Dwar Andrea,
I think what Maozhijie is saying:
Modern electric cars can drive 12 hours on one charge already under certain easy conditions.
For the demonstration to be convincing beyond doubt, consider running the ecat car for 24 hours instead of just 12.
Best regards
I answer to Maozhijie:
if at the end of the 12 hours run, it turns out that the battery is still fully charged, then is no need to extend the duration of the drive.
Dear Dr Rossi:
I am very pleased to hear from you that you will make running presentation for a car driven by E-cat sklep. Here is about a news for Toyota in Apnews, Toyota Touts Solid State EVs With 932-Mile Range,10-Minute Charging by 2027. Do you think it is enough for a 12 hours running presentation for a car driven by E-cat sklep? I expected longer time (maybe 24hours) so that the E-cat can totally prove itself in a such a important show.
Dr Rossi,
the live streaming of the Ecat SKLep SSM has reached 90 days of powering the lamp 24 hours per day without interruptions and without any external power source or battery !
To the readers: the live streaming’s links to watch it on Youtube or on Twitch are here: http://www.ecatthenewfire.com
Dear Dr Rossi,
allow me two considerations that I think shareable and of common sense.
1. If research on EV power supply is certainly a good thing, and the goal is to reach the pre-order target, rest assured that the first distribution of just a few thousand e-cats will immediately be followed by hundreds of thousands (initially) of orders at short term. Anyone with common sense will proceed to order other devices once they have been tested by hand.
2. Consider the dangers of waiting for the public release:
With each passing week, the risk of internal leaks of technological details, in your team or in associated production companies, is greater and greater. Industrial intelligence services are certainly working on a product of this magnitude, and it won’t take long to have the construction details.
The advice I can give you is therefore to hasten the mass release as much as possible, the only guarantee of millions of orders in the immediate time to follow the release, even at the risk of having to review the contractual terms that (maybe) could link you to your partner.
Are you aware of this funding avaiilable from the USA government?
US DOE $100 Million More to Scale New Clean Energy Technology
June 14, 2023 by Brian Wang
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Congratulations to the progress that now result in the exiting news release. However, there are some worries that the importance of the EV application will out rule the delivery of the E-Cat SKL (or alike) to private persons like me who placed order a long time ago. Thank you if you can comment.
Kind regards,
Calle H
The A.I. is surely the system that has helped to resolve problems very complex, due to the fact that the batteries of the EVs are untouchable and refuse any information not already known by its operative system: now our Team succeeded to make it talk with the Ecat without its firewall rejects the extraneous body, albeit much work remains to be done.
Warm Regards,
Congratulations on the successful integration with the Electric Vehicle (EV) battery system. That is no small task. Now comes the fun part of increasing the power level (voltage and current) to support the desired speed regime, and testing, more testing, followed by even more testing.
I am glad to see today a news release inviting press to your E-Cat EV demonstration which will be in October. Is this event open to any other interested persons?
Congratulations on adapting the E-Cat to an EV battery system! It is a momentous event for your amazing team. I have a question; will this adaptive AI be responsive to any existing EV battery system with some adjustments or specific to your soon demonstration EV system and/or your associate auto manufacturer interests?
We wish you all success in your EV demonstration in furthering an increase in the orders.
With the Ecat SKLep SSM you can turn electricity into heat – Joule Effect – with almost 100% efficiency, and we prefer to unify the production for economy scale
Warm Regards
Caro dr Andrea, da quando ho ascoltato una tua intervista su radio24, non ricordo se nel 2010 o 2011, ti seguo con tanta fiducia quanto interesse. Non essendo un esperto, o forse per timidezza, questa è la prima volta che ti scrivo, non solo per ringraziarti ma anche per esprimerti un mio dubbio/consiglio. Sto cercando di fare al meglio i miei conti ma l’ecatsklep risponde solo in parte ai miei bisogni. Mi spiego meglio: prima della produzione d’elettricitá leggevo della produzione di CALORE con cop 600, quindi con 200 W di potenza era possibile riscaldare come con 1,2 kW. Immaginavo, scusa se abbasso il livello delle conversazioni, un numero sufficiente di ecat distribuiti in casa mia. Ora tu parli “solo” di produzione elettrica. Dico solo perché io, nella mia situazione, dovrei sostituire la mia caldaia a metano con una pompa di calore che sarebbe poco efficace nella mia vecchia casa. Se non sbaglio a fare i conti a me converrebbe l’ecat che produce calore per riscaldare casa e l’ecatsklep per alimentare la casa. Non buttare alle ortiche il vecchio ecat.
