Dear Mr. Rossi,
One of my home is in India. Here the grid is very chaotic. We are recieving the ground wire not from the grid. We have our own copper wire in the earth, soil in the garden.
Will this work with the e-cat?
As of 11:00 PM EDT the stream at is broken. The message on the screen “This live stream recording is not available.” Why would this link be resolving to a recording rather than the actual stream. It would be much better to set up public cameras and allow open access to all interested parties directly. Public camera streaming is a common practice.
Dear Dr. Rossi
a) What will happen to the ecat in case of a blackout on the grid?
a1) If I have installed solar panels (connected to the grid)?
a2) other settings that secure a working ecat?
Thank you!
Kind regards
Pekka Janhunen:
No, the the Ecat stream is not “broken”, as you can see from the watch. It is working normally.
The A.I. demands some oscillation electricity now and again. The variations of voltage has a range oscillating between 10 and 10.1 V, but 10 V is by large the prevailing datum.
Warm Regards,
Pekka Janhunen:
No, the the Ecat stream is not “broken”, as you can see from the watch. It is working normally.
The A.I. demands some oscillation electricity now and again. The variations of voltage has a range oscillating between 10 and 10.1 V, but 10 V is by large the prevailing datum.
Warm Regards,
The conversion of electricity into heat is almost total, the electricity of a circuit, if no other loads are present, is entirely dissipated as heat, based on the Joule effect.
Warm Regards,
The conversion of electricity into heat is almost total, the electricity of a circuit, if no other loads are present, is entirely dissipated as heat, based on the Joule effect.
Warm Regards,
How much heat does it produce? Like for 1 kW of electrical power, how many kW of heat is produced? That could be important to know in case cooling is needed for example.
Dear Andrea,
The E-cat that is being streamed seems “broken”, because it doesn’t seem to take input energy any more. When I watched it for a couple of minutes, the Amperes firmly stayed at 0.000, without flashing to some other value even once, as far as I can tell. Is it known behaviour that after running for some weeks the energy consumption decreases? Is interesting and positive, of course, if true. Or maybe there is some technical problem with the measurement setup(?).
regards, /pekka
Dear Andrea, I think the ground connection Is ,in some way, the real “Energy” needed to the ecat. Does the ecat “extract” energy from the ground connection ? Best wishes
If ECAT SKLep input is connected to the greed 24 hours / day, and to the output is connected the lamp 100 W only 12 hours / day.
Which sentence is true?
1. The Lifetime of the ECAT SKLep counts 24 hours / day, because input is connected 24 hours / day.
2. The Lifetime of the ECAT SKLep counts 12 hours / day, because output is connected 12 hours / day.
The best situation I can think about is to take advantage of the inverter of the solar system, which surely is connected to the grid, and connect the Ecat to the line between the Solar and the grid, then get the electricity generated by the Ecat and send it to the grid. The COP gives the gain.
Obviously this kind of system needs to be done by a certified contractor of the field, because it is not simple.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
“The modules are like the atoms by which the Universe is made.”
A few years back you called the building blocks “quarks”, but now “atoms”. Both are good names. Maybe I ask, from your point of view, was the name change due to:
1) to distinguish the new product from the old one,
2) “atom” feels a better name than “quark”,
3) the meaning of “atom” is more widely known than “quark”,
4) there is some hidden technological symbolism involved in the name,
5) something else, what
regards, /pekka
Dear Dr. Rossi
In an earlier post I was asking you if it would still be possible to power the ecat by my own solar panels (off grid) or any 12V or 230V off grid soure. Your answer was that it would depend on the kind of installation.
a) Could you explain what the installation must include to run the ecat in that case.
b) Since most of your readers have the goal to get independent from the grid (I assume), is there a chance to solve this issue (powering the ecat off grid) before starting production?
c) Thanks for never giving up!
Thank you very much for always answering our questions.
