United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi, we know that your days are fully occupied, but you always have time to read/write JoNP.
    Tyank you for this.
    Italo R.

  • Dear Rossi,

    Thank you answering my questions and all the best in your work. Here’s an interesting article for you: http://bit.ly/28JlI9W


  • Engineer48

    Dear Andrea,

    In reference to my earlier questions:

    1) Each QuarkX reactor needs 240vac single phase to operate it and the control system?

    2) Is DC or AC output available directly from the reactor, without needing any type conversion? Ie rectification for AC to obtain DC or inversion for Dc to obtain AC?

    3) If AC is available directly from the reactor, is the output frequency dependent on the input frequency or is it some other frequency?

    4) For either DC or AC output, is the output voltage stable under different loads or will voltage regulation be needed to provide stable direct DC or AC output?

    I have a number of potential remote area QuarkX projects currently under design, including direct water extraction from the atmosphere and water purification, and your news that QuarkX reactors will be commercially available in 2016 is REALLY good and exciting news!

    Is it too soon to publish the spectrum of the light output? I ask as if the spectrum fits, it may be able to assist water purification.

  • Joseph Fine

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Another what-if calculation:

    These numbers are only one of many possibilities.

    Start with 500 QuarkX modules. ( Level 1 units ) each with an Input Drive of 0.5 Watts.

    Required Total Input Power = 250 Watts (Electric).

    Output power characteristic: 10% E (electrical), 90% Th (thermal). F8

    Each Level 1 module output: 100 W, 10 Watts-E, 90 Watts-Th.

    Total level 1 output (500 modules): 50 kW = 5 kW-E and 45 kW-Th.

    The level 1 electrical output can drive up to 10,000 QuarkX Level-2 modules

    Level 2 total output: 10,000*(100) W = 1000 kW (1 MW), 100 kW-E and 900 kW Th

    Electrical output (Level 2) of 100 kW-E can drive up to 200,000 Level-3 modules.

    Level-3 total output is 20,000 kW (20 MW);

    This can be configured as 2,000 kW-E + 18,000 kW-Th or, 20,000 kW-Th (20 MW-Th).

    If the Level-3 output is only thermal kW, total thermal power of all levels is:
    45 kW + 900 kW + 20,000 kW = 20,945 kW = 20.945 MW-Th.

    It is suggested that you could use Brayton* cycle turbines to obtain higher efficiencies at 500-700 degrees C temperatures (e.g. 40-50% vs 10%)

    1) Is it less expensive to use turbo-generators or use hundreds of thousands of QuarkXes to produce 5-10 MW of electricity?

    2) If instead of using 500 Level-1 QuarkXes as input, if 10,000 “Level-2” QuarXes were used as the new “Level-1”, input drive power requirement would increase to 5 kW. Would it be a good choice (safety, economics) to exchange 500 QuarkXes with an input demand of only 250 W for a more sizeable but still relatively economical 5 kW backup power supply?

    3) If you don’t use a turbine, there is also 2 MW of electricity and about 19 MW of heat. Do you think that configuration would be in demand? (The market will decide.)

    Powerful regards,

    Joseph Fine

  • Alfonso Troisi

    Dear Andrea,

    Congratulations on the important result of the Quark-X cat. If I may, I would like to ask some questions:

    1. When are you going to deliver the next industrial e-cats that have been ordered?
    2. Has the construction of the robotized lines started yet?
    3. When will they be ready?
    4. Will the robotized lines be able to build all e-cat models?
    5. Are you getting closer to beating your wife at tennis?
    6. Has a date been set for your day in court?

    If I may, you’re devolving money to institutes that treat kids with cancer. This is a noble cause. I would like to share my opinion. I have read and follow the work of researcher T. Collin Campbell and I admire and support his efforts to inform people that a diet as much free of animal products as possible is of great importance to prevent most of the diseases (heart related diseases, cancer, diabetes, among others) that are common in industrialized countries.
    I think people deserve to know that there is a way to drastically lower the risk of contracting this deadly diseases. WITHOUT MEDICINE, WITHOUT SPENDING MONEY IN PILLS. JUST EATING WELL: WHOLE PLANT BASED DIET.

    Thank you and my best wishes for you, your family and your team.

