Generalized Theory of Bose-Einstein Condensation Nuclear Fusion for Hydrogen-Metal System

by Yeong E. Kim Department of Physics, Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana 47907, USA

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Generalized theory of Bose-Einstein condensation nuclear fusion (BECNF) is used to carry out theoretical analyses of recent experimental results of Rossi et al. for hydrogen-nickel system.  Based on incomplete experimental information currently available, preliminary theoretical explanations of the experimental results are presented in terms of the generalized BECNF theory. Additional accurate experimental data are needed for obtaining more complete theoretical descriptions and predictions, which can be tested by further experiments.

I.  Introduction
Over the last two decades, there have been many publications reporting experimental observations of excess heat generation and anomalous nuclear reactions occurring in metals at ultra-low energies, now known as „low-energy nuclear reactions‟ (LENR).  Theoretical explanations of the LENR phenomena have been described based on the theory of Bose-Einstein condensation nuclear fusion (BECNF) in micro/nano-scale metal particles [1-3].  The BECNF theory is based on a single basic assumption capable of explaining the observed LENR phenomena; deuterons in metals undergo Bose-Einstein condensation.  While the BECNF theory is able to make general qualitative predictions concerning LENR phenomena it is also a quantitative predictive physical theory.  Some of the theoretical predictions have been confirmed by experiments reported recently.  The BECNF theory was generalized for the case of two species of Bosons [4].

Recently, there were two positive demonstrations (January and March, 2011) of a heat generating device called “Energy Catalyzer” [5]. The Energy Catalyzer is an apparatus built by inventor Andrea Rossi, Italy. The patent application [5] states that the device transforms energy stored in its fuel (hydrogen and nickel) into heat by means of nuclear reaction of the two fuel components, with a consequent observed production of copper [5,6]. According to Rossi‟s patent application [5], heating of the sample is accomplished by an electric resistance heater.  Details of March 2011 demonstration were reported by Essen and Kullander [7]. The report [7] also contains references to January 2011 demonstration. In the following, we describe hydrogen-nickel reactions in section II. Other possible reactions are discussed in section III.  Conclusions are given in section IV.

