La decisione di seppellire sotto la cenere il litigio con IH mi riempie il cuore. Basta discussioni!
The decision to bury under the ashes the quarrel with IH fills my heart. No more discussion!
Caro Andrea
(English in the footer)
sono molto contento che questa fase sia finalmente terminata. Ho pregato spesso per te. Tu sei una pedina fondamentale che l’umanità non può perdere.
Ormai siamo rassegnati al tuo riserbo e soffrendo lo accettiamo ma tutti quanti vorremmo sapere di più. Ecco quindi le mie solite domande vagamente vaghe che rivelano senza svelare:
1 – Consideri questo risultato una vittoria ?
2 – Hai brindato a Champagne ?
3 – Sei soddisfatto dell’accordo raggiunto o in qualche modo pensi di aver concesso troppo ?
4 – Avevi detto che una vittoria avrebbe determinato una più rapida partenza della fase industriale per via del capitale (100M$) in gioco. Per come è finita avremo questa rapida industrializzazione o una meno rapida del previsto ?
E ora avanti per il prossimo step, cioè la demo. Ti faccio presente che ho già scommesso una cena di pesce con diversi scettici che la demo si farà entro l’anno, quindi …. 😉
Che Dio ti benedica
Marco Serra
I’m very glad this parenthesis is now close. I’ve prayed for you. You are too important.
We all know you cannot reveal anything about the settlement so I would like to ask some questions that don’t infringe any NDA:
1 – Do you feel like you have win ?
2 – Did you have a champagne toast ?
3 – Are you satisfied with the settlement or do you feel you rolled over a bit ?
4 – You said that the industrial phases would have been faster in case of your victory due to the 100M$ you are contending to IH. At the conditions of this settlement will the industrialization be faster or slower than you would like it to be ?
Thank goodness that it was resolved. I went to sleep relieved and very happy last night. And I’m just s bystander!.. I guess for all of you directly involved it must be a great relief that it’s finally dealt with and that now you can get on with the real work regarding the ECat and quarkx etc with out distractions.
I have a feeling that now the real work can start there is a lot to do. All the best for that… I’m looking forward to it.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
It’s not me… The beer I drinked last night is speaking…
So, the settlement will remain secret for ever, you will never speak about IH and IH will never speak about you…
Poor US customers… They will never know from whom they can buy an e-cat…
Happy to know that the case is settled! Now, attention to scientific and technological advances is back and welcome. Have a nice day, to AR and everybody.
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi.
I congratulate you on the completion of the process.
This is a great joy.
You can focus on work.
We look forward to the achievement of Sigma 5 and the appointment date for the presentation of Quark X.
Silvio Caggia:
You say you understand I cannot speak of the settlement, then you put 3 questions about it: what did you drink today?
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I understand you cannot speak about the settlement, but can we know which is now the role of IH about e-cat?
Are they back the US distributors or not?
Are they back your financial partners?
Are they friends or foe?
Bob Belovich:
No rest: too much work to do.
But this evening I will play tennis with my wife: from a Federal Court to a tennis court!
Warm Regards,
The terms of the settlement will remain under NDA for ever, as per request of the Attorneys of both Parties.
Personally, I am glad to be free to return to work full time for my E-Cat.
I will never anymore talk about the issues of the litigation. They belong to the past. The war is over, now we must build a constructive future.
From now I return to talk with our Readers.
Warm Regards,
Congratulations on the settlement of the case with Industrial Heat. I hope that you can take a little time off to decompress from the stress of litigation before returning to work on the Quark X.
it’s good news to hear that a settlement has been reached in your lawsuit vs.Tom Darden and Industrial Heat. I hope it was a just settlement for you. We look forward to Sigma 5 and the public demonstration of the QuarkX. Hopefully you will soon be back on line to answer questions now that the case has been settled.
“In China we have a tremendous pollution made by coal fueled power generators. Do you think the Ecat can help to resolve the problem?”
= = = = = = =
Yes, there is every reason to believe LENR should be able to eliminate China’s atmospheric pollution issues.
However, in the past there have been repeated problems with China failing to respect intellectual property rights. Your country seems to possess huge quantities of financial resources to invest in the development of truly massive investments in new infrastructure, but has acquired a reputation for cheating when it comes to paying rather small amounts of royalties for use of the intellectual property of others. Can you tell us if this will be different in the case of LENR?
