Basic idea is – current cosmological changes may be reflected in any atom. At any given cosmic time, ‘Hubble length’ can be considered as the gravitational or electromagnetic interaction range. Some cosmologists use the term ‘Hubble volume’ to refer to the volume of the observable universe. With reference to the Mach’s principle and Hubble volume, at any cosmic time, if ‘Hubble mass’ is the product of cosmic ‘critical density’ and the ‘Hubble volume’, then it can be suggested that, each and every point in the free space is influenced by the Hubble mass. Clearly speaking, with Hubble volume and Hubble mass: quantum physics, nuclear physics and cosmic physics can be studied in a unified manner. In this new direction authors noticed some interesting coincidences. With reference to the present fine structure ratio, present value of Hubble’s constant is 69.53 km/sec/Mpc or 71.75 km/sec/Mpc.
Of course.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Will Leonardo maintain also in the USA the manufacturing process of the Ecat?
Thank you if you can answer,
Mario Marini:
Thank you for the information. I am not going to comment on this.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Prof Suffritti et Al. of the University of Sassari (Italy) have published on Science Direct (November 2017) the paper “Reverse Mossbauer Effect as a possible source of ‘hot’ protons in hydrogen absorbing metals”, which substantially confirms your intuition about the reverse Mossbauer effect published in 2015 in the paper Cook-Rossi. What is disturbing is that he copies your intuition without citing your paper in references and in the text, along with the Lugano report, from which his paper is clearly inspired. The authors generically say in the introduction of their article that there is some experiment around related to the Mossbauer effect, as if it is some kind of a common knowledge, while the sole paper that has introduced this idea is the Cook-Rossi publication on Arxive. Did you read this paper?
Have you any comment about it?
All the best,
Mario Marini
Chuck Davis:
Not yet.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Do you have an idea how long it will take to obtain the certifications for the home E-Cat?
Chuck Davis
Dear Dr. Rossi, you have written:
“… In September I am afraid this situation will be frequent, but with the help of my great team we can do it. Failure is not an option….”
Can you give us more details about what will happen in September? Thank you
Working Regards,
Italo R.
While we wait for the independent report, here is an exclusive radio interview with Andrea Rossi. He discusses his feelings about music, and his experience playing the drums. This appears this week’s “Tom and Doug Show” which is broadcast on WOOL-FM, KHOI-FM and other stations on the Pacifica Network.
Here is a link to the internet version of the program:
Silvio Caggia:
Obviously yes, but the objectivity coming from a subject is born from his subjective knowledge, which, as any knowledge, can be wrong, or, better, must be wrong in some situation to be real ( this is phylosophy). Anyway this is not a matter of “to believe or not to believe” , it is a matter of technology, which means to work or not to work ( this is science ). In mercatu veritas ( this is good sense).
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
a difficult question, but you should be able to answer, as a philosopher:
Forget to be Andrea Rossi, and forget to work for I.H., if you were a common but clever guy, that could get info only from internet, would you believe that e-cat works?
Dear A.Rossi
I can understand your anxiety about the test results after years of work and testing but it is precisely for this reason that I do not understand your uncertainty on the outcome of the same which suggests a lack of confidence in your own creation.
Maybe it could be a superstitious attitude but could be interpreted as a desire to cover yourself.
After years of trying, tuning and refinement of your appliance finally you do know it works without the possibility of being denied or be proved wrong , so I would expect a more optimistic attitude in the circumstances.
Best regards
Dr Rossi:
we read your comment saying not to insult your enemies: you are a giant.
From Russia, with love,
Caro Dr. Rossi. E’ l’ininzio del suo 65o giro intorno al sole…. che bello. Tanti auguri.
Dear Dr. Rossi. This is the beginning of your 65th lap around Sol… How beautiful. Best wishes.
Thank you, but, sincerely, I consider myself much more a student than a teacher.
