I think at some point your technology will get the interest of government inspectors, with or without the encouragement of your opponents. Don’t you think it would be good to establish the safety of the E-Cat for the governments and people of the world? I thinkt this would help quiet any fears about technology and help with worldwide acceptance.
I think I’m aware of a few of the “snakes” to whom you are referring.
In reality, most of them have very little to no concern WHATSOEVER about radiation being emitted outside of the reactor. The fundamental root of their antagonistic and obsessively mean spirited behavior is simple: they’re jealous.
No one has been able to develop an LENR technology that comes remotely close to the E-Cat.
– No one has achieved the power output per gram of fuel. Parkhomov, who replicated the Rossi Effect, was able to achieve about a kilowatt per gram of fuel. This is completely unoptimized and without the know how you possess that obviously boosts this figure higher. Conversely, you’re competitors sometimes brag about a few watts per KILOGRAM of their version of a “charge.”
– No one has achieved stable output at the ultra high temperatures the E-Cat can reach. If the E-Cat X operates at 1480C, as you have stated, you’re literally miles beyond them.
– Although no one has achieved the massive power output you have per gram of fuel, the E-Cat is also capable of doing this in a SELF SUSTAINING MANNER for periods of many hours. And this is not a new development: the 18 hour test Dr. Levi performed many years ago with a much more early version of the E-Cat was mostly in SSM!
– When all of this is brought up, you’re detractors then struggle to look for negatives about your technology. They usually resort to off the wall and false accusations like: he must produce neutrons at such high temperatures, he must “seed” his fuel with radioactive isotopes, or he is risking human safety by operating in self sustain mode.
As I said before, the root of all this hostility is JEALOUSY. They are breaking one of the Ten Commandments by COVETING your technology. Then, furthermore, they are giving FALSE WITNESS against you.
They know as well as both of us that the technology is safe. If it were not safe, you’d be in the grave by now. For goodness sakes, you’ve witnessed so many meltdowns during intentional torture tests that if the technology emitted radiation you wouldn’t be with us today!
Sadly, in addition to their jealous rage that they were not the first to develop a practical high powered LENR technolgoy like the E-Cat, some of them have developed a personal vendetta against you. They have issues with you as a human being. I know this for a fact: one “snake” told me that if the E-Cat turned out to be real the fact *you* had developed it would basically shatter his reality (paraphrasing here and not giving an exact quote).
I just wanted to set the record straight for readers. The snakes out there aren’t concerned about radiation being emitted: they’re simply acting like a snot nosed brat in elementary school who is pitching a tantrum because his entry into the science fair didn’t win a medal. He then goes up to the display table of the star pupil who took FIRST PLACE and tries to knock it over. The good news is that in the end, the principal of the school catches him in time, puts a dunce cap on his head, and makes him stand in the corner: where he needs to stay.
Bernie Koppenhofer:
Our Customer wants to work in peace.
Just for you to know: we have evidence ( undisputable evidence) that all the guys of the family of the snakes have sent from 2012 to now letters to all the possible authorities asking for the prohibition of the E-Cat because it emits toxic radiations. These letters, that have been sent from the usual and well known and very vociferous snakes ( our attorney got due copies of them ) give evidence of the fact that they want to kill the E-Cat NOT because they think it does not work, but because they DO think that it works: otherwise they could not think to stop it sending authorities to check ionizing radiations OUTSIDE the E-Cats. Your intelligence will allow you to make the logic deductions.
All the other considerations depend on our product’s distribution in the market, let in peace our pioneer-Customer(s).
Warm Regards,
Obviously the due contacts with the offices related to the necessary authorizations will be done. I am pretty sure, though, that having the safety certification of the plant we are all set.
Warm Regards,
Hello Mr Rossi,
regarding the eCat delivery of heat: no señor – it is not that simple.
i am afraid that the ‘National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors’ might have a different opinion about this.
you must not take those safety topics lightly – it may fall on your feet…
Dear Dr Rossi:
There are so many people following your story, cheering for you, supporting you, praing for you, and yet the only thing you have given back in these last years are some ‘Rossi says’ that most of the time are followed by ‘someone says not ‘ . And I mean.. you don’t owe them anyhing, you are not supposed to satisfy the general public curiosity just in exchange of some sort of cybernetic support. But seriously, we are not talking about telenovelas curiosity, we are talking about people worried about the future of energy, the future of this planet, the future of their children, because hey, don’t try to give me the ‘all energy sources will be integrated’ joke, your tech. is kind of last hope.
