Dear Dr. Rossi,
Thank you for the clarification about the start-up battery. Is it correctly understood that the battery is build-in into the NGU so there is no need for an external battery? This is wonderful. Congratulation to this fantastic development which pins that the NGU is a true SSM device. I believe this is the first SSM device ever made by man. This is history making!
Kind regards,
Calle H
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Following your reply that the NGU needs starting power for a few seconds there may be need for more information about this start-up power. The start-up is important information to us who are designing applications with the NGU. In the data sheet the NGU is said to be SSM which could be correct to say if you once for all switch on the NGU. But if you have periods to where you need to switch on and off, then SSM operation may be misleading. Further, does switching on and off have impact on the NGU lifetime? Thank you if you can clarify this.
Kind regards,
Calle H
No, you can buy at the same price only the same worth you pre-ordered; obviously you can add anything you want at the new price, or you are free to cancel your pre-order.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea
I see that there are now different terms used for your invention.
I would like to propose that a new designation is now created.
ZPE – this must be graphically designed in an “energetic” way and registered as a trademark.
There should also be two explanatory lines here:
This is because the device is a converter that performs this and no energy catalyst.
By this you can consolidate the product as the now partially known term ZPE.
E-Cat, NGU and others were to be regarded as preliminary work designations.
(Kittens and chickens with or without golden eggs do not denote this product.)
There is an explanation for the fact that engines in their time were given the designation HP.
We now stand in front: 10W-ZPE, 100W-ZPE, 1Kw-ZPE and further and 1MW-ZPE. + serial no.
As changes come, the individuals will receive a new series no.
We can then refer to the units in a reasonable way. Public explanations of the phenomenon will probably have to be worked on for a while before the right way is available.
Dear Rossi,
in 14/4/2021! I have ordered 6 ecat skLED. Since then Leonardo’s offering has change a lot and until now I have not modified the order because you have written that we can change the order with no problem. When the production start I will change the order in 1 or 2 ecat NGU of 1kW of power. Will I pay 2500 € for 1 kW?
I miei migliori auguri.
Thank you.
Yet another eCat NGU Application – CO2 Atmospheric Reduction by Direct Air Capture (DAC)
“This technology works by drawing air into a facility using a series of large fans. The air comes in contact with a chemical solution that binds to the CO2 molecules. The CO2-rich solution is then processed through a series of reactions that separate, purify and compress the CO2. The resulting CO2 can then be permanently stored or used as a feedstock for other products.”
Use eCat NGU technology for powering the DAC fans to bring in air. This would be a continuous process (24 x 7).
No carbon emissions to generate the power to bring the air and constant power demand – ideal for NGU power generation.
Koen Vandewalle:
1- do not worry, when we will be ready to deliver we will contact all the senders of the pre-orders to propose them to turn it into a regular order.
2- I understand, but the Ecat is not a lamp.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
In the first days that pre-orders were possible, we could download a standard form, fill it in manually and sign it and send it back scanned.
At later dates, the order confirmation was automatic.
Between then and now, there have been upgrades to the Thunderbird mail application, which means that I no longer have access to the emails that were sent then. This is due to the switch from standard POP3 mail (local storage) to IMAP (storage at the provider). Were those pre-orders also registered with your team, or do I have to look for a possible backup of this email myself?
I have not paid much attention to the distinction all this time, but now that the conditions are changing, it seems relevant to me.
That said: in the DIY market (Brico-Plan-It) we easily pay €23 for a dimmable LED lamp of 10 Watt (+/- 2000 lumens) that should last 50,000 hours. A price of €350 for 100 Watts of inexhaustible energy sources still seems very much in line with the market. I think a higher price will also moderate the disruptive nature of the technology.
Dear Andrea, do you think that your discovery, as outcome of many years of research and testing, is the final step in this new energy world or much has to come yet ?
My best wishes for a fruitful 2025.
