United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the information: I pass it on to our IT guy.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I presume and hope between the end of December and the end of January.
    It will be in the USA, East Coast.
    All the Readers that desire to attend can send a request of invitation to:
    Obviously not all can be invited, but I will select the ones that I deem will have more merit, based on their sustain and suggestions.
    The attendance will be free.
    Warm Regards,

  • Eric Ashworth

    Raffaele Bongo, The energy of the e-cat is immaterial. It produces heat. It depends upon the energy that is needed. Energy is produced by a distortion i.e. brought about by a gravitational force. Which is the instigator and the determinator. This force is diminished by structure which it creates because of the solidity that it creates i.e. materiality, otherwise there would be no control i.e a balance within nature. Wikipedia fails to explain energy with regards a simple two dimensions,, one being a dimension of size positive and the other being a dimension of volume negative. But what are these dimensions comprised of?. they are the shortest planck length being neutrinos regards negative length and positive length of there zones i.e. zones within a set. They do not exist as a singularity but a binary system i.e. with a very low mass defect. Consequently Empty space contains structure which very few people are aware of and that is not a necessity to know unless you are interested in the evolution of nature. Physics as a subject is easy to understand but you cannot start half way up because the foundations are a necessary requirement. The foundations are lacking because confusion is required to maintain a mystery. Regards Eric Ashworth

  • Anonymous

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Where and when you presume will be the presentation of the industrialized Ecat ready for the heat sale?
    Will be any of the readers of this blog to attend?

  • Anna

    Dear Andrea,
    I read your calvary on http://www.ingandrearossi.com.
    Your recovery sounds miraculous.

  • Lucien

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    In the website http://www.leonardocorporation.com the FAQ and the Inquiry forms are not working.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    So far the most convenient use of the electricity produced is to thermalize it.
    In this moment we are focused exclusively on heat production and leave the Client do of the heat the use he needs: if he wants, he knows how to convert thermal energy into electric power.
    Warm Regards,

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi

    During the Quart X R & D you told us that the reactor produced heat, light and up to 20% possible electricity. This generation of electricity suggested the ability to operate the E-Cat independently without external power.
    You have devoted yourself exclusively to the development of heat.
    Have you encountered hard-to-overcome difficulties that caused you to stop the R & D of power generation or your goal is to put the E-Cat on the market as soon as possible?
    Is it possible to see in the future a fully autonomous E-Cat barbecue in my garden? Thank you very much for your answer
    All my support for your industrial E-Cat project
    Best regards


  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, it has.
    Warm Regards, A.R.

  • CC

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Does the isospin have the same mathematical structure of the spin?

  • Yrka

    Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi.

    Russia, inherited from socialism, got a super-centralized heating system for residential areas.
    Tens of thousands of small towns and huge metropolises are heated centrally. Small boiler houses or gigantic thermal power stations.
    This is just an ideal option for the application of thermal E-CatQX

    Good luck to you and your team.

    Yuriy Isaev
    Tyumen Russia.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Eric Ashworth

    An interesting consideration regards chirality.

    I know Andrea answered this question recently and his reply was correct regards positive and negative but I think this phenomena is not really worth dealing with to any great extent. Why chirality exists is because we are existing in a material world being structural. The material world is a binary system of positive and negative with a mass defect that dictates the potential of the structure. Planet Earth is a structure of two potentials created within an interactive volume. The volume rotates to remain neutral and likewise does planet Earth. Every volume has a central position and an event horizon being an electromagnetic field. But every volume being a structure is comprised of a positive and a negative and therefore has an interactive zone which is a void. The manufactured structure is within a flux tube and therefore is of a magnetic field coming from opposite dimensions, from one side it is negative and from the opposite it is positive that can be termed a pillar, upon which is the rotational axis of the Earth. The pillar is comprised of two poles, its a binary system. But ‘Empty set’ (central position separates the two poles) one is negative and one positive but the Earth spins in one direction (fusion occurs at the ‘empty set’ to be discussed later). Therefor, if the Earth is divided at the equator and each half is rotated through 90 degrees towards, the rotation of the top and the bottom of the whole structure represents a divided force i.e it is no longer a unified whole or a neutral unit of energy. What it represents in its repositioned dimensions is an antagonistic force. This situation proves a simple formulae with regards energy and human evolution , this being half is half but two is one i.e. one negative and one positive in harmony equals a stable potential. What I am saying is that when two forces/potentials with free will meet within one volume They can either create a mutual beneficial structure or maintain a toxic structure of decay i.e an imbalance. Unfortunately the future is before the past but fortunately evolution exists in sets and therefor a gravitational pressure becomes into being that create a partial mass defect into a much needed future environment. Regards Eric Ashworth