And I understand your worries about the competition, I understand the very long time needed to a such unconventional tech to be developed properly.
But there are soooo many ways you could put an end to the skeptics chatters, that you could prove without any doubt that your tech does what ‘Rossi says’ . And yet you don’t do it.
Once again it’s just Secret customers secret deals, secret results of reports..
You are a good man I’m sure of that. Just think that it would cost you nothing to give something back to those that have been defending your name for this long time
Dr. Rossi: In response to my question about the customer of year long test, you said, “a company cannot be happy of all the blogosphere hurricane around this issue.” This customer could be so important to the future of LENR because of the attention drawn to the yearlong test, there must be some incentive you or we could give him to come forward and talk about the economic value, cost savings, of your E-Cats. I think you underestimate your power of persuasion, and maybe the importance of this issue. I know you are busy, but please re-think above. Thanks for answering our questions.
Thank you for your insight.
Answer: Leonardo is responsible for the the safety of all that is on board of the E-Cat plant, the Customer is responsible for the safety of all that is outside the plant.
Warm Regards,
John C. Evans:
Thank you for your envision; my immediate dream is to see a neighborhood of a town lighted and heated by the E-Cat QuarkX. We are working very hard on this right now.
Very important meetings loom today and tomorrow.
Warm Regards,
browsing the eCat website for some new photos i found the Leonardo offer for just heat.
That is a clever concept, i assume there are a lot of applications where heating is only required during winter season.
And it provides a low threshold to become friend with such a new technology – instead of buying something ‘unknown’ one can rent it for 6 months and then decide to buy.
if someone is interested in just the generated heat – who is responsible for the safety aspects of a steam-generator ? Leonardo or the client ?
Frank Acland:
1- I am under NDA with the Customer
2- yes
3- now is for low T, but if in the meantime the QuarkX technology will mature enough, I wil propose to make one with the new tech. The Customer is very open to help the technoogical development and the same plant of JM has been made on purpose to test the technology for future more important utilization
4- this information is reserved to the Customers and depends on many variables
5- at the beginning yes
Warm Regards,
I hope your journey into the unknown does not end as tragically as that of Odysseus, because then, as now, only for a very few people is the pursuit of virtue and knowledge the motivation and the goal of their actions.
Take care of yourself, your team and your project!
A few questions about the new plant sales, if you don’t mind:
1. Where will they be installed ?
2. You mentioned many problems needed repairing during the 1 year test — do you expect these to have been resolved in the new plants?
3. Will these plants be low-temperature thermal E-Cats, or QuarkX?
4. What is the cost for a 1MW plant now?
5. Will a Leonardo staff member be on site to provide engineering support?
Yes sir. I understand the need for the ERV contractually. But for us hoping for the brighter future that your tech brings the most important things are the facts. Happy customer, high cop, proof of process, and progress toward manufacturing are meaningful. The legal issues while now troublesome for you will soon be in the rear view mirror and you’ll drag us all forward. The changes I envision are earth shattering. With cheap desalination the worry over drought and famine should evaporate. Without need for the costly infrastructure a manufacturing facility can be placed anywhere in the word and with vastly lower transportation cost it will be able to compete globally. The ecatx or quark coupled with the drive toward global wifi connectivity means a man can literally build a house anywhere in the world and live comfortably. Can you imagine the freedom of a self-driving electric car with unlimited range? I could load the family up on a Friday night and wake up in New Orleans on a day trip and wake up at home Sunday in time for church. I’m so eager for my son to have this future and your helping us get there.
No: the e.p. they are looking for, and the effects they are looking for demand energies so high that I think no practical use of them will ever be made. When a politician asked a scientist of CERN what the Higgs boson could do for the Country defense, the scientist answered: ” nothing, but making the Country worth to be defended”. The real patrimony of mankind is culture.