II.  Hydrogen-Nickel Reactions
The generalized BECNF theory [4] can be applied to the case of hydrogen-nickel fusion reactions observed in Rossi‟s device (the energy catalyzer) [5] under the following two conditions: (1) additives used (not disclosed in the patent application) form Ni alloy and/or Ni metal/alloy oxide in the surface regions of nickel nano-scale particles, so that Ni atoms/nuclei become mobile with a sufficiently large diffusion coefficient and (2) local magnetic field is very weak in the surface regions, providing a suitable environment in which two neighboring protons can couple their spins anti-parallel to form spin-zero singlet state (S=0).  Relatively low Curie temperature (nickel has the Curie temperature of 631 oK (~358 oC)) is expected to help to maintain the weak magnetic field in the surface regions. If Rossi‟s device is operated at temperatures greater than the Curie temperature ~358 oC and with hydrogen pressures of up to ~22 bars, the conditions (1) and (2) may have been achieved in Rossi‟s device. The mobility of Ni atoms/nuclei (condition (1)) is enhanced by the use of an electric resistance heater to maintain higher temperatures. This may provide a suitable environment in which more of both Ni atoms/nuclei and protons become mobile, thus creating a favorable environment for the case of two species of Bosons (Ni nuclei and composite Bosons of paired two protons). If the velocities of mobile Ni atoms/nuclei under the condition (1) are sufficiently slow, their de-Broglie wavelengths become sufficiently large and may overlap with neighboring two-proton composite Bosons which are also mobile, thus creating Bose-Einstein condensation of two species of Bosons. The generalized BECNF theory can now be applied to these two-species of Bosons and provides a mechanism for the suppression/cancellation of the Coulomb barrier, as shown in [4]. Once the Coulomb barrier is overcome in the entrance reaction channel, many possible allowed exit reaction channels may become open such as reactions (i) ANi(2p(S=0), p)ˆA+1 Cu, with even A=58, 60, 62 and 64. These reactions will produce radioactive isotopes 59Cu and 61Cu with A = 58 and 60, respectively. 59Cu has a half-life of 81.5 seconds and decays by the electron capture to the 59Ni ground state (58.1%) which has a half-life of 7.6 x 10ˆ4 years and to the 59Ni excited states (41.9%) which in turn decay to the 59Ni ground state by emitting gamma-rays with energies ranging from 310.9 keV to 2682.0 keV [8]. 61Cu has a half-life of 3.333 hours and decays by the electron capture to the stable 61Ni ground state (67%) and to the 61Ni excited states (33%) which in turn decay to the 61Ni ground state by emitting gamma-rays with energies ranging from 67.412 keV to 2123.93 keV [8]. Gamma-rays (and neutrons) have not been observed outside the reactor chamber during the experiment [6]. These gamma-rays may have been present inside the reaction chamber. If no radiations are observed, reactions (i) are ruled out. Focardi and Rossi [6] reported that the experimental results of Rossi et al. indicate the production of  stable isotopes 63Cu and 65Cu with an isotopic ratio of 63Cu /65Cu ~ 1.6 (natural abundance is 63Cu/ 65Cu = 2.24). This production of Cu may be due to reactions (i). The production of 63Cu and 65Cu with isotopic ratio of 63Cu /65Cu different from the natural isotopic ratio is expected and can be explained by estimating the reaction rates for 62Ni(2p(S=0), p)63Cu and 64Ni(2p(S=0), p)65Cu.  Reaction rates estimates based on transmission probability calculated from a barrier tunneling model similar to the alpha-decay theory indicate that the reaction rates for stable Cu productions, 62Ni(2p(S=0), p)63Cu and 64Ni(2p(S=0), p)65Cu, are expected to be much larger than the reaction rates for production of radioactive Cu, 58Ni(2p(S=0), p)59Cu and 60Ni(2p(S=0), p)61Cu. This leads to the prediction that intensities of the gamma-rays from the decays of 59Cu and 61Cu are expected to be weak and do not commensurate with the observed heat production, which is mostly from stable Cu production  reactions 62Ni(2p(S=0), p)63Cu and 64Ni(2p(S=0), p)65Cu. There are other exit reaction channels which are (nearly) radiation-less, such as reactions (ii) ANi(2p(S=0), α)ˆA-2Ni, (even A=58, 60, 62, and 64) [9]. For this case, we expect that the natural isotopic ratio of Ni isotopes will be changed in a particular way, which can be checked from the  sample after each experiment.  Even though reactions (ii) produce radioactive isotope 56Ni, it can be shown using the alpha-decay theory that its reaction rate is much slower (by many order of magnitudes) than those of other reactions. Other exit reaction channels, ANi(2p(S=0), d)ACu, ANi(2p(S=0), 3HeA-1Ni, and ANi(2p(S=0), t)ˆA-1Cu (all with even A=58, 60, 62, and 64) are ruled out since these reactions all have negative Q-values.  There are possibilities of neutron-emission exit reaction channels, such as reactions (iii) ANi(2p(S=0), n)ˆA+1Zn, (even A= 62, and 64; Q is negative for A = 58 and 60).  However, reaction rates for reactions (iii) are expected be substantially smaller than those for reaction (i).  Reactions (iii) involve emission of a tightly bound neutron (62Ni -> 61Ni + n, Q = -10.597MeV or  64Ni -> 63Ni + n, Q = -9.657MeV) while reactions (i) involve emission of a loosely bound proton from an excited compound nuclear state consisting of ANi (even A) and 2p(S=0). Therefore, the transmission probability of a neutron tunneling through the centrifugal barrier in reactions (iii) is expected to be substantially smaller than that of a proton tunneling through the centrifugal barrier in reactions (i). The branching ratios of reactions (i) and (ii) need to be determined by measurements of gamma-ray energies and changes in isotopic ratios from future Ross-type experiments.  Theoretically, the branching ratios can be estimated by calculating transmission probability of an emitted charged particle tunneling through both Coulomb and centrifugal barriers in the exit reaction channel, as done in the alpha-decay theory.

