Use of drum film devices in radioactive waste conditioning technology

V.A. Uzikov

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So far, the common practice of radioactive waste treatment in Russia was controlled temporary storage – the so-called “procrastinated decision”. In Russia, the total amount of accumulated liquid radioactive waste (hereinafter LRW) is 477 million, and 77 millions of solid radioactive waste. However, as the world and Russian practice shows, that the controlled storage of radioactive waste in the long term results their accumulation and is not acceptable as a strategy of RAW treatment. Such strategy does not lead to the final safe solution of the problem, but requires the permanent overhead costs without clear prospect [1].

Thus, high production complexes for LRW treatment are needed. Key consumers interested in of liquid radioactive waste treatment plants are:

• enterprises of spent fuel treatment;
• existing nuclear power plants with power and research reactors;
• enterprises involved to decommissioning of boats and ships with nuclear power plants;
• enterprises involved to decommissioning of nuclear power plants and research reactor
• enterprises involved in the liquidation of the consequences of nuclear accidents
(Chernobyl, Fukushima , etc.).

Nowadays, mainly thermal and sorption methods are used for treatment of liquid radioactive waste. Using these methods, the main part of liquid radioactive waste, produced during the operation of nuclear installations of various purposes and other facilities using radioactive substances, is treated. These methods cannot be called original or specific for the treatment of radioactive waste (hereinafter RAW), because they were taken from various conventional industries and modified. Mainly these are methods, usually used in purification, treatment and desalination of water.
For implementing of treatment methods of non-nuclear industry and their modification, the specific requirements of industries related to radiation must be taken into account [2]:

• leak tightness of the equipment, excluding the possibility of radioactive contamination of buildings, staff and the environment;
• feasibility of the equipment operation to minimize the need for maintenance services in the radiation conditions, which require complicated and expensive works of equipment decontamination.

The most universal method for treatment of almost all types of LRW is a thermal method, in which LRW solution is evaporated to concentrate radioactive products in a small volume.
Practice of LRW treatment shows that the main source of problems in evaporation equipment are the heat exchange pipes. During the operation, their surface is covering inevitably by sediments, which have to be removed periodically by chemical washing, with interruption of the treatment process and at the same time with producing a large amount of secondary LRW. This inevitability is caused by evaporator’s design including heat exchange tubes – the process of sedimentation of the tubes cannot be prevented, it can only be decreased by using different methods: increasing the circulation velocity in heat exchange tubes or addition of special chemicals additives. The inevitability of foam-and-droplets entrainment from the evaporator is also caused by its design, so the additional special equipment have to be used for steam and condensate purification from radionuclides. Moreover, it is necessary to perform periodically the mechanical cleaning of heat exchange tubes which leads to important radiation doses to personnel.
All these problems existing in LRW evaporation technology are well known and studied, and some alternative methods are considered in [2], but it is concluded that these methods have a low productivity and heat transfer because of the lack of an organized circulation of evaporated solution [2].
The ideal comprehensive solution of the problem of LRW treatment is to create a continuous LRW evaporation technology with cementation of the concentrate at the same time, and the possible addition of used sorbents and sludge to the resulting cement compound. The main factor limiting the use of evaporation technology is a high energy costs, but with the appearance at energy market such installations as E-Cat, this problem disappears.
For comprehensive solution of the problems of LRW concentration and its subsequent cementation it is proposed to establish a technological process based on the two following principles:

1. To perform the process of LRW concentration in the evaporator equipment, that helps to prevent droplet entrainment and excludes degradation of technological parameters in time (to exclude interruptions in work of evaporation equipment due to fouling of the heating surface).
2. To make the processes of evaporation (secondary evaporation) and conditioning of LRW (inclusion in cement matrix) sequental and continuous, thereby eliminating the need for a large number of intermediate containers and dosing of separate portions.
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239 comments to Use of drum film devices in radioactive waste conditioning technology

  • H. Hansson

    Dear Rossi,

    Point made.. but for myself I would be more concerned about friends, colleagues and love ones risking to come in the line of fire. A majority of all victims are “Collateral damage”.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you and may your celebration bring you a strong luck!

