United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Hank Mills

    Dear Andrea,

    1) Will there be an ERV or third party involved with the one week test of the Quark?

    2) Are there specific goals or benchmarks that need to be met by this test? If so, what are they?

    3) Will there be a comprehensive test report generated either by you, the customer, or the third party (if there is one)?

    4) If a comprehensive test report is produced, when will it be shared with the public?

    5) How many Quarks will be utilized in the one week test?

    6) Will photographs or videos be taken during the test? If so, will they be shared with the public?

    7) How will the heat produced by the Quarks be measured?

    8) How will the electricity produced by the Quarks be measured?

    9) If the test is a complete and total success, what are your next steps forward in the near future?

    10) Will the Quark be ran in self sustain mode during the test for significant periods of time — for example a half hour or longer?

    Thank you.

    Hank Mills

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    I just said what I think about this important recurrence. Today I had the US flag in front of me while working with the QuarkX in my factory.
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, a great Memorial Day Post.
    A Gold Star for you !
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale Florida

  • Andrea Rossi

    Soon to answer, but on time to thank you for your kindness.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    It is a test to decide iw we are ready to start the production in series.
    The measurements will be taken by all of us.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    You atr right, that nice website is down, but there is nothing I can do about it because it dioes not depend on us: the Master of that blog has to ask his IT guys for help.
    I just express my strong sympathy for them and hope this very useful blog will be soon back. If somebody can help them, I will appreciate.
    Warm Regards,

  • Rino

    Dear Dr Rossi:
    The very useful site http://www.rossilivecat.com has been hacked and is down since several days. Can you do something to restore it ?

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    What will your work schedule be like over the next week with the QuarkX test? Will it be one long 24/7 test over a week, or will there be a series different tests taking place? Will your customer be taking their own measurements and recording data? Or will just you be doing that?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Samec

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    You wrote that exponential growth of Your production capacity is Your future.
    Well, I wish You such success. Nevertheless, even such exponential growth will be not enough to fully sature demand and needs for Your new hardware.
    Do You seriously consider to negotiate production licenses for Your new hardware ?
    At day of Your public demo I will for whole day emitting some beautiful Italian music: Andrea Bocelli etc.
    I wish You and Your team the best.
    Regards Samec

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers of the USA:
    I wish you all a great Memorial Day, the Day dedicated to all the Americans that gave the extreme sacrifice for the freedom of all of us, teaching to us to fight for what we believe in with bravery and without fear,
    God bless America,
    Andrea Rossi and his Team.


    Hi, Andrea:
    Loved the counterstrike.
    To attack you is easy…sustain the counterattack not too much.
    You gonna win.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Metz:
    Only the QuarkX is under focus in this test.
    The characteristics will be given after the preliminar R&D will have neen completed.
    Please remember: F8.
    But also I can say F9 no more !
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link and your kind wishes,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea,

    For my blog a rather rich week-start


    for you a Great Start tomorrow!

  • Peter Metz

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    With your upcoming test things are really moving as you indeed had told us they would once the 1 year test is complete and positive. I’m sure I’m not alone in wishing you a very successful test.

    I know the details are restricted but can you tell us some general things like how many devices will be tested and the power levels involved? Is it just the Quark-X being tested or are other versions of the E-Cat also being tested?

    Thank you and good luck with these tests and your efforts for industrialization of the E-Cat.

    Peter Metz

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, it is very interesting.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Very interesting, thanks,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • Jaynes

    Dear Andrea:
    This action of Luis Navarro and the links to Sifferkoll are fantastic.
    Real fun.
    We are with you, thank you for your work. Let us deal with the clowns.

  • Rocco

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    I have seen the link of Sifferkoll from the comment of Luis Navarro few hours ago: well done ! It was past due.

  • Gunther

    Dear Andrea:
    Very nice link to Sifferkoll from Luis Navarro.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Andy Kumar:
    1- the name QuarkX comes from the fact that is the foundamental brick, the X is because a final name is not yet ready
    2- not yet
    3- he,he,he…
    4- thank you for your important sustain.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Thank you for the very interesting link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gian Luca:
    1- when the product will be ready to go
    2- same as in 1
    Thank you for your long time standing attention to our work.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    James Santigo:
    Warm Regards,

  • James Santigo

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Tomorrow you start a new important validation test with your new Partner, is it confirmed ?

  • Gian Luca

    when will be there a pubblic demo of Ecat/Qx?
    When the world will know the new QuarkX ?
    Believe, in these recent years, isn’ t been easy. They have tried in all modes to turn off ours dreams…..but we are here….”alla resa dei conti”.

    thanks for your work

  • Andy Kumar

    Dear Andrea,
    Is there any reason for naming the latest version of e-cat Quark-X.

