BCC lattice model of nuclear structure

Gamal A. Nasser
Faculty of science, Mansoura University, Egypt
E-mail: chem.gamal@hotmail.com
This model is development of solid nuclear models. Like FCC model, this model can account for nuclear properties that have been explained by different models. This model gives more accurate explanation for some nuclear properties which are Asymmetric fission, Nuclear binding energy and the most bound nuclei, Natural radioactivity and Number of neutrons in nuclei depending on the structures of these nuclei. The structures of nuclei in this model have special advantage, as there is separation between lattice positions of similar nucleons giving new concept for nuclear force.

565 comments to BCC lattice model of nuclear structure

  • Hank Mills has written an excellent article reviewing the test results and their ramifications.

    Apocalypse Revealed – The Four Horsemen of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat: Lithium Iron Nickel Hydrogen – Not only did the recent report show clear and credible evidence of anomalous heat as well as isotopic ratio changes, proving that Andrea Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer is a clean nuclear process, with no externally measurable radioactivity involved, but it also divulged some important information that may enable replication. (PESN; October 10, 2014)

    I’m nearly ready to upload the interview I did with Mats Lewan yesterday, which you’ll want to listen to. Then I’ll prepare the interview I did on Coast to Coast AM last night, which went well.

    Also, we’ve created a page over at PESWiki to track the news as it comes in on this: http://peswiki.com/index.php/News:E-Cat_Fuel_Analysis_and_Validation_Paper_Posted_October_8%2C_2014

    We welcome your help in keeping it updated. We try to use GMT time with the date so we can keep things in their proper sequence of arrival.

    Like Wikipedia, PESWiki is publicly editable. Feel free to update and add links. We had to disable the sign-up of new users due to spam, so just contact us if you want an account.

    We use stars to highlight excellent coverage, and we also have a flag to mark “mainstream” news stories as they trickle in.

  • Giovanni

    The E-lectriCAT

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    Thank you, but I am not a “Genius”, just a hard worker.
    Warm Regards,

  • Giovanni

    Dear Dr Rossi
    please hurry up in your way of producing electric power….. that will be the real and world wide accepted and recognized winning strike!!!
    My best regards and compliments

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    I saw someone use this quote today, referencing you.

    “When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” – Jonathan Swift

    At least a few other intelligent individuals, like those who have signed onto the paper and work with you at IH, have provided you with an alliance of allies against the dunces.

    Also, someone

  • Andrea Rossi

    I have been informed right now that on a blog a person whose nickname is Raman has said a curious thing I want to deal with because is a paradigmatic example of fake professionality used to perpetrate an agenda.
    Here is how the story goes.
    This Raman, proclaiming himself a high level expert, writes that from the data of the report the conductivity of the cables of the resistance does not respect the Ohm’s Law, therefore all the E-Cat stuff is rubbish.
    He says this apodittically, without any analysis of the real situation: as a matter of fact, the alloy of the resistance is different from the alloy of the cables. Every alloy’s behavior in function of the temperature is a characteristic of its. In the alloy of our resistance, the behavior is not linear. Copper wires have standard Ohmic behavior in function of temperature: their resistance becomes higher with the temperature. Because the resistors are in series and not in parallel, it is clear that with higher temperature the copper cables dissipate less and the coils of the internal resistance dissipate more. Mr Raman uses the word “Shunt”, in a totally improper situation: shunts are resistors that are put in parallel to an ammeter, but in this case we have resistors in series; he has used a simple evaluation of linear behavior as if dealing with simple electric conductors. Our doped conductor has non linear answers, and it acts in synergy with the regulation and control system in a very sophysticated way. As I said many times, the E-Cat is a machine much, much more complex than it appears to be. Somebody really thinks that I am a stupid guy, and that the E-Cat is fallen on my head casually from a fig tree, while I was eating a banana, with problems in managing how to peel it ( and jetting the peel on the flowers too); consequently, these imbeciles ( from the Latin Imbacula, not an offense, just a factual situation), that do not know the difference between linear and not linear behaviors in function of T, think they can act as Professors, utilizing formulas to calculate linear integrals instead of non-linear, without even think to the fact that, before saying this, you have to analyse the situation you are dealing with.
    The Professors of the ITP have, obviously, considered only the well known dispersions, i.e. the ones from the copper cables. From the report, it is clear that for the Cu cables the Ohm Law is perfectly respected, while it is not possible for the cables of the resistance inside the E-Cat. The alimentation cables are in series with the cables inside the reactor, therefore all the line cannot be considered linear.
    In a nutshell: the Report is very, very tough and deep, it is not fit for an easy reading. I bet all you want that this Mr Raman has not been able to read it.
    So long, “Prof” Raman.
    Suggested reference: ” Electronics for Dummies” ( Amazon).
    Andrea Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    “Le Concert”: what a wonderful movie!
    Warm Regards,

  • eernie1

    Dear Valeriy,
    The high energy protons for the 7Li transformation and the neutrons for the 6Li transformations must be supplied by either a linear accelerator or a fission reactor which is use to produce the He and also the Tritium used in the H bomb. In Rossi’s device no signs of He or 3H or signs of high energy neutrons or protons are found or reported.