Warm Regards,
Patrick Ellul:
See the answer to Renzo, adding that times cannot be precise, since our manufacturing structure is not yet experienced and we still do not have a final production line.
Warm Regards,
Your proposal is useless, since the core issue is the COP, while the bills are a logic consequence. Besides, our Customers want confidentiality, not publication of their data.
Warm Regards,
I have an idea, maybe a crazy idea…
Can you offer a substantial discount to JM products on the 3 new Ecats if He agrees to put on his site a recap of the total enery bills before and after ECat? If this is possible and JM products agrees, you can share with us and the world the link to his web site and this could be a very good advertising…
Dr Andrea Rossi
What’s you estimation of the time it will take for building, shipping and installing the 3 plants at the customer’s facilities? Is it doable before the end of the year or much sooner?
my regards
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations on 3 more orders of the plant. The customer must be satisfied. When do you think Leonardo Corporation can deliver these plants to the customer?
Warm regards
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Do you think that the research on course at Geneva, in the CERN LHC can give information useful to the Rossi Effect, sooner or later ?
Peter Gluck has written that LENR territory is in good part inexplorated: I agree with him. An inexplorated territory contains unknown things, still to be discovered. What is beyond ? Only God knows, this is why we have to continue to work and study:
“Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e conoscienza”
Warm Regards,
John C. Evans:
The ERV was needed by the Agreement between IH and Leonardo, which is reported in the complaint that has been published by my Attorney.
Warm Regards,
Per your response to D; If the customer had an 83% or greater reduction in energy cost for the heat supplied by the e-cat that equals COP≥6, who needs the ERV? If they are happy that’s all that matters. Even if it was less but still COP>1 that’s proof of the effect and should silence doubters. Thanks for the insight.
You gave me a brilliant idea: the next time I will make a tennis match with my wife I will bring my personal referee.
Thank you, that’s genial. We use to bet pizza and beer, but next time if we will end up with the usual 6-0, 6-0, 6-0 for her, I will pull out the results got from my P.R.V.R. ( Personal Referee for Validation of Result ) and if the results of him will be that I won, I will not pay the pizza, let alone the beer !
Warm Regards,
Bernie Koppenhofer:
You are too intelligent not to understand that a company cannot be happy of all the blogosphere hurricane around this issue. Our Customer spoke his satisfaction with facts, not words: he ordered 3 units like the one he tested during this year with a company set up specifically for this purpose.
Warm Regards,
During the test I used to work 16-18 hours per day, and the worst of it has been that my shift was from 5-6 p.m. to 10-11 a.m., so I couldn’t sleep during the night, for one year. This has caused issues, but thanks God this Guinea Pig has overcome it. Now I work 12 hours per day and sleep during the night. I am recovering my health.
But that test was too important.
Warm Regards,
Hank Mills:
He,he,he…thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I think at some point your technology will get the interest of government inspectors, with or without the encouragement of your opponents. Don’t you think it would be good to establish the safety of the E-Cat for the governments and people of the world? I thinkt this would help quiet any fears about technology and help with worldwide acceptance.
Best wishes,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea,
I think I’m aware of a few of the “snakes” to whom you are referring.
In reality, most of them have very little to no concern WHATSOEVER about radiation being emitted outside of the reactor. The fundamental root of their antagonistic and obsessively mean spirited behavior is simple: they’re jealous.
No one has been able to develop an LENR technology that comes remotely close to the E-Cat.
– No one has achieved the power output per gram of fuel. Parkhomov, who replicated the Rossi Effect, was able to achieve about a kilowatt per gram of fuel. This is completely unoptimized and without the know how you possess that obviously boosts this figure higher. Conversely, you’re competitors sometimes brag about a few watts per KILOGRAM of their version of a “charge.”
– No one has achieved stable output at the ultra high temperatures the E-Cat can reach. If the E-Cat X operates at 1480C, as you have stated, you’re literally miles beyond them.
