Piemonte ( ITALY) is a candidate for a center for nuclear fusion. The plant is called DTT, which stands for divertor tokamak test facility!
The total investment in the project is of around 500 million euro.
Dear Andrea,
The end of the year is now approaching, another year year of hard working and a year that perhaps not brought what you expected. In your New Years Wish last year you gave us your vision of what the E-cat X would give us: Light, Heat and Electricity. Now you have made a lot of progress, do you still support that vision, or has it slightly changed?
Can we expect a new vision for 2017 at the end of this year?
Many followers hope with you that the design of the QuarkX’s in the 5 Sigma tests will be the One that will conquer the world next year. Avanti, Avanti and good luck!
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea
I am happy that your measurements are proven correct. This was no surprise when measuring a QuarkX must be 1 million times easier for anybody than inventing it.
Whether the QuarkX provides 15 or 25 watts, or it has a cop of 20 or 60 is not important now.
It will be important that day you have a product in competition with others. Then the best product will win.
A stability so solid that it is possible to take the risk by selling it, is now essential. Only the investors are able to take this decision.
What are now your specific main concern before a production may be initiated?
F8, by convention with the Readers of this blog, is a shortcut for ” Remember: the results of the tests and R&D on course might be positive or negative”, notwithstanding my constant optimism.
Warm Regards,
Gravity and electromagnetic interactions between the elementary particles. Probably other forces exist, but, as you correctly write, these are the KNOWN ones. So far.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
You said that you will have a factory in the south of Sweden. In some areas there are lots of small to medium sized factories, many family owned. They are making different types of products and some are subcontractors to the car and truck industry. Due to the competition from low-cost-countries the innovation and automation is very high. Some factories can run a complete shift unmanned.
There is also a good spirit. If a company gets a too big order it is common to ask a neighboring competitor for help with production capacity. https://translate.google.se/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nyteknik.se%2Fautomation%2Flopande-bandet-gar-i-taket-6809963&edit-text=
Best Regards,
Karl-Henrik, Sweden
Dear Mr. Rossi will your public demonstration be open to the public and will somebody independent who has tested your QuarkX etc.be there to confirm the results.
Best Wishes
Here is the number of years necessary for the top of the ball to complete a 360° round: a hundred trillion x the age of the Universe/8.
Warm regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
You said that when you play tennis with your wife your service ball has improved to a top spin of 4 h.
At this spectacular speed, how much time gets the top of the ball to make a full turn?
1. Do you have plans to present the COP of the QuarkX at your public presentation?
2. Will the general public have the ability to see this presentation, and if so, how?
3. Will special guests be invited to this presentation?
Dear Andrea,
Yesterday you replied to me that you believe that Raydberg matter does not play a role in LENR for the Rossi effect. That makes me and many others curious how you think it does work.
1. Do you think that you also have finalized the theory together with Pofessor Cook in February?
2. If so, will you present the world also how the Rossi effect works then?
It is good to read that your progress is excellent and others have confirmed your measurements. Please finish the work soon, but thoroughly; we look forward to see the light of the New Fire!
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea. With “control”/”dummy”, it is meant to be a quarkX without one of its crucial elements (like fuel) that is fed the same input and whose output is measured in the same way as your fuelled quarkX.
This will cross check your calculations against another reference.
Do you still think such experiment is useless at this stage?
If you don’t run control experiments, how do you know that your instrumentation is working properly? You might be measuring COP=20 on the QuarkX, but there’s nothing telling us that you wouldn’t be measuring COP=20 on a QuarkX with inert fuel.
Without a control experiment, you will spend countless time trying to explain why you think your experiment has been designed flawlessly and all variables have been taken into account. It is way more productive to run the exact same experiment with one changed variable (inert fuel) and instantly show that this variable is the one causing your COP>1.
I’m sure you must have calibrated your calorimetry setup to make sure it was working properly. Using a dummy is the same principle, but applied to your experiment as a whole.
Dr. Rossi: When will we hear about the economic benefits of the three E-Cats you sold to the customer of the year long test?
Piemonte ( ITALY) is a candidate for a center for nuclear fusion. The plant is called DTT, which stands for divertor tokamak test facility!
The total investment in the project is of around 500 million euro.
Svein Henrik:
My main concern is the nightmare of a massive distributed products that have shortcomings.
It will pass.
Warm Regards
Gerard McEk:
I strongly hope that in February we will have a breakthrough.
Hard work ahead, as always.
Thank you for your sustain,
Warm Regards
On our way toward 5Sigma.
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
The end of the year is now approaching, another year year of hard working and a year that perhaps not brought what you expected. In your New Years Wish last year you gave us your vision of what the E-cat X would give us: Light, Heat and Electricity. Now you have made a lot of progress, do you still support that vision, or has it slightly changed?
Can we expect a new vision for 2017 at the end of this year?
Many followers hope with you that the design of the QuarkX’s in the 5 Sigma tests will be the One that will conquer the world next year. Avanti, Avanti and good luck!
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea
I am happy that your measurements are proven correct. This was no surprise when measuring a QuarkX must be 1 million times easier for anybody than inventing it.
Whether the QuarkX provides 15 or 25 watts, or it has a cop of 20 or 60 is not important now.
It will be important that day you have a product in competition with others. Then the best product will win.
A stability so solid that it is possible to take the risk by selling it, is now essential. Only the investors are able to take this decision.
