United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,813 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Srajer:
    Aether has nothing to do with the theoretical theories explained in
    The Casimir and Coulomb forces have nothing to do either: please see paragraph 1 of this publication,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Šrajer

    Your theoretical work is highly professional and difficult to understand for an electrical engineer like myself.
    Nevertheless, future development can be built on it. For example, the description of the Casimir force and Coulomb force raise the question of where the E-cat energy comes from. What if this energy is drawn from the aether? Perhaps dark matter and dark energy also come from the aether. True, Einstein’s theory and the Michels-Morley experiment did not prove the aether. However, when the research of your theory develops, then we can expect interesting discoveries.
    All the best J.Š

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jolanda Debussy:
    See the paragraph 4 and the Nelson patent in the references of the publication you cited: these are the most contingent parts to the vacuum utilization,
    Warm regards,

  • Jolanda Debussy

    Dr Rossi,
    Which is the part of the paper
    wherein we can better understand the vacuum issue related to the Ecat SK ?
    Thank you if you can answer,

  • Alexw

    @diegot – It’s a really simple calculation actually, for the example of a 1kW ECAT being run continuously:

    Annual electricity output = 24×365 = 8760kWh
    In the UK electricity costs the equivalent of 30 cents per kWh, which is $2628 a year payback on a purchase cost of $2500.

    For domestic use it is optimistic you are correct, but not for a power plant supplying base load to the grid. Now of course there will be other costs involved, inverters for example to supply the required output. This would in part be cancelled out by bulk order discount for a large ECAT plant.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Casbon:
    You could only if they have a BMS, otherwise it is very dangerous: in the doubt, just don’t do it: the batteries without a Battery Management System, if overcharged, can explode.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mike Casbon:
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • diegot

    please can you explain your mortage calculation, it seams to me too optimistic

  • I just placed a pre-order for a 10 W dc ecat. Congratulations on your progress, my prayers are with you!

  • I just placed a pre-order for a 10 W dc ecat. I have no idea what to do with it, but I have followed you for years and would like to own a piece of history. Can I recharge small batteries with it without blowing them up?

  • Andrea Rossi

    The price and delivery conditions of the Ecat are defined here:
    and it is the same at which the pre-orders have been signed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank

    A single blast furnace in the steel industry requires 10-100 MW, depending on its size. So these are not values in the order of magnitude of GW.
    The advantage of the ecat is precisely that it can be used decentrally and does not require a regional power grid. In Germany, the electricity grid fee alone costs around 10 ct/kwh plus 19% VAT. 11 years without maintenance would be an extraordinarily good value.
    Best regards

  • Alexw

    Based on the current electricity costs in the UK the ECAT would pay for itself within a year if you were to use the entire electricity output. The next 10 years would just be free electricity, so doesn’t seem too bad to me if it works as advertised. Andrea has also stated that the ECAT can be refurbished with active material for a third of the original cost, at the end if its operational life. This would shorten the payback further.

    @Andrea – Obviously the first orders you will be recouping the significant R&D costs that have been put into the ECAT with the price sold, rightly so if the ECAT delivers as promised. Are you able to estimate how much scope there is for the price to fall long term? For example do you think a cost below $1000 per kW would be possible based on material and manufacturing costs? At these sort of prices we could start thinking about fully ECAT powered EVs with infinite range at motorway speeds! An exciting prospect

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Wilfried

    Dear Andrea,

    May I ask whether you are also working on large E-Cats with higher performance and longer service life, or are at least thinking about it?
    For large power plants in the multi-gigawatt range, the assembly of 10 watt units and a service life of “only” eleven years would possibly be too expensive.

    Best Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    The heat dissipation of the Ecat is very low, as most of the energy is turned into electricity, maybe 10/30 kWh/MWh
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • WaltC

    Dr. Rossi,

    Computer and AI Server farms are demanding more and more clean/green, uninterruptable power, beyond what the national grid can offer. Microsoft is addressing the problem by having one of the Three Mile Island reactors reactivated. Others are utilizing Energy Server Farms (do a Bing/Google image search of “Energy Server” to see some pictures). Notably, the Energy Server farms are outdoors to deal with waste heat, and possible combustion pollutants.

