United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Joseph Fine

    Giuseppe, Andrea Rossi,

    Please see the following links on the subject and the applications of Relativity.



    “Since his youth, Einstein had been fascinated by this electromagnetic field which turned the rotors in the power stations built by his father, and he soon came to understand that gravity, like electricity, must be conveyed by a field as well: a “gravitational field” analogous to the “electrical field” must exist. He aimed at understanding how this gravitational field worked, and how it could be described with equations.”

    “And it is at this point that an extraordinary idea occurred to him, a stroke of pure genius: the gravitational field is not diffused through space; the gravitational field is that space itself. This is the idea of the theory of general relativity. Newton’s “space”, through which things move, and the “gravitational field” are one and the same.”




    The last link is to an article from Physics Today (May 2002). It discusses the effect of Relativity on the operation of the Global Positioning Satellite System. This information may satisfy you and your sons’ curiosity. It is quite a fascinating subject.


    Special and General Regards,

    Joseph Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    To explain with simplicity, without mathematics and good bases of Physics, the Special and General Relativity is like to cross the ocean in winter with a canoe.
    In a nutshell, Special Relativity is expressed by the equation
    E = mc^2
    which means that the energy “contained” in matter is equal to its mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light.
    The General Relativity can be expressed with this statement: an acceleration cannot be distinguished locally from the effects of a gravitational field, so that the inertial mass is equal to the gravitational mass.
    Models that can make easier to understand can be found in Italian language googling here:
    “La teoria della relativita’ in parole semplici”
    In English: Google “Einstein Theory of Relativity: a simplified explanation”
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    we know, you are very busy and ‘in altre faccende affaccendato’ but, if possible, i would like to submit a request for you:
    i am trying to explain Einstein Relativity Theory concepts to my 15 and 17 years old sons and I am encountering many difficulties,
    i am not able to find easy concepts and examples to use for this, especially for light velocity and time travel.
    My opinion is that you are the best on teaching things like this with a natural predisposition.
    If you want, if you have time and within next months, may you write few lines to explain it to a middle level school students!
    It will be very nice, if you can’t don’t worry.
    Thanks in advance, Giuseppe

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1 The heat was used, not vented away from the Customer
    2 There was a ventilation system, to exhaust when necessary the heat excess, that has not been taken in the photo.
    Nevertheless I must confess that these amendments have remarkably improved the former countercomplaints, completing their cultural reach: before they were comic, now they are tragicomic.
    Obviously we will respond in Court with due evidence.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards

  • Dear Andrea,

    A rather peaceful edition of EGO OUT’
    for today:


    All the best and fine weekend!

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Some new pictures of the Doral factory have been posted in the court docket. IH alleges in their countercomplaint that due to lack of ventilation, no one would have been able to work in the building because if 1MW of heat was produced by your plant?

    Are you able to respond to this?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    1 no
    2 yes
    3- no
    Thank you for your attention
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- There was nothing to do in particular at midnight, but the standard duty to check all the gauges, listen to the plant as per all the rest if the time
    2- No
    Warm Regards

  • Sebastian

    Dear Andrea,

    Pardon my curiosity:
    1) can you now tell us what sort of operations you were doing on the 1MW plant every day at midnight?

    2) Did you stop and restart the plant at the end of each day (after reaching the target flow) to do some maintenance?

    Wishing you good luck on your upcoming projects!


  • Bob

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    1. Has the light produced by the QuarkX been used within a laser?

    2. Are you able to control any characteristics of the light produced by the QuarkX?

    3. Can the QuarkX be controlled by controlling the light it emits?

    Thanks again for all your work on behalf of humanity.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    At the dawn of the computer era only a small percentage of the persons thought that personal computers were going to become a product: most gurus of cybernetics thought that to bring computers to households was a ridiculous idea. To change the game have not been tests, but products in the market.
    The tests we made have been sound, honest and made by experts and further testing will just be a loss of time for us and a mine of information for the competition. My goal is not to have high rate polls, because I have not to be elected on the basis of what I say or show, as a politician, I have to sell products. What I need are products, not papers at this point. The sole tests that are useful, at this point, are tests that we can make with full knowledge of what happens inside the reactors, to consolidate the technology in this R&D phase, not tests with black boxes to raise the polls positively. We already achieved the goal to be able to commercialize the industrial plants, albeit still in a pioneer-market context and are close to expand the industrial market for such industrial plants.
    The answer to your question can be synthesized as follows: once our products will be in the market, everybody will be able to buy them and make all the tests he wants.
    Warm Regards,
    By the way, I am very surprised that on EW we got 55% positive: I thought that the positive expectation, after all the stupidities put around, could not be more than 10%, he,he,he.

