Even if the COP equals (or exceeds) ‘only’ the cube root of 758,327 ( or 91.191 ), that still would be a tremendous achievement.
Whatever the results are from the 350 day 1 MW test, do you think results from a similar test of the E-Cat QuarkX (or QX) would equal or exceed those of the E-CAT 1 MW system?
Gian Luca:
LENR will be integrated in a global system and, honestly, I do not think they will change anything regarding the global necessity to save energy.
Warm Regards,
Marco Serra:
The thrust in a jet is given by a fluid, in our case air or water.
About our robotized line, the manufacturing system will remaion absolutely confidential.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
We are making R&D principally to cook eggs. The thrust ( or crust, or rust, or Proust ) if for to make the eggs jump to avoid sticking.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Fully surprised I read you that are trying to develop some thrust with your QuarkX. The wonders of the apparatus seem to increase by the week.
Can you tell what made you think that it can develop thrust? Was it because:
1. You widnessed some movement or force.
2. The developing theory suggests this will happen
3. Is there any chance it will produce golden eggs as well? 😉
Thanks for keeping us up too dat with all these exciting developments!
Kind regards, Gerard
I’m not an expert in the field but I’d like to ask you if “propellantless thrust” means a way to get thrust without exploiting the third law of motion that is moving forward without throwing back any of material ?
If you can disclose something about the timeline of the agree with ABB ? When will ABB be able to complete robotized assembly line ? How many pieces per day (just an order of magnitude) will it be capable to produce ?
Dear A.R.
A little thing ….. the advent of LENR technology and ECAT not make it necessary to use the much annoying summer time ….. means specially for the little ones.
This is to mean that our customs and traditions will never be the same …..
Proust with 3000+ pages in his “report”, eh? ha ha ha …
More inspiring perhaps …
The congregator sought to find delightful words and to record accurate words of truth.
The words of the wise are like cattle prods, and their collected sayings are like firmly embedded nails; they have been given from one shepherd. As for anything besides these, my son, be warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.
The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. For the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.
You never bother: our Readers never bother me.
We are trying “directly from an E-Cat QuarkX”, but we are very green on this issue ( green, in this case, means “immature” ).
Warm Regards,
Hank Mills:
The description of the jet will be given when we will have a product able to work. In this case we have a really immature situation.
Warm Regards,
Clauba, Cory Badlam:
Thank you for your comment, Clauba, because you have corrected an error of mine: I just forgot to answer to Cory Badlam ! Please, Dear Readers, if you find some comment of yours published and not answered to, it is not because I wanted not to answer, but only because I missed to do it. I usually am careful to answer to every comment, but errors are possible, as in this case. Therefore, thanks Mr Clauba for allowing me to make up for this error of mine.
Ms Cory: sorry for my late, but please find hereunder the answer to your important question: important because it is opportune to explain what is an ERV.
The acronym ERV stays for ” Expert Responsible for Validation”. An ERV is hired from the counterparts of a contract usually, but not necessarily, related to a technological plant, with the duty to verify that the plant performances respect the descriptions and the guarantees written in the contract signed by the parties. The parties normally are the vendor and the buyer, but other parties can be involved. The ERV must be paid in equal parts from all the parties, so that he is independent from each of them respect the others.
Let me give you an example ( I cannot talk of our specific contract, because I am under NDA, but I can make an example absolutely similar in principle ): assume you have bought a plant to produce lubricant oil for cars; assume your company is named AAA and that your supplier, who is selling to you the plant, is called BBB.
So we have an agreement between AAA ( the buyer, which is you) and BBB ( the vendor, who makes lubricant oils manufacturing plants ).
AAA buys from BBB the machine M which grants some performance data. To avoid discussions, if the plant is complex and not easy to evaluate, the two parts AAA and BBB agree upon the fact that the measurements of the data, necessary to estabilish if the contract has been respected, are made by an ERV, which must be an expert of the matter and must be neutral. In this case, the data could be how many tons per day the plant has to produce, how much energy per ton of oil produced has to consume, etc.
