United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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42,813 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • eernie1

    Dear Andrea,
    Have you thought about contacting Tesla to assist you in manufacturing your devices? They are the leaders in battery construction using automated assembly devices and make more Lithium batteries than any other manufacturer. I think many procedures they employ can be used for your purpose.

    Greater output regards.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    1- no
    2- no
    3- the proportion does not change
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    From your paper you indicate a Controller power consumption of nominally 380W and a very small average power consumption of an eCat SK reactor. Questions:

    1. Can the Controller still control up to 50 (or more) eCat SK reactors?
    2. Are the eCat SK reactors connected serially with respect to the Controller unit control cabling?
    3. Does the Controller power consumption significantly (assume significantly means more than 10% change from 1 eCat SK reactor to the maximum number of eCat SK reactors) change as more eCat SK reactors are added under its control?

  • Andrea Rossi

    I have too much work to do to feel “targeted”.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    Not experienced yet.
    One year is certain at full power
    Warm Regards

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi
    When the reactor reaches the end of its life by exhaustion of combustible, does its power gradually diminish in the manner of an electric battery where the reactor stops suddenly instantly?
    How do you anticipate this end of life?
    All my wishes of many commends following the presentation of 31 January
    Best regards

  • JPR

    Dear Andrea,
    Google from New York Times of January 24 2019 “Sabine Hossenfelder: Physicists and their toys”
    It is about the billions spent from Physicists for titanic R&D that is disappointing , produces nothing really useful and puntually disattend all the enthusiastic predictions.
    Sabine Hossenfelder is a research fellow at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies and the author of “Lost in math: how beauty leads Physics astray”.
    Reading this article one can imagine why persons like you are targeted.

  • Andrea Rossi

    To send a comment to the JoNP, just login in the website of the JoNP and then follow the simple instructions to send here a comment.
    For all other issues, our address is
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande:
    Because there is a phisician that takes care of me a life since and I prefer not to change, even if it costs to me more, because, being resident in the USA, I have to pay dearly for the healthcare in Italy.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- confidential
    2- this matter will be dealt with during the presentation
    Warm Regards,

  • Giannino Lodovico Ferro Casagrande

    Curiosità ! hai risposto a Gus dicendo che non Ti manca l’Italia ! Perché un paio di mesi fa sei andato a curarti a BOLOGNA ?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    The temperature is maintained by means of a thermostat, as it happens in all the standard heaters. Once set the target T, the thermostat maintains it turning on and off the Ecat.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    In assemblies the per-unit consume decreases.
    Warm Regards,

  • Hergen

    Dear Mr. Rossi,

    in your scientific paper the power consumption of the control panel is 380W for one e-cat. We know that one control panel can control much more than one e-cat. Is the relation of power consumtion of the control panel and the number of e-cats linear? I mean: If a contol panel controls 10 e-cats, will the power consumtion increase 10-fold?

    If the relation is sublinear, the COP will increase with the number of e-cats.

    Thank you for your answer,

    E. Hergen

  • Donald

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Which is the best email address to send you questions and comments?

  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    A question, if it has not been asked yet.
    In the E-Cat SK, is it possible for a Customer to vary by hand the heat flow rate (decrease, increase) at a constant temperature, using, for example, a knob or something similar?

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • TheFutureIsNow

    Dear Andrea,

    Does the reduction of the spectral line for the pico-metric aggregate when deuterium is utilized instead of protium also produce a reduction in excess energy production?

    During the test mentioned in your most recent paper, you state that theromocouples were used to measure the delta t of the cooling air. Did you also measure the volume of cooling air and use the delta t to calculate the output power via air flow calorimetry? If so, what were the results?

  • Andrea Rossi

    We are ready. My health is good, with exception of the voice, that is not back in full, but it will do. Fortunately I am not a singer,
    Warm Regards,

  • Raf

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    as the big day is approaching, are you ready? The expectations are high. How is your health?

  • Andrea Rossi

    1- no
    2- USA
    3- none
    Warm Regards,

  • Gus

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    Do you miss Italy?
    Which is the Country you feel most grateful to?
    Which is the Country you most dislike?

  • Prof

    Dr Rossi,
    Congratulations for your surprising paper about your theory, published on Researchgate:

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    What a stupid I am!
    I forgot to specify the time fuse…
    You are right, the demo will begin at 09.00 A.M. New York Time ( = Eastern Time )
    I corrected also my response.
    Thank you for the important correction.
    Warm Regards,

  • “The presentation will be made ONLY in world direct streaming in the internet and, to watch it, the sole thing that everybody has to do is: on January 31st, at 09.00 A.M. go to …… ”

    Can we assume that is 9:00 AM ***eastern time***?

    Thank you.