III.  Other Possible Reactions
In addition to the above reactions described in II, there are possibilities of reactions involving additives used (not disclosed so far). For an example, if lithium is added as an additive, reaction (iv) 6Li(2p(S=0), p 3He)4He may be possible. As in cases of reactions (i) and (ii), Ni nano-particles would be still playing an important role of providing two-proton singlet composite Bosons for reaction (iv). Reaction (iv) would not change the isotopic ratios of Ni.

VI.  Conclusions
In order to explore validity and to test predictions of the generalized BECNF theory for the hydrogen-metal system, it is very important to carry out Rossi-type experiments independently in order to establish what are exact inputs and outputs of each experiment.  If the entrance and exit reaction channels are established experimentally, we can investigate selection rules as well as estimates of the reaction rates for different exit reaction channels, based on the generalized BECNF theory [1-4]. Once these experimental results are established, further application of the generalized BECNF theory can be made for the purpose of confirming the theoretical mechanism and making theoretical predictions, which can then be tested experimentally. Basic description of the above theoretical concepts for BECNF in the hydrogen-metal system will be included in an invited talk at a forthcoming nuclear physics conference [10], and will be published in the conference proceedings [10].


  1. Y. E. Kim, “Theory of Bose-Einstein Condensation Mechanism for Deuteron-Induced Nuclear Reactions in Micro/Nano-Scale Metal Grains and Particles”, Naturwissenschaften 96, 803 (2009) and references therein.
  2. Y. E. Kim, “Bose-Einstein Condensate Theory of Deuteron Fusion in Metal”, J. Condensed Matter Nucl. Sci. 4, 188 (2010), Proceedings of Symposium on New Energy Technologies, the 239th National Meeting of American Chemical Society, San Francisco, March 21-26, 2010.
  3. Y. E. Kim, “Theoretical interpretation of anomalous tritium and neutron productions during  Pd/D co-deposition experiments”, Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys.  52, 31101 (2010).
  4. Y. E. Kim and A. L. Zubarev, “Mixtures of Charged Bosons Confined in Harmonic Traps and Bose-Einstein Condensation Mechanism for Low Energy Nuclear Reactions and Transmutation Processes in Condensed Matter”, Condensed Matter Nuclear Science, Proceedings of the 11th International conference on Cold Fusion, Marseilles, France, 31 October – 5 November, 2006, World Scientific Publishing Co., pp. 711-717.
  5. Andrea Rossi, “METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR CARRYING OUT NICKEL AND HYDROGEN EXOTHERMAL REACTION”, United States Patent Application Publication (Pub. No.: US 2011/0005506 A1, Pub. Date: Jan. 13, 2011);
  6. S. Focardi and A. Rossi, “A new energy source from nuclear fusion”, March 22, 2010. ,  February 2010
  7. H. Essen and S. Kullander, “Experimental test of a mini-Rossi device at the Leonardocorp, Bologna, 29 March 2011”, a travel report, April 3, 2011;
  8. Table of Isotopes, 8th Edition, Volume I: A = 1-150, edited by R. B. Firestone et al., published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1999), pages 270 and 284.
  9. Reactions (ii) were suggested by T.  E. Ward, private communication, May 11, 2011.
  10. Y. E. Kim, “Deuteron Fusion in Micro/Nano-Scale Metal Particles”, an invited talk to be presented at the Fifth Asia Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics 2011(APFB2011), August 22-26, 2011, Seoul, Korea. (

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859 comments to Generalized Theory of Bose-Einstein Condensation Nuclear Fusion for Hydrogen-Metal System

  • Koen Vandewalle

    If Andrea Rossi offers a piece of the pie to the “philantropic” sponsors of the snakes the way you propose, so they have certain future again, they would be far less hostile I believe. From their point of view their reason to exist just ends the last week of October. There are lots of skeptics, but they are not. They know for sure that the e-cat works as promised. Instead of throwing mud, they’d better buy a license and work together. Just fair play. I Hope Andrea Rossi is as forgiving as necessary. It is their envy, yes, but that can heal (has to). From this point of view I am very very very curious what happened with the Greeks. For Europe, this is a disaster. I agree with Simon Knight that it is exactly Frau Merkel who is the person in place. She has a PHD in physics and is one of the most powerful persons in the world now. She does not need good or bad advisers to see the light. In five hundred words, Andrea Rossi can explain enough to convince. All this testing and demonstration is not really necessary. Andrea Rossi chooses to go independent, so let it be. He invented, others did not.
    Kind regards
    Koen Vandewalle

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Simon Knight:
    Thanks for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Simon Knight

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Catscanner’s idea to replace uranium with nickel powder is no less than genial. In this way you would do away with the environmentally harmful uranium mining.

