Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3

Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.

The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.

Warm Regards,

The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics


  • A. Di Stefano

    Dear Ing. Rossi,
    many peaple asks you about different and potential use of the E-Cat (automotive, naval, train, space, etc.), indeed there are a very large number of applications that could benefit from your technology, we cannot even imagine all today. To design, develop and deploy these applications it is not necessary to exactly know how the E-Cat works or to be able to build it, but it is sufficient to consider it as black box (a well characterized black box!), and to outsource it from your company. So I would suggest you to consider in the near future (after the 1MW plant startup) the possibility of providing a kind of “development kit” for selected companies interested in developing applications based on your technology: just a detailed documentation describing the E-Cat characteristics, controls and I/O operations and possibily a small “experimental” E-Cat, to allow interested companies to develop their own applications. Probably you already thought to this additional business model…
    Just a further question: is there a scalability limit when downsizing the E-Cat? I mean, how small an E-Cat could be made?

    Thank you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Randy:
    We are far from this. We will be ready in November for heat production, all the other utilizations will take time. This is my idea, maybe I am wrong.
    Warm regards,

  • Randy

    I remember in the 1970s, there was some effort to bring back the steam engine for automobile use. The engine I saw was very small and light. Any chance your device could be used to power an automobile or machinery with a steam engine or steam turbine? Recently there has also been some work on compressed air engines, both wankel and reciprocating. I wonder if these could be adapted to steam for your catalyst?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr. Gluck:
    I prefer to use small modules for economy scale and safety issues. To combine even thousands of modules in series and parallels is easy, and zero risk time thousands is always zero. Why risk?
    Warm regards,

  • Dear Ing. Rossi,

    Metaphorically speaking, why do you intend to combine so many smallish E-cats, instead of creating a greater E-feline- an
    E-lion, E-tiger or something like that? Is there a size, volume limit for the reactors?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr A. Di Stefano:
    1- We use Ni
    2- No
    3- No
    5- I am not able to answer.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Rèmi Andrè:
    We call it LENR (low energy nuclear reactions). I think it is fit.
    Warm regards,

  • Rémi André

    Dear Ing. Rossi

    I assume that my suggestion will appear a little bit strange to you but never mind…As the expression “cold fusion” has a (very) negative connotation (espacially in the ‘scientific community’) maybe you should use an expression like “sweet fusion” (in the sense of Dolce fusione). Words have a certain power. No one (or almost no one) knew what was an “occluted star” or a “collapsar” since someone (I forgot his name)suggest to call this kind of stars “black holes”….I use this example because black holes are still a speculative model
    I think that “cold fusion” is maybe too technical for the vulgus pecum…

    I wish you continued good luck.

    Physics and chemistry teacher

  • A. Di Stefano

    Dear eng. Rossi,
    there is a growing amount of evidence in literature that most elements may produce LENR reactions similar to the one you employ in the E-Cat, of course under appropriate conditions (that are mostly not well understood up to date). I’m not talking about huge amounts of energy like the ones you get, but even of small but measurable effects.
    According to your experience (you said you have tested a number of different materials):
    1) which elements are more likely to produce these reactions with Hydrogen?
    2) Is it true that all transistion metals allow these kind of reactions?
    3) Do ferromagnetism/magnetism play a certain role?
    4) Is there a correlation between reaction probability and the shape of outer orbitals (s, p, d, f…) of elements?
    5) Do different elements require different conditions, triggers and “catalysers” to produce a reaction?
    Thank you, good luck and best regards!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Kamal Fernando:
    We will start the commercial organization in November, after the start up of the 1 MW plant in Greece.
    With the help of God, we will give to the world all the potential of this technology, starting from the production of heat, for which we are ready now.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Heiner:
    Yes, there has been a “special moment”, when for the first time I saw more energy come out respect the input. I cannot dercribe.
    Warmest Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Sebastian:
    The Nickel which is mined and recycled today is by many orders of magnitude more than the consume of Ni due to the expansion of our technology.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    “Solar Panel Homes”:
    Of course you can use all the material published on the Journal Of Nuclear Physics and on its blog for free. Everybody can, we do not maintain the copyright on everything we publish.
    Warm regards,

  • I reckon this is a great article and I was wondering if its ok with you if I use this on my site? thanks.