To guarantee the neutrality of the ERV ( i.e. his independence from both parties, like the referee of a foot-ball game ) he will be paid fifty fifty by the two parties, i.e. if the price of his validation is, for example, 100 000 $, the ERV will be paid 50 000 $ from AAA ( you, prepare the money ) and 50 000 $ from BBB, so that the ERV has no reason to be biased toward one or the other party: is independent from each of them. Obviously if the parties are 3, every party will pay 1/3 of the fee, and so on: in this case, you save money.
Warm Regards,
A couple of decades ago I’ve experimented with electric sparks and magnets, and some thrust was created in those experiments. It was very little. I found no way to scale it up. It used very much energy for a very small return.
How can the e-cat x produce thrust without expelling significant amounts of fuel? To me it seems much more intuitive that the best approach would be to create a single stage space plane (similar to NASA’s approach with LENR) using an electric jet engine. If the e-cat x can produce enough electricity with a low enough mass this to me is what would seem the be the revolutionary approach. The idea of using the e-cat x to produce thrust just seems nonsensical.
I am curious about the thrust you have detected from the E-Cat. One of my interests, secondary to alternative energy, is exotic propulsion technologies. So the idea of a power source that can also provide thrust is fascinating to me.
1) Could the thrust detected be produced by any source of very high temperatures, such as the 1480C E-Cat X?
2) Would a “control” E-Cat heated to the same temperature with a resistor but lacking any “fuel” produce the same thrust?
3) Have you performed such a control run?
4) Is the thrust produced by the emission of particles from the fuel (such as alpha particles) or electrons from the Tungsten via thermionic emission?
5) Is the thrust produced internally due to an asymmetrical shaped reactor core in which electromagnetic radiation is resonating to a high Q value, like with the EM Drive?
6) Is the thrust produced internally due to some other effect, such as a strong capacitance that is creating differentials of space/time compression? Basically, like the experiments of NASA Eagleworks that may have detected a very weak warp bubble by sending a laser through a ring of capacitors. In this experiment space is compressed on one side of the ring and contracted on the other.
7) Have you tried to detect any gravitational and/or inertial changes in space time in close proximity to the reactor? For example, trying to determine if the speed of a beam of light (from a laser) changes when it passes near the active reactor?
8) Do you think there is any super-conducting effect inside the reactor that may be contributing to the production of thrust?
In reference to Giovanni’s question and your response. I think there may still be some confusion with translation.
Giovanni is trying to determine whether the ‘Thrust’ you are getting could create a new type of propellantless thruster. There is quite a bit of research on thrusters which do not require propellant at the moment, such as the em-drive and other ‘resonant cavity propulsion’. I think Giovanni is trying to determine whether the ‘Thrust’ you are talking about is like this, or whether you just mean you have experienced ‘Thrust’ by adding the ecat into a jet engine.
Could you please confirm whether you were discussing the ecat jet engine or whether you have experience a new type of propellantless thrust.
Dear Andrea
sorry to bother you again, but could you clarify if the thrust you have mentioned can be obtained indirectly (for example using the electric power generated by the ecat-q to drive an engine) or DIRECTLY by the ecat-q?
Many thanks and regards
Peter Gluck:
I agree: the COP we obtained is more than 1.5 and less than 758,327.
I agree also upon the fact that the higher the better.
I cannot add further information to this issue.
About your skill: I totally agree upon the fact that you can be a veritable techno- prophet; I strongly also hope to give you soon the satisfaction to use an E-Cat.
What you did so far for the LENR and what you will make ( apart a brilliant Techno-Prophet ) merits it, damn!
Warm Regards,
I know what is the thrust of a jet.
We are still in a preliminar R&D phase and the description will be given after we will have made a working product.
Warm Regards,
Erik Swansson:
Yes, the plant is the same and yes, the plate will stay there for ever.
