United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    After December 9 I will be delighted to talk with you. You will be able to contact me here:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    As the first E-Cat’s enter into the market, as people realise the existence and implications of this new science and technology, it is likely that you will have to move quickly to capitalise on their success by introducing further new products, you will likely have to bring together a large research and development team that includes people with core E-Cat knowledge plus as wide a spectrum of experienced people as possible.

    As your business develops and expands, at an early stage it may be of value to add young multidisciplinary trained people to your team to help in the further development of the E-Cat technology, young people without preconceptions and limits in their thinking, young people who can grow up with future E-Cat products, given the freedom to innovate, if possible personally trained by yourself, given full access to the complete E-Cat technology, an understanding of the history of the developments, what worked and what did not, eventually to have a deep working knowledge of the full A to Z of the science, the design, the raw materials, the construction, the controls, the manufacture, how all the materials and component parts function and interface, the science behind the interactions at all the scales involved, the full knowledge required to navigate the pathway from a blank sheet of paper to a finished market ready product. The inclusion of a fast learning younger generation with drive and enthusiasm but not bound by “conventional wisdom” will aid your team in adapting to what is likely to be a fast changing market environment.

    Your research and development team will need the capabilities and the vision to take the E-Cat and its technology forward into uncharted territory, to take advantage and pursue the multitude of opportunities that will open up within rapidly changing mass or niche markets, to push the boundaries of E-Cat’s in scale, from large scale power generation to miniaturized battery type components, to push the boundaries in E-Cat production of light, heat and electricity, to integrate E-Cat’s into a world full of domestic, industrial, commercial, medical and scientific products, to pursue E-Cat developments that have the possibility of creating undreamed of products that were never previously theoretically possible or economical due to energy density requirements / constraints. As the science underlying the E-Cat technology is further explored, perhaps Leonardo Corporation will be the source of radically new spin-off products / technology / industrial processes / scientific discoveries.

    After the initial placing on the market of the E-Cat SKLed, you likely have a head start in the mass market against any competition of three to five years, but these years will pass quickly. After the market understands and accepts this technology and starts to adopt on a large scale, there is no turning back, demand will outstrip supply, there will be a gold rush period with would-be competitors trying to enter into the markets and stake territories, the companies that survive through this likely chaotic adoption period will be those that can react fast and adapt to market changes.


    Keith Thomson.

  • fabrizio

    Buongiorno Dr Andrea Rossi
    Lo scrivente Sgorlon Fabrizio jesolo lido ita

    oggetto : Proposta di intervista Audio per Radio gamma 5 Padova argomento E-CAT come Soluzione Mondiale alla CO2

    Nessuno in Italia conosce lo E-CAT.
    Per farla breve se interessato alla intervista via skype o zoom ‘a RADIO GAMMACINQUE dovrebbe contattare Lei il Sig Marcello Pamio(vedi http://www.disinformazione.it),al quale ho fatto proposta.
    con email marcellopamio@gmail.com oppure via tel a radiogammacinque studio 0039 049 700700 chiedendo il cell di Marcello pamio.
    Nessuno est in grado di contattarLa.Mi sono mosso io.
    Spero le arrivi questa
    Per il bene del pianeta..che si risvegli
    Spero Lei POSSA …accettare.
    Questo est un momento unico e propizio.
    Nostra Signora La Benedica
    cordiali saluti
    sgorlon fabrizio

  • Calle H

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    It would be valuable to receive information about the SKLed ordering.
    1) is there a date when the current ordering procedure will be closed?
    2) can a given order be increased? or does it have to be an additional order?
    3) is there a regular queuing priority for the orders you are receiving?
    4) will there be a change in order priority after the Dec. 9 presentation?
    5) will the unit price (25$) remain after the Dec. 9 presentation?
    Thank you for your answer.
    Kind regards,
    Calle H

  • Andrea Rossi

    Espen VDP:
    This is why we are working strongly,
    Warm Regards,

  • Espen VDP

    Dr. Rossi,
    You are obviously aware of the energy crisis that is affecting the world. Normal fuels are becoming much more expensive, and people and the world economy are suffering because of it. If Ecat tech is working as you have described on this blog, it is very important to roll out during this period in history.
    How can we get it as soon as possible?
    Espen VDP

  • Prof

    You are right, I totally agree

  • Ruby

    ZPE is far more convincing than LENR. the more I read
    the more i am convinced of this fact.

