Dear Andrea,
Please allow me some additionele questions about the thermostatic control:
1. Assuming the on and off periods are 50% each, would then the time for refill/change of the reactors be increased by a factor 2?
2. Do you believe analogue control (not on/off) will also be possible (maybe in the future)?
Thanks for answering our questions.
Kind regards, Gerard
Greg Leonard:
Yes, it turns off at T2 and on at T1, like in a normal heating system, we use stuff off the shelf for these functions. The timing depends on the delta T in the specific operational system.
Warm Regards,
you said that a thermostat is used to keep constant the factory temperature, because the amount of heat provided by your plant is higher than that needed to compensate for the heat loss to the outside. I ask:
1) – Does the thermostat gradually adjust (up or down) the output power proportionally according to the amount of heat required? Or:
2) – Is it ON-OFF type? In this case, when it is OFF, the system is switched OFF in no time, and when it is ON, the system is put back into 100% operation.
How long is it necessary for the plant to return full operating? Instantly, a few seconds, or how much time?.
Daer AR,
It sounds, from your answer to Bernie Morrissey, that your factory SK is operating in much the same way as any central heating system.
Is the SK being fully turned off when the thermostat clicks off, and then restarted when the thermostat clicks on?
What sort of timescales does the SK use for its turning off and on again?
Looking forward eagerly to your January demonstration.
Greg Leonard
I convinced Raffaele to sell his Crystal Ball to you after a difficult discussion explaining how important it is to have this tool in you workshop. Here is where he posted it for you to obtain using overnight shipping.
About the factory that is heated by the E-cat SK to 25,degrees c.
Does the E-cat run continuous or start /stop?
Is a thermostat used?
Happy holidays to you and your team. I am very excited as I wait for January 31.
Raffaele Bongo:
If you rethink about it, I can pay cash at the delivery.
Thank you for your attention to our work,
I wish a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year likewise to you and your family.
Hello A. Rossi
Thank you for your answer.
Sorry, just like your E-Cat my crystal ball is not for sale.
Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you, your family and your team
Very sincere congratulations for your work
Mr Rod Walton,
with regards to your comment GE making record setting efficiency I do not wish to disappoint you but GE are using very primitive technology. Basically they are rotating a single turbine and using stators to keep the inputted steam in a linear flow format through the body of the turbine. Stators absorb energy and over a period of time wear out because of gaseous friction. The method of maintaining a linear flow without the use of stators and gain efficiency is to use a turbine designed upon a quadruplet design i.e. an atomic dimension solid design, which relates to laser technology. But this technology has been referred to as being before its time so for the time being we have put-up with primitive technology. From my own personal experience I have to ask the question, is climate change a genuine concern with regards seeking and using clean technology. Personally I think it is a hoax but maybe I am wrong.
Regards, Eric Ashworth.
Raffaele Bongo:
1- Choice of the Client
2- I do not know precisely, but I’d say about 250 square meters by about 3 m of height.
Thank you for your wishes.
I have one question for you: how much can you sell at your cristall ball ? It’s an instrument that could be very useful in my lab.
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
With the E-Cat you are currently heating an industrial premises at 25 ° Celsius.
1 – Can you specify this choice? The logic would be that for a room in which employees work, the room temperature is lower (about 21 to 22 ° C)
2 – Can you tell us what is the surface of the room where the volume?
Today we can say that the E-Cat has come out of the laboratory to serve humanity. A new area is born concreting your work and that of your team.
My crystal ball predicted that.
All my support and congratulations to all your team
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the information. For the readers: “combined cycle” means that the heat wasted by gas combustion in the turbine that rotates the alternator is partially recovered by sending it into a boiler to make the Carnot cycle.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels
Sorry, apparently I did not understand you.
In my understanding, the voltage in this case does not matter at all. Strength is important.
But all this has nothing to do with the blog topic.
I apologize again.
Dear Dr Rossi,
Power Engineering December 11 2018: “GE H Class turbines power the world with less fuel- Record setting efficiency of 63% with combined cycle, helping to meet future power needs. Good to see GE is already breaking records”.
Best Regards,
Rod Walton
Can you tell us if the Controller used with the 20kW eCat SK reactor is identically the same as a Controller used to simultaneously control 50 eCat SK reactors?
You may have misunderstood me, or I may not have clearly stated what I meant.