Warm Regards,
Nice question. There is a foundamental difference between the discoveries made in the past ( like experiments with electricity, discovery of laser, etc) and the discovery of the Higgs boson: the discoveries of the past, even if made by means of pure research, with no immediate application possibilities, have been experiments made in conditions easily repeatable in an industrial system: I mean, easy to produce and use once an application could have been found for. To make in an industrialized system a laser is not an overwhelming issue, analogously to electric apparatuses and radioactivity industrial applications. To find a Higgs boson, on the contrary, has been necessary to build an “apparatus” that costed about 30 billion Euro… with a tremendous complexity also for what concerns its operation. The distance from the CERN concern and industrial applications is in the order of lightyears. For this reason I think there will not be industrial applications of the Higgs boson.Nevertheless, it has been a positive thing to make this research, for two main reasons:
1- the indirect development of industrial technologies, of practical application, that have been born by means of this work
2- the innate search spirit of Mankind:
” fatti non foste a viver come bruti,
ma per seguir virtute e conoscenza”
Warm Regards,
I read your answer to Curious, who asked you what is a photon. In few lines you not just answered in a way to allow anybody to understand, but also explained very simply the context of the photons in the quantum mechanics frame, making simple what is not. You could make a very good teacher.
Warm Regards,
From Russia, with love
Mr Rossi:
Do you think that the discovery of the Higgs Boson will have one day practical application, as it has been with many discoveries originated by pure research ( e.g. Faraday electricity experiments, laser discovery, Curie experiments of radioactivity)?
Steven N. Karels:
Congratulation for your effort in Guatemala, you have all my admiration. The Industrial Heat Group is making a strong work of this kind in Africa, where will be destined a substantial part of the proceeds of our activity.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
Warm Regards,
Koen Vandewalle wrote in May 17th, 2014 at 7:54 AM
Indeed, we need to study simplest magnet motors. Does your Figueiredo Motor work in an aluminum box ? Or is it influenced by a thick aluminum plate ?
I dont know.
I did not test it within an aluminium box, nor the influence by a thick aluminium plate
Dear Andrea,
Since the time that Industrial Heat announced they had acquired the E-Cat, what has been the level of interest in your technology from business and industry interest been like? Have you been talking with people interested in seeing the E-Cat in operation?
Many thanks,
Frank Acland
Steven N. Karels:
You are right, critics have been very useful. We learnt from them.
Warm Regards,
Greetings from Guatemala,
I am on a medical mission trip. This week we serviced 285 Mayan Indians near Chichicastenago. I worked in the Lab doing urine and blood testing. Guatemala, the fourth poorest country in the world, could definitely use eCat technology for heating. I previously prepared and delivered a couple of Village Water Purification systems and they are in use. 10 to 12 more have been requested for my October trip. They are provided at no cost.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
My point was the critic are “clutching at straws” in their attempts to explain away the success of last year’s eCat testing. When analyzed, their claims are not credible. But they serve the greater purpose of improving the testing protocol for this years tests.
Steven N. Karels:
Anyway, the issue has been foreseen in the test protocol this year and the electric power at the input has been measured also to detect with precision any direct current contribution. As I said, in 2013 it has not been done because the issue was totally out of the mind of everybody.
Warm Regards,
Engineers are improving the performances of the prototypes, patent pending…
lavoLaLe lavoLaLe,
Enrico Billi
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I am curious how the critics of last year’s study can suggest that the excess power was due to an unobserved DC component. As I recall, the computed average COP was around 3 and the total output power was around 12 kiloWatts. For all the excess heat, around 8 kiloWatts, to be attributed to a DC component would require a large current (e.g., 80 Amps @ 100 Volts). I understood the applied power was European current, 220 VAC, so the single phase current would be around 20 Amps. Would not the power cabling to additionally handle 8 kiloWatts of power be noticed?
you wrote: May 16th, 2014 at 8:53 PM
“It is hard to discover the structure of the aether from the analysis of the working of those prototypes.
In order to discover the underlying mechanisms responsible for the magnet motors working, we need to study simplest magnet motors.”
One of the differences between these video’s and the video’s with the device well working, is the presence of the trolley made of aluminum.
With the device opened, it can be seen that it consists of materials with different magnetic permeability. This may be to guide or to cut several magnetic fields -which could be flows of aether- depending on the position of the internal magnets.
In analogy with wind turbines, which need flows of air, and therefor are set up preferably outdoors, and solar panels, which need to be in the light and not in the dark basement, maybe these magnetic machines are driven by the flows of magnetism (or aether if you like) around us. This time, fortunately, the 24/7 presence of this magnetic wind may be in our advantage even if it is not completely constant.
Indeed, we need to study simplest magnet motors. Does your Figueiredo Motor work in an aluminum box ? Or is it influenced by a thick aluminum plate ?
