United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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41,198 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Patrick Ellul:
    I thank you very much for your trust in our work, but what you are proposing would put us against the law. To collect money from the public, whatever the amount, is necessary the authorization of the SEC and we are not mature for this, so far.
    Warm Regards,

  • Patrick Ellul

    Dear Andrea,
    As of this Thursday, you will have an industrialised product officially on the market. Congratulations. Do you intend to allow your long time supporters to participate in this success by allowing them to buy some shares in Leonardo Corp? There are ways you can do this without the need to go public, as I’m sure your lawyers would be able to advise to you. I know you say that investment is risky, but that is the nature of any investment. Even money in a bank are not perfectly safe. You could even set a maximum that each person can buy. It’s just a nominal token that would allow your long time supporters to participate in your success.
    Best regards,

  • KeithT

    Dear Andrea,

    With regard to getting your early adopter customers to come forward and admit they are successfully using your technology, I suspect that very few if any would want to openly admit to this, I think they would see very little gain from the publicity, and far greater profit from keeping quiet.

    Gain From publicising:

    To be seen as an innovative company, a market leader and an early adopter.
    Showing green credentials on having lowered carbon emissions.

    Profit from NOT publicising and keeping secret for as long as possible:

    Not tying up resources and time dealing with and fending off the news media.
    Keep prices same, less costs, more profits for shareholders.
    With less costs, ability to marginally undercut competition and control market prices.
    If competition learns of the company adopting new tech, they may in turn adopt to compete back on a level field.
    Workers / unions may demand wage rises if the company openly states it has more profits.
    E-Cat technology may alarm workforce, neighbours or customers.
    E-Cat technology may attract attention and scrutiny from local authorities.
    Customers of the company may pressurise for discounts if they know there is room for manoeuvre.


    Keith Thomson.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1- irrelevant
    2- can all be recycled
    3- no
    4- no, it will remain confidential for the time being
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Gregory Daigle:
    Warm Regards,

  • Gregory Daigle

    Dear Dr Rossi,
    Your incoming demo will coincide with the last days of an approaching polar vortex that will cause in the midwest temperature between -25 and -50 F degrees. Will you be able to report if the Ecat SK is able to heat the factory enough?
    Best Regards,
    Greg Daigle

  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Within a few years you will have produced TWh of heat and the first reactors return for refurbishment. I am sure you will recover the materials that come out to make place for new. These recovered materials may be Helium, Nickel 62 and possibly others elements.
    I am sure, now you are going commercial, you must have some idea what to do with it, therefore:
    Just some questions about those recovered materials:
    1. Do you think that the recovered materials have increased in market value in comparison to the original materials?
    2. Can they be sold or is it just waste, which you would trash?
    3. Can you give us an overview of the produced elements including their isotopic distribution?
    4. If not, would you consider publishing it in the future for commercial purposes?
    Thanks, Kind regards, Gerard

  • Dear Andrea,
    to you and to those who have sensitivity for peoples suffering from hunger, thirst, medicines, lack of what is useful for survival, from Italy isolated from a Europe insensitive to the needs of the so-called Third World, I propose:

    we open minds and hearts and form a “Chain of solidarity” to finance an organization that finances and promotes the dissemination of Ecat modules for distressed communities.
    In the group of people who are certainly endowed with culture and intelligence that follows you, there should not be missing those who with managerial skills and generous heart can lead this initiative.
    May God help you for your work. We must pray for you and your team.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Bob Belovich:
    We’ll see, should not be long, but it depends on the specific situations and the time needed by the local authorizations.
    Warm regards,

  • Bob Belovich

    Dear Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the publication of the paper last week. While much of the content was unfamiliar to me, I appreciate the substantial effort to integrate the numerous concepts the paper addresses.

    Can you tell your readers (and hopefully customers) what you expect as an average time this year between initial customer contact with Leonardo Corp. and first billing for heating service delivered to the customer?


    Bob Belovich

  • Andrea Rossi

    Anna Kucirkova:
    Thank you for your link, I thik it will be of interest for the experts of the matter
    Warm Regards,

  • Anna Kucirkova

    Dr Rossi,
    I have recently written a paper about the reduction of carbon footprint: I am sending it to the JoNP, hoping it will be of interest:
    Best Regards,
    Anna Kucirkova

  • Andrea Rossi

    Willi Meinders:
    Thank you for your attention to our work and your kind sustain to our Team!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    1- wrong. This is the maximum power sustainable for a single control panel
    2- confidential
    3- what do you mean?
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    1. So I understand the maximum current eCat-SK reactor assembly will output a total of approximately 1/4 MW of thermal power?
    2. I assume the Controller interface will be the same as the single unit?
    3. Although the Controller itself may be of a different size/capability?