Dear Andrea:
You got rid of the litigation, now you can dedicate all your efforts to your work: you are the most important man of the world in this moment.
God bless you.
@Chinese Rossi Fan
No I don’t think so. According to the granted patent (see top of the JONP pages, read the pdf), it is only a electrical boiler, heating some water. Needs electricity (made mostly from coal in China, makes hot water. Can’t solve the Chinese smog/pollution problem.
Probably you did not read the patent granted to Andrea Rossi from the USPTO (United States Patent Office): it is not a normal water heater, due to its COP.
Also, probably you have not sufficient knowledge about how electricity is produced by means of the Carnot cycle: in fact, it is produced by means of heat, turning water into steam and making steam turn an alternator to generate electric power.
Dear readers of the Jonp
Our Andrea is every single day in the Court: why doesn’t he just describe in few lines what happens during the trial every single day?
Why have we to read what happens in Court from his foes?
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I pray for you every day that you can be soon free from this litigation as soon as possible to give you back to us to make your E-Cat available for the world.
God bless you and your work,
Dear Andrea:
I read on what happenef to you in the first half of your life. Your resiliency is very inspiring.
I hope the trial is proceeding well for you.
Dear Readers:
Today the Journal of Nuclear Physics has published the paper ” Binuclear Atoms: a Model to explain LENR “, by Paolo Accomazzi.
The JoNP
I know we all want Andrea to win his case against I.H. but my own feelings are that he not just up against I.H. but a lot of powerful people behind I.H.. Any technology that challenges big industry has major hurdles to jump over. The control that industry has on new technology is unbelievable unless you have come up against it yourself. While Andrea is out of commission with regards ourselves I think it a good time to inform a few people interested in physics the difficulty of introducing certain technologies that are labeled disruptive or before there time. The June 29th post by Cashmemorz regarding Randell Mills I found extremely interesting. Randell Mills puts forward a theory regarding oscillations within the atom. Unifying Field Oscillation technology also acknowledges that the atom contains oscillations and that these oscillations maintain identity by creating a static barrier that surrounds the unit. Something Einstein could not explain, when he said how is it that atoms do not flow together. Well it’s the internal oscillations that create the barrier. Unifying Field Oscillation technology is I believe as close as you can get to a mechanical Atom with unique capabilities especially in the aero industry whereby you can construct a building that can fly. A fire station, hospital etc. The embodied technology, although aroused a lot of interest with regards physicists at universities and research establishments was banned from being demonstrated by the powers that be. Big industries refused to comment and to develop a technology takes money and that’s where you get caught out because without the finance and required expertise the best technologies are dead in the water. To get an idea of the technology go to Unifying Field Oscillation Technology. So when people want to get into physics it’s best to remember that you are only told what certain people want you to know.
After reading the last work of Dr Parkhomov, I wonder if it is possible to use the Rossi effect just to produce different isotopes and if this technology, combined with the technology of the Russian nuclear scientists Dr Vitaly Uzikov and Dr Irina Uzikova can help to reduce the radioactive wastes.
Enea Romagnoli:
Right, I agree.
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
La decisione di seppellire sotto la cenere il litigio con IH mi riempie il cuore. Basta discussioni!
The decision to bury under the ashes the quarrel with IH fills my heart. No more discussion!
Enea from Milan
Caro Andrea
(English in the footer)
sono molto contento che questa fase sia finalmente terminata. Ho pregato spesso per te. Tu sei una pedina fondamentale che l’umanità non può perdere.
Ormai siamo rassegnati al tuo riserbo e soffrendo lo accettiamo ma tutti quanti vorremmo sapere di più. Ecco quindi le mie solite domande vagamente vaghe che rivelano senza svelare:
1 – Consideri questo risultato una vittoria ?
2 – Hai brindato a Champagne ?
3 – Sei soddisfatto dell’accordo raggiunto o in qualche modo pensi di aver concesso troppo ?
4 – Avevi detto che una vittoria avrebbe determinato una più rapida partenza della fase industriale per via del capitale (100M$) in gioco. Per come è finita avremo questa rapida industrializzazione o una meno rapida del previsto ?
E ora avanti per il prossimo step, cioè la demo. Ti faccio presente che ho già scommesso una cena di pesce con diversi scettici che la demo si farà entro l’anno, quindi …. 😉
Che Dio ti benedica
Marco Serra
I’m very glad this parenthesis is now close. I’ve prayed for you. You are too important.
