Paolo Bernasconi:
We prefer to keep confidential this information, until we reach the target, for the fluidity of the issue. The vetting process is on course: theoretically we should be close to the target, but the real situation could be quite different.
Warm Regards,
I watched the video and I can’t see the current measurement, why? I can’t see where the voltage meter is connected.
If the resistor is 1ohm and you show 12V on the meter, are you generating 144W of energy?
It’s very interesting to follow this important story as it unfolds. I wonder when we might hear directly from a customer on how the SKLep is performing. This could be your “Plan B” customer with the streaming video, an internet influencer, or another one of your initial deliveries. Thanks for considering our curiosity on this. Perhaps July or another one of the summer months?
Dr. Rossi,
OK, in terms of finding a way to report the energy density of the SKLep within the specs, how about this:
Rechargeable batteries typically specify the amp-hour, or milliamp-hour delivery capacity of the batteries between recharges (refueling, in other words). The SKLep could report the same within its specs for fulltime operation over the three year warranty period.
Because the SKLep also requires an input current during operation, that Amp-Hour input number could be reported within the specs as well.
(Alternatively, the specs could report Wh or kWh instead.)
I answer with an example: assume a client pre-orders 100000 units, for a value of about 25 million dollars. We obviously cannot risk to make 100000 units and discover at the delivery that the Client does not have the financial substance to pay. On the other side, we obviously understand that a Client cannot prepay 25 millions without the guarantee that we will be able to deliver what is guaranteed. Our attorneys suggested us the solution: clients that order for amounts too high to be paid along the Paypal procedure will have to put the total amount in the escrow account of a professional and certified escrow agent ( usually a Law Firm ) and the escrow agent will wire to us the money only after a positive test that the Client will make with us in the closest facility of Leonardo Corporation. If the test will be negative, the money will be returned to the Client, otherwise it will be turned to Leonardo Corporation at the same moment when Leonardo Corporation delivers in its facility to the Client all the units he bought.
The protocol of the test has to be agreed upon between the parties.
This is the contingency I I made mention of in my comment.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Here are the stats of the readings of your papers on Researchgate, from
Total Readings 112,000
Recommendations 7,529
Citations + Mentions 51
Research Interest index 1,953
Most readers from the following cathegories:
Electronic Engineers
Theoretical Physicists
Artificial Intelligence Engineers
Most seniority levels:
Post Doc
PhD Students
And Counting,
To WaltC
In my opinion, the fuel in the generator and its specific yield is so high (thanks to the specific reaction) that the ratio of input and output energy of the generator is more important. It is something like if you wanted to determine the total time of use of the fuel cells in a nuclear fission reaction. These are exchanged mainly on the basis of the safe operation of the nuclear power plant.
All the best J.Š
Dear Andrea
WaltC is absolutely right. Follow his advice. It costs you nothing.
If you have an electric car that goes 100 times as far as others on the same battery, it is far more important to market this than to claim that it accelerates a little better than others.
Sincerely, Svein H. Vormedal
From your theoretical work it follows (from my layman’s point of view) that there are 4 possible views of the Rossi effect and energy production in E-catSK. Therefore, I believe that in the future, reverse engineering will become even easier, because the production of electricity will be possible in other modifications of the generator connection. Only the Rossi phenomenon will be the driving force and will become known worldwide, similar to Lawson’s criterion of thermonuclear reaction.
All the best J.Š
I submit thar your programming staff needs to be more creative.
“ Protecting executable from reverse engineering? – Stack Overflow
It is possible to make reverse engineering impossible, BUT (and this is a very very big but), you cant do it on a conventional cpu. I did also much hardware development, and often FPGA are used. E.g. the Virtex 5 FX have a PowerPC CPU on them, and you can use the APU to implement own CPU opcodes in your hardware.”
Dr. Rossi,
You said: “Energy density specification makes sense for fuels, not for energy generators.”
Customers view the SKLep as a “Black Box”– if the device has continual access to the “fuel”, then it doesn’t matter if the fuel is, according to existing theory, within the box or not.
But it doesn’t matter what I think, it matters what Leonardo guaranties within their specs. If they guaranty Power but not Energy, how is the customer supposed to expect anything other than a high-tech battery?
1) And thus I return to the gist of my earlier question: Why are you underselling the one feature that customers would seem to want most?
(My intent is to ask that constructively, I apologize if it sounds otherwise.)
Energy density specification makes sense for fuels, not for energy generators. Anyway: a generator that has a power of 1 kW has the capacity to generate (max) 1 kWh/h of energy, so from the power density you can calculate, knowing the volume of the apparatus, how many kWh/h * cm^3 it can generate. From our specs you know the dimensions, therefore you can make the math, if you like.