    Question: I know the ECat is clean & green– no CO2 byproducts– can you say: how much waste-heat would a 1 megawatt ECat-based Energy Server “box” produce if it were placed inside a large computer room? I realize the inverters, etc. would also produce waste-heat, but just the ECats themselves?

    I ask this question because the ability to collocate the ECat Energy Servers with the Compute/AI Servers could be a competitive advantage.

    Best Wishes,

  • Massimo

    Gentilissimo grazie anche per questi ulteriori chiarimenti. Deduco, correggimi per piacere, che l’ecat fornito da Rossi produceva corrente in continua, che, tramite un inverter l’hai trasformata in corrente alternata ed è stato in corrente alternata che l’ecat, tramite la tua “interfaccia” ha alimentato la batteria della e-up, la stufa elettrica e il trapano?
    La Twizzy invece è stata alimenta in corrente continua?
    Quale inverter, se puoi dirlo, hai usato?
    Grazie ancora

    Caro Andrea, sono circa 15 anni che ti seguo. Già, all’epoca, le parole dell’emerito prof Focardi e del rettore dell’Università di Bologna, se ben ricordo, avevano fugato in me ogni dubbio. Quello che ho osservato in questi anni, anche successivamente alla prova di Latina, è che tra i numerosi amici che ho cercato di coinvolgere tra i quali diversi ingegneri e tecnici, c’è stato un un inspiegabile disinteresse, al più, in un solo caso, uno scetticismo alimentato da “come mai in tutti questi anni non è uscito ancora nulla?”. Di fronte a queste reazioni rimango tuttora allibito, senza parole. All’interprete presente a Bologna, che aveva definito la tua tecnologia l’invenzione più importante degli ultimi cent’anni il prof. Neri ha correttamente osservato che la tua realizzazione (non so se chiamarla scoperta, invenzione…) è la più importante nella storia dell’umanità. É esattamente così.
    Non sono il primo a domandarmelo: A QUANDO IL NOBEL?
    Non sono d’accordo con te sul fatto che se la tua ricerca fosse open source “nessuno farebbe gli investimenti necessari senza una proprietà intellettuale che ne valga la pena”. Sono convinto che sarebbero nati come i funghi i laboratori di ricerca, peraltro ben sovvenzionati, pronti a dimostrare che la tua teoria è tutta fuffa. Ricordiamoci di Fleishmann e Pons…
    Ti auguro tanto bene

    While e-cat produced 3kW in Dc, you charged e-up in AC and Twizzy in DC? Did you used an inverter? Con you tell us the brand?
    Dear Andrea, is incredible the indifference among my friends about your discover. I think the protection of your idea has been an important protection from invidious people and great interests.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Claus B.:
    1- to be tested
    2- no
    3- yes
    4- The AI of the Ecat menages only the Ecat Functions, powers the load demand, switches off the Ecat if there is no load, switches off if the energy demanded by the load is above the power of the Ecat
    5- 6 kW
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Dr. Rossi,

    following application:
    an inverter
    To supply a house with electricity.

    1) If Batteries have integrated Energy Management System (EMS) could they be easiely charged by E-Cat Cells (100W, 200W or 500W, 12V) if the E-Cats are parallel to the Battery?

    2) If the batteries (with BMS) are connected in series (may 36V or 72V in total) will they also be charged perfect with 3 x E-Cat or 6 x E-Cats in series?

    3) or do we need an extra DC Charger for the batteries, which knows about the charging curve of the batteries?

    4) What does the intelligence of the E-Cat in Detail do? Does it detect a batterie? does it switch of if no power is needed? does it shut down, if power is higher than 1kW (5kW, 10kW)?

    5) What would you recommend to support a house with 6kW peak and 60kWh per day?

