About the Rossi-Gullstrom paper, input power measurment:
To be perfect, it would be preferable to serialise an ammeter with the input while measuring the input voltage: a resistor is temperature dependant, so it can lead to a false input power measurement.
P=U²/R supposes the brown resistor is stable, which is not certain. People could ask you about this during the presentation.
Drew G.:
The dimensions you see are the dimensions of the calorimeter. The E-Cat QX is inside and has the dimensions you correctly reported.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Your latest paper you made with Gullström cause many discussions on ECW.
My assumption is that the E-cat QX generates a voltage while in operation. This voltage is being used to control the current through the QX. If the QX is off and you want to switch it on the control system needs to supply a voltage, which is about to be reduced to zero when the QX is started.
Just to end these discussions: Does this describe the control of the QX close enough?
Thank you for answering our questions.
Kind regards, Gerard
The picture of an E-Cat QX was recently posted in the Rossi-Gullstrom paper. It appears much larger than the dimensions you presented earlier. i.e. (length 2 cm Diam 0.6 cm Rating 20 W Warm Regards A.R.) Was this a different version of the reactor with different dimensions for purposes of the experiment?
I was surprised at you comment as regards the 1 MW E-Cat that had been run for 1 year.
“Now we are dismounting all the reactors, the bigger ones and the small ones that did not work.” My impression had been that all the reactors were the same size, had been made according to the Lugano design, and that they all had worked? What were the “small ones”?
And why did you decide to vary your cell design for such an important test?
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations to you and to the Swedish physicist Carl Oscar Gullstrom for your last publication on Arxiv Physics: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703-05249-pdf
Dear Andrea,
I like the idea to make the demonstration as simple as possible, just heating water. It can then be possible to use a closed water system, an aquarium of eg 40 liters. The heated water is poured out above the water surface so it is possible to put a cup and measure the time it will take to fill the cup, thus eleminating discussions of flow measurements. It is also easy to put an extra thermometer in the cup to determine the output temperature.
It is also good to use a standard lead car battery as the only power source.
So when the E-Cat QX heats the water tank more then 15 C and there is still power in the battery everyone should be convinced of a COP >1
Best Regards,
Karl-Henrik, Sweden
Tom Conover:
A1: no, nothing to do with the Sigma calculations of the E-Cat QX, because the Sigma is calculated only on the data from the operation of the E-Cat QX.
A2: no, the presentation will be made with the module of the E-Cat QX
Sorry to disappoint your hope…
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I tested the Prominent pump of the photo in the report of Smith and discovered that you are right: if you pump water through a pipe 20 meters high it has a flow rate of about 32.5 liters per hour, but when I cut the column to 1 meter it pumped 68 liters per hour !
You were right. Also in the data sheet available on the internet, 32 l/h is reported as the minimum flow rate at 2 bars.
Warm Regards,
Q1: Will the new data from the one year plant data
integrate into your Sigma calculations?
Q2: Is the one year plant the same as THE PLANT at
the presentation?
No, the plant has been returned in our full possession.
Now we are dismounting all the reactors, the bigger ones and the small ones that did not work: now we have to go through a long and very important work of analysis of all the components and of all the charges, to see what happened during the 352 days of operation. It will be very interesting also to study all the possible negative effects made by the sudden shut down and the following one year and four months of sealed stop. It will be a collection of very precious information, useful for our R&D.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
I read in the interview of Mats Lewan https://animpossibleinvention.com/blog/
that the water pumps had a capacity superior to the amount measured by the flowmeter of the ERV: is it because the pumps were redundant and regulated to give you the necessary amount of water?
Your willpower appears to be as powerful as the science you produce. Congratulations for your decision to host the presentation for industrialists. Plain and simple calorimetry, with output beyond mankind’s ability at this moment to even dream about! The water will flow through “THE PLANT”. I am frequently guilty of overstatements, so I just want to say that if what I read is really capitalized like I just wrote, it will be one heck of a rodeo at the show! Even if the water flows through “the plant”, I am sure it will be mesmerizing.
