Stoyan Sarg Sargoytchev
York University, Toronto, Canada
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Advances in the field of cold fusion and the recent success of the nickel and hydrogen exothermal reaction, in which the energy release cannot be explained by a chemical process, need a deeper understanding of the nuclear reactions and, more particularly, the possibility for modification of the Coulomb barrier.
The current theoretical understanding does not offer an explanation for cold fusion or LENR. The treatise “Basic Structures of Matter – Supergravitation Unified Theory”, based on an alternative concept of the physical vacuum, provides an explanation from a new point of view by using derived three-dimensional structures of the atomic nuclei.
Dear dott Rossi,
Do you publish a book to narrate The incredibile story of your “impossible invention”?
Tommaso Di Pietro
The report is a document restricted to the involved parties, not a public document.
The publication of it will need the authorization of all the parties involved.
Warm Regards
Dear dott Rossi,
Where The report of ERV will be delivered?
Arxiv?simple document available in internet?
First and foremost, the results we made so far are not MY merit, but are merit of the Team I work with.
As for your question: of course I have somebody able to upgrade our image: she is the 1 MW E-Cat ! If she will complete the 350 days of operational test positively, our image will be consistently improved, on the contrary there is nobody that could help, but further work.
My culture warns me to beware chatters and count exclusively on facts.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
Do you have somebody who helps you to upgrade your image? After what you made you deserve it.
You can find good material on
“Nuclear Models”, Greiner-Maruhn, Berlin 1996, pp 170 – 178.
Kinetic energy has been strongly underevaluated so far, and I think it is worth to study better its effect on the interactions between e.p.; I am convinced that a reconciliation between the anomalous production of energy and the standard model can be obtained by the study of the recoil energy and the Mossbauer effect (actually, its reverse). Obviously I can be wrong, but the more I study this issue, the more I make my calculations, the more I am getting this direction.
What are you looking for, if I may?
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Where can I find collective models for surface vibrations and related kynetic energy?
Thank you for your guidance ( if possible).
Paul Atkinson:
Thank you for your very interesting links. I did not know them. Very interesting status of the art for the Stirling engine.
Warm Regards,
I wonder if you have kept up with Dean Kamen’s progress in creating a low-maintenance stirling engine? I am a big fan of Kamen due to his commitment to student robotic competitions. Kamen’s team now has a production-ready generator that can convert any heat source (cow dung, natural gas, etc) into electricity. Here are links to 7 short videos where he gives a detailed demonstration of a 2.5 kW stirling generator that has been installed at his home in Connecticut:
1) http://oninnovation.com/videos/detail.aspx?video=1901&title=Stirling%20Engine%20Demo%20(part%202)
2) http://oninnovation.com/videos/detail.aspx?video=1902&title=Stirling%20Engine%20Demo%20(part%203)
3) http://oninnovation.com/videos/detail.aspx?video=1903&title=Stirling%20Engine%20Demo%20(part%204)
4) http://oninnovation.com/videos/detail.aspx?video=1904&title=Stirling%20Engine%20Demo%20(part%205)
5) http://oninnovation.com/videos/detail.aspx?video=1905&title=Stirling%20Engine%20Demo%20(part%206)
6) http://oninnovation.com/videos/detail.aspx?video=1906&title=Stirling%20Engine%20Demo%20(part%207)
7) http://oninnovation.com/videos/detail.aspx?video=1907&title=Stirling%20Engine%20Demo%20(part%208)
If you haven’t seen this demonstration yet, then I hope find it helpful. Similarly, Forbes magazine has a feature article about Kamen’s 10 kW commercial generators, which can be manufactured and installed for approximately $10,000 per unit. Here is a link to the article – http://www.forbes.com/sites/christopherhelman/2014/07/02/dean-kamen-thinks-his-new-stirling-engine-could-power-the-world/
I hope you find this intriguing and useful. Keep up the good work!