  • Willi Meinders

    Dear Dr Rossi:
    Your groundbreaking invention called for means that are outside known procedures: in the protection of your IP, in the marketing procedures, in dealing with customers and in communicating with your supporters.
    You have never orientated yourself on what competitors or envious people may think, but for you was only one orientation: to bring the matter to success, for the benefit of mankind.
    With big respect and best wishes for you and your team,
    Willi Meinders

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    Thank you for your insight.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    1- 10
    2- I don’t know
    3- the way we measure the output power will be shown during the presentation
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Please read my last paper for the available information. More available information will be given during the presentation.
    Warm Regards,

  • TheFutureIsNow

    Dear Andrea,

    1) Do you use argon to cool the power supply?

    2) Do you measure alpha particles being produced from Li-H reactions?

    3) Do you that lithium or argon can interact with hydrogen to form “electron clusters” or other exotic arrangements of electrons and protons?

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    A few questions:

    1. How many eCat-SK reactors can be operated within a single assembly?
    2. Does this number change for the 100kW variant of the eCat-SK?
    3. For the demonstration (Jan 31), how will you be measuring the thermal output power?

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    The world will be different.
    The solutions that you will make available are of a different shape and size so that different, independent investments become possible. Both large and small, and suitable for all terrains.

    Humanity is not yet able to make integrated, global investments that would be needed without this technology to provide an answer to some of the global problems that people have caused themselves.

    Since you always keep talking about the market, I assume that you follow this reasoning. The market is an outdated concept because nowadays people can not adequately assess the long-term consequences and the indirect consequences of their choices. If at least they would want to take this into account at the expense of foreseeable benefits.

    Kind Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dear Readers:
    During the last week we had to fight attacks against our website and many messages to info@journal-of-nuclear-physics have been destroyed during the battle, as well as some comment on this blog, particularly on January 22nd. As you know, this blog has been fixed immediately on January 23rd, but we had more difficulties with the email address, that continued to receive bogus messages and block the incoming messages. Now we have fixed also it. If you did not find your comments on this blog or did not receive answers to your emails, please send them again, now all is working well.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Koen Vandewalle:
    After the presentation the world will be exactly the same, but, in time, our contribution will increase the moment exponentially.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    As I wrote in my paper, ” At this scale the electron should not be modeled as a point-like-particle, NOT EVEN AT A FIRST APPROXIMATION”. In your calculation, you consider only the electrostatic potential of N points like particles on the surface of a charged sphere. THE ELECTRONS DEFINITELY ARE NOT POINT-LIKE CHARGED OBJECTS, but current rings with an associated magnetic field, that cannot be ignored in electron interactions. By the way, should the electron be a point shaped particle, the associated electromagnetic field would be infinite, like to say that with one electron you could make the universe. In certain cases ( for example in vacuum tube space-charge ) magnetic interactions may play a fundamental role also at very long distances.
    I think in the Ecat Lorentz and Coulomb forces speak between them the language of phases that allow them to “understand and compensate” each other.
    This said, energy is not necessarily conveyed by a single type of radiation and can also be thermalized by means of kinetic energy, that I suppose could also be due to the reduction of electrons speed.
    Warm Regards,

  • Koen Vandewalle

    Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi,

    I wish you good luck and success in the commercial presentation.

    I am really curious on what scale this technology will begin to conquer the world.

    I find it a bit unfortunate that no drawings or visualizations have been included in the scientific publications. I do not understand much about all those formulas.
    What I do understand is that resonances are generated, so that electrons and protons are coupled to each other in an extraordinary way, and as far as I can understand, it comes down to the fact that only the hydrogen transforms into something else, where the difference in energy beams and bumps away.

    After your presentation we wake up in a different world.

    Kind Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    This is an interesting Documentary
    when you find time to watch.


    Looking forward to the demonstration.


