Energy Catalyzer first test videos – January 14th 2011 – Bologna-Italy

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 1/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 2/3

Energy Catalyzer Bologna University Test 3/3

Today, Saturday january 15th, at 10:00 AM Sergio Focardi and Andrea Rossi will be on-line for the press conference with Journal’s readers.

The press conference will start at 10 a.m. Italian Time.
To put questions, you will have to send your inquiry as a comment of this post, you will receive the answer in real time online.

Warm Regards,

The Board Of Advisers of the Journal Of Nuclear Physics


  • Mauro Murgia

    Dear Mr. Rossi, I ‘m a physics and in my life I try to di science. Nevertheless I absolutely disagree with those colleges that are disappointed with the fact that you didn’t presented your experiments and your prototype in a scientific issue before presenting it to the press . You have a working machine, an it works even if you do not know exactly why , as you honestly said. Considering the importance of the invention I think that if it really works, as I guess and I hope, than other guys and scientist will try to understand why it works, if they like and they can , and possibly will also try to make it work even better. At this stage I think you did the best choice. Congratulations and good luck!
    Mauro Murgia

  • here’s one to forward to your US licensee:

    From: rxnaturalproducts@hotmail.com
    To: fe_updates-owner@yahoogroups.com
    Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 8:07 PM
    Subject: RE: [FE_updates] Cold Fusion getting hot with 10kw heater prepping for market; Atmospheric Rivers

    Hi Sterling Alan

    See if you can contact Andrea Rossi and ask if he’s interested in mamnfacturing here in the US. A friend of mine has a 3500 sq ft machine shop now sitting idol as a result of the bad economy. He said he would be very intersted in manufacturing this device if it be allowed. The location is Kellogg, Idaho. Heating systems are very badly needed.

    Thank you


  • Richard Hill

    The question that I ask is why did you hold a press conference at this point in time?
    Usually this type of press conference is part of an appeal for funds.
    You are not asking for investment, and don’t have a product to sell for some time.
    You are not announcing a scientific paper.
    I assume the purpose is to arouse early commercial interest.
    In that case, who should I contact for commercial negotiations?
    I would like to become the exclusive agent for Australia and New Zealand.
    I have contacts in the domestic water heating industry in Australia.
    Richard Hill

  • Hi Andrea,

    My friend has a very large 3500 sq ft manufacturing machine shop in the western United States and he would be very interested in manufacturing your energy heating device’. This will allow you to get started in North America commercially producing product inventory. If you have any interest in this offer please contact me at this email adddress or by calling me at: 1- 626-261-4500

    Thank you


  • Hi. Congratulations on the test.

    I gathered information from Celani and other people who attended and published a description here:


    And a short paper here:


    I would appreciate it if you would check these for accuracy.

  • John

    When/where/how can I buy this contraption?

    Thank you.

  • Elisha

    Congratulations, the world is hungry for this technology!!

    Soy de Venezuela y aunque parezca contradictorio, es una tecnología necesaria para un país productor de petroleo, nuestra fuente de electricidad es 70% de una gran represa y el resto es por centrales termo eléctricas que usan gasolina y gas natural, cambiar nuestras centrales termo eléctricas por esta tecnología permitirá disminuir nuestro consumo interno de gasolina y gas natural.

    Andrea Rossi, anoteme para ayudarlos en la comercializacion en Venezuela.

  • alex passi

    I believe it would be immensely interesting to the lay community at large if you eventually provided an on-line continuously televised experiment, where the day-to-day results of long-term operation of your reactor were made clearly visible to the public via webcam and simple instrumentation. Obviously, this would not prove anything to the inevitable skeptics, but it would provide (and allow you to monitor, via the number of visitors to the site) a link to human interest in what you are trying to achieve.
    The effect would be even more dramatic if you devised a closed-loop system, where part of the heat dissipated by the reactor got harvested (by thermocouples?) and were used to power the drive resistors after the reactor reaches its optimal operating conditions. I am in no position to tell whether this is technically feasible, but I do believe that a self-fed unit, running for a long time without outside maintenance and power requirements, would be an irresistible attraction in this day and age of instant public gratification — as well as a necessary step in the way of general acceptance of your work.
    Alex Passi
    (Dept. of Linguistics and Oriental Studies, U. of Bologna).