  • Andrea Rossi

    H. Hansson:
    Thank you for your kind care and suggestions, but if a bullet is destined to me I can’t avoid it not even hiding myself at the center of the Earth.
    I have to do what I have to do.
    Besides, I am convinced that everybody wants an integration of all the possible energy sources.
    I wish you a wonderful 2016,

  • H. Hansson

    Dear Rossi,
    To some extent Steve have probably made a point. As long as you stay in USA in a unknown location you are probably reasonably safe. But if and when you travel to other parts of the world (Europe) that is totally different ball game, you will be in reach. Neutralizing you will prove to be counter-productive in the long run, .. however, not all peoples share our logic.

    Traveling low-profile, stay with friends and not advertise your whereabouts is probably just one of many precautions you are already is exercising.

  • toussaint

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I wish all the best for the coming new year, at midnight I will raise my cup of champagne,

    to all your hard work and a special thought to your new “baby”.

    Kind regards.

    Toussaint françois

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande:
    Thank you for your care,
    Happy New Year!

  • Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande

    Io penso che Steve ha ragione !!! TrovaTi persone estremamente fidate !!! Sempre che F9 sia ” NON SI SA'” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUON LAVORO A TE’ , DA UNO COME TE’ , CHE SONO IO !!! , CHE HA PER PIU’ DI 60 ANNI LAVORATO 16 ORE AL GIORNO !!!!!!!!

  • Andrea Rossi

    I think everybody has understood that the integration of this technology is an advantage for all.
    If it works.
    Warm Regards

  • Steve


    I have been following your progress and others for a long time. One area of concern I have, and this concern maybe unfounded, but I need to express it. Since your technology will change the economy of the world, Petro-dollars, investments, and so on, do you have proper protections in place to ensure that you and your technology is safe? I would imagine that there are many people, corporations, and even whole government that are carefully watching your work and want you and your work removed from the earth.

    If possible, I would like to see you place your notes, research and so on safely in escrow with a few trusted third parties that if anything were to happen to you, the world can still get access to it.

    Best regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    1- I am inventing a new commercalization system
    2- same as above
    3- please red point 1.
    Best Wishes for the New year to you,

  • Bob

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    1. If the E-Cat X generating electricity proves to be a successful product, does Leonardo Corp. intend to distribute it through the existing network of wholesale distributors or through some other arrangements?

    2. Does the Leonardo Corp. network of wholesale distributors now include territory assignments to cover the entire earth?

    3. If not, what are the areas where you are still seeking distributors?

    Thanks and best wishes for the New Year.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Marco Serra:
    Thank you foryour kind encouragement.
    Answer: that will be a matter of F9 and of certification timeframe, that does not depend on us.
    Happy 2016!

  • Marco Serra

    Caro Andrea
    sono stato lontano dal tuo blog per una settimana, ritorno e apprendo questa fantastica notizia.
    A N D R E A – S E I – U N – G R A N D E
    Mi hai riempito il cuore di gioia. L’umanità aveva bisogno proprio di questo e tu sei l’uomo della (divina) provvidenza. Sono molto contento anche per te perchè te lo sei veramente meritato questo successo. Ti vogliamo bene e noi italiani siamo fieri di te che porti in alto il nome dell’Italia (anche se l’Italia non ci fa certo un figurone nella tua vicenda, come sempre è stato nella sua storia purtroppo).
    Avrei 1000 domande da farti ma te ne faccio una sola:
    Dopo l’ECatX pensi ancora che il settore automobilistico potrà beneficiare della tua invenzione solo fra qualche decennio ?

    Che Dio ti benedica
    Marco Serra

    Congratulation for the achievement of the electric ECat-X. It’s a victory you fully deserved. My heart is full of joy. We love you. I’m proud to be italian as you are (even if Italy has not been kind to you, as always in its history).

    Just one question:
    Knowing ECat-X potential, do you still think automotive will benefit of your invention not before some decades ?

