United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Science is a descriptive enterprise, not a prescriptive one.
    Prescription is not good science, description of experiments and related results is good science.
    Description of products is ultimately the best.
    Warm Regards,

  • JJ

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Science prescribes that LENR must emit high energy gamma rays. Why the E-Cat does not ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Very well, very well.
    In June we will have a very important test with a very important Customer. We are increasing the worktime to be ready for that with a mature QuarkX.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It is true, we never had any contact with the British Government, as well as we did not have any contact with any Government of the world. Our industrial strategy is not connected with any political entity. Good industrialism must stay away from political involvements and from any funding that depends from political entities. If a product is good, it does not depend from any political intervention, so far it respects the laws. Products that depend on governmental funding are usually, with some exception, like carts with square wheels pulled by the taxpayer. Look at Microsoft’s model: politics always used computers, Microsoft never used politics. The same will happen with the E-Cats, so long I will be in a position to decide our strategy. F8.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    The deliveries for industrial applications yes. The deliveries for the domestic, I do not know yet.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    The deliveries will start surely during this year??
    Please don’t be messing with us.

    What will they say on Capital Hill?


  • Shirleen

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    The British Government has released a document in which they say they are briefing about your E-Cat, but they have not yes a position about it nor a connection with you.
    Any comment ?

  • Hellen

    Dear Andrea
    How is going on the work with the E-Cat QuarkX ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    The deliveries will start surely during this year.
    Warm Regards,

  • kenko

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    When can customers #2 thru #10 expect to receive their plants?

    Curiously yours,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Patrick Ellul:
    Thank you for the prompt answer.
    Warm Regards

  • Patrick Ellul

    Dear Andrea

    New 10 second survey. Anonymous but requires you to log in to block spammers from multiple responses.
    Survey Link: http://goo.gl/forms/V2AePjKRQy .
    Live Results here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1G1qVrpDJkHz9zD03dJZ1xxiDDjDeUT-62l0ly4cWIfU/edit?usp=sharing

    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for the link
    AND Patrick Ellul:
    Can you send to us here the link requested from Peter Gluck ?
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Look Moo:
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Jerry Jones:
    Thank you for the link.
    Warm Regards

  • Jerry Jones

    Dr Rossi,

    There is a very interesting thread at ECW

    Titled: Cutting through the Fog Surrounding the Rossi/IH Dispute (Josh G)


  • LookMoo

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    How many ABB robots have you ordered?

  • Dear Andrea,

    Battlefields in many places- today’s contribution to them:


    Best wishes,

    PS If possible please publish Patrick Ellul’s New Survey on JONP too! Thanks!

  • Andrea Rossi

    No recent photos of me are supposed to have been made, let alone to go around: where did you find it, please ?
    Thank you for your sympathy: I am recovering well.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Thank you for the information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for yor insight.
    Too soon to answer, we are too “green”.
    Warm Regards,

  • Tom Conover

    Hello Andrea,

    I am curious about the “Jet” application for the Quark. Aeronautical applications are many years away, no problem. This leaves the question begging, “What are ‘jets’ used for other than aircraft?” I will discuss a few possible functional for a Quark “Jet” for just a moment. The Quark currently uses air as it’s propellant. There is still thrust involved, just not enough to fly (yet).

    Thrust could be used to turn a turbine, while at the same time transferring heat energy to the cooling liquids. As the jet roars along, the propellant cools the Quarks (very important!) and ‘delivers’ heat to the heat exchange plumbing. The plumbing is used to perform industrial tasks (bla bla bla). That could be the plain and simple end of the justification for using the Quark as a “Jet”.

    Thrust could also be used to turn a turbine. A turbine could be used for anything that turbines normally do within it’s power scope of course. For example, turbines often generate electricity. Turbines are used to move trucks, ships, submarines, and heaven forbid, aircraft (using thrust, force, power) … you get the idea.

    So then, here are the probes with which I hope to query your thoughts …

    1) Will the “Jet” primary function be for (heat transfer .. or ..) cooling the Quark? (y/n)

    2) Is the “Jet” (thrust, force, power) expected to initially be used for functions in addition to or instead of cooling? (y/n)

    Thank you for considering these theoretical considerations. Your kindness in replying to our inquiries is very much appreciated!

    God bless you,


  • Luis Navarro

    Dear Andrea,
    Another post by Josh G today 26th April 2016 at 13.47 on Mats Lewan’s blog

    Josh G
    April 26, 2016 at 13:47

    @NCkhawk (alias John Dewey Weaver, III)

    Instead of worrying about our credibility, as the managing director of an investment fund with investments in IH and as a business colleague of Darden (and representative of IH at the recent Airbus conference), you might try spending more time being worried about your own reputation as an honest and savvy businessman (assuming you do).