  • Sergio

    Ing. Rossi e Focardi,
    innanzitutto complimenti vivissimi per il vostro esperimento!
    Anche se purtroppo penso che il “problema” della copertura del brevetto sta creando non poche opinioni contrastanti in giro nella rete.
    Da una parte è logico che una macchina per la quale si è fatto studi e sacrifici non può essere vivisezionata gratuitamente per amore della scienza per poi essere copiata da qualcun’altro che con la pappa pronta ed un pò di malizia monta su un business non da poco (il caso Meucci-Bell a quanto pare ha insegnato qualcosa).
    Dall’altra parte affermare che non si sa bene perchè funziona e che non si può far vedere che c’è dentro vi porta nella zona di frontiera dove di annunci sulla free-energy e sulle macchine over-unit ce ne sono a centinaia e quindi non molti sono disposti a crederVi e tagliate fuori una vasta fetta di potenziali investitori e scienziati disposti a darvi credito.

    Premesso che la presenza di personaggi autorevoli che penso difficilmente si giocherebbero la faccia è già per me una buona garanzia, mi resta solo un dubbio: perchè non avete attaccato un carico utile al reattore? Una piccola turbina ad esempio: rilevare una corrente elettrica economicamente sfruttabile avrebbe veramente dissipato ogni dubbio circa le effettive potenzialità della macchina.

    Avrei alcune domande più generali.
    Ing. Rossi, ha ribadito più volte che un’alimentazione in ingresso l’avete mantenuta durante l’esperimento per ragioni di sicurezza ed evitare instabilità.
    Questo cosa significa nella pratica? Che il Vostro generatore a fusione deve essere comunque alimentato esternamente pena instabilità (di che genere? Esplosioni? Radiazioni? Spegnimento? Erogazione a singhiozzo?)?
    Ne consegue dunque che un guasto all’alimentazione esterna sarebbe pericoloso?
    Il reattore che commercerete non sarà dunque autosotenibile ma funzionerà comeun “moltiplicatore” di rendimento? O puntate ad una versione autosostenibile?

    Curiosamente questo esperimento seppur notevole non ha avuto affatto eco mediatico.. per un annuncio del genere ci si aspetterebbe un tamtam mediatico su scala mondiale.. sono previsti altri esperimenti o veri e propri annunci in breve tempo? Una presentazione ufficiale (mainstream)su larga scala? Se si, in che ordine di tempo prevedete di farla? Settimane o mesi?

    Come si pone la giurisdizione italiana nei confronti di un’azienda che vende ai privati(?) un reattore nucleare? Vi permetteranno di venderlo? (a rileggere la domanda mi sembra comica ma non credo sia tanto campata per aria)

    La ringrazio in anticipo se vorrà rispondere alle domande di un semplice curioso a digiuno di fisica nucleare ma entusiasta della possibilità di essere testimone di una rivoluzione epocale.



  • William

    Mr. Andrea Rossi,

    Thank you for the answer.

    If there is anything interested parties can do to assist you please let us know.

    Here is a question I think you may be able to answer. Elsewhere on this forum I read that you were going to test for X-Ray production. What were the results of that test?

    Thanks for all of your work to bring this product to the market.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Moho:
    The device has not particular needs, I would say the same needs of a normal boiler.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Williams:
    To make a device that self sustains, apart the enormous risk of explosion that you would encounter, I would have to explain to you the whole technology.
    I thank you really much for your kind expressions, and I understand perfectly your constructive candor: this helps us to continue our endeavours to work hard to put this technology at the service of Humanity.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Sterling Allan:
    It is a batch which lasts 6 months. Every 6 mo you have to change the charge and make maintainance.
    Warm regards,

  • Nickel-metallo-hydride (Ni-MH) accumulator, may be?