Warm Regards,
Reverse engineering is a problem that cannot be avoided. One million orders, if not achieved, can be revived with more effective advertising, in the form of video advertising, but an agreement with large companies on their support is easier. In that case, luck is also needed in choosing them.
All the best J.Š.
Dr. Rossi,
1) Your specs list “Power Density” but they don’t list “Energy Density”– is there a reason for that?
2) It seems to me that the SKLep’s giant leap forward, and its greatest appeal to buyers, is all about energy density– wouldn’t you want to emphasize that, both in your specs and in future demos?
Hi mr Rossi, I’m a small investor who ordered 100 units hoping to build home systems for relatives and friends too. The international situation and raising prices make the waiting especially painful. I don’t know how many orders are still needed in order to reach the 1 million goal but I have this suggestion how to get there:
Beside your own website & order form, please also create a SKLep project page on a well known crowdfunding website like Kickstarter or Indiegogo or the like. They have a far far greater reaching than you can achieve on your own and I’m convinced they would help immensely in getting the latest 200k or 300k orders and more.
Such crowdfunding services also act as escrow by pre-charging credit cards, so you can be assured that each order corresponds to actual money. In the past some notable projects collected above 10 million and up to 20 million USD in preorders. I believe the SKLep would surpass all previous records.
On the bad side they take a 5% to 15% cut from raised funds, so you have to change the number of orders required accordingly. Also some of them ask for exclusive rights and so may not be compatible with previous fund raising, depending on their specific terms of serivice.
Your lawyer and advisors could check the feasibility of such idea. My best regards!
For orders of less than 100 pcs the payment will be by Paypal, therefore the Client will be able to return the Ecat if it does not respect the guarantees and to be refunded by Paypal. For bigger amounts, the payment will be granted by an escrow agent, contingent with a positive test.
Warm Regards,
I have ordered just one ecat SKLEP. I am curious and want to see first if it works and if it works also reliable.
But if i am contended with this ecat i will order at least 50 pieces more becazse the autonomy is worth the money.
I know it is difficult for such a new product to enter the market, but for an average citizen it would be a big risk to spend 15,000 € in a bad investment.
Reverse engineering could be possible, but it takes time and if this copy-product will be also as reliable as the ecat is the question. I reckon you could be sure to reach much more than one million orders, even if you start the delivery with less than one million.
Best regards
H. Mueller:
1- It will depend on many factors, now I am not able to answer this question
2- As I already said, so far I am just curious about the influencers world, and I am collecting information about, but we are not taking decisions before understanding well the matter and its contingency with our product,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for this important video, so our Readers can understand why we cannot guarantee the price we offered if we do not manufacture at least one million units,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for this video, very important for our Readers to understand how reverse engineering works and why we cannot put the Ecat in the market before a substantial revenue.
Warm Regards,
apparently my questions gone lost. So once again:
1) Will you deliver ecats this year, even if you do not reach the one million oders?
2) Have you already invited some youtube-influencers to reach new publicity and new potential buyers?
Wilfried Babelotzky,
As I said many times, we need orders for one million pieces for economy scale and for avoid the reverse engineering prematurely,
Warm Regards,
I would like to ask again why you are so reluctant to go to market yourself with an application of the Ecat SKLep?
500 W fan heaters are available for 13 EUR on Amazon. So compared to the Ecat, they are free, so to speak. It should be possible to offer a 500 W heater with 5 Ecats for 1499 EUR that can run 24/7 h for 11 years. You need a small battery buffer, charging electronics, heating ceramics and a housing. Even if the fan heater is switched off, the Ecats simply continue to run internally at minimum power. The Ecats are already switched on during production, so you can completely dispense with start-up processes.
Such a product would have immediate sales of many millions worldwide.
So what’s really wrong with going this route?
You could still offer the Ecat SKLep individually as before.
Complementary to Wilfred B’s intervention I would like to ask the followers and the Rossi team’s/your opinion:
1) Electric versus direct heating
The Ecat SKlep seems to be more adapted to feeble electricity using devices (best together with a battery so as to have enough power during peak consumption).
Considering the price point of the Ecat lep, heating even with a heatpump seems quite expensive because heatpumps work best/are most efficient with low temperature water (+-30C celcius) floor heating. The latter is only possible in new/recent houses where it should be efficient. But the majority of heating installations in Europe remain traditional via hot water (+-60C) and radiators. I don’t know how this is in North America and other temperate/cold climates, but its probably similar.
