United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Koppenhofer
    In future maybe
    Warm Regards

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Dr. Rossi: Is it possible you will be able to send us our E-Cats in a match box? (:

  • John C Evans

    Dear Andrea:

    I apologize if this has already been covered but do you expect the domestic E-CatQuarkX to respond to varying loads automatically? Or will the system require battery or power grid attachment to handle peak household loads?

    Thank You

    John C Evans

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations on your historical breakthrough success with the first ever commercial Cold Fusion power plant in the world! I look forward to hearing more about ABB and your tennis matches.

    God bless you!


  • Amos

    Dr Andrea Rossi
    Congratulations for the 353 days historic test

  • Gian Luca

    Dott. Rossi,

    guinea pig in conctac with IR only for 353 days? And the others 12 days?
    Play tennis or relax in the barn? EhEhEhEh…..:-)

  • Yuriy Isaev

    I dream of a world without oil!
    Yury Isayev,
    Tyumen, Russia.

  • Yuriy Isaev

    My wife cried when I read your post about the “guinea pig”. I think you are a great man for it that will save humanity.
    Yury Isayev,
    Tyumen, Russia.

  • Peter Metz

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Congratulations to you and your Team for the positive ERV report. I know you a driven man with a lot still to accomplish but I hope at some point you take some time for a victory lap. It will motivate you and allow the world to congratulate you.

    Peter Metz

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bruce Fast:
    Thank you for your passion.
    The dimensions of the E-Cat QuarkX will be described, as well as their conjugations, after the preliminar R&D test will have been completed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    The E-Cat QuarkX is also connected to the jet engines development.
    About safety: during the test our Team had devices to measure ionizing radiatons outside the E-Cats . We also had top level experts in ionizing radiations, experts who made thoroughly measurements. All the measurements made on the matter did not find ionizing radiations with values above the values of the background.
    We also used a guinea pig that remained in close contact with the reactors for 16 – 18 hours per day, for 353 days straight: it was a slim animal, very nervous, definitely not an easy subject to interact with: his name is Andrea Rossi. Still alive, healthy , plays tennis ( not very well, though ).
    Warm Regards,

  • Bruce Fast

    Eng. Rossi,
    We are all waiting with bated breath for your technology to be released, and for the world to know that the energy revolution is here.

    You describe the QuarkX as “like a pencil”. Does that mean it is about 1/4 inch diameter and about 8 inches long? Does it require cumbersome control equipment, or shielding? Or could it be made small enough to fit into a cell phone? How easy would it be to adapt it to fit into a laptop computer and power it? Having LENR take over powering small devices like this is as revolutionary as being able to provide grid power.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion.
    Warm Regards

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    Has your company looked into obtaining some sort of insurance? Some of your customers may require it before installation or purchase. With the ERV and all the previous test results of the devices, you should be able to obtain a relatively inexpensive policy.
    Assurance regards.

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea,

    I understand that the Warship is heading away from the expected tsunami of mud.
    On the other hand, the Submarines of the competition may also have trouble with mud. Even more deadly: they can be taken down unnoticed.
    Jets are the better option. For many reasons. Are you still working on that ? Or has the industrialization highest priority now ?
    About safety: during the 352 days of test have been measured the ionizing radiations outside the E-Cats ?
    Kind Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Koppenhofer:
    I am not able to answer, but we are working hard on the issue related to the safety certification of the domestic E-Cat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Patrick Ellul:
    The publication of the report needs the agreement of all the parties involved. We’ll work on it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Patrick Ellul

    Dear Andrea,
    Question: does the client of the 1MW plant have a say whether the report can be published? Can the client’s name just be redacted from the report if the client does not wish to become public?

    Best regards,

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Dr. Rossi: Is there anything in the report that will complicate certification of E-Cat for domestic use? If no, will the report speed up certification of domestic E-Cat?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gian Luca:
    Thanks to you for your continue attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Lars Lindberg:
    We will give information related to the E-Cat QuarkX when we will have completed the preliminar phase of R&D.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rick 57:
    Thank you for your proposal.
    We’ll take it in due consideration when we’ll start to operate in Italy.
    Warm Regards,

  • Rick 57

    Dear Andrea,

    first of all, congratulation to You and all your Team for the positive results of the ERV report (F9 = OK)!

    I would like to invest my energies in the E-Cat QuarX (can we call it briefly in this way ?) organizing and managing the distribution and support network in Italy.

    Is there any means to apply for that ?

    Thanks a lot and never give up (lavolale, lavolale, …) !!!


  • Lars Lindberg

    How much power will the small E-CatQuarkX produce?
    How much power will it consume?
    How much fuel will it consume per year?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Yes, in longer times.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gian luca

    Dear Andrea,
    Evolutions of words follow the Evolutions of Technology. …ergo….It is natural that LENR/ECAT/ROSSI & THE DREAM TEAM discover a new
    Term…..revolution is Now.
    Grazie di tutto….in particolare per l’attenzione che ci dedica rispondendo alle nostre domande.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Lars Lindberg:
    Very small, like a pencil, assembled in combination with “n” others.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the interesting links.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gian Luca:
    Very exhaustive, very good.
    We also agreed upon a series of courses to make our employees “robotagers”: here is a new vocabule, popped up after your question ! I’m not sure it will sneak into any vocabulary, though.
    Warm Regards,

  • Paul



    It is time to reveal the E-Cat is not a Pink Elephant, to be ignored; nor is it a Rough Elephant that will wreak havoc; but one of the World Elephants that will support humanity.