Kind regards
Dear Dr. Rossi,
given the tremendous COP it is no disadvantage that the ecat sklep still needs a connection with the grid. As soon it becomes prevalent hydroelectric power stations were enough. No more nuclear, gas- and coal power stations, no wind power plants and PV.
And more: no more gas pipelines and gas heating, no more oil heating and maybe less expensive housebuilding because of less insulation, no steam pipes and less regulations, also
I just hope the market entry of your products will be soon.
Best regards
Rick 57:
Thank you for resending your comment.
So far we prefer to keep confidential this information. I can answer that we are making an intense activity with substantial assemblies of multiple modules.
Warm Regards,
The module od 10 W is the atom to compose any power you need. We already have it. For example, a 5 kW Ecat SKLep is an assembly of 500 10 W modules. The modules are like the atoms by which the Universe is made,
Warm Regards,
I am very encouraged about your comment that you will be reducing the size of the Ecat SKLed. To me the 10W and 100W units are cute fringe items. And the eventual 1-5 KW assembled units will be the meat and potatoes of your fleet. So, as anxious as we are, to wait a few extra months might be best.
Dear Andrea,
I Just repeate my last question because It was probably spammed.
You said many times miniskleps can be combined in series and/or in parallel to achieve any desired power.
Nevertheless, can you tell us the max power level you actually reached in your tests ?
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
will you implement videos with youtube influencers until this year?
If the live-video had an impact in growing the pre-orders, a test by technical youtube influencers will have an impact all the more. And it will be significantly more favourable in comparison to advertisements. Just the costs for trip and hotel, done. Also should there be mentioned that it is possible to pay per paypal, if customers do not trust your company.
Best regards
I am just an interested reader hoping that the E-Cat actually works as presented in the video. I currently do not consider it tragic that the E-Cat does not work in mobile applications. There are several other technologies (f. e. H2 or synthetic fuel) that can be produced cheaply with the energy of the E-Cat and used for the mobile sector.
The E-Cat will wipe out some (energy)industries anyway – with all the collateral damage. In my opinion, a successive change is “healthier” than a radical break.
Dr Rossi,
We bought by Amazon the book , suggested by you, “United Field Theory and Occam’s Razor”, and you are right, it is important. Nonetheless, it is quite difficult to understand in some passages, therefore allow me to ask: can I send here to you questions if I need help to understand some part of it ?
Thank you if you can answer,
While we would all like to see an SKLep that was all things to all people, the real concern is that something gets to the Market and that it works well. Enhancements and additions can be added later.
It appears this technology works. Now, the question is whether it can be mass produced.
Rick 57:
Yes, yesterday for several hours the top view camera for some reason didn’t work and its image got frozen, while the front view camera continnued to work normally. Fortunately, the front view camera continued to work regularly and, as soon as we discovered the issue, we sent our man on site to put a provisional watch in the front, to make it visible by the front camera. Eventually we succeeded to reconnect the top view camera in remote from the USA, and all returned normal. The front view camera, as you surely have seen, continued always to work, without any problem . The value of voltage has variations between 10 and 10.1 Volts depending from the demand of the Ecat; these variations are normal, are made by the A.I.; anologous variations you probably have noticed for the Amperes, whose third decimal is zero for about 10″ and 1 for about 1/3 of second: this too is regulated by the A.I. microprocessor. The watch now is in a slightly different position because the operator that has put the provisional watch moved the watch of the video trying to put it in front of the front view camera, but making so the view of the lamp was limited, so he decided to return it at the side of the lamp.
Warm Regards,
I cannot answer in positive or in negative to your question. I understand that the necessity to plug in a grid connected output linits the market, and we are working on this issue, notwithstanding the fact that the markes even with the grid connection is immense.
Warm regards,
Dr Rossi, Could you answer in the negative or positive
1) For the current version of SKlep being sold to the general public, is it required to be plugged in to the power grid because of safety?
For UL or CE certification I could understand that requiring a power grid connection would limit many uncertified and possibly dangerous circumstances.
