Analysis of the performances of sealed timing resistive plate chambers

Khokon Hossen
Max-Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs), that were introduced by R. Santonico and R. Cardarelli in 1981, are gas ionization chambers made with resistive electrodes separated by precision spacers.
Typical gas gap range from a few hundred micrometers to several millimeters wide.
Timing Resistive Plate Chambers (tRPCs) were introduced in 2000 by P.Fonte, A.Smirnitsky and M.C.S Williams and has, since then, reached Time Resolutions better than 50 ps (σ) with efficiencies above 99% for Minimum Ionizing Particle (MIP).
In this research work, we describe the main features of gas detectors and the different types of RPCs and their properties.
We describe a cheap and easy to built sealed tRPCs and we explain how we have built it.
We describe the main results we have got operating the sealed tRPCs built in the laboratory.

856 comments to Analysis of the performances of sealed timing resistive plate chambers

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pauline V.:
    Yes, luckily, as I hoped, the “herd immunity” theory was a joke.
    Now let’s pray God for all the people of the world to get rid as soon as possible of this corona virus tragedy.
    I am doing all I can to fight the corona virus for me and for the others: stay home. I have organized my lab at home and so my Team did, we are working by St Skype, protector of the stayhomers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Pauline V.

    Dear Andrea Rossi
    You were right: the United Kingdom has abandoned the herd immunity strategy and has adopted the same strategy of the rest of the world to fight the coronavirus

  • GiorgioiV

    Egregio sig.Rossi
    che senso ha utilizzare il concetto di entropia per parlare di eventuali esseri soprannaturali? L’ordine esistente in questo universo (isolato, chiuso o aperto?) potrebbe essere dovuto all’interazione con (infiniti?) altri universi coesistenti che possono influenzarne la struttura, magari creando ordine in alcuni e disordine in altri. E così via senza limiti.
    Cordiali saluti

    Dear Mr.Rossi
    What is the use of the concept of entropy to talk about possible supernatural beings? The order existing in this universe (isolated, closed or open?) could be due to the interaction with (infinite?) other coexisting universes that can influence its structure, perhaps creating order in some and disorder in others. And so on without limits.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert

    Dr Rossi,
    Again congratulations for your publication
    It is the most interesting and peer reviewed LENR publication 20 years since,
    Best Regards,

  • Chuck Davis

    @Steven N. Karels,
    If the cost of an Ecat will not be prohibitive, an Ecat could be the back-up.
    Best Regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Andrea Rossi

    …and the number are going up a;so today, it is unbelievable.
    Warm Regards,

  • V.B.

    Dear Andrea,
    With your paper on Researchgate you have shade on LENR a positive light in the whole scientific world. The numbers of the stats speak for you.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes: virtual particles and antiparticles.
    Warm Regards

  • giambattista

    Dr Rossi,
    in the paper Gullstrom-Rossi publiushed on Arxiv is cited the possibility that interactions matter-antimatter are connected with the theoretical explication of the Rossi effect.
    Are you still of the same idea?
    Best Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, I noticed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Susy

    Did you notice the coincidence between the fifth centenary of the death of Leonardo da Vinci and the start of the Ecat’s heat sales ?
    Another coincidence: you said here years ago ( I follow your blog since the year 2012 ) that you emigrated in the USA in the same day od the famous exhibition of Leonardo da Vinci in the Science museum of Boston

  • Andrea Rossi

    No problem:
    I made 5 years of elementary School in the school Antonio Locatelli, Via Veglia, Milan ( Italy )
    I made 3 years of middle school in the school Giuseppe Parini, Via Goito, Milan
    I made 5 years of high school in the Liceo Scientifico Alessandro Volta, Via Beato Angelico, Milan, obtaining the Maturita’ Scientifica
    I made 5 years of university in the Universita’ Degli Studi di Milano, Via Festa del Perdono, Milan and obtained my doctorate in Philosophy with the grade 110/110
    Warm Regards,