What are now your specific main concern before a production may be initiated?
Peter Gluck:
Thank you for your link,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Today a shorter issue, not much happened at the surface, but who knows about the depth of LENR?
Tomorrow will make us informationally richer I hope/guess
F8, by convention with the Readers of this blog, is a shortcut for ” Remember: the results of the tests and R&D on course might be positive or negative”, notwithstanding my constant optimism.
Warm Regards,
What does mean “F8”, as you answered to Monty?
To give good information of the QuarkX at the eve of its industrialization, I hope.
Warm Regards
Whats the reason for the presentation you are planning?
Gravity and electromagnetic interactions between the elementary particles. Probably other forces exist, but, as you correctly write, these are the KNOWN ones. So far.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Also today we are working in good standing.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your opinion.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi:
My opinion is that in February there will be no presentation at all and that your quarkx is not existent.
Mr Rossi:
If the QuarkX will not be perfectly ready by February 2017, will you force the presentation or delay?
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Which is the fundamental force at the base of all the known phenomena in the Universe?
Warm Regards,
Mario Lorenzi:
This issue of the atoms of hydrogen that become smaller or bigger with the LENR is trash. Forget it.
Warm Regards,
Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
Very interesting.
Thank you for the information.
Warm Regards,
Peter Gluck:
Thank you for your link,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
My blog edition today:
Warmest wishes,
Dear Andrea,
You said that you will have a factory in the south of Sweden. In some areas there are lots of small to medium sized factories, many family owned. They are making different types of products and some are subcontractors to the car and truck industry. Due to the competition from low-cost-countries the innovation and automation is very high. Some factories can run a complete shift unmanned.
There is also a good spirit. If a company gets a too big order it is common to ask a neighboring competitor for help with production capacity. https://translate.google.se/translate?sl=sv&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=sv&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nyteknik.se%2Fautomation%2Flopande-bandet-gar-i-taket-6809963&edit-text=
Best Regards,
Karl-Henrik, Sweden
Dott. Andrea Rossi,
I have one question: the Rossi Effect renders the Hydrogen Atom smaller, liberating energy in the process?
Dear Mr. Rossi will your public demonstration be open to the public and will somebody independent who has tested your QuarkX etc.be there to confirm the results.
Best Wishes
Roslyn Abrams:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Bill Gates and friends have a new billion $ clean energy Fund – http://fortune.com/2016/12/11/bill-gates-john-doerr-venture-fund/
Still in good standing.
Warm Regards,
Here is the number of years necessary for the top of the ball to complete a 360° round: a hundred trillion x the age of the Universe/8.
Warm regards,
Thank you for the suggestion.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
for such planned public presentation for sure the best choices may be: LiveStream and Live broadcasting on YouTube.
Please, may You inform us (your fans) few days before show ?
So we may invited our colleagues and also some academic folks to such broadcasting.
Very thanks in advance
Best Regards Samec
Dear Andrea Rossi:
You said that when you play tennis with your wife your service ball has improved to a top spin of 4 h.
At this spectacular speed, how much time gets the top of the ball to make a full turn?
Frank Acland:
1- yes
2- yes, to be defined
3- yes
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
1. Do you have plans to present the COP of the QuarkX at your public presentation?
2. Will the general public have the ability to see this presentation, and if so, how?
3. Will special guests be invited to this presentation?
Best wishes,
Frank Acland.
Tom Conover:
thank you for the insight and the links.
The answers are
1 yes
2 yes
Warm Regards
Frank Acland:
I do not think it is necessary.
Warm Regards
Mario Lemieux:
Surely we have calibrated all the instrumentation!
But calibration has nothing to do with dummies.
Warm Regards
Peter Gluck:
Thank you for your link,
Warm Regards
Patrick Ellul:
Of course it is useless.
The COP is what counts.
Warm Regards
Gerard McEk:
1 I think the theory is at good point
2 Not necessarily
Warm Regards
Dear Andrea,
Yesterday you replied to me that you believe that Raydberg matter does not play a role in LENR for the Rossi effect. That makes me and many others curious how you think it does work.
1. Do you think that you also have finalized the theory together with Pofessor Cook in February?
2. If so, will you present the world also how the Rossi effect works then?
It is good to read that your progress is excellent and others have confirmed your measurements. Please finish the work soon, but thoroughly; we look forward to see the light of the New Fire!
Kind regards, Gerard
Dear Andrea. With “control”/”dummy”, it is meant to be a quarkX without one of its crucial elements (like fuel) that is fed the same input and whose output is measured in the same way as your fuelled quarkX.
This will cross check your calculations against another reference.
Do you still think such experiment is useless at this stage?
Dear Andrea,
Now here is a Sunday edition of the EGO OUT blog:
A bit of playing goes sometimes….
Wish you a very good weekend end…
Dear Andrea,
If you don’t run control experiments, how do you know that your instrumentation is working properly? You might be measuring COP=20 on the QuarkX, but there’s nothing telling us that you wouldn’t be measuring COP=20 on a QuarkX with inert fuel.
Without a control experiment, you will spend countless time trying to explain why you think your experiment has been designed flawlessly and all variables have been taken into account. It is way more productive to run the exact same experiment with one changed variable (inert fuel) and instantly show that this variable is the one causing your COP>1.
I’m sure you must have calibrated your calorimetry setup to make sure it was working properly. Using a dummy is the same principle, but applied to your experiment as a whole.