    The nuclear fuel factories will just stuff nano nickel powder and, not to forget, catalyzer instead of UO2 pellets in their fuel rod tubes that could be made from stainless steel instead of expensive zirconium. The control rods in the reactors will be replaced by heating elements.

    There will be no radioactive rest products to take care of. Indeed, the spent fuel will be refined to new nickel powder and copper that could be made into new wires for transporting all the electricity that is produced.

    These plans could mesh very well with the German decision to terminate their nuclear program and might just in time save the future German economy.

    There is no time to be lost! I suggest that you asap contact Mrs. Angela Merkel on this urgent matter.

    Enthusiastic regards, Simon Knight

  • Joseph Fine

    Andrea Rossi, Catscanner and E-CAT Scanners:

    Germany wants to halt using Nuclear Power. Japan is certainly not going to build new nuclear reactors. (Maybe Japan will complete a few reactors under construction – but they are much more risk averse.) Many other countries are disenchanted with Nuclear, but have few good options. Until now.

    But to completely replace Nuclear Reactors with E-CATS or “Nick-le-ar” Reactors will take many years. A typical nuclear reactor may generate from 500-1000 MW(Electric) and may consist of four five or, for Fukushima, six reactors grouped together.

    To change from demonstrating a 1 MW(thermal) E-CAT to producing multiple copies of a 1000 MW(electric) E-LION plant will require Dr. Rossi to work 16,000 hours per day.

    He will need a lot of help, I think.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Catscanner,
    I think that we should ready for an integration right now.
    Warm Regards,

  • Catscanner

    Dear Mr Rossi
    Maybe in the future your Ni-H reaction could replace the rods with Uranium in todays nuclear plants with only that change. It would save a LOT of money if it would be possible to use what is already built. Is the effect of your reaction big enoug for that replacement?

  • Enrico Billi

    As written in the article ( / 2008 / 03 / direct-conversion-of-radiation-into.html): “when it is commercialized which they expect will be ten years or more”. I sincerely hope Liviu Popa-Simil and Claudiu Muntele will speed up their production process of these nano-tubes so they could give their contribution to the improvement of nuclear power production, but by now seems only a good research project.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Enrico B.V.:
    I will study about this, but I think that the efficiency should be very low, as Dr Enrico Billi said.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Den Lynn:
    Will be invited some among the most important scientific journalists of the world.
    Warm regards,

  • den lynn

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    What kind of press coverage do you and your American partner anticipate will be in place for the October USA demonstration of the Ecat?

    Den Lynn

  • Enrico B.V.

    Dear Mr Rossi,
    since I heard of e-cat, I follow your adveture with great interest. So I want to congratulate you on efforts to make a better future for humanity. Can I pose one question about an alternative way of electricity production? I don’t know how the e-cat work, so maybe it’s a only a stupid question. What do you think about the direct conversion of radiation into electricity? In your opinion there is any possibility to have these material in a future core of e-cat?
    Best regards, Enrico

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Catscanner:
    1- yes
    2- No
    3- Yes
    4- m 5 x 2.5 x 2.5
    Warm Regards,

  • Catscanner

    Dear Mr Rossi
    Can you put togeather how many small 5kW modules as you like?
    When you put togeather the 1MW doesnt the sumed up heat from all the modules overheat some components in the E-cat? Is it one pipe of water for each E-cat in the 1MW? I was thinking if the core is so small for every individual E-cat how big a 1MW has to be actually?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
    Thanks, usual good info.
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph Fine


    Some information on CO2 refrigeration and heat pumps:

    (R744 is the symbol for CO2 when used as a refrigerant) Japanese Heat Pump ” Eco-Cute ”

    Note: ‘Cute’ = kyūtō (給湯); literally to supply hot water.

