Nickel – the ultimate substitute of coal, oil and uranium


Honorary faculty, I-SERVE, Alakapuri,
Hyderabad-35, Telangana, India
S. Lakshminarayana
Dept. of Nuclear Physics, Andhra University,
Visakhapatnam-03, AP, India

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Based on the principle of conservation of energy and from the well known nuclear fusion and fission reactions it is possible to guess that, the E-CAT hidden energy may be in the form of binding of protons and neutrons of the Nickel, Hydrogen and Lithium atomic nuclei.
In view of the recently developed compact 1MW E-CAT power plant designed by the Leonardo corporation, Nickel can certainly be considered as the ultimate substitute of Coal, Oil and Uranium in near future.
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53 comments to Nickel – the ultimate substitute of coal, oil and uranium

  • Eldon Journot

    I love your answer to Anonymous!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Lars Lindberg:
    They are two different things.
    I am not able to give this information, yet.
    Warm Regards,

  • Lars Lindberg

    Dear Mr Rossi,
    have you improved the amout of fuel the QuarkX needs to run compared to the earlier ecats?
    How much fuel do you calculate a QuarkX needs to run for 6 months?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Riccardo Zanaboni:
    Please send the link to your paper with a next comment, so we can understand what you are talking of.
    Warm Regards,

  • Riccardo Zanaboni

    Dear Andrea Rossi
    I’m no expert, but I’m trying to propose a hypothesis of LERN mechanism. I am a chemist and I look at the nuclear reactions at low energy as a revolutionary factor in contemporary sciences.
    Thanks and kind regards, Riccardo.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mark Saker:
    The energy density will be about double than the one of the Lugano apparatus.
    It is impossible to know how many modules are necessary without precise parameters of the utilizer.
    Warm Regards,

  • Mark Saker

    Dear Andrea,

    You mention that the quark is so small it can be multiplied to make any combination of sizes.

    You have obviously designed an apparatus to hold (and control) multiple quarkx in unison. Is it possible to give an estimate of how many you can fit in a given space including the apparatus.

    For example, how many could you fit in a shoebox?

    Also if you can answer, how many quarkX will make up the district heating sale you are involved with in Sweden, or will that be using lowcat, or hotcat?



  • Andrea Rossi

    If our patents will be violated, even partially, we will move our attorneys. Our war apparatus has been made stronger and ready from the litigation on course. The defense of our IP is a strtegic issue.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gianluigi

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    We know you are glad when in some laboratories your effect is replicated, but what will happen if from those laboratories will be started directly or not an industrial production of commercial items?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight, but we must consider that such market must be served by an integrated system of energy sources.
    Warm Regards

  • Tuder

    Ave Doctor,
    here are some numbers on what could be the global market potential for the E-cat (source: IEA Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 online data).
    Year: 2020
    Heat demand in industry: 5.5 EJ
    Space heating demand: 44.7 EJ
    Space cooling demand: 7.2 EJ
    Assuming 50% of the space & cooling demand is centralized (need still to find data on the shares of centralized vs. individual heating & cooling systems in buildings) then the total market potential for the first wave of e-cat plans (targeting the market niches of heat for industry and for centralized heating and cooling) would be 32 EJ (about 9,000 TWh), equivalent to 8% of global final energy demand estimated for 2020.
    That’s a lot to begin with!

  • Andrea Rossi

    On our website
    you will find all the data we can diffuse. Further data are restricted to the Customers, so far.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gherardo

    I did read that industrial production of the e-cat has started.
    Assuming the e-cat is a black box, what are the “interfaces” to the world?
    I mean, if I have to prepare my plant for it, I’d need to know some basic informations like:
    1) modularity of the e-cat
    2) thermal power output (range)
    3) maximum electric power input
    4) dimensions of installation area
    5) water pipes diameter / pressure in / out
    6) internet access?
    7) …
    More can be needed, but you got me.
    Is that interface schema available?
    Could you publish it?
    Thanks, Gherardo

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bioern Jagerlund:
    Warm Regards,

  • Björn Jägerlund

    Dear dr Rossi
    Of some interest
    Perhaps we can feed our cars with grass in the future.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Michael Van Cleve:
    Thank you for the link and good luck !
    Warm Regards,

  • Michael Van Cleve

    Mr. Rossi:

    At the center, a story of lenr.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jon Soderberg:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • jon Soderberg

    Mr Rossi
    sorry bad html tag…this is very interesting technology

  • jon Soderberg

    Mr Rossi

    A carbon nanotube optical rectenna

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, I am working with the QuarkX.
    Still F8.
    Yes, today I made my usual disastrous tennis match.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ronaldo