  • […] Heater.. (Cold fusion). Cold Fusion From Italy Nearly Commercial Ready | New Energy and Fuel JANUARY 15th FOCARDI AND ROSSI PRESS CONFERENCE Journal of Nuclear Physics Yeah, I've heard this 'Pons and Fleischman' story before.. (Support EcoRenovator.org & […]

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Rich Murray:
    Thank you for your insight. We will contact you.
    Please send , if you want, your email address to
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Sterling Allan:
    Good question:
    to start up the reactor you have just to turn on a switch. The reactor works with enormous margins of safety, so there is no need of a particular skill. Just follow the instructions. The refuelling is every 6 months and will be made by our dealers.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I think you have not understood what I wrote. Perhaps you were yawning.
    The drive is a safety system.
    We cannot free all the power for safety reason. We will not put on the market, nor in a public test, a reactor that has not a 100% safety protection.
    About the fact that we consumed 600 Wh/h and produced 10.95 kWh/h I say nothing, I do. These numbers have been calculated from the indipendent Physics who conducted the test.
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Rich Murray:
    1- No, it is not necessary within certain limits
    2- see answer 1
    3- I can’ answer
    4- yes, provided pressure is properly used
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Camilo Urbina:
    The report of the test that has been made by the indipendent reviewers in Bologna will be put online as soon as the Prof. of the University of Bologna, who made the test, will deliver it. I think it will take a week, while they are elaborating the data.
    The publication will be made on the Journal Of Nuclear Physics, and all the magazines and blogs will be free to publish them.
    Thank you for your suggestions,
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Aurelio Cagliani:
    As soon as possible you will be contacted from our Italian marketing officer.
    Warm regards,

  • Mr. Moho

    I think what the previous poster meant is if the device as a whole (not its internal processes) needs specific conditions in order to properly work. Does it need for example to be in a climate controlled environment? Does it have a definite operating temperature range?

    To be more specific and clear, could I put the device in a poorly ventilated basement and expect it to work? Or in a semi-enclosed cabinet outdoor subject to natural climate variations?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Luigi Versaggi:
    Thank you .
    Warm regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Steven E. Jones,
    I have nothing to say, but this: by the laws of Physics, as they are, a bubblebee can’t fly.
    Warm regards,
    p.s. I already said that I am not sure that my theory is right, and that I am working hard on it. Nevertheless, this theory gave me as a result a reactor that works.
    Maybe that with also the help of you a better theory will be set up. In the meantime we produce reactors. We learn from the bubblebees: they decided to fly while lectured persons will find out the new laws on the base of which they can fly legally (under a Physics point of view).

  • Andrea Rossi

    Another message from me: we receive many comments in Russian, Chinese, Japanese, etc: I am sorry to say that we accept only messages in:
    ENGLISH (PREFERABLY) AND ALSO:-FRENCH-SPANISH-GREEK- GERMAN-ITALIAN; we cannot accept other languages because we are not able to translate, therefore we cannot control if the content is legal.

    Now the Reply:
    Dear Sir: No , the device does not work at those temperatures; it needs at least 400°C
    Warm regards,

  • This device will work at temperature a minus of 30 degrees of Celsius?

  • Hi Rossi,

    Steven E. Jones, who was the famed BYU contemporary of Pons and Fleishmann, gave the following comment. I realize you said that your “proving” has been done, and now the marketplace will be the decider of the validity of the technology. I just thought you might having something to say about this:

    —– Original Message —–
    From: Steven Jones
    To: Sterling Allan
    Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 8:48 AM
    Subject: Re: Rossi-Focardi 10 kW cold fusion ready to go commercial?