  • Georgina

    Dear Andrea:
    Can you describe how you became Doctor in Philosophy, starting from the elementary school all the way to the doctorate?
    A troll says you do not have any degree.
    Thank you if you can answer
    Congratulations for your paper

  • Andrea Rossi

    Lupe Blaschke:
    Thank you for your appreciation of the video, also on
    We will not make further presentations, now we are focused exclusively on serving our Clients and on the R&D.
    Only if we will reach consolidated results with the direct electricity production we will make the presentation of it, but it is premature to know if we will have success with the experiments on course.
    Warm Regards,

  • Lupe Blaschke

    Congratulations for the video “U-tube Ecat SK presentation of January 31st 2019”
    Well done,very interesting , very funny also the puppets and the song.
    Will you make further presentations?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Because in this period for us is more convenient to deliver bigger plants and also it is more easy for us to control the defense of our IP operating in remote bigger plants with solid contractual guarantees with companies whose liabilities are rooted in solid bases.
    Warm Regards,

  • Lilian

    Dear Andrea,
    Why are you accepting to install your plants only staring from a minimum power of 1 MW in this initial period?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I would say well, even if the mathematic structure is not completed yet, but the core of the idea is in consolidation.
    We are working on it. I am learning.
    Warm Regards,

  • Connie

    Dear Andrea
    How is growing up the theoretical paper you are writing with Prof. Norman Cook?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ville Kanninen:
    Thank you.
    Since we have a patent in preparation related to your questions, I cannot give you answers in positive or in negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Congratulations on your ongoing progress and the US patent.

    I have been wondering if the the figure 5 (from the display of PCE 803 Power Analyser) in Lugano 2014 report means that in e-Cat you cut 3-phase current in such a way, that
    1) positive pulse is sent (half wavelenght)
    2) then short break (one wavelenght)
    3) then another positive pulse (half wavelenght)
    4) then longer break (three walenghts)
    5) then same as 1-3 but now two negative pulses in a row

    kind regards

    Ville Kanninen

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alfonso Troisi:
    I will answer to this comment of yours after the end of the tests on course, that could have positive or negative final results.
    I sympathise, though, with your impatience.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alfonso Troisi

    Hello Mr. Rossi,
    I want to congratulate you on your huge accomplishments, including the U.S. Patent.

    Also, I’m curious to know if the last day of the test you will keep saying F9, or at some point (3/4 or 4/5 of the test done ) you will safely admit that it’s a success.

    Thank you for what you and your team are bringing to the world.

    Best Regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Todd Derrico:
    Thank you for your kind words.
    This patent is also the result of hundreds of hours spent with my patent attorneys.
    Warm Regards,

  • Todd Derrico

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    I am stunned by your ability in writing your patent in a way that has overcome all the difficulties to get a payent in this particular field. The way you have patented your invention is as genial as the invention itself.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Kurt Lickteig:
    No comment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rohel Rump:
    Warm Regards,

  • Rohel Rumph

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    What do you think of the interview of Tom Darden on Fortune?

  • Kurt Lickteig

    Dr Rossi:
    In the interview on Fortune Tom Darden said he is working also with your competitors, but the sole substantial intellectual property in the sector of LENR is the one granted by your US Patent, all the others are just theories that are all but proven experimentally: any comment?
    Thank you if you can answer,
    Kurt Lickteig

  • Andrea Rossi

    Salvatore Mantica:
    Thank you for your kind words of encouragement.
    Warm Regards,

  • Salvatore Mantica

    Caro Dott. Rossi
    Grazie per avere pubblicato con il certificaro dell’ USPTO il Suo brevetto USA sul Journal of Nuclear Physics: è magnifico, ha una copertura formidabile. In Italia ne siamo orgogliosi.
    Avanti così, adesso vogliamo l’E-Cat in casa!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Meghan Ranken:
    Now it’s 12.20 p.m. indide the computer container, I am studying and this means that the 1 MW plant is stable, so far. Just a small leakage this morning at 6, but nothing to be worried about, promptly fixed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gianfranco Mezzinni:
    The historic meeting between these two giants of the contemporary world has been useful for all the mankind.
    We just make our job as well as we can.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gianfranco Mezzinni

