Use of drum film devices in radioactive waste conditioning technology

V.A. Uzikov

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So far, the common practice of radioactive waste treatment in Russia was controlled temporary storage – the so-called “procrastinated decision”. In Russia, the total amount of accumulated liquid radioactive waste (hereinafter LRW) is 477 million, and 77 millions of solid radioactive waste. However, as the world and Russian practice shows, that the controlled storage of radioactive waste in the long term results their accumulation and is not acceptable as a strategy of RAW treatment. Such strategy does not lead to the final safe solution of the problem, but requires the permanent overhead costs without clear prospect [1].

Thus, high production complexes for LRW treatment are needed. Key consumers interested in of liquid radioactive waste treatment plants are:

• enterprises of spent fuel treatment;
• existing nuclear power plants with power and research reactors;
• enterprises involved to decommissioning of boats and ships with nuclear power plants;
• enterprises involved to decommissioning of nuclear power plants and research reactor
• enterprises involved in the liquidation of the consequences of nuclear accidents
(Chernobyl, Fukushima , etc.).

Nowadays, mainly thermal and sorption methods are used for treatment of liquid radioactive waste. Using these methods, the main part of liquid radioactive waste, produced during the operation of nuclear installations of various purposes and other facilities using radioactive substances, is treated. These methods cannot be called original or specific for the treatment of radioactive waste (hereinafter RAW), because they were taken from various conventional industries and modified. Mainly these are methods, usually used in purification, treatment and desalination of water.
For implementing of treatment methods of non-nuclear industry and their modification, the specific requirements of industries related to radiation must be taken into account [2]:

• leak tightness of the equipment, excluding the possibility of radioactive contamination of buildings, staff and the environment;
• feasibility of the equipment operation to minimize the need for maintenance services in the radiation conditions, which require complicated and expensive works of equipment decontamination.

The most universal method for treatment of almost all types of LRW is a thermal method, in which LRW solution is evaporated to concentrate radioactive products in a small volume.
Practice of LRW treatment shows that the main source of problems in evaporation equipment are the heat exchange pipes. During the operation, their surface is covering inevitably by sediments, which have to be removed periodically by chemical washing, with interruption of the treatment process and at the same time with producing a large amount of secondary LRW. This inevitability is caused by evaporator’s design including heat exchange tubes – the process of sedimentation of the tubes cannot be prevented, it can only be decreased by using different methods: increasing the circulation velocity in heat exchange tubes or addition of special chemicals additives. The inevitability of foam-and-droplets entrainment from the evaporator is also caused by its design, so the additional special equipment have to be used for steam and condensate purification from radionuclides. Moreover, it is necessary to perform periodically the mechanical cleaning of heat exchange tubes which leads to important radiation doses to personnel.
All these problems existing in LRW evaporation technology are well known and studied, and some alternative methods are considered in [2], but it is concluded that these methods have a low productivity and heat transfer because of the lack of an organized circulation of evaporated solution [2].
The ideal comprehensive solution of the problem of LRW treatment is to create a continuous LRW evaporation technology with cementation of the concentrate at the same time, and the possible addition of used sorbents and sludge to the resulting cement compound. The main factor limiting the use of evaporation technology is a high energy costs, but with the appearance at energy market such installations as E-Cat, this problem disappears.
For comprehensive solution of the problems of LRW concentration and its subsequent cementation it is proposed to establish a technological process based on the two following principles:

1. To perform the process of LRW concentration in the evaporator equipment, that helps to prevent droplet entrainment and excludes degradation of technological parameters in time (to exclude interruptions in work of evaporation equipment due to fouling of the heating surface).
2. To make the processes of evaporation (secondary evaporation) and conditioning of LRW (inclusion in cement matrix) sequental and continuous, thereby eliminating the need for a large number of intermediate containers and dosing of separate portions.
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239 comments to Use of drum film devices in radioactive waste conditioning technology

  • Andrea Rossi

    Vitaly & Irina Uzikov:
    You will be for sure invited.
    About your technology, I am very surprised that you did not yet receive a proposal ro make a prototype: your tech maybe a solution for an extremely important issue related to the nuclear wastes.
    Fingers crossed for your success ( you would merit it),
    Warm Regards,

  • Vitaly and Irina Uzikov

    Dear Vic,
    For now the technology still wasn’t implemented, but we are always ready to cooperate with interested companies and to provide them necessary documents and information about the method of reducing of liquid radioactive waste. Dear Andrea , we are waiting impatiently the presentation of QuarkX
    Kind regards,
    Vitaly and Irina Uzikov

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree with you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Vic

    Dr Vitaly and Irina Uzikov:
    I find your technology to reduce radioactive wastes very interesting.
    Since the publication of your paper here did you have the opportunity to make applications of it? It could be very useful also in the concern of Hanford, WA.

  • JJ

    Dr Uzikov, Dr Uzikova:
    Very interesting technology.

