United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,354 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    This is a link to a Virtual
    lighting Conference.



  • Jorge

    Dear Andrea
    The scalar wave paper cited here by Readerofthejonp by his comment on 2021/08/02 at 10:17 has links with your paper

  • Physicist

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Please tell us how has gone the super test of today and if you will present the Ecat SKL too on November 25th in Stockholm,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mark U:
    De Grasse made a great job !
    Also the Ecat SKL did a great job today. Tomorrow we will make a crucial test, after which some important decision will be made.
    Yesterday we were close, today we are very close, tomorrow has to be seen. As the gitan violinist of the masterpiece movie “The Concert” of Radu Mihaileanu says: ” …now it is evening, and the sun is not rising, but tomorrow will be morning and the sun will rise”
    Warm Regards,
    Thank you for your sustain to Italian athletes

  • Andrea Rossi

    Franco Pirri:
    Interesting suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1. yes
    2. yes
    3. more testing and development
    4. it is not
    5. no
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rick 57:
    No, it will be totally based on modules asseblies, to increase the scale and lower the costs.
    Warm Regards,

  • Rick 57

    Dear Andrea,
    from your answer to Michael, it looks like you are planning E-CAT SKL of different sizes…
    Is this correct ?
    Best Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Your moderate optimism on the progress of the Ecat SKL rises hope for us all that soon the energy world might change.
    Some questions:
    1. If you would present the Ecat SKL, would that be in a product that contains the SKL maybe ready for the market or a prototype of it or
    2. Just an Ecat in a box, driving a motor or a resistive load?
    3. Are still breakthroughs required to allow for the presentation of the Ecat, or is it more like testing and development?
    4. Is the SKL ability of driving inductive loads essential and if so, why?
    5. Does the breakthrough also have influence on the SKLed?
    Thank you for answering my question, if you can.
    Success and kind regards, Gerard

  • Franco Pirri

    Dear Andrea,
    In response to ‘2021-08-03 14:19 Brice’ do not rule out that an eCat-SKL for resistive load may be placed on the market.
    It is possible to build an electronic circuit that has a resistive impedance upstream and that can power any load downstream. Performance depends on many variables but could also be good in many cases.
    A potential user could independently design their own best circuit for their application.
    You may want to consider providing selected OEMs with the ready-made R (resistive) version in advance, thus shortening the time to market for eCat-Ready products. The ‘adapted’ version could allow a public presentation in a shorter time.
    I would like to work on an ‘eCat 12V power supply’ for general applications, which is an object similar to SKLed but with a DC output instead of an optical one.

    Best wishes,

  • Mark U

    Dear Andrea,
    A few hours ago I watched as the Italian track cycling pursuit team won the gold and in world record time.
    Congratulations! This has me assured the Ecat was also running well this Wednesday morning.
    Happily, Andre De Grasse of Canada won the gold in the 200m sprint shortly after.
    Thank you for keeping the progress on Ecat coming, much appreciated!
    More Olympian regards,
    Mark in Toronto

  • Myriam

    You are right. By the way, to read a paper of Researchgate it is necessary to sign in and when you make a reading or a recommendation it leaves a trace in the record of the Reaserchgate data base. In fact, once one reader of Researchgate has made a reading, the following readings from the same reader of the same paper is not accounted for in the statistics. For this reason the numbers you cited are very impressive. The paper of Dr Rossi
    is the most read among hundreds of thousand papers of Physics published on Researchgate.
    All the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your kind attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It will depend on the power.
    Anyway, the price would have to guarantee a payback time between one and two years.
    Warm Regards,

  • Michael

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    do you have already an asking price or just a price range in your mind for the E-Cat SKL inductive load, respectively for ohmic load?
    1) below 3000 €
    2) below 5000 €
    3) below 10000 €
    4) more than 10000 €
    Best regards

  • Marina

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Thank you very much for the website
    It is a distillate of resilience.
    Good luck for the incoming Ecat SKL,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Marcel

