United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

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43,165 comments to United States Patent US 9,115,913 B1

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    Please watch the video on http://www.ecatskdemo.com
    In the menu that will appear initially, please choose the link of the calculations and go to the calculation of the COP.
    You will find there a detailed answer to your question.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Martyn Aubrey:
    Thank you for your kind attention to the work of our team,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Pekka Janhunen:
    Very nice, thank you!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I honestly think that in all the links published on http://www.ecarskdemo.com I released all the non confidential information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    1) UPPER LEFT is not the controller input Voltage, it is the ECAT SK input Voltage ( 250 mV ). The controller input Voltage is the one indicated by the Amperometer/Voltmeter in the UPPER CENTER frame, where are indicated 20 A and 19 V ( by default you read the A, while the V appear when you can see the operator that presses a switch )
    2) the spectrometer indicates the wavelength of the photons in function of their intensity: in the Cartesian axis system you can read along the x axis the wavelength and along the y axis you can read the density
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Rodney Nicholson:
    I stick with my calculations.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dan Gilburt:
    We will give the data that will be possible to make public: as you correctly write, without releasing confidential information.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    It is extremely important , because it makes a trigger effect. I explained this in the par. 3 and 4, that are strictly bound in the paper published on Researchgate. Now its link is in the menu of
    Warm Regards,

  • “Andrea Rossi
    February 4, 2019 at 9:33 AM

    The Ecat SSM mode is always on: the consume you saw in the presentation is constant and stable.
    Warm Regards,
    = = = = = = = =
    Hi Andrea:

    Now I see I am confused again.

    I had imagined that SSM was defined as periods during which the **reactor** did not need any electric power, and continued to generate heat without it.

    I thought that when the reactor was not in SSM it needed electic current in order to continue to function as intended.

    Your post above seems to suggest otherwise. And may also contradict much of the contents of a message I had posted earlier today.

    Clarification about the meaning of ‘self-sustaining mode’ would be helpful to me. Thank you.


  • Raphael

    Dr Andrea Rossi:
    I watched the video on http://www.ecatskdemo.com
    I found in its menu a link to the 437.2 signature of the spectrometer, but confronting it with the spectrometer record, it appears it is not a main peak. Why, then is it so important?
    Congratulations for the new format of http://www.ecatskdemo.com
    The menu with the links edited to facilitate the access to all the most important issues is very useful and well done. Your voice has been artificially made louder, so now it is more easy to listen.
    Take care of your health, Andrea.

  • Dan Galburt

    Dear Dr. Rossi

    Congratulations on creating what should be a groundbreaking energy producing system.

    Now that the E-Cat-SKs are going to generate heat for commercial customers would it be possible for you to publish on your web site the total E-CAT-SK energy (KWH) that all your customers receive and are billed for after each month of operation?

    This single number would give a very good indication of how the E-Cat SK is doing in the marketplace, hopefully, without releasing confidential information.

    Best Regards

    Dan Galburt

  • Hi Andrea:

    In the 31 January video, the CoP was conservatively calculated as 57.7. In a commercial presentation it is important that the seller not overstate his case, so in my opinion it was entirely appropriate that you take this conservative approach.

    However, another statistic which may be almost as interesting as the one you presented – indeed, perhaps even more so – is the CoP of the reactor itself. The control panel, while an essential component of the E-Cat SK, is not an integral part of the mechanism by which the reactor generates heat.

    You mentioned that the heat output of the E-Cat SK’s reactor was 21,942 watts. You also mentioned that the voltage of the power fed to the reactor was 250 millivolts. If the information is not confidential, it would be really interesting to know how many Amps are applied to the reactor when it is not in self-sustain mode, and what percentage of the time, on average, the reactor spends in self-sustain mode. With these two data points it would be possible to calculate the CoP of just the reactor itself.

    If I am not mistaken, if the above data were available, the CoP of the reactor could be calculated as follows:

    CoP = (21,942 ÷ (0.25 x Ar)) ÷ (1 – SSMf) , where

    21,942 is the reactor’s watts of heat output
    0.25 is the voltage of the power fed into the reactor
    Ar is the Amps of the current fed into the reactor
    SSMf is the factor for the proportion of the time the reactor functions is self-sustain mode

    Regarding SSMf, if the reactor is in self-sustain mode for 40% of the time SSMf would be 0.4.

    Taking some arbitrary figures as an example, if the reactor’s current is one amp, and the unit averages self-sustain mode for 40% of the time, then the CoP *** of the reactor *** could be calculated as follows:

    CoP = (21,942 ÷ (0.25 x 1)) ÷ (1 – 0.4) = 146,280

    Now, that 146,280 number is just an example. But if the number were to come out merely a little in excess of 10,000 that would be quite impressive. And a little better, I think, than the results of those struggling to achieve ‘hot fusion’ (!)