I was pointing out that my assumed input power of 120VAC, single phase, 20Amps gives an input power of 2.4kW. This seemed low to me if the Controller was powering 50 eCat reactors generating a total of 1MW of thermal power.
I then suggested an alternative input power configuration of 240VAC, 30Amperes which would provide a total of 7.2kW, a factor of three greater than the 120VAC, 20Amp.
However, Andrea Rossi declined to give any additional details other than to state the 120VAC, 20Amp assumed configuration was incorrect.
It remains for Andrea Rossi to clarify, either now or after the demonstration, what the input power features are to define the effective COP.
All I have written reflects only my opinions that don’t necessarily coincide with the reality. But it is only a fruit of my enthusiasm.
I hope I have been sufficiently precise and impartial and did not say too much “cavolate”.
If you do not want to post this link on JONP, please ignore this message, thank you.
Regarding your comment today … “The experiments for the theory have been extremely important to us and we have already scheduled a new series of experiments to go through the things we learnt so far. Still the hypothesis of the annihilation of virtual fermions at low energy resists.” …
While I do not understand most of this paper, a few paragraphs regarding magnetic fluctuation struck home to me that included references to ” the annihilation of virtual fermions at low energy “.
In particular, I found the last paragraph that begins at the bottom of page 5 (and continues on page 6) to be of specific interest to some tests with magnetic fields that I am working with currently, and thought I would share this reference with you.
Thanks again for the dedicated work you continue to perform on the ecat technology to all of you that are working on this project together.
This cycle of tests has been completed, but:
1- Tests never end because evolution never stops
2- The experiments for the theory have been extremely important to us and we have already scheduled a new series of experiments to go through the things we learnt so far. Still the hypothesis of the annihilation of virtual fermions at low energy resists.
We’ll see.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Stephen N. Karels.
I apologize for the unsolicited in your dialogue with Andrea Rossi. But I always read it.
A small amendment.
120VAC x 20Amp = 2.4 kW = 240VAC x 10Amp (10amps, not 30).
1. The eCat reactor (SK series, I believe) is capable of outputting a maximum thermal power at 27 kW with a design normal operating output of up to 20kW.
2. The Controller unit can simultaneously control a maximum of 50 such reactor units.
3. The Controller unit is normally powered by a single phase 120VAC, 60 Hz, 20Amp wall outlet.
4. The Controller unit provides all the power needed to power the connected eCat reactors.
If 50 units are controlled and powered by a single Controller and each eCat reactor outputs 20kW of thermal power, then the combined thermal output power generated will be 1 MW, or thereabout.
If the sole power used by the Controller is a single phase 120VAC, 20 Amp wall outlet, then the input power consumption is 2.4kW.
If these statements are both true, them the effective COP for the ensemble system will be 1,000 kW / 2.4 kW or about 400. This seems unreasonably high.
So I was asking if the Controller was capable of accepting 240VAC, 30Amp power which would drop the effective COP by a factor of approximately 3.
Dear Andrea,
Please allow me some additionele questions about the thermostatic control:
1. Assuming the on and off periods are 50% each, would then the time for refill/change of the reactors be increased by a factor 2?
2. Do you believe analogue control (not on/off) will also be possible (maybe in the future)?
Thanks for answering our questions.
Kind regards, Gerard
Toussaint Francois:
Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our Team,
Warm regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
For the first time in history a commercial LENR reactor is heating a building, this is a huge acheivment ! have you immortalize this event by a video?
Warm Regards,
Toussaint françois
The Ecat does not have emissions, so surely will not generate carbon dioxide or any other pollutant.
Warm Regards,
Greg Leonard:
Yes, it turns off at T2 and on at T1, like in a normal heating system, we use stuff off the shelf for these functions. The timing depends on the delta T in the specific operational system.
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
Same behavior as in normal heaters, there is a short integral transitory.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
you said that a thermostat is used to keep constant the factory temperature, because the amount of heat provided by your plant is higher than that needed to compensate for the heat loss to the outside. I ask:
1) – Does the thermostat gradually adjust (up or down) the output power proportionally according to the amount of heat required? Or:
2) – Is it ON-OFF type? In this case, when it is OFF, the system is switched OFF in no time, and when it is ON, the system is put back into 100% operation.
How long is it necessary for the plant to return full operating? Instantly, a few seconds, or how much time?.
