United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • andrew

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    You said you opened an air Window to help air circulating, but Fabiani clearly tells you to push a Switch. It’s clear from the audio… Can you clarify?

  • SG

    Hello Andrea,

    One question about the cooling system: have you considered using Peltier cells?


  • Martyn Aubrey

    Control Unit Overheating

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    During your E-Cat QX demo in Stockholm, you said to Mats Lewan that you are having problems with overheating in the control unit.

    Q1. Is the overheating due to heat from the active E-Cat QX conducting back through the metal clamps and along the signal wires to the control unit box?

    I remember looking at the photos of the Lugano Hot Cat test and noting that the wire conductors to the reactor end caps were glowing bright orange and had been placed in ceramic tubes to isolate them from the metal framework.

    I thought then that the heat from the reactor was conducting back along the electrical connectors.

    Q2. Are you now trying to isolate the control system from this heat?

    Obviously, any heat lost and wasted in the control unit is heat that could have otherwise been used in the load.

    One option that you may be investigating is to transmit the drive signal through a thermally inert block before connecting it to each end of the reactor.

    The reactor drive signal shown on the oscilloscope appears to be some form of Double-Side-Band (DSB) AM RF signal.

    If the signal has no DC component, then could the RF signal be fed to the reactor by way of a heat-insulated transformer, or transmitted and received by a very close pair of small antennae such as the thin flat-form coil type used in security RFID tags used in stores?

    The two coil antennae would be thermally separated as much as possible by placing them near to the opposite faces of an inert plate of heat insulating material. (The hot side would have to be extremely robust though)

    (This material could be a solid sheet or possibly made of multiple layers of fabric like the heat protection clothing used by firemen). I hope this makes some sense.

    I know that you and your team will be working hard to find a solution to this overheating problem, and I wish you all good luck.

    Thank you for videoing the E-Cat QX demo and posting it online.

    All best wishes for your continuing hard work.
    Supportive Regards,
    Martyn Aubrey

  • Andrea Rossi

    I checked what you say, it is between the time 2h 30′ and 2h 31′.
    I opened an air window to help the air circulation since when the E-Cat has been turned off the cooling system was disconnected. After 2 hours of work and after the operation of the spectrometer without cooling circulation in the heat exchanger I wanted to help the hot air out.
    This has nothing to do with the measurements we were making.
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    I seen this comment from E48 on ECat World
    11 hours ago
    Just before Mats starts the tests with different resistor values, Rossi lifts the cover on the White control box and apparently switches a switch or two:

    E cat QX presentation 24 November 2017 — disq.us
    Which to this observer casts a big shadow over the validity of the tests Mats conducted.

    Apparently Mats did not see this occur as he was looking at the data from Hurley.

    As Rossi did not explain what he did nor why he did it, to me this killed any credibility on the input power claims.

    Could you comment on it?
    Enjoyed your QX demonstration.

  • George Hogan

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Congratulations on the successful E-Cat QX demo! You have mentioned in the past possibly partnering with third party heat-based engines. Have you considered Cyclone Power Technologies, Inc.? They have developed an efficient heat-based engine that has won several awards from prominent science magazines and have contracts in the defense industry. They claim that their engine can use any heat source as fuel such as solar or syngas, and they have talked publicly of leveraging LENR in the past. http://m.marketwired.com/press-release/cyclone-power-technologies-delivers-engine-militarization-fsds-releases-2017-q1-worldwide-otc-pink-cypw-2229112.htm

    George Hogan

  • Michel

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    Some questions:

    – Is the output of the “black box” supply floating ? (=not connected to Earth). Inputs of TBS1052B oscilloscope are not isolated, then probe’s ground makes the 1 Ohm resistor to be refered to the Earth.

    – Can we summarize the situation by saying that a roughly 10mW injected at the entrance raises progressively the temperature of the core to 2600 °C ?

    I take this opportunity to wish you a complete cure for your skin cancer, forza !