This next winter will probably be very harsh for europeans with skyhigh prices because of you know whom.
I have uptill now been pro phased deployment, but in the actual perspective of energy/heat shortage it seems the time to bring the ecat heater to market.
Also because when homologating this “weird” device 3 years ago would have been very difficult, today it should be be much easier.
If I understand well the Kw/h heat would be much more affordable then with the Ecat lep. And the Ecat heat would be able to take in the space of existing millions of gasheaters without much adaptation works.
It could even decide on war as any leverage on the Kremlins side would be gone… And calm ardours.
2) But there is a second probably more important reason to deploy rapidly the Ecat heat:
We are loosing the fight against global warming because it is politically too hard to raise prices of energy / integrate the induced cost of consumption.
Only massive geo engineering could allow to halt the wheel or maybe turn it back. The Ecat heat could maybe produce the necessary heat at a price point sufficiently low to make capturing CO2 from the atmosphere/industry & pump it into the soil or inert it in stones (as is or recombine it to make synthetic natural gas or liquid fuels).
This is not written for you to change your mind and stop selling the Ecat SKlep. On the contrary: we now need full blast market deployment.
@Antje There are freezers which needs just 100 Watt, maybe it will be cheaper to buy a new one. Otherwise you can need ecats everywhere, from refrigderator to electric heating.
I want to run a 350 watt (AC, 230 V) freezer.
An Ecat only delivers 100 watts. Can several AC Ecats be connected together? Many thanks and greetings, Antje
Dr Rossi,
Today on the beach I watched the video of the presentation of the Ecat SKLed on
When this apparatus will be in the market it will make history.
Paolo Bernasconi:
We prefer to keep confidential this information, until we reach the target, for the fluidity of the issue. The vetting process is on course: theoretically we should be close to the target, but the real situation could be quite different.
Warm Regards,
Steve Albers:
Surely a plan B will be adopted if plan A will not be possible, but now it’s premature.
Warm Regards,
A = V/R
Warm Regards,
I watched the video and I can’t see the current measurement, why? I can’t see where the voltage meter is connected.
If the resistor is 1ohm and you show 12V on the meter, are you generating 144W of energy?
If energy density is sought. It could be used again for the E-catSKLep100W/12V Ragone diagram.
All the best J.Š
It’s very interesting to follow this important story as it unfolds. I wonder when we might hear directly from a customer on how the SKLep is performing. This could be your “Plan B” customer with the streaming video, an internet influencer, or another one of your initial deliveries. Thanks for considering our curiosity on this. Perhaps July or another one of the summer months?
Dear Mr Rossi
Can you please tell us what is the present order numbers you have already validated?
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi,
OK, in terms of finding a way to report the energy density of the SKLep within the specs, how about this:
Rechargeable batteries typically specify the amp-hour, or milliamp-hour delivery capacity of the batteries between recharges (refueling, in other words). The SKLep could report the same within its specs for fulltime operation over the three year warranty period.
Because the SKLep also requires an input current during operation, that Amp-Hour input number could be reported within the specs as well.
(Alternatively, the specs could report Wh or kWh instead.)
Would something like that be possible?
Best Wishes,
I answer with an example: assume a client pre-orders 100000 units, for a value of about 25 million dollars. We obviously cannot risk to make 100000 units and discover at the delivery that the Client does not have the financial substance to pay. On the other side, we obviously understand that a Client cannot prepay 25 millions without the guarantee that we will be able to deliver what is guaranteed. Our attorneys suggested us the solution: clients that order for amounts too high to be paid along the Paypal procedure will have to put the total amount in the escrow account of a professional and certified escrow agent ( usually a Law Firm ) and the escrow agent will wire to us the money only after a positive test that the Client will make with us in the closest facility of Leonardo Corporation. If the test will be negative, the money will be returned to the Client, otherwise it will be turned to Leonardo Corporation at the same moment when Leonardo Corporation delivers in its facility to the Client all the units he bought.
The protocol of the test has to be agreed upon between the parties.
This is the contingency I I made mention of in my comment.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
About your answer to Joachim, what does mean tha phrase with “…contingent with…” ?
Svein H. Vormedal:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Here are the stats of the readings of your papers on Researchgate, from
Total Readings 112,000
Recommendations 7,529
Citations + Mentions 51
Research Interest index 1,953
Most readers from the following cathegories:
Electronic Engineers
Theoretical Physicists
Artificial Intelligence Engineers
Most seniority levels:
Post Doc
PhD Students
And Counting,
To WaltC
In my opinion, the fuel in the generator and its specific yield is so high (thanks to the specific reaction) that the ratio of input and output energy of the generator is more important. It is something like if you wanted to determine the total time of use of the fuel cells in a nuclear fission reaction. These are exchanged mainly on the basis of the safe operation of the nuclear power plant.