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am not, my theoretical system is based on what has been published in the paper
    that is founded on ZPE ( Zero Point Energy ).
    This said, obviously I wish the LENR community a profitable work.
    Warm Regards,

  • CC

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    the LENR community has organized a conference on October 21-22 with ARPA to search a repeatable experiment with LENR. Are you still connected with the LENR community ? Ten years ago, before your presentation made in 2011, LENR was going to be forgotten, then the revival of it has been inspired by your immense work. Are you still connected with the LENR community ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Our work on the prototype never ends.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Are you still working on improving the SKL prototype for the December 9th presentation, or have you settled on a model?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Walton:
    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Rod Walton

    On Power Engineering issue of October 19th 2021
    Small nuclear moving steps closer to big potential role in zero-carbon future
    Rod Walton

  • Prof

    Very important paper

  • CC

    Thank you for these very interesting papers of Aleksei Savchenko,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Brice

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Is this new article interesting to you? “Quarks and antiquarks at high momentum shake the foundations of visible matter”

    Link: https://phys.org/news/2021-10-quarks-antiquarks-high-momentum-foundations.html

    With kind regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you very much for the translation ! Terrific efficiency of Ecatworld,
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    The translation of the article
    from Rosatom is at the top
    of the comments from this
    thread from ECat World.


    This is another interesting thread
    from ECat World.



  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    Premature question,
    Warm Regards,

  • Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea,

    Do you plan to make the ecat-skl available to the public once it has been certified?

    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Stephen

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    This article in Phs.org may not be directly related to your work but I couldn’t help thinking that you or your team might find a use for it:


    It’s interesting physics and engineering anyway.

    Best Regards


  • Andrea Rossi

    Should be on the whole consume of the SKLed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Aleksei Savchenko:
    Thank you for the Russian links. I hope some of our Readers will be able to make the translation.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Espen VDP:
    When he SKL will be ready as a product, we surely will give due information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    A recent post on E-Cat World noted the publication of a new paper by Oliver Consa on arXiv: Something is wrong in the state of QED.

    This new paper is an update based on previous papers, concerning the value of the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron (g-factor), the paper clearly lays out the step by step history of the interplay between the experimenters and the theoreticians, how theoreticians were influenced by the test results of the time, how the experimenters published values with wide tolerance bounds to include the published theoretical predictions of the time, the interplay and re-examination of previous work explaining how the official g-factor value has been adjusted up and down over the years, how the value has evolved to become the current accepted value, how the precise determining of this value has been used as a keystone for the validity of QED. However as Oliver Consa notes; “An examination of the history of QED reveals that this value was obtained in a very suspicious way.”

    This paper is essential reading to understand how the current state of physics has been influenced by historical experiments.

    The progress of physics, the determination of equations, the values used, and how each verification experiment relates to the previous can have a long history, the following is from a Caltech 1974 commencement address given by Richard P. Feynman:

    “We have learned a lot from experience about how to handle some of the ways we fool ourselves. One example: Millikan measured the charge on an electron by an experiment with falling oil drops and got an answer which we now know not to be quite right. It’s a little bit off, because he had the incorrect value for the viscosity of air. It’s interesting to look at the history of measurements of the charge of the electron, after Millikan. If you plot them as a function of time, you find that one is a little bigger than Millikan’s, and the next one’s a little bit bigger than that, and the next one’s a little bit bigger than that, until finally they settle down to a number which is higher.

    Why didn’t they discover that the new number was higher right away? It’s a thing that scientists are ashamed of — this history — because it’s apparent that people did things like this: When they got a number that was too high above Millikan’s, they thought something must be wrong — and they would look for and find a reason why something might be wrong, when they got a number closer to Millikan’s value they didn’t look so hard, and so they eliminated the numbers that were too far off, and did other things like that. We’ve learned those tricks nowadays, and now we don’t have that kind of a disease.”

    Also of interest in the Consa paper is the example given regarding how the Casimir equation was determined, that the equation was determined by a renormalization technique, the use of the Riemann function, the equation works, is known to accurately predict experiments, it is the accepted equation for determining the Casimir effect force per unit area. However as I have previously posted here, maybe it is an approximation when used at the scale of electrons.


    Keith Thomson.

  • Espen VDP

    Dr Rossi:
    When will I be able to preorder an Ecat SKL? It would be more useful to me than the SKLed. I think this is true for most of your followers, and I think you would get many preorders of it after presenting it on Dec 9th.
    Espen VDP

  • Aleksei Savchenko

    Dear Andrea, dear Colleagues,
    I suddenly found an interesting article “LENR: pseudoscience or scientific revolution ?” for your attention. It is available on the main page https://strana-rosatom.ru and direct link https://strana-rosatom.ru/2021/10/12/lenr-lzhenauka-ili-nauchnaya-revoljuciya/
    Its significance lies in the fact that this newspaper is the official publication of Rosatom and, therefore, such a powerful energy Russian company as Rosatom drew attention to alternative energy sources based on LENR, despite the financing of projects like ITER.
    The article is short and it briefly discusses such issues as the emergence of LENR, the state of the problem, transmutation of elements, theories, the ECat and products for sale and others. Now it begins to appear at other web-sites in particular on http://www.lenr.seplm.ru
    It is of course in Russian. But if needed I or somebody else can translate it into English and create a link.
    Best regards,

  • Brice

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    When you say that the COP of the SKLed is about 8, do you mean that this was calculated over the total consumption of the whole SKLed (4 W) or only over the part of the reactor plus the LED (2 W), without the electronics (2 W). This would finally be the difference between 16 W or 32 W output.