Thank you if ypu can reply.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Daer AR,
It sounds, from your answer to Bernie Morrissey, that your factory SK is operating in much the same way as any central heating system.
Is the SK being fully turned off when the thermostat clicks off, and then restarted when the thermostat clicks on?
What sort of timescales does the SK use for its turning off and on again?
Looking forward eagerly to your January demonstration.
Greg Leonard
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Do you think the Ecat will be useful against the so called global warming?
Thank you if you can answer,
Tom Conover:
Thank you! Now nobody can say that Leonardo has not balls.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
I convinced Raffaele to sell his Crystal Ball to you after a difficult discussion explaining how important it is to have this tool in you workshop. Here is where he posted it for you to obtain using overnight shipping.
Warm regards,
Bernie Morrissey:
A thermostat is used, because the power of the Ecat SK ia much higher than the rating.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
About the factory that is heated by the E-cat SK to 25,degrees c.
Does the E-cat run continuous or start /stop?
Is a thermostat used?
Happy holidays to you and your team. I am very excited as I wait for January 31.
Bernie Morrissey
Raffaele Bongo:
If you rethink about it, I can pay cash at the delivery.
Thank you for your attention to our work,
I wish a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year likewise to you and your family.
Hello A. Rossi
Thank you for your answer.
Sorry, just like your E-Cat my crystal ball is not for sale.
Happy Christmas and Happy New Year to you, your family and your team
Very sincere congratulations for your work
Szymon Blachuta:
thank you for the suggestion,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Will you grant a bonus to Clients that will accept visits?
I think a tennis court is bigger. Or at least it seems to me bigger, but perhaps it is because I have to run to get the ball…
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
1. Yes
2. No
Warm Regards,
20 kW
Warm Regards,
I do not think so, because it will be a commercial presentation.
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr Rossi
The area you are heating with the
ECat is similar to a Tennis Court with
not much height.
Thank you for your attention,
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
1. Are you back in Miami now, and if so, are you monitoring the customer’s E-Cat SK remotely?
2. Have you had any problems to address so far?
Best regards,
Frank Acland
Dr Andrea Rossi,
Thank you for putting in the internet the website, because it is really inspiring.
All the best,
Will the presentation of January 31st satisfy the scientific community?
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
What is the power rated for the SK that we will see on January 31st in internet streaming?
Frank Acland:
Yes, it is working since November 19.
Warm Regards,
Mr Rod Walton,
with regards to your comment GE making record setting efficiency I do not wish to disappoint you but GE are using very primitive technology. Basically they are rotating a single turbine and using stators to keep the inputted steam in a linear flow format through the body of the turbine. Stators absorb energy and over a period of time wear out because of gaseous friction. The method of maintaining a linear flow without the use of stators and gain efficiency is to use a turbine designed upon a quadruplet design i.e. an atomic dimension solid design, which relates to laser technology. But this technology has been referred to as being before its time so for the time being we have put-up with primitive technology. From my own personal experience I have to ask the question, is climate change a genuine concern with regards seeking and using clean technology. Personally I think it is a hoax but maybe I am wrong.
Regards, Eric Ashworth.
Dear Andrea,
Is the E-Cat SK still heating the factory at 25 degrees C? If so, how long has it been doing so continuously?
Thank you very much,
Frank Acland
Raffaele Bongo:
1- Choice of the Client
2- I do not know precisely, but I’d say about 250 square meters by about 3 m of height.
Thank you for your wishes.
I have one question for you: how much can you sell at your cristall ball ? It’s an instrument that could be very useful in my lab.
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
With the E-Cat you are currently heating an industrial premises at 25 ° Celsius.
1 – Can you specify this choice? The logic would be that for a room in which employees work, the room temperature is lower (about 21 to 22 ° C)
2 – Can you tell us what is the surface of the room where the volume?
Today we can say that the E-Cat has come out of the laboratory to serve humanity. A new area is born concreting your work and that of your team.
My crystal ball predicted that.
All my support and congratulations to all your team
Steven N. Karels:
It is not identical.
Warm Regards,
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the information. For the readers: “combined cycle” means that the heat wasted by gas combustion in the turbine that rotates the alternator is partially recovered by sending it into a boiler to make the Carnot cycle.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels
Sorry, apparently I did not understand you.
In my understanding, the voltage in this case does not matter at all. Strength is important.
But all this has nothing to do with the blog topic.
