Electrical catalyst

Tadej Bajda a.k.a.Tamal Krishna
das Krsko, Slovenia
Description of a fictional device, cylindrical in shape, for starting a low energy nuclear reaction. Using an environment of hydrogen and nickel charecteristics, similiar to one in an E-Cat. Imagining hydrogen molecul as a spring resonant system and simply using frequency and power of electricity as a catalyst.

882 comments to Electrical catalyst

  • Maurizio

    Da non pubblicare.
    Caro Andrea, comprendo la sua correzione,
    oggi e’il giorno per gioire non per l’acrimonia,
    un abbraccio e continui a testa bassa,
    il tempo stringe,
    con affetto Maurizio.

  • Anatoliy V Sermyagin

    Dear Andrea Rossi!
    Congratulation on the 3rd Party Report!
    Best wishes to you, to your Family and to your Team!
    Worm Regards,
    Anatoliy V Sermyagin

  • Martyn Aubrey

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Wonderful news!

    Greatest Congratulations on the publication of the Third Party Report.
    In years to come they will create a “Google Doodle” to mark this important day!

    Martyn Aubrey

  • renatoestri

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    from page 28th, indipendent report conclusions:
    This day, MAY 20th, 2013 will enter in the modern science history.
    My heartiest congratulations for your admirable work!
    We are all with you !
    Renato Estri

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Maurizio,
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Giovanni Guerrini:
    This Report is a strong encouragement to go on with the enormous work waiting for us.
    Thank you for your kind words,
    Warm Regards,

  • Giovanni Guerrini

    Caro Dott Rossi,
    Lei dice che è uno dei giorni più importanti della Sua vita,aggiungo che lo è anche per tutti gli esseri che popolano questa terra,che non smetteranno mai di ringraziarLa.

    Grazie infinite G G

    Dear Dott Rossi,
    You say that this is one of most important day of your life,I add that is the same thing for all life form of this planet that will not stop to thank you.

    Infinite thanks. G G

  • Maurizio

    Kudos (complimenti) for the 3rd party report!
    As one of the first “Home” e-cats” preorderers I’m glad for this news.
    Today, i’am shure, will be a HOT day for you Andrea

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N.Karels:
    Now I understand. We are working on that issue.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Enrico Billi:
    Thank you: lavolale, lavolale!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Italo R.:
    Thank you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Todd Burkett:
    IThank you. This is one of the most important days of my life.
    Warm Regards,

  • Todd Burkett

    Congratulations !
    On the 3rd party report!
    Are you pleased?

  • Enrico Billi

    Third party report published! I cross the fingers for you Andrea Rossi!


  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I was suggesting that on the Activator and Reactor combination, the design point of 35% Activator and 65% Reactor seems to result in a stated temperature stability of +/- 5 degrees C.

    Would modifying the control loop to a larger amount of Activator control result in a smaller (e.g., +/- 4 degreesC) temperature variation?

    If this is true, then perhaps two or more units could be synchonized so that only one Activator is on at any time. This would result in a near continuous input power loading.

    Also, based on you answers regarding the amount of input to output power seems to say that the effective COP for a single Activator – Reactor could range from less than 3 to over 20, depending on the configuration Is this correct?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Renato Estri:
    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Aldo:
    Thank you for the interesting link regarding the conference of Prof. Christos Stremmenos.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N. Karels:
    1- Depends on the situations. Please read all my answer on this issue in this blog
    2- The cycles are made by a control system choosing the best time in the specific situation
    3- I do not understand exactly what you mean
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear eernie1:
    Thank you for your insight. The issue, from my side, is confidential.
    Warm Regards,

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    You know that I have presented my ideas about the mechanisms involved in your energy systems for the last two years.Basically they are chemo-nuclear reactions involving electrons perturbing the nuclei of the Nickel present in your devices.
    From the beginning of my thoughts,the only thing that made sense to me about the secret sauce was that it involved creating and using isotopes that produced electrons which then created lattice photons.As an example,63Ni decays with the emission of a Beta- and transmutes to 63Cu.The question is then,how do we obtain these isotopes?
    Since my early days in science,I have been involved with isotopes created by placing various materials within the neutron flux of a fission reactor to produce isotopes.Isotopes used in medicine,measuring instruments and space vehical power units are examples.I have personally employed 60Co to measure radiation effects on various materials.
    If we place Nickel powder in a neutron environment,through neutron capture we produce many of the unstable isotopes of Nickel.What is interesting is that all Nickel isotopes above 59Ni decay by Beta- or isomeric decay with Beta emission.Even the isotopes below 59Ni emit Beta+ positrons which act somewhat like electrons in producing lattice phonons.The Nickel used does not have to be refined except for those impurities which may produce a radioactive isotope emitting a gamma photon.We end up with an inexpensive material that produces many energetic electrons.
    If we now enhance the decay processes with electron capture instigated by imposing a strong negative EM field on the Nickel powder,we have a configuration that adds conversion electrons and that can perhaps produce high levels of heat energy output.After a period of time(6 months)the Nickel can be cleaned of transmuted elements(Co,Fe,Cu)and reradiated in the fission reactor for reuse.

