Dear Andrea Rossi,
Someone made a list of all your comments about the automated production line, staring from this one in 2012
Can you recap the history of this “promised land” and the reasons why are we still waiting for it?
Supersymmetry is Physics to the extreme between science and something else. To find a symmetry between bosons and fermions is like to find a symmetry between lions and steaks. Serious theorists are working on this issue, though, because it could resolve the so calle “hierarchy problems” generated by the Standard Model. To me it looks more as a mathematical artifice.
One of the tasks of the LHC in the CERN concern is to find evidence of Supersymmetry. We’ll see.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi:
I have a hard time believing that after all this time that what you are claiming is not real. How long did it take the world to finally admit that Pons and Fleismen actually new what they were doing and spoke the truth.
The world is so much in need of such a clean/cheap source of energy. It will make the greening of the deserts possible and clean water available to those who have none. And this is just the beginning of the possibilities. Energy will no longer be the limiting factor to all that we do. Transportation, space travel, you name it and it all changes for the better. It’s time for us to retire the horse and buggy!
No, because the price the product will be sold at will be very competitive and because we have found just this week a way to make extremely difficult the reverse engineering.
Warm Regards,
We are working very strong: still very promising, but it is premature any further consideration. We are still in a prelininary phase of R&D.
Warm Regards,
Please let me apologize in advance. I admire you very much, and I love the ECAT… I am writing today to ask you pause for 1 minute and think about this. I truly believe that you have the genius of Tesla, but like Tesla, you have not yet reached YOUR GOAL. Tesla wanted free energy for the WORLD, so do you. Tesla NEVER achieved his goal. The difference is that you have the power to achieve this goal TODAY!
Please study this lesson: “A good product is NEVER READY for production, but it does have release dates!”
IF you were to die tonight, corporate greed would consume all your efforts within a single day. If you distribute TODAY, that will NEVER happen! You have gathered up so much IP that you can never even use all of it. Please start using your IP for the benefit of mankind now, who are you storing it up for?
“Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of greed, because even when a person has an abundance, his life does not result from the things he possesses.” With that he told them an illustration, saying: “The land of a rich man produced well. So he began reasoning within himself, ‘What should I do now that I have nowhere to gather my crops?’ Then he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my storehouses and build bigger ones, and there I will gather all my grain and all my goods, and I will say to myself: “You have many good things stored up for many years; take it easy, eat, drink, enjoy yourself.”’ But God said to him, ‘Unreasonable one, this night they are demanding your life from you. Who, then, is to have the things you stored up?’
IBM manufactured their first PC 5 years after Steve Jobs introduced the IBM PC. I fear that Industrial Heat aka Cherokee will produce and MANUFACTURE their first product in 2016. This is based on the analogy of Steve Jobs vs IBM outlined below. THIS WILL HAPPEN! IBM succeeded in getting to market 5 years after the Apple Computer was introduced.
IBM did this 35 years ago! Times move even faster now.
Steve Jobs, (Died at age 56, February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American information technology entrepreneur and inventor. He was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc.
Production Record
Year Model
1976 Apple I
1977 Apple II
1978 Disk II Drives
1979 Apple II Plus
IBM’s own Personal Computer (IBM 5150) was introduced in August 1981, only a year after corporate executives gave the go-ahead to Bill Lowe, the lab director in the company’s Boca Raton, Fla., facilities. During a meeting with top executives in New York, Lowe claimed his group could develop a small, new computer within a year. The response: “You’re on. Come back in two weeks with a proposal.”
Production Record
1981 IBM PC
1983 IBM XT
1983 Portable PC
1984 IBM AT
Production Record
April 6, 2011 – First E-CAT Patent approved by Italian Patent and trademark Office;
No product introduced to the market.
Sep 5, 2012 – Safety Certificate of E-CAT 1 MW Plant, SGS;
No product introduced to the market.
July 7, 2013 – Safety Certificate of E-CAT -HT by Bureau Veritas;
No product introduced to the market.
Feb 2015 – First E-CAT 1 MW in commercial operation;
No product introduced to the market.
Jan 2016 – First E-CAT X with Electricity output
No product introduced to the market.
Please do not die and give your work to the corporations to abuse the world with!
Yours truly,
ps: I am getting old too! Old men can be cranky sometimes. So sorry.
Dear Andrea,
Now being aware that Mats Lewan has canceled the Symposium, do you still intend to have a public meeting and reveal or demonstrate something as you previously intended to?