    With all the FUD you and others are spreading around here, it’s hard to cut through the thick layer of fog, but I will try.

    Both you and IH have stated clearly and unequivocally that IH has never (not once!) been able to substantiate the E-cat produces excess heat. And yet despite this fact, IH/Darden:

    1. Spent a good deal of manpower and money on R&D to develop and produce a new iteration of the e-cat, which they sent to Lugano for testing. If they had never gotten Rossi’s older version of e-cat to work, why invest a dime in R&D on it?

    2. If they never got an e-cat to work and didn’t believe the Lugano results, why on Earth would they agree to give Rossi the go-ahead on the 1MW test? You say he insisted, so fine, maybe they couldn’t stop him. But why would they willingly spend a dime of their own money to pay for (at least) 2 technicians (Fulvio plus another person you always conveniently forget to mention), as well as 1/2 the costs of the ERV plus who knows what other costs? How did Darden get so wealthy by being so willing to piss money down the drain? Maybe he didn’t care because it was his investor’s money. This shows very poor business acumen and an appalling carelessness with other people’s money. You may think that Rossi’s insistence on going ahead with the 1MW test under the circumstances makes him look bad. But if Darden thought the e-cat didn’t work, his willingness to go along with the test AND fork over money for it makes him look like a chump and a pushover.

    3. If they caught Penon and Rossi early on trying to engage in fraud by switching flowmeters, then why on Earth would they agree to continue the test? Why on Earth would IH continue a test (which they were paying for half of + personnel + who knows what else) when they had just caught Rossi and Penon red-handed trying to commit fraud?!? Does that count as due diligence where you come from? Again, you think it makes Rossi and Penon look bad, but it also makes Darden look like an easy mark. As our exalted former El Presidente George Bush the Younger once said, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice … you can’t get fooled again!”

    4. If they never got the e-cat to work, then they also had no reason to believe the 1MW plant would work. But according to Rossi (and apparently he can document this for the courts), IH had Woodford and the Chinese and who knows who else visit the 1MW plant as part of their effort to raise investment capital. We don’t know at this point if the reason they invested in IH is because of the e-cat (though Woodford capital says they spent 2 1/2 years on due diligence, so we assume that was the primary reason they were investing, since that was IH’s first investment). So what you’re saying is that Darden had no reason to think the e-cat worked, but went about raising money for it anyway on the pretense that it worked? Do you realize that you’re basically accusing your own friend and colleague of fraud?

    5. And as others have pointed out, if they have no reason to think the e-cat works, then why file a patent on the e-cat claiming to get a COP of 11? Did they just make that up? Lawyers are expensive and filing patents costs a lot of money. Why would they pay all that money to file several patents if the technology is bunk?

    So you see, the position you’ve staked out is full of inconsistencies and internal contradictions.

    I don’t know exactly when you learned of all these details or when you invested your clients’ money in IH. But if you knew before you invested that IH had never gotten the e-cat to work, then it doesn’t seem like you made a wise investment on your clients’ behalf. Even if you believe in LENR’s promise, based on all your claims, I honestly don’t see how you can continue to have faith in Darden’s business acumen and IH’s competence. I do know that if you had invested MY money in IH and then came out and told me everything you’ve said on this blog, I would insist on getting my money back, and I’d never give you another dime. So you don’t exactly come out of this with your reputation intact, either.

    In the course of spewing FUD and trying to bully us into keeping our mouths shut, you’ve only succeeded in damaging your own reputation, as well as that of Darden and IH. You’ve dug yourselves into an enormous hole, and I don’t see how you can emerge unscathed.

    I doubt you’ll respond to this. And if you do, I can’t imagine you’ll offer a thorough, logical response to explain all of IH/Darden’s absurd and inexplicable actions in this case — because there is no way to logically explain them. I definitely expect more ad hominems against the ‘Rossi faithful’ and attempts to bully me and others into remaining silent to protect our reputations. Mr. Weaver, as much as I truly enjoy watching you embarrass yourself, at this point I really think you should take your own advice.