  • Andrea Rossi

    Surely in the USA. Where exactly we did not decide yet.
    Warm Regards,

  • Roland

    I watched on youtube the presentation of the Ecat QX at the IVA of Stockholm on November 24th 2018 and i found it very convincing.
    Now let’s wait for the presentation of the product. Did you already decide where it will be?

  • Eric Ashworth

    Renato, Your question to Andrea regards the need for a consensus by the mainstream scientific world I find baffling. Could you explain why. Regards Eric Ashworth

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, I do not.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- enough
    2- to be agreed upon with the Customer
    Warm Regards,

  • Sam

    Hello Dr Rossi

    I am wondering how far along is the Ecat
    robotics factory.10,20, percent or more completed?
    Also will the presentation of the Ecat you are
    having by the end of this year or beginning of
    next year be from a Ecat customer location?

    Enjoy your summer.

  • Renato

    Dear Andrea,
    Don’t you think that before to industrialize the Ecat and sell the heat produced by it you should have the consensus of the mainstream scientific world?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Robert Curto:
    Thank you,
    Warm regards,

  • Dr. Rossi, I love your comparison.
    A drop of ink on a paper, and you find written a poem !
    I don’t think you realize how good you are.
    That is why I have to keep telling you.
    Your Ego booster.
    Robert Curto
    Ft. Lauderdale Florida

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    By the way: we’d like to publish your paper on the JoNP: is that possible? If yes please send it as an attachment to
    Warm Regards,

  • Dear Andrea,
    The question of CC begs to ask: do you think that life can happen spontaneously in nature?
    regards, /pekka

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    No, it is impossible that so many and complex operations happen casually. Like to drip a viel of ink on a paper and find written a poem.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your attention to the work of our Team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph

    Dear Andrea
    Congratulations again for the convincing demo made in Stockholm on November 24th with the Ecat QX, now we wait for the industrial production,

  • CC

    Do you think that LENR can happen spontaneously in nature?

  • Sebastian

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    will be world major companies among the customers that will buy the heat from the Ecats?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Thank you for your insight,
    Warm Regards,

