Jacques Chauveheid
If quantum mechanics can provide quantitative expressions of forces in conformity with the work of Erhenfest and the principle of correspondence, recognized quantitative expressions for nuclear and weak forces do not currently exist. In addition, the four basic forces do not depend on temperature, since measured in vacuum between particles.
In one of his books, Abraham Pais recalled a comment by Rutherford during the 1914-1919 period: “the Coulomb forces dominate if v (speed of alpha particles) is sufficiently small”, evidencing by these words the velocity-dependence of the strong-nuclear force. However, since Rutherford did not apparently refer to temperature, optimal conditions for nuclear fusion do not necessarily arise in disordered configurations characterized by extremely high temperatures, such as those encountered in stars like the sun. Even compared with galaxy formation, hot fusion in many stars seems the slowest and most inefficient physical phenomenon in the universe, because the sun’s ten billion year lifetime has an order of magnitude similar to the age of the universe, this circumstance having been highly beneficial for the life on earth.
Although not based on equations, Rutherford’s conclusion constitutes the essence of the “cold” approach to nuclear fusion and reactions starting from moderate energy levels, instead of extreme temperatures hardly controlling with precision the physical parameters ruling nuclear phenomena. In this view, a better theoretical understanding of these parameters will help nuclear technologies.
B. Theoretical antecedents
Eddington mentioned the concept of asymmetric affine connection in 1921 and pointed out applications in microphysics, but he did not pursue this idea [5]. In 1922, Elie Cartan introduced geometric torsion, as the antisymmetric part of an asymmetric affine connection. In May 1929, Cartan wrote a letter to Einstein in which he recommended the use of the differential formalism he developed, but Einstein did not follow Cartan’s advice.
Between 1944 and 1950, J. Mariani published four papers dealing with astrophysical magnetism and introduced an “ansatz” structurally similar to that used in the present theory. The German word “ansatz”, used by Ernst Schmutzer (correspondence), refers to a supposed relationship between fields of distinct origin, for example geometric contrasting with physical. Einstein also used an ansatz when he identified gravitation with the 4-space metric, but he did not put it in the form of an equation, presumably because being trivial.
The organization of the paper is the following: Section II details the Lagrangian formulation and the calculus of variations. Section III is about field equations and quantitative expressions of forces. Section IV introduces the short-range force between charged particles, first referred to as strong-nuclear between nucleons. Section V is on Yukawa and complexity. Section VI details the short-range forces in both systems electron-proton and electron-neutron, evidencing a weak nuclear mechanism in LENR technologies.
When not stated otherwise, mathematical conventions are those of reference.
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I saw the new book about the E-Cat on http://www.ecat-thenewfire.com : is the writer, Ing. Ventola an employee or a consultant of your Company, to be so well informed?
Thank you for the answer,
Tommaso Di Pietro:
As I said, it is not chronometry.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
how long is the operating one megawatt plant?
it is reasonable to think that the year of which you speak will expire by the first half of next year?
Thanks in advance
JC Renoir:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Congratulations for the peer reviewing of Dr Uzikov published on Proatom.
Great achievement.
Patrik Wiksten:
I do not know if you will read this comment, because probably you do not know we reported the link of your “Open Letter” published on LENR Forum.
I just want to thank you for the paradigma you offered of a Galilean way of thinking opposed to a paradigma of “Sancta Inquisitio” way of thinking.
The Professors just made measurements and, while I agree upon the difficulty to reconcile the 62Ni percentage shift – about which we are studying and I hope soon we will have a plausible answer, totally respecting the Standard Model – I did not see any serious critic of all the complex calculations made in the published Report, while I saw many mistakes, like ” the clamps have been swapped” ( false), ” the calculation of the resistances shows that the E-Cat does not respect the Ohm’s Law” ( false, the resistances do not have a linear response to the temperature in the coil of the E-Cat and the behavior is totally different from the copper cables, as well as from regular inconel), ” the color of the alumina at 1300°C is white heat” ( stupidity, Alumina becomes white heat only when it melts at 2070°C and compare it to the glass is an elementary mistake), “the multiplication of voltage time amperage gives an amount of energy superior to the one declared” ( yes, but the control system continues to change the phase angle, and this wrong calculation has been made assuming that the values are always at the peak, and this is obviously wrong) and so on, with an innuendo that the Professors of the ITP are not able to connect a Wattmeter, to measure a Temperature, and insulting them: exactly like the Sancta Inquisitio, who wanted to burn alive Galileo, just because he was discovering something that was different from the consolidated and universally shared knowledge of the time. Your open letter is very intelligent.
About ” The Cat is dead”: I am sorry for Dr Pomp, but the Cat is very healthy and on the verge of a commercial breakthrough, because to make him alive or dead is not the Sancta Inquisitio of Dr Pomp, but is the market. If the Customer makes profits with the E-Cat, the Cat is alive, otherwise he is not: I can assure the Cat is pretty healthy: makes many exercise, does not drink alcohol, does not get illegal drugs and somebody recently has experienced he could become a tiger, if necessary, now and again. I also would like to underline the fact that the Cat has never, anywhere, used a single cent of the Taxpayer.
