United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • cesare

    Bozza di Petizione/Invito per il Dottor Frans Timmermans – alla dimostrazione
    dell’ SKL – SKLED
    che il Dottor Andrea Rossi e il suo gruppo terranno il 25 novembre p.v. in Svezia.

    – che questa iniziativa non crea disagio o disappunto allo stesso Andrea Rossi ed è la cosa più importante;
    – e che, al momento, trova il sostegno di due lettori, Gian Luca e Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande;
    provo a esplicitarla meglio, affinché coloro che decidono di sostenere la petizione/invito lo possano fare nella maniera più semplice e cioè firmando.
    Pertanto, firmo questo doc. word per aderire.
    p.s. coloro che desiderassero aderire potrebbero scaricare questo doc. firmarlo ed inviarlo al solito sito: Webmaster dove recapitiamo i nostri messaggi.
    Infine, se desideraste modificare, migliorare e/o correggere la suddetta bozza, dovrete semplicemente scriverlo, certo che esistono altri sistemi, forse, anche più semplici ed efficaci, tipo contatore visite in WordPress.

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Will you be taking a well-deserved break during the summer holiday season?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Vincenzo Bonomo

    Buon Ferragosto anche a lei Dr. Rossi e complimenti per i risultati raggiunti!
    I wish you a nice Feriae Augusti and congratilations for your team’s achievements so far !

    Cordiali Saluti

    Vincenzo Bonomo

  • Which level of replicability did you reach ?

  • Janet

    Dr Rossi,
    Are you working on the Ecat SKL also during this holidays time ? If yes, how is working the Ecat SKL ?

  • Gerard McEk

    Buon Ferragosto to you too Andrea
    (I hope you can find some time for it).
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    To all our Readers:
    Happy Summer holidays !
    A tutti i Lettori Italiani: Buon Ferragosto !

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, absolutely, I have not been disappointed, there is no reason of it. On the contrary, thank you for your sustain.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Not yet.
    Warm Regards,

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    There is an expectation that the E-Cat SKL will at some point be used in relatively slow moving vehicles then in fast moving planes and eventually high speed spacecraft, this presumes that the E-Cat technology will operate with stability while moving at constant velocity or high acceleration, for each case this will require to be proven, testing of the E-Cat’s in different orientations to the velocity / acceleration direction.

    In time it will be interesting if NASA were to take an E-Cat SKLed to the space station in orbit, an environment of zero gravity and high velocity relative to the earth below and compare output performance in different orientations with stationary operation on the ground.

    Has there been any testing so far of an E-Cat operating while moving?


    Keith Thomson.

  • Gian luca

    Concordo pienamente con quanto detto da Cesare Ferrari.
    È ora di rompere gli indugi e raccogliere ciò che è stato seminato in questi
    anni da Lei, in dott. Ficcarsi e tutti quanti hanno collaborato con Lei.
    Gi organi politici non posso più fare finta di niente e continuare a coltivare
    Il sogno di ITER.
    Una petizione sarebbe la cosa migliore…


  • cesare

    Gent.le Dottor
    Andrea Rossi,
    mi pare di cogliere un certo “disappunto” nella Sua risposta; evidentemente, nonostante le due mail non sono riuscito a comunicare il senso della mia proposta.
    Spero di non averLa offesa in qualche modo …, se fosse chiedo scusa perché non era mia intenzione, anzi!
    Cesare Ferrari

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1- maybe
    2- premature
    3- yes
    4- premature
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wilfried Babelotzky:
    1- heat production can be a minor optional, as well as light
    2- no
    3- not yet
    Warm Regards,

  • Wilfried Babelotzky

    Dear Andrea,

    1) Will the SKL still be geared towards making the proportion of electricity and heat produced selectable, or will only electricity be generated?
    2) Am I correctly assuming that an SKL that only generates electricity can be built much more compactly?
    3) Are you thinking about whether the SKL could be shrunk by orders of magnitude, as I once suggested, as a small universal module that can be connected in parallel or in series in almost any way you want?

    Greetings and thank you for taking us on your journey through this blog!

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Surely you will be testing and preparing an Ecat SKL for demonstration along with the SKLed on November 25.
    Some questions about the demonstration of the SKL:
    1. Will or do you intend to show also a test report/certification of a reputable certification institute of the SKL?
    2. If so and if the certification is ready, will somebody of that institute be available for questions about the tests during the demonstration?
    3. Do you intend to show a (prototype) product that may hit the market next year (2022)?
    4. Will your Partner(s) show their product(s) with an ‘Ecat SKL inside’?
    I wish you and your Partners success with the preparations for the demonstration.
    Thank you for answering our continuous questions.
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Your initiative is independent and free from me and, as such, it is independent from my opinion.
    This said, if Dr Timmermans wants to attent the presentation, he will be welcome.
    Warm Regards,

  • cesare

    Gent.le Dottor
    Andrea Rossi,
    ove non fosse chiaro quanto scritto nella ultima mail, provo a riassumere:
    mi faccio promotore di una petizione/invito – da inoltrare al Dottor Frans Timmermans – affinché accetti di partecipare alla dimostrazione dell’ SKL – SKLED, che Lei terrà in una località della Svezia. In pratica il Dott. Timmermans sarebbe il Ns. uditore designato (mi scuserà per questo ?) e per quanto mi riguarda e lo ribadisco:

    Questa petizione/invito dovrebbe essere sottoscritta da tutti i partecipanti del blog o da coloro che hanno inviato un ordine di acquisto dell’SKLED, esclusi coloro che, non essendo d’accordo, manifestino apertamente il desiderio di non aderire.
    Tuttavia, La presente è soltanto un’ipotesi e non ha alcuna pretesa di essere accolta.
    Cordiali saluti.
    Cesare Ferrari

  • Kory

    I agree

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Please go to paragraph 4 of
    and ibidem the references 2,10, 41, 23, 32, 43, 48, 7, 37.
    Warm Regards,

  • Anonymous

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Is the Ecat energy related to the energy from the vacuum ?