  • Eric Ashworth

    An attempt of an explanation See Vacuum permittivity Mass defect. and dielectric

    I presume every reader and commentator of the JONP has either an interest in physics with regards some specific specialty or a general curiosity. From my own perspective I have had and still do a general curiosity and therefore cannot claim to be a specialist in any particular subject matter. I do however consider physics to be the most important subject due to its ability to allow a continual control of a destiny that involves both time and space. What I am saying is that there comes a time when knowledge is essential to overcome specific problems with regards evolution and the changes brought about by it. Time does not stand still and thereby distances become greater, environmental changes occur, transitions take place in accordance to an increase in energy and it is because of this that we need to understand physics with regards its four dimensions together with the all important fifth. There are four dimensions with regards material substance/zones, these being solid, liquid, gas and plasma. The fifth is a tricky variable due to an ever increasing degree of emptiness regarding this most important set. ‘Empty Set’ and ‘Set Theory’ is an important understanding but because of time and our particular position this understanding is not imperative at this moment. Consequently certain aspects of understanding can be said to be ‘before there time’. As regards LENRs, I believe, its time has come as it overcomes a much needed energy problem that the world is currently facing. Other technologies are not so much such a critical issue but need to be investigated in preparation for what will be needed at some future date and where LENRs will be essential. Consequently, there are two technologies that I will be putting forward as considerations that could provide insights into other aspects of physics that I am unaware of. These two technologies are interconnected with regards binary systems, one of them the introductory is a mechanical mechanism that is labeled a ‘Linear Propulsion Mechanism’ (L.P.M.) and that held a U.S. patent, maybe it still does. The written details with regards the patent I find in some instances confusing. My original text was altered by the patent agent and then I was given 24 hrs to amend it. Consequently, time ran out. Nevertheless, the technology still holds good. (What the technology is based upon is four mobile dimensions situated between two manufactured static dimensions). The four mobile dimensions represent a minor ‘set’ of which a major set contains four of these minor ‘sets’. Each ‘set’ occupies a zone and thereby there are three minor transitions within a ‘set’. The fourth transition into another major ‘set’ requires a major transition with regards an increase in energy content. This is because of a distance travelled over a specific space i.e. a minor systemic system. This may seem confusing but I hope my continued explanation will help explain. Evolution moves forward from periphery to a central position of the overriding structure. What ‘Empty Set’ and ‘Set Theory’ relates to is the structure of a unit of energy and how that structure relates within the overriding structure, that’s why the digits in maths goes from zero to ten and then starts to run through the ‘sets’ relating to the first ‘set’. There is no ‘End Set’, all you need to know is the zero to ten ‘set’. This I shall explain in the second technology with regards electromagnetic neutrals. The L.P.M. as such is an appliance and can in a specific instance be referred to as a bi-polar unifying field oscillator that demonstrates interacting curvature forces that produce linear forces by oscillating interactions. The apparatus relies upon four interacting mobile units that have to be set centripetally within a circumference so as to provide a 50% overlap and thereby provide a mass defect within the manufactured flow. They are therefore positioned mid way of a triangular position within a circle. The manufactured mass defect oscillates between the base and apex of each triangle and forced down into each cavity on either side of a separator which is part of the static structure. Thereby the L.P.M. is able to demonstrate the static and mobile mechanics of energy interaction both by the physical mechanism and by the flow dynamics which provides the flow with an independent identity i.e. a none interactive static barrier (this mechanism is absolutely silent in operation because of its unified field). The static frame is designed to accommodate the pitch of the rotating propellers i.e. the resultant pressures (Inner depth apex four, middle pivot three, outer base two, outer chamber one, fuselage zero i.e. ‘Empty Set’) this magnifies the surrounding static barrier force which is contained within specific chambers surrounding the mechanism (between two and one) and which tracks the flow as it surrounds the mechanism on four distinct circuits. Within the structure there are eight manufactured helical trajectories of flow i.e. economy flows that circumnavigate within the frame ( four inward, four outward) i.e. equivalent of flux tubes. These helical trajectories contain a degree of emptiness that provides structure and thereby a degree of density that increases the propelling effect. The mechanism is able to demonstrate in a very simple way how energy is trapped within a structure by flow and is insulated from surrounding structures. I refer to it as being able to demonstrate the mechanics of an atom even though the atom is of a spiral construction). Because of the required geometry and the need for a necessary interior space, the mechanism requires two or more sets of the mobile propellers i.e. eight or more. The geometry of the set-up being of a flattened construction is based upon the triangle, the circle and the square. whereby these three symbols when in an integrated combination are able to provide an insight into a unit of energy. The apex of the triangle is considered the most inner most position and therefor positive being a dimension of size. The inner most base of the triangle i.e. half way along is the most negative and the circle midway between apex and base is the neutral from which the unit of energy evolves in both directions with regards one set. Without mass defect structure does not exist. Once mass defect is engaged, structure occurs and with it, weight which provides it with an attractive force. Consequently an energy unit becomes a full potential of the power that exists at the very centre of its progenitor this being at the apex of the triangle being the major ‘Empty Set’. As the potential descends within, its potential becomes greater i.e. the size positive gets smaller and the negative volume gets greater. The square is the ever present inclusive force of an ionized state due to the field of the progenitor force being comprised of minor sets that navigate the zones within the field and that ultimately reach the required destination, being the apex of the triangle i.e. maximum potential of the field both inner positive and outer negative. Outside of the square is the ‘Empty Set’ which equals the ‘Empty Set’ in the central position. This continual state of affairs provides the field, within which the potentials exist, a simultaneous expansion and contraction/of planck length which provides for a continual circuit of potentials out and potentials in, such as that able to be demonstrated by the bi-polar unifying field oscillation mechanism and because all sets have a major ‘End Set’ including those of which the Earth is traversing. The mechanism as described will eventually become a much needed appliance to overcome an eventual event. It will of course need the required dual method of propulsion and this I will explain at a later date and of course the almost limitless amount of energy provided by LENRs. As an interesting consideration. If energy units such as planets evolve into density they obviously start out huge and nebulous and condense down within their progenitor flux tube. At some point in time they would be semi dense and support huge semi dense units of consciousness that would become extinct as the planet progresses through its sets and at some point in time midway there will be a major readjustment/dawn of intelligence from which there will be a continual series of minor readjustments that effect the size dimension and the volume dimension of the mass. The planet undergoes continual shrinkage and its field continual expansion. The planck length decreases in increments and the event horizon increases in incremental pulses. This, I believe, is why isotopes represent stages within periodic sets. From what I understand regarding physics all knowledge with regards our present period in evolution is fully known but only by a very few people and this knowledge is purposely suppressed by a convoluted language, designed to confuse a relatively simple process. Consequently certain technologies are ‘put down’ and ignored by those in control. What I intend to explain later is the the required photon engine/e.v.os to complete a unifying field oscillation vehicle. Everything in physics is ancient knowledge and been known about since the beginning of time. See Wikipedia, Woodward effect, Mach’s principle and impulse engine. I shall try to explain it in simple language. Maybe this will also help explain LENRs. Regards, Eric Ashworth. Any questions Shall explain if able.