Claudio Varotto
Dear Dr. Rossi, a quick question: in February 2018 I made a first request for n. 2 ECAT Home Units and subsequently in several tranches an overall request for n. 30 Sklep of 100 watts
1) the priority of the order will be linked to the request for ECAT Home Units or that for the first request of SKlep
2) the 30 100 watt modules will be automatically converted to 300 10 watt modules or I will have to do it myself.
Thanks for the reply and cordial greetings.
Claudio Varotto
Dear Andrea,
yesterday I noticed the time shown in the live demo was many hours out of sync…
Today the time is again correct but the display is rotated 90 degrees with respect to its original position.
The voltage also changed from 10.01 to 10.00
Can you explain what kind of maintenance has been done ? Are you managing these events personally or somebody else is allowed to access the eCat location ?
Thanks a lot and best Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi:
You shared in a previous post that you have already started producing components, and enclosures. Can you share with us what missing pieces you are not producing that would allow you to make completed units? If possible can you also share WHY these missing parts of the completed unit are troublesome to produce at this time? The end of 2022 is getting very close now.
Moreless the same
Warm Regards
Frank Acland:
Thank you for the link.
Warm Regards
I need to know the specific situation to be able to answer
Warm Regards
Gavino Mamia:
Warm Regards
Good morning Dr Rossi
Were you able to reduce the size of ECat MiniSKLep?
Can you tell us more or less how big it is now?
Dear Mr. Rossi,
One of my home is in India. Here the grid is very chaotic. We are recieving the ground wire not from the grid. We have our own copper wire in the earth, soil in the garden.
Will this work with the e-cat?
As of 11:00 PM EDT the stream at is broken. The message on the screen “This live stream recording is not available.” Why would this link be resolving to a recording rather than the actual stream. It would be much better to set up public cameras and allow open access to all interested parties directly. Public camera streaming is a common practice.
Dear Andrea,
Here is an article from the Associated Press that I think you might find interesting:
“Renters face charging dilemma as U.S. cities move toward EVs”
Best regards,
Frank Acland
What is the temperature of the case of the Ecat MiniSKLep in the demo, vs. temperature of the room?
Mr. Rossi
If I understand it correctly, when the E-catSKLep mini is not loaded, all the 10W energy is converted into heat?
Warm Regards J.Š.
Dear Dr. Rossi
a) What will happen to the ecat in case of a blackout on the grid?
a1) If I have installed solar panels (connected to the grid)?
a2) other settings that secure a working ecat?
Thank you!
Kind regards
Pekka Janhunen:
No, the the Ecat stream is not “broken”, as you can see from the watch. It is working normally.
The A.I. demands some oscillation electricity now and again. The variations of voltage has a range oscillating between 10 and 10.1 V, but 10 V is by large the prevailing datum.
Warm Regards,
Pekka Janhunen:
No, the the Ecat stream is not “broken”, as you can see from the watch. It is working normally.
The A.I. demands some oscillation electricity now and again. The variations of voltage has a range oscillating between 10 and 10.1 V, but 10 V is by large the prevailing datum.
Warm Regards,
The conversion of electricity into heat is almost total, the electricity of a circuit, if no other loads are present, is entirely dissipated as heat, based on the Joule effect.
Warm Regards,
The conversion of electricity into heat is almost total, the electricity of a circuit, if no other loads are present, is entirely dissipated as heat, based on the Joule effect.
Warm Regards,
How much heat does it produce? Like for 1 kW of electrical power, how many kW of heat is produced? That could be important to know in case cooling is needed for example.
