Rod Walton:
Thank you for the information: clearly the coal related industry is striving to reach the best availabe technologies to improve the micro and macro environments.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Reading the answers to Frank and others your business seems to go very well, congratulations to you and your team!
I hope you will be able to give us some more information:
1. I guess the duration tests with the SK are still going on, right?
2. When do you expect the first turbine test (this year, next year,…)?
3. I would expect that when the SK’s will be build into a turbine, that they will run in a closed loop agon atmosphere. Is that a right assumption?
4. Are you planning to produce E-Cats SK in Scandinavia, US and Japan this year, or just in the US?
5. Have the cumulated orders already exceeded the 1 GWatt output?
6. If I order a 1 MW unit now for a greenhouse in the Netherlands (90C water) will you than still be able to deliver it this year?
7. Are electricity suppliers interested in your heat supply offer?
Thanks, a lot of success and kind regards, Gerard
Dr Rossi:
Power Engineering February 19 2019: Dynergy sought to improve the work conditions in coal bunkers by automating level measurements of coal.
Rod Walton
Vince Antonelli:
Thank you for your kind wishes
1- in this initial period at least 1 MW
2- years to be agreed upon depending on the situation
3- same as in 2
4- yes
5- depends how are assembled the modules
6- confidential
7- minutes
Warm Regards,
Congratulations for your successful presentation on
We wish you a worldwide sucess.
Please allow me the following questions:
1- What is the minimum power your clients must need to get your service of heat sale?
2- What is the minimum period the service must be requested for?
3- What is the longer period ?
4- Do you confirm that the 22 kW modules of Ecat SK can be compined to reach any power the clients need?
5- Dimensions of a 1 MW assembly?
6- How bg are the charge cells?
7- How much time takes to make the yearly recharge of each module?
Thanks for your answers,
Vince Antonelli- BEng
You got me with the tongue in the jam… as a self punishment, I am not going to correct, but leave the error there, as a memo for myself to stay more focused.
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
a) yes
b) on course
c) on course
d) on course
e) yes
After these 18 days from the presentation of January 31st I can say that momentous events happened that are strongly reinforcing our situation. This allows me to confirm that the presentation of has been very successful and that our target has been fully reached in perfect equilibrium with our possibilities.
Thanks also to the magnificent work made by you and Thomas Florek. Before the presentation , if you remember, I told you both ” Acland at the piano, Florek at the guitar and concertina, Rossi at the drums: if the Ecat doesn’t work, we have a plan B”: it appears the plan B will not be necessary.
Warm Regards,
Since the event on Jan 31st, can you say which of the following you have done?
a) Responded to inquiries from potential customers.
b) Made agreements with new customers.
c) Built E-Cat SK plants for new customers.
d) Delivered new E-Cat SK plants to new customers.
e) Monitored E-Cat SK installations remotely.
Have the people who suppress your technology ever explained to you why they want it that way?
Never buy a quantum computer without an appropriate virus scanner!
And how do we protect Artificial Intelligence from Artificial Corruption?
Somewhere in a distant past, people have chosen a wrong path. In view of the freedom of man to make choices, (Genesis, damn!) We will have to recursively tackle all past mistakes. It does not surprise me that many are looking for a virgin planet somewhere far away in the universe.
I just planned to send you an email to ask you to become a dealer / seller of the heat that your appliances make. Given the daily hostile fire that you are experiencing, I will burn my fingers to that, I fear.
Koen, (which according to name experts means “brave.” Unfortunately, these too die sometimes more quickly than desired, unless they wear a suit of armor – or Harness ??- adapted to the circumstances)
George Dvorak:
Are you parent of the great musicist? I listened to the”New World Symphony” hundreds of times…
Answer: USA, Scandinavia, Japan.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi:
Considering the importance of your discovery, I think it is important to diversify the manufacturing locations: where are you organizing the production of the Ecat?
George Dvorak
Pekka Janhunen:
He,he,he…besides, the world is united by the different ways to speak and sing English, so this beautiful language is in continuous evolution, therefore leaves us room for inventive neologisms.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Just for the record, I understood that you meant “harnessed” etc., that they were not a spelling errors. I guess sometimes a non-native understands another non-native better, because both have similar deficiencies in language.
regards, /pekka
Dr Joseph Fine:
Thank you for the corrections…but I really meant HARNESSED, not harassed…like horses harnessed…; besides: DYNOSAURS are dinosaurs that work in the energy field, from DYNAMO!