  • Jeff

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    I saw a recent photo of you: compared to the photos of you we saw one year ago, you appear 10 years older. It is impressing how much you consumed yourself in this year inside the 1 MW E-Cat. How is your health ? You are too important to us, everybody has understood that LENR without you are at zero level, with or without IH.
    God bless you,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The Higgs field affects anything in this Universe. Should the Higgs field not interact with an assembly of elementary particles, they would expand enormously: for example, the smallest E-Cat would be probably as big as the Earth !
    This, obviously, has nothing to do with the fact that we can use the Higgs field to manipulate our process: this is out of any possibility, to “operate” with the Higgs bosons for infinitesimal intervals of time you need a 30 billion dollars concern… you need to reach energies in the order of magnitude of 240 GeVs.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giuliano Bettini:
    The cost saving is coherent with the COP.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Greg Leonard:
    Thank you for your sympathy.
    1- no
    2- n.a.
    3- strong
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Interesting info.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Richard Pollack:
    Thank you for this so sad information about the passing away of our friend John Dash.
    To his great Family my strongest condolences.
    Andrea Rossi

  • Andrea Rossi

    ABB is much faster than you say.
    Warm Regards,

  • LookMoo

    Dear Rossi,

    Large Industry Robots projects usually takes 2 YEARs from order to operation (implementation/completion/production).

    Assuming that this limitation also apply to you, is it not a better options to start a old fashion assembly line supported by subcontracts??

    Such strategy distributed production will not only be faster but also address the issue with bottlenecks usually associated with large projects. And gradually introduced robot technology into the production.

  • John Dash June 29, 1933 ~ April 13, 2016 (age 82)

    John Dash passed away at about 4:30 in the afternoon on Wednesday, April 13th. He was born on June 29th, 1933. He believed strongly in work. His work in the old days was all about metal, better titanium, better, harder chromium plating, better chainsaw blades, Harley parts, Stanley tools, Navy ships. Then, around 1989, he got interested in LENR or low energy fusion. He was able to use metal techniques on the electrodes in his experiments to get different results such as massive heat, transmutation of elements, and emission of X-rays in enough quantity to expose dental film. He loved electron microscopes and loved to use them on sample plates of strange metal out of his experiments. He also enjoyed getting his experiments down to suitcase size and taking them on travels. Similarly, he would participate in outreach to high school students. He really liked outdoor activities, such as hiking, climbing, and skiing. Indoors, at Portland State University, he liked to swim every day.

    John Dash is survived by his son, William Dash, stepson, Anthony Kyles, stepdaughters, Karen Kyles, Kathy Kyles, and Cynthia Kyles, brother, Lawrence Dash, his sister, Martha Artz, Heather Kennel, daughter in law, Connor Dash, and Ryan Dash, grandsons,and numerous cousins, nieces and nephews.

  • Luis Navarro

    Dear Andrea,

    You will find below a post made this morning by Josh G in Mats Lewans blog http://www.AnimpossibleInvention.com
    April 26, 2016 at 10:28

    @nckhawk @Matslewan @Sifferkol

    @nckhawk wrote: “It’s interesting that one of Darden’s companies cleans up toxic waste sites.”

    Yet Cherokee’s investments in brownfield remediation are questionable and some mired in controversy and accusations of dirty dealing and poor management.

    Mats, in the interest of “bringing out the truth” about Darden and Cherokee investment partners, a couple of of your readers in other threads have brought to our attention Cherokee’s dirty dealings and questionable reputation. When Cherokee invested in IH/Leonardo/Rossi and Darden gave a speech at ICCF, we were all more of less convinced that Rossi had found a savior and that Cherokee and Darden –a savvy businessman — had the best interests of LENR and the planet at heart. Well, the links below strongly suggest that Cherokee and Darden are probably not what we thought, and I think it’s an important piece of the puzzle in terms of bringing the truth to light. It might also be a productive avenue for an investigative journalist to pursue. What it shows me is that it was actually Rossi who didn’t do enough due diligence on Cherokee.

    [Compiled from posts by @Trump it and @Stephen Suriano on the ‘alternative hypothesis’ thread:]


    Andy Willner, executive director of the NY-NJ Baykeeper, an environmental watchdog group, is waiting to see how successful the remediations are.

    “The confluence between brownfield redevelopment and dredge disposal is certainly a niche Cherokee has taken advantage of,” Willner said. “Give credit where credit is due: They’ve found a niche market and exploited it.”

    “Jeff Tittel, director of the New Jersey Sierra Club, is skeptical. “I think, quite frankly, they are much better at playing politics than anything else,” Tittel said. “If you look at the company and how they make their money, they don’t build anything, clean up anything. . . . They just flip the property. They’re like the middleman.”
    Cherokee-related firms and officers have contributed at least $267,600 to state legislative and political campaigns and at least $80,700 to federal candidates from New Jersey since 1999.”