Dear Andrea,
The E-cat that is being streamed seems “broken”, because it doesn’t seem to take input energy any more. When I watched it for a couple of minutes, the Amperes firmly stayed at 0.000, without flashing to some other value even once, as far as I can tell. Is it known behaviour that after running for some weeks the energy consumption decreases? Is interesting and positive, of course, if true. Or maybe there is some technical problem with the measurement setup(?).
regards, /pekka
Paul Dianno:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, I think the ground connection Is ,in some way, the real “Energy” needed to the ecat. Does the ecat “extract” energy from the ground connection ? Best wishes
Jaroslaw Bem:
Warm regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
If ECAT SKLep input is connected to the greed 24 hours / day, and to the output is connected the lamp 100 W only 12 hours / day.
Which sentence is true?
1. The Lifetime of the ECAT SKLep counts 24 hours / day, because input is connected 24 hours / day.
2. The Lifetime of the ECAT SKLep counts 12 hours / day, because output is connected 12 hours / day.
Best Regards,
Jaroslaw Bem
… e se l’obbligo di connettersi ad una rete fosse il pegno da pagare per non rendere le reti (e i loro proprietari) inutili?
what if the obligation to connect to a grid was the pawn to be paid for not making networks useless?
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
The best situation I can think about is to take advantage of the inverter of the solar system, which surely is connected to the grid, and connect the Ecat to the line between the Solar and the grid, then get the electricity generated by the Ecat and send it to the grid. The COP gives the gain.
Obviously this kind of system needs to be done by a certified contractor of the field, because it is not simple.
Warm Regards,
Pekka Janhunen:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
“The modules are like the atoms by which the Universe is made.”
A few years back you called the building blocks “quarks”, but now “atoms”. Both are good names. Maybe I ask, from your point of view, was the name change due to:
1) to distinguish the new product from the old one,
2) “atom” feels a better name than “quark”,
3) the meaning of “atom” is more widely known than “quark”,
4) there is some hidden technological symbolism involved in the name,
5) something else, what
regards, /pekka
Dear Dr. Rossi
In an earlier post I was asking you if it would still be possible to power the ecat by my own solar panels (off grid) or any 12V or 230V off grid soure. Your answer was that it would depend on the kind of installation.
a) Could you explain what the installation must include to run the ecat in that case.
b) Since most of your readers have the goal to get independent from the grid (I assume), is there a chance to solve this issue (powering the ecat off grid) before starting production?
c) Thanks for never giving up!
Thank you very much for always answering our questions.
Kind regards
Dear Dr. Rossi,
given the tremendous COP it is no disadvantage that the ecat sklep still needs a connection with the grid. As soon it becomes prevalent hydroelectric power stations were enough. No more nuclear, gas- and coal power stations, no wind power plants and PV.
And more: no more gas pipelines and gas heating, no more oil heating and maybe less expensive housebuilding because of less insulation, no steam pipes and less regulations, also
I just hope the market entry of your products will be soon.
Best regards
Rick 57:
Thank you for resending your comment.
So far we prefer to keep confidential this information. I can answer that we are making an intense activity with substantial assemblies of multiple modules.
Warm Regards,
The module od 10 W is the atom to compose any power you need. We already have it. For example, a 5 kW Ecat SKLep is an assembly of 500 10 W modules. The modules are like the atoms by which the Universe is made,
Warm Regards,
I am very encouraged about your comment that you will be reducing the size of the Ecat SKLed. To me the 10W and 100W units are cute fringe items. And the eventual 1-5 KW assembled units will be the meat and potatoes of your fleet. So, as anxious as we are, to wait a few extra months might be best.
Dear Andrea,
I Just repeate my last question because It was probably spammed.
You said many times miniskleps can be combined in series and/or in parallel to achieve any desired power.
Nevertheless, can you tell us the max power level you actually reached in your tests ?
Warm Regards,
Jean Paul Renoir:
Please do.
Warm Regards,
A.R. ( Alex Rumkorf ):
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
A.R. (Andrea Rossi)
Thank you for your suggestion; yes, we are working on this issue.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
will you implement videos with youtube influencers until this year?
If the live-video had an impact in growing the pre-orders, a test by technical youtube influencers will have an impact all the more. And it will be significantly more favourable in comparison to advertisements. Just the costs for trip and hotel, done. Also should there be mentioned that it is possible to pay per paypal, if customers do not trust your company.
