United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,197 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- I do not know
    2- not yet
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Marco Serra:
    The R&D is on course. Every comment is premature.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Still very well.
    Warm Regards,

  • Marco Serra

    Dear Andrea
    Have you managed to connect a Stirling (or a steam engine) to the QuarkX already ? If yes how is gone the test ?

    God bless you
    Marco Serra

  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    1. Will any mainstream media be represented at the presentation?
    2. Will a projected commercial release date be announced at the presentation? It could
    validate your commitment to E-Cat QX industrialization.
    With a final presentation date now set anticipation is building – without an F8!
    Very Best Wishes,

  • Andrea Rossi

    The date will be November 24th.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    Lots of mathematical reconciliations necessary here…
    Thanks for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    1- much, much more, but this is thanks to the 1MW E-Cat tested for one year
    2- the reactors and many parts of it
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    1. So far, how much more reliable is the E-Cat QX compared to the E-Cat reactors used in the 1 MW plant you ran for the year-long test?
    2. When you say that after inspection you found that the 1 MW plant was “ready to die” do you mean the reactors, or other components of the plant?

    Thank you,

    Frank Acland

  • Joseph Fine

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    In case the subject gets discussed, Quarks can react with quarks. And produce a lot of energy.

    Although it will be difficult be to make use of this discovery, God and Nature have made it essentially

    impossible to make it dangerous. Except, of course, by God and Nature!

    Nevertheless, I understand why the scientists who discovered this phenomenon were and should have been concerned.

    See links below:

    Melting quarks:



    Best regards,

    May the Quarkx be with you!

    Joseph Fine

  • Pal

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Can we know AT least date and time of the presentation of the E-Cat QX?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sigma 5 very close.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Drew G.:
    Warm Regards,

  • Drew G.

    Dr. Rossi:

    Will you be inviting representatives from the US Department of Energy and/or the US Department of Defense or their laboratories to your November demonstration of the E-CAT QX? Best of luck on the demonstration which will make the world aware of the next generation of clean energy production.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Also today very well.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Coppi:
    From what I see, there is a laser that fires combustible materials. No points in common with the E-Cat, at least from what is shown. Anyway: at the time of Majorana the laser had not yet been invented, so this invention perhaps had a value at that time. I’m just guessing.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    At the end Ulyxes and Telemacus resolved the problem.
    Warm Regards,

  • umbi

    Your E-CATS it’s like a Penelope’s shroud; Every time it finishes …. Our “PROCI” is ?

  • Alessandro Coppi

    So che questo è un momento particolarmente impegnativo, ma alla luce dei tuoi risultati, questa macchina che si dice sia stata inventata molti anni fa da Ettore Majorana, e sulla quale aleggia il mistero, oggi, non mi sembra così impossibile, cosa ne pensi?
    E’ spiegato anche a grandi linee il principio di funzionamento, potrebbero esserci punti in comune con l’e-cat?
    What do you think of this apparatus invented by Majorana: can it have points in common with the E-Cat?




    A presto
    Alessandro Coppi

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Coppi:
    He,he,he…No, luckily you are not right. Everything is dangerous, provided you make use of it in a dangerous way. Besides, I want to repeat that all the energy sources must be integrated.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alessandro Coppi

    If the e-cat will be spread, I forsee that the fire itself will be proibished within 50 years, because extremely harmful and dangerous for the enviroment.

    Burnt regards
    Alessandro Coppi

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ivan Idso,
    Thank you for your opinion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ivan Idso

    I disagree that the e-cat be used for extracting oil and gas more cheaply, which is then used to heat our buildings and fuel our cars. The e-cat instead would be more effectively used to directly power these and forgo the use of fossil fuels.

  • robert

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I appreciate your will to integrate the E-Cat with the existing energy sources. I think this is the most intelligent way to expand your technology in the context of our system.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Very close.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gabriel Berra:
    You are right and this is a form of integration in the system.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gabriel berra

    The Oil industry uses large amounts of steam to try to extract more oil from their oil wells. Similarly the tar sand industry in Canada uses massive amounts of hot water / steam to extract oil. This is a multi billion dollar industry that would love to use a cheaper source of steam / hot water. Maybe this would be an easier early use for the E-cat technology prior to developing electricity generators. All the best.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Is gone well. I still am afraid to make mistakes, but start to feel safe.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gabriel Berra:
    No, because to get that result I had to live 352 days inside it 16 hours per day, from 6 P.M. to 10 A.M of the following day, and two other persons, one engineer and one electrician, had to cover from 10 A.M. to 6 P.M., not to mention when I had to stay for 20 hours and the others of the Team had to reach me in the middle of the night for problems . It was a prototype, not a product, but the experience we made with it has generated the QX. We had strong problems and probably, from what we analyzed after the stop from all the components, it was close to die in short time after the end of the test. It was not ready to be a product, but it was a dam good prototype, by means of which an enormous experience has been made.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G. Zavela:
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Dr. Rossi:

    Did I read the conclusion of the 1MW 1-Year E-Cat Plant Operation Report correctly that with an output target of 6 COP the plant was measured at an average of 80 COP?

    “Daily Coefficient Of Performance (COP) factors ranging from 63 to 139 with an average of around COP 80 for the whole 350 day period.”