  • Gian Luca

    Carissimo Andrea
    How was the meeting with ABB?

  • Giorgio

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    Perhaps your Readers can be interested to the following links.
    The first one is the 2nd part of the documentary upon Nikolai Tesla made by Vessela Nikolova and Salvo Mandarà; the second one is the interview of Vessela Nikolova to Prof Teodorani also related to the LENR.
    1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8yeEf_mSwh8
    2) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T168zwvHegk

  • Lars Lindberg

    In what sizes will the E-CatQuarkX be sold to industries?
    Have you decided the size for one for domestic use?

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Could you have proceeded for the industrialization without receiving the Report?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yrka Isaev:
    Thank you for your concern: we are professionals, know what to do on this issue.
    Thank you for your attention too.
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi, “…the job has been started….”, finally, after a lot of hard work physical and mental.

    If I may ask, which type of E-Cat will be produced in the robitized plant?

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Yrka Isaev

    Dear Mr. Andrea Rossi. Very concerned about his health. Light and electric power is more dangerous load. Take care of yourself. You must be a triumph! I look forward to a report asap and a conference in June. Full of hope. Long ago I left a request to purchase the E-Cat. I look forward to announcing your preferences on the possible participation in the financing for your old aficionados and popularizers.
    Yury Isayev,
    Tyumen, Russia.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Lars Lindberg:
    It is the same thing.
    Yes, waiting for the necessary certification for domestic use, they will be initially only for industrial utilization. But I am not very pessimistic about the certification on course for the domestic use, sincerely.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ron Stringer:
    You did not cause any costernation, I just forgot to answer to your second question, related to a different situation, but eventually I answered to it too.
    No problem at all.
    About the question you are posting now: honestly, I am not able to answer, I must ask to experts.
    Thank you for yur kind words,
    Warm Regards,

  • Lars Lindberg

    What do you start to massproduce?
    Will it be used only for industries?

  • Ron Stringer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Sorry to have caused such consternation with my last question regarding the possible colours of light a quarkx might emit.
    Let me ask a different question, please. You currently have certifications for industrial uses of your inventions. You also had the intriguing image of a network of e-cat light standards, which supplied light, heat and electricity to user’s homes. Do you conceive of that as an industrial system? If the system were run as a utility company, perhaps?
    Again, congratulations on the new report!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Very well, the job has been started.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    As I always said, all the existing energy sources will be integrated in a complex system.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sure: the meeting with ABB has been made this morning and has been the start up.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- I will give the description of her when the preliminar R&D phase will have been completed
    2- I cannot answer in positive or in negative to this question
    Thank you for your kind words,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Andreas Moraitis:
    It is still soon to talk of IPO. We will make no IPOS until the E-Cats will be distributed massively in the market. Now we have to think to work, work, work to set up a solid good, industry: industries with papers are good; papers without industries are like Easter eggs: you never know what is inside and most of times you get disappointed.
    Thank you for your suggestion, though!
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea:

    First, my very hearty congratulations. This is wonderful news.

    Second, regarding Gerard McEk’s concern about the disruption of energy markets, when he said:

    Gerard McEk
    March 29, 2016 at 12:29 PM

    ” ….. the E-cat will be extremely competing when compared to other energy sources. This will disturb the energy market, especially when you start mass producing them. I am sure that you must have considered this disturbance, but you obviously do not think it may be disruptive for the whole market, or do you? Have you never been asked to do this gradually?”

    I believe the total amount of energy currently being generated world-wide from all sources, including oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear and all the others is so huge that, even at the fastest imaginable rate of production of E-cat devices, the transition must inevitably be gradual because a positively huge number of E-cat units will be required to make an appreciable dent on total energy usage from current sources. Companies in the fossil fuels industry will have many years to adjust to the new reality. In my opinion it may be ten years before your technology achieves substantial market penetration, simply because of the sheer enormity of the energy market.

    Very hearty regards,

    Rodney Nicholson.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Irina Uzikova:
    Thank you: I remember your attendance to our 1 MW plant presentation in the Autumn of 2011, on behalf of the Science Academy of Moscow; since then you and your father , Dr Vitaly Uzikov, always honoured us of your continuous attention. I hope we’l end up to work together. Your father is a well known nuclear physic expert of nuclear plant in Russia and you followed his tracks as a nuclear physicist. You come fom the prestigious Russian school of Nuclear Physics: I am sure we have to learn from you both.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    All our products for industrial use are certified or in phase of fast certification. The problem is not intrinsic of a product, is related to the destination: the same object if destined to an industry where certified operators are controlling the apparatus poses certain problems, easy to be resolved; the same product destined to unskilled persons poses strong issues of concern.
    Thank you for your kind words,
    Warm Regards,

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