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- not necessarily
    2- no
    3- I do not understand the question: can you rephrase ?
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    I confirm that all the energy sources are precious.
    Coal has fueled the industrial revolution for centuries and tha best available technologies today can allow its use sustainably; nuclear power is a source that eliminates the air pollution and the so called global warming and this fact must be considered a pro that balances the problem of the wastes.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande:
    I did not say that this year the QuarkX domestic version will be ready for sale. I said that POSSIBLY it will be for sale the industrial version of it. It is a hope.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thanks to you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Margareta

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    I like your answer to Gunnar Lindberg and appreciate the time you dedicate to this blog.

  • Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande

    Caro Andrea hai risposto al Kris dicendo che l’E-cat QUARK X sarà in vendita quest’anno ! Io ho già prenotato , mi pare , 6 E-CAT di vario genere , vedi ti prego di annotare nella tua agenda di vendite pure il QUARK X ! Se vuoi puoi spedirlo direttamente in America a Chicago ! Fammi sapere dove devo attuare il bonifico !!! Ciao da Giannino da Udin !!!!!!!!

  • Robert Curto

    Dr. Rossi, in regards to, Uwe Doms, June 18 at 2:17AM you said:
    my opinion is that all the energy sources are precious
    Do you consider Coal Plants precious ?
    Coal Plants kill 13, 000 people a year.
    Do you consider Nuke Plants precious ?
    They produce Radioactive Rods that can kill for 250,000 years.
    Perhaps it would have been better if you said:
    my opinion is that all the Safe energy sources are precious.
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale Florida

  • Joris

    Dr Rossi,
    Are you going to make tests with the QuarkX also with scientists not belonging to Leonardo Corp and its partners ?

  • Engineer48

    Dear Andrea,

    Thanks for your previous advise the QuarkX reactor requires 240vac 3 phase to operate.

    Does this mean:

    1) Each QuarkX reactor rod needs 240vac 3 phase to operate?


    2) Each QuarkX reactor rod needs 2 phases (a&b or a&c or b&c 415vac) to operate?

    May I also ask is the prime QuarkX reactor electrical output DC or AC? Ie if AC then DC requires rectification or if DC then AC requires an inverter?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Thank you for the link.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gunnar Lindberg:
    I am sorry if sometime I am under strong pressure for the normal work and it happens that some questions are partially answered: I am sorry for this, but I prefer to maintain a direct contact with our Readers, because I have much to learn from them and because I like this. If sometime I am too fast giving my answers, “repetita juvant” and I will be delighted to make up, if possible. Please consider, though, that it also happened that I did not give answers on purpose, being related to confidential questions or to issues I cannot talk about.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Uwe Doms:

    You say: ” I am (was) worried about job losses in the global industry because of disruptive LENR technology, especially in the fossil fuel sector and dependent industries …… ”

    Please think of it this way: there have been innumerable inventions in the past 100 years that have greatly reduced the input of labour. Perhaps one of the most outstanding examples is agriculture. In the late 18th century almost half the population was employed in agricuture. Last time I checked (a long time ago) it was down to 2% in the United States. The 48% who have ‘lost’ their jobs in agriculture are now employed producing other products/services which greatly improve our lives. Without those ‘job losses’ in agricuture we could not have these new products because there would be no one to produce them. Those workers now working with these new products would still be toiling on farms.

    Living standards depend primarily on improvements in labour productivity – that is: removing people from less productive activities to much more productive ones.

    The people currently employed in the fossil fuel industries are mostly highly capable people, and will do a wonderful job doing other things we are unable to do now because the US economy is approaching full employment.

    To the extent LENR frees up labour from existing means of energy production, the nation’s productivity – and necessarily living standards – will be appreciably improved. (My estimate, for what it is worth, is that LENR alone may increase living standards by, very roughly, 10%).

    Unemployment in the US is currently low – at 4.7% – despite all the labour saving inventions of the past 100 years. Finding ways to reduce labour input into the production process should be celebrated rather than feared.


  • Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Is it possible that the QuarkX will be for sale within the year 2016 at least in the industrial version ?

  • Gunnar Lindberg

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    I have noticed that many questions asked on JNP only is partially answered. I fully understand that you cant spend necessary time dealing with The Journal. You have to focus on development and production, not to mention the court case. May I suggest that you employ someone to help with public relations? Torkel “sifferkoll” Nyberg may be the man for you. He is well known and generally trusted in the LENR community.
    Warm Regards
    Gunnar Lindberg

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Patrick Ellul:
    Repeating the tests, continuing to make measurements.
    This is the way you add sigmas.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Andy Kumar:
    1. the results are under investigation and verification by us
    2. preliminar and not yet confirmed
    3. mainly commercial products, provided the safety certification is viable
    4. yes, this is a vow I made also related to the activity of Leonardo Corporation. This is part of our mission.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea,

    Too sad for a Sunday edition but this is Ego Out today:


    A good coming week!