Questions to ask: Are our thoughts and dreams influenced by the aether ? Is it safe to tap in this source ? The big tap in the black stuff from under the ground was not completely safe, so it seems by now.
That other video, Mark referenced to, with the not so well built device: It is harmfull and disturbing, because one needs technical knowledge and experience to understand what the problems are. This makes that a lot of people loose their initial interest in new energy technologies and loose their trust in some of the creative minds, whose voices are not always loud enough, and whose financial means are not large enough to finance all the R&D and PR. Since we don’t have AI, or methods to inherit creativity, that creativity dies with the person. So the time that is available
This also makes that lots of people only believe the known and accepted sources of scientific information and education, although these are not the only sources of science.
We don’t even need a conspiracy. It is the inflation of the individual creativity in our times.
This slows us down, while we urgently need to speed some important changes.
Thousands of years ago, someone wrote some 10 good advises on a couple of stones. One of it: You should not lie.
A lie is everything that intentionally makes someone else misunderstand, and intentionally does not check the good comprehension if early signs of misunderstanding do occur.
The harm done to humanity through lies and misinformation is so huge and may even lead to the extinct of our species.
Kind Regards,
Enrico Billi:
I am still waiting for your proposal for graphene bi-dimensional power generation concept.
Lavolale, lavolale!
Mark wrote in May 15th, 2014 at 4:35 AM
someone else has already done this
and has got the patent
the problem with the magnet motors like that invented by Muammer Yildiz is because they are very complex, and it is hard to discover the magnetic mechanism underlying its working.
It is hard to discover the structure of the aether from the analysis of the working of those prototypes.
In order to discover the underlying mechanisms responsible for the magnet motors working, we need to study simplest magnet motors.
This is ther reason why I consider the Figueiredo Motor very important for the discovery of the structure of the aether.
In the future the scientific community will understand what I am saying.
Are allotropic states important? You make me remind a lesson of Chemistry of my Prof. Carlo Vezzoli, when I was in the High School (Liceo Scientifico “Alessandro Volta” of Milan, Italy), in 1966. I asked him how important was the allotropic difference in cristals. He answered me: ” Suppose a boy dates a girl that likes him, but not enough to be his girlfriend, yet; suppose he gives her either a diamond or a piece of graphite: from her reaction he will feel the difference of the effects deriving from different allotropic states of the same atoms”. I understood: allotropic differences count, oh, yes! Nowadays, though, to avoid to be accused of machism, is necessary to add that this example CONSERVES THE PARITY: if you put him at the place of her, the effects are conserved.
p.s. I cannot give information regarding what happens inside the E-Cat.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Is important the allotropic state of the nickel molecules in the E-Cat?
of course!
If someone will get more energy then that excanged between the standings potential-kinetics-potential-…etc,postulate that the thermodynamics laws are right,it would mean that the surplus of energy would come from an unknown source.
It would be an epochal discovery and I will be happy to pay a pizza to all friens of the blog !
Regards G G
Mark wrote in May 15th, 2014 at 8:57 PM
No Wlad,
Since I found out that others have built far more advanced working prototypes and tested at university. Not much points for me. Late June, may be a report on magnet motor study will come out (not 100% sure but that what I heard from colleagues)
the advanced prototypes are build with the aim of getting energy with to be used in homes, industry, etc.
the prototype proposed by me has not comercial value.
However, in the case it works, it is very important from the theoretical viewpoint, because if it works it defies the current theories.
The Michelson-Morley experiment has not any advantage from the practical viewpoint. But the experiment was very important from the theoretical viewpoint, because its result required to change the current theories at that time.
We cannot be worried only about what is commercial, or not.
As my prototype is very easy to be made, I supposed you did it.
No Wlad,
Since I found out that others have built far more advanced working prototypes and tested at university. Not much points for me. Late June, may be a report on magnet motor study will come out (not 100% sure but that what I heard from colleagues)
P.S your bet with GG I think you will win the pizza.
Patrick Ellul:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
She is credited with writing the first book discussing both differential and integral calculus.
Maria was recognized early on as a child prodigy;
By age fourteen she was studying ballistics and geometry.
She could speak 7 languages.
Agnesi suffered a mysterious illness at the age of 12 that was attributed to her excessive studying and was prescribed vigorous dancing and horseback riding.
She devoted the last four decades of her life to studying theology (especially patristics) and to charitable work and serving the poor.