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    On E-catWorld you will find a Poll, to vote how commercially viable the E-cat technology is percieved.
    Now more than 550 people have voted and if you analyse the results you will find that about 55% of the voters on this very pro LENR site think your E-cat is commercially viable.
    I believe that this is a relatively low percentage for this site and that the reason can be found in the fact that a large percentage of the voters think the E-cat has not been sufficiently and independently tested. To open a large scale market an independent Black Box test of a plant by a world leader test company would be the best route for a quick commercialization.
    Some questions:
    1. Do you agree? (If not why not?)
    2. Do you have the intentions to do this?
    3. Do you have any idea when this can be done? (2016, 2017, 2018)
    Thanks for answering our questions.
    Kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Tom Conover:
    thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Werner Machnik:
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link
    Warm Regards

  • Dear Andrea,

    Today I wrote this:


    Wish you great tactical and stra

    tegic wins succeses!


  • Tom Conover

    Hello Andrea,

    Thank you for your encouragement on the blog to use Lithium-7Li fluoride and resume my experiments. My logs show that my last runs were in September of 2015, but I am less than 10 days from starting a new series of experiments during the upcoming several weeks. My new platform in fact is being tested on the bench as I write this, and the fuel charges have been prepared with the utmost precision by my associate using stainless steel and laser welding for the seals.

    I also have a new fuel cell design to test after the the current SS fuel cartridges are tested, one made entirely of Alumina 99.96, that uses solid rod for the end caps that allows only .001″ gap that is sealed with Secar 71 Calcium Aluminate Cement, and also allows me to insert a 32 gauge nichrome anode and cathode connection wire at both ends. My associate pressure tested the sealing method, and it tested at the maximum pressure his equipment was setup to handle for this type of design, and was tested at 120 lbs of pressure without any leakage. I found that very exciting, perhaps I may discover some electricity with this particular fuel cell model.

    The preparation for the court trial seems to be progressing with more candor and progress than the manufacturing. The comments in the blog seem to have dwindled to a trickle, perhaps the only replies that remain are given are F7, F8, and F9.

    F7 perhaps now needs to be added: “This does not depend on us” and in the case of certification, it has not been disclosed whom it does depend upon, even though you mention you have explained it many times in the blog. I’ve tried to find it in the blog as far back as March 3rd, 2010.

    Conjecture implies that one of your partners requires that industrial units must be massed produced before home units. If that is true, why can’t you just say that please? F7. The energy sources must be integrated before the home units are released. This could take several years to achieve.

    We still look forward to that important news release, originally scheduled for June of 2016, perhaps now delayed until two thousand something.

    When will the home unit certification process complete? answer: F7
    When will the plant in Sweden begin manufacturing? answer: F8
    Why do you use the function keys to answer inquiries? answer: F9

    For those that need a reminder of definitions, here they are:
    F7: This does not depend on us
    F8: I can not disclose
    F9: I must add that the results could be either positive or negative.

    Your work is very important for the future on earth, thank you for your continued efforts. I hope you work out the problems to build it as soon as possible.

    Warm regards,


  • Matt

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Congratulations for the calm with which you continue your work while preparing the litigation.

  • Werner Machnik

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Quark still good?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Luis Navarro:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Candice Bee Watson:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Candice Bee Watson

    Dear Doctor Andrea Rossi,

    Despite any other of the current issues being discussed, to you not find it almost inconceivable and beyond belief that the “other party” claims to be incapable of replicating the Rossi Effect while multiple third parties have reported doing so despite:

    – Having your personal assistance and teaching.
    – Your unpublished patent application describing the catalyzers and special techniques.
    – A vast treasure of wealth to support testing.

