Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy
Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3
Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3
Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3
Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.
The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.
Warm Regards,
The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Would you dare to lend Uppsala an e-cat long before october or would that seem to risky to you?
Warm regards,
Göran Crafte
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I follow step by step the events for your E-cat, in the last two tests I think something has changed. I ask her if she has decreased the amount of Ni in reactor.
Regards and best wishes for his work
Dear ing. Rossi,
it’s on line a new article by Ny Teknik about two new tests of E-Cat: (english) (swedish) (italian)
Full speed ahead!
Congratulazioni a Lei,
Ing. Rossi, per l’ennesimo successo di un suo esperimento ben testimoniato: congratulazioni e forti incoraggiamenti, sempre !
Se me lo consente, congratulazioni anche a me stesso: avevo intuito correttamente che nel periodo della Sua assenza dal blog era in corso la preparazione della sorpresa nell’ “Uovo di Pasqua Nostradamus” di Daniele qui:
Adesso però mi prendo anch’io un po’ di tempo; voglio provare a concepire un paio di quartine a mia volta: a futura memoria.
Saluti cordialissimi,
Dear Mr Gennaro:
I used other metals, but so far didn’t work.
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Rossi,
in the third part of your press conference video ( ref. time 10:10 of ) you said that also other metals can be used, in place of nickel, for the same scope. Answering to Mr Giulio’s question, you wrote that you have never said this thing.
So, what is the correct interpretation of what you said during the interview I cited before?
Thanks in advance for your reply.
Best regards,
Dear Mr Bachner Wolfgang:
Thank you,
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Giulio:
I did not say what you wrote. Sorry, I cannot add info to this issue.
Warm regards,
Dear Mr. Rossi,
if I understood well you can use other metals different from nichel. So my questions are:
does nichel offer the best performance? Or maybe you use that because is quite common and cheap?
can we speculate about metals or other elements that work better or have a better performance/price ratio that you didn’t have time or opportunity to explore so far?
Dear Mr. Rossi,
I follow your blog already since January. I like the way you go, and how you handle
all these questions you receive.
In the manner you answer all these questions, I believe, that there is much more than only words.
I wish you much success, and will follow all your work with much interest!
Warm rgds
Dear Mr Adam Maitland:
We have to learn from the Zulu creation story. It is impossible to answer to your question, so far, until now I have not been able to: unfortunately I am not an alchemist!
Thank you for your very welcome attention,
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Luca Marchini:
You must distinguish, as I already said in a former comment, between the Ni as we buy it and Ni as we insert it in the E-Cat. Also the other issues you raised have been answered to in former comments. I cannot add information to this issue.
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Rossi, I have a question about a point that is unclear to me.
Of course fell free to not answer if you do not have time.
The question is about the nickel enrichment. In a former answer to a blogger question, you said that you use nickel with normal isotopic composition.
Also the analisys made by Kullander on the nickel powder report that the isotopic composition is normal.
But in a later post, you said that the nickel is enriched.
Both post are reported below so you do not have to waste time to look for it.
I though that it could be useful to clarify this point, if possible.
Last but not least, a non-technical comment. You said that you are the only and sole guy, so far, that knows what happens inside the reactor. So presently there is only one man in the world (you) that knows the solution to the world energy problems. I seems a risky situation to me. My personal suggestion, if of any interest, is to provide some evidence that whatever may happen to you this unvaluable knowledge will not be lost.
The so called “cold fusion” or LENR, have been hampered at all levels since now. Also in the mainstream academic world it will be continued to be considered a sort of crackpot science until it will impossible to deny that the phenomenon is real. Only that point they will rush to find the thoretical explanation they said it was impossible to find. I looking forward to it.
Thank you for your time, best regards.
• Andrea Rossi
January 22nd, 2011 at 7:25 AM
Dear Mr Gianluca:
We use regular Ni, so the isotopic composition is the normal one.
We give not information about what is in the reactor beside Ni, H.
Warm Regards,
• Andrea Rossi
April 8th, 2011 at 9:33 AM
Dear Mr Mattias Carlsson:
Yes, we do.