  • Andrea Rossi

    Gerard McEk:
    1- no
    2- yes
    3- no, because it is a commercial demonstration, but I published on Researchgate a theoretical update:
    If we talk about theorie during the presentation I miss the target. The correct room to talk of theory is in contexts like Researchgate, Arxiv etc., where the publication can be made fast and familiar to the scientific echelons.
    4- yes
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Let us talk about this during the presentation. Even questions like this can be forwarded during the presentation.
    Thank you for the wish!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Frank Acland:
    Was done in a laboratory What we will see in the video is not the one decribed in the experiment.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Sorry, but JPR just wanted to say that our paper has risen more attention than a paper about the ITER. What’s wrong?
    Warm Regards,

  • Eric Ashworth

    JPR Your comment January 27th 2019 is absolutely ridiculous. I am amazed that considering how busy Andrea and his team is that he actually replied to your post. Consider yourself lucky that he did but what puzzles me is who is paying you to put your name to such nonsense. Regards Eric Ashworth

  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    The experiment you describe in your ResearchGate paper, was this done on the E-Cat at your customer’s site, or was this done in a laboratory?

    Many thanks,

    Frank Acland

  • Obro

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    Can you tell us something about your marketing plans after the presentation?
    Have you got any customers lined up already? Are you going to embark on wide marketing campaign?
    Alternatively, are you just going to wait for customers convinced in the economic advantage of using your E-Cat plants, to come to you?

    I wish you success in all your endeavors!


  • Gerard McEk

    Dear Andrea,
    Thank you!
    Just some questions about the presentation:
    1. Will you present it alone?
    2. Will you be able to tell how you measured the electrical power that runs into the SK. (800 uW)
    3. Will you be able to explain what atomic reaction(s) produce the generated heat?
    4. BTW: Did you analyze the isotopic distribution and elements of the E-Cat SK reactants after different durations of operation.?
    I wish you and your team a perfect presentation of the E-Cat SK next @ 1/31.
    Thanks and kind regards, Gerard

  • Andrea Rossi

    George Prazak:
    15-20 kg, depending on the version.
    Warm Regards,

  • George Prazak

    Dr Andrea Rossi,
    What is the weight of an Ecat SK module?

  • Andrea Rossi

    People is not stupid. When their Engineering Gurus go around in TV broadcasting, saying that the hot nuclear fusion does not emit radiations or produce radioactive materials everybody understands that this is pure B.S. and that during a nuclear fusion at millions of Kelvin you produce radioactive atoms with short emilife, therefore extremely dangerous. I have been disgusted to watch recently a guru talk in TV with an anchor- pseudo- scientific journalist feed the audience with this phrase, showing a model of a plant that will never work: ” the ITER [for which had just received another funding for 500 million euro from the taxpayer (NDR)] makes fusion between atoms of hydrogen to make helium, so no radioactivity is made and it is safe, no pollution” and the pseudo-scientific journalist was smiling and approving…usque tandem do you think you can fool people like that ? The numbers you cite speak the answer.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Raffaele Bongo:
    It consumes power for the coling system for several minutes.
    Warm Regards,

  • Raffaele Bongo

    Hello A. Rossi

    When the thermostat turns the reactor “off”, is the controller completely shut down or does it consume power to perform certain functions essential to boiler operation?
    Best regards


  • JPR

    People has spoken:
    Andrea Rossi paper on Researchgate:
    3000 readers in 3 days and counting
    ITER paper on Researchgate:
    4 readers ( 5 with me ) in 25 years

  • Dear Andrea,
    Concerning your paper. Using Puthoff-Piestrup (2004) formulas, I get that the voltage of such hollow electron shell is very high if the number of electrons in the shell is large, such as N=1e11 as Rossi exemplifies in Section 1. I get that the voltage is 2*sqrt(N)*3.7 kV. If N=1e11, then the voltage is 3.4 gigavolts, which does not sound realistic because it would release strong gamma radiation when the state somehow decays. At the same time the energy content of the shell state would be only 37 J. In such shell, the number of electrons per area is independent of the size, so the diameter grows as proportional to sqrt(N). It seems to me that if such hollow shells play a role, they must be smaller than the atom in size and the number of electrons per object must be modest.
    regards, /pekka

  • Andrea Rossi

    The atomic nucleus model of prof Norman Cook remains for me the best existing.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    If it is alone yes. In asseblies no.
    Warm Regards,

  • Fulco

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    After your last publication on Researchgate, what is your opinion of the work of Norman Cook?

  • Mylan

    So each eCat SK needs its own 380W control unit?

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Regarding your last response and the eCat-SK series:

    1. Does the eCat-SK controller handle only one eCat-SK reactor unit? If multiple, what is the maximum number controlled by one Controller?
    2. Do the thermal output measurements by Infrared measurements closely match those determined by water flow rate and change in water temperature measurements?
    3. Regarding your Jan 31 presentation, will live measurements be presented or only a video recording of the measurements?

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the suggestion, but we have already found our way.
    Warm Regards

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