Be sure to have some T-Shirts for sale (or free) at the show. You know what to print on them! Just one more thought, based on the link and reference below, be sure to give “Popular Science” a reason to print another 5 page spread about you after your presentation, they would be sure to appreciate it if you served a cup of tea to any of your guests that would enjoy one. You can use a regular teapot plugged into an outlet if you want, but it just might be a good idea to feature an “E-Cat QX” logo on the teapot too. Brewed with just the right “QX”.
When the August 2004 issue of Popular Mechanics, the magazine for hobbyists and car enthusiasts, ran a cover story claiming cold fusion could allow terrorists to build homemade hydrogen bombs, Park derided the magazine and the science. “A nuke? The cold fusion guys can’t brew a cup of tea,” the column teased.
Park’s reference to tea was a throwback to another cold fusion critic with a humorous edge. Douglas Morrison, a Scottish physicist, was for years the lone critic to attend the annual cold fusion conferences. Every year he would ask the group, “Please can I have a cup of tea?” — a sardonic way of pointing out that cold fusion had yet to produce even the simplest heating device capable of boiling water. Morrison died in 2001, still without his cup of tea.
No, It will be plain and simple calorimetry. We will have a flow of water that will not change phase, well below 100 Celsius degrees, a measurement of the water flowing through the plant and a measurement of the delta T and of the electric energy consumed by the E-Cat QX. Plain and simple.
Warm Regards,
You have announced an October E-cat QX demonstration. Do you plan to invite representatives from US and/or Swedish government agencies? If so, I suggest invitations to representatives from the US DOE, DARPA, NASA, Army, Navy, USAF and EPA. They should welcome your technology as a breakthrough for all US energy requirements.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
The measurements you will make on the Ecat QX during the presentation of October will be based on the Wien and Boltzmann equation as the ones described in the Gullstrom-Rossi paper?
Thank you,
Dear Andrea,
I have read the interview of Mats and I’m happy to see and hear you
so well. The settlement agreement is the confirmationt that your work is real
and fantastically outstanding.
Great job.
Dear Andrea,
If even the great Prof. Focardi was convinced that the solution of the LENR is the resonance, I am more and more convinced that magnetic resonance can be a topic worth to explore… Hydrogen atoms aligned in a nickel lattice and pushed in sync by a calibrated RF pulse… I wonder what that hydrogen atoms will experience in that condition…
You don’t even need costly magnetic resonace apparatus. Just measure or calculate or calibrate magnetic field generated by the coil, and add an RF pulse of frequency 43.5 * B MHz over the DC component…
Actually, the resistor is at room temperature.
Warm Regards,
Today great internal test.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi,
About the Rossi-Gullstrom paper, input power measurment:
To be perfect, it would be preferable to serialise an ammeter with the input while measuring the input voltage: a resistor is temperature dependant, so it can lead to a false input power measurement.
P=U²/R supposes the brown resistor is stable, which is not certain. People could ask you about this during the presentation.
Drew G.:
The dimensions you see are the dimensions of the calorimeter. The E-Cat QX is inside and has the dimensions you correctly reported.
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
I am not going to release more information before the presentation.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Your latest paper you made with Gullström cause many discussions on ECW.
My assumption is that the E-cat QX generates a voltage while in operation. This voltage is being used to control the current through the QX. If the QX is off and you want to switch it on the control system needs to supply a voltage, which is about to be reduced to zero when the QX is started.
Just to end these discussions: Does this describe the control of the QX close enough?
Thank you for answering our questions.
Kind regards, Gerard
Dr. Rossi:
The picture of an E-Cat QX was recently posted in the Rossi-Gullstrom paper. It appears much larger than the dimensions you presented earlier. i.e. (length 2 cm Diam 0.6 cm Rating 20 W Warm Regards A.R.) Was this a different version of the reactor with different dimensions for purposes of the experiment?