    Parkhomov and Jiang are only two names of competent, intelligent experts “skilled in the art” that immediately come to mind. They both have not only achieved high excess heat but continued “heat after death.” An hour of searching could yield several other parties and a half dozen other scientists/engineers that have made similar claims.

    Yet the “other party” claims to be unable to document a single watt of excess heat in their own testing?

    This sounds implausible.

    How many third party replications do you think must accumulate before they admit to producing excess heat themselves?

    How much of a benefit do you think having access to your full “know how” would have given them over other parties that only know of the basic reaction utilizing nickel powder and lithium aluminate?

    Does such a benefit make their claims look unreasonable to you?

    The blessing “may you live in interesting times” has been used upon myself many times. I think you received them all.

    Best Regards To You and Your Family,

    Candice B. Watson

  • Luis Navarro

    Dear Andrea,
    An interesting article by the prestigious Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the Daily Telegraph in todays issue that may be of interest to you and fellow readers of JONP.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Lindsay Meadows:
    Thank you for your comment. I cannot talk of issues that have to be given evidence of in Court.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea

    For today:


    More,better things to come,

    But I wish you and readers the best!

  • Lindsay Meadows

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    There is around a puppet of IH saying that the flowmeter of the E-CAT 1 year test worked only half full of water so that the measure was wrong. You explained already many times here that the flowmeter has been installed by the ERV and not by you and also that the ERV, an expert of the matter, has obviously installed the flowmeter in a position lower than the water arrival point and lower than the delivery point, so that the flowmeter was at the bottom of a “U”, which granted the flowmeter itself to be always full of water.
    Can you comment ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Engineer48

    Dear Andrea,

    Interesting sequence of events.

    IH was formed 24 October, 2012.
    Rossi visits Cherokee on 26 October to ink the deal with Cherokee that he and Darden had hammered out.

    Rossi negotiates with Darden / Cherokee and expects to sign the License Agreement with Cherokee. But unknown to Rossi, IH was created by Darden 2 days before the signing and when Rossi arrives at Cherokee to ink the deal, guess what, he is told by Darden that he now must ink a deal with a totally new clean skin startup, IH, which did not exist 3 days prior. Obviously from the complaint, Rossi never negotiated with nor knew about IH prior to Darden springing it on a unsuspecting and obviously excited Rossi. Well excited until the switcheroo was pulled.

    Had that been me and based on my experience when someone does this at inking time, it is time to walk for at least a week and consider if you can now trust those that just tried to screw you with a last minute alteration in the deal. In this case it was a very MAJOR alteration.

    Not nice Tom Darden. Not nice at all. But as some say what you give out one day may come back to bite your butt another day. BTW Italians have very long memories and never forgive someone who takes advantage of them.

    Cui nun voli pagari, s’assuggetta ad ogni pattu.

    English translation: Who doesn’t intend to pay, signs any contract.



  • Andrea Rossi

    Still working, still very promising, not yet ready.
    Still F8.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We prefer to give this information when ready to start the production. The personnel will be chosen by the Swedish Team.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Engineer 48:
    Thank you for the links.
    Warm Regards,

  • Engineer48

    Would appear John T Vaughn has listed himself as a manager at Cherokee on his Linkedin account:

    As well as Cherokee listing him as a Cherokee manager on their web site:

    Yet IH’s lawyers deny that information:

    I mean if IH can’t get something this simple correct, how can anything else they say against you and others be trusted?

  • Arnie

    Two questions:
    In what swedish city will the plant be built?
    How will you be hiring workers for production?

  • Ervin

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Still working with the QuarkX? How are going things there?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Peter Gluck:
    Thank you for your link.
    Warm Regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    Reading these accusations and conspiracies against you and the ERV, claiming the 1MW plant had not delivered as agreed, appears to be a sign of desperation. By the end of this year hopefully Leonardo will have installed new 1MW plants. If so it will be interesting how IH and its attack dogs’ respond to the customers’ satisfaction after six months of operation. The electric bill will be cut less than 1/10th of their previous year’s payments. How could they possibly justify their fraudulent claims with the customer’s proof of a 50 COP without the intermediary step of the 1MW plant test?
    Are you still on course for 1MW installations this year?
    Warm regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    You are right.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Dorr:
    I agree.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, because they did not produce any evidence of what they said and made terrible slanders of which they now have to answer in Court. The amusement comes specifically from several points of their countercomplaints that, believe me, are really funny. Obviously I cannot anticipate here what we are going to bring in Court.
    Warm Regards,

  • Janne

    Dear Andrea,

    IH in their counterclaim has gone full conspiracy theory mode on you, implicating at least Penon, Fabiani, Henry W. Johnson in addition to yourself.