  • Dora

    Dr Irina Uzikova,
    Did this important technology you developed with Dr Uzikov for the treatment of radioactive wastes have a follow up ?

  • M.

    Dr Irina Uzikova and Dr Vitaly Uzikov:
    Has your important technology for radioactive wastes reduction been applied so far?
    Good luck,

  • Zack Mcmillen

    Norberto Panuccio:
    I agree with you, wikipedia has a dark side that lives blackmailing characters.

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree.
    Warm Regards

  • Jos

    The technology of the Uzikovs is surely intelligent, but after this publication I did not see a substantial follow up of it. I think that the colossal business of the reposition of the radioactive wastes bars the development of such genial solutions.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Claud Brower:
    Thank you for your insight related to the paper “Use of drum film devices in radioactive waste conditioning technology” published on the Journal of Nuclear Physics.
    Warm Regards,

  • Claud Brower

    I have read this important paper of Dr Irina and Vitaly Uzikov, published months ago; In a simple and economical way this technology can resolve part of this enotmous problem of the radioactive wastes treatment, but it seems nobody reacted to this important publication. Perhaps the business of the accumulation and storage of this material prevails on the necessity to reduce these wastes to protect the health of the people.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Drew G.:
    Thank you for the insight. Yes, we did use such mats.
    Warm Regards

  • Drew G.

    Dr. Rossi

    You’ve mentioned that the quarkX has material problems and operates at 1400 degrees C. Single crystal sapphire has a maximum useful operating temperature of 2000 degrees C. See: It can also be obtained in various shapes. Are you currently using this material?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Marcellus Holford:
    Yes, it is an issue, because we reach very high temperatures.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jim

    Dear Dr Irina & Vitaly Uzikov:
    Has your technology for the reduction of radioactive wastes found an application during these last 4 months?
    If yes, can you describe?
    Thank you,

  • Marcellus Holford

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Do you have problems with the materials to resist at the temperatures of the QuarkX? Is this an issue?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Not bad.
    Thank you for your concern,
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea:
    How is your health now?

  • Andrea Rossi

    The existence of hydrinos has got not evidence at all. Quantum theory, by the way, bars the possibility of their existence.
    Warm Regards,

  • DT

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    What do you think of the theory of hydrinos ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, I am sure of this. That technology has been strongly underevaluated so far, I hope will find the attention that merits in the delicate field of radioactive wastes treatment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dixbow

    Dear Dr Rossi:
    Do you think this technology of Dr Irina and Vitaly Uzikov can be partnered with the E-Cat ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Irina Uzikova:
    Thank you for your precise answer to James.
    Warm Regards,

  • Irina Uzikova

    Dear James,
    If we are speaking about, for example, PUREX process (Plutonium-Uranium Recovery by EXtraction), the proposed system can be used for treatment of low-level and medium level radioactive solutions, which were formed while this process. However, for the treatment of the high-level radioactive waste containing fissile elements, actinides and transuranium elements, it is not appropriate due to the specific requirements for the treatment of such waste.
    Best regards,
    Irina and Vitaly Uzikov

  • James Santigo

    Dr Irina Uzikova & Dr Uzikov:
    Could be your system useful also for high level radioactive wastes, e.g. spent nuclear fuel ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Drew G.:
    Finmeccanica has the right to use the name “Leonardo”, as well as we have. It is inspired from Leonardo Da Vinci, whose name in itself can’t be object of intellectual property.
    It could be a case should Fimneccanica make anything in specific competition with us, but this is a colossal concern, with interests not including our field.
    Good luck to Finmeccanica, now Leonardo !
    Warm Regards,

  • Drew G.

    Finmeccanica has rebranded as Leonardo. Looks like a name conflict with your enterprise.

  • Andrea Rossi

    People’s wisdom is always right.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dixy

    Dr Andrea Rossi
    A poll made yesterday confirms that people trust in you has increased after the complaint against IH, notwithstanding their massive attack against you made with powerful financial means.
    How do you explain ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I have written a paper with the mathematical models to explain this, and the essence is in the Reverse Mossbauer Effect.
    I am still afraid to publish it, more study has to be done and I want not to burn it prematurely in the battlefield, but the more I study, the more I am convinced of it.
    I gave the draft of my paper to several scientists to explain me where am I wrong. Should it be possible to publish it just as a draft, not as a publication, I would do it, to collect critics and understand better, but I am afraid to do this move, for obvious reasons.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jona

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    About the theory you are developing: how do you explain the fact that no gamma rays with high energy are emitted fron the E-Cats ?