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi
    How many are as of today, after the recent improvements, the probabilities that you will present also the Ecat SKL on November 25th ?
    All the best,

  • Roberto Ridolfi

    You are absolutely right

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Phalen:
    1. We are almost there, but not yet, although now I am more confident on our successful outcome,
    2. This will depend on the kind of the licenses
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dear troll: the Readings of Dr Andrea Rossi’s Researchgate publication are more than 73000, while my clicks to check the stats are about one per month, therefore they do not affect the statistics, also because, as you can see, the readings are more than the round figure I always use. Actually, the Readings are always more than I always write.
    Your comment shows us how trolls are scratching the bottom of the barrel of sheet they seat ( and eat ) upon.

  • Anonymous

    @ Prof.

    You know, that each of Your clicks increases the readings of dottores paper ?

    Meaning, You falsify Your stats by Yourself.


  • Mike Phalen

    Hi Dr. Rossi,

    That is great news about the SKL! 

    1. Did this breakthrough mostly eliminate the challenge of connecting the SKL to an inductive load or are there more major challenges ahead?

    2. Will lighting manufacturers be able to license the SKLed technology to create their own lighting products? 

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the stunning update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi:
    I checked your stats:
    Total Readings 73000 ( 67200 only for Ecat SK and Long Range Particle Interactions )
    Reccomendations 5339
    Total Research Interest Index 1438
    Citations 24
    And counting…

  • Andrea Rossi

    We’ll see what will be better.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Sooner or later it will become popular.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are working on it very hard.
    Warm regards,

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    thank you, now the Ecat-Skl not only power an inductive load but also feeds our dream.
    Best Regards, Giuseppe

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Very exciting news on the progress of the SKL. Once available, a question is if private persons like long time Rossi followers will be able to purchase the SKL or will sales be sole in the hands of your partners who probably will find the roll-out to industry, government, military, etc. of much higher priority. Thank you if you can answer.
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  • Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    It is very interesting news that inductive loads for the E-cat SKL is coming into view! Does this also improve the features of the ohmic load?

    But in case that you are not satisfied enough, would you consider bringing an SKL with only ohmic load to the market? That would still be very interesting!

    Have a nice day!


  • Andrea Rossi

    It is not impossible.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Martyn Aubrey:
    On its way
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Walton:
    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Rod Walton

    On Power Engineering issue of August 3 2021
    Green Hydrogen and the Electrolysis Load Factor: the Elephant in the Room
    Rod Walton

  • Martyn Aubrey

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    You replied “1” to Chris’s question asking if the Ecat SKL has “1) More reliability with inductive loads?”

    Does this mean that the Ecat SKL is now capable of powering an electric vehicle?
    Thank you if you can answer.

    Kind regards
    Martyn Aubrey

  • Michael

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    so because of the new breakthrough:
    Can we expect to buy an E-Cat SKL for inductive load in the first half of next year?
    Best regards

  • Physicist

    You are right

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Chris

    Hello Dr. Rossi,

    can you tell us about the conseqences of the newest breakthrough modifications to the AI-System?

    1) More reliability with inductive loads?
    2) More reliability with higher power?
    3) Something else (can you spoil us please?)

    Best regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    Modifications to the artificial intelligence system.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    George N:
    It is,
    Warm Regards,

  • George N

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Is your recent SKL breakthrough controller-AI related or something completely different?

    George N

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Congratulations with the breakthrough that you made. 👍
    Can you tell us on what aspect of the E-cat SKL you made this successful step forward?
    Thank you and great success!
    Kind regards Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Heinz Sause:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    The persons that have been vaccinated with double dose can still get the Covid 19 desease, but in a light form, not dangerous.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1. yes
    2. not impossible
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations on the progress with the Ecat SKL!

    1. Would you classify the progress you have recently made with the SKL as a ‘breakthrough’?
    2. What do you think the probability is now that you will present the SKL on November25?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

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