Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3

Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.

The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.

Warm Regards,

The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics


  • kateinfo2

    Dr Rossi,
    Have you scheduled more demonstrations of the Ecat SK ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I think so.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ken

    there is a thorough analysis of the Zitterbewegung effect in relation to the Rossi effect: do you confirm you think there is such relation?

  • Raphael

    If you look at particular situations you can find that the climate did not change or that the temperature has fallen, but id you take in consideration the global situation, the statistics give clear evidence of the global warming.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for studying my paper,
    Warm Regards,

  • Nemo

    Studying your paper
    I discovered that the main, basic part of it that stays at the base of the E-Cat is the paragraph 4.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Actually, I know many women working in the field of LENR and in our Team there are women in important roles. For example, Dr Evelyn Foschi has worked much on LENR and has co-authored several publications; Vessela Nikolova has published “Ecat The New Fire”, whch is not a scientific publication, but still deals about LENR.
    Warm Regards,

  • dominique

    I noticed that the 100% of the publications about LENR are written by males. Not a single paper has been published by women. What do you think is the reason of this strange fact?
    Thanks if you answer,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, we are not abandoning this thread of R&D.
    Warm Regards,

  • Karol

    Dear Dr Rossi:
    Are you still working on the possibility of prodiuction of current directly from the Ecat SK? In the video http://www.ecatskdemo.com I saw the Tesla-meter measure magnetic field, more than 3 mT, this looks promising.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, especially the last edition,
    Warm Regards,

  • Scott

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    What do you think of the book “An Impossible Invention” of Mats Lewan? Is it accurate?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am back in the factory. All in good standing.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Emilee Seirer:
    Now it’s 5 p.m. of Jyly 28th where we are.
    The 1 MW E-Cat is stable. The Hot Cat has been destroyed during at 5 a.m. this morning, but we have understood why and we are making another, corrected that will be ready in several days from now.
    Warm Regards,

  • Emilee Seirer

    Dr Rossi:
    Can we have an update as of today?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wladimir Kangas:
    Maybe some Reader of the JoNP will be interested. Obviously I am not responsible for the content of other Languages than Italian, French, English and Spanish
    Warm Regards,

  • Vladimir Kangas

    Vladimir Kangas
    Электроимпульсное UFO

    Принцип действия электроимпульсногo UFO основан на явлении сопровождающем мощный искровой разряд в жидкости.

    Устройство UFO и его рабочий процесс.
    Схема Электроимпульсного UFO дана на Fig.1. Внутри корпуса 1 расположена рабочая кaмера с параболическим отражателем 2 для направленного отражения ударной волны в право.
    Электроды 3 установлены так, чтобы разряд между ними происходил в фокусе параболы. Электроды включены в цепь высоковольтной обмотки трансформатора 7 с ёмкостью 6 и выпрямителем 5.
    Трансформатор увеличивает напряжение питающей сети до величины, несколькo большей, чем та, которая требуется для пpoбоя жидкости между электродами.
    Величина подаваемого напряжения опрeделяется разрядным промежутком 4. Конденсатор периодически разряжаетcя через разрядный промежуток и электрoды, между которыми в момент разряда обрaзуется искра.
    Искра представляет собой плазменный канал с высокой температурой, благодаря чему образуется кумулятивный пузырь, давящий на стенки канала в нeсколько дeсятков тысяч bar.
    При этом фронт ударной волны получаетcя очень крутым, а температyры и давления в двух слоях жидкости, расположенных рядом, резко различаются, что приводит к большим тепловым потерям. Экспериментальными исследованиями установленo, что 50% энергии разряда затрачивается на излучение в ударной волне. Поэтому она довольно быстро трансформируется в звуковую синусоидальную вoлну, достигает правого фланца и отражается от него ввиде эхо.
    Отсюда делаем вывод:
    1.Левая стенка получает удар:
    F1 = ps = 10000bar x 10см² = 100000 кг
    2.Правая стенка получает удар: F2 = 0
    Получен разбаланс внутренних сил в замкнутой системе:
    F = F1 – F2 = 100000кг.

    Electroimpuls – UFO

    Principen för hur en elektro-impuls-UFO fungerar är baserad på en kraftig gnisturladdning i en vätska.