  • Gabriel Berra

    Dear Andrea, Thank you for your reply to my last post. I am not here to make your life difficult or to discredit you, but what you have said in your last response to me is not possible according to my calculations and e=mc2 therefore I believe you have made a mistake – either the e-cat Qx reactor is bigger eg 0.8mm x 6mm, or it can’t release 20W or it doesn’t last for 1 year. We don’t know the density of your reactor but we know that it contains nickel – 9 kg/L and liAlH4 – density 1 kg /L. For argument sake lets assume the whole reactor is Nickel and has a density of 9kg/L. The reactor you describe is 0.08mm diameter x 0.6 mm = 0.003mm cubed in volume, even if it was pure nickel at a density of 9kg / L,= a mass of 0.003x 9kg x 0.000001 L = 0.000000027 kg of mass using E=MC2 then 0.000000027kg x 300,000,000 x 300,000,000 ( c2 ) = 2,440,000,000 joules if converted entirely to energy. 20 W x 3600 seconds x 24 hours x 365 days = 630,720,000 joules. So if the reactor was pure nickel 630,720,000 / 2,440,000,000 = 25.8 % of the mass would need to be converted to energy to work as you describe !! I don’t believe this is possible and this figure would go up if we take into account that the reactor is not pure nickel and has LiAlH4 which has a much lower density and thus the reactors mass is actually less than the mass in the calculations. Sorry if I have made a mistake. All the best.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ing. Michelangelo De Meo:
    Thank you for the link!
    Warm Regards,

  • Michelangelo De Meo

    E cat QX presentation 24 November 2017

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gabriel Berra:
    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Kerl-Hentik Malmqvist:
    Thank you for your suggestion. There will be no further demo. Our next public action will be the launch of the product.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Thank you for your opinion and for your attention to our demo.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We did not invite them.
    Warm Regards,

  • I’m curious and worried that the press (and the media in general), even the specialized one, did not bring the news of the demonstration and the outstanding achievements! Is there a comunication problem? Thank you and best regards.

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea, With a view from a distance, I would dare to think that analog signal detection and integration might be enough. Lightning fast sampling is then no longer necessary.

    If you also have a group of different oscillators that you can send their power to the QX as required, you can only manage that link according to the integrals of the detectors via a computer. Then the computer has to process much less.

    In my profession I also see a draconian increase in computers and communication interfaces, for sometimes simple things that we used to solve with much less resources.

    If there is an electric surplus somewhere, you can always stock it.

    Nice presentation !

    Best Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Congrats on a successful demo. However, I wish that you had demonstrated the same with the 800 Ohm resister in series with the eCat reactor. The demonstration could have proceeded with:
    a. The 800 Ohm resister shunted across it – resulting in the basic test configuration.
    b. Then the eCat reactor could be shunted across for the 0 Ohm test configuration.
    c. Then the shunt across the 800 Ohm resistor removed and the shunt across the eCat removed for the 800 Ohm test configuration.

    No change in waveform should have occurred. You would have made only one configuration change per step. No long dead time reconfiguring the experimental setup.

    It would have been nice to measure the total input power and to have demonstrated a 3 eCat, 5 eCat and 11 eCat reactor configurations. Once stable thermal output had been achieved, the additional time demonstrated little new information. With three different eCat reactor configurations, one could back out the effect of the power controller through linear regression techniques.

    The pump rate could have been adjusted to handle the different eCat configurations for a constant delta temperature.

    Also, if you had measured the temperature of the pump output, your would not have to disassemble the pump to show there was no heating within the pump. Demonstrations tend to be more meaningful when they go smoothly and with minimal required assumptions. Still, it was a successful demonstration. Good job.

  • Karl-Henrik Malmqvist

    Dear Andrea,
    Thank you for the QX presentation yesterday. One thing you could do next time, without revealing any secrets, is to first feed the water from the pump into the control box and use if for cooling the components there, and then feed the water into the reactor. By using a third thermocouple to measure the water temperature right befor the reactor it is easy to add the delta T over the control box and delta T over the reactor.
    Then you can use a powermeter on the cable feeding the control box.
    Just google “CPU water cooler” to find components suitable to mount in the control box for water cooling.
    Best Regards,
    Karl-Henrik Malmqvist

  • Hi Andrea, congratulations on your demo. You state the actual reactor component is minuscule- 0.08mm diameter x 0.6 mm. In the past you have said that each ecat QX can produce energy for 1 year before being exhausted. My previous understanding was the Ecat QX was approximately 1 mm diameter x 20mm. Are you still claiming that the Ecat QX 0.08mm x 0.6mm is able to realease energy for approximately 1 year ? All the best !