Dear AR
I am delighted at the thought of mass production of your ecat. I cannot find any mention of the 10W unit on your partner’s web site – I can understand that these would have very limited demand, and so will not be part of the mass production. I, like many others, have pre-ordered these small units; can I ask that you set up a separate small production line for the 10W units, so that we can have our ‘toys’ very soon?
Greg Leonard
You put an important question: I confirm that the Clients will be free to decrease the number of modules bought without any change of the original price per piece, as well as they are free to cancel anytime the preorders at all without paying any penalty.
Warm Regards,
in Italia il costo di 10 cent al KW era prima della guerra in Ucraina, dopo è arrivato anche a 40 centesimi.
Ora si è attestato intorno ai 20-25 centesimi ma è di nuovo in aumento.
Per non parlare delle tasse e degli oneri di sistema presenti in bolletta
In Italy the cost was 10 cents per KW before the war in Ukraine, after it even reached 40 cents.
Now it has settled at 20-25 cents but is increasing again.
Not to mention the taxes and system charges present in the bill
The top R&D priority for NASA is the development of a power system to be used in space. The NGU could be that system. If the partner can be persuaded to work with NASA to test the NGU against the other power system candidates, the NGU would certainly come out on top.
The partner can receive both a huge amount of R&D theory support and testing that would go a long way in introducing the Rossi effect to science. The partner could impose a NDA on NASA to protect its IP, yet a lot of research can be supported without violating IP rights.
The NASA power systems that will be required in a few years are the systems for the moon installations, the Mars city proposed by Musk, the deep space power systems needed to get through the ice covers of the Jupiter and Saturn ice moons and power systems needed to explore the Kipper belt.
In the coming years, NASA will require advanced power systems for several ambitious space projects, particularly focusing on the Artemis program for lunar exploration and the eventual human mission to Mars. These power systems will need to be reliable, efficient, and capable of operating in harsh environments for extended durations.
Specifically, NASA is developing and researching power systems for:
1. Artemis Moon Missions:
The Artemis program aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon, requiring a robust and reliable power infrastructure for lunar outposts and exploration activities.
Fission Surface Power: NASA is developing fission surface power systems, which utilize nuclear fission to generate electricity, offering a reliable and long-lasting energy source for lunar habitats, scientific instruments, and other equipment.
Solar Power: Solar power will also play a role in lunar power systems, particularly for smaller-scale applications and supplementing fission power.
Nuclear Power Sources: Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) have been used in past missions and are being considered for future lunar missions, offering a compact and reliable power source for long-duration operations.
2. Mars Exploration:
As NASA prepares for human missions to Mars, the need for advanced power systems is even more crucial.
Nuclear Thermal Propulsion: Nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) is being investigated as a potential propulsion system for Mars missions, offering increased speed and payload capacity compared to chemical rockets.
Advanced Solar Power: NASA is also exploring advanced solar power technologies, such as solar sails and high-efficiency solar panels, to optimize power generation in the Martian environment.
3. Deep Space Exploration:
For missions beyond the Moon and Mars, advanced power systems will be essential for powering spacecraft and enabling long-duration exploration.
Radioisotope Power Systems: Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) are crucial for missions to distant planets and the outer solar system, providing reliable power for long durations without the need for sunlight.
Key Considerations for Future Power Systems:
Reliability and Durability:
Power systems for space missions must be highly reliable and able to withstand the harsh conditions of space, including extreme temperatures, radiation, and micro-meteoroid impacts.
Efficiency and Power Density:
Advanced power systems will need to be efficient and have high power density to minimize weight and maximize available power for missions.
Safety and Radiation Protection:
Power systems using nuclear technologies will require careful design and safety protocols to ensure the well-being of astronauts and the environment.
Long-Duration Operations:
Power systems for long-duration missions need to be able to operate reliably for extended periods, potentially spanning years or even decades.
Scalability and Adaptability:
Power systems need to be scalable and adaptable to accommodate various mission requirements, from small robotic probes to large-scale human habitats.