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Are you working also today , Sunday? How is gone youe tennis match with your wife ?
    Ronaldo Ruiz

  • Andrea Rossi

    The speed of light in vacuum is constant, independently from the presence of other fields.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Greg Leonard:
    This is an assumption, since the Dark Matter remains an assumption. Somebody used it recently to make energy in a coffee pot, though, therefore now I am confused.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea,
    I believe you misinterpreted something. Which equation demonstrates the speed of light is not constant in vacuum? Based on the above experimental proposal, I just presented the possibility that the speed of light could decay under the influence of an electrostatic potential. When there is an electrostatic potential present, you do not have clear (absence of fields) vacuum conditions.

    Kind Regards

  • Greg Leonard

    Dear AR
    I am an aeronautical engineer, so my interest in theoretical physics is that of a layman.
    I note that the speed of light is known to vary according to the medium through which it travels – hence my spectacles work to improve my sight.
    I note that theoretical physicists have invented Dark Matter (and Dark Energy for that matter) to help explain the observed movements of the galaxies.
    It seems entirely plausible that the speed of light through space might just be affected by the density (possibly variable) of the local Dark Matter, so C = 3*10^8 m/s might just be the speed of light near Earth in the ‘here and now’
    Greg Leonard

  • Andrea Rossi

    the fundamental mistake of your equations is that from what you write the speed of light in the vacuum is not constant.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hi Andrea,
    Could you please point to me what is exactly fundamentally wrong in regards to my claims?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Maurizio

    Dear Andrea:
    The difference between you and your competitors that now complain that you have burnt them is very simple: you work, they talk. I am of the Italian town of Milan, where you are born and where you stayed before emigrating in the USA, so you too are Milanese: in Milan, as you know, we say this to the guys like them: ” Per ti ghe vor l’oli de gumbet” ; translation from Milanese to English: “you need lubricant for the articulations of your arms”.

  • Andrea Rossi

    I have nothing to add to what I said: for me your position is foundamentally wrong.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hi Andrea,
    First of all thanks for the comment! Well, I would agree with you when Physics may one day experimentally prove the below are not true:
    a) Einstein’s postulate says “The speed of light in free space has the same value c in all inertial frames of reference.”. Question: He speaks about free space, right? So what happens with the speed of light when the medium is influenced by a local intense electromagnetic field density? Actually, these special conditions are poorly or not even explored.
    b) Have we ever measured the propagation speed of light under intense electromagnetic field intensities? I have never heard something like that since today Physics supports that just Gravity may influence the propagation of a photon through a frequency shift (and not over a variable speed since they assume is constant but never proved)
    c) Another example: Let us assume a Compton Scattering process. The outcome of such process is a scattered photon with reduced frequency and a deflected electron. The speed of light is c because the experiment measures the scattered angle post interaction (far away from electron’s field) and without having a clue of what is going on in the meantime (during the interaction).This means that if the speed of light varies (decays) during the interaction, the Compton Scattering experiment has no indication about it.

    In case photon’s speed decays during the interaction that means it acquires a reduced momentum. Then when it is far away from the interacting field, the photon speed recovers to c by keeping its reduced momentum (while in field) that makes the photon to re-adjust its frequency to a lower than the initial.

    i) The simplest way to experimentally verify the above is over the electrostatic deflection experiment that will catch the deviation on the act. Here we speak about an electromagnetic medium that influences the local speed of light while an electron is being accelerated inside a field.
    ii) Another proposal would be (see my work with detailed calculations) a Michelson Interferometer that uses a very stable but variable Laser output. By increasing the power output, the local speed of light is expected to decay in the interference region that will be measured as RED SHIFT over a very accurate Wavelength Measuring Equipment.

    There are much more arguments in regards to a non constant speed of light on quantum level. The problem is who will have the courage to conduct what I proposed above. Research or University Labs or even High School Labs have already the equipment. It is required just to pay attention to the details of the experiment that makes all the difference.

    With the dimensions of the experiment I propose, a 35KV potential will give about 1 cm deviation from the expected Relativistic deflection which is about 7%. When the electron exits the field it has again the expected Relativistic Energy (inside the field is always less), which also agrees with my work.

    Kind Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sorry, but the assumptions about the speed of light are wrong, all the rest is nonsense to me.
    Warm Regards,

  • Could a 100 years old experiment ( that is repeated thousands of times to suddenly give a different outcome?