Andreas Moraitis:
Plain DC
Warm Regards
Daniel G. Zavela:
The 1 MW E-Cat was made by LT E-Cats.
Lugano Experiment has been made with a Hot Cat.
Warm Regards
Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
Thank you for the link
Warm Regards
Warm Regards
Warm Regards
Your comment is the #38 000 of this blog
Dear Andrea Rossi,
As many others, I am looking forward to seeing the demonstration of your E-Cat QX.
Could you clarify if the input of the reactor is
A. Plain DC, or
B. Pulsed (or otherwise nonlinear) DC?
Best regards,
Andreas Moraitis
Dear Dr. Rossi:
I was surprised at you comment as regards the 1 MW E-Cat that had been run for 1 year.
“Now we are dismounting all the reactors, the bigger ones and the small ones that did not work.” My impression had been that all the reactors were the same size, had been made according to the Lugano design, and that they all had worked? What were the “small ones”?
And why did you decide to vary your cell design for such an important test?
Best of luck with your E-Cat QX R&D.
Best Regards,
Daniel G. Zavela
E-Cat QX Picture Posted in New Rossi-Gullstrom Paper (COP of 2000 reported with Calorimetry)
Nucleon polarizability and long range strong force from σI=2 meson exchange potential
Carl-Oscar Gullström, Andrea Rossi
18 july 2017
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Will you make also an alalysis of the isotopes of the charges that have passed the one year test of Doral?
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Congrats for the Gullstrom- Rossi paper: it seems after the end of the litigation you are reborn
Karl-Henrik Malmqvist:
The system will be very simple and easy to understand.
It has already been decided.
Warm Regards,
Gian Luca:
Thank you for the link and for your sustain to our Team.
Warm Regards,
Thank you. Much theoretical work remains to be done to explain the experiment.
Warm Regards,
Still on our way toward Sigma 5.
Warm Regards,
Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations to you and to the Swedish physicist Carl Oscar Gullstrom for your last publication on Arxiv Physics:
Dear Andrea,
like your discovery Yesterday:
After 80 years E. Majorana surprises everyone with its absolute genius.
Now it’s your turn….may the force be with you!
Dear Andrea,
I like the idea to make the demonstration as simple as possible, just heating water. It can then be possible to use a closed water system, an aquarium of eg 40 liters. The heated water is poured out above the water surface so it is possible to put a cup and measure the time it will take to fill the cup, thus eleminating discussions of flow measurements. It is also easy to put an extra thermometer in the cup to determine the output temperature.
It is also good to use a standard lead car battery as the only power source.
So when the E-Cat QX heats the water tank more then 15 C and there is still power in the battery everyone should be convinced of a COP >1
Best Regards,
Karl-Henrik, Sweden
Tom Conover:
A1: no, nothing to do with the Sigma calculations of the E-Cat QX, because the Sigma is calculated only on the data from the operation of the E-Cat QX.
A2: no, the presentation will be made with the module of the E-Cat QX
Sorry to disappoint your hope…
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea:
I tested the Prominent pump of the photo in the report of Smith and discovered that you are right: if you pump water through a pipe 20 meters high it has a flow rate of about 32.5 liters per hour, but when I cut the column to 1 meter it pumped 68 liters per hour !
You were right. Also in the data sheet available on the internet, 32 l/h is reported as the minimum flow rate at 2 bars.
Warm Regards,
Hi Andrea,
Q1: Will the new data from the one year plant data
integrate into your Sigma calculations?
Q2: Is the one year plant the same as THE PLANT at
the presentation?
I hope so …
No, the plant has been returned in our full possession.
Now we are dismounting all the reactors, the bigger ones and the small ones that did not work: now we have to go through a long and very important work of analysis of all the components and of all the charges, to see what happened during the 352 days of operation. It will be very interesting also to study all the possible negative effects made by the sudden shut down and the following one year and four months of sealed stop. It will be a collection of very precious information, useful for our R&D.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi:
I read in the interview of Mats Lewan
that the water pumps had a capacity superior to the amount measured by the flowmeter of the ERV: is it because the pumps were redundant and regulated to give you the necessary amount of water?