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Readers and Writers of JoNP,
    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    Thinking again about the movie: “Le Concert”.
    Andrea seems to be the perfect conductor:
    Letting the Ni- and Li- atoms transmute perfectly ONE BY ONE, for 32 days.
    I did not find the sheet-music in the report. Andrea wrote that he is a drummer, so it must have been the beats.
    So, how is this done ?
    Musical Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Seshavatharam:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    a- As you can read on the report, when the E-Cat has been shut down the fuel had not been totally consumed. It is difficult to know how much more time it could endure.
    b- No.
    Warm Regards,

  • eernie1

    Dear Wlad,
    Since the Halo Neutron of the 11Be has been observed, the possible existence of a Halo Neutron in the 7Li cannot be ignored despite the theories of the SQM. Assuming its existence and the looseness of its bond in the 7Li nucleus, there are a number of possibilities for creating and applying enough energy to allow the neutron to be expelled with added energy. One use for the hydrogen protons added to the device may be to create multiple microwave ovens in the cracks of the Ni complex. My reasoning is that the cracks contain a strong magnetic field created by the heated NI atoms which align the spins of the H protons inserted into the cavities of the cracks. Then with the influence of an applied RF field(pulsed) the ensuing microwave oven RF then causes the 7Li nucleus to release its Halo Neutron and the dance begins. I have other thoughts about the possible generation of stimulating energy, but I need more time to think about it.
    Wlad, Has Pandora’s box been opened?
    Curious regards.

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    As I read The Report, It does not indicate the eCat reactor was running out of fuel. Certainly some ash was found and was measured. But I would understand that when the reactor was shut-down, there was still fuel available for further operation.

    a. Is this correct?
    b. Do you have an estimate of what percentage of fuel was left?

  • Respected Andreea Rossi Sir

    I would like to bring to your kind notice that, form the recent third party report report of page-30, para-2, line-2/3:”Our measurement, based on calculating the power emitted by the reactor through radiation and convection, gave the following results: the net production of the reactor after 32 days’ operation was (5825 ± 10%) [MJ],the density of thermal energy (if referred to an internal charge weighing 1 g)” can be fitted and understood with binding energy difference of 58Ni, 62Ni and 7Li.

    If BE of 58 Ni 506.6 MeV, BE of 62 Ni =544.41 MeV and BE of 7Li= 41.45 MeV, then
    41.45-(544.41-506.6)=41.45-37.81=3.64 MeV of energy for each transformation (of 58Ni to 62Ni)can be liberated. If so for one gram of 58Ni,5894 MJ of energy can be liberated.

    thanking you sir,
    yours sincerely,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for the info,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for the info.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Andrea Moraitis:
    We are working also on that configuration.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mark Saker:
    See the answers inside your comment in capital letters.
    Warm Regards,

  • Wladimir Guglinski

    eernie1 wrote in October 9th, 2014 at 10:40 PM

    The lifetime of a free neutron is approximately 15 minutes. Don’t you think that would be enough time for the neutron to encounter a 58Ni and be captured by it?

    the problem is: a halo neutron with orbit radius R=7fm in 3Li7 is impossible by considering the current models of the Standard Nuclear Theory (as I explained for the case of the halo neutron of the 4Be11).

    Such 3Li7 halo neutron with orbit R=7fm makes sense only by considering my new nuclear model.

    As the 3Li7 is stable, the question is to know why the neutron leaves away the nucleus.


  • Valeriy Tarasov

    Dear eernie1,
    I have meant not a spontaneous decay of stable isotope 7Li, but its induced decay in result of interaction with protons.

  • Mark Saker

    Dear Andrea,

    1) I know you are now looking into the result of the nickel analysis.

    Even if you cannot determine the cause of Ni 90% transmutation in one month, would an easy fix be to add six grams of material to give you a 6month usage cycle (which is still not very much). Would this have any adverse effects?


    2) Would the reactor continue to work regardless of the change in Nickel isotope (you probably cannot answer this ) 🙂

    3) Also, is there video footage of the test at the times you were involved such as emptying the reactor, etc. Of course I fully believe in the e-cat, I’m just thinking of the pathological skeptics. I’m interested to see how far they will go before they convert 🙂 I’m guessing very far!