– Although no one has achieved the massive power output you have per gram of fuel, the E-Cat is also capable of doing this in a SELF SUSTAINING MANNER for periods of many hours. And this is not a new development: the 18 hour test Dr. Levi performed many years ago with a much more early version of the E-Cat was mostly in SSM!
– When all of this is brought up, you’re detractors then struggle to look for negatives about your technology. They usually resort to off the wall and false accusations like: he must produce neutrons at such high temperatures, he must “seed” his fuel with radioactive isotopes, or he is risking human safety by operating in self sustain mode.
As I said before, the root of all this hostility is JEALOUSY. They are breaking one of the Ten Commandments by COVETING your technology. Then, furthermore, they are giving FALSE WITNESS against you.
They know as well as both of us that the technology is safe. If it were not safe, you’d be in the grave by now. For goodness sakes, you’ve witnessed so many meltdowns during intentional torture tests that if the technology emitted radiation you wouldn’t be with us today!
Sadly, in addition to their jealous rage that they were not the first to develop a practical high powered LENR technolgoy like the E-Cat, some of them have developed a personal vendetta against you. They have issues with you as a human being. I know this for a fact: one “snake” told me that if the E-Cat turned out to be real the fact *you* had developed it would basically shatter his reality (paraphrasing here and not giving an exact quote).
I just wanted to set the record straight for readers. The snakes out there aren’t concerned about radiation being emitted: they’re simply acting like a snot nosed brat in elementary school who is pitching a tantrum because his entry into the science fair didn’t win a medal. He then goes up to the display table of the star pupil who took FIRST PLACE and tries to knock it over. The good news is that in the end, the principal of the school catches him in time, puts a dunce cap on his head, and makes him stand in the corner: where he needs to stay.
Bernie Koppenhofer:
Our Customer wants to work in peace.
Just for you to know: we have evidence ( undisputable evidence) that all the guys of the family of the snakes have sent from 2012 to now letters to all the possible authorities asking for the prohibition of the E-Cat because it emits toxic radiations. These letters, that have been sent from the usual and well known and very vociferous snakes ( our attorney got due copies of them ) give evidence of the fact that they want to kill the E-Cat NOT because they think it does not work, but because they DO think that it works: otherwise they could not think to stop it sending authorities to check ionizing radiations OUTSIDE the E-Cats. Your intelligence will allow you to make the logic deductions.
All the other considerations depend on our product’s distribution in the market, let in peace our pioneer-Customer(s).
Warm Regards,
All what you say can only be overcome with the distribution of the E-Cat. Facts, not words, will terminate any discussion.
Warm Regards,
Obviously the due contacts with the offices related to the necessary authorizations will be done. I am pretty sure, though, that having the safety certification of the plant we are all set.
Warm Regards,
Hello Mr Rossi,
regarding the eCat delivery of heat: no señor – it is not that simple.
i am afraid that the ‘National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors’ might have a different opinion about this.
you must not take those safety topics lightly – it may fall on your feet…
Dear Dr Rossi:
There are so many people following your story, cheering for you, supporting you, praing for you, and yet the only thing you have given back in these last years are some ‘Rossi says’ that most of the time are followed by ‘someone says not ‘ . And I mean.. you don’t owe them anyhing, you are not supposed to satisfy the general public curiosity just in exchange of some sort of cybernetic support. But seriously, we are not talking about telenovelas curiosity, we are talking about people worried about the future of energy, the future of this planet, the future of their children, because hey, don’t try to give me the ‘all energy sources will be integrated’ joke, your tech. is kind of last hope.
And I understand your worries about the competition, I understand the very long time needed to a such unconventional tech to be developed properly.
But there are soooo many ways you could put an end to the skeptics chatters, that you could prove without any doubt that your tech does what ‘Rossi says’ . And yet you don’t do it.
Once again it’s just Secret customers secret deals, secret results of reports..
You are a good man I’m sure of that. Just think that it would cost you nothing to give something back to those that have been defending your name for this long time
Dr. Rossi: In response to my question about the customer of year long test, you said, “a company cannot be happy of all the blogosphere hurricane around this issue.” This customer could be so important to the future of LENR because of the attention drawn to the yearlong test, there must be some incentive you or we could give him to come forward and talk about the economic value, cost savings, of your E-Cats. I think you underestimate your power of persuasion, and maybe the importance of this issue. I know you are busy, but please re-think above. Thanks for answering our questions.