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- yes
    2- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    Still bad math.
    Warm Regards,

  • CORRECTION: when in my message of June 14, 2018 at 1:33 PM I had said: “if electric power demand continues to grow at the same rate it has the last 50 years, and if no economies are made in the number of acres of land it takes to generate a megawatt of power, then in 187 years the Earth’s entire land surface will be covered with nothing but generating stations.”

    I should have said instead:

    If ***US*** electric power demand continues to grow at the same rate it has the last 50 years, and if no economies are made in the number of acres of land it takes to generate a megawatt of power, then in 187 years the ***USA’s*** entire land surface will be covered with nothing but generating stations.”

    Rodney Nicholson.

  • Anonymous

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Your patent has been granted in USA, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, all the 47 Countries of Europe, Russia, China, Japan, Australia, South Africa: to maintain all these patents in good standing you have to pay a lot of money every year, since you have to pay in every Country the yearly taxes plus the fees to the attorneys that do the procedure:
    1- is it right?
    2- is it worth?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    Thank you for your interesting suggestions.
    About the 1970 Exec: surely he was not a god in analytical mathematics.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    Congratulations! Very interesting paper.
    Warm Regards,

  • Giobbe Pazienza, Andrea Rossi:

    As a small a advertisement, I want to note that we have developed a method called the plasma brake to eliminate the formation of new orbital debris. An ESA report of a design of a plasma brake module is described in this project report: http://www.electric-sailing.fi/papers/BB15-LSIversion-with-execsum.pdf .

