Dear Andrea.
We agree that SLK and battery are inseparable in most use cases.
There is no one in an ordinary home, today, who demands a battery with a capacity of eg 25 kWh.
After installing a SKL in the order of 5 to 10 kW, everyone will acquire a battery around this size.
This is because SKL is has the primary function here.
This means that anyone who is a supplier of SKL, can easily become the best supplier of the battery.
Therein lies a very significant market value.
Good luck also as a supplier of good batteries in the correct size and adapted to the different uses.
The batteries can easily be obtained from the world’s leading manufacturers.
“Such stuff as dreams are made on”
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d tow’rs, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
For Ecat-SKLed mobile use I was thinking of spotlights mounted on; pickup trucks, construction equipment, forestry vehicles, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, or as interior lighting on; trains, buses, campervans, caravans, mobile homes, many applications with available 12V wet cell / AGM / Gel batteries.
Not all homes have connection to a mains electrical supply but can use a 12V battery, some are off-grid by choice, most have no choice being far from grid connections, worldwide there is a very large market for 12V light fittings, both as fixed installations and as mobile.
Are the contents of the Ecat-SKLed light fitting casing capable of taking mobile use type vibration with occasional bouncing from the ever present pot-holes in roads?
Keith Thomson:
A- yes
B- self detected
C- the plug will be fit for the Country of destination
D- no
E- 2 meters ( 6’8″ )
F- yes
G- yes
H- the guarantee will cover everything contained in the body, so long the body will be integer, as written in the order form you can find here:
The sole external thing is the cable, that obviously is guaranteed against fabrication defects
I- if “mobile” means you throw it down from the 30st floor of a skyscraper, it is guaranteed only until the 1st floor.
Warm Regards,
The more I read about the Ecat-SKLed over time the more I am impressed by the device’s capabilities, an over-unity device intended to be mass-produced. If I may, some questions about how this light fitting will interface with a power supply.
A. Is this light fitting available for purchase to all countries in the world and designed to interface with any worldwide domestic power supply?
B. Will the supply voltage be self-detected, or will there be a switch for voltage selection in the back of the light fitting?
C. Will all light fittings be supplied with the same cable and plug, user supplied adaptor required to fit local market wall socket?
D. Does the light fitting require an earth connection?
E. What length of cable will be supplied with the plug?
F. Will the cable be detachable from the casing?
G. Will it be possible to refit a longer cable for say as a ceiling spotlight in a room or will a wall socket for a plug have to be fitted local to the light fitting?
H. Does the warranty period cover not only the Ecat-SKLed part but casing, front diffuser lens / cover, mounting bracket, cable, plug, back panel switches, any internal power supply step down transformer?
I. Is the warranty for fixed installations or will it cover mobile use? (12V allows mobility)
To allow mass production and worldwide use over the many different power supply voltages, frequencies, earth systems and socket types, many suppliers of domestic goods that have internal electronics have developed devices that have a low voltage plug connector to the device with a separate power cable and wall socket transformer for the local market electrical supply, depending on how susceptible the device electronics are to voltage supply spikes, noise, fluctuation, dropout, harmonics, etc., the wall socket power supply unit can provide a regulated output, the cable often supplied with a ferrite choke.
Separation of power supply regulation from the light fitting may have benefits, separating power supply reliability from light fitting reliability, wall socket power supplies are a well understood mass-produced low-cost component, separation may simplify mass production and lower the cost of the light fitting.
The critical path is volume production of the Ecat-SKLed part, in time all the rest is packaging.
Thank you for your response to my latest question. Do you mean that an Ecat SKL generator which has an integrated battery could be part of the solution to moving inductive loads?
Frank Acland:
We are working also on it: charging a battery is easier that moving an inductive load, but eventually batteries can move an electric engine, therefore the problem could be indirectly resolved.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I am a customer that bought the Ecat SKLed sending the order form from
First of all, now the site works perfectly, I sent the order after filling the empty spaces and received after few seconds confirmation of receiving my order.
Secondly, I love the design, it is a beauty. When I filled the order I was moved, after years waiting for an Ecat finally made as a product: like Pinocchio that turns a real boy.
