Tools and concepts in particle cosmology

U.V.S. Seshavatharam
Honorary faculty, I-SERVE
Alakapuri, Hyderabad-35, AP, India
Prof. S. Lakshminarayana
Dept. of Nuclear Physics, Andhra University
Visakhapatnam-03, AP, India
With reference to the current physics concepts, implementing the gravitational constant in atomic and nuclear physics and studying its consequences is beyond the scope. 10 dimensional String theory is also not in a position to couple the nuclear scale and planck scale. Role of dark energy or dark matter is very insignificant in understanding the basic concepts of unification of fundamental interactions. Considering the atomic and nuclear physical constants till today cosmic acceleration is not yet verified.
Project summary

Within the expanding cosmic Hubble volume, Hubble length can be considered as the gravitational or electromagnetic interaction range. Product of  ‘Hubble volume’ and ‘cosmic critical density’ can be called as the     “Hubble mass”. The three proposed assumptions are: 1) within the Hubble volume, each and every point in free space is influenced by the Hubble mass, 2) ‘molar electron mass’ can be considered as the rest mass of a new heavy charged elementary particle and 3) atomic gravitational constant is Avogadro number times the classical gravitational constant. This is a new approach and may be given a chance in understanding the four fundamental cosmological interactions. Approach may be different but involvement and encouragement may bring this subject into main stream.

332 comments to Tools and concepts in particle cosmology

  • […] da parte di Aldo Proia e Andrea Rossi. Quest’ultimo, senza ancora rivelare numeri esatti, ha annunciato sul suo blog: “I validatori mi hanno detto che anche l’ultimo test durato 120 ore ininterrotte è andato […]

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Frank Acland:
    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea

    I have modified this article — — on E-Cat World (Which came via to reflect your comment below.

    The interview was very interesting and enjoyable!

    Best wishes, Frank

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Frank Acland and Sterling Allen:
    First of all, again thank you for your interesting interview.
    I have been informed right now that in the text there is a typo: it has been written that 1 g of matter is equivalent to 23 000 GWh: obviously this is a typo, since every person that knows the Einstein equation knows that 1 g of matter is equivalent to 23 000 MWh, NOT 23 000 GWh. In the case of nuclear reactions, we are talking of the difference of mass between before and after the reactions, and from that figure it is clear that in our case the difference of mass is in the order of picograms: just apply the equation. So the script “GWh” is an obvious typo, anyway please correct it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Manuel Cilia:
    No, we did not yet consider this market section.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Mr Rossi,
    Have you been working with any absorption chiller companies in respect to the ecats. The main industrial absorption chillers that I have anything to do with is call ‘BROAD’ which is a Chinese company but if you have been talking to anyone I would be happy to look into their systems.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear JJE:
    1- on April 30st we deliver a 1 MW plant for hrat production in civil industry
    2- heat production for industrial purposes
    3- working plants
    Warm Regards,

  • JJE

    Hello Dr Rossi,

    Here are my questions :

    1) Can you tell us how long before people will feel the first effects of your inventions (e-cat, hot cat)? Do we speak in terms of weeks, months, years or decades ?
    2) What will be the first scopes ?
    3) According to you, what is the trigger that will cause a big spread of LENR reality in mainstream media ?



  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear gio:
    We’ll see.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Gherardo:
    With heat you can do also conditioned air.
    In any case, I repeat that we so far sell plants only for industrial utilization, where heat is necessary 24 hours per day.
    The situation is in evolution, though and your suggestions are interesting.
    Warm Regards,

  • gio

    dear ing. rossi

    i read your reply to gherardo about the mouse that has improved the cop.

    So the mouse has doped the cat !!!!!

    If i say 30 …….. i light the right number!!! 🙂


  • Gherardo

    I was taking a hot relaxing shower and thinking how would be nice to already have a domestic e-cat came immediately.

    As you said, domestic units (3-6-9 kW) have to wait, but, let me say, condominium units could be an intermediate step I’m going to explain.

    It’s rather common, at least in Italy, to have condominium heaters for 30 to 100s of apartments. Their efficiency is much better than single domestic units, and each is managed by a certified organization that has specific maintenance and burocratic duties and competences.
    To me that looks exactly like what would be needed to operate an industrial e-cat installation.

    Possibly 1MW units would be too large but modular 333kW units (1/3 MW) could fit well also for civilian hot water users like hospitals, large cafeteria and swimming pools.

    There is an additional consideration.
    Domestic heating is needed only for 5-6 months, what about the other months?
    If a hot cat (gas activated) is installed, ANY extra heat production could be converted to electricity and sent to the grid assuming that:
    1) the cost differential from e-cat to hot cat improves the economic return
    2) installation volumes and noise due to the turbine are manageble in the condominium
    3) upfront price is mitigated
    I don’t know about the first two but for price, a financing similar to the one proposed by Prometeus for e-cat industrial plants (pay what you pay now for X years and then you save money in each additional year) could solve the upfront expense issue.

    Whatever the answers are, that could be an interesting approach to domestic market.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Gherardo:
    It has improved the COP.
    About how they work, you already gave the right answer.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gherardo

    could you summarize the benefits of the mouse and cat configuration?
    I also did not really understand besides allegories how they work but I guess that explanation would be an advantage also for other competitors working in the LENR.
    Thanks again for your time answering all our questions in this journal.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
    1- yes
    2- yes
    3- yes
    4- no, we simply supply 10 x 1
    5- no
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph Fine

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    1: In the current or new design (2-stage) Hot-Cat, can the output temperature be set to any value between 120 deg C and 600 degrees C? I apologize if I asked this question before, but it was some time ago.

    2: Since Hot-Cats consists of a number of modules, can a 1 MW system be partitioned into two (or more) sections in order to produce ‘x’ kW-thermal out of one subsection of modules and (“1-x”) kW-thermal out of another?