    Dear Sterling,

    I have the paper by Focardi and Rossi and find it lacking in detailed experimental results:

    The authors claim a proton-capture reaction on nickel nuclei (which incidentally is quite distinct from the 1989 d-d cold fusion claims of Pons & Fleischmann). The p-Ni reaction would result, if it occurred as claimed in their device, in large numbers of radioactive copper nuclei — easily detectable by the decay products of the copper radioisotopes.

    Where are the quantitative descriptions of these copper radioisotopes? What detectors were used? Have the results been replicated by independent researchers?

    Pardon my skepticism as I await real data.

    Dr. Steven E. Jones

  • Luigi_Versaggi

    Dear Ing. Rossi,

    I wish that the huge number of contacts that this site is now experiencing will be compared to the number of “Energy Catalyzer” your Company sell in the near future.
    Le ho scritto una email all’indirizzo “info”, ci terrei che la leggesse. La ringrazio ed ancora complimenti!
    Luigi Versaggi P.

  • Aurelio Cagliani

    Vi auguro di avere un grande successo.
    La mia società è interessata a commercializzare il vostro prodotto nell’area di Milano Est e Bergamo, vi chiedo di informarmi quando quando sarà pronto per una vendita su larga scala e se verranno previsti i corsi per installatori.
    Cordiali saluti
    Aurelio Cagliani

  • Dear Mr. Rossi:

    I’m interested to know if you have any scientific articles in preparation about your experimental set up and results.

    I’m a bit worried that this is again taking place at a press conference rather than a scientific journal.

    Please be aware that by no means I am critizicing your research or casting doubts about your results, but you must understand that due to the sensitive nature that the energy industry has I’m certain that you will face constant attacks as others have in the past when publishing research on this particular topic.

  • 1. Does the integrity of the Ni lattice have to be maintained — do
    damage, disruption, and melting impede the results?

    2. If so, then a single or a few reactions in one nanograin of Ni may
    preclude further reactions within that grain — what percentage of
    grains might be disabled per hour of normal heat production?

    2. How many other elements, solid at various temperatures from
    cyrogenic to incandescent, might have similar results, with increased
    pressure and or temperature of H2 gas?

    3. Could pressure alone be the major facilitating factor?

  • sam green

    Rossi wrote: “Dear Mr Sam Green:
You are right. In fact we can turn off the resistance: we do it regularly in our R&D center. The reason why in a module for the public we have to maintain a drive is connected with safety reasons. To explain why this I should have to explain confidential issues.
Warm Regards,

    Isn’t the point of a demonstration to eliminate the need for trust, so that an observer can believe a demonstrator’s claim without the need for trust?

    If you say the device runs on 600 W heat, and produces 10 kW heat, but you don’t use part of the 10 kW to run it, then it looks like you’re trying to pull a fast one. If you say, without explanation, that it could be self-sustaining, but it is too dangerous, then you are just asking your audience to trust you, making the entire demonstration pointless, because if you had earned that kind trust, the demo would be superfluous.

    When you have a public demonstration of a 10 kW device that requires no input power, then it will be time to celebrate. Until then,


  • Yet another question. I’m wondering what is entailed in “fuelling” the device. Do you need a PhD? Hazmat suit? How often does it need to be fueled? What is involved in removing the spent fuel?

    Here’s the story we’ve composed: http://pesn.com/2011/01/17/9501746_Focardi-Rossi_10_kW_cold_fusion_prepping_for_market/

    we speculate: “(speculation, pending clarification) The fuelling of the system could probably be done via a relatively inexpensive fuel rod that would need to be replaced every few months.”

  • Rossi HNi nuclear fusion “catalysts” may be elements that block poisoning by impurities: Rich Murray 2010.11.16

    The “catalyst” may be several elements that operate to block, bind,impede, or remove the many impurities that necessitate thorough repeated cleaning to allow the initial reaction to happen — likely the reaction itself produces harmful impurities, so that the
    “catalysts” are needed to allow the reaction to continue.