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am very sorry, but that would force me to explain confidential particulars.
    Thank you for your kind attention to our work.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- to do what I have done
    2- it has been explained . What you saw is partial report. Please watch a more complete report (you tube ” Ecat Stockolm” or Ecatworld )
    3- we had an oscilloscope
    4- thank you for your encouragement to our Team!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    1- yes
    2- miracle (I had months ago cancer surgery to the head and have to wear a special wig designed to protect from radiations).
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I hope you found solace in the links that have been published with most part of the event, so far.
    Just go to Ecatworld and you will find 3 hours of the event. The final version of about 4 hours is on its way, as I have been informed about.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Michelangelo De Meo:
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Toussaints Francois:
    Thank you for your attention to the great work of my team.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Working hard: the one year test made in Doral has given me an enormous amount of information and I worked very hard with it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Thank you for the links and for the information.
    Please send also here the link to the complete version when you will get it.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Xavier Pitz:
    Thank you for the links, surely useful for our Readers.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    It is not wrong.
    All the rest of volume is room for heat exchange.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    You are right, but too complex to be accepted easily, so we preferred the more conservative way: it is just…enough.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your feeling: the final whisper came from the solace after several days of extreme tension.
    Notwithstanding the long period of tests and the 5 Sigma reached, I was afraid that something for some unforeseeable reason could go wrong. Between a success and a catastrophe there can be just a whisper.
    Warm Regards,

  • Sommer

    First of all:
    Congrats for Your big sucsess!
    And many Thanks for Your quick answer to my question.

    After the impressive demo many followers speculate about the source of the heat in the controls.

    Do You have a hint for us what the reason may be, after the possibiliy of heat traveling trouh the wires was excluded?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Sorry, all your questions and considerations are related to confidential issues, either in positive or in negative.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for youe attention to our work,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Sommer

    You have discussed before that the demo would be doable with batteries as the only sorce. Would such a configuration have the same need for massive cooling?

  • Enrique

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Congratulations to you and your team for the immense demo of Stockolm. I appreciated the genial application of a dummy of 1 Ohm and a dummy of 800 Ohms, to proof the obvious fact that the plasma is a conductor, since with the dummies instead of the Ecat we saw that the resistance of the copper was the same of the plasma, since with 1 Ohm the voltage was moreless the same, while with the 800 Ohm dummy we saw that the source was not an I-constant source. This was genial.
    Congratulations for the clarity of the measurements.
    And now…Godspeed to the industrialization !

  • Yuri

    Dear Andrea:
    Great! Great! What we saw from Stockolm is a gigaprogress of your science and technology. Fantastic the choice to use only liquid water with 20 Celsius degrees of delta T, with the water falling in a reservoir upon a scale. Now the calorimetry is undisputable.

  • Marco

    Dear Andrea,
    Some more questions, regarding the test:
    1) The three ECats were in series, or in parallel?
    2) I assume that there are some metal electrodes that are in contact with the ECat, that is a small elongated conductor similar to a piece of hair. What material is (the electrodes)?
    3) How are positioned the electrode? I mean: if the ECat is a small cylinder of 0.6mm heigth and 0.08mm diameter, the electrodes are in contact with the bases?
    4) Is the ECat polarized or not? I mean: if you invert the polarity and so the current flow (starting from a cold ECat), it works the same? What if you let the current flow perpendicularly the cylinder axis or diagonally? In short, is the ECat anysotropic, so that it can be made a sphere? If it can be made in sphere or peeble shape, then you can throw a bunch of Ecat in a bowl and let the current flow between the two extremes, like if the ECats were a bunch of pellets in a wood stove or a bunch of peebles in a peeble nuclear plant… So probabily the delta V could be much higher than few millivolt and you can use a 10-20V/1A waveform generator for thousands of ECats!