We all know you cannot reveal anything about the settlement so I would like to ask some questions that don’t infringe any NDA:
1 – Do you feel like you have win ?
2 – Did you have a champagne toast ?
3 – Are you satisfied with the settlement or do you feel you rolled over a bit ?
4 – You said that the industrial phases would have been faster in case of your victory due to the 100M$ you are contending to IH. At the conditions of this settlement will the industrialization be faster or slower than you would like it to be ?
God bless you
Marco Serra
Hello Andrea,
Thank goodness that it was resolved. I went to sleep relieved and very happy last night. And I’m just s bystander!.. I guess for all of you directly involved it must be a great relief that it’s finally dealt with and that now you can get on with the real work regarding the ECat and quarkx etc with out distractions.
I have a feeling that now the real work can start there is a lot to do. All the best for that… I’m looking forward to it.
Best Regards
Dear Andrea Rossi,
It’s not me… The beer I drinked last night is speaking…
So, the settlement will remain secret for ever, you will never speak about IH and IH will never speak about you…
Poor US customers… They will never know from whom they can buy an e-cat…
Happy to know that the case is settled! Now, attention to scientific and technological advances is back and welcome. Have a nice day, to AR and everybody.
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi.
I congratulate you on the completion of the process.
This is a great joy.
You can focus on work.
We look forward to the achievement of Sigma 5 and the appointment date for the presentation of Quark X.
Yuriy Isaev
Tyumen, Russia
Dear Andrea,
È tempo di impegnare il futuro
Engineer 48
Dr Rossi,
Congratulations on the settlement, it’s onward to the QuarkX.
please share with us where you find the strength to fight on as you do!
Does Leonardo Corporation now have sole distribution rights for the E-Cat technology in the USA?
Tom Conover:
Thank you for your sustain!
Warm Regards,
Silvio Caggia:
You say you understand I cannot speak of the settlement, then you put 3 questions about it: what did you drink today?
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I understand you cannot speak about the settlement, but can we know which is now the role of IH about e-cat?
Are they back the US distributors or not?
Are they back your financial partners?
Are they friends or foe?
Dear Andrea,
Wow! Very happy for you to hear the court case is resolved. Did you see any fire from heaven come down lately?
Thanks be to God Almighty,
Chinese Rossi fan:
As I always said, all the energy sources must be integrated.
Warm Regards,
Luis Navarro:
Thanks, likewise to you!
Warm Regards,
Ing. Michelangelo De meo:
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your sustain to our Team,
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
I returned to work with the E-Cat- QuarkX.
It continued to work very well: didn’t know anything about the litigation.
Warm Regards,
Toussaint Francois:
Thank you!
Warm Regards,
Drew G.:
I cannot comment on the settlement, but I am glad to be here again to answer you.
Warm Regards,
Thank you,
Warm Regards,
Bob Belovich:
No rest: too much work to do.
But this evening I will play tennis with my wife: from a Federal Court to a tennis court!
Warm Regards,
The terms of the settlement will remain under NDA for ever, as per request of the Attorneys of both Parties.
Personally, I am glad to be free to return to work full time for my E-Cat.
I will never anymore talk about the issues of the litigation. They belong to the past. The war is over, now we must build a constructive future.
From now I return to talk with our Readers.
Warm Regards,
Does anyone know the terms of the settlement? Is it published anywhere?
Dear Andrea Rossi
Congratulations on the settlement of the case with Industrial Heat. I hope that you can take a little time off to decompress from the stress of litigation before returning to work on the Quark X.
Dear Andrea,
case settled: Molto Bene!
Dr. Rossi:
it’s good news to hear that a settlement has been reached in your lawsuit vs.Tom Darden and Industrial Heat. I hope it was a just settlement for you. We look forward to Sigma 5 and the public demonstration of the QuarkX. Hopefully you will soon be back on line to answer questions now that the case has been settled.
“Chinese Rossi Fan
July 4, 2017 at 6:27 AM
“In China we have a tremendous pollution made by coal fueled power generators. Do you think the Ecat can help to resolve the problem?”
= = = = = = =
Yes, there is every reason to believe LENR should be able to eliminate China’s atmospheric pollution issues.
However, in the past there have been repeated problems with China failing to respect intellectual property rights. Your country seems to possess huge quantities of financial resources to invest in the development of truly massive investments in new infrastructure, but has acquired a reputation for cheating when it comes to paying rather small amounts of royalties for use of the intellectual property of others. Can you tell us if this will be different in the case of LENR?
