Raffaele Bongo:
Most of the audience did not have problems, strangely some persons have made this complaint. The internet was supposed to work equally everywhere. Anyway, you, as everybody, can review the whole presentation on Vimeo and on Yuotube here:
Vimeo: http://www.ecatskdemo.com
Youtube: https://youtu.be/gw_oa8MvdQk
Dear Dr Rossi:
Congratulations, the presentation of yesterday has been fantastic; many of us have been worried for the evident signs that your hard work has left on your face and voice, but the historical achievement you reached yesterday is so big that most have not understood its implications
Thank you for your efforts,
Hello A. Rossi
I did not follow your presentation live because it was totally inaudible despite a very good internet speed. I hope this has not been the case for most users who have followed your service.
Success is measured in audience. Can you publish the number of connections to the presentation?
I have a concern about your health because your path is not good.
All my support for your work
I will enjoy the video posted on You tube
Steven N. Karels:
4- the stop is instantaneous, the transitory of the stop is minutes
5- it depends on the situation. Both options are open.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
Yes, but the efficiency is terribly low. Better thermalize. Obviously if you turn into electricity the light, yu will pay for it, based in the 1st T.P., with a decrease of heat very high, due to the low efficiency of the conversion. Much more efficient the Carnot cycle.
Warm Regards,
One column is operating, the other is spare, Every 90 days the bubble column must be recalibrated, so the client puts the spare one in operation ( just turns the cap ) and sends the other for recalibration to us.
I remind to you and all the Readers that the whole presentation can be reviewed here: http://www.ecatskdemo.com
or here: https://youtu.be/gw_oa8MvdQk
The audio has been raised to make my bad voice easy to be heard and errors have been eliminated, like my mistake of adding 273 to turn K into C instead of subtracting…luckily this did not compromise the calculations, because in the equation of Boltzmann are considered K, not C. I have been very stupid not to second check the paper board… I was under pressure and made an error.
Warm Regards,
Mr Rossi:
About the bubble columns shown yesterday in the video : one of the two was not operating, it was closed with a cap ! besides, the bubble columns must be recalibrated: who and when makes the calibration?
I hope the vocal “crisis” has passed and I hope it is nothing serious. Interesting what he said about the management of the SK that will be installed around the world.
As I had already expressed in previous emails, when the time comes, I would be interested in obtaining the “license-patent (abilitazione)” for the management of chargers. I do not deny that I see very well, in this phase of heat sales, the installation also in large structures such as: schools, universities, hospitals, shopping centers, large residential buildings with a unified thermal power plant, service companies (offices only) ), where there is a specialized company to manage the “boiler room” …..
I always follow her with affection and esteem.
PS: when you will make the ecat SF (Sergio Focardi)?
Congratulations on your successful presentation and the beginning of the most important stage in the industrialization of a new, unlimited and safe and environmentally friendly energy source.
You asked me to re-phrase the following:
4. How quickly does the output thermal power go to a “No thermal output condition” from a full output power condition?
5. How are spent assemblies changed and how long, if any, is the system down time?
The intent of question #4 was to determine the time it takes to shut-down the thermal output after the eCat-SK has been operating at full output power. Specifically, if the eCat-SK is operating in an SSM mode, how long until its output is zero? Ignore heat exchanger latent heat considerations. The desired answer is in units of seconds, not an answer of “not very long”.
Question #5 deals with maintainability aspects of the eCat-SK assembly. Is your maintenance philosophy one of “remove and replace” an entire delivered system? If so, who does this and how long would the lack of heat time period be (hours, days)? Assume a scheduled maintenance period. The eCat-SK reactor units, allegedly, have an operating lifetime of at least 6 months, perhaps a year. If no other system failure occurs, only spent reactors, do you send a replacement eCat-SK reactor to the customer’s location and have him replace it, or do you supply technicians to replace the unit(s), or do you ship out a replacement system and replace the entire system?
The analogy is my residential furnace that once a year (or twice) I have an air filter changed. I could do this myself, I could hire a serviceman through a local company to do this (and also service the furnace), or I could have the entire furnace replaced. During the servicing or the replacement, I would not have heat, so I would schedule it for an appropriate time of the year. But the time without heating would be understood by all.
can you talk about “ballerina”?