Grazie di cuore.
English: where is finished the old ecat? I have the necessity to warm my house!
Kevin Elliott,
Your proposal to start marketing some simpler product born by the R&D and the experiments made to do the Ecat is very intelligent.
Warm Regards,
you have had a production-ready E-Cat SKL ep for 1.5 years and have not managed to get 1 million orders together.
This despite a 24/7 live streaming of an E-Cat in use, advertising on Twitter and the announcement of an EV with E-CAT operation.
Is it just us, your supporters, who are disappointed, or is the disappointment also on your side?
Do you have criteria for an alternative to really get to the market quickly, or do you in a way not care and a few years don’t matter?
To serve a market, you need not only reliability, but also commitment.
Is there anything that really gives you hope that it will start soon?
Thank you very much if you can answer and good luck!
Thank you very much for your continued effort. What you are trying to do is perhaps one of the most ambitious tasks of this century. Let me just say I have already placed my pre-orders and I along with many others are very excited at the product you are marketing. Your paper is very compelling and interesting. I just wanted to offer one item for your consideration. As you continue your commercial battle in an environment with so many obstacles, consider a parallel path. You are so far ahead of your time, offering a product that few can conceive as possible, what opportunities might you posses in the way of a rudimentary science project version, merely as a show piece concept of where you were at a decade ago with your technology. If you could share some means of diluting down the current state of your technology using off the shelf supplies to simply deliver plasma or some heat on a self sustaining basis, even if it were only at a unity return or slightly over. If such a thing were achievable at some rudimentary level of you technology that would not in anyway risk competition for your current level of development, you might be surprised at the way you could change the world. Wilber and Orville Wright’s dad led his boys dreams to an aviation revolution with a simple wind up flying bat. If your could simply tease the imaginations of the world at large, who are utterly fascinated by what you have already demonstrated, you might unleash a catalyst that could propel your work faster by far than any current economy/government is prepared to accept. Just a thought- wish you the best. As always- will be following your work with anticipation.
“Over the coming years, millions of Indian households are set to buy new appliances, air conditioning units and vehicles. India will soon become the world’s most populous country, adding the equivalent of a city the size of Los Angeles to its urban population each year. To meet growth in electricity demand over the next twenty years, India will need to add a power system the size of the European Union to what it has now.” https://www.iea.org/reports/india-energy-outlook-2021.
Consider India for SKLep SSM technologies.
I would envision the remote villages being local hubs of providing electrical power, through the existing transmission systems, with the excess power flowing back into the major cities. This decentralized approach would help the remote communities, provide geographically diverse generation locations, and minimize impacts on the major cities.
Manuel Cilia:
We have organized an efficient manufacturing system integrated with the necessary outsourcing system, therefore we expect to be able to produce between half million and one million pcs per year, although, obviously, this issue must be experienced.
Warm Regards
Good morning Dr Rossi
1- On 100wSKLep SSM is there a Power ON/OFF LED that indicates the unit is working ?
2- When Leonardo will start to deliver the Ecat will it be possible to pay with different currencies (euro)?
Thank you : Mario
Ellen Ramcke:
The deliveries will start as explained in the per-order form in http://www.ecatorders.com
and the order of the deliveries will respect the date priority,
Warm Regards,
You have an online demonstration of SKLep SSM technology producing 2W-4W of power that is driving an LED lamp that appears to be outputting 1W to 2W of optical power.
You are considering an SKLep SSM powered Electric Vehicle (EV) that will likely require power levels in the 10’s of kW regime.