Prof. Sven Kullander has been among the greatest men i met on the course of my life. His scientific level, which put him among the highest physicists of the world, was matched by his unlimited honesty. I learnt from him foundamental information during our many meetings in Uppsala, Stockolm, Bologna, Ferrara and during our many conversations by Skype, email and telephone.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Again congratulations for the positive report after one year test. Is that the same plant with the plate dedicated to the great Prof. Sven Kullander ? Is the plate still there ?
Just to be accurate:
I mean THRUST as the translation of the italian word “spinta”.
Is this Thrust directly obtained by the e-cat q or indirectly via other means (heat, magnetic fields, etc.)?
Now that you have already revealed that the 353 day experiment has resulted in a COP:
a)greater than 1.5 – and this is good, please consider replications, usually COP- 1.2;
2) smaller than 758,327 -and that is disappointing a bit because in long range we have to arrive to infinite COP, total operational ssm is a must (Do you agree?)
I just want to inform you, that I have predicted COP 21. (it is on the Blog)
No more questions regarding COP
However I may ask you for a friendly advice re my future career.
I am a chemical engineer (BSc 1959,PhD 1983) May I now, at 78+ start with a new
profession, Techno-Prophet?
Dear AR
In your answer to Svein Henrik’s question: 3 May a Beta edition be tested widely before commercialization?
You say: 3- possibly
I am very happy to offer myself as a Beta tester for any such unit.
Greg Leonard
I wonder if Hydrogen Embrittlement is something you need to take into account in your devices. If so I suspect you already have found your own solutions to the issue. In case it is of interest, I recently read the following article about some research performed in MIT that I though might be interesting to you.
Best Regards to you and your teams, especially during the very and fast developing progress and busy times I imagine you are experiencing in these days and the days ahead.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Some years ago I asked you if you noticed some gravitational anomaly near e-cat, and you answered no.
Now has someone asked if ecat-q ever produced (apart from heath, electricity and light) some kind of THRUST, and you answered yes.
Did something change or you didn’t notice the phenomenon before?
Ingenuos Regards
Orso u i:
1- yes
2- the ionizing radiation meAsured outside the reactor is not different from the error margin of the background value.
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
Pre E-Catx and 1MW trial what is your estimate for the very approximate cost of LENR fuel equivalent to 1 barrel of oil?
I have seen old estimates but can not find them.
Best Regards
Dr Joseph Fine:
I suppose so. F8.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi,
Orsobubu asked if the COP was less than 758,327.
Even if the COP equals (or exceeds) ‘only’ the cube root of 758,327 ( or 91.191 ), that still would be a tremendous achievement.
Whatever the results are from the 350 day 1 MW test, do you think results from a similar test of the E-Cat QuarkX (or QX) would equal or exceed those of the E-CAT 1 MW system?
Best regards,
Joseph Fine
Tom Conover:
Warm Regards,
Gian Luca:
LENR will be integrated in a global system and, honestly, I do not think they will change anything regarding the global necessity to save energy.
Warm Regards,
Sverre Haslund:
I can confirm that the so called Rossi effect does NOT produce muons.
Warm Regards,
Marco Serra:
The thrust in a jet is given by a fluid, in our case air or water.
About our robotized line, the manufacturing system will remaion absolutely confidential.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
We are making R&D principally to cook eggs. The thrust ( or crust, or rust, or Proust ) if for to make the eggs jump to avoid sticking.
Warm Regards,
@Orsobubu: Please be so kind to abstain from posting invented quotes. I did not write this nonsense.
Dear Andrea,
Fully surprised I read you that are trying to develop some thrust with your QuarkX. The wonders of the apparatus seem to increase by the week.
Can you tell what made you think that it can develop thrust? Was it because:
1. You widnessed some movement or force.
2. The developing theory suggests this will happen
3. Is there any chance it will produce golden eggs as well? 😉
Thanks for keeping us up too dat with all these exciting developments!
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea
I’m not an expert in the field but I’d like to ask you if “propellantless thrust” means a way to get thrust without exploiting the third law of motion that is moving forward without throwing back any of material ?