    1. Have you found a new flavor of quark?
    2. Quarks come in pairs. Are you looking for the Quark-Y?
    3. Is it possible that when the Quark-UP flips to Quark-DOWN, it releases energy as heat, just like what a rock does when it flips from up to down state.

    I am willing to make a small wager that your next model will be Quark-Y.

    Good Luck fending off the clowns,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bernie Koppenhofer:
    Thank you for your sustain.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    Thank you for your insight, but there are problems connected with the IP that make difficult the point for us.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your sustain.
    Warm Regards,

  • nemi

    Dr Rossi,
    I hold my fingers crossed for your important test of June. I pray God to help you. You merit it.
    Never give up, we are with you.

  • Tom Conover

    Dear Andrea,

    I certain that I can say that at least 95% of your blog readers are very excited by your upcoming closed door ‘proof of concept’ delivery of the preliminary R&D of the QuarkX! I tried to interpret your reply to Giovanni, where you write “At the end of May we will have a confined test that will close the preliminary R&D of the QuarkX. It will last a further week. After that, we will prepare consequently.”

    I can imagine that a research consortium of ONE or more organizations with Leonardo such as ABB, DARPA, Tesla Motors, and perhaps Siemens would be able to accomplish your goal of global integration nicely in a decisive and timely manner. I found the link while researching “preliminary R&D” completion and manufacturing.

    Thank you for any comment you may be able to make on the link below, such as perhaps a)”off topic” or b)”sounds familiar” … (and also thank you for your kind reply to Robert Dorr!)



    Joint R&D. This became popular in the United States after antitrust laws were relaxed and tax incentives were offered to R&D consortia. In a consortium, several companies with congruent interests join together to perform R&D, either in a separate organization or in a university. The advantages are lower costs, since each company does not have to invest in similar equipment; a critical mass of researchers; and interchange of information among the sponsors. The disadvantages are that all the sponsors have access to the same R&D results. However, because of antitrust considerations, the R&D performed must be “precompetitive,” legalese meaning that it must be basic and/or preliminary. A company must take joint research beyond the “joint” stage to make money on it; it can use this type of result as the foundation, not as the innovation itself.

  • Bernie Koppenhofer

    Dr Rossi: I respect the fight you are putting up, I guess I am just to old, I cannot get over how the world’s public is starting to accept corporate greed and stealing as the norm. Everyone should just step back and realize Darden and IH have created NOTHING, they are simply trying to highjack, steal, your IP. They are due only what profit they can make by manufacturing and distributing your invention.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Do not worry: when the product will be ready for sale, all the persons that have made a pre-order will receive a proposal in several days and they who will confirm the order will receive the product in a reasonable time after we will have received the order confirmation. As I always said, the pre-orders are not binding, so everybody will be free not to confirm the order, without any problem and without any reimboursement due to us.
    Warm Regards,

  • fusionrudy

    I am sure all customers would like to know their place on the waiting list. This is far too much work for you. But it would be very assuring if you could state the number of the waiting list for the latest new customer and/or for me as an example. Many thanks in advance.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    Thank you: we’ll do our best.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Thank you !
    Warm Regards,

  • Luis Navarro

    Dear Andrea,
    Wishing you all the best with your forthcoming demonstration with the customer/partner.

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    This week you are again going to test together with your (F8) future European partner and luckily it takes ‘only’ a week this time. This test will be of utmost importance for you I guess and maybe decisive for your future and also for LENR in the short term. I wish that this test will be very successful and hope and trust that you as inventor may enjoy the fruit of your long hard work soon. I also hope that the properties of the QuarkX and QuarkX-jet will be published and the world may enjoy the first public demonstration soon.
    So good luck! F8!
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Dorr:
    Thank you for your comment.
    I agree: I will communcate the results, within the possible limits.
    Warm Regards,

  • Robert Dorr


    Wishing you great success with your customer test/demonstration. I hope June will be a very positive month for you and your Team. I’m also hoping you will be able to share some of the results either negative or positive. I consider all information useful.


    Robert Dorr

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link and a great week to you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea,

    here is the Sunday issue of my blog:


    Wishing you a fruitful New week,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We will give the characteristics of the QuarkX after the completion of the R&D on course, F8.
    This is valid also for what concerns our R&D on the possible jet engine ( again F8).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Wes Moore:
    Thank you for your very important sustain.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Not at all: I just mean not public, restricted to a Partner and few of us.

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