    Thank you for your reply,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Ron Stringer:
    Warm Regards,

  • Ron Stringer

    Dr. Rossi,
    Do you envisage the EcatSKL as a device which can operate independently of a grid connection? Will your demonstration unit do so?
    I understand the safety concern in operating the SKL with a power source which, itself, depends upon the operation of the SKL. Intuitively, though, this doesn’t seem like an overwhelming problem. Can you explain the complications that have made it difficult to achieve an EcatSKL which operates independently of the grid?
    Looking forward to December (not something I would usually say!).
    Ron Stringer

  • Wilfried Babelotzky

    @Gian Luca,
    I would suggest to substitute “LENR” against “ambiant energy conversion” in the pedition and do some more advertising. If we reach 500 I will spend some more money for advertising.
    Best regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1. I think so
    2. all of them
    3. yes
    4. probably
    5. yes
    There will not be invitations, but everybody will watch the presentation in streaming,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Greg Leonard:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Martyn Aubrey:
    1. to be experimented
    2. see 1
    3. see 1
    Warm Regards,

  • Martyn Aubrey

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    There are many small Portable Power Stations currently available on the market which are useful for camping and off-grid supply. They provide mains voltages derived from the stored energy in mobile battery packs, typically using LiFePO4 batteries which are safer than Lithium ion batteries.

    A typical unit can provide 240Wh of power at a rating of 200W but units with larger capacity are also available. They provide electrical outputs at 240v AC, 12v DC, and USB connections at 5v DC. These small units are designed to be charged from the mains supply, a 12v vehicle socket, or trickle charged from a solar panel.

    I expect that one of these units would easily support multiple Ecat SKLeds.

    My questions are:
    1. Could one of these units provide sufficient power to an Ecat SKL or Ecat SK for a limited time of operation?
    2. If yes, would it be possible to use the electrical output of the Ecat SKL to concurrently charge the same Portable Power Station?
    3. If yes, would it be possible to use the electrical output of the Ecat SKL to concurrently charge a separate Portable Power Station?

    Many Thanks if you can answer these questions.

    I am greatly looking forward to your presentation on 9th December.

    Kind Regards,
    Martyn Aubrey

  • Greg Leonard

    Wilfried Babelotzkyand AR
    ‘ambient energy converter’ is perfect
    Greg Leonard

  • Michael

    @richard wells
    SSM is easy to achieve. Just plug the ecatSKL to a powerbank with an outlet of 230 or 110V.

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    is the certification process of the ecatSKLed finished and ready?
    is the certification process of the ecatSKL still well on the way?

    Best regards

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    I hope you can give us some details on the progress on the Ecat SKL.
    1. Has it reached a stage that it can be integrated in a product?
    2. I guess you will continue to develop it further, on which aspect is your focus?
    a. reliability; b. higher output power; c. producibility; d. production cost; e. some other aspect
    3. Will it definitely be demonstrated on the 9th of December 2021?
    4. Will it be demonstrated in Self Sustaining Operation?
    5. Will it be loaded (with lamps, heating elements or something else) to show clearly it is actually producing energy?
    I know 9 December is approaching quickly and no doubt will increasingly take more time of you and your team.
    The number of visitors to the presentation of the SKLed and SKL will be limited. Is it only open for invitees or can anyone ask for attending this great event?
    I wish you good luck in the preparation of the presentation.
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wilfried Babelotzky:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Richard Wells:
    Not so far,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the update,
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Here is the last readings number of the paper
    Readings as of today: 70000
    And counting…

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Regarding:
    2021-10-08 10:11 Chuck Davis

    Dear Andrea,

    Isn’t this the perfect opportunity to expedite acceptance of the Ecatsk by helping china get rid of coal?

    Warm regards,
    Chuck Davis
    Maybe. But do not give them access to a single Ecat unit. Sell them electric power at a rate that will enable the recouping of some of the hundreds of billions of dollars of IP they have stolen over the few decades.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Today on the Journal of Nuclear Physics has been published the paper “Novel Cold Fusion Reactors Based on the Real Cold Fusion Mechanism”, by Noriyuki Kodama.
    Warm Regards,

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