Warm Regards,
• Mattias Carlsson
April 8th, 2011 at 9:08 AM
Dear Rossi,
As I understand from your answers you confirm or suspect that only Ni 62 and Ni 64 react to produce Cu 63 and Cu 65 respectively.
The Swedish professor Kullander says in the magazine “Ny teknik” that in the ‘spent’ fuel there is 10% copper 63 and 65 (70:30) and 11% iron.
Since nickel 62 and 64 is present in the proportions of 3.6% and 0.9% totaling 4.5% in normal natural nickel. Did you enrich for heavier nickel isotopes to make the nickel fuel?
Best regards
Mattias Uppsala Sweden
Dear Mr. Rossi,
May I pay my respects to you, the alchemist of such a momentous paradigm shift.
I was musing on the ramifications of your amazing invention and had the following thought.
If nickel plus catalyzer(s) in pressurized hydrogen cause a mutation to copper, zinc etc. releasing energy,
could it be that a similar harmonic process is possible with the higher Periodic Table?
Humanity originated in South Africa. The Zulu creation story tells of visits from other races seeking gold!
Dear Mr Renzo Rosa Gobbo:
I cannot give the information you are asking for.
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Rossi
if I may, I would like to give a small cotribution to the engineering.
You state that you prefer to run the unit in a non self sustaining power mode: I immagine this is because the unit is much more controllable this way and there is no risk of a runaway situation.
To further avoid this problem I think that a vessel of appropriate volume in which a vacuum is created, can be attached to the reaction chamber via a calibrated breakable diaphragm. Runaway situation would probably create extra hydrogen pressure with consequent rupture and extraction of almost all hydrogen.
The idea is to have a completly passive system.
I now have a question, if you can answer.
I noticed that in the apparatus, you have a 300w collar heater around the larger diameter part of the system: I immagine this is the section where the stainless steel reaction chamber is housed in. Isin’t this position a bit too late to preheat the water jacket? only the outside part of the flow will be heated with practically no effect on the water in contact with the internal s-steel unit, unless you have an annular chamber in contact with the copper pipe and water flows inside.
Best regards
Renzo Rosa Gobbo
Dear Eng. Rossi,
this page is one of my daily (and more) appointments on the Internet.
So I easily noticed there were not any replies from you to our letters for some days. And I thought: Eng. Rossi is at last enjoying some vacation days in the Easter time.
But 5 minutes ago I thought: a 16 hours/day worker like him ? Uhuhummm… I am doubtful.
And all of a sudden perhaps “there was light”: maybe this absence is related to the “Nostradamus Easter Egg” Daniele Passerini talked about.
Anyway, we are here and waiting, like soccer fans, for you to go on scoring goals like Paolo Rossi in 1982 FIFA World Cup. After all the last name is the same !
Warmest regards,
Dear Mr Freinbichler Wolfhardt:
Let’s not put the cart ahead of the horses: first, I have to make a product industrially valid. Then I will take in account financial issues.
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Gediminas:
All I know is that until my death my time will be the age of work. Let’s stay focused.
Warm regards,
Dear Jeff Sutton:
We are working on this issue, very hard.
Warm regards,
Hello Mr Rossi.
I understand you are well on your way to the 1MW reactor that will no doubt change the world. Can’t wait.
Could you comment on the technology you are employing to convert from thermal (steam) to electricity? Is it a commercially available turbine or otherwise common method?
Dear Andrea Rossi,
We leaving age of oil. What is the next? Age of hydrogen ? Age of nickel? Do You have vision What is primary product to get Hydrogen for Your revoliutionary E-Catt in the future ? Oil and Gas at the moment is cheapest products to get Hydrogen.
Best regards,
Dear Dr. rossi, dear Prof. Focardi,
With great enthusiasm I was observing the latest demonstrations of your cold fusion reactor. As a young scientist I know the current academic system from inside and for me and some collegues it is a clear fact that the current funding and publication system at our universities blocks free and independent research. I feel deep satisfaction that cold fusion finally succeeded despite the wall of ignorance and blamings in the past decades.