When swicth on SK ballerina dance imediatly or not?
The camera that show “ballerina” where is situated?
Inside the reactor or out?
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for your presentation of yesterday: what most moved me has been the sign of the terrible efforts you made in these last years, without sparing yourself any effort: I think nobody has missed what your body language told us yesterday. What you made is miraculous, but clearly it did not come for free.
May God protect your health and thank you for all you are making and sharing with us.
Donald and Readers:
thank you for the question, the answer is this:
Steven N. Karels:
1- zero, because when energy is not needed the Ecat is shut down
2- the Ecat reaches rapidly the average energy output, longer transitories will be due from the heat exchangers, but this is not our turf
3- for the Ecat SK 380 Wh/h
4- I do not understand the question: can you rephrase it ?
5- same as in 4
6- no
7- depends on the power
8- the down time depends on the kind of problem, the intervention is immediate
9- this issue is duly foreseen in the contracts
10- same as in 9
Warm Regards,
Congratulations on officially putting the E-Cat SK on the market.
Three questions if I may:
1. Do you plan to update the official E-Cat website (https://ecat.com/) with the SK product specifications for potential customers to analyse?
2. Would you consider having an industrialised E-Cat SK operational in a Leonardo Corporation owned show-room, for the purpose of inviting potential clients to observe it? This would have an operational cost for you, but it would be the best marketing money can buy.
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for the presentation: a page of history.
Will be possible to review all the presentation in internet?
Thank you,
1. What is the power consumption of an eCat-SK assembly when it is operating but no thermal output is needed?
2. How long does it take to go from a “no thermal Power required” condition to full output power?
3. What is the maximum power consumption during going to maximum output power?
4. How quickly does the output thermal power go to a “No thermal output condition” from a full output power condition?
5. How are spent assemblies changed and how long, if any, is the system down time?
6. Are there any additional costs or charges beside that for the delivered thermal output energy?
7. How long after a fully executed contract will full operation occur?
8. If and when a failure in the eCat-SK system occurs, what is the down time? Weekend support? 24/7 support?
9. How are conflicts resolved if there is a good faith disagreement between what amount of energy has been provided as determined by the User and that claimed by eCat-SK supplier?
10. What warranty provisions/guarantees are applicable/provided?
Rodney Nicholson AN Readers:
Within 90 minutes from this comment you will find the full presentation on youtube at this address: https://youtu.be/gw_oa8MvdQk
Daniel De Caluwe’:
The plasma is in the high density area around the lower wavelength, which has a surface of 1 cm^2. In the spectrometer graph is clearly visible the spectrum of the plasma.
About the parts you lost, no problem: within max 1 hour you will be able to see the whole presentation on Youtube and on Vimeo; by the way, I also corrected the stupidity I have written ( excess of pressure at the moment) where I added 273 to convert K into C, instead of subtracting 273. It is a mistake that I always do when I am tired, I do not know why…obviously I have corrected it. Anyway, this is an error that has not at all affected the calculations, because in the Boltzmann equation we used the Kelvin, not the Celsius. The conversion in Celsius was a useless protuberance…
Warm Regards,
Because of a wrong setting in my browser (not the most common one), I missed the beginning of the demonstration, and therefore I don’t know if it was right to send my question to your info@leonardocorp1996.com address, that probably is more intended for commercial contacts. If so, I apologize (The reason was that I missed the beginning of the demonstration). Here is my question, about the beautiful plasma shown in life stream video: (But first a remark in advance: Now I think the spot at the top was the head of ‘the ballerina’ plasma, isn’t it?, but at the moment I wrote this message I didn’t notice): I wrote: I see two spots of light. The one below is the ‘ballerina’ in a more or less cylindric form (or like a pinda nut). And on top is a second (more circular or elliptical) spot, with in the middle a white glow, with a yellow glow and orange glow around it. Is this a reflection of the plasma (the ‘ballerina’) below it, or is it real like it is? Or is it another view from above, while the ‘ballerina’ form is seen from aside? On the top of the pinda nut (= the head of the ‘ballerina’) there is a blue glow around the white one. The part below of the pinda nut also has a yellow and orange glow around it. Can you explain these colours? (Anyway, I like the plasma 😉
Regarding my ‘mountain time’ comment: Still, right now – here in Alberta, Canada – I have seen nothing at E-catSKdemo. All I see is still the draped mystery object. Although it did play the music from ‘2001’ exactly at 9:00AM ET.