If you can disclose something about the timeline of the agree with ABB ? When will ABB be able to complete robotized assembly line ? How many pieces per day (just an order of magnitude) will it be capable to produce ?
God bless you
Marco Serra
Dear Andrea
Can you confirm if the Rossi effect produce muons ?
Warm regards,
Sverre Haslund
Dear A.R.
A little thing ….. the advent of LENR technology and ECAT not make it necessary to use the much annoying summer time ….. means specially for the little ones.
This is to mean that our customs and traditions will never be the same …..
Dear Andrea,
Proust with 3000+ pages in his “report”, eh? ha ha ha …
More inspiring perhaps …
The congregator sought to find delightful words and to record accurate words of truth.
The words of the wise are like cattle prods, and their collected sayings are like firmly embedded nails; they have been given from one shepherd. As for anything besides these, my son, be warned: To the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion to them is wearisome to the flesh.
The conclusion of the matter, everything having been heard, is: Fear the true God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole obligation of man. For the true God will judge every deed, including every hidden thing, as to whether it is good or bad.
You never bother: our Readers never bother me.
We are trying “directly from an E-Cat QuarkX”, but we are very green on this issue ( green, in this case, means “immature” ).
Warm Regards,
Mark Saker:
we are trying ( TRYING ) to make a propellantless thrust. Maybe we will not succeed.
Warm Regards,
Hank Mills:
The description of the jet will be given when we will have a product able to work. In this case we have a really immature situation.
Warm Regards,
This will have to be decided by all the involved parties.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your suggestion, but a jet does not work necessarily only that way.
Warm Regards,
Koen Vandewalle:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Clauba, Cory Badlam:
Thank you for your comment, Clauba, because you have corrected an error of mine: I just forgot to answer to Cory Badlam ! Please, Dear Readers, if you find some comment of yours published and not answered to, it is not because I wanted not to answer, but only because I missed to do it. I usually am careful to answer to every comment, but errors are possible, as in this case. Therefore, thanks Mr Clauba for allowing me to make up for this error of mine.
Ms Cory: sorry for my late, but please find hereunder the answer to your important question: important because it is opportune to explain what is an ERV.
The acronym ERV stays for ” Expert Responsible for Validation”. An ERV is hired from the counterparts of a contract usually, but not necessarily, related to a technological plant, with the duty to verify that the plant performances respect the descriptions and the guarantees written in the contract signed by the parties. The parties normally are the vendor and the buyer, but other parties can be involved. The ERV must be paid in equal parts from all the parties, so that he is independent from each of them respect the others.
Let me give you an example ( I cannot talk of our specific contract, because I am under NDA, but I can make an example absolutely similar in principle ): assume you have bought a plant to produce lubricant oil for cars; assume your company is named AAA and that your supplier, who is selling to you the plant, is called BBB.
So we have an agreement between AAA ( the buyer, which is you) and BBB ( the vendor, who makes lubricant oils manufacturing plants ).
AAA buys from BBB the machine M which grants some performance data. To avoid discussions, if the plant is complex and not easy to evaluate, the two parts AAA and BBB agree upon the fact that the measurements of the data, necessary to estabilish if the contract has been respected, are made by an ERV, which must be an expert of the matter and must be neutral. In this case, the data could be how many tons per day the plant has to produce, how much energy per ton of oil produced has to consume, etc.
To guarantee the neutrality of the ERV ( i.e. his independence from both parties, like the referee of a foot-ball game ) he will be paid fifty fifty by the two parties, i.e. if the price of his validation is, for example, 100 000 $, the ERV will be paid 50 000 $ from AAA ( you, prepare the money ) and 50 000 $ from BBB, so that the ERV has no reason to be biased toward one or the other party: is independent from each of them. Obviously if the parties are 3, every party will pay 1/3 of the fee, and so on: in this case, you save money.
Warm Regards,
My version- the original one- is:
Me to Rossi: ” Do you have some Proust ?”