Thank you for your insight.
Answer: Leonardo is responsible for the the safety of all that is on board of the E-Cat plant, the Customer is responsible for the safety of all that is outside the plant.
Warm Regards,
Yes, but, as always with our pre-orders, no money will change hands until the product will not be ready.
Warm Regards,
John C. Evans:
Thank you for your envision; my immediate dream is to see a neighborhood of a town lighted and heated by the E-Cat QuarkX. We are working very hard on this right now.
Very important meetings loom today and tomorrow.
Warm Regards,
Hello Mr. Rossi,
browsing the eCat website for some new photos i found the Leonardo offer for just heat.
That is a clever concept, i assume there are a lot of applications where heating is only required during winter season.
And it provides a low threshold to become friend with such a new technology – instead of buying something ‘unknown’ one can rent it for 6 months and then decide to buy.
if someone is interested in just the generated heat – who is responsible for the safety aspects of a steam-generator ? Leonardo or the client ?
Martyn Aubrey:
Thank you: the support of you all is extremely important to our Team. Our Great team.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
1- I am under NDA with the Customer
2- yes
3- now is for low T, but if in the meantime the QuarkX technology will mature enough, I wil propose to make one with the new tech. The Customer is very open to help the technoogical development and the same plant of JM has been made on purpose to test the technology for future more important utilization
4- this information is reserved to the Customers and depends on many variables
5- at the beginning yes
Warm Regards,
Felix Rends:
Thank you for your care.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I hope your journey into the unknown does not end as tragically as that of Odysseus, because then, as now, only for a very few people is the pursuit of virtue and knowledge the motivation and the goal of their actions.
Take care of yourself, your team and your project!
Best regards
Felix Rends
Dear Andrea,
A few questions about the new plant sales, if you don’t mind:
1. Where will they be installed ?
2. You mentioned many problems needed repairing during the 1 year test — do you expect these to have been resolved in the new plants?
3. Will these plants be low-temperature thermal E-Cats, or QuarkX?
4. What is the cost for a 1MW plant now?
5. Will a Leonardo staff member be on site to provide engineering support?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dear Dr Rossi,
The customer ordering another three 1 MW E-Cat heating plants is excellent news.
They certainly have no doubt about the efficiency of the plants. A COP of over 50 is fantastic!
Well Done Sir!! As you said, “The market will decide”.
Andrea, keep up your good fight to protect your IP, for which you have worked extremely hard for many years.
The wealth of recent positive posts, both here on the JoNP and on E-Cat World, show that you have many friends giving you their support.
Many supportive regards,
Martyn Aubrey.
Dear Andrea:
Yes sir. I understand the need for the ERV contractually. But for us hoping for the brighter future that your tech brings the most important things are the facts. Happy customer, high cop, proof of process, and progress toward manufacturing are meaningful. The legal issues while now troublesome for you will soon be in the rear view mirror and you’ll drag us all forward. The changes I envision are earth shattering. With cheap desalination the worry over drought and famine should evaporate. Without need for the costly infrastructure a manufacturing facility can be placed anywhere in the word and with vastly lower transportation cost it will be able to compete globally. The ecatx or quark coupled with the drive toward global wifi connectivity means a man can literally build a house anywhere in the world and live comfortably. Can you imagine the freedom of a self-driving electric car with unlimited range? I could load the family up on a Friday night and wake up in New Orleans on a day trip and wake up at home Sunday in time for church. I’m so eager for my son to have this future and your helping us get there.
Good luck and thank you.
John C Evans
Dear Dr Rossi:
Do you already have pre-orders for industrial application of the QuarkX ?
Thank you,
No: the e.p. they are looking for, and the effects they are looking for demand energies so high that I think no practical use of them will ever be made. When a politician asked a scientist of CERN what the Higgs boson could do for the Country defense, the scientist answered: ” nothing, but making the Country worth to be defended”. The real patrimony of mankind is culture.