    Is the number for the reactor’s CoP – whatever it actually turns out to be – something that people following the LENR story would find of interest?

    With ≈146,280 kind regards,


  • Hello.
    Can you explain to a person that is not an engineer what does it means in the video:
    1) the controller input voltage (upper left)
    2) the spectrometer input (down left)

    Bye Luca

  • Brokeeper

    Dear Andrea,

    Whoa! “The E-Cat SSM mode is always on: the consume you saw in the presentation is constant and stable” is a huge revelation from what we are accustomed too. It has been understood up to this time the control system was required to excite and maintain the E-Cat at a certain level of operation with periodic excitation intervals. Now it is always in Self-Sustained Mode, meaning (at least to me) it does not require the control system to maintain its ‘on’ or operational mode. The only limited conclusion I can imagine now for the control system’s use is to either keep the E-Cat from running away or to shut it down when required or both. Could you share any other information without violating confidentiality to help clarify this new paradigm? Thank you!
    With much respect,

  • Dear Andrea,
    There exists a well-known James Bond song “You only live twice”, performed by Nancy Sinatra. I notice, that if one substitutes “LENR” for “love” in the lyrics, one gets something:

    You only live twice, or so it seems.
    One life for yourself, and one for your dreams.
    You drift through the years and life seems tame.
    Till one dream appears and LENR is its name.
    And LENR is a stranger who’ll beckon you on.
    Don’t think of the danger or the stranger is gone.
    This dream is for you, so pay the price.
    Make one dream come true, you only live twice.


    regards, /pekka

  • Martyn Aubrey

    Dear Dr Rossi,

    Lotr Mileikowsky kindly sent you a very important story “As US Freezes, This Is Where Europeans Can’t Afford To Heat Their Homes” on pressclub.world ( https://www.pressclub.world/2019/02/03/where-europeans-cant-afford-to-heat-their-homes/ ).

    I happened to click on “Science” to see what stories they covered, and had a very pleasant surprise to see their lead article!

    “Worldwide introduction of the E-Cat SK today at 9:00 AM Eastern Time”

    Enjoy you reading,
    Congratulatory Regards,
    Martyn Aubrey

    “Worldwide introduction of the E-Cat SK today at 9:00 AM Eastern Time”

  • Andrea Rossi

    The Ecat SSM mode is always on: the consume you saw in the presentation is constant and stable.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Lotr Mileikowsky:
    You are right,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Yes, our IT guys have substantially improved the video of the presentation, now
    has been made much easier to look at.
    Warm Regards,

  • JPR

    Dear Andrea,
    I have taken good note that the website
    has been significantly improved, the graphics are now very clear, besides the original row video there are many links that focus on the highlights of the presentation, the volume of your voivce has been worked upon to make it clearer, a link to the paper you published on Researchgate has been put…in few words, now it is a pleasure to go through it.
    Congratulations to your collaborators that made this transformation.

  • Lotr Mileikowsky

    Dear Dr. Rossi,
    now with serial production of E-Cat SK, it is more and more clear: one day there will devices also for common folks and it will important socio-politic improvement as is perceptible from such chart:

    This Is Where Europeans Can’t Afford To Heat Their Homes (36% of Bulgarians and 28% of Lithuanians, and more counting)


  • Frank Acland

    Dear Andrea,

    During operation, what percentage of the time is the E-Cat SK in self-sustain mode?

    Kind regards,

    Frank Acland

  • Andrea Rossi

    Eric Ashworth:
    Thank you of the suggestion.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you, very nice!
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Chuck Davis:
    Warm Regards,

  • Chuck Davis

    Does the cycling of charges on and off cause a degradation of the Ecat?
    Warm Regards,
    Chuck Davis

  • Eric Ashworth

    Dear Andrea, Your e- cat sk demo is excellent. Why do you not post the link http://wwwecatskdemo.com on the header of this web site?
    As it contains so much valuable information. Also maybe explain why e-cat i.e. energy catalyzer. Just a suggestion Regards Eric Ashworth

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for the information, I wonder if this material could enhance the Seebeck effect.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Colin Watters:
    the controller cooling system.
    Warm Regards,

  • Colin Watters

    Dear Mr Rossi, You said most of the power consumed by the SK is used for cooling. Do you mean a) the controller cooling system? or b) the reactor cooling system or c) the pump that extracts heat from the reactor and sends it to the customers heat exchanger)? Thanks.

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    Thank you for the suggestion,
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Have you considered there might be an optical inversion occurring within the plasma? This might be evidenced by the optical spectra in the UV portion of the spectra.

    If you were to set up a resonator mirror system, you might get optical gain and a coherent UV beam might form.