If so, is a date or month and place planned for this?
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea Rossi:
There are rumors that Leonardo Corp bought back most of the licences that had been sold in past. I spoke with a former licensee of Leonardo who told me that you bought back almost all the licences previously sold at the same price the licensees had paid to Leonardo, plus the 10% as a premium.
I have two questions, if you can answer, as the CEO of Leonardo Corp:
1- why the licences have been bought back ?
2- are those licences for sale to other licencees ?
Thank you,
Please let alone the LENR and study the Physics that your Prof teaches to you. In this period of your life you must think to learn as much and as well as possible from your Professors. LENR are a particular field that you will be able to afford and properly evaluate after learning the bases that your Professor is teaching to you.
What you are learning at school is a fundamental pillar of your future life. Stay focused on it.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Perhaps this has already been called to your attention.
Monday 4-11-16 on LENR-FORUM a member, me356, posted a link to a short video (page 38 of me356: Reactor Parameters thread) showing apparent excess heat being triggered. It appears to be a very good replication of the Lugano Hot Cat. On 4-12-16 (Page 42 of that thread) another member, BEC (Brillouin Energy), is trying to pump more info from me356 as to the trigger method. This seems to agree with your statement of IH giving away your IP but it seems that their “experts in the art” are having difficulty in obtaining desirable results.
Here is a paintbrush, here is some paint, here is a pallet to mix them like so and you get these colors. Stroke the brush to the canvas like so to get this line. Modulate the brush to get the appearance of curly hair. But still their picture does not resemble a Rembrandt. Keep your cards close to your chest Andrea! No comment necessary. There are a lot of eyes watching your back my friend.
I meant whether the E-Cat would have worked on planet Mars due to its reduced gravity, lack of oxygen and other differences from planet Earth.
Elon Musk and others are getting their plans ready for a possible colonization of the red planet which will require a process of Terraforming. Considering that Mars has an average temperature of -55C, a large quantity of E-CATs producing heat could accelerate that process.
Definitely a large new market to seriously consider.
Warm regards
You have said that you have many back orders of industrial plants, but how many companies/organizations are you actively working with to build and deliver plants for?
J. Hartmann:
Our production has still enormous obstacles to overcome, our Customers are pioneers, that have ordered several plants with full knowledge of the risks still connected with our technology, our massive production is not yet in operation and our activity has still strong risks not to succeed.
We are not offering any kind of public investment because I want not to put at risk the savings of the persons. Our activity is still comparable to a warship, nor to a cruiseship. Beware anybody that is selling investments to the public related to LENR, because the risks connected are extremely high.
We accept investments only from professional industrialists of investors that know perfectly all the risks connected with our activity.
I am receiving many offers from good people that wants to invest money on me, but I am refusing all these offers because I want not to play football with the bones of the others.
Put your money in US Treasury bonds and sleep well during the night.
We will take in strong consideration public investments only AFTER our E-Cat will have been put massively in the market.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
I am a high school student and also a follower of your work. My prof of Physics wants not to talk of LENR. What do you suggest me to do ?
Thank you if you can answer,
Bernie Koppenofer:
The diffusion of the product in the market will resolve the problem, nothing else, not the chatters from anywhere. We have just to work, work, work.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
At the start of your polemic court proceedings with IH I proffered my absolute backing for your cause as I was convinced of not only your honesty, but hard work and integrity as it seemed to me by all your opinions and actions during the past few years that I have been following you. Since then I have been quietly reading the arguments for and against you from different blogs and articles and I have come to the conclusion that I was 100% correct in my assessment of you as a person, businessman and inventor, your extraordinary character and willpower under the tremendous pressure is admirable!
I won’t ask you to keep up the battle, as I know you will, until the end.
With my best wishes
Luis Navarro
Dr. Rossi: You know better than I do, because of our past discussions on the subject, that thousands of lives are at stake for every month your E-Cat is held from the market place. I also am convinced you are a sincere humanitarian, so, for you to say “let in peace our pioneer-Customer(s)”, when words from these customers can end the debate about the reality of LENR and your E-cat; respectfully, to me does not make sense. You have many orders for your E-cats, isn’t it possible for you to find a customer who is willing and able to verify publicly the economic value of your E-Cats? Thanks for listening.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
At the beginning I was convinced you were wrong and IH was right, but after reading all the rants of Jed Rothwell and the other hatchet men of IH and looked through the papers that have been published in the internet, I changed idea. You are right in the dispute against IH.