    Does this give you a lot of amusement?

    Best Regards,


  • Antonio

    Dear Andrea,
    the reading of the 66 pages of the Counter-Plaintiffs offers many moments of real fun. IH launches insults and completely groundless accusations, like these:
    “Leonardo and Rossi manipulated the testing process”; “…manipulating, along with Fabiani, the operation of the Plant and the reports of the Plant’s purported operations, to make it appear that the Plant was producing a COP far greater than 10.0”; “…enlisting Penon to produce a false report”; “JMP started sending falsified invoices to Industrial Heat”; “Leonardo, Rossi, JMP, and Johnson also restricted access to the JMP area at the Doral location, claiming that there was a secretive manufacturing process being conducted there, when in fact it was simply recycling steam from the Plant and sending it back to the Plant as water”
    But where is the evidence? How can you accuse someone without showing evidence of his guilt?
    IH tries to seem naive and says “we have been cheated for years without realizing it”. Certainly they are trying to make themselves look like idiots, because stupidity is not a crime. But in their long period of candid innocence they have raised millions of dollars convincing other investors about the quality of their business.
    For example, from the beginning IH felt that the test did not conform with the contract: “…that testing began well over one year after the Guaranteed Performance period commenced under the License Agreement – making it impossible for the Plant to achieve Guaranteed Performance during the time period required by the License Agreement”. If the test did not conform with the contract, IH already knew from the very first days that they would not have to pay for it. But they allowed that the test was carried out regularly, in order to have something to show to investors. Attitude very unfair.
    And only after beginning to collect money from investors they have also started to bother checking if their investment was solid: “Eventually Counter-Plaintiffs discovered that the test that Leonardo and Rossi were conducting, in conjunction with the supposed “customer” in Miami, was not a real test at all”.
    And they say:
    “In mid-2015, Industrial Heat hired Joseph Murray (“Murray”) to serve as Vice President of Engineering, and empowered him to assemble a team of engineers and scientists to elevate the level of Industrial Heat’s testing and evaluation of LENR technology. Among other things, one of the projects undertaken by that team was rigorous testing of the E-Cat IP.”
    The team of engineers and scientists should have been assembled from the very first days! Why they waited until July 2015 to introduce Mr Murray to you and try to make him visit the plant if the test began at the first months of 2015? In the meantime they kept on collect money even if they suspected that you was a cheater?
    Moreover IH has been very unfair on several occasions. For example, it has proposed a major change of their agreements during the setting up of the Validation Test day, when you was supposedly committed to operate its reactor: “On that same date – April 29, 2013 – , Industrial Heat and IPH executed an Assignment and Assumption of License Agreement (the “Assignment and Assumption”), wherein Industrial Heat assigned its rights under the License Agreement to IPH”.

    I think that you will win against them because they really have nothing.

  • Robert Dorr

    There is no better feeling than knowing what you have done and are currently doing is %100 backed up by unequivocal facts. You can quietly observe your enemies try to conjure up ways to show how they are correct while all the time you know that all they have conjured is a world of fantasy. Then when the moment is right you will get to deconstruct their fantasy world, piece by piece. I can’t wait to see your enemies get their just desserts.

    Keep strong,

    Robert Dorr

  • Louis

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    After reading the countercomplaints of IH, it’s clear they have not a single proof against you, but only assumptions. By the way, about the customer: what’s the point ? The agreement signed between you and IH says that the test had to measure the energy produced by the E-Cat and its COP, didn’t even talk of any customer. To measure the energy and the COP the measurement is made on the E-Cat, independently from what the customer does and whom the customer is.
    If all IH got is that, you already won.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

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