United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Neri B.:
    And thank you for your sympathy.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It has not yet made public, yet. My attorney will tell me when I will be allowed to publish it. There are forensic issues for which I cannot yet make it public.
    Surely it will be published.
    Warm Regards,

  • noihcnim

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    I might seem a bit cynical, but why shouldn’t we customers be happy that another company possesses the same technology of your E-Cat?

    Isn’t it how capitalism works? Isn’t competition a good thing for us? Wasn’t it a choice of yours to play this game?

    Will we see E-Cats from Darden together with yours in the future? And if not, what shall we think?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Silvio Caggia:
    A) JM Products
    B) Chemicals
    C) No because this is information from the report
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Greg Leonard:
    I owe most of all I made to this wonderful Country and I simply love the People of this wonderful Country. I am glad that the fight will be in this Country, because this is a Country in which Justice is strongly enforced by the great People of the United States of America, where I have the honour to have incorporated Leonardo Corporation in 1997.
    Thank you for your kind words.
    Warm Regards,

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    please, don’t spend your time writing here in JoNP. You have to do much important things in this period of your life!!

    And all of us are sure that your products will hit the market much before every other concurrent.

    (I already have my money ready to buy one of your cats, I am in your list from the very first days).

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Please see the answer I gave minutes ago to Teemu.
    Thank you for your kind words,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I knew the Customer in the office of my Attorney Henry Johnson. They were enthusiast to test our 1 MW plant, to see if it really worked, because they were ( and are ) interested to buy more plants for their facilities in Europe. They wanted not to be exposed, though, therefore incorporated JM Products and made a plant for their production to make the test and appointed President their Attorney, who was also, as I said, my Attorney. IH knew all this and agreed, obviously, on this, making a rental agreement with JM Products to make the test in their factory. When IH met with the President of JM in Raleigh, I was present and I explained that he was also my Attorney. No problem has been raised by IH.
    Warm Regards,

  • John F.

    Hi Dr Rossi,
    Can you explain the COP? It sounds like a ratio of energy produced
    divided by energy used. If that is correct, what is the energy source
    for the E-cat?

  • Gentile Dr. Rossi,
    Tutta la nostra solidarietà nelle battaglie che sta svolgendo per la umanità tutta.

    Gli interessi in gioco sono mondiali e estremamente alti.

    La produzione di massa potrà rendere più difficile il compito di chi ha altri interessi.

    Interessante quanto scrive Sifferkoll in http://www.sifferkoll.se/sifferkoll/the-rossi-vs-darden-lenr-ecat-battle-not-about-ip-and-money-all-about-freedom-vs-control/

    Alessandro di ecatnews.it

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jerry Jones:
    1- NO
    2- it will be accelerated, because they were a brake
    3- no
    4- none, apart, limited to the domestic E-Cats, the safety certification
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Marco Serra:
    Thank you, thank you very much. My attitude to fight when we are right has been “vigorously” underevaluated from our foe.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- This information has not yet made public in the Court. I cannot give any information that has not made already public in Court, related to the litigation on course. Sorry for that.
    2- Thank you for the suggestion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ian Walker

    Dear Mr Rossi

    One would of course check the following with your lawyer first.

    If IH, as they contend, have given up on your technology, then you are free to license the US, Chinese, Saudi Arbian and all other E-Cat markets you licensed to IH.

    You merely take the opportunity the court case provides to open the US licensing to any firm that wishes to produce E-Cats, or any other technology you invent.

    Like Microsoft with windows you let any one build a an E-Cat they just pay you for the license same as PC builders pay Microsoft to pre-install windows. You then continue to improve the technology, every year same as Microsoft does with windows, You give free updates on a license for a couple of years then later versions require a new license of the latest technology.

    Kind Regards walker

  • Andrea Rossi

    That has to be asked to IH.
    I prefer not to express my opinion on the matter.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tuder

    “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.”
    You will win this battle and you will bring the ecat, your ecat, to the world and the fraudsters to their knees.
    I will pray for you as I have been doing for the last years.
    Un emigrato.

  • Sylvie

    Dear Andrea,

    Do you think Industrial Heat will mass produce a LENR device soon (within 2016)?

    Best Regards,


  • Janne

    Dear Andrea,

    1. Did IH build the E-Cats for the 1 MW plant that achieved > 50 COP, including preparing the charges? Or just the 52 15kW modules and not the 4 250 kW modules? Or none of the above?
    2. Please talk to Elon Musk. Just once, a short chitchat, that’s all I’m asking. 🙂 He’s worth $13B and a genuinely good man who poured his last fortunes from selling PayPal into SpaceX and Tesla at a desperate time, when no one else would believe in him. He also experienced a ‘Christmas miracle’ where in the span of days both of his companies were saved from imminent bankruptcy. I see a confluence in your work ethic and humanitarian values.

    Best Regards,


  • Marco Serra

    Dear Andrea,
    I’m very sad for your fate to be defrauded by your friends. Even in this kind of situations, where the human side of a hero emerges, you showed us that the man inside is just as great. We are with you. Just ask.