Svein Vormedal has suggested concentrating on a Ecat SKL battery-charger, which I too think is a very good idea because of so many applications for it.
Do you think this would this be easier for you to achieve that producing a normal Ecat SKL generator?
Dear Andrea.
Concentrate on developing SKL to be able to charge batteries.
The market here is currently many millions of units in EV alone.
For more than 90% of all buildings that can utilize SKL, a battery park is equally necessary.
Svein H. Vormedal.
As the use of the SKLed is limited to certain fields. I would like to have a product with a warm white colour and less powerfull for a houshold or apartment.
A bulp type would be very nice..
I am grinning from ear to ear at the suggestion in the last paragraph of the following post. Thank you, H.A.T.:
– – – – – – – –
2021-04-25 08:00 Hermes Atar Trismegistus
Dear Andrea,
You have said that your E-Cat SKL does not like inductive loads like electric motors? If you are interested in a possible free energy motor, then I think you should take a look at the Edwin V. Gray Impulse Motor:
As you can read, I have discovered one of his secrets and it explains why he was so interested in high voltage. It is possible that there are several other secrets with the impulse motor and the only way to find out is to build a prototype and test the capacitor discharge.
In the meantime, I think you should continue to experiment with your E-Cat SKL for charging car batteries and an on-board electrolyzer that gets its electricity from the E-CAT SKL to release hydrogen gas for cars with internal combustion engines.
– – – – – – –
Finally, an automobile powered by WATER …….. and an Ecat.
Dear Andrea Rossi
SKLed provides a dimeable.
1. Whether the intensity of the light emits changes simply in proportion yo the change in power or other characteristics as exponential and other?
2. Ecat SKL power generator will supply DC voltage. How many times greater impulse current than denomination? Is it necessary to protect against short circuits?
Best Regards
Kazimieras Liepis
The Ecat SKLed is perfect and ready for the market. The SKL will follow suit in 2012. The Ecat SKLed is easier to make, because its application is constant, while the SKL has infinite possibilities of application, which makes it more complex.
Warm Regards,
Many people have commented on the US Navy’s plagiarism of your patient, mostly to say how this validates your work. While that is true. I suggest the possibility that all is not as it seems. It is hard to imagine that the US Navy could be this naive. I worry on your behalf that something non-obvious is at play.
I remember that you still had some issues with the reliability of the Ecat SKL which you now confirmed to Gerard McEk.
I cannot imagine that you want to produce 1 million SKLeds if they don’t have a high reliability. Will the SKLeds have a perfectly stable and reliable output? How come that the Ecat SKL is currently much less reliable? Is it due the significant bigger size of the reactor?
I wish you success in solving all problems with the SKL!
Dear Andrea, I have a feeling that performing a test with a grid-tie inverter between the ecat and an electric motor will be a very important step in the process of improving the reliability especially since this is an important configuration for residential applications.
Gerard McEk:
1- when 1 million units will be ordered
2- I don’t think so, it is very unlikely that the target will be reached before the presentation
3- as soon as we will reach the target, we will give public information of it
4- the preparation of the SKL is on course .
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Maybe I misinterpreted in my last comment the date of 31st of Dec. 2022 (question 3):
1. When at the earliest will you start the production of the SKLed’s?
2. Can if be before the 25th of Nov. 2021?
3. Will you inform those who have ordered? and/or pre-ordered the SKLed before the 31st of Dec. 2022 whether or when their SKLed(s) will be delivered?
In addition to the questions about the Ecat SKL, can you tell us which aspect of the technical problems is you greatest challenge?
Thank you, kind regards, Gerard
Hi Andrea:
The patent application of the US Navy US 2021/0090752 A1 published on March 25th 2021 has been copied from your patent US 9,115,913 B1 granted in August 2015: aren’t you angry ?
You have said that your E-Cat SKL does not like inductive loads like electric motors? If you are interested in a possible free energy motor, then I think you should take a look at the Edwin V. Gray Impulse Motor:
As you can read, I have discovered one of his secrets and it explains why he was so interested in high voltage. It is possible that there are several other secrets with the impulse motor and the only way to find out is to build a prototype and test the capacitor discharge.