    Let’s find out:

    Kind Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    The six cylinders E-Cat is a prototype made by means of 6 Hot Cats.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gherardo

    in the legal trial there is a reference to a “six cylinder ECat” that is a new name.
    If that doesn’t hurt the trial, could you explain what is that?
    Thanks, Gherardo

  • Andrea Rossi

    Prof. Seshavatharam UVS:
    Regarding your answer to Gerard McEk:
    the ideas in your paper compose a respectable insight. My ideas are different and will be explained when I will be ready to publish, I think together with Norman Cook, the theory we are working upon.
    Nevertheless, your ideas are interesting.
    Warm Regards,

  • Seshavatharam UVS

    Dr. Gerard McEk sir,

    I apologise for the delay.

    I would like to bring to your kind notice that, just as a numerical fit with best possible physics, we tried our level best in interpreting the great Lugano experimental data!

    We humbly request Dr Andrea sir to be kind enough to judge our ideas.

    yours sincerely,
    seshavatharam UVS

  • Andrea Rossi

    Michael Van Cleve:
    Thank you for the invitation that I forward to our Readers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Michael Van Cleve

    Dear Mr. Rossi:

    I have been following your journey in the world of lenr since 2012 and I was so interested that I wrote a short story about it and published it online. The story is about a man that discovered the key to cold fusion after a world war decimates the human population, and his journey to bring cold fusion to the last city left on Earth. Would you like to read it? I am not a physicist but I did have a strong fascination about cold fusion and its future implications. You can email me at

  • Andrea Rossi

    Domenico Canino:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • domenico canino

    Dear Andrea,
    about evolutionism, i send you a little novel i wrote in 2012 on 22 passi. I hope you like.
    Il pianeta delle macchine.
    Un giorno su uno strano pianeta non molto distante dal nostro apparve la vita, ma non la vita come la conosciamo noi, in forma biologica, ma in forma meccanica. Cioè apparvero esseri meccanici costituiti di acciaio, leve, motori a combustione, fili, tubi dell’olio, etc. Insomma un mondo di macchine. C’erano macchine molto semplici con funzioni basilari elementari come produrre calore o forza motrice e macchine molto più complesse che potevano fare cose meravigliose, come pensare, volare, trasmettere suoni ed immagini a distanza, etc. Questo mondo aveva delle religioni e degli scritti antichissimi in cui si parlava di un Dio macchina che aveva creato gli esseri macchina a sua immagine e somiglianza, ed aveva dato loro anche la capacità di riprodursi, e che bisognava seguire le dieci tavole della legge, cioè non avrai altra macchina fuori di me, non rubare l’olio lubrificante altrui, etc. Ma la scienza su questo pianeta progrediva, e molte macchine tra le più sapienti ed evolute, con più memoria (RAM) più intelligenza (processori di ultima generazione) e capacità di progettare altre macchine (software evoluto), cominciarono a porsi il problema di come fosse apparsa la prima macchina sul pianeta. Se c’era stata una creazione da parte di un Dio oppure la vita delle macchine era nata dal caso. Molti furono tacciati di eresia dai sacerdoti del Dio macchina, e fusi al rogo degli altiforni, perché avevano osato contraddire la Creazione e gli scritti religiosi. Ma gli scienziati macchina più testardi elaborarono la teoria della evoluzione delle macchine, perché nel frattempo l’archeologia e la storia avevano trovato degli antichi reperti meccanici, resti delle