    G Claus

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Volpe Emilio,
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm Regards,

  • LarryG

    Dear Steven Nicholes Karels
    Re United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1 « Journal of Nuclear Physics

    Please see my post United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1 « Journal of Nuclear Physics.

    I found my old post by using the search function at Rossi Blog Reader
    Note that in my browser at least, to search over long periods of time of posts one has to page down many times to get more posts loaded for the search to find them.

    IMO optimum us of the NGU for hybrid hydro power is to never shut it down, always have the NGU operational…either supplying power to the grid or pumping water back to the reservoir.
    Regards, DrLG

  • Volpe Emilio

    Dear Rossi
    You have published several characteristics (the basic ones) of your ECAT but many others (not always secondary) are still unknown.”
    In a widespread marketing these characteristics that I call “secondary” become important for many sectors and can be conditioning for a greater or lesser success of these devices. At the very least, some maximum values must be provided. I will mention only a few for brevity. I hope however that the discussion (at least up to a certain limit) will be broadened and deepened before the commercial launch of the ECAT to avoid an infinite number of disputes due to ignorance, wrong expectations and also bad faith and destructive interests. In the devices already in use these data are known or at least available even if they are often not explicitly mentioned.
    1) Fixed voltage at 12 V
    What precision do 12 V have and how does this voltage vary with the load, temperature, disturbances, aging etc. … The same applies to the maximum power supplied or maximum current supplied. How does stopping or starting or restarting occur?
    2) But how much is the superimposed ripple, what frequency does it have and what amplitude and how does it vary with the load, temperature, disturbances, aging, etc.
    3) Grounding. Is it necessary? How should it be done and what impedance should it have? If it is disconnected or not there, what happens?
    4) What is the effect and limits of external disturbances on the ECAT: electromagnetic disturbances, acoustic disturbances, radiation of various types? Shocks, Humidity—Water—Rain—Hail—snow? and movements during use? What is the effect of external pressure? What pressures are allowed?
    5) What is the effect of position and movements during transport or use?
    6) What are the temperature variations during use. What are the possible ambient temperatures for the ECAT and how do these affect the operation of the ECAT and its lifespan?
    7) What are the maximum and minimum capacitive, inductive and resistive loads that the ECAT can accept? Please note that even a simple connection cable has its own capacity – inductance and resistance. It is in some cases important to also know how the ECAT is seen by an external device connected to it (capacity – inductance and resistance)
    8) Are the ECAT connections protected from external overvoltages and up to what value?
    9) It has been said that the ECAT has a guaranteed continuous working life of 100,000 hours or almost 12 years. This is absurd for a commercial device that would require special construction techniques and very high costs normal only for special sectors such as space or military. A commercial device normally has 2-3 years of guaranteed life, rarely a few years more. Then you can make it work even for 100 years but with the necessary maintenance and with the necessary replacements of worn parts. Therefore why not rely on a simpler and more realistic strategy. OK for 100,000 hours of life but with any maintenance and assistance if necessary.

  • Gian Luca

    I’m Sorry, I always forget to translate

    I think anyone who didn’t understand it before, and had to wait for this statement of yours, didn’t think enough and wrote posts
    with the sole intent, for the umpteenth time, of sowing distrust among the public.
    You did an excellent job and I think, as an electronics/electrical engineer, I would have done the same thing. In the additional tests that you were able
    to do with the permission of A.R. you did what everyone would have wanted to experiment out of curiosity.
    Given the complexity of BEV management I would say that everything below is simple and achievable.
    Perhaps the only question mark remains…….If the E-cat NGU also works in the absence of gravity! :-))
    Thanks for everything and…..how envious!!!!!