    If this is so, then it should be fairly obvious how to proceed to identify various impurities and test antidotes that plausibly might treat them.

    I suspect the stakes are so high for world security and progress that a clandestine operation will seize a working reactor and reverse engineer it.
    Logically, all facets of the Rossi network may have been under intensive surveillance for years, including moles.

    The reaction may well be straightforward new physics, just like fission in 1939, in which case it will apply to many elements and setups, and inevitably found and elucidated by the inevitable exponential expansion of science and technology.

    I suggest looking into the enormous body of research on metal hydrides, formed in diamond anvil ultrapressure tabletop experiments, up to the million bar level, the pressures at the center of Earth.
    Anomalous elements and heat may already have been found, but simply not cognized properly, in many experiments.

    Geology of minerals from the depths may also offer much of interest, as well as studies on minerals and melting from the early solar system.

    Laser implosion facilities should test tiny Ni balls full of H…

    Even small chemical explosion implosion experiments…

    Another avenue would be high current Z-pinch high current and voltage spark tests on tiny Ni tubes full of H, and then also combined with implosion from cylindrical symmetry chemical explosions.

    The facts about a possible new generation of simple, cheap nuclear weapons have to be kept in full view of all world citizens.

    I hope to contribute.


  • Is this a batch process, or can it be run continuously?

  • Hi Dr. Rossi. I’m the one who posted this story: http://pesn.com/2011/01/14/9501743_10_kW_nickel_hydrogen_cold_fusion_demo_coming_January_15_in_Italy/

    I’m working on a follow-up report.

    In follow-up to your response to Mr. William:

    I understand that you claim to have a unit now going into commercial production. I realize that it takes time to ramp up to go into high volume production, and that you say you are in process of doing such a ramp up. When do you expect to be completed with that phase? And meanwhile, will you be willing to sell units to customers, for a higher price since they are made one at a time? Are you open to inquiries about beta testing, or are you done with beta testing?

    Can the output of a device be dynamically adjusted on the fly to accommodate a changing load?

    Will there be refinements to the industrial product that was demonstrated Friday, before the first batch of units are shipped to your customers from the assembly line?

    How many units have been built so far?

    To what markets do you plan to first introduce the product?

    Do you anticipate creating an electricity-producing version any time soon, or are you going to focus on heat production for a while?

    Are you willing to do an interview for our http://FreeEnergyNow.net radio show?

    Sterling D. Allan

  • Gianvico Pirazzini

    Complimenti ed auguri.
    La mia società sarebbe interessata alla commercializzazione della produzione in Emilia-Romagna…2/3 anni basteranno per vedere il prodotto?
    Un caro abbraccio al Prof. Focardi, che 40 anni fà mi insegno a giocare a scacchi in spiaggia…e pare ieri.
    In bocca al lupo ed ancora complimenti.

  • William

    Mr. Rossi,

    1) Thank you for clarifying the fact that you are the inventor.

    2) Please forgive me if it seemed like I was asking you to give away proprietary information. You said in a previous post that the patent was enough information to build a device. I was simply asking you to clarify some issues that are not critical or “trade secrets.” I do not expect you to give away information that could be harmful to your company such as catalysts (please note I did NOT mention that) or enough information that would allow someone to build a device that would be competitive with your product. I am just asking for enough information to build a basic device that would self-sustain. Perhaps self sustain at a very low level and not enough energy to do anything practical with. I’m not asking for the info to build your actual “industrial product.”

    3) I see no reason to think that you are lying and from what I have read I am very convinced that your technology works. What makes you think that I do not believe you?

    4) I wish you would not get an attitude with me. I have been trying to SUPPORT YOUR EFFORTS for the last few days by telling MANY PEOPLE about it. Please realize I am NOT trying to attack you! I’ve been reading about cold fusion devices for a long time and the fact that a working and practical cold fusion device has been produced is VERY exciting!