prime forme di vita primitiva, e cosa sorprendente queste macchine primitive funzionavano con lo stesso principio di quelle moderne. Allora si teorizzò che per caso in un tempo lontano il minerale ferro che stava nelle viscere del pianeta si fosse liberato delle impurità, poi si fosse (sempre da solo e per caso) fuso in forme strane di vita come cilindri e pistoni, che poi milioni di anni dopo si sarebbero incontrati, e infilati l’uno dentro l’altro, per un movimento possibile. Molti milioni di anni dopo ci fu l’incontro (sempre casuale) con il carburante petrolio che si era posizionato in un serbatoio sempre casualmente formatosi in milioni di anni di cristallizzazione nelle immediate vicinanze. Poi erano nati da lunghissimi processi evolutivi separati e casuali, il carburatore, la pompa, la candela, l’albero di trasmissione del moto, la cinghia dentata in gomma e la puleggia, etc. E poi dopo svariati milioni di anni, di eventi catastrofici planetari, di tempeste di meteoriti, di numerosi enormi eventi sismici, sempre per caso e progressivamente tutti i pezzi erano andati al posto giusto, il cilindro ed il pistone, furono messi in un blocco motore, vicino alla candela, e così via tutti gli altri pezzi, dalla combustione all’alternatore all’impianto elettrico. Era nata la macchina con il motore a combustione termico. Poi in molti milioni di anni la macchina motore si era molto evoluta, aveva molti più cavalli rispetto all’esemplare primordiale grazie sempre al caso si erano evolute tutte le parti meccaniche del motore, erano nate candele di nuova generazione da una nuova millenaria cristallizzazione di ceramiche, si erano costituite casualmente per reazioni iterative delle nuove leghe metalliche per i cilindri ed i pistoni, poi era nata da un fulmine globulare la iniezione elettronica del carburante, etc. La teoria della evoluzione soppiantò nel pensiero corrente, quella della creazione, e diventò quella maggioritaria, il Maistream. Ma poi qualcuno che non credeva al Dio macchina e che non credeva neanche a tutta questa infinita serie di eventi casuali, si mise a fare degli esperimenti sui pistoni e cilindri. E si accorse che per quanto provasse a lasciare alle intemperie ed al caso ciottoli di minerale ferroso al massimo otteneva delle pietre bucate, o delle pietre levigate, ma la probabilità che il caso creasse separatamente un cilindro di acciaio levigato ed un pistone di acciaio levigato perfettamente a misura che uno potesse produrre lavoro utile uno dentro l’altro era infinitesima. Enunciò pubblicamente la propria teoria che una intelligenza potesse aver creato cilindro e pistone in tali forme e per uno scopo, e fu attaccato ferocemente da tutti gli evoluzionisti del Mainstream che dicevano che no, che allora si ricadeva nelle credenze religiose antiquate del Dio macchina, e contemporaneamente anche dagli altri sacerdoti del Dio macchina, che dicevano che non bisognava né studiare né fare esperimenti, poiché la creazione era descritta chiaramente nei loro testi religiosi, e che bisognava credere in quelli ciecamente e basta, dogmaticamente. Insomma il povero scienziato macchina che voleva sperimentare per capire, fu schiacciato da entrambi gli schieramenti, solo perché aveva osato indagare, e vera o falsa che fosse la sua idea, recava con sé il peccato originale di tutte le macchine, cioè voi non siete nate per pensare, a pensare ci pensiamo noi che sappiamo e possiamo, tu non sei un nostro pari, non sei peer reviewed. Fu rinchiuso nelle caverne segrete della regione degli esseri del motociclo, i terribili Honda, a regime di benzina putrida ed antigelo: unica concessione un pistone ed un cilindro con cui lambiccarsi la centralina e continuare a chiedersi: ma come è stato possibile che…