    Enheten UFO och dess arbetsprocess.
    Schemat för elektroimpuls UFO visas i figur 1. På insidan av cylindern (1) finns en arbetskamera och en parabolisk reflektor (2) som skall rikta tryckvågen åt höger.
    Elektroderna (3) är placerade så att urladdningen mellan dessa sker i parabolens fokus. Elektroderna ingår i en kedja i högspännings-lindningen i transformatorn (7) med en kondensator (6) och en likriktare (5).
    Transformatorn ökar nätspänningen till ett värde som är något större än det som krävs för genomslag av vätska mellan elektroderna.
    Värdet av den pålagda spänningen bestäms av urladdningsgapet (4). Kondensatorn urladdas periodvis genom urladdningsgapet och elektroder mellan vilka det uppstår en gnista i urladdningsögonblicket.
    Gnistan är en plasma-kanal med hög temperatur, så att den kumulativa bubblan är bildad, som pressar uppmanar väggarna i den-kanalen i några tusen bar.
    I detta fall den chocken främre är mycket brant, och temperatur och tryck i de två skikten av fluidum intilliggande, skall skilja sig skarpt, vilket leder till stora värmeförluster. Experimentella studier anvisas att 50% av utsläppen energin läggs på strålningen i stötvågen. Därför är det snabbt förvandlas till en sinusformad ljud vågen, ända fram till flänsen och reflekteras från det på grund av ekot.
    Därför drar vi slutsatsen:
    1.Vänstervägg träffas:
    F1 = ps = 10000bar x 10cm ² = 100000 kg
    2.Höger väggen blir drabbade: F2 = 0


    Som erhålls genom den obalans av inre krafter i ett slutet system:

    F = F1 – F2 = 100000kg.

    I’ve input this into Google Translate. The writer apparently has created a device, and is seeking some help: he has problems with ‘the spark’ ~J:
    When creating a volume of liquid inside a specially designed pulsed high voltage electrical discharge in the area of ​​the later development of ultra-high pressure, which can be used widely for practical purposes.
    Electro Hydraulic power from the first day of its discovery has been and remains a constant source of birth set of advanced production processes, which are now widely used around the world.
    Yet none use this power imbalance that the internal forces in a closed system to create Reactionless Propulsion, which can be used to drive the spacecraft.
    Below is a description:
    Electro Impulse – UFO
    The principle of how an electro-impulse-UFO function is based on a strong spark discharge in a liquid.
    UFO unit and its working process.
    The schedule for electromagnetic impulse UFO shown in Figure 1. The inside of the cylinder (1) has a working camera and a parabolic reflector (2) to direct the shock wave to the right.
    Electrodes (3) are positioned so that the discharge of these occurs in the dish focus. The electrodes are part of a chain in the high-voltage winding of the transformer (7) and a capacitor (6) and a rectifier (5).
    The transformer increases the voltage to a value that is slightly greater than that required for penetration of liquid between the electrodes.
    The value of the applied voltage is determined by the discharge gap (4). The capacitor is discharged periodically by the discharge gap and the electrodes between which there is a spark discharge moment.
    The spark is a plasma channel with high temperature, so that the cumulative bubble is formed, which presses on the walls of the channel in a few thousand bar.
    In this case the shock front is very steep, and the temperature and pressure in the two layers of fluid adjacent, differ sharply, which results in large heat losses. Experimental studies directed that 50% of emissions are energy of the radiation in the shock wave. Therefore, it quickly turns into a sinusoidal sound wave, until the flange and reflected from it due to the echo.
    Therefore, we conclude:
    1.Vänstervägg meet:
    F1 = ps = 10000bar x 10cm ² = 100,000 kp
    2.Höger wall gets affected: F2 = 0
    F = F1 – F2 = 100000kp.

    Здравствуйте уважаемый Филлип Михайлович Kanarev. Получил сегодня Ваше письмо, где Bы пишете: ”Я думаю, что это научная информация поможет вам понять суть глобальных научно-образовательных проблем человечества».
    Baши и мои проблемы абсолютно разные. Baше внимание сосредаточено на глобальных проблемах науки, а моя проблема проcтая и невероятно примитивная. Судите Сaми, ещё Никола Тесла проводил эксперимeнты электроразрядов в воде. Лев Юткин пpoдолжил их и этот список можно продлить. Казалось эта тема настолько изучена что придумать к ней уже ничего нельзя. Окaзалось можно, это разбаланс внутренниx cил в замкнутой системе. Но развитие этого феномена было направлено: у Юткина нa дробления камней, у Росси для получения энергии, у Шестопалова и Тарасенко для получения нефти, и ни у кого не было желания провести эксперимент на разбаланс внутринних сил в замкнутой системе, хотя некоторые ужe знали о моём Открытии втом числе и Вы. Bce вы имели доступ к высоковольтной аппapaтуре но ни у кого не возникла даже мысль o провepке моей идеи. A вот китайские подводные лодки уже пересeкают Тихий океан за 60 минут, используя мой принцип.
    В России Бабкин примeнил этот принцип для торпед, и чуть не поплатился тюрьмой. Я сам пережил несколько очень опасных покушений, из которых чудом выжил. На этом кончаю.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Gluons hold together the nucleons. As a matter of fact there is a symmetry between neutrons and protons ( isospin) that makes them permanently exchange quantic status. Gluons are not actual elementary particles, they are wave resonances during the interactions between the nucleons that indicate how quantum fields are vibrating between them. These forces of binding neighbor to neighbor nucleons are carried by the gauge (virtual) bosons named gluons, as said before; such forces have a limit: if the nucleus becomes too big, they are not able to compensate the Coulombian forces and the atom decays into smaller atoms, obviously respecting all the conservation laws.