I also note that you are reluctant to provide direct measurements on the output of the SKLep SSM unit. With this in mind, I suggest an intermediate demonstration:
Consider one SKLep SSM 100W unit, outputting 12VDC. It will drive an off-the-shelf DC/DC converter capable of outputting 100W of 12VDC isolated power. The load will be 4 each 6.8 Ohm 100W load resistors, wired in parallel, for an effective resistance presented to the DC/DC Converter of 1.7 Ohms. With the DC/DC Converter output of 12VDC, the resistor assembly would dissipate a total of 84W of power. Place a power meter (displays DC Voltage, DC Amperage, DC power, and accumulated energy) between the DC/DC Converter and the resistive load. Present this on the internet as you did with the LED lamp demonstration.
This is the “Goldilocks” solution – not too little power, but not too much power. Measure the weight and volume of the SKLep SSM unit and the DC/DC Converter. Display that information. Run it long enough to dispel a chemical source of power.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
would it be possible to give priority to small users for the delivery of ecats? I think it’s in ours interest to spread the distribution of this technology as widely as possible. Once the technology is widespreaded, it cannot be recalled by anyone. When the really big ones get their turn, the technology is only in the hands of a few.
What do you think of it?
best regards
Dr Rossi,
The Ecat SKLep SSM shown in the live streaming on Youtube and Twitch is approaching 100 days of uninterrupted operation 24/7
Beyond any possible doubt the self sustaining mode has been proved
Gene Quong:
Please find the pre-order form here: http://www.ecatorders.com
Read carefully the conditions, fill up the form and follow there the instructions to send it.
You can also send the pre-order form as an attachment by email to info@leonardocorp1996.com
You will receive
Warm Regards,
Please be sure your contact information is correct:
Name: Gene Quong Correct
Address: 8** Brook*** Avenue Correct
City: ******** not correct Burnaby
State: British Columbia
Zip: V5B 4E6
Country: Canada
Phone: 1 – 778-389-2185
Shipping Address: Same
Order Summary
Order Date: 1/4/2022 Qty: 3 SKLep
Order Date: 4/16/2022 Qty: 1 SKLep
Order Date: 6/9/2023 Qty: 3 DC Submission: Quantity ($249 each)1 SKLep AC
Energy can be stored in dams. BC is very fortunate that most of its electricity is derived from hydro.
Other sources of continuous power are wave power., Tesla made experiments to tap into the magnetic
field of the earth, geothermal power is also excellent. Solar power and wind power are garbage because they are not continuous.
Another source of continuous power is Zero Point Energy which is everywhere because molecules vibrate. (Quantum Physics).
The eCat SKlep derives its energy from Zero Point Energy!!!!!!
I now have a oscilloscope, voltmeter, Geiger counter / EMF radiation detector. My inventory of inverters are 100 W, 200 W, and 500 W inverters -> Bestek
1. What is the highest voltage that your team has been able to generate from combinations of these modules?
2. What is the highest power that your team has been able to generate from these modules?
Dwar Andrea,
I think what Maozhijie is saying:
Modern electric cars can drive 12 hours on one charge already under certain easy conditions.
For the demonstration to be convincing beyond doubt, consider running the ecat car for 24 hours instead of just 12.
Best regards
I answer to Maozhijie:
if at the end of the 12 hours run, it turns out that the battery is still fully charged, then is no need to extend the duration of the drive.
Thank you of the information, but I do not understand exactly your question.
Warm regards,
Dear Dr Rossi:
I am very pleased to hear from you that you will make running presentation for a car driven by E-cat sklep. Here is about a news for Toyota in Apnews, Toyota Touts Solid State EVs With 932-Mile Range,10-Minute Charging by 2027. Do you think it is enough for a 12 hours running presentation for a car driven by E-cat sklep? I expected longer time (maybe 24hours) so that the E-cat can totally prove itself in a such a important show.
Best wishes.
Dr Rossi,
the live streaming of the Ecat SKLep SSM has reached 90 days of powering the lamp 24 hours per day without interruptions and without any external power source or battery !
