United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Michelangelo De Meo

    E-Cat QX Presentation Thread #3 — Full Video of Event, Comments from Mats Lewan, Measurements By Eng. William Hurley


  • Andrea Rossi

    Gennady and ALL OUR READERS:
    The video of the event of yesterday is availabke on You Tube: just go to You Tube and dial
    The integral paper of Carl Oscar Gullstrom will be available within days on this Journal of Nuclear Physics.
    Warm Regards,

  • I followed you with passion from the beginning but yesterday I had a great disappointment: no streaming video on any site; just a few slides! I would like to have a summary of the outcome of the demonstration especially on the COP achieved! I’m sorry to note how much represented but the wait was huge! Than you!

  • Rodney Nicholson

    Hi Andrea:

    I am hoping that, when the full video becomes available, a link to it will be provided on the blog right here.

    Second, from what I have seen of the presentation so far, it appears you have made another profound new discovery, which may be worth more to humanity than the Ecat. How did you grow all that new hair?!

    All the best,


  • Michel

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    I just watch a video of the QX presentation on the “ecatworld” website, but the sound was very weak, so it was hard to understand what people said.

    Could you clarify some details:

    – What was the purpose of the presentation ?

    – On a slide, the QX input current is low enough to put a true RMS ammeter in series : why measuring voltage accross a 1 Ohm resistor to get the current ?

    – On the same slide, i see no RMS voltmeter at the QX inputs ?

    From what i understood, the COP is impressive, surely a great success for you and your team !



  • Andrea Rossi

    Giuseppe Lipari:
    Thank you for your sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ecat Fan:
    The official streaming of the event of November 24th, made at the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences of Stockolm, will be put in the internet witin hours.
    Warm Regards,
    P.S. It has been already put on youtube by other sources, albeit in incomplete versions

  • Gennady

    Dear Andrea,

    Can you please post the link to the full video of the presentation. I seem to be struggling finding the actual video.

    Kind regards,


  • Ecat Fan

    I thought there would be a (delayed) video streaming of the whole event on 12 Miami time??

    can’t find it anywhere.

  • Giuseppe Lipari

    Hi Andrea,
    I am proud you are Italian like me. I follow you from many years and I have read all your post on your blog and documents of discovery phase of your suit against IH. I wish you all the best for your amazing invention and I think that prof. Focardi would be proud of your astonishing succes. I hope this demo could not only help you to commercialize your invention, but also to obtain all the academic support you have not obtained, so far. Maybe we will have a new Italian nobel prize winner in the near future 😉

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    I did.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    C Calloway:
    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Xavier Pitz:
    I have finished now to talk with the attendants in the aftermath of the event. The QX worked well as usual, even if I reduced the power down to the 30% od its possibiliteis, to have zero risk.
    The demo is online, you can find it on Ecat.com, Ecatworld, Youtube and others. The integral text of the theoretical presentation of Carl Oscar Gullstrom will be published the next week on the Journal Of Nuclear Physics.
    Warm Regards,

  • Xavier Pitz

    Hello Andrea,

    I wish you & your team the best for the demo in a few hours.

    I’m very exited to see the (live ?) video feed and to learn more about the QX !
    I have reserved my evening (Europe/France timezone) for this event.

    I hope you’ll have a large online audience.

    Fingers crossed 🙂


  • Henrik

    Good Morning.
    Best wishes for today.
    Looking forward to the streaming tonight.

  • C Calloway

    We dropped by to say Good Luck today with the LENR demo
    and looking forward to the presentation – Miami Time)


  • Koen Vandewalle

    Have fun Today!

  • Patrick Ellul

    Dear Andrea,
    There was a period a while ago where you said that you are powering the qx with dc battery. Is this still possible in the latest incarnation?
    Best regards and good luck for today.

  • Colin Watters

    Which UL standard would a consumer water heater have to meet? Would it be UL1453?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    All this will be possible only when a massive production will have been launched.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, you are right.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • Giuseppe

    Dear Andrea,
    best wishes to you and your team for the demostration you are going to do tomorrow.
    Please, keep always Italy in your hart for your further decisions.
    Best Regards, Giuseppe

  • LilyLover

    Dear Andrea,
    Well wishes and good luck for tomorrow morning. Channeling my prayers for divine help for your success. May you rest well and look refreshing for the most important photo-op of the scientific history. Please include your wife in some of the photos, for history should know that great sacrifices by scientist-alone are not sufficient to advance the humanity.

  • michele

    Dear Andrea,

    all the best for tomorrow, I was just wondering about these points

    -why, given the importance of this event, no press release has been sent out? I can find no trace of the event of tomorrow on google news, I’m a little confused actual

    -will you provide the product at a lower cost to organizations helping people like the ones in porto rico suffering a blackout after a catastrophic event?

    thank you for your inspiration,

  • Ivan Samec

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    I should ask You one thing: Tomorrow, Do You can mention with one sentence one Czechoslovak: Martin Fleischmann

    Good Luck

    Very Thanks

    Best Regards Ivan Samec

    One thematic song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0TdGGpOpVE

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    Is everything ready for tomorrow?
    Best Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk;
    Thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you very much for your sustain,
    Warm Regards,

  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    Much to be to be thankful for but specifically your inspired world changing work.
    Praying God will shine His blessings upon your presentation.
    Wish you, your wife and your team a very Happy Thanksgiving and a bright Friday!