Rossi to me: ” nope, just a loss of time ”
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi
Congratulations for the Report of the ERV.
Now we wait for the product!
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Do you heve instrumentation to measure ionizing radiations close to the E-Cat QuarkX ?
Andrea, two very funny comments from ECW about the very hot and debated “thrust” issue, I know that you need some good laugh every now and then:
Dear Andrea,
has your ECAT-q ever produced (apart from heat, electricity and light) some kind of TRUST?
Best regards
Andrea Rossi
April 4, 2016 at 5:57 AM
And this is absolutely great:
Dear Andrea,
has your ECAT-q ever produced (apart from heat, electricity and light) some kind of rust?
Best regards
Andrea Rossi
April 4, 2016 at 5:57 AM
I have my own version, even it’s kind of gross:
Dear Andrea,
has your ECAT-q ever produced (apart from heat, electricity and light) some kind of crust?
Best regards
Andrea Rossi
April 4, 2016 at 5:57 AM
it is easy to reply to your supporters, but to Cory Badlam is more difficult, I know.
Any answer?
Thanks for spamming
Giovanni, Mark Saker, Hank Mills,
I also believe ECat QuarkX produces some thrust.
A couple of decades ago I’ve experimented with electric sparks and magnets, and some thrust was created in those experiments. It was very little. I found no way to scale it up. It used very much energy for a very small return.
I hope, with you, we can have a hint from A.R.
Kind Regards,
How can the e-cat x produce thrust without expelling significant amounts of fuel? To me it seems much more intuitive that the best approach would be to create a single stage space plane (similar to NASA’s approach with LENR) using an electric jet engine. If the e-cat x can produce enough electricity with a low enough mass this to me is what would seem the be the revolutionary approach. The idea of using the e-cat x to produce thrust just seems nonsensical.
Will the report be first released as:
A) A Press Release
B) A Journal of Nuclear Physics Publication
C) both A and B
D) by another method
Dear Andrea,
I am curious about the thrust you have detected from the E-Cat. One of my interests, secondary to alternative energy, is exotic propulsion technologies. So the idea of a power source that can also provide thrust is fascinating to me.
1) Could the thrust detected be produced by any source of very high temperatures, such as the 1480C E-Cat X?
2) Would a “control” E-Cat heated to the same temperature with a resistor but lacking any “fuel” produce the same thrust?
3) Have you performed such a control run?
4) Is the thrust produced by the emission of particles from the fuel (such as alpha particles) or electrons from the Tungsten via thermionic emission?
5) Is the thrust produced internally due to an asymmetrical shaped reactor core in which electromagnetic radiation is resonating to a high Q value, like with the EM Drive?
6) Is the thrust produced internally due to some other effect, such as a strong capacitance that is creating differentials of space/time compression? Basically, like the experiments of NASA Eagleworks that may have detected a very weak warp bubble by sending a laser through a ring of capacitors. In this experiment space is compressed on one side of the ring and contracted on the other.
7) Have you tried to detect any gravitational and/or inertial changes in space time in close proximity to the reactor? For example, trying to determine if the speed of a beam of light (from a laser) changes when it passes near the active reactor?
8) Do you think there is any super-conducting effect inside the reactor that may be contributing to the production of thrust?
Thank you for any thoughts you can provide.
Dear Andrea
In reference to Giovanni’s question and your response. I think there may still be some confusion with translation.
Giovanni is trying to determine whether the ‘Thrust’ you are getting could create a new type of propellantless thruster. There is quite a bit of research on thrusters which do not require propellant at the moment, such as the em-drive and other ‘resonant cavity propulsion’. I think Giovanni is trying to determine whether the ‘Thrust’ you are talking about is like this, or whether you just mean you have experienced ‘Thrust’ by adding the ecat into a jet engine.
Could you please confirm whether you were discussing the ecat jet engine or whether you have experience a new type of propellantless thrust.