Warm Regards,
Henry Ethancourt:
Thank you for the information.
Warm Regards,
Hello Mr. Rossi,
Surfing on the web yesterday, this link came to my attention: it is an open letter to Dr Pomp:
Enjoy, 🙂
Gerard Cruz:
Thank you for your kind comment.
The domestic line is still under R&D and enormous amount of experience and designs, manufacturing projects have been made for it. It will take time, though, to get the necessary safety certification; for this several years of operation of the indistrial E-Cats will be necessary.
The factory of Ferrara has been closed and all the stuff has been transferred in the USA.
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr. Rossi,
So much has occurred since our last correspondence. Firstly, congratulations on the recently published test results! They have certainly created more positive interest in your technology.
My question refers to the plant in Ferrara, Italy that was heated prior to 2009 by what must be the Grandmother of E-Cats. Is this boiler still in operation? I realize that I am still encouraging your previous efforts to create an affordable home style unit. At present, it seems that you and partners are occupied primarily with the larger energy generation projects. Thanks for your reply. I wish you continued success!
Best regards,
Gerard Cruz-Molina
Brooklyn, NYC
Strangeness is a characteristic of elementary particles with mass and decay time substantially superior than the normality.
S = y-B
where :
y is the hypercharge, it is the 2nd average charge of the multiplet of elementary particles
B is the barionic number ( 0 if the e.p. is not a barion, 1 if it is).
Strangeness is conserved.
Warm Regards,
All the publicable data regarding the 1 MW plant will be released in due time, after at least one year of operation.
Warm Regards,
No, I do not know where the TPR will be published.
Warm Regards,
I have not information about that.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
JC Renoir:
As usual, much ado for nothing.
Warm Regards,
What is the “Strangeness” ( Stranezza) in elementary particles?
Thank you for your usual patience.
Dr Rossi:
Can you say which COP is reached by the 1 MW plant?
Dr Rossi, today there were around rumors that the report had to be published today: any comment?
Dr Rossi:
Do you know where the report of the ITP will be published?
Thomas Florek:
Thank you for your continue attention.
Warm Regards,
Hello Andrea,
The rumblings are getting louder and it does seem that the independent report is soon going to be published.
Regardless of whether the report is positive or negative, your greatest accomplishment may be that you are inspiring people to examine the possibility that existing assumptions can be incorrect, and that things can be better.
As effective as any artist.
You do this while attempting to retain the view that you are a spiritual part of something much larger than yourself.
This is the great gift that I hope to have captured in my film, so that people can be see your example and be inspired to improve other things in the world.
I enjoyed reading Stephen Hawking’s autobiography where he communicates the idea that he is grateful to have had the opportunity to study, and that he is simply lucky because he “happened to choose an area of science that has not been proved wrong yet”. All things can be improved.
I look forward to the story continuing.
I will be able to answer when the report will be delivered. I have not a clue. I know that the Professors of the ITP asked help from other important institutions. We’ll see.
Warm Regards,
Dear A. Rossi
Considering the type of reaction absolutely abnormal, compared to the classical nuclear fusion (not hard gamma rays nor neutrons), and any other reaction capable of a COP> 1, it is understandable that scientists are very careful before producing a report on an accredited peer reviewed magazine, for which the delays are understandable. Report in question is confined to verifying that the energy produced is greater than the energy provided or could provide a scientific analysis of the data that may bring to a theoretical explanation of the phenomenon?
Many regards
No pressure at all: I am declining any request of interview from any side since December 2013, friendly or hostile as it could be. It’s time to work, not to talk.
Warm Regards,
In this blog I receive important information too. It’s a matter of leverage.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
How much is the pressure from journalists in this period?
Warm Regards,
Attention: you are receiving “innocent” questions that, bit by bit, are stealing IP…
Warm Regards
October 2014, I think, but I could be wrong.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Which month will be most likely the publication month:
1- September 2014
2- October 2014
3- November 2014
4- December 2014
Yes, see for example the work of Raiola cited in the paper Focardi-Rossi. Astrophysics are an infinite source of information. Did you see the photos of the Universe published by NASA? What a wonderful thing!
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Do you think that the study of Astrophysics can be useful for the LENR?
“disaster” is not correct, because a negative result should put in evidence errors to be corrected, not a final failure. Anyway, I am not a semiologist.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. A.Rossi.
From your recent reply to Mr. Jc Renoir there is a point on wich I fail to agree with you.
Define “important” negative result on the test TIP2 would seem a contradiction, I would describe it as a “disaster”, or am I missing something?
Best regards
JC Renoir:
The Higgs interacts directly mainly with heavy particles, rarely with light particles, never with massless particles, but this leaves the possibility to the Higgs to interact indirectly with massless particles.