    The plasma brake is a spin-off of our earlier E-sail invention for solar wind driven interplanetary propulsion.

    regards, /pekka

  • A little further thought on the following issue:

    = = = = = = = = = =
    Andrea Rossi
    June 8, 2018 at 4:17 PM

    Rodney Nicholson:
    Yes, I think you got the point. To make electricity with the Ecat you need to use a Carnoot cycle circuit, that is convenient only for industrial applications. It is unthinkable to put in a household an Ecat connected with a boiler, a steam turbne, a condenser.
    Surely to serve a village the situation is different, depending on its populations. As for the remote locations, it depends on the specific situations.
    Warm Regards,
    = = = = = = = = = = = =

    It might be worthwhile to make detailed calculations to estimate how large a ‘village’ would need to be for the costs of Ecat+Carnot to be at breakeven against the costs of grid power. Eliminating just the cost of the very-high-voltage, long distance, grid transmission lines and transformers (as well as eliminating their ugliness, and all the other costs and problems of existing fuels), and thereby needing to use only local transmission lines, might show that even rather small ‘villages’ could be competitively served by Ecats.

    It would also be useful to know how large a village would need to be for Ecat+Carnot to be at breakeven against unsubsidized roof-top solar cells.

    With these numbers in hand, I bet there would be innovative smaller communities that would be keen to adopt small Ecat plants, the operation of which might possibly demonstrate the smaller unit approach to be more cost effective. That is, that it might show it to be a mistake to consider replacing nuclear, gas or coal fired stations with large Ecat arrays ONSITE.

    If that did indeed turn out to be the case (yes, perhaps that is a ‘big if’) it would be good not to head down the wrong road early on.

    (As a digression, I recall that in a speech given by a leading electric utility company executive around 1970, he stated: “if electric power demand continues to grow at the same rate it has the last 50 years, and if no economies are made in the number of acres of land it takes to generate a megawatt of power, then in 187 years the Earth’s entire land surface will be covered with nothing but generating stations. No room for anything else. Not even transmission lines.” Of course a lot has changed since then.)


  • Andrea Rossi

    Giobbe Pazienza:
    As a matter of fact the space around the Earth is filled by garbage residual from the thousands of launches that have been made in sixty years and it begins to be an issue for the vector rockets that are launched now and will be launched in future for whatsoever purpose.
    Warm Regards,

  • Giobbe Pazienza

    The Space Agency of Russia has launched a program to annihilate the space garbage, kind of spent satellites and the like, by a laser beam focused on them. This is a pretty smart cosmic waste disposal system, don’t you think?
    Giobbe Pazienza

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rick 57:
    Very interesting. Again thanks, and, to be clear, the honour to receive all these comments of help and sustain is for all of my team an honour, besides to be important.
    Warm Regards,

  • Rick57

    Dear Andrea,

    your appreciation is a great reward and honor for me.

    To complete the previous info, this is a link to another DOE report (quite old actually, now probably figures are even better) comparing in a table various fuel-cell technologies with related application range and efficiency:


    I know hydrogen is dangerous and its distribution costly, but if the conversion to electricity is made in the same plant (maybe using part of the heat resulting from the hydrogen generation process) these issues could be overcome and the net result would be a closed system with eCat charge as the only input and heat + electricity as outputs !

    My dream is a Combined Heat & Power Station serving a small village or a residential district.
    Let’s make it a reality !

    Warm Regards again,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you very much for your interesting information.
    This is another example, among others, about how our Readers are important to us.
    Warm Regards,

  • Rick57

    Dear Andrea,

    if you google “sulfur-iodine cycle wiki” you can find a general overview of it.

    It’s a mature process compared to more recent researches based on catalyzers.

    Temperature required is above 900 °C (a breeze for the e-Cat) and efficiency
    can reach 50%.

    I found interesting some recent developments made in Japan to couple this
    technology to nuclear plant for hydrogen production on large scale: you just
    have to replace the heat source !

    This is another link on the process description you may find useful:


    Electrifying Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I am not familiar with the techology you cite: what is the efficiency? Can you suggest a publication?
    Warm Regards,

  • Rick57

    Dear Andrea,

    instead of producing electricity directly or by means of an engine / generator working on the basis of the Carnot cycle, did you consider hydrogen generation from water at high temperature (using the well known sulfur-iodine cycle or similar) coupled with a package of fuel cells ?

    It should be a green process (pollution wise), scalable and with a comparable overall efficiency…

    Thanks a lot for your opinion.

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