Take good care,
Paul Atkinson
Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
Thank you for the interesting information,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I am sending an interesting article on LENR.
The Application of LENR to Synergistic Mission Capabilities
Douglas P. Wells*
NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23602
Dimitri N. Mavris†
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0150
27 February 2015 in Milan will host a major event.
Here is also a very well documented video broadcast on the Italian TV some years ago, also available on YouTube clicking here: in 2004 ENEL analyzed the opportunity to participate in the research program on LENR carried out, in Italy, by the ENEA (at the time, the Italian “National Agency for Alternative Energies”) at its laboratories in Frascati, near Rome, under the supervision of Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Laureate for Physics in 1984.
Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
I agree: the work made by my Team has produced also a change of mind in most of the mainstream scientists, that from a position negatively biased passed to a more possibilistic opinion. The work of Dr Parkhomov also has been important.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi:
From what I read in the blogosphere, LENR, thanks to your work, are beginning to be taken in consideration also from exponents of the mainstream science.
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
I discovered your Theoretical feasibility of cold fusion according to the ITP. You also have a lot more traffic.
Continue your important job, we all are with you!
Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
Well, this too is a LENR advancement in the global consideration that comes after our hard work and many fights.
This is good news for all, even if it is not directly connected with us: our technology is totally different. But in the same MIT is on course of development the work of Brian Ahern, more connected with our technology, that, as I always said, is very promising.
Thank you for the link,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi, MIT goes Live with Cold Fusion 101
Professor Peter Hagelstein of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, and Dr. Mitchell Swartz of JET Energy, Inc., will present the course with topics such as:
Introduction to Excess Power in Fleischmann-Pons Experiments
Go to the Cold Fusion Now Youtube channel
Greg Leonard:
Thank you for your kind words.
The incremental binding energy of a neutron is the effect on binding energy when one more neutron is added in a nuclide.
The energetic effect of the combination of a neutron- proton spin pair can be estimated, for example, by comparing the incremental binding energy of a neutron for the case in which the neutrons are 1 less than the protons with the case in which the neutrons are 1 more than the protons: the result is different. But, if you are referring to the so called Rossi Effect, the source of it is more complicated and I confirm what I said in my former answer regarding this issue.
Warm Regards,
Dear AR
I am sutprised at your comment.
I do not belong to any group. I am a retired engineer and academic (Aeronatical Engineering and Computer Science).
I registered quite early on ECAT.com for the domestic ecat – all address details etc. there.
My question was genuine, and should perhaps be rephrased:
Is the energy associated with a neutron always the same, or does it depend on which nucleus it is attached to?
My admiration for your work is also genuine.
Greg Leonard
Greg Leonard:
The issue is much more complicated. There are not neutrons that misteriously disappear. We are reconciling the isotopical results and will make a publication as soon as the situation will allow us to do this. Our reconciliation does not violate the Standard Model. I am working with several nuclear physicists ( one in particular, well known) upon this issue. The problem is that a full explication unavoidably has to disclose theoretical points that could bring to violate the IP.
You know perfectly this, we know who you are in the UK, even if you make fake grammatical errors ( ” things nuclear”) to disguise your group and proclaim your “poor understanding”. When we will have reached the proper economy scale all this will be published.
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Dear AR
I am fascinated by the isotopic changes referred to in the Lugano report.
It leads me to ask a question – which will show my very poor understanding of things nuclear.
If a neutron mysteriously disappears from 7LI ( to leave 6Li) and a neutron mysteriously appears at 61Ni (to become 62Ni) – has there been any overall energy change in the system?
Many thanks for all you have achieved so far, and for keeping us informed.
The dawn brightens.
Tommaso Di Pietro:
We will give information regarding the data of the 1 MW plant delivered to our Customer in due time, when the operation will have been stabilized and consolidated.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dott. Rossi,
did you begin to collect data on megawatt plant actually in operation?
If so when?
How long will it be now to publish the final results?