    5) I’ve been around the block a few times in the alternative energy community. There have been many technologies that seemed to be legitimate simply vanish or go nowhere. There are many reasons for why this may have happened. But the simple truth is if they were legitimate or not NOTHING happened with the technology. I do NOT WANT TO SEE THAT happen with your technology. The fact you have contracts to manufacture thousands of devices gives me GREAT HOPE! It has given me MORE HOPE than I have had in ANY alternative energy device in a LONG TIME!

    Please just realize my desire to replicate and those that I know who would replicate is not to steal your technology. I for one wish you GREAT SUCCESS as the person who invented this. I know there are a LOT of nasty skeptics out there. I’ve seen absolutely positive test data from different systems (magnetic and cold fusion) be “spun” into negative drivel by the cynics. I am NOT one of those cynics! And there are many other people who are NOT!

    You may not say that your technology is the holy grail, but for many of us who have been watching, talking, waiting, and researching alternative energy this is a huge breakthrough! You cannot deny nuclear fusion using very little fuel and producing large amounts of energy is not a tremendous breakthrough!

    Just realize there are people out there that would like to HELP YOU in anyway they can.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr William :
    1- I am the inventor of the method and the apparatus.
    2- You are asking to me to give away for free technology and know how. It is impossible, for obvious reasons.
    3- We have passed already the phase to convince somebody. We are arrived to a product that is ready for the market. Our judge is the market.
    In this field the phase of the competition in the field of theories, hypothesis, conjectures etc etc is over. The competition is in the market. If somebody has a valid technology, he has not to convince people by chattering, he has to make a reactor that work and go to sell it, as we are doing.
    You are not convinced? It is not my problem. My problem is make my reactors work. I think that the reason for which I arrived to a working reactor is that I bellieved in my work, therefore, instead of chattering and play the big genius with mental masturbations, spent all my money, without help and financing from anywhere, to make thousands of reactors that didn’t work, until I made the right one, following my theories that may be are wrong, but in any case gave me the result I wanted.
    If somebody is convinced he has a good idea, he has not to convince anybody by chattering, he has to make something that works and sell it to a Customer who decides to buy because can see a product which works. If a Customer wants not my product no problem, I go to another, without chattering or giving away free technology.
    What I made is not a “Holy Graal”, as you ironically say, is just a product. My Customers know it works, this is why they bought it,that’s enough for me. We are investing to make thousands of reactors and is totally irrilevant for us if somebody or manybodies make negative chatterings about our work.
    To ask us to give away as a gift our technology, in which I invested my life, to convince somebody or morebodies that my reactors work is contrary to the foundamental rules of the economy.
    To convince the World of our product we have just to sell products which work well, not to chatter. If somebody is convinced to have invented something better or equal to our product, he has not to chatter, he has to make a product better or equal to ours and sell it.
    Thank you for your useful inquiry,
    Warm Regards,
    Andrea Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Svein Utne:
    First of all, thank you for your kind interest. I am sorry, but I cannot give informations about the catalyzers.
    Warm regards,

  • William

    Mr. Rossi,

    I have a few questions.

    1) Who is the inventor(s) of this device? Is it yourself or yourself and others?

    2) I would like to suggest that you release specific plans for a simple version of this device that can self-sustain. I recognize there are dangers involved. However, I personally know SEVERAL highly skilled engineers with access to top notch equipment that would be interested in replicating your technology. The issue is that I know they would want *details* for replication instead of spending their time and money trying to “guess” what is the best way to go forward. They have went down that path before with other claims without success. If you could provide even basic plans for a simple version of your device it would be tremendously helpful. In such plans you could list….

    a) The size/shape/volume of the cell and it’s material.
    b) The part number of the resistor.
    c) The input current/voltage.
    d) The amount of nickle powder and a source for the powder.
    e) How to put the powder in the cell. I have read that it is placed into a ceramic?
    f) How much shielding you would recommend.
    g) How to make sure that enough of the dihydrogen is being converted to hydrogen.