  • Gloriapiot

    Dr Rossi,
    Which is that forbids the protons of the atomic nucleus to explode due to the Coulombian forces? Is the electric insulation provided by neutrons enough?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giulia Maria:
    I think the best book in the world for this is “Models of the Atomic Nucleus”, by Prof. Norman Cook, Springer, Berlin 2010; go to pp 191- 230; a very useful synopsis at p. 210.
    Find it by Amazon.
    Warm Regards,

  • Giulia Maria

    Where can I find a not too difficult explication of the quantic statuses in a nucleus of an atom ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- I am not a Prof
    2- 5 strong reasons to repower existing shuttered coal plants instead of decommissioning:
    i- Their community has grown up around them, and accostomed to the presence of a power plant, not to count the fact that the retrofitting makes it environmentally more friendly
    ii- The locations of coal fueled power plants have been chosen to be well far from inhabitants, which makes them out of reach for commercial centers
    iii- Specialized jobs related to power plants are the basic source of jobs for communities that have been grown up to fulfill the needs of power plants: this fact combines the easiness to find skilled operators for a power plant with the difficulty to find a good job for people with no skills for alternative jobs
    iv- Permissions are obviously easier to obtain in an area already destined to the same use, whose community are already oriented to accept it, because source of jobs and welfare
    v- The infrastructure are already there: steam turbine, switch yards, intake structures, access, grid connections, etc, with makes costs a lot lower than starting from zero
    Warm Regards,

  • Prof. Andrea Rossi:
    Can you explain why ia it worth to repower with new clean technologies, like maybe the E-Cat, shuttered coal fired plants, instead of elimitate them to make something else, e.g. commercial centers?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Quinton Heri:
    No, sorry, we will give the data after the test will have been completed, which means between December 2015 and February 2016.
    Warm Regards,

  • QuintonHeri

    Dr Rossi:
    Can you tell us which COP is performing the 1 MW plant in the industry of the customer in the USA?

  • Andrea Rossi

    To our Readers:
    Today at the CERN of Geneva has been published the discover of anomalous quantities of positrons and antiprotons in the Universe that could give indirect evidence of the “dark matter”.
    Very interesting indeed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Nickolay Kazakov:
    Thank you, I agree: Dr Parkhomov has made an important work. I would like to work also in Russia. Probably it will happen, sooner or later. The domestic E-Cats in the Russian winters could be vital.
    Warm Regards,

  • #nickolay_kazakov

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Our Russian Alexander Parkhomov has replicated your effect and also has found similar isotopic shifts.
    This is very important for you.
    In Russia you have many persons that esteem you.
    I hope you will come in our Country.
    See you
    Nickolay Kazakov


  • Andrea Rossi

    Arguments “ad Hominen” ( character assassitations attempts) against me will continue forever, and I am used to them since the year 1988. They are not worth my time to react anymore. I have to work with my Team in the 1 MW E-Cat. All the rest is nothing.
    Who wants to know the story can go to
    and to
    Warm Regards,

  • […] en sesión pública en la Universidad de Bolonia, donde todos los asistentes quedaron atónitos. El Test ha sido un éxito y de hecho, la revista Journal of Nuclear Physics ha publicado los Tests y… Todo ello rodeado de un sospechoso escepticismo que rozaba la incredulidad […]

  • Andrea Rossi

    That is my pet dream. If the test on course with the 1 MW plant we supplied to our Customer will be positive at the end of this year, certainly we could integrate our technology inside the coal fueled power plants, reducing in proporon their pollution. The problem here risks to be more boureaucratic than technological, because, as I already had occasion to wtite here, we already discussed this issue with a director of a coal fired plant and he explained to me that our integration means to change all the authorization system, whic is a very unpredictable path. As a matter of fact, the new regulations imposed by the Obama Administration should encourage the integration of new not polluting technologies ( see Power Engineering, March 2015).
    Warm Regards,

  • Dr Rossi:
    Do you think that your technology could help the improving and therefore the surviving of the coal plants? That would be important for the tens of thousands of jobs linked to coal minimg and coal fired power plants.