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I have seen conflicting postings, could you please clarify.

    Question 1: For the Cat & Mouse design, and for a nominal thermal output of 10 kW from the reactor, what is the nominal power rating on the Activator to control that 10 kW Reactor? 1kW or 10kW?

    Question 2: Would operating the Activator faster (less time between usage) and a slightly higher percentage of the time result in a decrease in the temperature deviations of the Reactor?

    Question 3: Perhaps synchronize two Activator + Reactor units (as was referenced in another posting) to have a continuous input and output?

  • Aldo

    Dear Andrea, you can find at the link below a photo and a brief summary (in Italian) about the talk given yesterday by Christos Stremmenos (former professor at the Dept. of Physical Chemistry, University of Bologna) at the meeting of Lions Clubs on Energy Saving held in Bologna, Italy: http://www.prometeon.it/news.php Have a good Sunday, Aldo

  • John L

    Dear Dr. Rossi and Kevin Evans,

    With the three Cat/mouse system setup running alternatively, at 1KWh 100% input, you would get 10KWh(Ecat1)+ 10KWh(Ecat2)+10KWh(Ecat3)+1KWh, assuming you can control/sense the ECats temperatures and never let them go below SSM as one of the three mouses will kick in and wake it up.

  • renatoestri



  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Kevin Evans,
    We are working on what you are saying, and it could be profitable, being the Mouse self sufficient to pay for itself entirely, but, as you correctly say, there are issues for what concerns the controllability. Not impossible, though.
    Warm Regards,

  • Kevin Evans

    Dear Eng.Rossi,

    Is the Cat/Mouse timing completely controllable? Could I say setup three cat/mouse systems and off-set them so that the when the mouse of one stops – the mouse of another starts. Would these off-set timings remain intact over time or would they drift out because the mouse/cat switch on cannot be exactly controlled to a precise time in this way. I ask this because with three units I would be paying for Just 1KWh 100% of the time but would (if controllable) be yielding a minimum of 10KWh+1KWh all the time (with some time overlaps yielding 20KWh. This configuration could be useful for selling power back to the grid to reclaim back the original 1Kwh cost.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Brian:
    The heat goes in a heat goes into a heat exchanger and produces steam, hot water, hot diathermic oil, hot air: practically, you can exchange heat with classic heat exchange engineering from the modules in operation.
    We are also working to use steam and diathermic oil to get a further conversion in electric power.
    Warm Regards,

  • Brian

    Mr. Rossi

    I hope that you’re well.

    As a non-engineer, I would find it very helpful if you might explain some of the more mundane aspects of how heat would be collected/utilized from the E-cat. The 1MW plant looks to be a giant box with a bunch of units inside. I assume that each of the units is emitting heat. How exactly is the heat extracted? How would you use it to provide industrial heat?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions


  • Claud

    Correct my previous mail. I mistype my e-mail address.
    Claudio Rossi

  • Claud

    Dear Andrea, I read Mr Vandewalle’s opinion on the market actual rules and your doubtful reply to him. I think you’d better follow his suggestion, even if you do not believe in his pessimistic (?) overview. Peoples often pays for his optimism, caution is never too much.
    A frienly hug.
    Claudio Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Joe:
    1- yes
    2- yes
    3- yes
    4- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • gio

    Dear Andrea

    you are becoming a legend.

    Maybe this is the “andrearossimania”‘s beginning.

    Peace and love .


  • Joe

    Dr Rossi,

    1. Have you finally found a way to supply additional heat to specific regions of the E-Cat, after these last few years of trying?

    2. Are the heat spots that we recognize in the various photos of the E-Cat, caused by the same phenomenon that you were trying to eliminate from the E-Cat over the last few years?

    3. Do these heat spots damage the physical integrity of the E-Cat?

    4. Will all the production models of the E-Cat, including the domestic, come equipped with the activator?

    All the best,

  • Giovanni Guerrini

    Dear Koen,
    some years ago,I saw a star trek film.In this,cpt Picard took on board of enterprise a girl from the 21°century (they gone in the past).She asked “how much does this starship costs?”and Picard answered that in his time money will not exist.She asked for what do you work in your time.He answered we work to make better ourselves and the humankind.
    Today money rules the world because it is a power instrument too.
    I think that we are going to a future time in which money will not exist,and the evolution is ruled by the technology.
    This technology is a pillar of our evolution and I think it will have success because it will get money to the people.