    Here is a report from the State of New Jersey Office of the Inspector General and it details bad behavior and ineptitude by Cherokee and its shell corporations that is reminiscent to what see in this affair:


    “In 2000, Cherokee managed two private equity funds, known as Cherokee Investment Partners Funds I and II (CIP I and CIP II). Cherokee subsequently created and undertook management of two additional private equity funds, Cherokee Investment Partners Funds III and IV (CIP III and CIP IV). The shareholders of the investment funds are primarily large pension funds. “

    “The majority owner of EnCap is Cherokee Investment Partners (Cherokee) through one of its four investment funds, CIP II. Cherokee has registered at least 27 business entities in New Jersey including Cherokee North Arlington, LLC, Cherokee Porete, LLC, and Cherokee Porete Urban Renewal, LLC. “
    “As discussed in Section III, after EnCap was awarded the project Cherokee Investment Partners II acquired a 65% ownership. “

    “EnCap’s main equity investor is Cherokee Investment Partners II (CIP II), which is managed by Cherokee Investment Partners (Cherokee) and has several affiliates and subsidiaries. Thomas Darden is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Cherokee”

    “On April 25, 2002, Thomas Darden contributed $25,000 to the New Jersey Democratic State Committee; • On November 15, 2002, Darden contributed $3,000 to the New Jersey Republican State Committee; and • On April 23, 2004, Darden contributed $15, 000 to the New Jersey Democratic State Committee.


    Encap won a contract in 2000 from the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission to cap and close four landfills in the Meadowlands and to sell the land for residential, commercial and recreational development, including golf courses. In December 2005, Encap received more than $300 million in publicly sponsored bond financing, including more than $200 million in loans from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection and New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust. Encap’s project in the Meadowlands was the subject of a report by the New Jersey Office of Inspector General in February 2008. Encap filed for bankruptcy protection later in 2008 and did not complete the project.

    Feb 2016

    “Two closely affiliated companies that own the site of an idled urban redevelopment project in the Charleston Neck Area filed for bankruptcy Monday with the goal of selling most of the 182-acre property.
    Bogged down by the last economic downturn and lengthy litigation, Ashley I LLC and Ashley II LLC sought protection from creditors in Columbia. Their debts total more than $23 million, with much of that owed to one lender, according to the filings.”

    “Ashley I and Ashley II, which began acquiring property in 2002, are owned by Raleigh-based Cherokee Investment Partners. Cherokee did not respond to requests for comment Monday

  • Greg Leonard

    Dear AR,
    I am shocked and disappointed at your treatment by IH et al.
    I want you to be at your top level for your R&D work – the world needs it.
    A few of questions, if I may:
    1. Are any aspects of the E-Cat X to be incorporated into the new orders for your 1 MW plants?
    2. Is at least one of these orders to be industrial plant you were hoping to deploy in the UK?
    3. How is the progress on the jet engine application?
    with many thanks,
    Greg Leonard

  • Giuliano Bettini

    Dear Andrea,
    from previous Q&A:
    1- Did you request copies of all the energy and water bills paid by the customer that used the 1 MW E-Cat ? Answer. yes.
    2- are those bills coherent with the COP indicated in the Report ? Answer: yes.
    Very important but, even more important: the cost saving is about 6 or near to 50?
    Best regards,
    Giuliano Bettini.

  • xtreme

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Does the Higgs field affect the E-Cat ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    In this period I am working on three threads:
    1- the R&D upon the QuarkX, that is continuing to be very promising
    2- the preparation of the massive production facility.
    3- the manufacturing of the plants that have been ordered
    For all these items I will give information only when they will be operative and all the problems still in front of us will have been resolved.
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    What can you tell us about the status of the Leonardo Corp’s E-Cat production facility?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link.
    Warm Regards

  • Dear Andrea,

    This EGO OUT for today

    Survey, critical comment and some info.

    Best wishes,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Felix Rends:
    Yesterday, while I was playing tennis with my wife, I saw a scene that strongly impressed me.
    It was a wonderful day of blue sky as beautiful as the sky of Miami can be when it is beautiful. I was looking up for a service, when I saw a crow attacking a small , very small bird: the small bird tried to escape, but the crow cut his small head with a bite and the corpse of the small bird fall down; then the same crow is gone after another small bird, probably a companion of the killed one, but this second small bird behaved differently: he attacked the crow and hit repeatedly his head with the beak, until the crow run away.
    I will never forget this scene.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
    Thanks for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Thanks for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Hank Mills:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hank Mills

    Hello Andrea,

    This is my current working hypothesis that I posted on Mats Lewan’s forum.

    I could be WRONG. I may very well be incorrect. But the following is what I’ve hypothesized from what I know.




