United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,104 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    1. Is the customer you are building the 40 MW E-Cat plant for in the United States?
    2. Is this the largest installation you currently have?
    3. Is this customer in the food processing industry (you have mentioned this previously).
    4. Are you on site at this customer’s facility to supervise the construction?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Anonymous

    Dr Rossi,
    Can you give us the approx dimensions of a 40 MW plant?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Teresa Kincaid:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Herta Hoster:
    About the 20% respwect what the Client is spending now.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    We still have to decide if to make series of Ecat SK 10 ( which is most probable ) or of Ecat QX. The QX are ready, the SK not yet, we have to decide soon.
    Warm Regards,
    Your comment is the N. 43 000 of this blog

  • P.D.

    Dear Andrea Rossi,
    the 40 MW plant you have to deliver to sell heat is already in construction?
    If yes, will it be made by SK or QX?

  • Herta Hoster

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    How much will save the client of the 40 MW plant you will deliver?
    Thanks if you can answer,

  • Teresa Kincaid

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Do you already have other plants to deliver, besides the 40 MW plant you cited yesterday in your comment?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo Romano:
    We adopt the lump sum. Obviously our Clients must order an amount of heat they are sure to consume.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Manuel Cilia:
    The heat exchaanger can deliver pressurized steam.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Alessandro Coppi:
    Sorry, the price is confidential.
    Warm Regards,

  • Alessandro Coppi

    Is it far from truth that your customer of 40 Mw plant will pay 1000 usd per hour?

    Alessandro Coppi

  • Dear Dr Rossi

    Does your heat exchanger have the ability to delivery pressured steam or do you still require a boiler setup. This would be for steam turbine setups.

    Thank you

  • ORSOBUBU: Regarding your August 7 2018 @5:25 AM: “ ….. produced by all humanity according to the abilities of everyone, and distribute it ….. to all humanity according to the needs of everyone. ”

    You have an astonishingly demoralizing philosophy! No matter how much an individual may, by virtue of his intelligence, motivation and sheer effort, contribute to a country’s living standards, you believe his reward should be no greater than that of anyone else: merely ‘what he needs’.

    And conversely, if an individual feels like contributing no more than ‘the very least he can get away with’, then his reward should be identical: merely ‘what he needs’. What school of ethics could possibly support this line of reasoning? And can you not see the overwhelming incentives this presents for idleness?

    So, in a system like the one you advocate, there are zero incentives for anyone to make any effort beyond the most minimal possible; zero incentive to study, to increase knowledge, qualifications and capabilities so as to become more productive; or to invent new products; or to improve existing products; or to find ways to do a very good job for customers, since no matter how much effort a person makes – huge or negligible – he will be rewarded identically. Or more accurately: a nebulous government bureaucrat will decree what you need, given the minimal quantity of income available to be distributed under such a system.

    This is of course the very reason for the grinding poverty in jurisdictions where this philosophy has been inflicted on those unfortunate enough to live there, and where, at borders, razor wire fences are usually erected with turrets at every corner, manned with machine guns, to prevent anyone from getting out to a much better life elsewhere.

    This philosophy fully explains, as noted, with a link documenting it, on a previous occasion, why fully qualified and practising medical doctors in Cuba are paid either $30 a month (if they have only one specialty) or $67 per month (if they have more than one). The reason for such mind-bogglingly abysmal incomes is that this is the best this kind of system can do for living standards. Or in the Ukraine, to take another example, where incomes (GDP per person in real terms, after adjustment for differences in price levels) are about 84% lower than in the more prosperous countries of western Europe*. Notably, the ukrainian population’s genetic background and their innate abilities are no different from those of the people of western Europe. All that is different is the system. In the more prosperous countries of Europe the annual expenditure merely on food is only a little less than the entire annual income in Ukraine!

    Where I live there are incentives to be more productive. People working in coffee shops here earn 28 times as much as cuban physicians with two specialties, and 60-fold more than those with just one specialty. I prefer to live here rather than in Cuba or Ukraine.

    Is it not clear that, anywhere there are such powerful deterrents to the application of effort, the modest improvements in living standards, such as they are, have almost all been derived from ‘borrowing’** techniques invented and developed by people living in places where extra effort is rewarded, very approximately, in proportion to tangible measures of how much they contribute?

    The reality everywhere your system has been in place is so demonstrably stark, it is a mystery to me how you are unable to recognize the reason for it. It should be staring you in the face. And of course, in addition to the economic misery, the truly astonishing political oppression that always accompanies it, is often at least as appalling.
    – – – – – – – – –
    But thank you for your links about BlockChain. To be clear, it is not my position that BlockChain will never have any uses. My purpose was merely to warn that the posts about it here, and elsewhere on the internet around the same time, while presenting themselves as trying to do people a favour with an investment opportunity, had more of the flavour of the stock promotions of the old days. It appeared likely that those who had gotten in on the ground floor and manipulated the price to very high levels, needed to find suckers to sell to before the inevitable collapse. As a factual matter, the first BlockChain posts here did coincide with the very top in the prices of the BlockChain stocks. The stock of BitCoin Services (BTSC), for example, is presently down 87% from its high of late 2017. But it was up about 1% yesterday. GBTC – another BlockChain stock – is down 74% from its high.