I apologize again.
Dear Dr Rossi,
Power Engineering December 11 2018: “GE H Class turbines power the world with less fuel- Record setting efficiency of 63% with combined cycle, helping to meet future power needs. Good to see GE is already breaking records”.
Best Regards,
Rod Walton
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Can you tell us if the Controller used with the 20kW eCat SK reactor is identically the same as a Controller used to simultaneously control 50 eCat SK reactors?
You may have misunderstood me, or I may not have clearly stated what I meant.
I was pointing out that my assumed input power of 120VAC, single phase, 20Amps gives an input power of 2.4kW. This seemed low to me if the Controller was powering 50 eCat reactors generating a total of 1MW of thermal power.
I then suggested an alternative input power configuration of 240VAC, 30Amperes which would provide a total of 7.2kW, a factor of three greater than the 120VAC, 20Amp.
However, Andrea Rossi declined to give any additional details other than to state the 120VAC, 20Amp assumed configuration was incorrect.
It remains for Andrea Rossi to clarify, either now or after the demonstration, what the input power features are to define the effective COP.
Tom Conover:
Thank you for the reference. I am going now to study it.
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
Thank you for your enthusiasm and for your kind attention to the work of our team,
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr. Rossi,
I have written a summary of some information about the E-cat that I’ve collected so far, and I’ve put it on this page:
All I have written reflects only my opinions that don’t necessarily coincide with the reality. But it is only a fruit of my enthusiasm.
I hope I have been sufficiently precise and impartial and did not say too much “cavolate”.
If you do not want to post this link on JONP, please ignore this message, thank you.
Kind Regards,
Italo R.
Dear Andrea,
Regarding your comment today … “The experiments for the theory have been extremely important to us and we have already scheduled a new series of experiments to go through the things we learnt so far. Still the hypothesis of the annihilation of virtual fermions at low energy resists.” …
of possible interest:
While I do not understand most of this paper, a few paragraphs regarding magnetic fluctuation struck home to me that included references to ” the annihilation of virtual fermions at low energy “.
In particular, I found the last paragraph that begins at the bottom of page 5 (and continues on page 6) to be of specific interest to some tests with magnetic fields that I am working with currently, and thought I would share this reference with you.
Thanks again for the dedicated work you continue to perform on the ecat technology to all of you that are working on this project together.
Warm regards,
Miami, Florida.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Have you completed the series of tests for the theory and for the presentation of the Ecat SK?
This cycle of tests has been completed, but:
1- Tests never end because evolution never stops
2- The experiments for the theory have been extremely important to us and we have already scheduled a new series of experiments to go through the things we learnt so far. Still the hypothesis of the annihilation of virtual fermions at low energy resists.
We’ll see.
Warm Regards,
Dear Mr. Stephen N. Karels.
I apologize for the unsolicited in your dialogue with Andrea Rossi. But I always read it.
A small amendment.
120VAC x 20Amp = 2.4 kW = 240VAC x 10Amp (10amps, not 30).
Yury Isaev
Tyumen, Russia
Steven N. Karels:
1. yes
2. yes
3. no
4. yes
Sorry, I am not going to disclose particulars of the control panel.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
I shall try to clarify my question.
Are any of the following statements incorrect?
1. The eCat reactor (SK series, I believe) is capable of outputting a maximum thermal power at 27 kW with a design normal operating output of up to 20kW.
2. The Controller unit can simultaneously control a maximum of 50 such reactor units.
3. The Controller unit is normally powered by a single phase 120VAC, 60 Hz, 20Amp wall outlet.
4. The Controller unit provides all the power needed to power the connected eCat reactors.
If 50 units are controlled and powered by a single Controller and each eCat reactor outputs 20kW of thermal power, then the combined thermal output power generated will be 1 MW, or thereabout.
If the sole power used by the Controller is a single phase 120VAC, 20 Amp wall outlet, then the input power consumption is 2.4kW.
If these statements are both true, them the effective COP for the ensemble system will be 1,000 kW / 2.4 kW or about 400. This seems unreasonably high.
So I was asking if the Controller was capable of accepting 240VAC, 30Amp power which would drop the effective COP by a factor of approximately 3.
Steven N. Karels:
Sorry, I do not understand precisely the question. Can you rephrase? In particular which data are you citing?
Warm Regards,
Yes, we did.
Warm Regards,