Thanks in advance
Jerry Vavra:
We do not make electrolytic process to obtain the so called Rossi effect.
Warm Regards
To Andreas Rossi:
I was reading your paper “New source of energy from nuclear fusion”. One thing is not clear to me. Do you have anode & cathode and the ionic current involved in this setup, or do you just thermally heat the vessel ? Our theory of small DDL hydrogen atoms* would apply to a classical electrolytic experiments a’la Fleischmann & Pons, where one does deal with ions (protons would convert to small hydrogen near cathode).
Thanks, Jerry
* DDL atoms are described in J. Maly & J. Vavra, “Electron Transition on Deep Dirac Levels I,II”, Fusion Technology, vol.24, 1993, and vol.27, 1995
D. Travchenko:
Norman Cook, US scientist, Prof in the Kansai University ( Osaka, Japan). His book “Models of the Atomic Nucleus” ( Springer 2010) is foundamental.
It is inspiring. I am reading it in these days for the eleventh time, mixed with Nuclear Models ( Springer 1996) of Walter Greiner and Joachim Maruhn.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
Among the mainstream Physicists that are not biased against the LENR who do you think is in the world the most important for his theoretical contribution to integrate LENR in the Standard Model?
Obviously I cannot comment this issue, in positive or negative.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I happened to listen to Dr. E. Storm’s theory about “cold fusion”, to my understanding, his actual view claims that most of the energy is coming from hydrogen merging and therefore we should be looking for radioactive tritium as result of the reaction. Secondly, it looks like that the fact of having hydrogen “trapped” inside a “metallic Pd/Ni net” lower the fusion temperature by a factor of 10exp6 at least, yet the temperature we read belongs to the system “net + fuel” and as the “net” is much heavier than the “fuel” we expect the last oscillating faster. The question is, will it be more adapted using EF field to provoke the right kinetics instead?
My Best Regards
Giovanni Fois
Felix Rands:
Thank you for the interesting information
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I think this could be the right business partner to solve the problem of conversion of hot-cat heat into electricity. The company not only has the necessary technology, but also has sufficient production capacity for starters.
Best regards and Merry Christmas to you, your family and your partners.
Felix Rends
>> Dr Rossi, take a look at this start up – ENGINE
Today has been published on the JoNP the paper ” h- Space Theory” by Dr Valery J. Tarasov.
Steven N. Karels:
a- no, it is not this to make the difference: it is the ssm; this issue is not peculiar to the NG
b- no
Warm Regards,
Dan C.:
Thank you for your insight. Please also read the answer I gave to Alessndro Coppi. Anyway: the ssm, not applied in Lugano test for the reasons well explained in the Report of the ITP, makes a substantial difference.
Warm Regards,
Marco Serra:
Please see the answer I gave to Alessandro Coppi.
Warm Regards,
Alessandro Coppi,
We will give these data when this cycle of R&D will be finished. So far we must adhere to what is written in the report of the Independent Third Party. The numbers published by the Independent Third Party are the only ones so far verified by a neutral party. The next Third Party will be the Customer, no one else.
The products in the market will tell us which are the effective data in the effective production world.
Warm Regards,
I think our previous messages crossed, and maybe the emoticon that I used wrongly gave the impression, but I can assure you that there was no tone of irony in my words. You really gave a good answer. The only question that pops up now, and that maybe I can ask now, is this: Why does the more losely bound neutron in 3Li7 decays? Due to the excitation by the alternating magnetic field? And does this give enough energy to let it decay? How much energy actually is needed to let that neutron decay in a proton + electron, and are all necessary conditions fulfilled to let it happen?
Hi Andrea,
In your answer to Patrick Ellul you said:
“Zero emissions with a gas fueled E-Cat is impossible. But due to the ssm and the efficiency the emissions will be of one order of magnitude less”.
Therefore the cop is at least 10!