    If, “Yes”, this is an astounding result.

    Best Regards,

    Daniel G. Zavela

  • Gabriel berra

    The results of the 1 year 1 MW test seem impressive ! I appreciate that you think the QX will me much better but with COP of about 80 it would appear that the original ECat set up was good enough to be attractive and marketable. All the best

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • DvH

    Hello Mr. Rossi
    since quite a while there are posts in your blog which ask about sigma 5 – now you say ‘almost there’.
    What exactly does sigma 5 mean in the context of Ecat ? Is it some reliability measure ? Or some performance ? Of what?
    Just want to be sure that you and the audience mean the same thing – exactly the same thing.
    Please explain

  • Engineer48

    Dear Andrea,

    Good to see the 1MW 1 year ECat plant report is officially released:


    Best regards,

  • Svein Henrik

    Steven N. Karels
    With an output of 20 kW from the Sterling engine you need approx. 60 kW from the E-Cat due to the low efficiency of the Carnot-cycle. This provides you with 40 kWh/h energy through hot “engine cooling water” for free, and your own electricity and gas consumption may be far lower than today.
    The electricity you provide to the grid will first deduct the metering of your own consumption and by this the cost of your own electricity. You may sure end up with no electricity or gas bill.
    The price you may charge for each kWh -day and night- locally supplied clean energy, may in many areas/countries be 5 cents or more.
    Whit an average of 10 kWh supplied every hour in a year, you may charge: 5 cent/kwh x 10 kW x 8.760 h = $ 4.380. With two cars in the household you may exceed the average supply to 15 kWh/h from each. This makes your total sales of electricity to $ 4.380 x 2 x 1,5 = $ 13.400 in addition to free energy supply to your own household.
    I wonder which price A. Rossi may charge for using his Quarks and IP?
    Regards Svein Henrik

  • JPR

    Update? How has gone the yesterday’s important test?

  • Steven N. Karels

    Svein Henrik,

    An interesting idea. While the Rossi powered automobile is parked, it charges its small battery (few kW-Hr) and then the excess is fed into the national power grid. Even if electricity reimbursement rate drops to 2 cents per kW-Hr, a continuously operating car could produce about $170 per year for its owner. And with no carbon footprint. So make the eCat equipped automobile a continuously operating power source — either operating the car or selling electricity on the grid. The income generated from the electricity production could pay for the annual eCat refueling costs. A constant output eCat is likely the optimal configuration for an eCat reactor. Assuming a 40kW eCat reactor would consist of 2,000 20W reactors, assuming 50% efficiency.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Great test today, very important. I think the Sigma 5 is now very close.
    Warm Regards,

  • Svein Henrik

    To Steven N. Karels
    Thank you for a praising word. I apologies for the missing first link member on the E-Cat-Sterling-electric-drivetrain link, or Rossi-Sterling-electric-drivetrain that may be more correct.
    I do not see any cooling problems just tasks and possibilities.
    Now with your RSE-car in the garage you just connect it electrically to the grid and let the Rossi-Stirling-electric-drive be in function, and you may bill the grid Company for 20 kWh/h for the electricity delivery when connected. This happens automatically by your new 2-way power meter.
    For cooling you also need to use a twin water-hose-quick-coupling to the cooling water circuit in the engine. (To an additional heat exchanger in the car, solely for this purpose.)
    The cooling Water will supply your home with 40 kWh/h (Due to the negative efficiency of the Carnot cycle.) for free. This may heat your house and your consumption of hot water, melt ice in your yard if necessary, heat your greenhouse and keep your swimming pool at the desired temperature, all for free.
    Regards Svein Henrik

  • Andrea Rossi

    Today very important test, if good Sigma 5 almost reached.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Svein Henrik,

    A good posting. One possible problem is the cooling of the Stirling Engine – eCat – batteries when parked after a long trip. Assuming a 20kW Stirling output level is needed for continuous driving at high speed, then the onboard batteries really only need to have enough capacity to handle the startup time/response time of the Stirling (and perhaps the eCat startup time), which other posts have mentioned as less than a couple of minutes.

    My 2015 Chevy Volt is known as being an electric car with gasoline backup. But when I drive from New Hampshire to Florida, it acts as a gasoline to electric car. The proposed Stirling implementation is really a Stirling car with battery back-up, powered by an eCat. While the car is parked, perhaps in the hot sun or in an enclosed area (garage), the eCat must be operating at its lowest output setting so the heat may be dissipated. Alternatively, the battery energy storage capacity may be increased sufficiently so the car can fully function over the period of the eCat startup combine with the Stirling startup times.

    Andrea Rossi – Assuming an eCat system capable of supporting a 20kW Stirling engine, what is the worst case startup time for the eCat from a cold start to full operation? 4 minutes?

    Assuming 2 minutes for the Stirling startup time and 4 minutes for the eCat suggests a required battery capacity of 2kW-Hr. Doubling it to handle lifetime degradation suggests a 4 kW-Hr battery is sufficient. If the stationary vehicle can nominally output 20 kW of electric power, then even a fully discharged 4 kW-Hr battery may be recharged in about 12 minutes, assuming it can accommodate that charging rate. So the car would need a means of removing the waste energy from up to 12 minutes of operation, by fans or heat capacity.

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