NASA’s Approach to Power System Development:
Advanced Space Power Systems (ASPS):
NASA’s ASPS program is developing advanced technologies for power generation, storage, and distribution for future space missions.
Nuclear Fission Power Systems:
NASA is actively pursuing the development of fission power systems for lunar and Martian missions, with the goal of demonstrating and deploying these systems in the coming years.
Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD):
NASA’s STMD is responsible for developing and maturing new technologies, including power systems, to support future space exploration goals.
NASA is collaborating with industry and research institutions to accelerate the development of advanced power systems for space exploration.
In summation, NASA is actively developing and researching advanced power systems to enable its ambitious space exploration goals, particularly for the Artemis program, Mars missions, and other deep space exploration initiatives. These power systems will need to be reliable, efficient, and capable of operating in challenging environments for extended durations, ensuring the success of future space missions.
The NGU could be the foundational component of a new type of space propulsion system that extracts energy from the vacuum and uses that limitless energy to drive a spacecraft through the vacuum of space.
The power to weight ratio of the NGU is unsurpassed and so is its availability. The NGU is the ideal power source for space. The NGU can have a huge impact on the designs of these upcoming space missions as well as the designs of future NASA spacecrafts. The advancement of mankind is surely served by this kind of space based cooperation. The amount of money saved to do space exploration correctly and efficiently will surely serve the interests of the humanitarian goals of the partner. Wasting money in govenment does not serve the interests of the needy.
Dear Dr. Rossi, one final clarification on pre-orders please.
If you have a pre-order in at the lower price, ie priority date earlier than Jan. 13, 2025, when it comes time to pay/finalize the order will it be OK to decrease the qty without any other changes and still keep the lower price ?
I am very sorry to inform you that Prof Christos Stremmenos has died years ago. He was a great Professor of Physics at the University of Bologna and I worked with him many times between the year 2011 and 2013, together with Prof Sergio Focardi. Great man,
Warmest Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
would it be possible to connect three 1 KW ecats to a 3 KW ecat (without a need for a specialist) using just plug and play cables, so that I can operate an electric boiler or washing machine, for example, if necessary?
Best regards
The Italian Prime Minister is in Abu Dhabi for the “Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week” to discuss a new energy interconnection and to produce green energy in Albania, with plans to export part of it to Italy via an undersea cable in the Adriatic Sea.
The world is moving forward, striving to increase energy production and availability with significant economic commitments, yet employing “traditional and outdated” methodologies.
They apparently do not know about you. Or, if they do, they ignore you because they do not believe in you.
Two parallel and separate worlds that do not communicate.
This is what I do not understand.
The demonstration in Latina helped you find an important partner, but it did not help you gain the recognition (which would have been rightfully deserved) from the rest of the world.
Your secrecy and the time required to begin commercialization (still this year for a hope of seeing something) make a potential turnaround in addressing the ills afflicting Earth and Humanity even more distant. Wars, famines, pollution, etc.
Ideally, it would have been best to make yourselves known effectively, publicly, convincingly, and scientifically.
You would have finally given the world hope and optimism while awaiting the arrival of the Revolution.
Hi Andre, is there an easy way for me to check how many units I ordered? I ordered some the very first day of availability and I think 10 kW worth overall it’s been several years now and I don’t quite remember. Is there a way to find out?
One additional question is, we’re getting closer to install time, will the larger units be available in AC output contained within, or do I need an inverter set up for some of the devices? I have two 200 amp services for my home.
Please allow me to list some recent advances in Cold Fusion research as follows:
The theory and method of cold fusion has been demonstrated by NASA in a process that they call Lattice Confinement fusion. This reaction does produce the expected radiation and neutrons that characterize the Fusion of the deuterium fusion reaction. Below is a video the describes both the theory and method used by NASA to generate fusion based neutrons that will be used to activate a hybrid fission reaction on power systems used in future deep space NASA missions. The very low power density of this cold fusion reaction requires that fission be used to generate the power density necessary for meaningful power generation.