    That is a plausible hypothesis. I’ll share my current working hypothesis with you. I could be wrong, and I hope I’m wrong. This hypothesis would mean that very powerful, wealthy, and “evil” forces are at work. Please note that I’ve been trying to some degree, so far, on this forum to give I.H. the benefit of the doubt. In the following highly speculative scenario — which could be totally off — I erase that benefit.

    1 — The Rossi technology works as claimed and has been successfully replicated.

    2 — When Andrea Rossi transferred the IP, he gave them ALL the information needed to produce working reactors of every kind. The low temperature units of every design and the high temperature units of every design.

    3 — Industrial Heat successfully replicated the Rossi Effect repeatedly: inside their lab with Rossi present, at demonstrations to acquire investment, and in private locations that they disclosed to no one.

    4 — In one of these private labs, they performed a long series of tests. The results were phenomenal. The bursts of excess heat were enormous and could last in self sustain mode for extended periods of time. However, they were also difficult to control precisely, which is a moot point; they had the money to hire engineers to design, build, and test a variety of control mechanisms.

    5 — Darden showed these highly successful experiments to a wide array of individuals. Not only investors and stock holds in IH, but also government, military, and large corporate interests.

    6 — More than one startled, alarmed prominent persons made statements such as…

    a) “Tom, do you realize what you have here? This technology can never get out.”

    b) “We can’t let Rossi introduce this to the market; this is the definition of a disruptive technology.”

    c) “If the truth of this technology gets out, my company will go under — all our investments in solar power will be worthless.”

    7 — Tom Darden and the “powers that be” came up with a plan. Continue working on the technology privately while publicly buying up all the LENR intellectual property they could find. Meanwhile, they would work to do three things: come up with a plan to introduce a very weak version of LENR (perhaps a modified version of Brillouin’s technology) to be used sparingly to clean up the emissions from the dirtiest power plants, figure out a way to control the entire LENR field, and find a way to slow down or stop Rossi.

    8 — The test of Rossi’s 1MW plant was turning out to be a huge success. They decided that paying him wasn’t an option — directly funding the proliferation of the E-Cat technology would make enemies of all their allies in the energy industry and upset other major “powers” that wouldn’t want every nation in the world to have access to an unlimited source of dirt cheap energy. So they decided the best option would be to not pay and spend a couple million over a few years to fight Rossi in court. This would only cost a fraction of paying Rossi the 89 million while keeping everyone on the “inside” somewhat pacified. More importantly, it might buy them time to coordinate their CONTROLLED introduction of LENR to the world.

    9 — The last thing they want to see now are multiple successful replications of the E-Cat technology by third parties. They hope that by mocking, attacking, and belittling Rossi in every way possible (personal visits by IH, emails, posts on blogs) they can at least dissuade individuals from focusing on the Rossi Effect and convince them to turn their attention to lesser LENR technologies — THAT THEY CONTROL.

    10 — Their greatest fear is the E-Cat X Quark. If Rossi can scale up production to the billions of a product that can produce a very high thermal COP while producing some level of electricity directly, all current energy industries will start to shake and topple like a 9.0 Earthquake would shake New York City. All solar power companies, wind power companies, and even fossil fuel companies would be severely impacted. Many would flat out collapse.


  • Luis Navarro

    Dear Andrea,

    Please read the following from http://www.sifferkoll.se/sifferkoll/

    #LENR #ECAT saga: Weaver goes Schizofrenic about Penon and Reveals a Goldmine of #Cryptodenialism to Study!

    Best regards


  • Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Sorry for giving you just these links, too much to put the information in one sentence, but but they disclose that outgoing from Thomas Darden II a whole corporate network is acting to prevent your Ecat -Technology or to take it over …



    … my questions to you is, are you personally and/or your lawyers aware of what is more or less obviously going on in the background? I cannot catch up the complete picture, but you know the people personally and have a better inside view, because for me it looks like that there is a huge multi level anti LENR Ecat campaign running to discredit you personally and your technology in general, including cyber attacks by professionals. Have you also had cyber attacks on your website and do you have the ‘feeling’ that ‘powerful financial forces’ are acting against you and your technology and last but not least, are you afraid?

    Best regards and all the best to you!
    Felix Rends – Moderator http://www.lenr-forum.com

  • Ing. Michelangelo De Meo

    Hello, Dr Rossi:
    I am sending this update from animpossibleinvention


  • Andrea Rossi

    Remember that such models are anyway misleading.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giovannoi Lopriore:
    Spaccata !
    ( he,he,he,he,he…)
    This reminds me the tale “The fox and the grape” of Phoedrus ( Fedrus in Latin, Fedro in Italian ).
    Warm Regards,

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