  • Andrea Rossi

    I am receiving also by email similar requests, therefore it is important to repeat that:
    The presentation will be made ONLY in world direct streaming in the internet and, to watch it, the sole thing that everybody has to do is: on January 31st, at 09.00 A.M. New York Time go to
    and everybody will find a link to click upon, then will be watching the presentation. There will be also the possibility to send during the presentation questions by email to a dedicated address that will be communicated at the beginning of the presentation.
    Warm Regards,

  • Giusy

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
    Congratulations for the imminent presentation of the industrialized Ecat. How can I obtain an invitation to assist to the presentation?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pavel Vrbovsky:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Svein Henrik:
    Thank you for the information and the suggestion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Svein Henrik

    Dear Andrea.
    I fully agree in your decision to only provide heat. The world is full of companies that are experts on transforming heat to other useful services.
    As supplier of a new heat source, is it important for you to show all the benefits of this heat source.
    Are you looking at the possibility of combining SK and by supercritical CO2 in the recompression closed Brayton Cycle? These two technologies seem to be able to bring forward the benefits of both in a superior combination. Also, for minor installations and possibly for use in the transport sector.
    I am truly looking forward to January 31.
    Regards Svein Henrik.

  • Pavel Vrbovsky

    Dear dr. Andrea Rossi,
    is there any correlation between e-cat (QX/SK) concept and Penning discharge (regime of RF autogeneration)?
    Warm regards

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, it is true. Now we need to consolidate the bases we have reached before advancing toward new territories.
    Warm Regards,

  • Joseph

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I understand that you are presently focused on the diffusion of your service to sell heat to your customers, therefore for the time being this will be the main task of yours: am I correct? If yes, I totally agree with you.
    Best Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    We are working on it at an R&D level. Much work remains to be done before having a product in that field.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rod Nicholson:
    Thank you for your suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I prefer not to anticipate what we will do during the presentation of January 31st on http://www.ecatskdemo.com
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    500- 600 Celsius.
    Warm Regards,

  • Gennady

    Dear Andrea,

    What is the maximum temperature on continuous bases can eCat SK deliver to a client?



  • Earl

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    The impressive test made with the Ecat QX on November 24 2017 has been made with calorimetry only, because you could not use the spectrometer for the light from the screen. Will you make both measurements with calorimetry and spectrometry on January 31st? It could be very interesting to compare.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    I confirm officially that the press release you cited has been made by Leonardo Corporation and not by some unauthorized supporter.
    Warm Regards

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    Can you confirm that the press release published on Jan 21st is officially from Leonardo Corporation, and not from some unauthorized supporter?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • “Andrea Rossi
    January 23, 2019 at 10:52 AM

    “Italo R.:
    Thank you for re-sending your comment of yesterday.
    No, we do not sell electricity and we will not do it. We can sell heat to facitilies that use it to make electricity.
    Warm Regards,

    – – – – – – – – – – – –

    Hi Andrea:

    I understand your need right now to concentrate marketing efforts in one main direction to generate a cash flow sufficient to finance expansion of production capacity to match demand as needed and develop new ‘products’.

    But it seems to me that the best E-Cat solution to supplying most of the world’s retail electricity market might be to couple your most efficient E-Cat with whatever turns out to be the most appropriate carnot cycle equipment, for installation as a single unit to provide power for communities with populations of, say, 50,000 or more.

    This would mean selling electric power – in competition with the present electric utility companies – to the communities themselves, which would then be distributed over existing local transmission lines.

    It is not difficult to imagine that many of the world’s less capable local governments could make a huge mess of trying to figure out themselves how to buy your heat and convert it efficiently to electricity.

    In my opinion, being able to provide a ‘turnkey’ unit of this kind could act as a huge marketing inducement, since the major utility companies are effectively doing this already. And the unit could be set up to sell power back to the grid (if the grid still exists!) whenever local power demand is below capacity.

    I am not suggesting that you should be working on this today. But I think it should be near the top of your list of priorities for development of future products.


  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I was thinking about what you wrote recently, that you were 100% ready for heat, and 80-90% for electricity, and I thought you had finished that R & D.
    Were you testing an E-Cat with some turbine?
    Can you tell us at what point is this development? Thank you.

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    Thank you for re-sending your comment of yesterday.
    No, we do not sell electricity and we will not do it. We can sell heat to facitilies that use it to make electricity.
    Warm Regards,

  • Sven

    Stephen N. Karels,

    A geothermal heat pump should work fine in New Hampshire. It is a very common system over here in Scandinavia.
    Ex. https://thermia.com/geothermal-energy/what-is-geothermal-energy/


  • Italo R.

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    I asked about the production of electricity in your plants, as you have written about it.
    I was asking if you were already ready to sell also electricity.

    Kind Regards,
    Italo R.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels, P.:
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Italo R.:
    The comments of the 22 have been lost during a fight against a hacker. Please send again your comment, if you did any.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    Yesterday we got an attack from a hacker that later has been resolved.
    During this attack we lost some comment.
    The Readers that did not find their comments published yesterday January 22 are kindly invited to send their comments again, because it is impossible for us to retrieve them.
    Warm Regards,

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