Warm Regards,
Patrick Ellul:
See the answer to Renzo, adding that times cannot be precise, since our manufacturing structure is not yet experienced and we still do not have a final production line.
Warm Regards,
I foresee 180 working days.
Warm Regards,
Your proposal is useless, since the core issue is the COP, while the bills are a logic consequence. Besides, our Customers want confidentiality, not publication of their data.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I have an idea, maybe a crazy idea…
Can you offer a substantial discount to JM products on the 3 new Ecats if He agrees to put on his site a recap of the total enery bills before and after ECat? If this is possible and JM products agrees, you can share with us and the world the link to his web site and this could be a very good advertising…
What do you think?
Regards, Marco.
Dr Andrea Rossi
What’s you estimation of the time it will take for building, shipping and installing the 3 plants at the customer’s facilities? Is it doable before the end of the year or much sooner?
my regards
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations on 3 more orders of the plant. The customer must be satisfied. When do you think Leonardo Corporation can deliver these plants to the customer?
Warm regards
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Do you think that the research on course at Geneva, in the CERN LHC can give information useful to the Rossi Effect, sooner or later ?
Peter Metz:
The plants.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations on your recent sales of 3 1MW plants. Can you tell us if it’s for the actual plant or the heat produced by them?
Thank you and wishing you continued success…
Peter Metz
Peter Gluck has written that LENR territory is in good part inexplorated: I agree with him. An inexplorated territory contains unknown things, still to be discovered. What is beyond ? Only God knows, this is why we have to continue to work and study:
“Fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e conoscienza”
Warm Regards,
I totally agree and all our endevours are aimed to this: put our products in the market.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I tink that at this point there is no more to talk of tests, measurements etc, but only of E-Cats in the market.
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Do you think that, thoeretically, the so called Rossi Effect could also not to be connected with LENR ?
John C. Evans:
The ERV was needed by the Agreement between IH and Leonardo, which is reported in the complaint that has been published by my Attorney.
Warm Regards,
No, also in ssm ( self sustained mode) the E-Cat needed several kWh/h for the safety drive.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
When the 1 MW E-Cat was in ssm the input of electric power was zero Wh/h ?
Thanks if you can answer,
Dear Andrea:
Per your response to D; If the customer had an 83% or greater reduction in energy cost for the heat supplied by the e-cat that equals COP≥6, who needs the ERV? If they are happy that’s all that matters. Even if it was less but still COP>1 that’s proof of the effect and should silence doubters. Thanks for the insight.
Good luck and thank you.
John C Evans
1- JM Products
2- yes
3- yes
4- yes
Warm Regards,
Thanks for the links.
I have no comments.
Warm Regards,
I am not able to answer, because we are in a preliminar R&D stage.
Warm Regards,
That’s in my dreams, yes. F8.
Warm Regards,
You gave me a brilliant idea: the next time I will make a tennis match with my wife I will bring my personal referee.
Thank you, that’s genial. We use to bet pizza and beer, but next time if we will end up with the usual 6-0, 6-0, 6-0 for her, I will pull out the results got from my P.R.V.R. ( Personal Referee for Validation of Result ) and if the results of him will be that I won, I will not pay the pizza, let alone the beer !
Warm Regards,
Bernie Koppenhofer:
You are too intelligent not to understand that a company cannot be happy of all the blogosphere hurricane around this issue. Our Customer spoke his satisfaction with facts, not words: he ordered 3 units like the one he tested during this year with a company set up specifically for this purpose.
Warm Regards,
Not yet .
Warm Regards,
During the test I used to work 16-18 hours per day, and the worst of it has been that my shift was from 5-6 p.m. to 10-11 a.m., so I couldn’t sleep during the night, for one year. This has caused issues, but thanks God this Guinea Pig has overcome it. Now I work 12 hours per day and sleep during the night. I am recovering my health.
But that test was too important.
Warm Regards,
Peter Gluck:
Thank you for the link!
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
a small contribution to the developing LENR Geography and exploration:
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Are you working more now or when you were inside the plant during the 352 days test?
Just a curiosity,