The Witch of Agnesi curve is named after her.
She was born this day (16th May… I’m in Sydney Australia) in 1718.
source: wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maria_Gaetana_Agnesi
Patrick Ellul:
Can you tell us more about her?
Warm Regards,
Thanks to Google I have just learn about Maria Gaetana Agnesi, mathematician and philosopher. She hails from University of Bologna. Today would be her 296th Birthday.
Dave K:
You made some point.
Warm Regards,
I wouldn’t worry too much about critics of the test report. Some people still believe the earth is flat, even though I believe there are several reports to the contrary. When knowledge is put to commercial use, hypothetical arguments are pointless. They may never die, but they will be cast aside as irrelevant. In taking the approach to commercialize, Mr. Rossi is exactly right. A product in the hand is worth many theories in the bush.
I do not know if what you say is true or not, and I do not know who you are to say those things, but the issues regarding the 2013 report on Arxiv merits three answers:
1- the report has not been made by me
2- the issue of the lack of control of the direct current arrived into the reactor’s resistances is true, as we have seen, but nobody has thought , when the report has been written, to check this point, that was totally out of the minds of all, when the test protocol has been made. As you surely know ( I can see that you have some source of information) a new report is in preparation, for a long run test, and this time the Professors of the Third Independent Party have taken advantage of the experience of the last year’s test, and have considered all the observations made after the test of 2013 from all the Readers of the report that made comments about it and criticized it. The issue of the measurement of the direct current, for example, has been taken in strong consideration, as well as many other particulars. Two factors have strongly improved the test made this year: the experience that the Professors made in 2013 and meditated upon for 1 year in the particulars, also studying all the critics they received, and the length of the test, that allowed a deep knowledge of the operation. Another important factor of difference is the fact that the test has been made in a neutral laboratory, not of our property, wherein the energy source ( PLUG) was not of ours and the Professors made the set up from the plug to the control box.
3- It is not true that we decided to develope our technology only in USA and China.
Warm Regards
Mark wrote in May 13th, 2014 at 12:55 AM
I did the thought experiment, and the results of the test made, could be positive but also could be negative.
I guess I have to wait till late June for something more solid.
1) Mark, I supposed you built the magnet device proposed by me and is testing it
Didn’t you ?
2) What do you mean to say with “I guess I have to wait till late June for something more solid” ?
Beware, Andrea Rossi:
Here is what we discovered about the bloggers that attack you every day, full time, whatever you do, on every blog, whatever is written :
Steve Krivit, alias Gary Wright, alias X-Prixe, alias Al Potenza, alias Ascoli: drop out of middle school because not able to pass the exam, acts as a “Nuclear Physic Expert in LENR” and a scientific Journalist too (apparently a joke). His blog is Newenergytimes, but his pseudonyms make more blogs by the day, to sustain himself and give the impression to be a crowd. But it is just him and a handful of other morons. He hates you because, as a partner in Lattice LLC, he lost funding as a consequence of the fact that you scooped them in January 2011. At the beginning they tried to buy you, to make you adopt their theory, but when you , in 2011, published that you considered wrong the Widom Larsen theory because of the broken leptons conservation law, they decided to try to kill your character by libelling.
Mary Yugo: his real name is George Hody, alias Disqus, friend of “Gary Wright”: lives in San Diego, California, infamous for writing untrue things ( has been banned from Steorn for this reason): totally void of any real scientific background, copies “Gary Wright”.
But I must add also a consideration against you, because if they can produce all this bullshit against you is because you allow them the room to do it: for example, in the independent report published on Arxiv on May 2013 there has been left room to criticize the report regarding the lack of a control of the incoming electric energy, leaving space for the assumption that direct current could be arrived to the E-Cat, because the PCE 830 is not able to detect the direct current, so one can assume that you injected surreptitiously direct current that has not been measured. This has been a big mistake and now you pay for it. Also the decision to develope your technology only in the USA and in China is wrong.
You have more friends than you can imagine, and we despise the snakes that make and made false accusations against you, but sometime you give the impression that the worst enemy of yourself is yourself.
Godspeed, from Russia, with love,
If the results will be negative, we will analyze the report of the Third Independent Party throughly, analyze our errors, work to correct the mistakes. So far we do not know which will be the results, therefore I cannot make any more specific comment about your question.
Warm Regards,
you can send your email to
Warm Regards,