    4) Could you request the ITP authors release some more photos to quench our thirst for new stuff….or you can release a picture of the 1MW device. hehe

    5) Are you aware of IH giving any media announcements related to the Ecat in the near term or will they not talk until the 1MW planty has been running for a year? Surely you must be in contact with them?

    6) Any plans to come to England, I’ll be glad to cook you a meal

  • Andreas Moraitis

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    First of all, congratulations from me, too, for the successful report.

    My question: What do you think about a hybrid reactor, powered both by electricity and gas? Perhaps it would be easier to realize than a completely new, solely gas-based system.

    Best regards,
    Andreas Moraitis

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Again may I say, “GREAT RESULTS!” I love the small format you used for the test reactor!!!

    I found out some info about your comment about mainstream CNN coverage. It is nice that Joe Shea put a story “ireport.cnn.com” and on “american-reporter.com” but it states that the story is “Not verified by CNN” and Joe is a fan of yours (as am I) that regularly posts on e-catworld. Great job, Joe! The links to his comments and stories and contact information he publishes there are shown below.

    Tom Conover


    by Joe Shea
    AR Correspondent
    Bradenton, Fla.
    October 9, 2014

    Joe Shea is Editor-in-Chief of The American Reporter. Write him at mreporter@aol.com.

    and on

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi, the correct link for that CNN page is:

    The same article is on:

    But I think that there is something to be corrected on measuring units (inches, megawatt)

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    Thank you!
    Warm regards,

  • Hank Mills

    Hello Everyone,

    My article about this ground breaking report is now up at PESN.

    Apocalypse Revealed: The Four Horsemen of Andrea Rossi’s E-Cat


    Don’t let the title mislead you. Apocalypse means revelation in Greek.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan C.:
    Yes, your point is good, as well as the point of H-G Branzell. We are trying to reconcile the 62Ni issue. It is midnight, right now, and I am studying on this…just while your comment arrived!
    Warm regards,

  • Dan C.

    Dear Mr. Rossi:

    In response to H-G Branzell: You said
    > “I knew that during the operation 62Ni is formed”
    > “and its percentage grows, but not in that measure.”
    > “We are studying this fact to try to understand.”

    If I may make an observation:
    This test was performed 24/7 @32 days under continuous power.
    The ash analyzed in your lab are likely from reactors that run in on/off(SSM) 25% or so of the time or may have to do with the EM Pulse or both. Is there a correlation that stands up to scrutiny.
    Wishing you a happy serendipity.

    Warm Regards,
    Dan C.

  • eernie1

    The lifetime of a free neutron is approximately 15 minutes. Don’t you think that would be enough time for the neutron to encounter a 58Ni and be captured by it?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    It appears the mainstream Media are looking at LENR: I have been informed right now that this has been running on CNN today:
    Warm regards,

  • Wladimir Guglinski

    eernie1 wrote in October 9th, 2014 at 4:11 PM

    Thank you for your wise comments. Theoretically the loose nucleons should be r=1.2fm.11^1/3 = approx. 2.76fm for 11Be but tests out at7fm. For 7Li this should be 1.2.7^1/3 or approx. 2.3fm. Since there is no data for the neutron of the 7Li nucleus, my best guess would be around 5-7fm., well beyond the 3fm distance that the strong force exhibits a healthy influence. I suggested thermal influence because we know that is provided through the heating cycle

    Dear Eernie,
    there is one thing the nuclear theorists do not consider regarding the halo neutrons with radius orbit R = 7fm, as in the case of 11Be: the centripetal force.

    Due to the rotation of the nucleus, and because the radius R= 7fm is very short, the neutron is submitted to strong centripetal force, trying to expell it.
    As there is not interaction via strong force in the distance R=7f between the neutron and the cluster, the neutron would have to be expelled from the 11Be.

    But the neutron of the 4Be11 decays, and becomes a proton, and the situation becomes worst, because there is Coulomb repulsion between the newborn proton and the cluster.
    With the decay of the neutron to proton, the newborn element is the 5B10 with a halo proton in a distance of 7fm from the cluster.
    Therefore the newborn 5B10 would have to expell the halo proton, and transmute to 3Li7 + 2He4

    However, instead of leaving away the cluster, actually the halo proton is captured by the cluster, and they form the stable 5B10.

    There is no way to explain it via the current nuclear models of the Standard Nuclear Theory.