Rodney Nicholson.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Congratulations ! for the settlement, I am so happy for you !
And my best wishes of success for your E-CAT X !
Warm regards,
Toussaint François
Dear Andrea,
News is out that the court case has been settled, so I guess you are able to post again on the JONP?
How do you feel regarding the end of this litigation, and what do you think this means for the future of the E-Cat/QuarkX?
Best regards,
Frank Acland
Dear Andrea:
You got rid of the litigation, now you can dedicate all your efforts to your work: you are the most important man of the world in this moment.
God bless you.
RvD settled!
All claims and counterclaims withdrawn. Jury dismissed. Agreement. Bravo!
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations of settlement and therefore end of trial!!!!
Quark X here it comes!
Very best wishes to you, family and colleagues
@Chinese Rossi Fan
No I don’t think so. According to the granted patent (see top of the JONP pages, read the pdf), it is only a electrical boiler, heating some water. Needs electricity (made mostly from coal in China, makes hot water. Can’t solve the Chinese smog/pollution problem.
Probably you did not read the patent granted to Andrea Rossi from the USPTO (United States Patent Office): it is not a normal water heater, due to its COP.
Also, probably you have not sufficient knowledge about how electricity is produced by means of the Carnot cycle: in fact, it is produced by means of heat, turning water into steam and making steam turn an alternator to generate electric power.
In China we have a tremendous pollution made by coal fueled power generators. Do you think the Ecat can help to resolve the problem?
Neutrinos cannot have any role in the LENR, you can’t even track them.
Dear readers of the Jonp
Our Andrea is every single day in the Court: why doesn’t he just describe in few lines what happens during the trial every single day?
Why have we to read what happens in Court from his foes?
Is it true that you are programming to make a division for the manufacturing the E-Cats also in Russia?
Warm Regards,
Are Tom Darden and the Cherokee “Sharks” Deliberately Leaving out Important Information in their SEC Filings?
Happy Independence Day to all the Readers of the JoNP!
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
I pray for you every day that you can be soon free from this litigation as soon as possible to give you back to us to make your E-Cat available for the world.
God bless you and your work,
About neutrinos: I wonder if thay can have any role in the LENR.
Dear All:
Is somebody able to give me information about the probability of annihilation between neutrinos and antineutrinos?
Dear Andrea:
I read on what happenef to you in the first half of your life. Your resiliency is very inspiring.
I hope the trial is proceeding well for you.
Dear Readers:
Today the Journal of Nuclear Physics has published the paper ” Binuclear Atoms: a Model to explain LENR “, by Paolo Accomazzi.
The JoNP
Test Unifying field oscillation technology
I know we all want Andrea to win his case against I.H. but my own feelings are that he not just up against I.H. but a lot of powerful people behind I.H.. Any technology that challenges big industry has major hurdles to jump over. The control that industry has on new technology is unbelievable unless you have come up against it yourself. While Andrea is out of commission with regards ourselves I think it a good time to inform a few people interested in physics the difficulty of introducing certain technologies that are labeled disruptive or before there time. The June 29th post by Cashmemorz regarding Randell Mills I found extremely interesting. Randell Mills puts forward a theory regarding oscillations within the atom. Unifying Field Oscillation technology also acknowledges that the atom contains oscillations and that these oscillations maintain identity by creating a static barrier that surrounds the unit. Something Einstein could not explain, when he said how is it that atoms do not flow together. Well it’s the internal oscillations that create the barrier. Unifying Field Oscillation technology is I believe as close as you can get to a mechanical Atom with unique capabilities especially in the aero industry whereby you can construct a building that can fly. A fire station, hospital etc. The embodied technology, although aroused a lot of interest with regards physicists at universities and research establishments was banned from being demonstrated by the powers that be. Big industries refused to comment and to develop a technology takes money and that’s where you get caught out because without the finance and required expertise the best technologies are dead in the water. To get an idea of the technology go to Unifying Field Oscillation Technology. So when people want to get into physics it’s best to remember that you are only told what certain people want you to know.
After reading the last work of Dr Parkhomov, I wonder if it is possible to use the Rossi effect just to produce different isotopes and if this technology, combined with the technology of the Russian nuclear scientists Dr Vitaly Uzikov and Dr Irina Uzikova can help to reduce the radioactive wastes.