In the meantime, I think you should continue to experiment with your E-Cat SKL for charging car batteries and an on-board electrolyzer that gets its electricity from the E-CAT SKL to release hydrogen gas for cars with internal combustion engines.
1. How many orders do you currently have for the SKLed?
2. From the Orders, what is the total number of SKLed units ordered?
3. Do you have an estimate of when you will reach your required threshold to begin production? If so, what date?
François Muzard:
Yes, the absorbed power of the Ecat SKLed will be clearly visible, but not to capture the good will of the trolls, which would be an oxymoron, but to allow people to understand clearly what is going on,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea.
We agree that SLK and battery are inseparable in most use cases.
There is no one in an ordinary home, today, who demands a battery with a capacity of eg 25 kWh.
After installing a SKL in the order of 5 to 10 kW, everyone will acquire a battery around this size.
This is because SKL is has the primary function here.
This means that anyone who is a supplier of SKL, can easily become the best supplier of the battery.
Therein lies a very significant market value.
Good luck also as a supplier of good batteries in the correct size and adapted to the different uses.
The batteries can easily be obtained from the world’s leading manufacturers.
Svein H. Vormedal
Plastic, completely recycled by us.
Warm Regards,
Rick 57:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Tom Conover:
Thank you for this magnificence,
Warm Regards,
Greetings Andrea and fellow blog readers!
This quote seemed to ring true as I age faster each year, so I thought I might share it here with those of you that share that with me. 🙂
Warm regards,
“Such stuff as dreams are made on”
Our revels now are ended. These our actors,
As I foretold you, were all spirits, and
Are melted into air, into thin air:
And like the baseless fabric of this vision,
The cloud-capp’d tow’rs, the gorgeous palaces,
The solemn temples, the great globe itself,
Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve,
And, like this insubstantial pageant faded,
Leave not a rack behind. We are such stuff
As dreams are made on; and our little life
Is rounded with a sleep.
Dear Andrea,
For Ecat-SKLed mobile use I was thinking of spotlights mounted on; pickup trucks, construction equipment, forestry vehicles, farm vehicles, emergency vehicles, or as interior lighting on; trains, buses, campervans, caravans, mobile homes, many applications with available 12V wet cell / AGM / Gel batteries.
Not all homes have connection to a mains electrical supply but can use a 12V battery, some are off-grid by choice, most have no choice being far from grid connections, worldwide there is a very large market for 12V light fittings, both as fixed installations and as mobile.
Are the contents of the Ecat-SKLed light fitting casing capable of taking mobile use type vibration with occasional bouncing from the ever present pot-holes in roads?
Keith Thomson.
Dear Andrea,
great news if you can manage to run inductive loads just by integrating a battery into the E-Cat SKL !
My suggestion is to consider also a graphene supercapacitor instead: it may be more reliable and better suited to accomodate current peaks.
Charged Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
Is the Casing Metal or
Plastic on the SKLed?
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,
On Power Engineering issue of April 27 2021:
CF Industries plans 20 MW electrolyzer to produce hydrogen in Louisiana
Rod Walton
Thank you for the update,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
Here are the last stats about your publication on Researchgate I found here
Readings 69000 (!) of which 63783 only for the link above
Recommendations 4623
Citations 22
Total Research Interest index 1267
And counting…
Ad majora,
Keith Thomson:
A- yes
B- self detected
C- the plug will be fit for the Country of destination
D- no
E- 2 meters ( 6’8″ )
F- yes
G- yes
H- the guarantee will cover everything contained in the body, so long the body will be integer, as written in the order form you can find here:
The sole external thing is the cable, that obviously is guaranteed against fabrication defects
I- if “mobile” means you throw it down from the 30st floor of a skyscraper, it is guaranteed only until the 1st floor.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
The more I read about the Ecat-SKLed over time the more I am impressed by the device’s capabilities, an over-unity device intended to be mass-produced. If I may, some questions about how this light fitting will interface with a power supply.
A. Is this light fitting available for purchase to all countries in the world and designed to interface with any worldwide domestic power supply?