What convinced me is a foundamental thing. While IH was raising 50 millions from Woodford ( whose role has to be analyzed carefully ) JT Vaughn, in the same very days was writing to the authorities that your plant was not working and used a physicist connected with your competitors to induce the healthcare dept. of Florida to close your plant and interrupt the test. This fact, easy to understand reading carefully all the papers in the internet, clearly discloses the strategy of IH: use you to collect millions from investors, but, at the same time, stop you to forbid you to complete the test, so that they can avoid to pay you. Their strategy was, and is, to justify with their investors saying they are collecting money for an R&D that will never end…and block any factual development of your E-Cat, at the same time buying toilet papers to show to the investors ( and the auditors of Woodford and company ) that they have a lot of IP at the stake and that you are only one piece of the mosaic; this way they justify with the investors that they got 50 millions and eventually lost your license , which initialy was the pillar of their value.
From one side we have a man that has worked 16-18 hours per day, risking his health while making the Guinea pig, putting all his life in this risky endevour, on the other side we have financial smartasses that without working got 50 millions, or more, from Woodford, started a 200 milions concern in China, and at the same time tried to “kill” you: look at what JT Vaughn said to the North Carilina healthcare authority exactly while he was colecting 50 millions from Woodford. Why ? Because they never wanted a real work done, they always wanted only sell toilet paper to make easy money.
I was an enemy of you, Dr Rossi, but Rothwell and his paid armada of hatchets has convinced me that you are fighting against sharks to defend a work you have dedicated your life to. This having been said, now do not lose time in chatters with these assholes, continue to focus on your work and put the E-Cat on the market. This is the sole way you have to sweep away this trash.
An admirer of your efforts,
May God help you
Frank Acland:
Of course, that’s why we have made and continue to make the safety certifications for out E-Cats. The industrial plants already got the necessary safety certifications.
Warm Regards,
Your question is enigmatic, I suppose you mean in your house ? We are working on the domestic appliances and on their certifications.
Warm Regards,
Like many I am saddened that the matters with IH have to be resolved in court.
I commend your fortitude and determination. As you have said, the enterprise is at this stage of development a warship not a cruise ship.
That description is meaningful.
I have one question about the Leonardo Corp. offering to supply heat under contract. If you have this information, can you publish a figure (or figures)for how many lineal feet of two lane roadway, the the 10 MW heat plant can keep clear of ice and snow in the U.S.during a winter?
you wrote:
” Andrea Rossi
April 15, 2016 at 6:42 AM
No: the e.p. they are looking for, and the effects they are looking for demand energies so high that I think no practical use of them will ever be made. ”
I think there is a lot of stockpiled radioactive waste to be neutralized. R&D should go on. For all next generations.
Unless you mean by this answer that you have found a way to use the E-Cat technology to modify radioactive products.
As I was very busy, I didn’t follow the JNP for a while, but today I’ve read Mats Lewan post, and I tend to believe that you’re right. The fact that IH also tried to work with your competitors, spending money on them (instead of paying you for your hard work), makes me believe that they wanted to take over your IP and your business, and I wish you success in fighting against this.
Dear Andrea,
Are you in the process of constructing devices for any other customers? I think you stated in the past that you have billions of dollars of pre-orders that are awaiting an offer.
Preordered regards.
Silvio Caggia:
We are working.
Warm regards
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Someone made a list of all your comments about the automated production line, staring from this one in 2012
Can you recap the history of this “promised land” and the reasons why are we still waiting for it?
Automated Regards
Supersymmetry is Physics to the extreme between science and something else. To find a symmetry between bosons and fermions is like to find a symmetry between lions and steaks. Serious theorists are working on this issue, though, because it could resolve the so calle “hierarchy problems” generated by the Standard Model. To me it looks more as a mathematical artifice.
One of the tasks of the LHC in the CERN concern is to find evidence of Supersymmetry. We’ll see.
Warm Regards,
Andrea Rossi:
I have a hard time believing that after all this time that what you are claiming is not real. How long did it take the world to finally admit that Pons and Fleismen actually new what they were doing and spoke the truth.
The world is so much in need of such a clean/cheap source of energy. It will make the greening of the deserts possible and clean water available to those who have none. And this is just the beginning of the possibilities. Energy will no longer be the limiting factor to all that we do. Transportation, space travel, you name it and it all changes for the better. It’s time for us to retire the horse and buggy!