Dr. Rossi does not depend on any sort of fusion reaction. His reaction creates and imbalance in the vacuum from which energy is extracted. He has suppressed the transmutation of elements that is inherent in this type of reaction. Transmutation has nothing to do with fusion and can be produced in systems that use neither hydrogen nor nickel.
The Lattice Confinement video is as follows:
Dave Dunlop:
Absolutely NOT !
To connect any electricity generator to the grid you need the authorization of the local grid provider and the connection must be made by a certified and authorized contractor expert of the matter. Attention: to make a “self serviced” connection is not only illegal, but can be deadly dangerous if the Voltage is higher than 24 V.
Warm Regards,
Absolutely not, for obvious reasons: the pre-orders can be modified anytime by the Clients, but while the modules pre-ordered before January 13th 2025 will conserve the original price, all the modules pre-ordered by the same client after that date will have the updated price; the Client, anyway, conserves the right to cancel his pre-order anytime, for any reason, without any penalty.
Warm Regards,
Just to be absolutely certain….any pre-order received prior to Jan. 13, 2025 will be honored at early/lower pre-order prices, even if you change the qty and mix of your order during the future order confirmation/pay/delivery process which will be after Jan. 13, 2025..
If I order a 3kW Ecat with an output of 240V AC and connect it to the grid, does the Ecat automatically synchronies with the grids at 60 Hertz, or is it better to use 12V DC and an inverter to convert it to 240V AC.
The pre-orders arrived before January 13 2025 will conserve the former price; the eventual pre-orders will have the new price.
The pre-orders can be modified anyway when we contact the Clients to make the delivery: obviously if they increase the quantity of modules , the new ordered ones will have the new price, while the modules pre-ordeered before January 13 2025 will conserve their original price; besides, the Clients will be free to cancel their pre-order without any penalty.
Yes, among the tasks of QLF there is also to support children with cancer where they need it.
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers,
3 kwh for 100.000 h is equal to 300.000 kwh … €. 30.000, being the price around 1 €./kwh 0,10. I buy an E-cat now for €. 10.500 and after 11 years … where do I make the mistake?
I’m impressed by the recent progression you make since the Latina test!
You always said we could still adjust the quantity during the order. I don’t remember how much I initially pre-ordered, I know now that I would want at least 5kW. If we want to order more NGUs, do we suddenly have to pay $350 instead of $250 per 100W?
Years ago you said you would support children with cancer, is that now a Quantum Legacy Foundation plan?
Would it be accurate to say the Quantum Legacy Foundation is one partner that will take care of the humanitarian activity in the context of a more complex partnership ?
About the “aircraft carrier” from your interview: is it bearing one fighter jet or mmore of them ? I mean, is the Partner a single company or a consortium of them ?
Courtesy A.R.
Will it be possible, by buying 2 NGU 1Kw, to get a 2Kw connection when needed? And so if I were to buy 2 NGU 3Kw, will it be possible to get (always when needed) a total output of 6Kw?
That is. Can the modules be connected to get variable power?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Thank you for the clarification about the start-up battery. Is it correctly understood that the battery is build-in into the NGU so there is no need for an external battery? This is wonderful. Congratulation to this fantastic development which pins that the NGU is a true SSM device. I believe this is the first SSM device ever made by man. This is history making!
Kind regards,
Calle H
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards,
Calle H:
The starting battery works for few seconds and it does not affect the lifespan of the Ecat.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Following your reply that the NGU needs starting power for a few seconds there may be need for more information about this start-up power. The start-up is important information to us who are designing applications with the NGU. In the data sheet the NGU is said to be SSM which could be correct to say if you once for all switch on the NGU. But if you have periods to where you need to switch on and off, then SSM operation may be misleading. Further, does switching on and off have impact on the NGU lifetime? Thank you if you can clarify this.
Kind regards,
Calle H
No, you can buy at the same price only the same worth you pre-ordered; obviously you can add anything you want at the new price, or you are free to cancel your pre-order.