    God bless you
    Marco Serra

  • Andrea Rossi

    Waiting for the answer of Dr Irina Uzikova and Dr Vitaly Uzikov, let me underline an important consideration: Irina Uzikov is a very high level nuclear physicist, among the most promising of the Russian school of the matter and she is a woman: women are in low percentage in the field of nuclear physics respect men, but when they are good, they are really good. This is a strong merit also of the Russian Physics tradition. The percentage of female nuclear physicists in Russia is higher that in the other Countries.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Roberto Mucciarini:
    Moreless the same.
    Warm Regards,

  • Roberto Mucciarini

    Dopo un anno di Test in corso sull’impianto industriale, e prendendo a 100 la scala di valutazione dell’affidabilità dell’impianto da 1MW, e ipotizzando per questo un’affidabilità di 80, indipendentemente se questo sarebbe sufficiente o meno a consentire il passo della commercializzazione, lo stesso valore sarebbe trasferibile ai singoli elementi ( E.Cat ) che lo compongono oppure tale valore sarebbe/dovrebbe essere diverso? E se si, quanto diverso?

  • R.S.

    Dr Irina & Vitaly Uzikov:
    Have you found a customer already to realize your plant for nuclear waste reduction? It seems to me very important.
    I wish you a successful 2016,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you from all my Team and have a wonderful New Year

  • arjen


    Dear Andrea

    Thank you for all the amazing hard work, you give to the world. A very healthy and fulfilling and loving new year, to you all.
    As I am (and most of us)disturbed, by 1% of the people in the world owning more then 99% of all the wealth, but also I am deeply moved how even less then 0.001% of all people will change the future of this world for good. I would like to say thanks to you (inc your family) and your team , being a part of this. Only to your perseverance ( and all people standing behind and working as hard as you) you have accomplished a miracle. Time will show, but I, (as you of course believe yourself), strongly believe the snow ball you started rolling down the hill will be unstoppable.


    I don’t think I can do something in return….but if I can, let me know.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, he is “the last of the bugs”.
    Happy Year 2016 to you too,

  • monti

    @A.R. You said:
    “midnight is a critical moment for many reasons and I will have to be here”
    I bet you are talking about the famous year 2k16 bug and you are curious if it will affect the computers of your plant 😉

    just kidding…
    have a happy year 2016!


  • Andrea Rossi

    Rick 57:
    It is difficult to foresee how much time it will take the tests cycle and I prefer not to give dates, otherwise at that date, should we not be ready, I could be accused not to have maintained my word.
    For sure I can say that I am working very hard on it and after the patent application will have to set up a specific team in Leonardo Corporation.
    Warm Regards,

  • Rick 57

    Dear Andrea,

    I’m following your work since many years ago when I heard about an Italian Inventor
    able to heat an industrial building in Italy using a kind of magic “cold fusion” process.

    How much effort you spent and how many progresses you made from those old times !

    Now, with the terrific news you provided, the circle is almost completed and we enter
    2016 into a new age: the X (electrical power) generation !

    Just one question: how long do you think we will have to wait until you can confirm this
    is NOT a dream ?

    Warm and Lightning Regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    H. Hansson:
    If the E-Cat will work, it will have the same evolution of the products necessary to everybody, as you correctly said. There will be an integration. Difficult to foresee exceptional events.
    Warm Regards,

  • H. Hansson

    Dear Rossi,

    If your invention works as intended, it will quickly become a competitive advantage that countries, organizations and companies can not do without. Either you have access to the technology or is struck out of competition (do or die).

    Have you ever wondered about the geopolitical implications if some have access to your LENR technology and others not? For example, this can cause extensive piracy and calls for compulsory licensing.

    Or do you believe that other competitors will offer similar solutions that we (your fans) just not heard about..??

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- confidential
    2- no
    3- yes
    4- no
    5- n.a.
    Thanks to you for your attention.
    Warm Regards,

  • Bob

    Congratulations on your discovery of the electricity producing E-CatX

    1. Does this device contain any moving parts?

    2. Are there new materials in the wafer part that you have not previously used?

    3. Does this new device require additional parts or equipment of your new and proprietary design?

    4. Does it make sound while in operation?

    5. Does the quality of the sound reveal any information to you about its operation?

    Thanks again to you and your team for your patience and persistence.


  • Andrea Rossi

    That’s science fiction: let’s remain humbly in a lab to make experiments.
    Thank you for your enthusiasm, though.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Too soon to be said, but the 1 MW plants are already industrial products, the E-Cat X is a prototype. The invention of the direct electricity production has been made yesterday while I was working alone on the E-Cat X, then the lab in which it is working has been closed and since then I allow nobody in, and it will be so until this preliminar testing period will not have been completed and the related patent application will have been made.
    Warm Regards,

  • toussaint

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Will this new development of the ECAT X change the current marketing

    of your next MEGAWATT industrial plants ?