  • Andrea Rossi

    That’s quite a bizarre proposal…I could never think such a thing. When I was in high school I was very bad in art and ornamental drawing…the teacher unserstood that there was nothing to do with me and allowed me to use the hours of her matter ( 2 hours per week) to rehearse in other matters. Whatever I tried to make “artistic” always resulted in something obscene: it was a gift.
    Now I discover to be a contemporary artist: what a nemesys!
    For intellectual property reasons I am afraid my artistic career will have to wait…
    Thank you for your very funny proposal,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi:
    I watched the photos of your plant on http://www.andrea-rossi.com
    Do you know that it could be also considered also a contemporary art masterpiece, due to its importance for mankind? Do you have abandoned models of it ? We could be interested !

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mei Sweeney:
    Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team.
    Warm Regards,

  • Grazie per il Suo durissimo lavoro, di cui tutti beneficeremo. Solo voglio dire: Grazie!
    Thyank you for your work that will be important for all of us. I want just to say: Thank you!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Theo Muratore:
    You must be more specific about what you want to do.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ciao a tutti, sto facendo un progetto universitario su questi argomenti e ho bisogno di qualche informazione aggiuntiva che può aiutarmi nel mio lavoro. vuoi aiutarmi?
    Hello, I am preparing a project on LENR in my University. Can you help me?

  • Andrea Rossi

    To the Readers:
    …and for a very interesting coincidence, today is also the birthday of Prof Sven Kullander !
    The same day of the recurrence of the invention of the General Relativity Theory!
    Odd, isn’t it?

  • Andrea Rossi

    To the Readers:
    Today is the birthday of the General Relativity Theory: its existence has made the hundredth ride around the Sun!
    It is celebrated in the last issue of Science, which also reports the last confirmation of the GRT by the explosion of the supernova which has been “replicated” 4 times, due to the distorsion made on the light by the interstallar mass, so that the light emitted by the explosion followed multiple paths, which appeared, from different positions, respectively in 1964, 1995, 2014, 2015.
    The Science issue also contains an explication of the relativity explained in layman language.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wiecej Tutaj:
    Because I have the capacity to be at the same time in two different places! ( Ha,ha,ha!)
    Talking seriously: in the container of the computers, from where I am writing now this answer to you, we made in a corner the set up of the Hot Cat that will be the core of the mass production E-Cats. So it too is under R&D in the same place of the 1 MW E-Cat. As you can see, here is not much to be bored about.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea Rossi:
    If you are working inside the containers of the 1 MW plant that is operating in the factory of the customer, how can you be able to continue the R&D on the Hot Cat as you answered to Frank Acland?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Blake Broughton:
    Yes, that is a field where we could be useful, but the big issue, on the base of the experience we had dealing with coal fired power plants, is the very, very long and difficult procedure to change the authorizations. Power plants have extremely complex and precisely defined authotization papers and to change them is very complex. I say this on the base of a specific experience I had on this issue in California in 2012.
    Warm Regards,

  • Do you think that the E-Cat could retrofit coal power plants to revitalize them after the new anti pollution requirements?

  • Andrea Rossi

    To the Readers:
    I read today on Ecatworld the translation of the report regarding the replication of the Rossi Effect made by Prof. Parkhomov: very impressive. Congratulations, Prof. Parkhomov.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you: I do my best, confined in the intellectual property circled carts, though!
    Warm Regards,

  • Dr Rossi:
    What yoiu write in this blog is truly a great and helpful piece of information. I
    am satisfied that you just shared this useful information with
    us. Please keep us informed like this. Thanks for sharing.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Russian Scientists normally are serious. It appears that the work of Prof. Parkhomov is serious too, but I do not know enough particulars to express a precise opinion. Surely what he writes and says is worth our attention. The history of his life gives evidence of a history of a serious and hard work. His publications are important.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dr Rossi:
    The Russian Scientist Alexander Parkhomov has published the results of his replication of the Rossi Effect: any comment?
    Thank you for your work,

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