Said this, one of the most probable Feynman diagram related to the formation of the Higgs boson is made by two waves that end in a circle from which exits a dashed line, wherein the 2 waves are 2 gluons which interact forming a virtual quark, represented by the circle ( the massive Top Quark, which has the heavyest flavour of quarks), which decays after about 10^-23 s into the dashed line, which represents the Higgs boson . We could say that two vibrations in the gluon field interact and generate a vibration in the quark field, which produces a vibration in the Higgs field.
Warm Regards,
JC Renoir:
The news from the TIP is that the report is under reviewing. I do not think it will take a lot of time before the publication. The results, I have been told, will be important, but I do not know if in positive or negative sense.
Warm Regards,
We read in a recent comment of yours that Higgs field makes matter: but what makes Higgs boson?
Also: news from the TIP?
Carlo Marcena:
Probably you have problems with your computer, because since September 1st many comments have been published.
Warm Regards,
I do not see any input dated after Sept 1st.
Is there any change in the address?
Regards ideas pertaining to space and time. My understanding is that space represents a distance and time is a duration. Therefore, to bring both into a concept of actuality, surely a physical body is required to travel a distance over a duration of time. However, I do not believe in empty space because of the aether and its activity. Therefore, technically there may exist two contradictory states or two types of nature. One whereby space and time exist and one whereby space and time do not exist. Just a thought. Regards, Eric Ashworth.
silvio caggia wrote in September 1st, 2014 at 5:39 PM
@Wladimir Gusglinski
What happens if “output” arm is much shorter than “input” arm?
Some think that entanglement vanish, but others, like John Cramer, think that something very conuterintuitive happens: retrocausality, you see the cat before you put it!
Let’s call C the photon which hits the cat, and D the photon which hits the detector.
The photon D hits the detector before the photon C hits the cat.
Due to the collision with the detector, the photon D vanishes. As the entanglement is broken, the photon C deviates its trajectory (or is vanished), and so the photon C does not hit the cat.
Therefore is not formed the real image of the cat, and it is not formed the image due to entanglemnt in the detector.
@Wladimir Gusglinski
Sorry but I don’t understand your warning about istantaneous/simultaneous.
If the two arms of the esperimental setup have the same lenght you have simultaneity, if the “output” arm is much longer than “input” arm, photons that make the picture arrive to detectors later than photons that hit the cat.
What happens if “output” arm is much shorter than “input” arm?
Some think that entanglement vanish, but others, like John Cramer, think that something very conuterintuitive happens: retrocausality, you see the cat before you put it!
Now we can check if the results of Transactional Interpretation predictions are positive or negative 🙂
To the Readers:
Today has been published on the JoNP the paper “Black hole cosmos and micro cosmos” by the Indian nuclear Physicists Prof. U.V.S Seshavatharam and Prof. S. Lakshminarayana.
Dr Joseph Fine:
Thank you and a great Labor Day to you
Warm Regards
Frank Acland:
I am celebrating just working.
I wish a wonderful Labor Day to all our US Readers
Warm Regards
concerning the experiment made by Gabriela,
I suspect the following:
when the two beams of photons go along the SAME LINE, and moving in CONTRARY direction, NO image due to the entanglement will be formed in the detector.
I suppose it because when the interaction between the fields of the two photons is broken (because the first photon is annihilated when it hits the cat), the second photon will not deviate its trajectory (because the two photons were moving along the same line).
As there is no deviation in the trajectory of the second photon, it will continue its motion and it hits the detector. And therefore the black image is not formed in the detector
Joe – Referring to space & time what does it mean “mental object”? How can you distinguish mental from NON mental? And which are the means (or evidences) you rely on to state this? Thanks. Claudio
A second suggestion sent to DR. Gabriela Barreto Lemos:
From: wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
To: gabriela.barreto.lemos@univie.ac.at
Subject: RE: a structure of space for explaining the ENTANGLEMENT
Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2014 11:08:15 -0300
Dear Dr. Grabriela
I think it is of interest to compare the image produced by the entanglement in the following conditions:
1) The two beams of photons go along two parallel lines
2) The two beams of photons go along two orthogonal lines
3) The two beams of photons go along two lines having 130º
Other very much interesting experiment is the following:
== The two beams of photons go along the SAME LINE, but moving in CONTRARY DIRECTION.
In the case the experiments get to detect a difference in the sharpness of the image produced by the entanglement in those different conditions of the direction of the two beams, this imply that the entanglement must be due to the interaction of some sort of field of the photons.
When the photons are moving, their fields have interaction. But when the first photon hits the real image of the cat and therefore it is annihilated, the interaction between their fields is broken, and the second photon suffers a deviation in the direction of its trajectory (because the interaction was broken), and so the second photon does not arrive to the detector, because its trajectory changed its direction. As consequence, as the photon does not hit the detector, then a black image is formed in the detector.
Dear Andrea,
I hope you are spending your Labor Day holiday doing something you enjoy. Let’s hope the exponential anxiety levels at Industrial Heat do not spoil the holiday!
Best wishes,
Frank Acland