with more of them?
    3. If one ecat has been powered up, can it start a second one?
    4. Is any of your partners aiming for stand alone off the grid applications?

    Thanks for answering.

    Looking forward to the presentation in Q1 2021,


  • sandy r

    Apologies, Doctor Rossi (I thought i’d finished my questions at the moment, but I found one more going around in my head!)

    Just to clarify, please – is it the case that the first types of eCat products (from partners and from Leonardo) will need to have some external power supply, either battery or AC-to-DC supply?

    Thanks again, stay safe

  • Mike Phalen

    Hi Dr. Rossi,

    I know you said that the E-cat electric output is programmable. In households with devices that use both 110 and 220 volt devices will two E-cats be required to make both voltages available where needed?

    Thanks, Mike

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1- no
    2- n.a.
    3- I am afraid not
    4- no
    5- no
    6- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Some questions about progress, if I may:
    1. Are the certification tests finished now?
    1b. Is the agency ready to write the Certification Report and certificate now?
    2. If so, what happens after receiving these?
    3. Do you expect any public happening (publication, presentation, paper) regarding the Ecat this year?
    4. Were most or all tests done by the certification agency done on a self looped Ecat SKL?
    5. Were self looped Ecat SKL(s) in operation witnessed by Partners the certification Agency?
    6. Was also an Ecat demonstrated that has a electricity-heat ratio of around 95% or more (so the latest version where we heard of)?
    Thank you, kind regards, Gerard

  • Jude

    Dr Rossi:
    I have been particularly impressed reading the par. 4, 5 and 6 of
    What impressed me have been the peak at 4.372*10^-7m and the calorimetric coherence with the spectrometric calculations
    All the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Vincenzo Bonomo:
    Thank you for the suggestion. I am glad you healed from this damn virus. Thanks to God, we all are safe.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    sandy r:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bill Conley:
    1- yes
    2- depends on the situation
    3- see 2
    4- maybe
    Warm Regards,

  • Bill Conley

    Dear Andrea,

    If you could indulge my curiosity by answering a few more questions:

    1) Will the SKL licensees be responsible for maintaining and supporting the SKL’s they manufacture and sell including recharging them?
    2) Will some or all of the licensees be able to produce SKL’s for sale other than as a component of their own products (e.g. sell standalone SKL generators)?
    3) If yes to #3, will licensees be able to sell SKL’s that can be incorporated (as a sub-system) into the products of others?
    4) Is it possible that one or more of the licensees will participate in your public presentation?

    Thanks, Bill

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