    DanFoss (UK) Article on Principles of Transcritical CO2 Systems:

    French Document on Refrigerants:

    I apologize if any of these links don’t work.

    CO2 is known in the refrigeration/heat pump industry.
    But how many people, not directly involved, have heard of it?


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear georgehants:
    Main-line Science is what gave me the instruments to make my work. If my plant will work, this is thanks to what you define “Main-Line-Science”. For example: what I learnt from the “Main-Line-Scientists” of the Universities of Bologna, Uppsala, Stockolm has been of core importance for the work at the base of the 1 MW plant.
    Warm Regards,

  • georgehants

    Dear Mr. Rossi,
    What was the main reason that you have succeeded with your E-CAT and main-line science failed.
    Best wishes.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Charlie Sutherland:
    Yes, it will be possible.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Fulvia,
    Thank you for your kind attention. I confirm that the 1 MW plant will be delivered within October.
    I am glad to read from you, also for a gender reason: I noticed that in this matter the large majority of comments, articles, whatever come from males, like the females are not interested in this subject. So, you are very welcome. In Physics, normally, women are much better than men, when they are good.
    Warm Regards,

  • Fulviam

    Caro Ing. Rossi, non so Lei, ma io non vedo l’ora che venga attivato il primo impianto affinché anche gli scettici e, soprattutto quelli in malafede abbiano finalmente a tacere! Oramai dovrebbe essere chiaro a tutti che questa nuova tecnologia é una realtà e che Lei sarà solamente il primo a renderla disponibile al grande pubblico. Basta fare una semplice ricerca in Internet per capire che oramai diversi altri laboratori stanno sperimentando procedure simili alla sua in varie parti del mondo… è solo una questione di tempo… Mi permetta Ing. Rossi uno sprone: anticipi più che può l’inaugurazione della centrale termica da 1mw ora che, sia la produzione che l’assemblaggio, avverrà in America! Un caldo saluto. Fulvia

  • Fulviam

    Caro Ing. Rossi, non so Lei, ma io non vedo l’ora che venga attivato il primo impianto affinché anche gli scettici e, soprattutto quelli in malafede abbiano finalmente a tacere! Oramai dovrebbe essere chiaro a tutti che questa nuova tecnologia é una realtà e che Lei sarà solamente il primo a renderla disponibile al grande pubblico. Basta fare una semplice

    ricerca sul Web per comprendere quante siano oramai le ricerche simili sua

  • Dear Mr. Rossi,

    Thank you for your reply. I understand you already have all the able partners you need. I also understand, that for your first demonstrations, you will need to give your partners your undivided attention.

    I was wondering if some of us well wishers and potential customers, who have been following your progress, might be allowed some advance notice to attend some later demonstrations.

    Thank you,

    Charlie Sutherland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear H-G Branzell:
    …so said the Wolf to the lamb… (he,he,he…)
    Thank you.
    Warm Regards,

  • H-G Branzell

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    If you tell us about your problems we may be able to help you, there is lots of knowledge out here!
    Kind regards
    H-G Branzell

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Catscanner:
    We are still working and still we have problems. We are working 16 hours per day for this.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Charlie Sutherland:
    We already found tremendously good Partners in the USA .
    Warm Regards,

  • I have been watching this with great interest since January. I asked an MIT PHD scientist in hot fusion research (a family member) if he had heard of your work. His reply was for me not to invest anything. Since then, I have invested the time to see where this might be going. I believe you have what you say.

    Is there any way one or more of us without academic credentials or vast investment capital could be allowed to be present at the first public presentation of the 1mw generator?

  • Catscanner

    Dear Mr Rossi
    Is there still problems to solve before the first delivery to your costumer or is everything build and ready and just being finally tested?

  • Italo A. Albanese

    @OAbrey: (OT)
    How I will like to live in a country where a minister answer to his citizens!

    Italo A.