    Dott. Rossi:
    During the visit of Pope Franciscus in the USA both the Pope and the President Barak Obama have sustained an environmental program that should be positive for the E-Cat: do you agree?
    Thank you for your work,
    Gianfranco Mezzinni

  • Meghan Ranken

    Dear Andrea Rossi:
    Can you give us an update?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jane Carver:
    Too high temperature in a zone of the E-Cat X where materials are not the right ones. Today we bought what necessary to make a new material and I think in several weeks the E-Cat X will be again working.
    Warm Regards,

  • Jane Carver

    Dear Andrea:
    Can you explain what happened to the E-Cat X when it broke down? When do you think you will be able to start it again?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Winnei Emerson:
    Yes. Obviously the operation of the 1 MW plant will facilitate also this issue.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Mario Marini:
    Yes, initially the manufacturing concerns will be at least in the USA and in Europe.
    Warm Regards,

  • Mario Marini

    Dott. Rossi:
    Did I understand well that the E-Cats will be manufactured in the USA and in Europe initially?
    Congratulations for your US Patent, now your intellectual property is really protected.

  • Winnie Emerson

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Is the safety certification of the domestic E-Cat X already on course? Are you covering also this base?
    Winnie Emerson

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
    Good, this too is an “effect” produced by our work: MIT: before our work barred any reference to LENR; Airbus: they started their R&D in LENR after a meeting with me in Ferrara; Russia: all began with the replication Parkhomov made of the so called Rossi Effect; CERN: as I already said in this blog, before our work should anybody go there showing anything about LENR, he would meet a reaction as that of Dracula if shown garlic and crucifix.
    Warm Regards,

  • ing. Michelangelo De Meo

    Hello Dr. Rossi, the world is talking about the Rossi Effect, your US Patent and the LENR:

    LENR Phenomena and Potential Applications
    Professor Peter Hagelstein and Dr. Louis DeChiaro
    Wednesday Sept. 23, 2015 05:30PM to 08:15PM (US/Eastern) North Reading, Massachusetts, US

    Workday at Palasi de Terni
    LENR and Other Renewables

    October 3, 2015 09:30 Palasi of Terni, Italy
    Seminar at CERN

    The anomalous heat effect on D/H loaded Palladium: Exploration at an atomic level, preliminary perturbed angular correlations studies
    by Juliana Schell, Vittorio Violante, Graham K. Hubler
    and Collaborators: Moustapha Thioye, Jinghao He, João G. M. Correia, Iberê R. S. Junior, Izabela T. Matos, Michel Zoghby

    Wednesday, 14 October 2015 from 14:30 to 15:30 (Europe/Zurich) Geneva, Switzerland

    Workshop at Airbus

    11th International Workshop on Anomalies in 
Hydrogen Loaded Metals
    Conference Chair Jean-François Geneste
    Organizing Committee W. Collis, J.D. Vinko, S.Valin-Le-Gouellec, M.Valat

    Thursday and Friday, 15-16 October, 2015 Toulouse, France


    22nd Russian Conference on Cold Nuclear Transmutation of Chemical Elements and Ball Lighting
    Chairman of the RCCNT&BL-22 Organizing Committee
    Yury Bazhutov
    Vladimir Bychkov, Nikolai Samsonenko

    Sept 27-October 4, 2015 Dagomys, Sochi, Krasnodar region, Russia

  • ing. Michelangelo De Meo

    Hello Dr. Rossi , the Italian magazine Focus published an article ” A ” side effect ” of hydropower poisons the sea .”
    And ‘ necessary for the environment immediately install 1 MW .

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
    Thank you for your information.
    Warm Regards,

  • ing. Michelangelo De Meo

    Hello Dr. Rossi,
    the scientists of Martin Fleischmann Memorial are working hard to replicate the Rossi Effect .

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • ing. Michelangelo De Meo

    Hello Dr. Rossi,
    here are new theories and experiments , see the link

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

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