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Is the 1 MW E-Cat still sealed?
Thank you if you can answer,
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments published in other posts of this blog,
Warm Regards
Tom Conover:
Thank you for your sustain and enthusiasm.
Warm Regards,
Good standing also today, so far.
Warm Regards,
Greetings, Andrea!
Your willpower appears to be as powerful as the science you produce. Congratulations for your decision to host the presentation for industrialists. Plain and simple calorimetry, with output beyond mankind’s ability at this moment to even dream about! The water will flow through “THE PLANT”. I am frequently guilty of overstatements, so I just want to say that if what I read is really capitalized like I just wrote, it will be one heck of a rodeo at the show! Even if the water flows through “the plant”, I am sure it will be mesmerizing.
Be sure to have some T-Shirts for sale (or free) at the show. You know what to print on them! Just one more thought, based on the link and reference below, be sure to give “Popular Science” a reason to print another 5 page spread about you after your presentation, they would be sure to appreciate it if you served a cup of tea to any of your guests that would enjoy one. You can use a regular teapot plugged into an outlet if you want, but it just might be a good idea to feature an “E-Cat QX” logo on the teapot too. Brewed with just the right “QX”.
Light ’em up! Go Rossi Team!
Thank you for all your hard work,
Tom Conover
Warming Up to Cold Fusion
When the August 2004 issue of Popular Mechanics, the magazine for hobbyists and car enthusiasts, ran a cover story claiming cold fusion could allow terrorists to build homemade hydrogen bombs, Park derided the magazine and the science. “A nuke? The cold fusion guys can’t brew a cup of tea,” the column teased.
Park’s reference to tea was a throwback to another cold fusion critic with a humorous edge. Douglas Morrison, a Scottish physicist, was for years the lone critic to attend the annual cold fusion conferences. Every year he would ask the group, “Please can I have a cup of tea?” — a sardonic way of pointing out that cold fusion had yet to produce even the simplest heating device capable of boiling water. Morrison died in 2001, still without his cup of tea.
PS … they’re waiting for their “tea”, Andrea!
No, It will be plain and simple calorimetry. We will have a flow of water that will not change phase, well below 100 Celsius degrees, a measurement of the water flowing through the plant and a measurement of the delta T and of the electric energy consumed by the E-Cat QX. Plain and simple.
Warm Regards,
Drew G.:
Thank you for the suggestion.
Warm Regards,
Dr. Rossi:
You have announced an October E-cat QX demonstration. Do you plan to invite representatives from US and/or Swedish government agencies? If so, I suggest invitations to representatives from the US DOE, DARPA, NASA, Army, Navy, USAF and EPA. They should welcome your technology as a breakthrough for all US energy requirements.
Dear Andrea Rossi,
The measurements you will make on the Ecat QX during the presentation of October will be based on the Wien and Boltzmann equation as the ones described in the Gullstrom-Rossi paper?
Thank you,
Dear Readers:
Please go to
to find comments received in other posts of this blog.
Warm Regards,
Also today is a very good day,
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Gian Luca:
Thank you for your sustain.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I have read the interview of Mats and I’m happy to see and hear you
so well. The settlement agreement is the confirmationt that your work is real
and fantastically outstanding.
Great job.
Dear Andrea,
If even the great Prof. Focardi was convinced that the solution of the LENR is the resonance, I am more and more convinced that magnetic resonance can be a topic worth to explore… Hydrogen atoms aligned in a nickel lattice and pushed in sync by a calibrated RF pulse… I wonder what that hydrogen atoms will experience in that condition…
You don’t even need costly magnetic resonace apparatus. Just measure or calculate or calibrate magnetic field generated by the coil, and add an RF pulse of frequency 43.5 * B MHz over the DC component…