  • Italo A. Albanese

    I’m sure “Canada is watching this phenomena with great interest”, with 1.75 trillion barrels of oil from tar sands they have…

    Italo A.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Val De Mar:
    You do not know the People I deal with, so you can’t understand. From my side, I am bound from confidentiality agreements, so I cannot disclose the names.
    Look at the plants, not at contractual issues that are not of public interest.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hi Mr. Rossi, My name is Val De Mar and I am citizen of the world with normal intelligence. My question to you is as follows: As an inventor of the most important product in human history, why do you only work with obscure unknown companies, cancel agreements worth 15 mill. Euro, a ridicul sum compared to the net wort of your working product. I feel perplexed..

  • OAbrey

    I recently wrote the Canadian Minister of Energy about Mr. Rossi’s invention and some of the progress on the theory. Scientific issues are redirected to the appropriate science official.

    Believe it or not, they actually wrote me back. They said Canada is watching this phenomena with great interest.


    Owen Abrey

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Den Lynn:
    Yes, the creation of jobs is one of the main goals of our work. We really hope to generate thousands of jobs in the short term, millions in the long term. But we will have to fight hardly for this.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Italo A. Albanese:
    You can’t, I suppose.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear D. Gilmour:
    Thank you:
    Soon I will need your help.
    Warm regards,


    Dear A.R.: Congratulations on your use of this open forum. The “snakes” wonder why you waste your time here. It is a most brilliant plan; for there are many in this small world of ours that are cheering for you, and many that have through family connections access to high places in government. /The “World-Wide Web” will aid you, protect you, and make this a much better world. Thank you!

  • Italo A. Albanese

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    You’ll better not write it explicitly but I’m curious… Where can I found some hints about snake’s puppeteer?

    Best regards,
    Italo A.

  • den lynn

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    Like everyone else, I am looking forward to your October “formal” unveiling of your ecat invention.
    Has your American partner given you any indication as to how your invention will/or might impact the unemployment situation both here in the US and globally?

    Thank you for dedication to this endeavor!

    Den Lynn

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Bob Norman:
    The snake is just a puppet of the organization that is backing him. I have been told that he uses questioning techniques that they teached to him to discredit the interviewed person. His “institute” is a hoax, as well as his “knowledge” of LENRs: we all understood, after few minutes of talks with him during his visit to us, that he lacks the elementary bases of Physics; he doesn’t know very basic notions that a middle school 13 years old learns from his teacher. Just a person like this would accept the role that his backers have assigned to him. At least in Italy have been used two other snakes with good knowledge of Physics… Anyway, never mind: all this trash will be swept away by working plants.
    Warm Regards,

  • Bob Norman

    Dear Mr Rossi
    The interview by Krivit on Levi was a travesty. Even in depositions one is not treated this way. I know fully understand snake-ology.
    Truly, all the best on your demonstration, the world is pulling for you.

    Bob Norman

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Ivan Idso:
    I agree with you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Ivan Idso

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    I have been following your news with great interest and hope. I know you have said that you are working on heating, cooling, and electricity; but just heat would be a monumental achievement. We have such a large carbon-based infrastructure to replace, that I can’t even imagine how many years it will take- even at an aggressive rate.

    My point is, the e-cat is only the beginning and will not solve all of our problems overnight. It will be as much an evolution as a revolution. So, in my opinion, all you have to accomplish is to show excess heat and it will still be the greatest invention of all times.
    The rest will follow.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Catscanner:
    Every 6 mo the charge is refilled.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Nisto

    Mi perdonerà l’Ing.Rossi se ancora una volta abuso del suo blog, ma penso che gli siano chiare le motivazioni che mi hanno spinto a suggerirgli alcune opinioni in merito all’importanza dell’appoggio della più vasta audience possibile, incluse le persone con la mia incompetenza in campo scientifico, che vivono con fibrillazione queste poche settimane e cercano di contribuire alla maturazione psicologica dell’evento poichè credo che questa evoluzione culturale sia necessaria e rappresenti l’arma più significativa contro quei poteri che si contrappongono al cambiamento.

    Credo che molti di noi abbiano preso coscienza del fatto che se l’impianto funzionerà avrà ripercussioni mondiali in campo geopolico, sociale e, non ultimo, etico e morale. Il movimento di pochi neutroni potrà portare al riesame dell’intera società e dei suoi equilibri attuali di potere perchè, se non ho compreso male, le due maggiori conseguenze della nuova tecnologia sono di carattere ambientale, con l’abbattimento della CO2, e la delocalizzazione delle fonti energetiche in tutti gli stati del mondo, eliminando di fatto il più grande incentivo ai conflitti degli ultimi 100 anni. Fattori molto più importanti dell’aspetto economico.