Warm Regards,
Calle H:
Yes, for few seconds,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight and suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea
I see that there are now different terms used for your invention.
I would like to propose that a new designation is now created.
ZPE – this must be graphically designed in an “energetic” way and registered as a trademark.
There should also be two explanatory lines here:
This is because the device is a converter that performs this and no energy catalyst.
By this you can consolidate the product as the now partially known term ZPE.
E-Cat, NGU and others were to be regarded as preliminary work designations.
(Kittens and chickens with or without golden eggs do not denote this product.)
There is an explanation for the fact that engines in their time were given the designation HP.
We now stand in front: 10W-ZPE, 100W-ZPE, 1Kw-ZPE and further and 1MW-ZPE. + serial no.
As changes come, the individuals will receive a new series no.
We can then refer to the units in a reasonable way. Public explanations of the phenomenon will probably have to be worked on for a while before the right way is available.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Does the NGU require some kind of starting power (a battery or alike) to trigger power production?
Kind regards,
Calle H
Dear Rossi,
in 14/4/2021! I have ordered 6 ecat skLED. Since then Leonardo’s offering has change a lot and until now I have not modified the order because you have written that we can change the order with no problem. When the production start I will change the order in 1 or 2 ecat NGU of 1kW of power. Will I pay 2500 € for 1 kW?
I miei migliori auguri.
Thank you.
Steven Nicholes Karels:
Thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Yet another eCat NGU Application – CO2 Atmospheric Reduction by Direct Air Capture (DAC)
“This technology works by drawing air into a facility using a series of large fans. The air comes in contact with a chemical solution that binds to the CO2 molecules. The CO2-rich solution is then processed through a series of reactions that separate, purify and compress the CO2. The resulting CO2 can then be permanently stored or used as a feedstock for other products.”
Use eCat NGU technology for powering the DAC fans to bring in air. This would be a continuous process (24 x 7).
No carbon emissions to generate the power to bring the air and constant power demand – ideal for NGU power generation.
Koen Vandewalle:
1- do not worry, when we will be ready to deliver we will contact all the senders of the pre-orders to propose them to turn it into a regular order.
2- I understand, but the Ecat is not a lamp.
Warm Regards,
Jorn-Erik Ommang, Eng.:
Thank you for your support.
1- no
2- n.a.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Thank You again for providing us with this amazing energy technology that I know based on my own ZPE R&D is a funcional reality.
Some questions:
1.0 Is it possible to integrate the ECAT ZPE-technology in to phones at this stage?
2.0 If so, when do You plan to have a phone-ECAT-prototype finished?
Thank You.
All the Best,
Dear Andrea,
In the first days that pre-orders were possible, we could download a standard form, fill it in manually and sign it and send it back scanned.
At later dates, the order confirmation was automatic.
Between then and now, there have been upgrades to the Thunderbird mail application, which means that I no longer have access to the emails that were sent then. This is due to the switch from standard POP3 mail (local storage) to IMAP (storage at the provider). Were those pre-orders also registered with your team, or do I have to look for a possible backup of this email myself?
I have not paid much attention to the distinction all this time, but now that the conditions are changing, it seems relevant to me.
That said: in the DIY market (Brico-Plan-It) we easily pay €23 for a dimmable LED lamp of 10 Watt (+/- 2000 lumens) that should last 50,000 hours. A price of €350 for 100 Watts of inexhaustible energy sources still seems very much in line with the market. I think a higher price will also moderate the disruptive nature of the technology.
Kind regards,
The evolution will never end,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea, do you think that your discovery, as outcome of many years of research and testing, is the final step in this new energy world or much has to come yet ?
My best wishes for a fruitful 2025.
Greg Leonard:
Thank you for your support.