    I pray God to bless you
    Marco Serra

  • Gus

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Please fight for us: reading the press release of IH and reading your complaint everybody has understood that they cheted on you. Please fight, win and make the E-Cat for us: LENR without Andrea Rossi are nothing.

  • Jerry Jones

    Dr Rossi, questions on ECW:

    1) Is this legal case going to affect the production of E-Cat X or Quarks or whatever they are called?
    2) Is the production and appearance on market delayed? By how much?
    3) Does Rossi need new investors and money to get the production started?
    4) What obstacles other than remaining R&D are there now to get production and sales started?

  • Teemu

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In this document it says that Henry W. Johnson, aka the President of Leonard Corp., is also the President of JMC. Did I understand correctly? http://www.sifferkoll.se/sifferkoll/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Rossi_et_al_v_Darden_et_al__flsdce-16-21199__0001.2.pdf



  • Andrew

    Is it possibile to clarify the role of JM Chemical Products Inc ?
    Is it the actual secret customer?
    If not, can you share the identity of the customer ?
    Thank you.
    Un abbraccio e in bocca al lupo!
    Sei un uomo forte vincerài questa battaglia

  • Greg Leonard

    Dear AR
    I am saddened to hear of your treatment by IH and others – love of money does strange things to people.
    I hope you will still believe in the American people as predominantly: inventive, honest and hard working.
    I would also hope that we, in the UK, will support you better than IH.
    Greg Leonard

  • LookMoo

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    You have my sympathy and support regarding the Industrial Heat (IH) saga..

    * Lugano report,
    * Several US: patents,
    * ERV report (ERV by IH choice)

    .. OF COURSE ECAT WORKS !!!! And that why IH is trying to cut you off.

    IH have planned this scenario from day one. That is why IH wanted a NDA to limit your future options and try to create a “lock-in” situation. IH never intended to through with this deal. By now you understand why IH took certain steps a year ago.

  • Silvio Caggia

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Waiting for the publishing of Penon’s report, could you tell use at least some of these things?
    A) the name of the secret customer
    B) the business of the secret customer
    C) the temperature of the steam used by the secret customer

    Secret regards

  • Alexvs

    Dear Mr. Rossi

    I may have missed the ERV report. Was it published? If so, could you please give a link where it could be read?



  • Neri B.

    Dear Andrea,
    i am really sorry to read about the latest news on you and IH…we hoped it was a winning wedding.
    I just want to tell you to resist and fight and your reasons will prevail.
    I have only one question: will you be able to make public (together with the ERV report) the last year bill count of the customer in relation with the steam produced?
    Thank you and keep the fight on
    Neri B.

  • DrD

    Dear andrea,
    For 24 hours now, the words fail me so I echo the supportive words of all those who have already posted and repeat especially the words of Brokeeper:
    “Thank you! Our support and prayers are with you brother.”

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, Thank you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    I now understand your past response “The (sea) monsters are still there, but we are not impressed: too much work to do to find the time to be impressed by the monsters.”

    Your personal courage and perseverance is as much an inspiring story as the impossible invention itself. Thank you!
    Our support and prayers are with you brother.

  • Andrea Rossi

    William Hurley:
    Thank you, thank you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    In the press release of IH they write that ” for three years they tried to replicate the Rossi effect, with no avail”: very good, but during those three years Industrial Heat collected about 60 million dollars from Woodford, more millions from other sources, exclusively based on my E-Cats technology. This before making shopping to buy other patents. Now, the cases are two: either they are lying when they say they didn’t replicate, or they made a fraud collecting 60 millions from Woodford, more from others, not to mention Cherokee fund. You had to see Tom Darden and JT Vaughn dance like ballet etoiles around the investors, showing them the E-Cats, and telling them that the E-Cats had been built by them! “Stellar” coherently Darden, in his role of etoile, repeated to the enchanted attandees, ready to spend 50 millions. Now, that my bill arrived, the E-Cat had not been replicated , they say. For three years.
    Again, I am just answering to a press release of IH.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jim T

    Dr. Rossi,

    I pray for your health and safety as you deal with this challenge.

    If you are right, the world will owe you a debt of gratitude.

    If you are perpetuating a fraud, I admire your chutzpah! I just don’t see how anyone could pull off a fraud of such scope, complexity, and detail.

    So please look after yourself.


    Jim T

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    I visited their website last night and noticed the similarity of their “Hydrogen Hot Tube” technology to the E-Cat, at least on the surface level after a casual review of the information provided. I need to review their patent applications in depth, like you suggest. Do you think Brillouin is utilizing lithium now — since that is really the key that has allowed you to produce significant excess heat from the very start of your work on the Energy Catalyzer?