But let me now come to the main points of my email:
Beside cold fusion there are many other fields (especially in medicine) which would need deep and solid investigations, but these are made nearly impossible either by dogmatic thinkers or by financial interests of universty “funders”.
As in the following years you will most probably have the financial possibilities to launch scientific revolutions also in other fields of knowledge, I would like to ask you, if you could think of building up your own fund to financially support independent and free research beside the mainstream ?
I think you can imagine that beside Defkalion and other companies related to you, also a lot of funders and stock holders of these companies will make a remarkable profit in the next years.
Therfore, I would like to bring up the question, if you already decided who the investors and stockholders should be that will go with you in the future. I cannot imagine that you like the big investors, investment banks etc., to be the ones, co-profitizing of this great invention. So I would like to ask you if there is the possibility for people with a “normal” income to acquire a financial interest at companies related to your invention with rather small amounts of money ?
Looking forward hearing from you
Dr. Wolfhardt Freinbichler
Complimenti. E che la vostra scoperta possa illuminare la strada dei nostri figli.
In honor of Andrea Rossi, I propose that the method to condition the hydrogen gas flow in the E-CAT be named the Rossi Impedance.
Thanks you for such a contribution. May we have the privileged to see more.
Dear Mr Uriel Fanelli,
Please read all the former comments to find all the answers you need.
Warm regards,
Hi Mr. Rossi
I was trying to understand how this E-cat is supposed to work, then I have some question. Which kind of “Nickel” are you using, exaclty? And Which Kind of Hydrogen?
I mean, I know about 23 isotopes of Nickel, starting with binding energy lower than -some isotopes- of copper, thru isotopes having binding energy higher than some copper isotopes.
Then, whan you say “Nickel” plus “hydrogen”, the question is: “WHICH” Nickel, WHICH Hydrogen, are you using, and WHICH Copper isotope you see as a product? Did you see any cobalt , as a result?
Again, thank you for your kind, personal replies!
Concerned persons ask? If the energetic combining of a proton with the nickel substrate is statistically temperature sensitive, wouldn’t a sudden removal of the load (heat sink) cause a potential run-away reaction?
From your comments I assume that the reaction site is continuously cooled in some extra fashion — waiting to understand how, but my replies to the run-away question require your verification:
If the reaction zone were somehow to rise to the melting point of nickel (high!) then the surface area for reaction would re removed by the nano-powder melting, and no further reaction would occur. Correct?
Dear Mr Paul Wynder:
Thank you. I prefer to answer personally, because I learn from questions. There is always something to learn from questions.
Warm Regards,
Mr Rossi, thank you for kindly answering my questions, even though they’d already been covered here. My apologies for that – I now know after taking time today to read back through more of the comments.
I think November will be an especially busy time for you, going by how many people you’ve told to contact you then! I do hope you’ll have an army of assistants ready to help you out with that – maybe even set up a Call Centre? 😉
All my very best wishes for the future,
For the commercial issues please contact us in November, after the start up of our 1 MW plant in Greece.
Warm regards,
i am from India and would like to congratulate you on your enormous invention and discovery that promises to have profound impact all over the world. I wanted to know if you have a partner in India to commercialize your technology. Are you looking for established companies, or the government agencies or other types of partners? Do you wish to collaborate with Indian Universities like IISc Bangalore, TIFR, BARC and IITs? We in India are waiting for your inventions with eagerness and I can’t say enough how excited we are.
Also what about your preparations for the negative repurcussions from the oil, gas and coal industries which have billions if not trillions of capital to attack you with? Do you have plans to fight against any kind of suppressions from governements and military and spy agencies? What about CIA and other such agencies? Do you have backup support and plans in case something goes wrong personally with your team? Do you foresee the shift of power – both economically and politically with your invention?
Anyways We from India wish you all the best with your efforts so far and also in establishing a new generation of sciences for the next millennium.
sincerely yours,
a die-hard fan of emerging technologies and disruptive technologies + 1.2 Billion Indians.
Dear Mr Paul W:
1- The module is 2.5 kW
2- no
Warm regards,
Dear Mr B.Wilson,
Just contact us in November.