  • Andrea Rossi

    Albert Ellul:
    The 100 W of power are related to the total power, of which only the 20% max can be turned into electric power directly, or 40 % with the Carnot Cycle in big assemblies of the Quarks.
    Think to the biggest whales: the eat only plancton.
    Warm Regards,

  • Albert Ellul

    Dear Andrea Rossi. Many thanks for your kind reply to a question of mine wherein you replied thus:

    “For now we are working on our 100 W module, when the verifications on it will have been made, we’ll see. But I propend for the maintainment of a 100 W module assembly concept.”

    Is the 100 Watt output energy made up of thermal and electric or only electric?

    Do you foresee a commercial production of a Quark X unit by the end of this year?

    May I wish you success in your venture for your own sake and also for humanity’s sake.

  • Andy Kumar

    Hi Andrea,
    Quark-X has 100x power density and COP than your old e-cat.

    1. Can we infer from this that you have finally discovered the missing Quark-Y particle.
    2. Is the discovery preliminar or confirmed.
    3. Does your partner care about theoretical advances or only commercial products.
    4. If, nay when, you win judgment against IH, will you donate some of the money to cancer kids.

  • Patrick Ellul

    Dear Andrea,
    How do you plan to “verify and confirm” the quarkX results seen in the recent tests?
    Best regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Uwe Doms:
    I mean that the energy world is so complex that it is impossible for anybody to make the first of the class and integration of different sources will maintain the jobs, albeit in a dynamic system.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    In part yes.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    James Rovnak:
    Thank you for the information,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Willi Meinders:
    Of course.
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi, don´t you think it´s time to change the structure of Leonardo Corporation? A Company which will be succesfull in the Market needs responsible Managers for Marketing, Sales and Production. In the long run a Company like yours cannot remain only “Science-driven”.
    Kind regards, Willi Meinders, fehnblog.de

  • james rovnak

    Andrea interesting find reported on nuclear transmutations with modified microwave unit. Also generation of clean nuclear thermal energy! Several different reactions reported!

    Thought you would be interested!


    Your long time friend & ally Jim

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Did the testing you performed with your partner confirm previous results you had achieved on your own with the quarkX?

    Best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Dear Andrea Rossi,

    You wrote:”Thank you for your insight. My answer is that there will not be juxtaposition, but integration.”

    Just to get that right; I am (was) worried about job losses in the global industry because of disruptive LENR technology, especially in the fossil fuel sector and dependent industries, but I found out that, to give one example, the cost of automobile production just to 3% depend on energy costs. Energy intensive is raw material production and if we have a look at Sweden, than the Swedish Government, Steel Industry and Vattenfall (Elforsk parent) plan to switch steel production from fossil fuel to electric energy, what makes no sense with today electricity cost.

    So, if you are talking about ‘integration’ do you mean, that the existing power supply systems will be necessary for a long term to support LENR technology, or is it somehow a short term issue to fulfill for example the safety requirements of the Ecat Quark X?

    All the best
    Uwe Doms

  • Andrea Rossi

    Uwe Doms:
    Thank you for your insight. My answer is that there will not be juxtaposition, but integration.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Albert Ellul:
    For now we are working on our 100 W module, when the verifications on it will have been made, we’ll see. But I propend for the maintainment of a 100 W module assembly concept.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    The results with the QuarkX have to be verified and confirmed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Andy Kumar:
    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I confirm my opinion about integration.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Otherwise explained:

    SSM is one QuarkX that drives 10 other QuarkX’s and, from time to time, you change the driver and the drivens.

    Before, it was all in one, but now it is in separate cells. Andrea explained that QuarkX is a minimalistic “cell” for the Rossi Effect.

    Best Regards,

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Frank Acland,

    For the difference in the SSM, you can compare the E-Cat with a mammal with lungs that breathe in and out, and QuarkX with fish with gills which have a flow-through system to breathe. One is not better than the other. Maybe QuarkX can be called E-Fisch.

    Just for a joke. QuarkX is the better name for now.

    Kind Regards

  • carloluna

    Dear Andrea. when you say that the sources must be integrated I think some sources should be eliminated. for example, all the waterfalls of the Alps are threatened by the construction of hydroelectric plants that drain the rivers for kilometers because of underground pipelines. I hope the turbines will be replaced with your cats very quickly!

  • Dear Andrea,

    Today EGO OUT speak (starts to) about LENR funding:

    best wishes,

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