Dr Andrea Rossi:
What do you think of the fact that India has based its energetic policy on nuclear plants to contribute to resolve the global warming problem?
Dr. Rossi, I don’t understand, in your response to C. June 20 at 8:31AM. You said a Heat
Pump will produce cool air.
An E-Cat will produce electricity which can run an AC Unit which will produce cool air.
Robert Curto
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
Michael Loundry:
1- no
2- no
3- no
4- we had traces of such activity, but within the limits of the margins of error of the instrumentation, therefore not convincing: the count of neutrons has always been higher than the background, it never has been less, but always within the margin of error of the instrumentation. Therefore, we decided that it was not this the path to go through to formulate a theory of the effect.
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I am very interested in your beginning in the LENR research.
Can you please answer to the following questions?
1- when you worked with Prof Sergio Focardi, did your R&D start with only Ni+H?
2- were you able to obtain the effect without any catalyst?
3- do you think it is possible to reach a COP 6 with only Ni and H?
4- Can you explain why Prof Sergio Focardi measured neutrons activity with some of his experiments?
Many thanks from a strong sustainer of your work,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Good luck for your trial, may God help you to return soon to work in peace in your factory full time: I imagine in this period you are working full tie with your attorneys instead.
Ing Michelangelo De Meo:
Thank you for this very important link.
Dr Parkhomov is making since years a strong professional job to work on replications.
He comes from the Russian nuclear engineering school and anytime I read from him I understand how many good results we could have if all the Countries of the world work together to invent new energies.
Warm Regards
Isotopic and Elemental Composition of Substance in Nickel-Hydrogen Heat Generators
The analysis of the isotopic and elemental composition of the substance in four
nickel-hydrogen reactors of various designs with the development of excess energy
from 100 to 790 MJ was done. Not only the changes in fuel, but also in materials
adjacent to the core have been investigated. In addition, the composition of the
substance accumulating in the cavity of the reactor near the core has been studied.
There were no significant changes in the isotopic composition of nickel and lithium,
except for the analysis of the fuel of the AP2 reactor at Uppsala University (Sweden).
Significant increase in the concentration of impurities in a number of nuclides has
been observed not only in fuel, but also in structural elements adjacent to the active
zones of the reactors. In addition to tungsten and rhenium, the appearance of which
can be explained by migration from the helix of the heater, the content of boron
increases greatly in them, as well as nuclides with atomic masses of 43-53, 64-83,
107-130, 198-208.
In substance accumulated in the cavity of the reactor near the core, in addition to
tungsten, a lot of iron, sodium, potassium, nickel, silicon, calcium, scandium and a
number of other elements accumulated.
In general with heat you can make cold, for example by means of a heat pump. This fact does not depend on which source the heat is from.
Warm Regards,
Mr Andrea Rossi,
I wish you good luck for the incoming trial and hope you soon will be able to focus on the E-Cat that we all need and want.
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Looking at the published papers, it seems to me that your case is presented very well.
I hope the trial ends soon, to allow you to continue in peace your work.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
are there for production of QuarkX needed any very expensive/rare materials that will make world mass production impossible even in 5 years ?
For example: Some basic elements for which manufacturers of QuarkX would need another 8 Planets Earth ?
The blog will remain open to receive and publish all the comments sent by the Readers, and the Readers will be able to answer each other; on the contrary, I will not respond or publish any comment from June 26th through July 24th.
Warm Regards,
About Smith and Murray you are totally right: they made trivial calculation mistakes in their expertise.
Probably they have not experience at all in power generation systems, let alone nuclear physics. They ignored elementary calculations that have to be done, for example in the analysis of the pumps.
I am curious to see what will emerge in Court. You are right: these guys could not make successfully an exam in the first year of engineering in a college.
In a previous post you answered “Correct” to a question of an operating temperature of around 2700C.
1. If this is true, then that means the nickel within the reactor must be in a liquid state since 2700C is between the boiling point of 2913C and the melting point of 1455C. Is this correct?
2. If 1.) is correct, then the LENR process is not using the metal structure to hold the hydrogen atoms. Is the presence of some other elements, such as lithium, the key to the reaction? Note lithium has a melting point of 357C and a boiling point of 1330C.