Warm regards,
Dr. Rossi
Congratulations on your successes! This is a wonderful development for the world and I hope, a very rewarding project for your hard work.
The current size Ecat is a perfect size for off grid users. I would like to be able to purchase one of the 5KW units at the earliest possible time to run my house power and heating from. After your Greek project is installed, there will be a huge rush of different groups wanting this size unit and I would like to be in on the first of the available units when you are ready to sell them to the public. Is there a way to get on the waiting list?
B. Wilson
Dear Mr Rossi,
I hadn’t heard of the E-Cat until today, and like many I’m intrigued.
One question that occurred to me is:
To what degree could the technology be ‘miniaturised’?
For example, would it ultimately be possible for E-Cat to substitute conventional batteries and/or mains power in small domestic devices, like torches, power drills, hair dryers etc?
Sorry if this question has already been addressed (I’ll bet it has!) – I’m afraid I haven’t yet had time to read everything.
I’d most appreciate your kind answer, if you can find the time.
Thank you,
Dear Mr Charles Richer:
Ni melts normally, in part, inside the E-Cat. It is designed for this effect.
Warm regards,
Thank You for the answer.
Inside the lead shielding is different.
4kW on 25 grams of nickel may melt it destroying the substrate. So energy transfer is thermal and high energy radiation captured by the lead shield. If I may reiterate the question under such constraint would we have a discussion.
Dear Mr Charles Richer:
Outside the E-Cat we have no variations in the external conditions, max 0.2 microSv x h^-1.
Warm regards,
Salutations to Andrea Rossi,
Without stating the average gamma wavelenght (or the standard deviation of the wavelenght) can you comment on any observed shift in the gamma wavelenght that seem to be influenced by external conditions.
Thank you in advance for the consideration.
Stimatissimo Ing. Rossi
I migliori auguri per una Felice Pasqua.
…e grazie per quello che sta facendo per tutti noi.
Lucio Martini
Buona Pasqua ed auguri infiniti per il vostro lavoro.
Arch. Gianvico Pirazzini
Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
Very interesting, as usually, thank you.
Warm regards,
Dear Mr Luca:
The answer is in the measures, which are very subtle.
The position of Prof. Sven Kullander and Hanno Essen is correct.
I cannot add further information on this issue.
Warm regards,
Hello, in a recent interview Focardi said:
“Copper has two isotopes, the ratio of these two isotopes is not in the natural concentration, and copper is not added,have produced it in this way.”
The italian sentence is:
“Il rame ha due isotopi, il rapporto tra questi due isotopi non è nella concentrazione naturale, quindi non è rame aggiunto,l’abbiamo prodotto noi in questo modo.”
But this is the exact opposite of what the Swedish physicists said after analyzing the nickel powder taken from the E-CAT
“Kullander: Both measurements show that the pure nickel powder contains mainly nickel, and the used powder is different in that several elements are present, mainly 10 percent copper and 11 percent iron. The isotopic analysis through ICP-MS doesn’t show any deviation
from the natural isotopic composition of nickel and copper.”
Do you have any explanation for this incongruity ?
Kind regards
Dr. Rossi
This may be the patent Eric Ashworth mentioned in the Journal of Nuclear Physics.
In “Tiny URL”, the same weblink is:
I also like Dr. Lonnie Johnson’s thermoelectric generator called the JTEC.
In addition to solar, it can also be used with E-CAT’s.
Joseph Fine
Dear Mr Eric Ashworth:
I am curious, send a description of your invention to
Warm Regards,
I wish you all the best with your E-Catt invention. I am also an inventor with a technology that I believe could enhanse the generating performance of your E-Catt cold fusion steam generator by re-engineering the steam turbine. By using this new technology no stators would be required and yet the turbine would be turbulent free and silent. This technology has been developed, acknowledged and patented. Perhaps your invention could introduce it to the world as a new technology with no money up front or strings attached. You provide a service and in payment you can use the technology with your E-Catt.
Regards Eric Ashworth
Hello Mr Rossi,
Anyone I talk to, is very excited by your invention. Please have a worldwide Internet broacast in October, when the device goes live.
For your fans, these October is the longest 🙂