Alessandro Coppi
look the forces on the proton when it is exiting the 3Li7
“due to the ssm and the efficiency the emissions will be of one order of magnitude less than with conventional systems”.
WWWOOOOWWWW !! What a new !! This is the best Christmas gift I’ve ever received. Really. Thank you.
Let me elaborate a bit. Because emissions are proportional to power produced, and you are able to get the same power with a tenth of emissions, does it mean that we are talking of a COP > 10 ?
Please answer yes 😉
God bless you
Dear Mr. Rossi,
If I may- For those concerned with the CO2
If the electricity that powers the E-cat comes from a power plant supplied by Natural Gas.
1. You use the equivalent of 3Kw of NG to produce the 1Kw of electricity that powers the E-cat producing 10Kw heat.
2. You can use the equivalent of 1Kw of NG directly to the E-cat to produce 10Kw heat.
That’s a 2/3rds reduction in NG use. There obviously will be some efficiency differences but, you have reduced CO2 output. If the electricity comes from coal, much more so. And it is cheaper.
In time if/when E-cats should efficiently produce electricity, this would change the economics & at that point you would use the electricity if it’s cheaper then NG. In the mean time you have options. Gas or Electric. Options encourage faster adaptation.
I recently read where China has near 1500Gw of installed capacity & want to double that by 2050. 3000Gw times 3 for electrical conversion. 9000Gw of Hot-cats.
That’s a lot of Hot-cats Mr. Rossi.
No rest for you & your team.
work, work, work
Sincerely, Dan C.
The newly born proton might be able to cross the plane if it were released from the neutron (after decay) in a direction that is parallel to the z-axis. But what is the possibility or probability of such an occurrence?
All the best,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You posted “Zero emissions with a gas fueled E-Cat is impossible. But due to the ssm and the efficiency the emissions will be of one order of magnitude less than with conventional systems.” An interesting revelation. If we take this literally, then the effective COP of the gas-fired system will be about 10.
As any housewife can tell you, one of the advantages of a gas stovetop is that the heat is more quickly applied and removed compared to an electric range.
a. Does this known factor allow you to run a higher effective COP than an electrically heated eCat?
b. Is there a substantial improvement in SSM when using a gas-fired eCat over that of an electrically heated eCat?
c. Do you obtain better control with a gas-fired eCat over that of an electrically heated eCat?
Yes, but biogas is not a much diffused commodity. Where it is available, there is no reason, under the technological point of view, not to make use of it.
Warm Regards,
Could the gas fuelled Hotcat run on biogases,at least they are carbon neutral and can be generated onsite from organic matters,like farm wastes?
Wladimir, Been keeping up with your replies and I believe it to be just a matter of time before QRT is taken seriously by the academic community. Well done. I am putting some of my own material together that may tie in with yours. All the best, Regards Eric Ashworth.
Daniel De Caluwé wrote in December 4th, 2014 at 4:09 PM
Thank you very much for your answer, that is sufficient to me.
So, your hypothesis for the Rossi-Effect still stands, and probably never was in danger.
I hope there is not a tone of irony in your words.
Actually any theory is in danger before its confirmation.
And we know that, even after their confirmation, some theories are in danger, as happened to the Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity, confirmed by a solar eclipse in 1919. Today we know that his concept of empty space is wrong.
But at least my theory is according to some experimental evidences. For instance, it explains the 10MeV neutrons in the Mosier-Boss experiment.
In serious danger is any theory unable to explain the experimental evidences.
Any cold fusion theory must be able to explain the 10MeV neutrons in Mosier-Boss experiment, and not only the Rossi-Effect.
Patrick Ellul:
Zero emissions with a gas fueled E-Cat is impossible. But due to the ssm and the efficiency the emissions will be of one order of magnitude less than with conventional systems.
Warm Regards,
Thank you very much for your answer, that is sufficient to me.
So, your hypothesis for the Rossi-Effect still stands, and probably never was in danger. 😉
Kind Regards,