  • Ron Stringer

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Congratulations on this most recent public validation of your work. The scientists probably now have enough information to continue their studies on their own, while you can continue to pursue industrial commercial success, which is as it ought to be. The next milestone, we all hope, will be the irrefutable and really world-changing one, the implementation of fully functioning, productive units doing real, useful work!
    One question, if you can spare the time; was the e-cat tested in the report coupled to a mouse, or was it on it’s own? I am guessing the former, and that the cat and mouse configuration will be even more efficient!
    All the best to you and your amazing team. – Ron

  • Andrea Rossi

    The Professors just made measurements, so they are not out on anything. Now we have to interpret the results, and while for Li we can reconcile, with the results of Ni it’s hard. Much to study about.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    Thank you! Very Fine!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Herb Gillis:
    We are studying the analysis; while for Li we had theorized it and we understand well the results, the results related to Ni are puzzling us.
    I have an idea, but there is much to study upon.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Please forward your questions to Orsobubu.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    We have studied that possibility, but to no avail so far.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    As a matter of fact in these 8 months of tests the Professors of the ITP have collected substantial information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    JC Renoir:
    Bosons are massless; they become massive in case of spontaneous symmetry breaking.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- two E-Cats were spare parts, in case of breakage of the first and, eventually, of the second
    2- I have been there to check that everything was OK and to intervene in case of breakages, not to participate to the measurements. In the Report is described what I did.
    3- six months were including all the phases of the test: the operation started on the 13th of February ( when the professors started to arrive) and finished in half September, with the last analysis.
    Thank you for your attention,
    Warm Regards,

  • Arnie

    Dear mr Rossi. I have been following this blog- with anticipation- for a few years, and even though i know this type of reactions should not be possible, I have since the beginning not seen any real reasons for doubting something “impossible” is really happening. For example: You have been relatively welcoming to journalists and scientists, and too much people are involved. Someone with something to hide would never take such risks. If I really had something to hide, why let so many get the opportunity to find the “hidden cable”? Most or all of your so called competitors are doing the opposite, and in these cases I really can hear the alarm bells loud and clear…
    And for anyone reading the just published test I think it should be obvious something “impossible” is actually taking place.
    With this said, I still think the sceptics generally are doing a great job, forcing you and even TIP professors to refine methods, even if some sceptics tend to be overly aggressive.
    Of course I have understood that you don’t always want to tell us everything. And doing so would be very unwise.
    Also I have understood that you sometimes have wanted the world and perhaps yourself to think that you understand more about the process than you actually do. This is also normal, and perhaps necessary to stay ahead of the competitors. There has also been some unclear information regarding the manufacturing and e-cat factory constructions and so on. To this there might be similar -or other- explanations, too.
    But I have never caught you lying about anything.
    This leads to my questions.
    You have said you have provided the TIP team with three devices, but they claim to have had access to one device only.
    1.Why this contradiction?
    You have said you have had nothing to do with the tests, but -irrelevant or not- you have been visiting the testing premises at least three times.
    2.Why is this?
    Also, the length of the tests: you have said the device has been running for months in the tests, but it was only one month.
    3.Am I mistaken? Could be I misunderstood.
    Otherwise, one explanation could be that there are more than one group performing tests right now…
    Thank you for your time! Kind regards! /Arnie

  • Curiosone

    Congratulations, great result. Bravo!

  • DTravchenko

    Dr Rossi: I have read the report: what a wonderful thing !
    Forward, Andrea, Forward!
    Warm Regards,

  • JCRenoir

    A Physics question, if you have time: I found somebody say that bosons are massless, other say bosons are massive. What do you think?

  • Wladimir Guglinski

    Nicola Cortesi wrote in October 9th, 2014 at 3:31 AM

    Dear Readers,

    Litium, Nickel, H+… It seems that all the components of the E-cat fuel are also naturally present in some rocks inside the earth, where the high temperatures and pressures could be able to sustain the LENR reactions indefinitely, generating the “missing heat” geophysicians are looking for. Maybe if there is a geologist between the readers, he could try to speculate on this topic further.

    Dear Nicola,
    the speculation about cold fusion within the Earth, and also in the heliosphere of the Sun, is mentioned in my book Os Dados que Deus Escondeu, published in 2003 in Brazil.


  • eernie1

    Dear Valeriy,
    3Li,4Li,5Li,8Li and 9LI decay to He but 6Li and 7Li are stable isotopes. Am I missing something?

  • alex

    Dear Ing. Rossi
    Congratulations on this dramatic milestone. The world is awaiting rollout of the hot cat coupled to a prime mover and alternator producing electricity at a fraction of the price which would be affordable by the poor of the world.
    It looks like the report has revealed a lot of what’s inside the reactor. Are you not afraid of some countrynor group of people copying your science?
    The Chinese and India are starved of energy and the hot cat technology would suit yhem fine, hopefully without stealing it from you.

    God speed.

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