The 10 W too will be produced,
Warm Regards,
Dear AR
I am delighted at the thought of mass production of your ecat. I cannot find any mention of the 10W unit on your partner’s web site – I can understand that these would have very limited demand, and so will not be part of the mass production. I, like many others, have pre-ordered these small units; can I ask that you set up a separate small production line for the 10W units, so that we can have our ‘toys’ very soon?
Greg Leonard
You put an important question: I confirm that the Clients will be free to decrease the number of modules bought without any change of the original price per piece, as well as they are free to cancel anytime the preorders at all without paying any penalty.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
in Italia il costo di 10 cent al KW era prima della guerra in Ucraina, dopo è arrivato anche a 40 centesimi.
Ora si è attestato intorno ai 20-25 centesimi ma è di nuovo in aumento.
Per non parlare delle tasse e degli oneri di sistema presenti in bolletta
In Italy the cost was 10 cents per KW before the war in Ukraine, after it even reached 40 cents.
Now it has settled at 20-25 cents but is increasing again.
Not to mention the taxes and system charges present in the bill
The top R&D priority for NASA is the development of a power system to be used in space. The NGU could be that system. If the partner can be persuaded to work with NASA to test the NGU against the other power system candidates, the NGU would certainly come out on top.
The partner can receive both a huge amount of R&D theory support and testing that would go a long way in introducing the Rossi effect to science. The partner could impose a NDA on NASA to protect its IP, yet a lot of research can be supported without violating IP rights.
The NASA power systems that will be required in a few years are the systems for the moon installations, the Mars city proposed by Musk, the deep space power systems needed to get through the ice covers of the Jupiter and Saturn ice moons and power systems needed to explore the Kipper belt.
In the coming years, NASA will require advanced power systems for several ambitious space projects, particularly focusing on the Artemis program for lunar exploration and the eventual human mission to Mars. These power systems will need to be reliable, efficient, and capable of operating in harsh environments for extended durations.
Specifically, NASA is developing and researching power systems for:
1. Artemis Moon Missions:
The Artemis program aims to establish a sustainable human presence on the Moon, requiring a robust and reliable power infrastructure for lunar outposts and exploration activities.
Fission Surface Power: NASA is developing fission surface power systems, which utilize nuclear fission to generate electricity, offering a reliable and long-lasting energy source for lunar habitats, scientific instruments, and other equipment.
Solar Power: Solar power will also play a role in lunar power systems, particularly for smaller-scale applications and supplementing fission power.
Nuclear Power Sources: Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) have been used in past missions and are being considered for future lunar missions, offering a compact and reliable power source for long-duration operations.
2. Mars Exploration:
As NASA prepares for human missions to Mars, the need for advanced power systems is even more crucial.
Nuclear Thermal Propulsion: Nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) is being investigated as a potential propulsion system for Mars missions, offering increased speed and payload capacity compared to chemical rockets.
Advanced Solar Power: NASA is also exploring advanced solar power technologies, such as solar sails and high-efficiency solar panels, to optimize power generation in the Martian environment.
3. Deep Space Exploration:
For missions beyond the Moon and Mars, advanced power systems will be essential for powering spacecraft and enabling long-duration exploration.
Radioisotope Power Systems: Radioisotope power systems (RPSs) are crucial for missions to distant planets and the outer solar system, providing reliable power for long durations without the need for sunlight.
Key Considerations for Future Power Systems:
Reliability and Durability:
Power systems for space missions must be highly reliable and able to withstand the harsh conditions of space, including extreme temperatures, radiation, and micro-meteoroid impacts.
Efficiency and Power Density:
Advanced power systems will need to be efficient and have high power density to minimize weight and maximize available power for missions.
Safety and Radiation Protection:
Power systems using nuclear technologies will require careful design and safety protocols to ensure the well-being of astronauts and the environment.
Long-Duration Operations:
Power systems for long-duration missions need to be able to operate reliably for extended periods, potentially spanning years or even decades.
Scalability and Adaptability:
Power systems need to be scalable and adaptable to accommodate various mission requirements, from small robotic probes to large-scale human habitats.