  • Jan

    Dr Rossi,
    I saw the updated datasheets on http://www.ecat.com.
    I appreciated them, at last we have all the information necessary for the non specialist, normal clients.
    All the best,

  • Gian Luca


    chi non lo ha capito prima, e ha dovuto aspettare questa tua dichiarazione, penso non abbia pensato abbastanza e abbia scritto post
    con il solo intento, per l’ennesima volta, di seminare diffidenza nel pubblico.
    Hai fatto un lavoro egregio e penso, da elettronico/elettrotecnico, che avrei fatto la stessa cosa. Nelle prove supplementari che hai potuto
    fare per concessione di A.R. hai fatto quello che tutti avrebbero voluto sperimentare per sola curiosità.
    Vista la complessità della gestione BEV direi che tutto quanto sta sotto è semplice e realizzabile.
    Forse l’unico punto di domanda resta…….Se l’E-cat NGU funziona anche in assenza di gravità! :-))
    Grazie di tutto e…..che invidia!!!!!

  • Maico

    Dear Readers

    If you don’t mind, I would like to take advantage of your blog to respond to one of the main observations that have been made to me both on this and other blogs

    And to be precise, the question was this:

    Why did I mention “only now” the additional tests carried out in my garage on September 6, 2024?

    The answer is very simple, on September 6-7 Dr. Rossi and I met to “certify”, with “practical” tests, that the demonstration that Dr. Rossi had planned in the Sagitario Circuit of Latina on September 27 was “feasible” with 1000% certainty ;).
    The tests that were done on September 6-7 to obtain this “guarantee” have been in the “public domain” for a long time and therefore I will not dwell on it further.

    The Demonstration of September 27 was the sole and only objective of that meeting.
    We wanted to verify that the E-Cat and my electronics to integrate it into the Twizy, were able to recharge the battery of my Twizy while moving, make it travel about 3 times its WLTP “autonomy” and at the end of the demonstration (the demonstration was interrupted because it would soon get dark and the track is not approved for night races, otherwise the Twizy could have continued to “run” indefinitely!!!) provide evidence that the battery SoC was higher than the starting one!!!

    I knew that the additional tests, which Dr. Rossi very kindly allowed me to do on September 6th (but I would only find out on the 6th if I could actually do them), due to lack of time, would NOT be officially documented (Dr. Rossi did not even know that I would ask him to do those tests) while the Latina Demonstration, in addition to being filmed in its entirety, would be followed by a competent audience, and would provide “irrefutable” objective data.

    What was demonstrated in Latina is something “amazing”, the integration of the E-Cat in the Twizy, in my opinion can easily be considered a pre-production prototype, as both the “control” and safety automatisms that I introduced in my electronics are much more than “experimental”…. I created them with the aim of “achieving” a “scalable” basic architecture applicable to any BEV since in the end, simplifying the discussion a lot”, they are “all the same” !!!!

    The problem of charging the Battery of a BEV Vehicle in motion in DC, thanks to the FANTASTIC E-Cat NGU of Dr. Rossi I had solved it 😉 (or rather on September 6th I did not know it yet I would have understood it in those 2 days that I had solved it), I just had to be able to also have the certainty that the E-Cat in addition to working “perfectly in DC” (for further checks I used the “resistive” load that you saw in the photo) was able to correctly drive an inverter and thanks to that drive both inductive and resistive loads and why NOT, also recharge in AC the Battery of a BEV Vehicle thanks to its internal OBC.

    What can I say: The E-Cat definitely does ALL this!!!! and I can say this because what I “set up and built” worked perfectly (I won’t go into the merits but I had to overcome NOT a few challenges, not dependent on the E-Cat, but in the end I came out the winner, or rather the E-Cat came out the winner!!!)

    I understand that for many, as it was for me, tests of this type are very important (and I can assure you that they all gave positive results, as I described in my report), but I remember that the meeting on 6-7 September in Genoa with Dr. Rossi had another purpose, and the conclusion of those tests was that:

    on 27 September 2024 Dr. Rossi made History!!!,

    a little help, I don’t deny that I gave it to him too… but without his E-Cat NGU never a Twizy, and specifically my Twizy could have traveled 201 km without ever stopping and concluding the demonstration with the highest Battery SoC of that of the departure.