    ** Usually while avoiding payment of royalties, so these societies are dishonest as well as incompetent.


  • Italo Romano

    Dear Dr. Rossi, the lump sum payment may not be convenient for a customer.
    If, for example, the power used varies between 40 MW and 10 MW over time, he will still pay as if he were constantly receiving 40 MW. Even with the 30% discount on the cost of energy, he will pay a lot more.
    It would be better, I think, to measure the real energy supplied.
    Kind Regards,

    Italo R.

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    The countries you mention open for your business are all in Europe and North America. Is this where your employees will be available to work?

    Thank you,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    It will be a forfait: for example, we are going to supply a system for a total power of 40 MW to a Customer and the Customer will pay 40 MWh/h, even if he will not use in part or in total this amount of energy. Obviously the Client will not pay the amount due for the quantity of energy we will not supply for malfunctions deriving from our responsibility ( errors of us, lack of our maintenance, breakages due to our fault et similia ). Therefore if, for example, we will have a blackout of 10 hours due to our errors, the Customer will not pay 400 MWh, that will be deducted from the bill at the end of the month.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Initially e will be able to sell our service in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, UK, France, Germany, Spain. These are the locations where we are already able to assist our Customers for the time being.
    Obviously we are looking for to cover all the Countries of the world.
    Warm Regards,

  • Władek

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Will you be able to sell your service also in Poland?

  • Michaeł

    Dr Rossi:
    Do you have anything to say about the heavy comment of JPR in response to Anonymous and the other interesting comments eventually related to it?

  • DvH

    Hello Mr. Rossi,
    some of the posts in the recent days refer to the delivery of heat to a customer, for which he is charged. How is that measured? By some calorimeter ? Or by indirectly measuring temperature and estimating the flow?
    You are aware that you’d need a calibrated approved calorimeter-device in most countries?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ulrich Kranz:
    Thank you for the link. The efficiency, as you see, is low. I know vwey well the matter, I made a lot of work on it. When I realized very expensive Seebeck generators, with directional fusion that costed a hundred dollars per gram, I obtained 20% of efficiency, but when we tried to scale up things to reach acceptable costs, it has not been possible reach the same precision level of the directional fusion, so that the figure of merit has fallen down.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ulrich Kranz

    Dr Rossi,
    while searching, I found an interesting page related to your development in the past:

  • orsobubu

    Dear Andrea, coincidentally, I read this old post:
    Rodney Nicholson
    June 27, 2018 at 5:56 PM
    Hi all:

    Regular readers of this blog may recall that several months ago there were a few posts here seemingly attempting to promote investment in Bitcoin and other blockchain entities. In that regard the following chart may help place those discussions in perspective…
    I participated in the discussion and also proposed to Andrea to be interested in blockchain technologies (certainly not to invest in cryptocurrencies). I still remain with the idea that – not today – but thanks to future developments there may be some contact between the technologies of production and distribution of energy in the grid and blockchains, as suggested in these links:








    From what I understand, the utility would be in the economic accounting of the distributed energy, in the immutability of the generated databases, in the protection of sensitive data. Then, it is obvious that the issue of cryptocurrencies was obligatory, if they wanted to give a capitalist sense of remuneration and valorisation of work, and yet blockchain technology would find its ideal terrain in a post-capitalist economy, totally devoid of money, because it would be essential to ascertain and organize the work collectively produced by all humanity according to the abilities of everyone, and distribute it without the possibility of cheating to all humanity according to the needs of everyone.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Thank you for your suggestion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Sorry, but, again, your numbers do not make sense and I cannot give the details of the 10 kW Ecat SK and the heat exchanging system we invented.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Iggy Dalrymple:
    The details of the agreements are specific depending on the characteristic of the Client.
    Warm Regards,

  • Vera

    thank you for your comment answering to Anonymous: it was past due.
    Also in Italy we have same kind of trolls: one of the most vociferous is based on an energy provider whose coal fired thermoelectric plants have emissions among the most toxic of our Country.
    @Andrea Rossi: “Non ti curar di lor, ma guarda e passa”

  • Iggy Dalrymple

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    “Andrea Rossi
    August 6, 2018 at 9:13 AM
    Frank Acland:
    The Customers will pay the bills of the heat delivered at the end of every month: this means they have not to pay in advance the heat they are going to receive.”
    But subject to minimum purchase per time interval,for example, per month or varying according to season, but minimum purchase per contractual period. Or minimum cash payment, regardless of heat demanded.
    Best regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Thank you for clarifying the eCat SK reactor with the dimensions of 25cm x 25cm by 18cm has a thermal output of 10kW.

    Using a standard model of a horizontal cylinder in natural convection air of 25cm in length by a diameter of 25cm, the 10kW thermal output suggests a skin temperature of about 710 degC.

    1. How do you transfer the reactor heat to the heat exchanger? Primarily by Conduction or by Radiation?
    2. What is the media to transfer the heat from the reactor to the heat exchanger? Oil, water, metal?