    To everything else, all I can say is, wow. I’m flabbergasted. For you to show them how to replicate, everything from the reactor body to the fuel itself, and for them to not pay up after achieving successful replications they showed off to investment companies and receiving an overwhelmingly positive report from the ERV: it’s almost unimaginable. Again, I don’t have access to the evidence Leonardo Corporation will eventually be sharing with the courts, so I don’t want to jump to conclusions inappropriately. Without viewing what you have seen myself, I can’t make the same judgments you can. But this is making the hair on my arms stand up! I’m glad you have meticulously documented everything. The persecution that you endured earlier in life has at least served one purpose: teaching you to prepare ahead of time for situations like this.

    Hang in there and make sure you don’t let the stress negatively impact your health.

    Hank Mills

  • William Hurley

    Mr. Rossi,

    They should be throwing a parade for you but instead try to steal every thing.
    I know you will prevail. You have many fans and supporters.
    God Speed

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am right, therefore God will protect us, whatever the dimension of the foe. We will fight to the last.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    They prepared everything, the charges, the body of the reactor EVERYTHING !!!.
    I just teached to them what to do.
    They never used anything pre-prepared by Leonardo Corp.
    Now, let me talk to you of a very singular coincidence: Brillouin has always made only electrolytic apparatuses: go to read all their patent applications made before their agreement with IH, and you will find confirmation of what I am saying ( I know their patents by heart, because I have studied them and probably I know them better than themselves : I wrote about 100 pages of notes about their patents ). And now the singular coincidence: they make the agreement with IH in April 2015, and Voilà, they made a public demo in Capitol Hill ( Washington, DC) with a device that is the Copy-Cat of something I am familiar with. Nothing that Brillouin has ever made before the agreement with IH. What a coincidence !!!
    Warm Regards,

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    When you state that IH has made successful replications, did they themselves prepare and process the fuel material to be used in the reactors — including catalyzers — according to IP provided to them, or did they simply use fuel pre-prepared by Leonardo Corporation?

    Thank you.

    Hank Mills

  • Janne

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for that generous information. Again, you have my full sympathies.

    One thing’s for certain: a man in your shoes would never challenge such a behemoth to court if he thought he was going to lose!

    Best Regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Michael S.:
    Thank you, very appreciated. A sun ray arrived from your comment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gian Luca:
    …and let me also remember Umberto Eco, the father of Semiology: being the author of “The name of the Rose” it would be a paradox not to add his name to the rose…
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    My job is in all the world.
    In the Scientific Commettee of Leonardo Corporation there are Professors from all the world, obviously also from the USA.
    Warm Regards,
    You forgot to rate the spam probabilities of your last comment!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Janne:
    I have to comment the press release of IH, being a press release and not a forensic act.
    They made the Lugano reactor ( they also signed it ) they made many replications of which we have due record and witnesses, they made multiple patent applications ( without my authotization ) with their chief engineer as the co-inventor ( he invented nothing ) , with detailed description of the replications , they made replications with the attendance of Woodford, after which they got 50 or 60 millions of dollars from Woodfords’ investors, they made replications with the attendance of Chinese top level officers, after which they started thanks to the E-Cat they made an R&D activity in China in a 200 millions concern, they made replications with an E-Cat completely made by them under my direction the very day in which the 1 MW plant has been delivered in Raleigh, they made replications that we have recorded. After the replication they made with the attendance of Woodford in 2013 Mr Tom Darden said publicly: ” this replication has been stellar” ( witnesses available). But this is not the place to discuss this. We have prepared 18 volumes to explain exactly and in detail the activity of our “Licensee” and his acquaintances from 2013 to now. Until they had to collect money thanks to the E-Cat, they made replications and have been happy with the E-Cat; when it turned to have to pay, they discovered that they never made replications, that the ERV that they had chosen in agreement with us was not good, that the test on the 1 MW plant, thanks to which they collected enormous amounts of money from the investors and where I put at risk my health working 16-18 hours per day was not a good test ( but for all the year of the test they NEVER said a single word of complaint, even if they had constantly their men in the plant), etc etc. But the worse has still to come out. The worse is in the 18 volumes we will present in due time, in due place. A blog is not the right place to discuss a litigation. This is only a quick answer to the press release made by IH.
    Ad majora.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am sorry for that, but before the deposit of the complaint in Court, I was not allowed to talk differently from what I said. For obvious reasons.
    When Readers asked to me ” how is your relationship with IH” I could answer nothing but “good”: otherwise I would have made a breach of contract.
    We had the possibility to explain the situation only after the deposit of the complaint, to respect the law.
    Warm Regards,

  • Matt

    If you’ve been outright lying to us about your relationship with Industrial Heat over the last few weeks, how can we believe anything you say to us?

  • Janne

    Dear Andrea,

    It baffles me as to why Industrial Heat would claim to have worked for “three years without success” to substantiate your results, while they themselves built the Lugano reactor that was found to have nuclear performance. Care to comment?

    Best Regards,


  • clauba

    Mr Rossi,
    OK, I accept your answer, but your job is in US.
    Why US universities silence?
    Best regards

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