  • Kamal Fernando

    Dear Mr Rossi,
    If you can get this going at a commercial scale, all the inhabitants on planet earth will be eternally grateful to you. We can do away with fossil fuels and nuclear that is now destroying the environment. Please take care and be aware of the oil mafia and its murderous trends.

  • Sebastian

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    I am very excited about your discovery and hope that it will be the energy source the world needs.
    Saying this I would like to state that with the availability of more energy, applications will develop which use more energy than today…
    Would the world nickel resources still suffice assuming increasing global energy consumption?

    Thank you very much

  • Heiner

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    maybe this might be a little strange question, but how was your feeling when you realize that your converter finally work? Was there a “Special Moment”?

    Thank you for your great work, I’m totally electrified.

    In bocca al lupo!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Alan De Angelis:
    Interesting, thank you.
    Warm regards,

  • Alan DeAngelis

    Dear Ing. Rossi:

    It seems like the hot fusion people have given up on deuterium-deuterium fusion. They are working on deuterium-tritium fusion. The tritium is made from lithium. So the limiting factor for hot fusion (if it could be achieved) would be lithium (not the limitless amounts of deuterium in the oceans). So if the hot fusion people think that a nuclear reaction base on lithium is worth pursuing, a nuclear reaction base on nickel is certainly an answer to mankind’s energy problems. Not only is there terrestrial nickel and hydrogen, future generations could mine the asteroid belt with its iron-nickel asteroids and its water (in the form of ice).

    All the best,

    Alan DeAngelis

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Neil Ferguson:
    The water flow has been measured calculating the seconds necessary to fill up a volume of one liter with a chronograph, to have the maximum of precision.
    The temperature has been measured by means of thermocouples “Testo” connected with a datalogger; one thermocouple has been inserted in the reservoir of water before the E-Cat, and the other thermocouple has been inserted in the pipe at the output of the E-Cat, to get the delta T.
    Warm Regards,

  • Neil Ferguson

    Dear eng. Rossi,

    I am one of the many people sincerely excited about your Energy Catalyzer achievements. We eagerly await the October demonstration. Would you have any objections to Prof. Levi describing the procedures of the February demonstration in more detail? I and many others would like to know more about how water flow and temperature were measured, for example.
    Neil Ferguson

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Max Wyvern:
    It is impossible, for now, to make automotive applications of this technology. Sincerely, the sole application for which we are ready right now is the production of heat: hot water, steam, hot air.
    We are working for all the declinable applications, but in the short term ( from October) we will ready only to produce heat.
    Warm regards,

  • ergosferico

    Dear Mr Rossi,

    first of all, congratulations for your works.
    I would like to know if you thought about the possibility to modify E-Cat for automotive purposes.

    Thank you for everything,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Isacco Pavanelli:
    Actually, the amount of metals we use is so low that it will never affect the prices or the availability of Nickel , while Hydrogen is an endless resource. As for the catalyzers, same thing.
    Warm Regards,

  • Isacco Pavanelli

    Dear eng. Rossi,
    Considereing the quantity of nikel employed for the reaction and also considering the possibility to employ other metals, do you think we shall condider your E-Cat a renewable or endless (relativelly endless) source of energy?
    I mean, if tomorrow the Focardi&Rossi reactor will be the main source of energy on our planet, should we start to think about the depletion of Nikel as we are doing now for the oil (with all the consequences that this implies)?
    Many congratulation for your great work!
    Best regards,

  • Dear eng. Andrea Rossi,
    a reader of my blog sent me an article published yesterday on Renewable Energy World (.com) which speaks abundantly of the Rossi-Focardi reactor: “Low Energy Nuclear Reactions: 2.5 Million Watt-hours from a Nickel?” by Thomas Blakeslee.