To the readers: the live streaming’s links to watch it on Youtube or on Twitch are here: http://www.ecatthenewfire.com
Manuel Cilia:
Warm Regards,
Daniel G. Zavela:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your support,
Warm Regards,
Dott. A.T.:
I take advice of your considerations,
Warm regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
allow me two considerations that I think shareable and of common sense.
1. If research on EV power supply is certainly a good thing, and the goal is to reach the pre-order target, rest assured that the first distribution of just a few thousand e-cats will immediately be followed by hundreds of thousands (initially) of orders at short term. Anyone with common sense will proceed to order other devices once they have been tested by hand.
2. Consider the dangers of waiting for the public release:
With each passing week, the risk of internal leaks of technological details, in your team or in associated production companies, is greater and greater. Industrial intelligence services are certainly working on a product of this magnitude, and it won’t take long to have the construction details.
The advice I can give you is therefore to hasten the mass release as much as possible, the only guarantee of millions of orders in the immediate time to follow the release, even at the risk of having to review the contractual terms that (maybe) could link you to your partner.
Best wishes.
Caro Dottor Rossi,
congratulazioni sincere per il comunicato stampa che prelude ad un evento storico.
Buon lavoro a Lei e al suo fantastico team.
Cesare Ferrari
p.s. mi attiverò per far avere notizie della sua creatura a Giovanni Soldini
Congrats for the momentous press release
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Are you aware of this funding avaiilable from the USA government?
US DOE $100 Million More to Scale New Clean Energy Technology
June 14, 2023 by Brian Wang
Best of luck with your pre-orders.
Best Regards,
Daniel G. Zavela
Dear Dr Rossi
I think I will need to change my profession from engineer to Journalist so I can attend in Italy. Now it is getting exciting.
Calle H:
On the contrary, we think it will help also increasing the pre-orders
Warm regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Congratulations to the progress that now result in the exiting news release. However, there are some worries that the importance of the EV application will out rule the delivery of the E-Cat SKL (or alike) to private persons like me who placed order a long time ago. Thank you if you can comment.
Kind regards,
Calle H
The A.I. is surely the system that has helped to resolve problems very complex, due to the fact that the batteries of the EVs are untouchable and refuse any information not already known by its operative system: now our Team succeeded to make it talk with the Ecat without its firewall rejects the extraneous body, albeit much work remains to be done.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Steven Nicholes Karels:
We have still to make on it a huge work,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations on the successful integration with the Electric Vehicle (EV) battery system. That is no small task. Now comes the fun part of increasing the power level (voltage and current) to support the desired speed regime, and testing, more testing, followed by even more testing.
Dear Andrea,
I am glad to see today a news release inviting press to your E-Cat EV demonstration which will be in October. Is this event open to any other interested persons?
Thank you,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations on adapting the E-Cat to an EV battery system! It is a momentous event for your amazing team. I have a question; will this adaptive AI be responsive to any existing EV battery system with some adjustments or specific to your soon demonstration EV system and/or your associate auto manufacturer interests?
We wish you all success in your EV demonstration in furthering an increase in the orders.
Very respectfully yours, Brokeeper
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Yes, and it has not been easy: we added to the Ecat the system to do it , supplied with additional A.I.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Has your team solved the problem of providing power to the Electric Vehicle (EV) battery system while the EV is being driven?
With the Ecat SKLep SSM you can turn electricity into heat – Joule Effect – with almost 100% efficiency, and we prefer to unify the production for economy scale
Warm Regards
Gavino Mamia:
Me too,
Warm Regards,
Dott. Rossi
vedo con immenso piacere che EvCat è quasi pronto.
Non vedo l’ora che arrivi ottobre.