No, because the price the product will be sold at will be very competitive and because we have found just this week a way to make extremely difficult the reverse engineering.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
We are working very strong: still very promising, but it is premature any further consideration. We are still in a prelininary phase of R&D.
Warm Regards,
1- because Leonardo Corporation has changed strategy and prefers to operate directly.
2- no
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Please let me apologize in advance. I admire you very much, and I love the ECAT… I am writing today to ask you pause for 1 minute and think about this. I truly believe that you have the genius of Tesla, but like Tesla, you have not yet reached YOUR GOAL. Tesla wanted free energy for the WORLD, so do you. Tesla NEVER achieved his goal. The difference is that you have the power to achieve this goal TODAY!
Please study this lesson: “A good product is NEVER READY for production, but it does have release dates!”
IF you were to die tonight, corporate greed would consume all your efforts within a single day. If you distribute TODAY, that will NEVER happen! You have gathered up so much IP that you can never even use all of it. Please start using your IP for the benefit of mankind now, who are you storing it up for?
“Keep your eyes open and guard against every sort of greed, because even when a person has an abundance, his life does not result from the things he possesses.” With that he told them an illustration, saying: “The land of a rich man produced well. So he began reasoning within himself, ‘What should I do now that I have nowhere to gather my crops?’ Then he said, ‘I will do this: I will tear down my storehouses and build bigger ones, and there I will gather all my grain and all my goods, and I will say to myself: “You have many good things stored up for many years; take it easy, eat, drink, enjoy yourself.”’ But God said to him, ‘Unreasonable one, this night they are demanding your life from you. Who, then, is to have the things you stored up?’
IBM manufactured their first PC 5 years after Steve Jobs introduced the IBM PC. I fear that Industrial Heat aka Cherokee will produce and MANUFACTURE their first product in 2016. This is based on the analogy of Steve Jobs vs IBM outlined below. THIS WILL HAPPEN! IBM succeeded in getting to market 5 years after the Apple Computer was introduced.
IBM did this 35 years ago! Times move even faster now.
Steve Jobs, (Died at age 56, February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American information technology entrepreneur and inventor. He was the co-founder, chairman, and chief executive officer (CEO) of Apple Inc.
Production Record
Year Model
1976 Apple I
1977 Apple II
1978 Disk II Drives
1979 Apple II Plus
IBM’s own Personal Computer (IBM 5150) was introduced in August 1981, only a year after corporate executives gave the go-ahead to Bill Lowe, the lab director in the company’s Boca Raton, Fla., facilities. During a meeting with top executives in New York, Lowe claimed his group could develop a small, new computer within a year. The response: “You’re on. Come back in two weeks with a proposal.”
Production Record
1981 IBM PC
1983 IBM XT
1983 Portable PC
1984 IBM AT
Production Record
April 6, 2011 – First E-CAT Patent approved by Italian Patent and trademark Office;
No product introduced to the market.
Sep 5, 2012 – Safety Certificate of E-CAT 1 MW Plant, SGS;
No product introduced to the market.
July 7, 2013 – Safety Certificate of E-CAT -HT by Bureau Veritas;
No product introduced to the market.
Feb 2015 – First E-CAT 1 MW in commercial operation;
No product introduced to the market.
Jan 2016 – First E-CAT X with Electricity output
No product introduced to the market.
Please do not die and give your work to the corporations to abuse the world with!
Yours truly,
ps: I am getting old too! Old men can be cranky sometimes. So sorry.
Gerard McEk:
Yes, I suppose so, but it depends also on other factors.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Now being aware that Mats Lewan has canceled the Symposium, do you still intend to have a public meeting and reveal or demonstrate something as you previously intended to?
If so, is a date or month and place planned for this?
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea Rossi:
There are rumors that Leonardo Corp bought back most of the licences that had been sold in past. I spoke with a former licensee of Leonardo who told me that you bought back almost all the licences previously sold at the same price the licensees had paid to Leonardo, plus the 10% as a premium.
I have two questions, if you can answer, as the CEO of Leonardo Corp:
1- why the licences have been bought back ?
2- are those licences for sale to other licencees ?
Thank you,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
How is going on your R&D with the QuarkX ?
Dr Andrea Rossi:
In your Team now is there any person that had worked with IH during the 1 year test of the 1 MW E-Cat ?
Mr Andrea Rossi:
Are you worried of the reverse engineering that will be made on your E-Cat after the diffusion of this device ?