    Good job… for all of us!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Caro Daniele Passerini:
    Yes, after the intense work of these months also to manufacture the 1 MW plant we will start in Greece in October I have developed through a Galilean methodology (think, test, think, test and learn from experience, then theorize) what I think will be the definite structure of the theory which explains what happens inside the energy catalyzers. I will publish it at the presentation of the 1 MW plant.
    Warm Regards,

  • Do you have a new theory about how your process works?

  • Roman Rodionov

    Thank you Mr Rossi
    Kind regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Radionov:
    The follow up of the experiments with the University of Bologna are going on. In one year will be published the results.
    Warm regards,

  • Roman Rodionov

    Dear eng. Rossi,
    My sincere congratulations for your discovery and your work! I wish it success for you and all of us! You have wrote about R&D program with University of Bologna. I think, many people here listened about 18 hours test, but I have not heard about some tests after that. Do you continue this R&D program with Bologna University? Were their any further experiments?
    Warm Regards,
    Roman Rodionov

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Luigi Versaggi Panno:
    Thank you, really.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Max:
    We do not use radioactive material. I have not the necessary experience to be able to answer you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Lundell:
    We are also studying this issue.
    Warm Regards,

  • Mikael Lundell

    Do you think it would be possible to convert a nuclear, fission energy power plant to your technology? Many of such power plants will be outdated during the coming years but there are still much installations that could run for a much longer time with a more secure energy source.

  • max

    Salve, ho letto che prima di scegliere il Nichel come materiale avete provato tante combinazioni. La mia domanda è: supponendo di immettere materiale radioattivo invece di Ni nel catalizzatore è possibile trasformarlo in materiale non più radioattivo?

  • Dear engineer Rossi,
    I would like to point out to you and to all readers of the Journal of Nuclear Physics that the Nobel Brian Josephson is speaking well of you and your E-Cat in this forum:

    My compliments!

  • Dear Eng. Rossi,

    I am proud to let the readers of the Journal of Nuclear Physics know that the Facebook page that I created to spread the esistence of this new clean primary energy just reached the 500 fans, and is growing.
    It is a great honour and pleasure for me to manage it.
    Here the link:

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thanks, Davie.
    Warm Regards,

  • Davie

    I wish you the BEST…. this passes through, you write history!

  • […] autark, ohne externe Energiequelle verrichtet. Der Kernphysiker der Universität Bologna hatte das Experiment organisiert, um Kollegen den „Energie-Katalysator“ zu demonstrieren. „Ein […]

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Tom Mc Leister:
    Contact me in November for this. We will organize visits.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Daniel G. Zavela:
    No waste is left, nickel and copper are recycled.
    Warm regards,

  • Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Your BLOG is a treasure to those interested in seeing the dream of “Cold Fusion” clean power becoming practical.
    Your approach is new, of course; and, therefore, I would like to ask if the servicing of the E-Cat module every six-months requires removal of waste. If, “Yes”, can this waste be re-processed and re-used or does it require special handling for disposal?
    This a key question in determining the economics of your promising E-Cat system.

    Thank you for your attention to this question, and I wish you continued good luck.


    Dan Zavela

  • Tom McLeister

    Dear Mr Rossi
    When your 1 meg plant is commissioned in October would it be possible for me to visit the plant and meet with you to share in the excitement of this momentous occasion. If ever mankind needed this technology it is now. Keep up the good work.

  • Dear eng. Rossi,
    I think you’ll be pleased to know that former american astronaut Brian O’Leary cited your Energy Catalyzer as an example of future technology: Breakdown to Breakthrough is Possible Now.
    Kind regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Magnus Grandin:
    No, it is not.
    Warm regards,

  • Magnus Grandin

    Someone stated that the “nickel fuel” first must be prepared in a “breeder reactor”. Is that true? (Perhaps he just meant that in the E-Cat also a kind of harmless “breeding process” is going on.) Thanks for this interesting and promising

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Allan Kiik:
    Is an interesting suggestion, we will make this test too.
    Warm regards,

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