    Per cui anche se noto che la maggior parte degli interventi sui blog sono fatti da esperti nel campo scientifico, credo che anche qualche considerazione di carattere più umano, vista l’importanza della materia, non sia fuori luogo e quindi, Signor Lai, diciamo che il nostro scambio di vedute potrebbe rientrare in questo contesto. In quanto allo human-cat, io credo che un giorno, fra molti anni, un nuovo Ing.Rossi scoprirà che l’uomo ha un enorme potenziale energetico e contrastato da scienziati scettici, snakes e critici costruttivi ne farà dono all’umanità.

    Ora mi siedo ed aspetto impaziente, grazie per l’ospitalità sul blog.
    Cordiali saluti.

  • Catscanner

    Dear Mr Rossi
    Does it means you dont have to refill the e-cat for 6 months?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Caro Antonello Lai: sì, ne vedremo delle belle, ma alla fine l’unica cosa che conta sono gli impioanti che funzionano.
    Cari saluti,

  • Antonello LAI

    Dott. Rossi

    io credo che oltre ai clown e serpenti salteranno fuori a breve altre specie strane. Quella email anonima arrivata a persone terze, che sembrava quasi anticipare qualche ragione di disguigo proprio tra Lei e il partner Greco fa abbastanza riflettere.

    E pur anche non essendome magari al 100% legale la sua pubblicazione online, mi crea qualche riflessione il fatto che si siano attivati subito nella richiesta di rimozione, richiesta degli aspetti tecnici della stessa, e abbiano detto di aver avviato dei procedimenti con un legale a Londra per immagino scovarne la provenienza.

  • Antonello LAI

    Mi scuserà Rossi da non potendo replicare in privato devo farlo in pubblico.

    Caro Nisto il mio messaggio era proprio dedicato a Lei e non a Rossi quindi la cosa la vorrei chiudere proprio con Lei.

    Mi passi la battuta/metafora, ma Io a differenza dell’acqua all’interno del dispositivo di Rossi non mi scaldo e quindi non produco nemmeno vapore quando esprimo un concetto.

    Detto questo ribadisco quando espresso, ossia il fatto che non essendo la data di presentazione tra 1, 2 o 3 anni, ma bensì tra circa 60 giorni, reputo che il buon senso di una persona (e quì non mi rivolgo a Lei in modo esclusivo), porti ad aspettare tale data per trarre le conclusioni, senza quindi insistere ancora ad oggi a chiarire i vari aspetti, tra cui in particolare la vicenda sugli ex partner greci che Rossi stesso ha ribadito aver chiarito, e sulle quali testuali parole di Rossi stesso “mi sembra che per quanto riguarda la rottura del rapporto con il nostro ex cliente greco io abbia dato tutte le spiegazioni che dovevo dare, e sarebbe scorretto da parte mia aggiungere o togliere altro”.

    Riguardo la sua ultima frase le posso solo dire che dopo l’e-catalyzer protemmo auspicare all’invenzione dello human-catalyzer che concordo con Lei possa essere anche più utile delle forme di energia classiche.

    Non se la prenda, credo sia chiaro che la discussione tra noi è sana.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear H. Hansson:
    You are right: by the way, I know exactly who is backing the snakes (let alone the clowns, they are just useful idiots); we have very good intelligence, and I know perfectly my foes. We are covering our bases, also if I am convinced that when our plants will be successfully in operation, they will have the same chance of success, in stopping me, that a plumber has to stop the Niagara Falls throwing dirt on the edge of the fall with a bucket (and the help of his attendant too). By the way, what the snakes write is so evidently false and manipulated, that all the readers with faculty of thinking are understanding exactly that the snakes are a hoax, as well as is a hoax what they report. As for the safety issue, please go to read the answer I gave few minutes ago to Mr Paolo.
    Thank you for you offer of help: please contact me on my personal address to explain better what you mean.
    Warm Regards,

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