NASA’s Approach to Power System Development:
Advanced Space Power Systems (ASPS):
NASA’s ASPS program is developing advanced technologies for power generation, storage, and distribution for future space missions.
Nuclear Fission Power Systems:
NASA is actively pursuing the development of fission power systems for lunar and Martian missions, with the goal of demonstrating and deploying these systems in the coming years.
Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD):
NASA’s STMD is responsible for developing and maturing new technologies, including power systems, to support future space exploration goals.
NASA is collaborating with industry and research institutions to accelerate the development of advanced power systems for space exploration.
In summation, NASA is actively developing and researching advanced power systems to enable its ambitious space exploration goals, particularly for the Artemis program, Mars missions, and other deep space exploration initiatives. These power systems will need to be reliable, efficient, and capable of operating in challenging environments for extended durations, ensuring the success of future space missions.
The NGU could be the foundational component of a new type of space propulsion system that extracts energy from the vacuum and uses that limitless energy to drive a spacecraft through the vacuum of space.
The power to weight ratio of the NGU is unsurpassed and so is its availability. The NGU is the ideal power source for space. The NGU can have a huge impact on the designs of these upcoming space missions as well as the designs of future NASA spacecrafts. The advancement of mankind is surely served by this kind of space based cooperation. The amount of money saved to do space exploration correctly and efficiently will surely serve the interests of the humanitarian goals of the partner. Wasting money in govenment does not serve the interests of the needy.
Dear Dr. Rossi, one final clarification on pre-orders please.
If you have a pre-order in at the lower price, ie priority date earlier than Jan. 13, 2025, when it comes time to pay/finalize the order will it be OK to decrease the qty without any other changes and still keep the lower price ?
Best Regards
Todd Burkett:
For this issue you must contact here:
Warm Regards,
I am very sorry to inform you that Prof Christos Stremmenos has died years ago. He was a great Professor of Physics at the University of Bologna and I worked with him many times between the year 2011 and 2013, together with Prof Sergio Focardi. Great man,
Warmest Regards,
Italo R.:
We need facts, not words. Words will come after the facts. Facts mean delivered itmes.
I don’t care politics.
Warm Regards,
If you have a peak power of 4 kW, you need a generator with a power of 4 kW,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
would it be possible to connect three 1 KW ecats to a 3 KW ecat (without a need for a specialist) using just plug and play cables, so that I can operate an electric boiler or washing machine, for example, if necessary?
Best regards
Dr. Rossi,
The Italian Prime Minister is in Abu Dhabi for the “Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week” to discuss a new energy interconnection and to produce green energy in Albania, with plans to export part of it to Italy via an undersea cable in the Adriatic Sea.
The world is moving forward, striving to increase energy production and availability with significant economic commitments, yet employing “traditional and outdated” methodologies.
They apparently do not know about you. Or, if they do, they ignore you because they do not believe in you.
Two parallel and separate worlds that do not communicate.
This is what I do not understand.
The demonstration in Latina helped you find an important partner, but it did not help you gain the recognition (which would have been rightfully deserved) from the rest of the world.
Your secrecy and the time required to begin commercialization (still this year for a hope of seeing something) make a potential turnaround in addressing the ills afflicting Earth and Humanity even more distant. Wars, famines, pollution, etc.
Ideally, it would have been best to make yourselves known effectively, publicly, convincingly, and scientifically.
You would have finally given the world hope and optimism while awaiting the arrival of the Revolution.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Hi Andre, is there an easy way for me to check how many units I ordered? I ordered some the very first day of availability and I think 10 kW worth overall it’s been several years now and I don’t quite remember. Is there a way to find out?
One additional question is, we’re getting closer to install time, will the larger units be available in AC output contained within, or do I need an inverter set up for some of the devices? I have two 200 amp services for my home.