B. Will the supply voltage be self-detected, or will there be a switch for voltage selection in the back of the light fitting?
C. Will all light fittings be supplied with the same cable and plug, user supplied adaptor required to fit local market wall socket?
D. Does the light fitting require an earth connection?
E. What length of cable will be supplied with the plug?
F. Will the cable be detachable from the casing?
G. Will it be possible to refit a longer cable for say as a ceiling spotlight in a room or will a wall socket for a plug have to be fitted local to the light fitting?
H. Does the warranty period cover not only the Ecat-SKLed part but casing, front diffuser lens / cover, mounting bracket, cable, plug, back panel switches, any internal power supply step down transformer?
I. Is the warranty for fixed installations or will it cover mobile use? (12V allows mobility)
To allow mass production and worldwide use over the many different power supply voltages, frequencies, earth systems and socket types, many suppliers of domestic goods that have internal electronics have developed devices that have a low voltage plug connector to the device with a separate power cable and wall socket transformer for the local market electrical supply, depending on how susceptible the device electronics are to voltage supply spikes, noise, fluctuation, dropout, harmonics, etc., the wall socket power supply unit can provide a regulated output, the cable often supplied with a ferrite choke.
Separation of power supply regulation from the light fitting may have benefits, separating power supply reliability from light fitting reliability, wall socket power supplies are a well understood mass-produced low-cost component, separation may simplify mass production and lower the cost of the light fitting.
The critical path is volume production of the Ecat-SKLed part, in time all the rest is packaging.
Keith Thomson.
Frank Acland:
Maybe. We are working on it.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your response to my latest question. Do you mean that an Ecat SKL generator which has an integrated battery could be part of the solution to moving inductive loads?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Frank Acland:
We are working also on it: charging a battery is easier that moving an inductive load, but eventually batteries can move an electric engine, therefore the problem could be indirectly resolved.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for chosing our product,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to our work,
Warm regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for the replication of your effect made by the US Navy,
Ad majora,
Dear Andrea,
I am a customer that bought the Ecat SKLed sending the order form from
First of all, now the site works perfectly, I sent the order after filling the empty spaces and received after few seconds confirmation of receiving my order.
Secondly, I love the design, it is a beauty. When I filled the order I was moved, after years waiting for an Ecat finally made as a product: like Pinocchio that turns a real boy.
Dear Andrea,
Svein Vormedal has suggested concentrating on a Ecat SKL battery-charger, which I too think is a very good idea because of so many applications for it.
Do you think this would this be easier for you to achieve that producing a normal Ecat SKL generator?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Svein H. Vormedal:
I agree,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea.
Concentrate on developing SKL to be able to charge batteries.
The market here is currently many millions of units in EV alone.
For more than 90% of all buildings that can utilize SKL, a battery park is equally necessary.
Svein H. Vormedal.
Kazimieras Liepis:
1- proportional
2- not necessary any specific protection against s.c.
Warm Regards,
Rodney Nicholson:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Richard Stettler:
The SKLed is as shown in the photo and data sheet here:
Warm Regards,
Steve Swatman:
This information will be given after the presentation
War,m Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi.
The Nov 25th presentation will be on a customer site, if I remember correctly.
may I ask:
1, will the customer also be a partner in the manufacture/marketing of the SKLed?
2, is the customer site already using SKleds on site?
3, If so, how many SKLeds are currently operating?
4, are they proving to be stable?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
As the use of the SKLed is limited to certain fields. I would like to have a product with a warm white colour and less powerfull for a houshold or apartment.
A bulp type would be very nice..
Warm regards, Richard
I am grinning from ear to ear at the suggestion in the last paragraph of the following post. Thank you, H.A.T.:
– – – – – – – –
2021-04-25 08:00 Hermes Atar Trismegistus
Dear Andrea,
You have said that your E-Cat SKL does not like inductive loads like electric motors? If you are interested in a possible free energy motor, then I think you should take a look at the Edwin V. Gray Impulse Motor:
As you can read, I have discovered one of his secrets and it explains why he was so interested in high voltage. It is possible that there are several other secrets with the impulse motor and the only way to find out is to build a prototype and test the capacitor discharge.