  • Marco

    Dear Andrea,
    At about 1:28:00 of the video, there is an extreme close-up of the reactor. When the relais is turned on, starting the 3 seconds pulse train, a flash can be seen near the electrode. You have put black tape to cover, but a small fraction of the light, quite white-bluish, as you said many time ago, can be seen…


  • Jenny

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Thank you for the generous demo you gave us from the predtigious Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences of Stockolm.
    I have been moved by your whisper at the end of the event, when all the attendants cheered you heartedly.
    You are inspiring.
    Now we all wait for your products.
    A big hug,

  • Marco

    Dear Andrea,
    I see the problem for the control box: if the ECat has low resistance, it requires low voltage to have less than one ampere. This is very difficult to obtain with high efficiency from high voltage. The current is also pulsed, so a switching power supply must have a very high sample frequency, not feasible if Mats Lewans calculations of 100KHz is accurate. I think that the high heat of the control box is because it’s a linear circuit, an amplifier, that has awful efficiency if it must supply low voltage abd high current…

    You can put in series tens or hundreds of ECat-QX, like christmas bulbs, to increase the required voltage and use a more efficient power supply that must only provide pulsed voltage with a more reasonable value, in the order of 10-20 volts… This can be done with a normal linear circuit, morelike an audio amplifier, with efficiency of 30-40% depending on the pulse waveform.

    Also putting the ECats in series eliminates the 1 Ohm resistance and so also this loss of power…


  • Marco

    Dear Andrea,
    A quick note while watching your video.
    The peak current flowing through the ECat is 0.28A. The duty cycle of the driving current is 3/7. But the current is also pulsed, so the mean power is well below .28^2, that you are using for the fast power calculation at 36:00. You have at least the 3/7 factor. But also another factor given by the fact that the current is still pulsed in the 3/7 of the cycle. So the power is well below 0.08W (.28^2), probabily well below 0.035W (.08*3/7), with an output power of 15W and rising, with a COP of at least 400.
    Excuse me if later in the video you gave the precise numbers, but while watching the video i urged to write you some considerations…


  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    The video is very interesting. I do have one question about something you said on it:

    ” Because the real dimensions of the reactor are 0.08 mm of diameter, and 0.6 mm in length.”

    Surely it is not so small! Maybe you meant cm?

    Thank you,

    Frank Acland

  • Xavier Pitz

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for your feedback !
    I gave up yesterday evening because I wasn’t able to find a proper link on ecat.com & ecatworld.org.

    But today it is available 🙂
    I will surely watch it with great interest this afternoon.

    For those wondering what is the direct link to the YouTube video, here it is :

    It has been published on the YouTube “ECAT – Andrea Rossi’s Energy Catalyzer” channel which is reachable here :



  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    For your readers’ information here is the link to the Youtube video of the presentation: https://www.youtube.com/embed/lkj-7whwpUk,

    It is also posted on E-Cat World here: http://ecatworld.org/e-cat-qx-presentation-thread-3-comments-from-mats-lewan/, along with the measurements taken by William Hurley, and an analysis of Mats Lewan.

    Mats stated on ECW that in this version of the video, the talk by Carl Oscar Gullstroem is not included, in order to speed up the time of processing. He said a new version of the video will be made which includes Gullstroem’s talk.

    Thank you and best wishes,

    Frank Acland

  • Michel

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    I found all the answers to my questions in the new video (good quality) on Youtube.
    I understand the input current is not just DC as i thought, so an oscilloscope is effectively more suitable for observing high frequency components of the current across the 1 ohm shunt resistor.
    Without betraying a secret, can you simply explain how you went from COP x6 (old Ecat) to x488 for the QX ?



  • Toussaint françois

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    Congratulations for the demo, it was cool to be able to see the flash’s of the E-CAT QX

    Warm Regards

    Toussaint françois

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