Tom Conover:
The audio has been heard from almost all we contacted.
Probably some had problems with his audio, but in one hour we will be able to put all in vimeo and in youtube.
Warm Regards,
Tom Law:
Most of audience found it ok, some are complaining,probably had problems with their audio. No problem, the whole will be in Youtube and on Vimeo in matter of one or two hours.
I will publish here the links and Ecatworld will do the same.
Warm Regards,
Raffaele Bongo:
Most of the audience did not have problems, strangely some persons have made this complaint. The internet was supposed to work equally everywhere. Anyway, you, as everybody, can review the whole presentation on Vimeo and on Yuotube here:
Vimeo: http://www.ecatskdemo.com
Youtube: https://youtu.be/gw_oa8MvdQk
Warm Regards,
Thank you for your empathy,anyway, you can find the whole presentation on
and on
with the volume adjusted to hear my voice well.
Warm Regards,
Peter Wolstenholme:
What is an AGA Cooker Test?
Warm Regards,
Gian Luca:
The movement starts after a while.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi:
Congratulations, the presentation of yesterday has been fantastic; many of us have been worried for the evident signs that your hard work has left on your face and voice, but the historical achievement you reached yesterday is so big that most have not understood its implications
Thank you for your efforts,
Toussaint Francois:
Thanks for your opinion,
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
I did not follow your presentation live because it was totally inaudible despite a very good internet speed. I hope this has not been the case for most users who have followed your service.
Success is measured in audience. Can you publish the number of connections to the presentation?
I have a concern about your health because your path is not good.
All my support for your work
I will enjoy the video posted on You tube
Martyn Aubrey:
1- yes
2- no
Thank you for your sustain, but attention: I am a jealous lover of the Ballerina!
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
4- the stop is instantaneous, the transitory of the stop is minutes
5- it depends on the situation. Both options are open.
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis:
Yes, but the efficiency is terribly low. Better thermalize. Obviously if you turn into electricity the light, yu will pay for it, based in the 1st T.P., with a decrease of heat very high, due to the low efficiency of the conversion. Much more efficient the Carnot cycle.
Warm Regards,
Warm Regards,
Irina and Vitaly Uzikov:
Thank you for your sustain: I feel honoured from it.
Warm Regards,
Gian Luca:
I take advice of your comment.
SF? The gas turbine!
Warm Regards,
One column is operating, the other is spare, Every 90 days the bubble column must be recalibrated, so the client puts the spare one in operation ( just turns the cap ) and sends the other for recalibration to us.
I remind to you and all the Readers that the whole presentation can be reviewed here:
or here:
The audio has been raised to make my bad voice easy to be heard and errors have been eliminated, like my mistake of adding 273 to turn K into C instead of subtracting…luckily this did not compromise the calculations, because in the equation of Boltzmann are considered K, not C. I have been very stupid not to second check the paper board… I was under pressure and made an error.
Warm Regards,
Amerigo Stevani:
Thank you for the information,
Warm Regards,
Maybe this can help you to store heat:
Mr Rossi:
About the bubble columns shown yesterday in the video : one of the two was not operating, it was closed with a cap ! besides, the bubble columns must be recalibrated: who and when makes the calibration?
Good morning Andrea.
I hope the vocal “crisis” has passed and I hope it is nothing serious. Interesting what he said about the management of the SK that will be installed around the world.
As I had already expressed in previous emails, when the time comes, I would be interested in obtaining the “license-patent (abilitazione)” for the management of chargers. I do not deny that I see very well, in this phase of heat sales, the installation also in large structures such as: schools, universities, hospitals, shopping centers, large residential buildings with a unified thermal power plant, service companies (offices only) ), where there is a specialized company to manage the “boiler room” …..
I always follow her with affection and esteem.
PS: when you will make the ecat SF (Sergio Focardi)?
Dear Andrea!
Congratulations on your successful presentation and the beginning of the most important stage in the industrialization of a new, unlimited and safe and environmentally friendly energy source.