Best regards
I am just an interested reader hoping that the E-Cat actually works as presented in the video. I currently do not consider it tragic that the E-Cat does not work in mobile applications. There are several other technologies (f. e. H2 or synthetic fuel) that can be produced cheaply with the energy of the E-Cat and used for the mobile sector.
The E-Cat will wipe out some (energy)industries anyway – with all the collateral damage. In my opinion, a successive change is “healthier” than a radical break.
Greetings from Germany
Translated with (free version)
Dr Rossi,
We bought by Amazon the book , suggested by you, “United Field Theory and Occam’s Razor”, and you are right, it is important. Nonetheless, it is quite difficult to understand in some passages, therefore allow me to ask: can I send here to you questions if I need help to understand some part of it ?
Thank you if you can answer,
Steven N. Karels:
It can surely.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
While we would all like to see an SKLep that was all things to all people, the real concern is that something gets to the Market and that it works well. Enhancements and additions can be added later.
It appears this technology works. Now, the question is whether it can be mass produced.
Rick 57:
Yes, yesterday for several hours the top view camera for some reason didn’t work and its image got frozen, while the front view camera continnued to work normally. Fortunately, the front view camera continued to work regularly and, as soon as we discovered the issue, we sent our man on site to put a provisional watch in the front, to make it visible by the front camera. Eventually we succeeded to reconnect the top view camera in remote from the USA, and all returned normal. The front view camera, as you surely have seen, continued always to work, without any problem . The value of voltage has variations between 10 and 10.1 Volts depending from the demand of the Ecat; these variations are normal, are made by the A.I.; anologous variations you probably have noticed for the Amperes, whose third decimal is zero for about 10″ and 1 for about 1/3 of second: this too is regulated by the A.I. microprocessor. The watch now is in a slightly different position because the operator that has put the provisional watch moved the watch of the video trying to put it in front of the front view camera, but making so the view of the lamp was limited, so he decided to return it at the side of the lamp.
Warm Regards,
Barry Mead,
Sorry, this information is confidential,
Warm Regards,
Claudio Varotto:
Your pre-orders have been received; the priority is given by the first pre-order.
Warm Regards,
I cannot answer in positive or in negative to your question. I understand that the necessity to plug in a grid connected output linits the market, and we are working on this issue, notwithstanding the fact that the markes even with the grid connection is immense.
Warm regards,
Dr Rossi, Could you answer in the negative or positive
1) For the current version of SKlep being sold to the general public, is it required to be plugged in to the power grid because of safety?
For UL or CE certification I could understand that requiring a power grid connection would limit many uncertified and possibly dangerous circumstances.
Thank you for your attention.
Claudio Varotto
Dear Dr. Rossi, a quick question: in February 2018 I made a first request for n. 2 ECAT Home Units and subsequently in several tranches an overall request for n. 30 Sklep of 100 watts
1) the priority of the order will be linked to the request for ECAT Home Units or that for the first request of SKlep
2) the 30 100 watt modules will be automatically converted to 300 10 watt modules or I will have to do it myself.
Thanks for the reply and cordial greetings.
Claudio Varotto
Dear Andrea,
yesterday I noticed the time shown in the live demo was many hours out of sync…
Today the time is again correct but the display is rotated 90 degrees with respect to its original position.
The voltage also changed from 10.01 to 10.00
Can you explain what kind of maintenance has been done ? Are you managing these events personally or somebody else is allowed to access the eCat location ?
Thanks a lot and best Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi:
You shared in a previous post that you have already started producing components, and enclosures. Can you share with us what missing pieces you are not producing that would allow you to make completed units? If possible can you also share WHY these missing parts of the completed unit are troublesome to produce at this time? The end of 2022 is getting very close now.
M. Elschoff:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Dear D. Rossi
here is a link to a Rotatiosheater.
Greetings frm Germany