3. Or perhaps, something else is occurring?
Dear Andrea:
You wrote that from June 26 to July 24 your blog will be put on hold, but I did not understand: you will limit the hold to your answers, in a word you will remain silent, or you will also spam the comments sent by the Readers?
I did’t know that Lenr forum was a bait by IH and about two years ago i made an account on it.
Then i gave for free some of my ideas that i wrote also here, like the test of a reactor in a magnetic resonance gantry or in a strong magnetic field.
This is not so bad, because i wrote moreless the same here, that is a public journal, so my considerations would have been read by them anyway, but i feel defrauded of my trust.
There was someone interested in my words… I hope that i didn’t give them some ideas at least to mock up a pseudo scientific theory to drag other money or worse, if my idea work, i could have given them help to make a working device…
I received this idea also from Architect Pirazzini, a consultant of us when I worked in the factory of Bologna. Could be a good idea.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I have found in the papers of the litigation the references of the ERV, Dr Fabio Penon, who made the measurements of the 1 year long test, and it is impressive: he got his doctorate in nuclear engineering rated 110/110 cum laude in the university of Bologna (the oldest university of the world, Copernicus was a Prof of it); after the doctorate he has been employed by ENI to work as a nuclear engineer in a nuclear power plant; after his employment with ENI he became an expert in certification of industrial plants, his main engagement being in the field of energy production.
In all his lifelong career he never had negative notes of any kind.
IH appreciated all his quarterly reports, paid for them invoices that clearly stated he was making the performance test and refused to pay only the last report, after which IH would have to pay Leonardo, but the fourth and last report was equal to the former three reports…odd, isn’t it?
Now IH has produced counter reports by Mr Murray (an employee of IH and a shareholder of it) and Mr Smith (an expert of boilers without any background in nuclear physics) wherein are so many basic errors, that should a student of mine bring me something like that during an exam, I surely would not allow him to continue the exam… both of them show to have not scientific background in basic concepts like thermodynamic principles, energy calculation, definition of COP, relativity, complex plant design and so on. More disgusting the fact that to compensate their evident professional limits, they insult Dr Penon repeatedly in a supposedly scientific report, showing they not only lack of scientific background, but also of professional correctness.
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I read of the fake attorney invented on lenr forum: what a miserable thing.
Technical question: could the QuarkX be modulated to produce blue light frequencies to operate an sterilizers in greenhouses?
Please win for us all,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Let me inform the readers of the JONP of what is happening in the blog paid by IH ( Lenr Forum): a guy presented himself as an attorney of the USA, expert of litigations like yours with IH. He wrote a lot of stupidities, like you will lose the case because of a lot of issues that still have to be discussed in court. Since no serious attorney would ever discuss publicly about a litigation on course of which he is not part, I asked an attorney my friend if he could check if this guy is really an attorney. My attorney, after one hour, informed me that:
1- in the USA does not exist any person with that name that has ever participated to a case in a court
2- this fake attorney has stolen the identity of a person that never appeared in any court (this is why I prefer not to name him)
3- at the address indicated on Lenr Forum of this “attorney”, there is a post office!
This having been said, since he cites particulars that only the gang of the ventriloquist of Raleigh can know, it is clear that this clownerie has been organized by IH in their home-blog.
Certainly IH must be scratching the bottom of their barrel… The comic aspect of this squalid thing is that a puppet of the ventriloquist -obviously on Lenr Forum- has commented that a NEUTRAL (!!!) attorney, at last, has explained to us the truth about the litigation.
Ad majora,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
What do you think of the fact that India has based its energetic policy on nuclear plants to contribute to resolve the global warming problem?
Robert Curto:
Yes, but you lose 70% of efficiency through conversion of heat into electricity. Direct generation is not ready.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi, I don’t understand, in your response to C. June 20 at 8:31AM. You said a Heat
Pump will produce cool air.
An E-Cat will produce electricity which can run an AC Unit which will produce cool air.
Robert Curto
Ft. Lauderdale Florida
Michael Loundry:
1- no
2- no
3- no
4- we had traces of such activity, but within the limits of the margins of error of the instrumentation, therefore not convincing: the count of neutrons has always been higher than the background, it never has been less, but always within the margin of error of the instrumentation. Therefore, we decided that it was not this the path to go through to formulate a theory of the effect.
Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I am very interested in your beginning in the LENR research.
Can you please answer to the following questions?
1- when you worked with Prof Sergio Focardi, did your R&D start with only Ni+H?
2- were you able to obtain the effect without any catalyst?
3- do you think it is possible to reach a COP 6 with only Ni and H?
4- Can you explain why Prof Sergio Focardi measured neutrons activity with some of his experiments?
Many thanks from a strong sustainer of your work,
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Congratulations to him and his Team, they made the work, not me.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Good luck for your trial, may God help you to return soon to work in peace in your factory full time: I imagine in this period you are working full tie with your attorneys instead.
Ing Michelangelo De Meo:
Thank you for this very important link.
Dr Parkhomov is making since years a strong professional job to work on replications.
He comes from the Russian nuclear engineering school and anytime I read from him I understand how many good results we could have if all the Countries of the world work together to invent new energies.
Warm Regards
Dear A.R.:
I saw the last publication of the replication of Parkhomov et Al: congratulations to him and to you,
Isotopic and Elemental Composition of Substance in Nickel-Hydrogen Heat Generators
The analysis of the isotopic and elemental composition of the substance in four
nickel-hydrogen reactors of various designs with the development of excess energy
from 100 to 790 MJ was done. Not only the changes in fuel, but also in materials
adjacent to the core have been investigated. In addition, the composition of the
substance accumulating in the cavity of the reactor near the core has been studied.
There were no significant changes in the isotopic composition of nickel and lithium,
except for the analysis of the fuel of the AP2 reactor at Uppsala University (Sweden).
Significant increase in the concentration of impurities in a number of nuclides has
been observed not only in fuel, but also in structural elements adjacent to the active
zones of the reactors. In addition to tungsten and rhenium, the appearance of which
can be explained by migration from the helix of the heater, the content of boron
increases greatly in them, as well as nuclides with atomic masses of 43-53, 64-83,
107-130, 198-208.
In substance accumulated in the cavity of the reactor near the core, in addition to
tungsten, a lot of iron, sodium, potassium, nickel, silicon, calcium, scandium and a
number of other elements accumulated.
In general with heat you can make cold, for example by means of a heat pump. This fact does not depend on which source the heat is from.
Warm Regards,
Still good standing.
Warm Regards,
When will you publish the follow up?
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Will the E-Cat be able to produce cold too, for example for an air conditioning system?
Thank you for your sustain,
Warm Regards,
In this period I am aware only of what is happening in Miami.
Warm Regards,
Corey Banick:
Be patient.
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Do you know if are on course important replications of your effect in Europe?
@ Leanne:
We are waiting the follow up!
Mr Andrea Rossi,
I wish you good luck for the incoming trial and hope you soon will be able to focus on the E-Cat that we all need and want.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your sustain,
Warm Regards
Still on our way toward sigma 5.
Warm Regards
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Looking at the published papers, it seems to me that your case is presented very well.
I hope the trial ends soon, to allow you to continue in peace your work.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
are there for production of QuarkX needed any very expensive/rare materials that will make world mass production impossible even in 5 years ?
For example: Some basic elements for which manufacturers of QuarkX would need another 8 Planets Earth ?
We proceed on our way toward sigma 5.
Warm Regards,
No comment.
Warm Regards,
The blog will remain open to receive and publish all the comments sent by the Readers, and the Readers will be able to answer each other; on the contrary, I will not respond or publish any comment from June 26th through July 24th.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
1- confidential
2- confidential
3- confidential
Warm Regards,
About Smith and Murray you are totally right: they made trivial calculation mistakes in their expertise.
Probably they have not experience at all in power generation systems, let alone nuclear physics. They ignored elementary calculations that have to be done, for example in the analysis of the pumps.
I am curious to see what will emerge in Court. You are right: these guys could not make successfully an exam in the first year of engineering in a college.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
In a previous post you answered “Correct” to a question of an operating temperature of around 2700C.
1. If this is true, then that means the nickel within the reactor must be in a liquid state since 2700C is between the boiling point of 2913C and the melting point of 1455C. Is this correct?