I hope you can answer
many thanks
Dear Andrea
sorry to bother you again, but could you clarify if the thrust you have mentioned can be obtained indirectly (for example using the electric power generated by the ecat-q to drive an engine) or DIRECTLY by the ecat-q?
Many thanks and regards
Silvio Caggia:
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your suggestion and for the interesting links.
Warm Regards,
Greg Leonard:
We’ll take advice of it.
Warm Regards,
Peter Gluck:
I agree: the COP we obtained is more than 1.5 and less than 758,327.
I agree also upon the fact that the higher the better.
I cannot add further information to this issue.
About your skill: I totally agree upon the fact that you can be a veritable techno- prophet; I strongly also hope to give you soon the satisfaction to use an E-Cat.
What you did so far for the LENR and what you will make ( apart a brilliant Techno-Prophet ) merits it, damn!
Warm Regards,
I know what is the thrust of a jet.
We are still in a preliminar R&D phase and the description will be given after we will have made a working product.
Warm Regards,
Erik Swansson:
Yes, the plant is the same and yes, the plate will stay there for ever.
Prof. Sven Kullander has been among the greatest men i met on the course of my life. His scientific level, which put him among the highest physicists of the world, was matched by his unlimited honesty. I learnt from him foundamental information during our many meetings in Uppsala, Stockolm, Bologna, Ferrara and during our many conversations by Skype, email and telephone.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Again congratulations for the positive report after one year test. Is that the same plant with the plate dedicated to the great Prof. Sven Kullander ? Is the plate still there ?
Dear Andrea
Just to be accurate:
I mean THRUST as the translation of the italian word “spinta”.
Is this Thrust directly obtained by the e-cat q or indirectly via other means (heat, magnetic fields, etc.)?
Many many regards
Dear Andrea,
Now that you have already revealed that the 353 day experiment has resulted in a COP:
a)greater than 1.5 – and this is good, please consider replications, usually COP- 1.2;
2) smaller than 758,327 -and that is disappointing a bit because in long range we have to arrive to infinite COP, total operational ssm is a must (Do you agree?)
I just want to inform you, that I have predicted COP 21. (it is on the Blog)
No more questions regarding COP
However I may ask you for a friendly advice re my future career.
I am a chemical engineer (BSc 1959,PhD 1983) May I now, at 78+ start with a new
profession, Techno-Prophet?
Dear AR
In your answer to Svein Henrik’s question: 3 May a Beta edition be tested widely before commercialization?
You say: 3- possibly
I am very happy to offer myself as a Beta tester for any such unit.
Greg Leonard
Dear Andrea
I wonder if Hydrogen Embrittlement is something you need to take into account in your devices. If so I suspect you already have found your own solutions to the issue. In case it is of interest, I recently read the following article about some research performed in MIT that I though might be interesting to you.
Best Regards to you and your teams, especially during the very and fast developing progress and busy times I imagine you are experiencing in these days and the days ahead.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Some years ago I asked you if you noticed some gravitational anomaly near e-cat, and you answered no.
Now has someone asked if ecat-q ever produced (apart from heath, electricity and light) some kind of THRUST, and you answered yes.
Did something change or you didn’t notice the phenomenon before?
Ingenuos Regards
I cannot answer now to this question because it is in function of data I cannot deliver so far.
Warm Regards
Orso u i:
1- yes
2- the ionizing radiation meAsured outside the reactor is not different from the error margin of the background value.
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea:
Can you say, at least, if the COP measured in the Report is lower than 758,327 ?
Can you also say, at least, if the full-body ionizing radiation dose absorbed externally to the container is higher than 0.0001 mSv/yr?
Dear Andrea,
Pre E-Catx and 1MW trial what is your estimate for the very approximate cost of LENR fuel equivalent to 1 barrel of oil?
I have seen old estimates but can not find them.
Best Regards
Svein Henrik:
1- improvements never stop
2- yes
3- possibly
4- possibly
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
I cannot answer in positive or in negative, so far.
Warm Regards,