    3: Can two subsections of a plant produce heat at different output temperatures? For example, one section may produce process heat and another section may be used for evaporative cooling. In effect, you have two E-Cats purring in the same enclosure.

    4: I saw reference to a 10-MW E-Cat configuration. Are there customers requesting such a design and if so, would that require significant modifications for efficiency improvement or cost reduction or is it just a matter of assembling 10 times as many modules as there are in a 1 MW design? (Different enclosure etc.)

    5: If different sections of a plant produce heat at different temperatures, does the higher temperature sector need more time for shut down than the lower temperature sector?

    Running out of questions,

    Joseph Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N.Karels,
    To compare 2 E-Cats to find a difference of few mg is impossible, because the variation of weight between the E-Cats is of tens of grams, let alone milligrams…and the margin of error of the scales are such that a difference of weight of few mg is impossible to detect anyway, also considering many other factors ( humidity, powder, fulfilling of microcaves of the steel surface, etc) that make impossible to detect if the delta M is really due to a conversion of the charge.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N. Karels:
    Even if you stay 1 year the delta mass is so small that other factors, as well as the margin of error, would make the results very shaky.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You are correct. Measuring a change of roughly one part in a million (assuming the eCat mass is around a kilogram) would be difficult. You might be able to do it using an un-fueled eCat kept in a environmentally sealed bag and do a differential measurement between the active eCat and the unfueled eCat over time. An interesting experiment but I suspect you have other things to do. I would assume the third-party testers will have made before and after mass measurements but their operating time would be insufficient to observe a significant mass difference.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N. Karels:
    You are right, but please do not forget that
    1- there are error margins of the scales
    2- there are many macroscopic factors that can change the weight: several mg are a so small amount, that errors are very probable.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    If you have a single 10kW eCat reactor running for 1 year (8,760 hours), you will have output 87,600 kWh of energy. Assuming an average COP of 6 means 5/6 of the energy will have come from the internal reaction or 73,000 kWh. If one gram of mass equals 23 x 10^6 kWh, then you should observe a mass change of about 3.1 milligrams.

    I understand that some immediate loss of mass of an eCat due to initial heating is normal. But precisely weighing an eCat over a year long operation should result in measuring the mass loss as a linear (in time) process. In other words, the first short operating period of a new eCat results in mass loss due to water vaporization, outgassing, etc, but after awhile, the loss rate should be linear with power. Milligrams of mass loss may be detectable and measureable. Perhaps another validation to eCat operation?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N. Karels:
    The mass turned into energy is so low that a measurement is very difficult, due to the variation of other macroscopic factors. Remember that 1 g of mass is equal to 23 x 10^6 kWh.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    On the Journal of Nuclear Physics has been published today the paper ” Stability of Light Nuclei” by Wladimir Guglinski.

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    When you operate an eCat for extended periods, do you observe a measureable decrease in mass appropriate with the total energy output of the device?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Dr Joseph Fine:
    Rectified thanks for your interesting info.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Gediminas:
    They did COP and radiation tests
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Joe:
    1- No
    2- We do not make new physics
    Warm Regards,

  • Joe

    Dr Rossi,

    Congratulations on the positive news from the testers.

    1. Does your theory introduce any new fundamental particles to the Standard Model? (The only new fundamental particle discovered recently by the Large Hadron Collider seems to be the Higgs boson at 126Gev/c^2.)

    2. Although every part of the E-Cat is necessary to create the overall effect of overunity, which of the following individual technologies is the most indicative of a new physics:

    a) the specific internal geometry of the E-Cat

    b) the specific treatment of the chemical species

    c) the specific functions used by the signal generator

    All the best,

  • Gediminas

    Dear Andrea,

    You are right “kW/h” is a non sense. I had in my mind Kwh too. Another old question arised in my mind 😉 Did professors search and find transmutation of nickel in to copper when they tested Ecat or they did only COP tests ?

    Best regards

  • Joseph Fine

    Andrea Rossi,

    Brian Willis at the University of Connecticut recently patented a rectifying nano-antenna or “Rectenna” structure which can, or will be able to, rectify the EM fields of incoming Infrared radiation (photons) and most visible light, and form an output direct current (electrons).

    In the future, you will not have to depend on solar heat to travel 93,000,000 miles (or an equivalent number of kilometers) to solar panels on Earth. The E-Cat or Hot-Cat generates black-body (and now, red-orange body) EM radiation right here. This technique, suitably modified, may convert radiated heat, instead of incident heat, into electricity. ( I left out a few ideas. )

    Rectifying regards,

    Joseph Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Jordi:
    Thank you, we accept your pre-order, but, as you know, to sell domestic E-Cats we need the safety certification. Anyway, your pre-order implies you have not to send us money at all and when we will send you the offer you will be free to accept it or not, in absolute freedom.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jordi

    How suggested to make money, I pre-order my first e-cat home (not enough money to buy industrial one ;-).
    You will agree, that your ECAT home, it’s more than only a hardware master piece (from a genius), it’s MEANS FREEDOM (Not unplugged, unchained off the grid)
    However, money makes the rules, and the rules say that we are the new slaves of our era, (puppets, chained to the grid).
    Even if ECAT home is safer as a glass of water, even if firsts ones are only just a simple home heaters, it never be certificated as “safe” for home usage. They want everyone chained to the grid.
    Why cell phones have internet access, and not a talkie walkie mode for very short distance calls? It means, no business profit
    YouTube search, Big Eureka , “The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman”, Fighting, for his amazing machine, working on voltage, not amperage. It means, no business profit
    Please, keep your business on track; the world can’t wait a hundred years more another genius, even if you show us the way.
    My best wishes and Thanks

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