    Kind regards.

    Toussaint François

  • toussaint

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Congratulations for this new acheivement on your new “baby”.

    Thank you for bringing a new paradigm shift for humanity,

    Now we are closer to STARSHIP ENTERPRISE !

    Kind regards.

    Toussaint François

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Coppi:
    Data after the end of the first phase of the tests on course.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alessandro Coppi

    Hi Andrea
    Let us know some more about the Santa gift:
    How much high efficiency in electricity production? beyond 1 percent? (with respect to the nominal power of e-cat x)

    Buon lavoro!
    Alessandro Coppi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Brandon Hurt:
    Thank you and great wishes to you, in the Country of Nelson Mandela whose life inspired all of us.
    Merry Christmas,

  • Brandon Hurd

    Dear Dr. Rossi

    May I take this chance to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy (and successful) New Year going forward into 2016.

    Also, God’s richest blessings to you and your family at this time of year especially.

    And once again, thank-you for the very excellent work you do.

    Warmest regards
    Brandon Hurd
    Cape Town, South Africa

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giannino Ludovico Ferro Casagrande:
    Thank you for your wishes, traded at all, and your continue attention,

  • Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande

    FORZA ANDREA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Irina Uzikova

    Maybe the best place to test the installation and to compare it with others installations of liquid radioactive waste treatment would be Fukushima
    Kind regards
    Irina and Vitaly

  • Irina Uzikova

    Maximilian Hanes
    The cost of the installation of capacity 10 t/day together with cementation unit would be from 1,5 to 2 millions $
    Kind regards
    Irina and Vitaly

  • Dave

    Dr Ukikova, Dr Uzikov:
    Thank you for your important paper published on the JoNP.
    I think it could be important to make a prototype and test it; you are an expert of nuclear plants, so should be easy for you find a site wherein experiment your technology: that would be very convincing about its efficiency.

  • Maximilian Hanes

    Dear Dr Uzikova, Dr Uzikov:
    How could cost to produce in Russia a plant like the one described in your paper to treat 10 tonns per day?
    Thank you for your answer, if possible,

  • Irina Uzikova

    Dear Andrea,
    Thank You very much!
    Irina and Vitaly

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please go to
    to find comments published today on other posts.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Irina and Vitaly Uzikov:
    Welcome to this blog!
    Warm Regards,

  • Irina Uzikova

    The proposed solution makes it possible to purify water by heat treatment. It is based on concentrating of radioactive contaminants and salts in a small volume. The advantages of the proposed solution is the continuous self-cleaning of the heating surface, use of secondary steam as the heating steam and continuous mode of operation, which allows to include treated solution into a compact system of cementation of radioactive waste. Thanks to the continuous cleaning of heating surfaces there are no restrictions on the chemical composition, salt concentration of treated radioactive solutions.
    Unfortunately there is not enough information in the shared link, to understand the principle of the installation, but probably there are similarities. The problem of radioactive waste is very important, so the maximum of cooperation of all processing developers is needed. We, in our turn, are ready to give any explanations on all issues.
    Kind regards,
    Irina and Vitaly Uzikov

  • Andrea Rossi

    Domenico Canino:
    If the results will be positive, the E-Cats are in the proper hands.
    Warm Regards,

  • domenico canino

    dear andrea,
    everybody ask himself why you are so prudent on the cats, if all that you said so far is for real.
    So i think there are many more things that you know and we don’t know;
    I hope the cats will remain in “good” hands.
    Mimmo Canino

  • Andrea Rossi

    Too soon to answer.
    Warm Regards

  • Paul


    If, after a year of testing, it is decided that the 1MW plant e-cat needs to be redesigned to improve reliability, How long would that delay product launch?

    Would you need another 1 year beta test?


  • orsobubu

    Dr Uzikov, Uzikova:
    These would be fantastic news. I wonder if some type of isotopes cannot be treated by the system, considering the awful mix of venoms emitted during nuclear accidents. Another question is if there is some connection, synergy or competition with this:

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