@Christos Stremmenos
Please allow me to list some recent advances in Cold Fusion research as follows:
The theory and method of cold fusion has been demonstrated by NASA in a process that they call Lattice Confinement fusion. This reaction does produce the expected radiation and neutrons that characterize the Fusion of the deuterium fusion reaction. Below is a video the describes both the theory and method used by NASA to generate fusion based neutrons that will be used to activate a hybrid fission reaction on power systems used in future deep space NASA missions. The very low power density of this cold fusion reaction requires that fission be used to generate the power density necessary for meaningful power generation.
Dr. Rossi does not depend on any sort of fusion reaction. His reaction creates and imbalance in the vacuum from which energy is extracted. He has suppressed the transmutation of elements that is inherent in this type of reaction. Transmutation has nothing to do with fusion and can be produced in systems that use neither hydrogen nor nickel.
The Lattice Confinement video is as follows:
Dave Dunlop:
Absolutely NOT !
To connect any electricity generator to the grid you need the authorization of the local grid provider and the connection must be made by a certified and authorized contractor expert of the matter. Attention: to make a “self serviced” connection is not only illegal, but can be deadly dangerous if the Voltage is higher than 24 V.
Warm Regards,
Absolutely not, for obvious reasons: the pre-orders can be modified anytime by the Clients, but while the modules pre-ordered before January 13th 2025 will conserve the original price, all the modules pre-ordered by the same client after that date will have the updated price; the Client, anyway, conserves the right to cancel his pre-order anytime, for any reason, without any penalty.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi
Just to be absolutely certain….any pre-order received prior to Jan. 13, 2025 will be honored at early/lower pre-order prices, even if you change the qty and mix of your order during the future order confirmation/pay/delivery process which will be after Jan. 13, 2025..
Best Regards
If I order a 3kW Ecat with an output of 240V AC and connect it to the grid, does the Ecat automatically synchronies with the grids at 60 Hertz, or is it better to use 12V DC and an inverter to convert it to 240V AC.
The pre-orders arrived before January 13 2025 will conserve the former price; the eventual pre-orders will have the new price.
The pre-orders can be modified anyway when we contact the Clients to make the delivery: obviously if they increase the quantity of modules , the new ordered ones will have the new price, while the modules pre-ordeered before January 13 2025 will conserve their original price; besides, the Clients will be free to cancel their pre-order without any penalty.
Yes, among the tasks of QLF there is also to support children with cancer where they need it.
Warm Regards,
Dear Readers,
3 kwh for 100.000 h is equal to 300.000 kwh … €. 30.000, being the price around 1 €./kwh 0,10. I buy an E-cat now for €. 10.500 and after 11 years … where do I make the mistake?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I’m impressed by the recent progression you make since the Latina test!
You always said we could still adjust the quantity during the order. I don’t remember how much I initially pre-ordered, I know now that I would want at least 5kW. If we want to order more NGUs, do we suddenly have to pay $350 instead of $250 per 100W?
Years ago you said you would support children with cancer, is that now a Quantum Legacy Foundation plan?
With kind regards,
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Would it be accurate to say the Quantum Legacy Foundation is one partner that will take care of the humanitarian activity in the context of a more complex partnership ?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Roberto Ridolfi:
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Gian Luca:
Yes but always with the help of a certified contractor if the voltage is higher than 24 V,
Warm Regards,
Giuseppe Censorio:
A consortium,
Warm Regards,
About the “aircraft carrier” from your interview: is it bearing one fighter jet or mmore of them ? I mean, is the Partner a single company or a consortium of them ?
Courtesy A.R.
Will it be possible, by buying 2 NGU 1Kw, to get a 2Kw connection when needed? And so if I were to buy 2 NGU 3Kw, will it be possible to get (always when needed) a total output of 6Kw?
That is. Can the modules be connected to get variable power?
Dr Rossi,
Can you confirm that all the pre-orders made in the last years will be saved by the new Partner ?
Thomas R:
I repeat what I already I clearly said: the pre-orders received before January 13 2025 will conserve the price.
Warm Regards,