I can’t waite the <october event
Caro dr Andrea, da quando ho ascoltato una tua intervista su radio24, non ricordo se nel 2010 o 2011, ti seguo con tanta fiducia quanto interesse. Non essendo un esperto, o forse per timidezza, questa è la prima volta che ti scrivo, non solo per ringraziarti ma anche per esprimerti un mio dubbio/consiglio. Sto cercando di fare al meglio i miei conti ma l’ecatsklep risponde solo in parte ai miei bisogni. Mi spiego meglio: prima della produzione d’elettricitá leggevo della produzione di CALORE con cop 600, quindi con 200 W di potenza era possibile riscaldare come con 1,2 kW. Immaginavo, scusa se abbasso il livello delle conversazioni, un numero sufficiente di ecat distribuiti in casa mia. Ora tu parli “solo” di produzione elettrica. Dico solo perché io, nella mia situazione, dovrei sostituire la mia caldaia a metano con una pompa di calore che sarebbe poco efficace nella mia vecchia casa. Se non sbaglio a fare i conti a me converrebbe l’ecat che produce calore per riscaldare casa e l’ecatsklep per alimentare la casa. Non buttare alle ortiche il vecchio ecat.
Grazie di cuore.
English: where is finished the old ecat? I have the necessity to warm my house!
I sympathyze your and many others’ feeling.
My commitment is incorporated in our work, I mean the work of our team,
Warm Regards,
Kevin Elliott,
Your proposal to start marketing some simpler product born by the R&D and the experiments made to do the Ecat is very intelligent.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
you have had a production-ready E-Cat SKL ep for 1.5 years and have not managed to get 1 million orders together.
This despite a 24/7 live streaming of an E-Cat in use, advertising on Twitter and the announcement of an EV with E-CAT operation.
Is it just us, your supporters, who are disappointed, or is the disappointment also on your side?
Do you have criteria for an alternative to really get to the market quickly, or do you in a way not care and a few years don’t matter?
To serve a market, you need not only reliability, but also commitment.
Is there anything that really gives you hope that it will start soon?
Thank you very much if you can answer and good luck!
Best Regards
Dr. Rossi,
Thank you very much for your continued effort. What you are trying to do is perhaps one of the most ambitious tasks of this century. Let me just say I have already placed my pre-orders and I along with many others are very excited at the product you are marketing. Your paper is very compelling and interesting. I just wanted to offer one item for your consideration. As you continue your commercial battle in an environment with so many obstacles, consider a parallel path. You are so far ahead of your time, offering a product that few can conceive as possible, what opportunities might you posses in the way of a rudimentary science project version, merely as a show piece concept of where you were at a decade ago with your technology. If you could share some means of diluting down the current state of your technology using off the shelf supplies to simply deliver plasma or some heat on a self sustaining basis, even if it were only at a unity return or slightly over. If such a thing were achievable at some rudimentary level of you technology that would not in anyway risk competition for your current level of development, you might be surprised at the way you could change the world. Wilber and Orville Wright’s dad led his boys dreams to an aviation revolution with a simple wind up flying bat. If your could simply tease the imaginations of the world at large, who are utterly fascinated by what you have already demonstrated, you might unleash a catalyst that could propel your work faster by far than any current economy/government is prepared to accept. Just a thought- wish you the best. As always- will be following your work with anticipation.
“Over the coming years, millions of Indian households are set to buy new appliances, air conditioning units and vehicles. India will soon become the world’s most populous country, adding the equivalent of a city the size of Los Angeles to its urban population each year. To meet growth in electricity demand over the next twenty years, India will need to add a power system the size of the European Union to what it has now.” https://www.iea.org/reports/india-energy-outlook-2021.
Consider India for SKLep SSM technologies.
I would envision the remote villages being local hubs of providing electrical power, through the existing transmission systems, with the excess power flowing back into the major cities. This decentralized approach would help the remote communities, provide geographically diverse generation locations, and minimize impacts on the major cities.
Manuel Cilia:
We have organized an efficient manufacturing system integrated with the necessary outsourcing system, therefore we expect to be able to produce between half million and one million pcs per year, although, obviously, this issue must be experienced.