Dr Andrea Rossi:
What is your opinion about supersymmetry ?
Please let alone the LENR and study the Physics that your Prof teaches to you. In this period of your life you must think to learn as much and as well as possible from your Professors. LENR are a particular field that you will be able to afford and properly evaluate after learning the bases that your Professor is teaching to you.
What you are learning at school is a fundamental pillar of your future life. Stay focused on it.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Peter Gluck:
Thank you for your link!
Warm Regards,
I take advice for when I will land on Mars.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi:
I agree with all that Jack said.
Dear Andrea,
Perhaps this has already been called to your attention.
Monday 4-11-16 on LENR-FORUM a member, me356, posted a link to a short video (page 38 of me356: Reactor Parameters thread) showing apparent excess heat being triggered. It appears to be a very good replication of the Lugano Hot Cat. On 4-12-16 (Page 42 of that thread) another member, BEC (Brillouin Energy), is trying to pump more info from me356 as to the trigger method. This seems to agree with your statement of IH giving away your IP but it seems that their “experts in the art” are having difficulty in obtaining desirable results.
Here is a paintbrush, here is some paint, here is a pallet to mix them like so and you get these colors. Stroke the brush to the canvas like so to get this line. Modulate the brush to get the appearance of curly hair. But still their picture does not resemble a Rembrandt. Keep your cards close to your chest Andrea! No comment necessary. There are a lot of eyes watching your back my friend.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I meant whether the E-Cat would have worked on planet Mars due to its reduced gravity, lack of oxygen and other differences from planet Earth.
Elon Musk and others are getting their plans ready for a possible colonization of the red planet which will require a process of Terraforming. Considering that Mars has an average temperature of -55C, a large quantity of E-CATs producing heat could accelerate that process.
Definitely a large new market to seriously consider.
Warm regards
Dear Andrea,
Just a bit of LENR info for today:
An Prize is given you from Australia
by Doug Marker.
Really best wishes,
Dear Andrea,
You have said that you have many back orders of industrial plants, but how many companies/organizations are you actively working with to build and deliver plants for?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea:
Jack is right, from the first to the last word.
Thank you for your insight.
Warm Regards,
J. Hartmann:
Our production has still enormous obstacles to overcome, our Customers are pioneers, that have ordered several plants with full knowledge of the risks still connected with our technology, our massive production is not yet in operation and our activity has still strong risks not to succeed.
We are not offering any kind of public investment because I want not to put at risk the savings of the persons. Our activity is still comparable to a warship, nor to a cruiseship. Beware anybody that is selling investments to the public related to LENR, because the risks connected are extremely high.
We accept investments only from professional industrialists of investors that know perfectly all the risks connected with our activity.
I am receiving many offers from good people that wants to invest money on me, but I am refusing all these offers because I want not to play football with the bones of the others.
Put your money in US Treasury bonds and sleep well during the night.
We will take in strong consideration public investments only AFTER our E-Cat will have been put massively in the market.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
I am a high school student and also a follower of your work. My prof of Physics wants not to talk of LENR. What do you suggest me to do ?
Thank you if you can answer,
Bernie Koppenofer:
The diffusion of the product in the market will resolve the problem, nothing else, not the chatters from anywhere. We have just to work, work, work.
Warm Regards,
Luis Navarro:
I totally trust in the USA justice and in my work.
Warm Regards,
Mail it to
Andrea Rossi
c/o Leonardo Corp
1331 Lincoln Road, S.te 601
Miami beach, FL 33139
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I would like to have signed from you by copy of Mats Lewan’s book “An inpossible invention”.
Is it possible?
Dear Mr. Rossi,
At the start of your polemic court proceedings with IH I proffered my absolute backing for your cause as I was convinced of not only your honesty, but hard work and integrity as it seemed to me by all your opinions and actions during the past few years that I have been following you. Since then I have been quietly reading the arguments for and against you from different blogs and articles and I have come to the conclusion that I was 100% correct in my assessment of you as a person, businessman and inventor, your extraordinary character and willpower under the tremendous pressure is admirable!
I won’t ask you to keep up the battle, as I know you will, until the end.
With my best wishes
Luis Navarro
Dr. Rossi: You know better than I do, because of our past discussions on the subject, that thousands of lives are at stake for every month your E-Cat is held from the market place. I also am convinced you are a sincere humanitarian, so, for you to say “let in peace our pioneer-Customer(s)”, when words from these customers can end the debate about the reality of LENR and your E-cat; respectfully, to me does not make sense. You have many orders for your E-cats, isn’t it possible for you to find a customer who is willing and able to verify publicly the economic value of your E-Cats? Thanks for listening.