With deep respect,
Irina and Vitaly Uzikovs
Dear Dr Rossi,
Will you update your company site with the number of customers that have ordered your product? (Not the identity)
Kind Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Would it be possible to use photocells to produce electricity by the light of the Ecat SK plasma?
Warm Regards,
Chuck Davis
Dear Andrea Rossi,
You asked me to re-phrase the following:
4. How quickly does the output thermal power go to a “No thermal output condition” from a full output power condition?
5. How are spent assemblies changed and how long, if any, is the system down time?
The intent of question #4 was to determine the time it takes to shut-down the thermal output after the eCat-SK has been operating at full output power. Specifically, if the eCat-SK is operating in an SSM mode, how long until its output is zero? Ignore heat exchanger latent heat considerations. The desired answer is in units of seconds, not an answer of “not very long”.
Question #5 deals with maintainability aspects of the eCat-SK assembly. Is your maintenance philosophy one of “remove and replace” an entire delivered system? If so, who does this and how long would the lack of heat time period be (hours, days)? Assume a scheduled maintenance period. The eCat-SK reactor units, allegedly, have an operating lifetime of at least 6 months, perhaps a year. If no other system failure occurs, only spent reactors, do you send a replacement eCat-SK reactor to the customer’s location and have him replace it, or do you supply technicians to replace the unit(s), or do you ship out a replacement system and replace the entire system?
The analogy is my residential furnace that once a year (or twice) I have an air filter changed. I could do this myself, I could hire a serviceman through a local company to do this (and also service the furnace), or I could have the entire furnace replaced. During the servicing or the replacement, I would not have heat, so I would schedule it for an appropriate time of the year. But the time without heating would be understood by all.
Dear Dr Rossi,
Congratulations on bringing your Ecat SK Heat Product to the market. The Ecat SK unit is impressively compact and very neat.
Please confirm, if you are able to answer:
1. Do both the input and the output pipes enter and exit the casing through the gold coloured collar at the top of the unit?
2. When multiple Ecat SK units are in use together at the same location, is there a minimum distance required between the working units?
I was quite enthralled by the plasma “Ballerina”, very wonderful.
You have come a long way since I started following your work in 2011.
Kind Regards,
Martyn Aubrey
Dear Andrea Rossi
I was hoping for a more professional presentation of the product, it should have been dealt with experts in marketing and publicity
Warm Regards
Toussaint François
Grande A.R.
can you talk about “ballerina”?
When swicth on SK ballerina dance imediatly or not?
The camera that show “ballerina” where is situated?
Inside the reactor or out?
Thanks a lot
Gian Luca
I suggest an AGA Cooker test is started to be developed,
Peter Wolstenholme
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for your presentation of yesterday: what most moved me has been the sign of the terrible efforts you made in these last years, without sparing yourself any effort: I think nobody has missed what your body language told us yesterday. What you made is miraculous, but clearly it did not come for free.
May God protect your health and thank you for all you are making and sharing with us.
Donald and Readers:
thank you for the question, the answer is this:
and on Vimeo at the following address:
The audio is perfect, obviously my voice is what it is, but we raised the volume to make it clearer.
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
1- zero, because when energy is not needed the Ecat is shut down
2- the Ecat reaches rapidly the average energy output, longer transitories will be due from the heat exchangers, but this is not our turf
3- for the Ecat SK 380 Wh/h
4- I do not understand the question: can you rephrase it ?
5- same as in 4
6- no
7- depends on the power
8- the down time depends on the kind of problem, the intervention is immediate
9- this issue is duly foreseen in the contracts
10- same as in 9
Warm Regards,
Patrick Ellul:
1- yes
2- yes
3- none
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Congratulations on officially putting the E-Cat SK on the market.
Three questions if I may:
1. Do you plan to update the official E-Cat website (https://ecat.com/) with the SK product specifications for potential customers to analyse?
2. Would you consider having an industrialised E-Cat SK operational in a Leonardo Corporation owned show-room, for the purpose of inviting potential clients to observe it? This would have an operational cost for you, but it would be the best marketing money can buy.
3. What sounds come out of the E-Cat SK blue box?
Best regards,
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi:
Congratulations for the presentation: a page of history.
Will be possible to review all the presentation in internet?