Warm Regards
Dear Dr Rossi
Once production starts what is your expected production rate going to be per year or per month
Thank you
1- yes
2- yes
Warm Regards,
Good morning Dr Rossi
1- On 100wSKLep SSM is there a Power ON/OFF LED that indicates the unit is working ?
2- When Leonardo will start to deliver the Ecat will it be possible to pay with different currencies (euro)?
Thank you : Mario
Ellen Ramcke:
The deliveries will start as explained in the per-order form in
and the order of the deliveries will respect the date priority,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You have an online demonstration of SKLep SSM technology producing 2W-4W of power that is driving an LED lamp that appears to be outputting 1W to 2W of optical power.
You are considering an SKLep SSM powered Electric Vehicle (EV) that will likely require power levels in the 10’s of kW regime.
I also note that you are reluctant to provide direct measurements on the output of the SKLep SSM unit. With this in mind, I suggest an intermediate demonstration:
Consider one SKLep SSM 100W unit, outputting 12VDC. It will drive an off-the-shelf DC/DC converter capable of outputting 100W of 12VDC isolated power. The load will be 4 each 6.8 Ohm 100W load resistors, wired in parallel, for an effective resistance presented to the DC/DC Converter of 1.7 Ohms. With the DC/DC Converter output of 12VDC, the resistor assembly would dissipate a total of 84W of power. Place a power meter (displays DC Voltage, DC Amperage, DC power, and accumulated energy) between the DC/DC Converter and the resistive load. Present this on the internet as you did with the LED lamp demonstration.
This is the “Goldilocks” solution – not too little power, but not too much power. Measure the weight and volume of the SKLep SSM unit and the DC/DC Converter. Display that information. Run it long enough to dispel a chemical source of power.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
would it be possible to give priority to small users for the delivery of ecats? I think it’s in ours interest to spread the distribution of this technology as widely as possible. Once the technology is widespreaded, it cannot be recalled by anyone. When the really big ones get their turn, the technology is only in the hands of a few.
What do you think of it?
best regards
Jean Paul Renoir:
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
The Ecat SKLep SSM shown in the live streaming on Youtube and Twitch is approaching 100 days of uninterrupted operation 24/7
Beyond any possible doubt the self sustaining mode has been proved
Gene Quong:
Please find the pre-order form here:
Read carefully the conditions, fill up the form and follow there the instructions to send it.
You can also send the pre-order form as an attachment by email to
You will receive
Warm Regards,
Dear Gene Quong ,
Please be sure your contact information is correct:
Name: Gene Quong Correct
Address: 8** Brook*** Avenue Correct
City: ******** not correct Burnaby
State: British Columbia
Zip: V5B 4E6
Country: Canada
Phone: 1 – 778-389-2185
Shipping Address: Same
Order Summary
Order Date: 1/4/2022 Qty: 3 SKLep
Order Date: 4/16/2022 Qty: 1 SKLep
Order Date: 6/9/2023 Qty: 3 DC Submission: Quantity ($249 each)1 SKLep AC
Energy can be stored in dams. BC is very fortunate that most of its electricity is derived from hydro.
Other sources of continuous power are wave power., Tesla made experiments to tap into the magnetic
field of the earth, geothermal power is also excellent. Solar power and wind power are garbage because they are not continuous.
Another source of continuous power is Zero Point Energy which is everywhere because molecules vibrate. (Quantum Physics).
The eCat SKlep derives its energy from Zero Point Energy!!!!!!
I now have a oscilloscope, voltmeter, Geiger counter / EMF radiation detector. My inventory of inverters are 100 W, 200 W, and 500 W inverters -> Bestek
Google “Gene Quong”
Several days before
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
When will you inform us about date and location of the Ecat-EV test ?
Steven Nicholes Karels:
1. 240 V
2. Confidential
Warm Regards,
God permitting, yes,
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Can you confirm that the test with the EV will be made within the year 2023 ?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
For the SKLep SSM technology:
1. What is the highest voltage that your team has been able to generate from combinations of these modules?
2. What is the highest power that your team has been able to generate from these modules?
Very well so far. Our Team is focused mainly on it,
Warm Regards