    Regards G G

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Koen Vandewalle:
    I respect your opinion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea,

    My apologies if this comment is too strictly formulated. But I cannot resist.

    Do you want to own the phenomenon or concept of nano-Ni-H LENR ?
    Are you still convinced that the market will bring this invention to mankind ?
    I am not.
    I believe that the concept “market” does not work on a level when there are no viable alternatives. Not in matters of bloom or doom, the actual situation of our world. A stable-through-the-centuries market is a place where people sell and buy groceries or fruits from their everydays work. Other so-called markets are often waste and debt creating bubbles, organised or structured crime and lies.

    The people who support you, do think about other matters, on higher dimensions than their return on investments.

    The markets we know are all about money. Money is mono-dimensional. Unable to provide insights, feedback and drives for all the needs of the world. Money is as a length meter. With some effort and education, it can measure surface or volume. It cannot measure temperature, density, love, time, age, sense, smell, fear, experience, youth, taste, environment, climate and other life-supporting or essential values. But we expect money to regulate everything in our lives. A lot of genius thinkers, managers and politicians are boiling the brains in their heads about constructions, laws, regulations to find a solution based on a mono-dimensional money system to rule all the universe. It is impossible, but maybe we are too far gone and we cannot afford – reputation, you know – to admit that we are wrong.

    If we consider the lack of succes of your competitors. And the tiny COP’s, Watts instead of kiloWatts, that experimenters get out of their experiments. This could mean that it is simply impossible to use something else than nanostructured Nickel, Hydrogen and a resistance. Name one material on earth that is not a resistance. I cannot. Name something lighter than hydrogen: nothing. The rest: you say it. You invented it.

    You did not file a separate patent application for the Hot Cat, nor the Gas-Cat, as far as I know. The basics are covered by the initial patent. Now you have mouse and cat. Someone mentioned: “cheese”.

    This may sound as a most unfriendly comment. It is not. Absolutely not. I care and I do not lie. I NEVER lie, and I am afraid that this (or “your” if you really want to own it) technology will come too late. For me, you are far above our popular and known leaders of the world. Although… some of them may be trustworthy.

    The Son of the carpenter, years ago, told us to seed.
    You know what that is ? The harvest of last year, thrown with force into the earth, with no guarantee. Just faith.
    But we need the harvest to feed our children.

    Kind Regards,

    PS: It is your website, and I do not care about moderation. I have thick skin. It would even be fun. BUT… if you delete with no comment, I’ll will not read JONP for one month. Happy Pentecost.

  • Franco

    Dear Steven N. Karels.

    in a comment You wrote to ing. Rossi:
    Presenting a 100 kW input to the User 35% of the time seems to me to be a real concern, if I were the User.

    What would you want, all completely free?
    Current COP still not enough?


  • Robert Curto

    To the readers, please read:
    May 15, 10:25P

    This is why I believe Dr. Rossi will produce energy
    for the World that will:

    1.Produce zero Radioactive waste.
    Radioactive waste from Nuke Plants must be buried for 250,000 years to allow it to decay.

    2.Produce zero emissions, including zero CO2
    CO2 level has already reached a dangerous 400ppm, and is increasing every year.

    3.The icing on the cake is this energy
    will be produced at a lower cost.

    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    The Cat & Mouse is an interesting concept but I am distressed by the apparently huge input load when the Activator is ON. On an example 100 kW thermal output system, after start-up, is the load of the Activator (to the user) always at 100kW or is it significantly lower?

    Presenting a 100 kW input to the User 35% of the time seems to me to be a real concern, if I were the User.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Frank Acland:
    Realistically, very low, but before giving numberw I prefer to do the thing.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Steven N. Karels:
    1- we have a module working 24 hours per day that has to complete a 180 days test
    2- yes, up to 1 000 Celsius
    3- +/- 5%
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    1. Have you run the Cat & Mouse configuration for multiple hours? If so, how many hours?

    2. Have you run the Cat & Mouse configuration at temperatures higher than 350 degree Celsius? If so, what temperatures?

    3. At 350 degrees Celsius, what stability level (temperature deviation) do you see?

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    You have mentioned a number of times that efficient electricity production with hot cat plants is a current priority for your team.

    Realistically, what do you estimate the cost of electricity production to be with the technology you have developed?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Joe:
    No, I think we have found a perfect equilibrium, so far. See the Renato Estri matrix in this blog ( 2 days ago).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear argon:
    1- yes
    2- changed in part
    Warm Regards,

  • argon

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I think it has been a while since you have commented on theory of process inside E-cat.
    My question:
    1) Do you feel that you have deep understanding of theory of the process and
    2) has that understanding changed OR just become more clear since last 8 to 10 months.


  • Joe

    Dr Rossi,

    Are you planning on testing more than one activator per E-Cat, either in series or in parallel?

    All the best,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Nixter:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

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