  • Eric Ashworth

    Dear Andrea, Just a thought, With regards the longevity of the Ecat performance. If you are using commercial grade hydrogen have you considered the purity of the hydrogen. Hydrogen purity wikipedia and catalyst poisoning Wikipedia does mention some downsides with regards commercial hydrogen. No doubt you are aware but thought I would bring it to your attention.
    Regards Eric Ashworth.

  • CC

    Thank you for your answer to Anonymous: now we know better these charlatans.

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree, that’s what we are doing,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I agree.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Wrong: I am saying that the Ecat SK with the same dimensions of the 20 W Ecat QX shown in Stockholm on Nov 24 is the 10 kW SK, not the 100 kW SK.
    Answers to the other points:
    1- where?
    2- see above: if you refer to the secondary circuit, we use water
    3- sorry, but this does not make sense.
    Warm Regards,

  • JPR

    the trial Rossi VS Cherokee has given evidence that Rossi was right! The trolls cite as evidence the papers produced by Cherokee/ Darden, forgetting to say that those papers are party papers made by the consultants of Cherokee, not neutral papers. To understand neutral facts, you have to read also the papers produced by Rossi and think about these facts, not words: Cherokee-Darden, on the base of their papers, asked the Court to make Rossi pay to Cherokee/ Darden 50 millioons, plus 11.5 millions of legal fees. Had only the 10% of the accusations you read on the papers produced by Cherokee Darden been true, Rossi could have been destroyed, but, on the contrary, if you read the settlement agreement, it recites that not only Rossi had to pay nothing to Cherokee/ Darden, but Cherokee/ Darden had to pay to Rossi 11.5 millions, already paid, plus give back to Rossi everything Rossi had given them in terms of IP, prototypes and engage themselves not to use in future any information Rossi/Leonardo Corp had delivered to them. Among such prototypes there were also the ones that Brillouin has integrally copied after the agreement they made with IH; just onserve all the prototypes of Brillouin before the agreement with IH- that were based on electrolysis- and the HT they made after the agreement with IH, that are the copycat of the Ecat presented from Rossi in Zurich in the year 2012, at the eve of the agreement Leonardo-Cherokee.
    Rossi is absolutely right not to mess with the trolls, but I am a retired engineer and have time to get some fun against those charlatans.
    To add comics to clownesque: one of the consultants of Cherokee, Mr Eng Murray, partner of Mr Eng. Zoepfl in the consulting firm 3D Phoenix, located few miles from IH, in the papers so dear to the trolls wrote that LENR are impossible because violate the first thermodynamic principle. Now he has made a patent application related to the LENR. More comics: this application is related to the “invention” that corresponds to the invention of the hot water: the use of spectrometry as a component of a control system…Useless to say, the owner of this application is IH, in desperate research of papers to feed with their investors after the loss of the IP of Andrea Rossi.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    The Customers will pay the bills of the heat delivered at the end of every month: this means they have not to pay in advance the heat they are going to receive.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    I understand from your answers that you are saying the eCtat SK has dimensions of 25 x 25 x 18 (cm) and can output 100kW of thermal power.

    1. When operating the device, are you using any forced flow convection?
    2. If yes to 1, what type of medium, water?
    3. Modeling the enclosure as a horizontal cylinder (25cm x 25cm) in natural convection shows a skin temperature of about 1,500C. Does your current reactor run at that temperature?

  • V.

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I totally agree with your intelligent answer to JPR. The industrialization and the delivery of your plants to sell heat to your clients is destroying your enemies and their trolls; to avoid loss of time with those charlatans is mandatory.

  • Anonymous

    the trolls are saying the trial Rossi VS Cherokee has given evidence of the fact that the Ecat does not work. Rossi does not comment, what can you say about this?

  • Jack

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I like your answer to JPR. The only thing that counts is that you produce and install the Ecats.
    Jack, from the silent majority

  • Andrea Rossi

    Ulrich Kranz:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I do not react because it is useless. They produce, as you correctly say, false news, we produce plants. I have better to do than read their trollades, let alone answer them.
    They cannot stop the diffusion of my plants and that is the sole reason of my life. About the disparaging of my character, people are not stupid and understand what the trolls are for. When a general is winning a war, the growls of the enemies do not change the facts in the battlefield. Facts overcome false news.
    Warm Regards,

  • Ulrich Kranz

    You mentioned that the Ecat QX has the same dimensions of the 20 W QX shown in Stockholm: cm 25 x 25 x 18.
    Does the prototype of the Ecat SK you are making tests with now have the same dimensions?

  • JPR

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    You too have some trolls that spend almost full time their days, obviously paid by your enemies for some reason, disparaging you in many ways with blatantly false news.
    I noticed you do not react: why?

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Will you customers who are purchasing heat have to pay in advance for it, or will they be billed after they have made use of it?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    It is still a prototype, but we are working well. Yesterday we got a very good result and, yes, if it will work it will be equal ( from outside ) to the 20 W Ecat QX we have shown in Stockholm on Nov 24th 2017.
    Warm Regards,

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