    As Dr. Rossi has already said, I made him a promise, when I decide NOT to use my Twizy anymore, I just have to tell him and He will immediately buy it to include it in his Museum, a museum that he has already started to set up as I understand it 😉

    Here then is the reason why I spoke about the additional tests that I carried out on September 6th only now….. compared to the demonstration of September 27th they are much, much “less important”, but it was absolutely necessary to let you know about them and let you know the “outcomes” of the same: All positive!!!

    “History” was made on September 27th, nothing of that demonstration, by Dr. Rossi was left to chance, everything was done to have objective and irrefutable data.

    I hope I have been exhaustive enough in my response to the observation that you have made in several blogs.


    Ciao Maico

  • Andrea Rossi

    You made a good job and studied seriously the publication, this is a fact.
    I will contact you privately,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Not yet, but we are close to an agreement that will accelerate the process,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Because nobody would make the necessary investments without an intellectual property worth of them,
    Warm Regards,

  • Red

    Why don’t you open source your technology ?

  • Anonymous

    Dr Rossi
    Can you update us about when the deliveries will start ?

  • Daniel G. Zavela

    @Maico Marzocchi
    I have questions for as regards his successful “adaptation electronics” used to connect the 3kw E-Cat electric generator to the Renault Twizzy and to the Volkswagen E-Up.
    What is the best way to contact Mr. Marzocchi?

    Thank you for your assistance with my contact request.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Joseph

    Dr Rossi
    I watched the video of the Latina race and the following press conference: your team made a masterpiece,

  • Ambrogio

    Dr Rossi,
    Why didn’t you publish my comment ?
    I just wanted to inform you that reading the publication
    I replicated in full your Experimental Setup of paragraph 6 and the E-Cat SK performance reported in paragraph 7, and I explained the particulars !

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jan Hofer:
    Thank you for your kind wishes !
    Warm Regards,

  • Jan Hofer

    Dr Rossi,
    Congratulations for the test of Latina: I followed on youtube the 6 hours entire race and have been impressed; quite interesting also the press conference’s video.
    All the best,
    Jan Hofer

  • Steven Nicholes Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You responded to my post of a suggestion of using excess NGU provided power to pump water to the higher side of an hydroelectric equipped dam to accommodate peak power demands with “The Ecat supplies the energy drawn from the loads”

    1. Your post “The Ecat supplies the energy drawn from the loads” is factually incorrect. The Ecat does not supply the power drawn from the loads. The NGU would provide power to the loads as the loads require it within the limits of the NGU.
    2. At current pricing level of $2.50USD per Watt, the NGU is too expensive for peak power, which only occurs a few hours a day, if at all depending on the season.
    3. I suggest the NGU technology makes economic sense for average, or so-called BaseLoad, applications.
    4. If the NGU supplies all the average power, then, by definition, it would undersupply the excess power during peak loads and have additional available power during the off-peak power valleys.
    5. The use of pumping water to a higher storage location during times of “valley times” of excess power production and generating power to supplement the NGU power during peak demand times was suggested.

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- it is fixed
    2- the current varies depending on the power of the load, being fixed the Voltage,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    One is enough.
    Thank you for your support,
    Warm Regards,

  • Mario

    Dear Andrea
    I would like to power a fridge that draws about 80 W from the mains. My question is: is one E-Cat 100 W AC connected directly enough or will I need to use a power bank or buy more 100 W generators.

    I am impressed with the Twizzy car show
    Best regards

  • @ Klas

    Thank you Klas !
    I wait now for the E-Cat and I will ask my certified contractor to think about it.
    I have Solar Edge as photovoltaic panels with optimisers on each pannel. I think it will do it.

  • AlexW

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    I wonder if you are able to reveal any details about the current-voltage characteristics of the ECAT. The datasheet states 1-12V for a 100W unit, so a max current of 8.3A.
    1) Can the voltage be manually adjusted or is it fixed by the way the smaller units are wired?
    2) Can you say in a general sense how the current varies with the voltage? Are they directly proportional, or something more exotic like a solar cell for example?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven Nicholes Karels:
    The Ecat supplies the energy drawn from the loads
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It depends on the specific situations,
    Warm Regards,

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