Dr Rossi:
Do you think at this point the public could invest in your enterprise ?
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
At the beginning I was convinced you were wrong and IH was right, but after reading all the rants of Jed Rothwell and the other hatchet men of IH and looked through the papers that have been published in the internet, I changed idea. You are right in the dispute against IH.
What convinced me is a foundamental thing. While IH was raising 50 millions from Woodford ( whose role has to be analyzed carefully ) JT Vaughn, in the same very days was writing to the authorities that your plant was not working and used a physicist connected with your competitors to induce the healthcare dept. of Florida to close your plant and interrupt the test. This fact, easy to understand reading carefully all the papers in the internet, clearly discloses the strategy of IH: use you to collect millions from investors, but, at the same time, stop you to forbid you to complete the test, so that they can avoid to pay you. Their strategy was, and is, to justify with their investors saying they are collecting money for an R&D that will never end…and block any factual development of your E-Cat, at the same time buying toilet papers to show to the investors ( and the auditors of Woodford and company ) that they have a lot of IP at the stake and that you are only one piece of the mosaic; this way they justify with the investors that they got 50 millions and eventually lost your license , which initialy was the pillar of their value.
From one side we have a man that has worked 16-18 hours per day, risking his health while making the Guinea pig, putting all his life in this risky endevour, on the other side we have financial smartasses that without working got 50 millions, or more, from Woodford, started a 200 milions concern in China, and at the same time tried to “kill” you: look at what JT Vaughn said to the North Carilina healthcare authority exactly while he was colecting 50 millions from Woodford. Why ? Because they never wanted a real work done, they always wanted only sell toilet paper to make easy money.
I was an enemy of you, Dr Rossi, but Rothwell and his paid armada of hatchets has convinced me that you are fighting against sharks to defend a work you have dedicated your life to. This having been said, now do not lose time in chatters with these assholes, continue to focus on your work and put the E-Cat on the market. This is the sole way you have to sweep away this trash.
An admirer of your efforts,
May God help you
Frank Acland:
Of course, that’s why we have made and continue to make the safety certifications for out E-Cats. The industrial plants already got the necessary safety certifications.
Warm Regards,
Peter Gluck:
Thank you for the link.
I am focusing on the development of our products.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Daniel De Caluwé:
the Law will make all clear.
Warm Regards,
Koen Vandewalle: to raise the waives of a field to the energy of a Higgs boson you need 246 GeV…
Warm Regards,
Your question is enigmatic, I suppose you mean in your house ? We are working on the domestic appliances and on their certifications.
Warm Regards,
Sorry, I am not able to answer, because there are many soecific variables I do not have experience with.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi
Like many I am saddened that the matters with IH have to be resolved in court.
I commend your fortitude and determination. As you have said, the enterprise is at this stage of development a warship not a cruise ship.
That description is meaningful.
I have one question about the Leonardo Corp. offering to supply heat under contract. If you have this information, can you publish a figure (or figures)for how many lineal feet of two lane roadway, the the 10 MW heat plant can keep clear of ice and snow in the U.S.during a winter?
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Would the E-Cat work on Mars?
Thanks a lot
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi,
you wrote:
” Andrea Rossi
April 15, 2016 at 6:42 AM
No: the e.p. they are looking for, and the effects they are looking for demand energies so high that I think no practical use of them will ever be made. ”
I think there is a lot of stockpiled radioactive waste to be neutralized. R&D should go on. For all next generations.
Unless you mean by this answer that you have found a way to use the E-Cat technology to modify radioactive products.
Kind Regards,
Dear dr. Rossi,
As I was very busy, I didn’t follow the JNP for a while, but today I’ve read Mats Lewan post, and I tend to believe that you’re right. The fact that IH also tried to work with your competitors, spending money on them (instead of paying you for your hard work), makes me believe that they wanted to take over your IP and your business, and I wish you success in fighting against this.
Kind Regards,
Daniel De Caluwé
Dear Andrea,
Are you in the process of constructing devices for any other customers? I think you stated in the past that you have billions of dollars of pre-orders that are awaiting an offer.
Preordered regards.
Dear Andrea,
I have published this
Now I see it was too optimistic and nice
the situation is more messy.