    Basically, a “bill of materials” and a brief instruction guide.

    Would you please consider this?

    3) For the past two days I have been pouring over all the information I can find about your technology. I am simply blown away. I have no reason to think you are lying so it seems you have the HOLY GRAIL of energy production. If this is the case the world needs to be convinced ASAP. The best way I know to do this is with replication by hundreds of people. Are you willing to help those that want to replicate?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Alessandro Rossi:
    All the data regarding the future market developments and technological improvents of our reactors will be published here, but we authorize every blog to get our posts, comments etc and use them for free for what they want. Therefore you will find everything also in the many blogs that usually deal with this matter.
    About your idea of trying to turn on the reactin by means of an arc: I never say “this is right” or “this is wrong”. Everything has to be tried. Maybe your is a good idea.
    Warm Regards,

  • Svein Utne

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    I wonder if your catalyst is producing some hydrino, and then the hydrino will manage to fuse with the Ni.
    Svein Utne

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
    Prof. Levi said me yesterday that by the end of the next week we will receive the Report with all the data.
    Warm regards,

  • Alessandro Rossi

    @ Sam Green

    Mr. Rossi already have replied to your question saying that the reactor can self-sustain, but for the demo they prefer to take the enrgy input always on.
    I think that the reaction goes on cause the heat transfered during the reaction is more than the heat reached in the chamber by the (resistor?) heating at 600W input.

    @ Ing. Andrea Rossi
    La ringrazio per la gentile risposta,
    spero che il procedimento di brevetto si concluda presto al fine di visionarlo.
    Un’ altra domanda, sviluppi futuri della macchina (notizie, teorie commercializzazione etc) saranno pubblicati qui? Oppure le potremmo trovare in altri siti da Lei controllati?

    And another suggestion, i’t possible to turn on the reaction by a high current discharge trough the Nickel mass? ( nickel that have trapped hydrogen?)

    Cordiali saluti.

    Alessandro Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Mr Sam Green:
    You are right. In fact we can turn off the resistance: we do it regularly in our R&D center. The reason why in a module for the public we have to maintain a drive is connected with safety reasons. To explain why this I should have to explain confidential issues.
    Warm Regards,

  • sam green

    If this device uses input heat, and produces 10 times more output heat, then why can’t you turn off the input after it has started? Shouldn’t the heat generated by the nuclear reaction be more than enough to keep itself going?

    A device which can produce 10 kernels of wheat from one kernel, only needs one kernel to feed the world.

  • Joseph Fine

    “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”

    – Arthur Schopenhauer

    Congratulations on your very interesting and important announcement/conference.

    Thanks also for all the comments by the contributors.

    I’m looking forward to reading the report from Prof. Levi.

    Here is a link to a current article in ‘The Economist’ about how Special Relativity is necessary for the proper functioning of ordinary Lead-Acid batteries.


    Any new physics requiring Mini-atoms, Hypoles, Neutroids or Hydrinos may be related to the ‘old’ physics (QM, Sp. Relativity) intersecting with Santilli’s hadronic mechanics.

    Best regards,

    J. Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    The patent issue is very complicated. When you make a patent application, you present e text and a list of claims. After your application, begins a long ( we are working on it since more than 2 years) and very expensive list of modifications, integrations etc etc due to the dialectic evolution of the patent which is worked on by the inventor and the specialists of the patent office. The text , therefore, is continuously modified and enriched of elements that the patent Officer deems to be necessary to permit the regular patent.
    The final text of the patent is what results after 2-3 years of confrontations. It is not a simple matter, but we have to understand that the Patent Office has to be sure to grant to the Public that, in change of the 20 years protection, the inventor, in this case me, has to disclose to the Public all the clues of the technology.
    Of course, such clues remain confidential until the Patent is granted.
    Warm Regards,

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