    Ogni riferimento a persone e fatti accaduti è puramente casuale.

    Planet of the machines.
    One day on a strange planet appeared not far from our life, but not life as we know it, in organic form, but in a mechanical form. So appeared mechanical beings made of steel, levers, combustion engines, wire, oil pipes, etc. In short, a world of machines. There were very simple machines with elementary basic functions such as producing heat or motive power and a lot more complex machines that could do wonderful things, how to think, to fly, to transmit sounds and images at a distance, etc.This world had religions and ancient writings that spoke of a God machine that had created the machine beings in his image and likeness, and had given them the ability to reproduce, and they had to follow the ten tables of the law, that is, you will have no other machine out of me, do not steal other people’s lubricating oil, etc. But the science on this planet progressed, and many machines of the most wise and evolved with more memory (RAM) more intelligence (the latest generation of processors) and ability to design other machines (advanced software), they began to consider the problem of how he appeared the first car on the planet. If there had been a creation by a God or life of the machines he was born by chance. Many were accused of heresy by the priests of the God machine, blast furnace and melted at the stake, because they had dared to contradict the creation and religious writings. But the most stubborn machine scientists worked out the theory of evolution of the machines, because in the meantime the archeology and history of the ancient mechanical artifacts were found, the remains of the earliest forms of primitive life, and amazing thing these primitive machines were working with the same principle modern ones. Then he theorized that by chance in a distant time the iron ore that was in the bowels of the planet had been freed of impurities, then it (always alone and by chance) fused into strange life forms such as cylinders and pistons, which then millions of years after they met, and they inserted one inside the other, for a possible movement. Many millions of years later there was a meeting (always random) with fuel oil that was placed in a tank always randomly formed over millions of years of crystallization in the immediate vicinity. Then they were born from long separate evolutionary processes and random, the carburetor, the pump, the candle, the shaft for transmitting motion, the rubber toothed belt and the pulley, etc. And then after several million years of planetary catastrophic events, meteor storms, numerous huge seismic events, always by chance and gradually all the pieces had gone to the right place, the cylinder and the piston, they were put into an engine block , near the spark plug, and so on all the other pieces, from the combustion to the alternator to the electrical system. He was born the machine with the thermal combustion engine. Then in many millions of years the motor car had very advanced, had many more horses than ever thanks to the primordial exemplary case had evolved all the mechanical parts of the engine, were born new generation candles from a new millenarian crystallization of ceramics , they had formed randomly for iterative reactions of new metal alloys for cylinders and pistons, then was born of the ball lightning, electronic fuel injection, etc. The theory of evolution supplanted in current thinking, that of creation, and became the majority, the Maistream. But then someone who did not believe in God, and that the machine does not even believe in all this endless series of random events, began to experiment on the pistons and cylinders. And he noticed that as he tried to leave to the elements and to the case of iron ore pebbles at most obtained of stones with holes in them, or smooth stones, but the probability that the case would create separately a polished steel cylinder and a polished steel cylinder perfectly to the extent that one could produce useful work within each other it was infinitesimal. Publicly he enunciated his theory that intelligence could have created the cylinder and piston in such forms and for a purpose, and was fiercely attacked by all evolutionists Mainstream saying that no, which then fell into antiquated religious beliefs of the God Machine, and simultaneously also by other priests of the God machine, saying that you had neither studying nor doing experiments since the establishment was clearly described in their religious texts, and they had to believe in ones and just blindly, dogmatically. In short, the poor scientist machine that wanted to experience to understand, was crushed by both sides, because he had dared to investigate, and true or false that it was his idea, went with him the original sin of all machines, that is, you are not born to think, to think we’ll do that, and we know we can, you are not our peers, are not peer reviewed. He was imprisoned in the secret caves of the region of the motorcycle beings, the terrible Honda, the putrid and anti-freeze petrol regime: only concession a piston and a cylinder in which the racking unit and continue to ask, but how was it possible that …
    All references to people and events that occurred is purely coincidental.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Prof Seshavatharam, Lakhsminarayana:
    Several questions have been raised from your paper, we are waiting for your appreciated answers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    @Gerd @authors
    Yes I was aware of it. I also read in the document that Andrea Rossi had read this report. I had hoped Andrea would be willing to confirm that the relatively simple the methodology described in this document was also used to calculate the required fuel for the 1 year 1 MW test.
    The interesting thing is that the two authors assume a fusion between lithium and nickel, something I did not read before.
    My question to the authors is: I am sure you also tried to fit many other possible reactions, but that these two reactions fitted best with the assumed energy release of the Lugano test. Can you tell what other reactions you tried to fit?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    Thank you for your insight. Interesting.
    I’d like to read the answer from the authors.
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph Fine

    Andrea Rossi, Professor U.V.S. Seshavatharam, Professor S. Lakshminarayana

    I am commenting on an unusual coincidence.

    From the above article: “Clearly speaking, energy released in Nickel based E-CAT is just 13.6 times less than the energy released in Uranium fission.”


    “The Rydberg constant represents the limiting value of the highest wavenumber (the inverse wavelength) of any photon that can be emitted from the hydrogen atom, or, alternatively, the wavenumber of the lowest-energy photon capable of ionizing the hydrogen atom from its ground state. The spectrum of hydrogen can be expressed simply in terms of the Rydberg constant, using the Rydberg formula.”

    “This constant is often used in atomic physics in the form of the Rydberg unit of energy:”

    1 Ry = 13.605 692 53 ( 30 ) eV .


    There should not be (?) a connection between the appearance of the 13.6 ‘Released energy ratio’ and the ‘Rydberg’ number (in electron Volts).

    I think this is a coincidence. But an interesting one.

    Just curious,

    Joseph Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    You are right: eventually the authors asked us to publish it also on the JoNP and the peer reviewer delivered the approval few days ago.
    Warm Regards,

  • gerd

    @Andrea Rossi
    @Gerard McEk

    Haven’t You both recognised how old this paper is??

    International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy
    2015; 4(4-1): 1-6
    Published online November 23, 2014 (
    doi: 10.11648/j.ijrse.s.2015040401.11

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    The article is not mine, nor I have been the peer reviewer of it. Your questions about the article must be forwarded to the authors. I prefer not to enter in this matter now, because our theoretical studies are not completed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    I have read the interesting estimation approach of this article: ‘Nickel the ultimate of coal, oil and uranium’, which is just published at the JONP.
    1. Can you confirm that based on the masses of the used Ni, Li and H the amounts of heat can be calculated in accordance with the proposed methodology?
    2. Can you confirm that at the 1MW test, the heat release was also accordance with the proposed calculation and the used masses of the fuel?
    Thanks and kind regards, Gerard

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