  • Irina Uzikova

    Dear Michelangelo Gucci,
    Please contact us by email
    Best Regards,
    Irina and Vitaly Uzikov

  • Michelangelo Gucci

    Dear Dr Irina Uzikova and Dr Vitaly Uzikov:
    Can you send an offer for the supply of one plant able to treat 100 kg/h of low level radioactive wastes ?
    We can be interested to buy a plant to be installed in Europe.
    Please let us know:
    1- the address to send our request to
    2- if you prefer to sell the know how or the plant

  • Andrea Rossi

    Irina Uzikova:
    Very interesting..
    Warm Regards,

  • Irina Uzikova

    Dear Jeff Robs,
    According to our estimations, the installation of such capacity would cost from 25 up to 50 thousand $
    Best regards,
    Irina and Vitaly Uzikov

  • Andrea Rossi

    Drew G:
    I think so.
    Warm Regards,

  • Drew G.

    Dr. Rossi:

    Good luck on your upcoming court case. Justice will prevail. Are you still planning to attend Mats Lewan’s New World Energy Symposium in light of the upcoming legal proceedings? I Believe it’s vitally important that you attend.

    Drew g.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Please find on
    the comments published today in other posts of this blog.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steve Roberts:
    I cannot comment issues related to the litigation ( = F7 ).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steve Roberts:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steve Roberts

    Dr Rossi, Mats Lewan clears some of the smoke in the air with his new article:

  • Steve Roberts

    Dr Rossi – The ERV will tell the story. According to Industrial Heat they seen no value in the results and THEY will continue to research LENR with their shell companies; its clear that Industrial Heat intentionally violated your non disclosure and IP.

    ** If I were a Woodford investor right now I would be Very concerned.

  • Jeff Robs

    Dear Irina and Vitaly Uzikov:
    Very interesting paper. Have you an idea of the cost of a prototype able to treat 100 kg/h ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Irina Uzikova:
    Thank you for your support.
    Your sympathy makes me feel the deep Soul of Russia, that entered in my DNA during my teens, when my readings have been mainly of the Great Russians: Tolstoj, Dostojevsky, Maiakovsky. I hope we’ll work together. I have surely much to learn from you and your father.
    Warm Regards,

  • Irina Uzikova

    Dear Andrea,
    We would like to express our sincere support in this difficult situation that has happened because of the shocking dishonesty of Your partners. We believe that the support of people from all over the world watching in what difficult circumstances you have to develop ECAT, will help You to overcome it
    Irina and Vitaly Uzikov.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Vitaly and Irina Uzikov:
    Thank you for your answer to JC Renoir: I agree with you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Vitaly and Irina Uzikov

    Dear Mr Renoir,

    It is logical that for global transformations, especially in such important field as the energy field, all factors should be taken into account – environmental, economic, political and social. I agree with Andrea Rossi, who sees also problems in complete and immediate transition to new energy type, and not just advantages. For now, only Andrea Rossi has full information about the potential of the new energy source, and what consequences may have inconsiderate strategy of its implementation. As for nuclear energy and nuclear reactors, even taking into account it’s disadvantages (risks of radiation accidents, and radioactive waste), they will be able to continue to perform useful functions in future, such as, for example, non-destructive control, the production of isotopes for diagnostics or treatment of cancer. Of course, it can be quite other nuclear reactors to perform these tasks – so-called hybrids (working in conjunction with the accelerator) and subcritical reactors (reactors without risks of uncontrolled power acceleration).

    Best regards,

    Vitaly and Irina Uzikov

  • jcr

    Dear Dr Uzikov & Dr Uzikova:
    What do you think, as experts of the matter, of the fact that Andrea Rossi continues to say that all the energy sources, included the nuclear power plants, have to be saved and integrated, instead of substituted with alternative energy ?
    JC Renoir

  • Irina Uzikova

    Dear Marco,
    We were spoken about “classical” closed Thorium fuel cycle in conventional reactors (and not hybrid reactors as Rubbiatron). Thorium fuel is considered as a fuel for a lot of new conceptions of reactors (for example there is a conception of Molten Salt Fast Reactor, which uses molten salt as a fuel and a coolant in the same time). 100 years is taken from the fact that for now there are only conceptions of such reactors. Usually for nuclear reactors it takes a lot of time from conception to the real project and construction. Moreover, not only the reactor, but all the chain of the cycle (mining, isotopes separation, recycling of fuel) should be elaborated. So new installations for these processes should be constructed. That will require a lot of time, taking into account that for now a lot of military Plutonium should be “burnt” in nuclear reactors.
    As for hybrid reactors, indeed, for example Bogomolov proposed to use backward wave linear accelerators of protons (BWLAP), but the work hasn’t been completed, so for now it is too early to speak about specific dates of construction. In such reactors not only Th-232, but also spent nuclear fuel and U-238 can be used (nowadays a lot of U-238 is stocked at enrichment facilities) .But so far there is no experimental verification of this sector and identification of all its advantages and disadvantages; so it is difficult to speak about its development. Even if to take into account utilization of long-lived actinides in such reactors, the quantity of minor actinides (isotopes of Am, Km, Np) will be huge, and the problem of radioactive waste remains
    Best regards,
    Irina and Vitaly Uzikov

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