All the best J.Š
Dear Andrea
WaltC is absolutely right. Follow his advice. It costs you nothing.
If you have an electric car that goes 100 times as far as others on the same battery, it is far more important to market this than to claim that it accelerates a little better than others.
Sincerely, Svein H. Vormedal
Sorry, I do not understand exactly your question: can you kindly rephrase it ?
Warm Regards,
Daniel G. Zavela:
Thank you for your suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Jan Srajer:
Thank you for your opinion,
Warm Regards,
From your theoretical work it follows (from my layman’s point of view) that there are 4 possible views of the Rossi effect and energy production in E-catSK. Therefore, I believe that in the future, reverse engineering will become even easier, because the production of electricity will be possible in other modifications of the generator connection. Only the Rossi phenomenon will be the driving force and will become known worldwide, similar to Lawson’s criterion of thermonuclear reaction.
All the best J.Š
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I submit thar your programming staff needs to be more creative.
“ Protecting executable from reverse engineering? – Stack Overflow
It is possible to make reverse engineering impossible, BUT (and this is a very very big but), you cant do it on a conventional cpu. I did also much hardware development, and often FPGA are used. E.g. the Virtex 5 FX have a PowerPC CPU on them, and you can use the APU to implement own CPU opcodes in your hardware.”
Best of luck with your product IP protection.
Best Regards,
Daniel G. Zavela
Dr. Rossi,
You said: “Energy density specification makes sense for fuels, not for energy generators.”
Customers view the SKLep as a “Black Box”– if the device has continual access to the “fuel”, then it doesn’t matter if the fuel is, according to existing theory, within the box or not.
But it doesn’t matter what I think, it matters what Leonardo guaranties within their specs. If they guaranty Power but not Energy, how is the customer supposed to expect anything other than a high-tech battery?
1) And thus I return to the gist of my earlier question: Why are you underselling the one feature that customers would seem to want most?
(My intent is to ask that constructively, I apologize if it sounds otherwise.)
Best Wishes,
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Energy density specification makes sense for fuels, not for energy generators. Anyway: a generator that has a power of 1 kW has the capacity to generate (max) 1 kWh/h of energy, so from the power density you can calculate, knowing the volume of the apparatus, how many kWh/h * cm^3 it can generate. From our specs you know the dimensions, therefore you can make the math, if you like.
Warm Regards,
Jan Srajer:
Thank you for your opinion,
Warm Regards,
Reverse engineering is a problem that cannot be avoided. One million orders, if not achieved, can be revived with more effective advertising, in the form of video advertising, but an agreement with large companies on their support is easier. In that case, luck is also needed in choosing them.
All the best J.Š.
Dr. Rossi,
1) Your specs list “Power Density” but they don’t list “Energy Density”– is there a reason for that?
2) It seems to me that the SKLep’s giant leap forward, and its greatest appeal to buyers, is all about energy density– wouldn’t you want to emphasize that, both in your specs and in future demos?
Best Wishes,
Hi mr Rossi, I’m a small investor who ordered 100 units hoping to build home systems for relatives and friends too. The international situation and raising prices make the waiting especially painful. I don’t know how many orders are still needed in order to reach the 1 million goal but I have this suggestion how to get there:
Beside your own website & order form, please also create a SKLep project page on a well known crowdfunding website like Kickstarter or Indiegogo or the like. They have a far far greater reaching than you can achieve on your own and I’m convinced they would help immensely in getting the latest 200k or 300k orders and more.
Such crowdfunding services also act as escrow by pre-charging credit cards, so you can be assured that each order corresponds to actual money. In the past some notable projects collected above 10 million and up to 20 million USD in preorders. I believe the SKLep would surpass all previous records.
On the bad side they take a 5% to 15% cut from raised funds, so you have to change the number of orders required accordingly. Also some of them ask for exclusive rights and so may not be compatible with previous fund raising, depending on their specific terms of serivice.
Your lawyer and advisors could check the feasibility of such idea. My best regards!
For orders of less than 100 pcs the payment will be by Paypal, therefore the Client will be able to return the Ecat if it does not respect the guarantees and to be refunded by Paypal. For bigger amounts, the payment will be granted by an escrow agent, contingent with a positive test.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I have ordered just one ecat SKLEP. I am curious and want to see first if it works and if it works also reliable.