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    May you presentation of the eCat QX be very succesful tomorrow.
    I hope you will survive the numerous questions that will be asked.
    Happy Thanksgiving, although there is little time to celebratie that, I guess.
    Lots of success! Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    Svein Henrik:
    1- Impossible to answer now
    2- Yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Svein Henrik

    Dear Andrea.
    Thank you for answer. Your last argument is indisputable. I may change my question:
    1. Which year do you anticipate the first products containing massively produced E-Cat may be on the marked?
    2. Will the progress here be independent of a “general acceptance” tomorrow?
    Any way – Best luck for and your team at the presentation !!!
    Regards Svein Henrik

  • Andrea Rossi

    Svein Henrik:
    Thank you for the information, but the certification issue is more complex and if you want to produce and distribute massively a domestic appliance you cannot pretend it is industrial, unless you are looking carefully for big troubles.
    Clearly you can use a product certified for industrial operation and nobody will forbid it to you, but should you have any accident because you use it improperly and get hurt, the manufacturer and the certificator have not liabilities. From the other side, I cannot sell E-Cat not massively produced for obvious reasons of reverse engineering.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Plans for these days? You kidding?
    Warm Regards,

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Happy Thanksgiving to you! What are your plans for this holiday?

    Wishing you all the best for the important presentation!

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Svein Henrik

    Dear Andrea
    As a comment to questions recently from WaltC concerning certification of “Hot Water Heaters”, I do have an “Air to Water Heat-Pump” as a complete unit outside my house.
    It supplies hot water both to space heating and consumption. This is an “industrial unit”, not intended or certified for domestic indoor use. The outside localization gives easy installation, easy access, security for water damage and other possible impacts and are space saving. Your certifications for industrial use are probably sufficient for this use.
    My heat-pump is now 10 years old and have a limited COP, when may I replace it with “The ecat hot-water-well”?
    Regards Svein Henrik

  • Andrea Rossi

    WaltC:Thank you for the wishes.
    1- It depends. It is a complex issue
    2- Yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Nice dream. Thank you for your sustain.
    Warm Regards,

  • WaltC

    Dear Andrea,

    – Hypothetically, if the two main domestic markets for the E-Cat were “Hot Water Heaters” and “Portable Space Heaters”, would there be one single domestic certification that applied to both applications, or would there be two– one for each application?

    – The process that I’ve encountered (as part of a team building phone systems) is that first you produce a “finished product” which you run through a series of in-house tests (vibration, mechanical shocks, electrostatic shocks, heat, cold, …) and then you have an outside testing agency test, recommend changes and certify it. Is that sort of process what you’d expect as well for the domestic E-Cat?

    – Best of Luck on Friday; I’m looking forward to it!

    Thanks, WaltC

  • James

    Hi Mr Rossi,

    I have one dream for your QX presentation, sort of like Apple did this earlier. After your safe successful presentation I want to see something like this: “This was our stable tree of work. And this, Ladies and Gents, is what we are working on to get this stable, too. Please enjoy the future!”

    And then you show the real power of the E-cat. Dont blow it, but let us see something more to dream of…

    Best regards,


  • Andrea Rossi

    Welcome back!
    Thank you for your suggestion: useful in future; 2050? To celebrate my 100th birthday! I do not know what I will be doing exactly in the 2050th annus Domini, but surely it will be something related to the E-Cat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    John Evans:
    Thanks to you and
    Andrea Rossi

  • John C Evans

    Dear Andrea:

    Good luck Friday and happy Thanksgiving.

    Thank You

    John C Evans

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gian Luca:
    Of course!
    Warm Regards,

  • Gian Luca

    Carissimo Andrea,

    The list of future buyers that had been created in the past years (way out) could be considered valid whatever the development times and the members who will be involved?


  • orsobubu

    Dear Andrea, I am very much looking forward to watching the Friday experiment prepared by your fantastic team! I will wait for the connection together with my 8 years old nephew, so we are sending to you our best wishes!

    In addition to this, I know for sure you will obviously introduce the event with some sort of icebreaking joke. But, instead of your classic sort of “Look, I have a bad feeling about this, I was talking to Mats Lewan, he said they were going to tell a joke before I spoke but instead they just introduced me”, I have a better and more scenographic suggestion if you permit.

    You could present to the guests a nice coffee table with loads of cookies and lots of cups with 100-degree boiling tea (I don’t know why, but I noticed your followers do like cups of tea very much), heated from your QX, and another empty coffee table to the side, where you’ll explain they can see these other lot of cups filled instead with liquid nitrogen, in short a temperature gap analog to the difference between the hypothetical cop 5 of your showdown and the cop 0.023 obtained in almost 70 years by the best experiment so far carried out by thousands of people in the international quest for the hot fusion


    Then you will tell the attendants that the table with tea and biscuits is there, at disposal of everyone and invite the guests to take advantage of it, because you paid it all and will not cost them a dime. The cups on the other coffee table, if they want, are very expensive instead, since they cost the American taxpayer at least 30 billion dollars to date. An abettor aider will get up and ask you but where are these cups, I cannot see them, are you kidding again with us! and you, exiting triumphally the scene with a big smile, exclaim: come on guys, they are not ready yet! maybe in 2050!

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giannino Ferro Casagrande:
    Information abut the demo will be given during it.
    The streaming will be after noon Miami time.
    The language will be English.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Daniel G. Zavela:
    Industrialization means in our case capacity to produce massively.
    Warm Regards,

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