Thank you,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
Regarding the eCat-SK 22kW unit and Controller:
1. What is the power consumption of an eCat-SK assembly when it is operating but no thermal output is needed?
2. How long does it take to go from a “no thermal Power required” condition to full output power?
3. What is the maximum power consumption during going to maximum output power?
4. How quickly does the output thermal power go to a “No thermal output condition” from a full output power condition?
5. How are spent assemblies changed and how long, if any, is the system down time?
6. Are there any additional costs or charges beside that for the delivered thermal output energy?
7. How long after a fully executed contract will full operation occur?
8. If and when a failure in the eCat-SK system occurs, what is the down time? Weekend support? 24/7 support?
9. How are conflicts resolved if there is a good faith disagreement between what amount of energy has been provided as determined by the User and that claimed by eCat-SK supplier?
10. What warranty provisions/guarantees are applicable/provided?
Rodney Nicholson AN Readers:
Within 90 minutes from this comment you will find the full presentation on youtube at this address:
Daniel De Caluwe’:
The plasma is in the high density area around the lower wavelength, which has a surface of 1 cm^2. In the spectrometer graph is clearly visible the spectrum of the plasma.
About the parts you lost, no problem: within max 1 hour you will be able to see the whole presentation on Youtube and on Vimeo; by the way, I also corrected the stupidity I have written ( excess of pressure at the moment) where I added 273 to convert K into C, instead of subtracting 273. It is a mistake that I always do when I am tired, I do not know why…obviously I have corrected it. Anyway, this is an error that has not at all affected the calculations, because in the Boltzmann equation we used the Kelvin, not the Celsius. The conversion in Celsius was a useless protuberance…
Warm Regards,
Because of a wrong setting in my browser (not the most common one), I missed the beginning of the demonstration, and therefore I don’t know if it was right to send my question to your info@leonardocorp1996.com address, that probably is more intended for commercial contacts. If so, I apologize (The reason was that I missed the beginning of the demonstration). Here is my question, about the beautiful plasma shown in life stream video: (But first a remark in advance: Now I think the spot at the top was the head of ‘the ballerina’ plasma, isn’t it?, but at the moment I wrote this message I didn’t notice): I wrote: I see two spots of light. The one below is the ‘ballerina’ in a more or less cylindric form (or like a pinda nut). And on top is a second (more circular or elliptical) spot, with in the middle a white glow, with a yellow glow and orange glow around it. Is this a reflection of the plasma (the ‘ballerina’) below it, or is it real like it is? Or is it another view from above, while the ‘ballerina’ form is seen from aside? On the top of the pinda nut (= the head of the ‘ballerina’) there is a blue glow around the white one. The part below of the pinda nut also has a yellow and orange glow around it. Can you explain these colours? (Anyway, I like the plasma 😉
Many thanks in advance,
And a lot of success with your work!
Hi Andrea:
Regarding my ‘mountain time’ comment: Still, right now – here in Alberta, Canada – I have seen nothing at E-catSKdemo. All I see is still the draped mystery object. Although it did play the music from ‘2001’ exactly at 9:00AM ET.
Just so you are aware of this.
I look forward to watching it on Youtube.
Tom Conover:
The audio has been heard from almost all we contacted.
Probably some had problems with his audio, but in one hour we will be able to put all in vimeo and in youtube.
Warm Regards,
Rodney Nichlson:
No, all has been streamed in time.
Warm Regards,
Tom Law:
Most of audience found it ok, some are complaining,probably had problems with their audio. No problem, the whole will be in Youtube and on Vimeo in matter of one or two hours.
I will publish here the links and Ecatworld will do the same.
Warm Regards,
I hate to criticise but the sound quality on your demonstration was appalling. An opportunity missed I think. Perhaps you have a backup sound track?
Has it been postponed until Mountain Time? (!)
Volume check? Can’t hear the audio.
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Thanks for your attention to the work of our Team,
Warm Regards,
Toussaints Francois:
Thank you for your kind wishes,
Warm Regards,
Gianvico Pirazzini:
Warm Regards,
Mark Saker:
Thanks to you!
Warm Regards,
Gerard McEk:
Thank you !
Warm Regards,
Irina and Vitaly Uzikov:
Thank you for your encouragement and your sustain,
Warm Regards,