But if i am contended with this ecat i will order at least 50 pieces more becazse the autonomy is worth the money.
I know it is difficult for such a new product to enter the market, but for an average citizen it would be a big risk to spend 15,000 € in a bad investment.
Reverse engineering could be possible, but it takes time and if this copy-product will be also as reliable as the ecat is the question. I reckon you could be sure to reach much more than one million orders, even if you start the delivery with less than one million.
Best regards
H. Mueller:
1- It will depend on many factors, now I am not able to answer this question
2- As I already said, so far I am just curious about the influencers world, and I am collecting information about, but we are not taking decisions before understanding well the matter and its contingency with our product,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for this important video, so our Readers can understand why we cannot guarantee the price we offered if we do not manufacture at least one million units,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for this video, very important for our Readers to understand how reverse engineering works and why we cannot put the Ecat in the market before a substantial revenue.
Warm Regards,
A video about reverse engineering.
Hello DR Rossi
This is a Video about
Economy of scale.
Dear Mr. Rossi,
apparently my questions gone lost. So once again:
1) Will you deliver ecats this year, even if you do not reach the one million oders?
2) Have you already invited some youtube-influencers to reach new publicity and new potential buyers?
Best regards
Wilfried Babelotzky,
As I said many times, we need orders for one million pieces for economy scale and for avoid the reverse engineering prematurely,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Can the SKLeps be used to power portable air conditioners?
Best regards,
Dear Andrea,
I would like to ask again why you are so reluctant to go to market yourself with an application of the Ecat SKLep?
500 W fan heaters are available for 13 EUR on Amazon. So compared to the Ecat, they are free, so to speak. It should be possible to offer a 500 W heater with 5 Ecats for 1499 EUR that can run 24/7 h for 11 years. You need a small battery buffer, charging electronics, heating ceramics and a housing. Even if the fan heater is switched off, the Ecats simply continue to run internally at minimum power. The Ecats are already switched on during production, so you can completely dispense with start-up processes.
Such a product would have immediate sales of many millions worldwide.
So what’s really wrong with going this route?
You could still offer the Ecat SKLep individually as before.
Kind regards
Dear Andrea,
Complementary to Wilfred B’s intervention I would like to ask the followers and the Rossi team’s/your opinion:
1) Electric versus direct heating
The Ecat SKlep seems to be more adapted to feeble electricity using devices (best together with a battery so as to have enough power during peak consumption).
Considering the price point of the Ecat lep, heating even with a heatpump seems quite expensive because heatpumps work best/are most efficient with low temperature water (+-30C celcius) floor heating. The latter is only possible in new/recent houses where it should be efficient. But the majority of heating installations in Europe remain traditional via hot water (+-60C) and radiators. I don’t know how this is in North America and other temperate/cold climates, but its probably similar.
This next winter will probably be very harsh for europeans with skyhigh prices because of you know whom.
I have uptill now been pro phased deployment, but in the actual perspective of energy/heat shortage it seems the time to bring the ecat heater to market.
Also because when homologating this “weird” device 3 years ago would have been very difficult, today it should be be much easier.
If I understand well the Kw/h heat would be much more affordable then with the Ecat lep. And the Ecat heat would be able to take in the space of existing millions of gasheaters without much adaptation works.
It could even decide on war as any leverage on the Kremlins side would be gone… And calm ardours.
2) But there is a second probably more important reason to deploy rapidly the Ecat heat:
We are loosing the fight against global warming because it is politically too hard to raise prices of energy / integrate the induced cost of consumption.
Only massive geo engineering could allow to halt the wheel or maybe turn it back. The Ecat heat could maybe produce the necessary heat at a price point sufficiently low to make capturing CO2 from the atmosphere/industry & pump it into the soil or inert it in stones (as is or recombine it to make synthetic natural gas or liquid fuels).
This is not written for you to change your mind and stop selling the Ecat SKlep. On the contrary: we now need full blast market deployment.
Very warm regards from Ialy,
Michael S.
@Antje There are freezers which needs just 100 Watt, maybe it will be cheaper to buy a new one. Otherwise you can need ecats everywhere, from refrigderator to electric heating.
Best regards
To all our Readers of the USA:
Happy July 4th !
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
I want to run a 350 watt (AC, 230 V) freezer.
An Ecat only delivers 100 watts. Can several AC Ecats be connected together? Many thanks and greetings, Antje
Dr Rossi,
Today on the beach I watched the video of the presentation of the Ecat SKLed on
When this apparatus will be in the market it will make history.
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Warm Regards,
Wilfried Babelotzky:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Wilfried Babelotzky:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,