    To do this you would need highly reflecting mirrors at the wavelength(s), a mean of adjusting the mirrors (alignment) and a means for the beam to exit (partially reflecting on one side or a small hole in one mirror). You would also need to provide optical access to the plasma from both sides.

    If you use an Argon or similar inert gas inside the eCat-SK, perhaps you could construct the experiment in a similar gas environment (mirrors within the gas environment but outside of the eCat-SK)..

    Of course, suitable safety measures would need to be taken, eye protection, etc.

  • Andrea Rossi

    E. Volpe:
    Yes, please go to http://www.ecatskdemo.com or on youtube.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Dr Joseph Fine:
    Thank you for your suggestion and for your continue intelligent attention to the work of our Team.
    The use of supercritical carbon dioxyde is interesting an would not increase the CO2 emissions, since the CO2 balance is zero.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Thank you for your suggestion. We will do.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Lotr Mileikowsky:
    Thank you for the information. It is useful.
    We do not have problems to deliver 750 Celsius degrees.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Andreas Moraitis:
    If you go now to the updated http://www.ecatskdemo.com and on youtube, you will find initially 6 links with several particulars in evidence from the whole video and, obviously, also the link to the whole video, that has been edited. Unfortunately my voice is what it is and there is nothing I can do, anyway the volume of my voice has been raised as much as possible.
    You will find a link to the signature 437.2 nm put in evidence from the spectrometer’s graph: it is the one in the bottom of the links series.
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    I suggest to our Readers to listen this masterpiece of Beethoven. Today is Sunday: which better day is there to listen a concert?
    Thank you for the link,
    Warm Regards,

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    I gave all the information about the spectrum that I deem not confidential. To other information I prefer not to answer in positive or in negative. I underlined the signature at 437.2 because it is strictly related to the theorical considerations published in my paper on Researchgate. The cideo is there and everybody can get from it the information he wants or is able to.
    Warm Regards,

  • Steven N. Karels

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    Looking at the spectra from the Jan 31 demo, I noticed several spectral lines on the left (shorter wavelength) side. Have you looked at the spectra in detail?

    1. If you have looked, have you been able to associate any of the spectral lines to elements?
    2. If so, I would expect to see spectral broadening based on thermal (Doppler) or pressure effects. Have you observed these?
    3, How stable are these spectral lines in terms of wavelength and/or integrated power?

  • Sam

    Hello DR Rossi

    I like your choice of CONCERTO for the
    name of the E-CAT SK software.



  • Andreas Moraitis

    Dear Andrea Rossi,

    While you mention an essential wavelength of 437.2 nm in your recent paper, in the demo the spectrometer did not show a clear peak at this position. Could you perhaps explain?

    I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Best regards,
    Andreas Moraitis

  • E. Volpe

    Dear Andrea:
    Did you update the video of the presentation?

  • Lotr Mileikowsky

    Dear Dr. Rossi,

    here is very nice Stirling engine for your E-Cat SK (for 6-25kW thermal input) and 10kWe output:


    Needed temp is 750°C and higher, so query is:

    How much difficult is reach output temp 750°C instead mentioned max 600°C at E-Cat SK?

    Best Regards

  • Patrick Ellul

    To all your readers that keep asking about the COP of multiple e-cats under same controller:

    It is obvious to me from the information that you give that most of the power is used for the cooling system, and not the controller itself, and definitely not to feed the actual reactor. So for 10 ecats, you still need 10 times the cooling power. Hence why the ballpark COP remains the same.
    Best regards

  • Roberto

    Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
    I reccommend you from now on to keep the website http://www.ecat.com well updated with the presentation and all the further information that will be necessary from now on: your clients will go there to find updates!

  • Joseph Fine

    Dear Andrea,

    Bravo on your E-CAT SK Demo.

    And thanks to Tom Florek for his new Stanza in the video of ” I believe in the E-Cat SK. ”

    I was thinking about all the progress that you and your team have made over many years. A fantastic voyage!
    ( Counting from 1996, that would be almost 23 years! )

    I also remember the saying that “If you are not moving forward, you risk starting to go backwards.”

    Here is a recent (September 2018) article on Supercritical CO2 turbines.

    You already have made a giant step on “The Path to Less Expensive “Greener” Energy”, but you may now be able to use Supercritical CO2 as a thermodynamic fluid, instead of steam, in your future efforts.


    These new challenges are of a different type and on a larger scale. You may be on your way to building up an organization from one Ballerina to a Super Electric/Ballet Company.

    I hope you exert some of this effort in maintaining your health, your voice, your JONP blog and, when you have time, your tennis games!!

    My continued regards and …all regards ‘back from the future’ Ballerinas,

    Joseph Fine

  • Andrea Rossi

    Steven N. Karels:
    The power do not change changing the fluid or phases of it
    Warm Regards,

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