2. If 1.) is correct, then the LENR process is not using the metal structure to hold the hydrogen atoms. Is the presence of some other elements, such as lithium, the key to the reaction? Note lithium has a melting point of 357C and a boiling point of 1330C.
3. Or perhaps, something else is occurring?
Dear Andrea:
You wrote that from June 26 to July 24 your blog will be put on hold, but I did not understand: you will limit the hold to your answers, in a word you will remain silent, or you will also spam the comments sent by the Readers?
Dear Andrea,
I am very disappointed.
I did’t know that Lenr forum was a bait by IH and about two years ago i made an account on it.
Then i gave for free some of my ideas that i wrote also here, like the test of a reactor in a magnetic resonance gantry or in a strong magnetic field.
This is not so bad, because i wrote moreless the same here, that is a public journal, so my considerations would have been read by them anyway, but i feel defrauded of my trust.
There was someone interested in my words… I hope that i didn’t give them some ideas at least to mock up a pseudo scientific theory to drag other money or worse, if my idea work, i could have given them help to make a working device…
Best Regards,
I received this idea also from Architect Pirazzini, a consultant of us when I worked in the factory of Bologna. Could be a good idea.
Warm Regards,
Right to the point, as usual.
I agree.
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Why don’t you paint the QuarkX with a paint that changes colour when changes the temperature?
No comment about the first issue.
I do not have experience upon the second issue.
Warm Regards,
No comment.
Warm Regards,
Well on our way toward sigma 5.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I have found in the papers of the litigation the references of the ERV, Dr Fabio Penon, who made the measurements of the 1 year long test, and it is impressive: he got his doctorate in nuclear engineering rated 110/110 cum laude in the university of Bologna (the oldest university of the world, Copernicus was a Prof of it); after the doctorate he has been employed by ENI to work as a nuclear engineer in a nuclear power plant; after his employment with ENI he became an expert in certification of industrial plants, his main engagement being in the field of energy production.
In all his lifelong career he never had negative notes of any kind.
IH appreciated all his quarterly reports, paid for them invoices that clearly stated he was making the performance test and refused to pay only the last report, after which IH would have to pay Leonardo, but the fourth and last report was equal to the former three reports…odd, isn’t it?
Now IH has produced counter reports by Mr Murray (an employee of IH and a shareholder of it) and Mr Smith (an expert of boilers without any background in nuclear physics) wherein are so many basic errors, that should a student of mine bring me something like that during an exam, I surely would not allow him to continue the exam… both of them show to have not scientific background in basic concepts like thermodynamic principles, energy calculation, definition of COP, relativity, complex plant design and so on. More disgusting the fact that to compensate their evident professional limits, they insult Dr Penon repeatedly in a supposedly scientific report, showing they not only lack of scientific background, but also of professional correctness.
Dr Andrea Rossi:
I read of the fake attorney invented on lenr forum: what a miserable thing.
Technical question: could the QuarkX be modulated to produce blue light frequencies to operate an sterilizers in greenhouses?
Please win for us all,
Dr Joseph Fine:
Warm Regards,
No comment.
By the way, I do not read LENR Forum.
Warm Regards,
Dear Chair-Man Rossi,
Good answers.
Joseph Fine
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Let me inform the readers of the JONP of what is happening in the blog paid by IH ( Lenr Forum): a guy presented himself as an attorney of the USA, expert of litigations like yours with IH. He wrote a lot of stupidities, like you will lose the case because of a lot of issues that still have to be discussed in court. Since no serious attorney would ever discuss publicly about a litigation on course of which he is not part, I asked an attorney my friend if he could check if this guy is really an attorney. My attorney, after one hour, informed me that:
1- in the USA does not exist any person with that name that has ever participated to a case in a court
2- this fake attorney has stolen the identity of a person that never appeared in any court (this is why I prefer not to name him)
3- at the address indicated on Lenr Forum of this “attorney”, there is a post office!
This having been said, since he cites particulars that only the gang of the ventriloquist of Raleigh can know, it is clear that this clownerie has been organized by IH in their home-blog.
Certainly IH must be scratching the bottom of their barrel… The comic aspect of this squalid thing is that a puppet of the ventriloquist -obviously on Lenr Forum- has commented that a NEUTRAL (!!!) attorney, at last, has explained to us the truth about the litigation.
Ad majora,