In the meantime, I think you should continue to experiment with your E-Cat SKL for charging car batteries and an on-board electrolyzer that gets its electricity from the E-CAT SKL to release hydrogen gas for cars with internal combustion engines.
– – – – – – –
Finally, an automobile powered by WATER …….. and an Ecat.
Dear Andrea Rossi
SKLed provides a dimeable.
1. Whether the intensity of the light emits changes simply in proportion yo the change in power or other characteristics as exponential and other?
2. Ecat SKL power generator will supply DC voltage. How many times greater impulse current than denomination? Is it necessary to protect against short circuits?
Best Regards
Kazimieras Liepis
Chuck Davis:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
The Ecat SKLed is perfect and ready for the market. The SKL will follow suit in 2012. The Ecat SKLed is easier to make, because its application is constant, while the SKL has infinite possibilities of application, which makes it more complex.
Warm Regards,
Rogers Hellman:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Many people have commented on the US Navy’s plagiarism of your patient, mostly to say how this validates your work. While that is true. I suggest the possibility that all is not as it seems. It is hard to imagine that the US Navy could be this naive. I worry on your behalf that something non-obvious is at play.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I remember that you still had some issues with the reliability of the Ecat SKL which you now confirmed to Gerard McEk.
I cannot imagine that you want to produce 1 million SKLeds if they don’t have a high reliability. Will the SKLeds have a perfectly stable and reliable output? How come that the Ecat SKL is currently much less reliable? Is it due the significant bigger size of the reactor?
I wish you success in solving all problems with the SKL!
With kind regards,
Dear Andrea, I have a feeling that performing a test with a grid-tie inverter between the ecat and an electric motor will be a very important step in the process of improving the reliability especially since this is an important configuration for residential applications.
Warm regards,
Chuck Davis
Gerard McEk:
1- when 1 million units will be ordered
2- I don’t think so, it is very unlikely that the target will be reached before the presentation
3- as soon as we will reach the target, we will give public information of it
4- the preparation of the SKL is on course .
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Maybe I misinterpreted in my last comment the date of 31st of Dec. 2022 (question 3):
1. When at the earliest will you start the production of the SKLed’s?
2. Can if be before the 25th of Nov. 2021?
3. Will you inform those who have ordered? and/or pre-ordered the SKLed before the 31st of Dec. 2022 whether or when their SKLed(s) will be delivered?
In addition to the questions about the Ecat SKL, can you tell us which aspect of the technical problems is you greatest challenge?
Thank you, kind regards, Gerard
Steven N. Karels:
1- premature question
2- see 1
3- no
Warm Regards,
Hermes Atar Trismegistus:
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Ken Higgins:
No, I am proud of a so much important replication of my effect,
Warm Regards,
Yes, after the presentation,
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
Have you considered attending
Trade shows with the SKLed?
Hi Andrea:
The patent application of the US Navy US 2021/0090752 A1 published on March 25th 2021 has been copied from your patent US 9,115,913 B1 granted in August 2015: aren’t you angry ?
Dear Andrea,
You have said that your E-Cat SKL does not like inductive loads like electric motors? If you are interested in a possible free energy motor, then I think you should take a look at the Edwin V. Gray Impulse Motor:
As you can read, I have discovered one of his secrets and it explains why he was so interested in high voltage. It is possible that there are several other secrets with the impulse motor and the only way to find out is to build a prototype and test the capacitor discharge.
In the meantime, I think you should continue to experiment with your E-Cat SKL for charging car batteries and an on-board electrolyzer that gets its electricity from the E-CAT SKL to release hydrogen gas for cars with internal combustion engines.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Reasonable questions are :
1. How many orders do you currently have for the SKLed?
2. From the Orders, what is the total number of SKLed units ordered?
3. Do you have an estimate of when you will reach your required threshold to begin production? If so, what date?
François Muzard:
Yes, the absorbed power of the Ecat SKLed will be clearly visible, but not to capture the good will of the trolls, which would be an oxymoron, but to allow people to understand clearly what is going on,
Warm Regards,