  • Rinus

    dear Andrea,

    Inviting Frans Timmermans is an excellent idea.

    You can try: frans-timmermans-contact@ec.europa.eu

    The presentation to guests like him require quite a different kind of presentation than a pure technical one as given before.



  • Giuliana

    Dr Rossi,
    thank you for the website

  • Andrea Rossi

    I apologize for my ignorance: human contacts is not the strong side of my character. Your suggestion is precious, but how can I contact him ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Phalen and Jitse:
    Ohhh !
    I apologize, now I understand who Frans Timmermans is.
    I would be very glad to contact him.
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards also to him, if he is reading.
    Warm Regards,

  • Mike Phalen

    Hi Dr. Rossi,

    I agree with Jitse that Frans Timmermans is an excellent choice to invite to the demo. If he is convinced that the E-cat is real he would likely talk about it on CNN. He has been on CNN 3 times this year. He is the European Commissioner for Climate Action among many other titles.



  • Jitse

    Hello Andrea,
    Frans Timmermans is Visé President of the European Commission and very motivated for climate improvement.
    2nd after politician Mrs Ursula von der Leiden (chairman)

    Regards jitse

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sorry, I do not know him and, with total respect, I do not have any information to think about him.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jitse

    Frans Timmermans could be a good promoter for your SKL and SK products , if he is invited to see how the product’s are working.

  • Andrea Rossi

    What do you mean ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    The characteristics of the Ecat SKL will be disclosed during the presentation,
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Does the E-Cat SKL incorporate a battery as a means of providing a stable current?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Jitse

    hello Andrea,
    maybe Frans Timmermans chairman of the EEC and motivated for climate improvement.
    greetings jitse

  • Andrea Rossi

    Calle H:
    Thank you for the suggestion, we will think about that, but it will be difficult for us to be ready before November 25th.
    Warm Regards,

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    The IPCC report released yesterday on climate changes is frightening. Could it be possible that you could let Greta Thunberg whiteness the SKL in action, preferably before Nov 25. If the SKL does what it is said to do Greta will forward what she has witnessed to the world leaders. Greta’s words are very strong.
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    The Ecat SKL is not ready for a presentation and at this point we would like to present them together.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gavino Mamia:
    On November 25 2021 we will make the presentation of the Ect SKL and in that occasion we will show it in operation. Maybe in that occassion we will also propose a pre-order form.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Walton:
    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Thomas:
    It is not easy to organize something like you propose, but I will check out if it is possible upon reasonable security conditions.
    I think that will be easier after the Ecat SKL will be presented.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Neri Accornero:
    Strangely, both the comment of August 8 and this one went to the spam: I just found this one in the spam today and saved it here. I check the first page of the spam every day, to recover comments wrongly spammed: it happens, now and again. The mass of the spam we receive in this blog is huge, and it is filtered by a robot.
    Maybe you used a different source that has not been recognized by our process system ? Obviously I never spammed a comment of yours.
    Thank you for your permanent sustain to our Team !
    Warm regards,

  • Rod Walton

    On Power Engineering issue of Augist 10 2021:
    NextEra wing selling $ 290 M solar storage project to AES Indiana
    Rod Walton

  • Dear Andrea maybe my post dated 08/08/21 went to spam, I wanted to associate myself with all the congratulations you are receiving and that will never be enough. If in 2022 your SKL generator will be on the market you will have really changed the world and in such a critical period.

  • peter thomas

    Would it be possible to send a SKLED to appropriate Government Ministers pre Cop 26 AS ‘Proof of Concept’

    Ps Have been supporting your work, abilities and Team last 11 years or so – and have had ‘leg pulled’ frequently by friends who doubt my Faith ( also in Him!)but I just smile – if He wills it – it will happen.

    Take care and His Blessings on your Success and Family


  • Gavino Mamia

    Buongiorno Dott. Rossi,
    Sarebbe molto bello avere un’immagine dell’SKL, anche se non definitiva, con alcune specifiche tecniche e una form per un preordine, come per l’SKLed.
    Oltre ad assicurarmi uno dei primi prodotti (da usare e lasciare ai miei nipoti come pietra miliare), avresti una stima delle richieste.
    Anche non subito ma potresti farlo?
    Ti prego…

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Since both ECat-SKL and ECat-SKLed models are ready and working, would it be possible, for example, to bring forward the presentation date by 1 month i.e. by the end of October?
    The world is in dire need of your devices, and a month ahead could mean a lot.
    If so, you could have more than 2 months to prepare the presentation.
    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dave Haws:
    The data sheet will be disclosed at the presentation,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    There are differences
    Warm Regards,

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