I prefer not to correct, but thank you for the intent: please do also in future help me to correct my Italian-English ( we call it Italish ), albeit, in this case, it was just art-licensed English.
Warm Regards,
Where does the E-cat energy come from, in your opinion? If we list the options, since the source cannot be chemical, it must be either some Nuclear process or some uNclear process. Among Nuclear processes, one can make a division into processes where the weak interaction plays a role (protons change to neutrons or vice versa) and where it doesn’t play a role (that is, only electromagnetic and strong interactions play a role, protons stay protons and neutrons stay neutrons and they are somehow exchanged between nuclei). My favourite answer to this question is “I don’t know”, but how about you?
best regards, /pekka
Dear Andrea,
I watched
Observing the plasma I got the idea that you continue to change the opoles and it is this that makes the “ballerina” dance; am I right?
Dear Readers, Andrea,
I have just recently been reading up on virtual particles as described on Quote “virtual particles only exist temporarily as they are exchanged between ordinary particles”. This statement I find is misleading because I believe there is nothing given or received in the creation of a virtual particle, that is to say virtual particles are formed by forces alone. The virtual particle is a creation of spin between the positive and the negative charge. When two particles spin in the same direction a void is created between and into which a creation occurs i.e. an image of the progenitors/virtual particle. When constructed it spins in a counter direction, contains its own identity due to its oscillating feature, another product of its progenitors. Its substance I believe is from an external source that serves as a buffer zone between its progenitors so as to maintain a viable system of existence or you could say a created life force involving three identifiable aspects not two. This creation in the case of the E-cat represents a life force that benefits due to the soft free energy that it produces by the decay of the constructed virtual particles. No doubt some people would refute this information especially those that have denied a demonstration of a mechanism labeled a ‘Unifying field oscillator’ in both universities and government research establishments where it was able to demonstrate that which I have described. This mechanism has been acknowledged as before its time. Only in physics, I believe, such a statement could be made with the sole purpose of trying to prevent future understanding and progress in our much needed developing world, especially with our reliance upon energy and the available E Cat technology, able to provide that which is so desperately needed. Regards Eric Ashworth
P.S. As I have previously stated I know nothing of nuclear physics but I do believe the mechanical parallels the nuclear with regards energy interaction.
“……very intelligent physics professors have been ////harnessed///….harrassed…. and limited in their careers simply cutting funds to their researches, to give money to finance R&D that have produced nothing ( think to the so called Hot Fusion ). I personally am attacked on daily basis by trolls paid to disseminate false information about my past ( fortunately my team has been able to arrive to the industrialized level notwithstanding the daily fire that hits our ship ). Now we are at the eve of a Renaissance thanks to the fact that reality is giving evidence that the king is naked.
Your email and its hypertext, by the way, tells me that you have still a lot to teach in matter of Physics: old lions are younger than young ////dynosaurs////….dinosaurs. 😉
Giovanni Gonano:
Thank you for the link to the important work of Willi Meinders.
1- I do not know
2- yes, because the critical points are the same
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Here is a link of a series of services made by Willi Meinders for a German TVabout LENR and your activity:
Can you answer:
1- in which Countries will it be faster to obtain the safety certifications for the domestic Ecat?
2- do the SGS and B.V. certifications you got for the industrial plants cover also the SK series?
Giovanni Gonano
E. Volpe:
Substantially I agree with you. I think we are at the eve of a Renaissance of Physics; we had with Newton the antique physics era, with Einstein, Fermi the modern Physics Era, then we had the Middle Age of the Physics, limited by the financing oriented within the limits allowed by military and politic interests that have enslaved the R&D where there was money or power to share; during this Middle Age all the researchers, inventors who dared to find the nonsense hidden in certain areas of the guru-consolidated standard, where multiple dei ex machinis had to be invented to cover titanic holes of logic and mathematics, have been attacked with a brutality that in some case has been slandering; very intelligent physics professors have been harnessed and limited in their careers simply cutting funds to their researches, to give money to finance R&D that have produced nothing ( think to the so called Hot Fusion ). I personally am attacked on daily basis by trolls paid to disseminate false information about my past ( fortunately my team has been able to arrive to the industrialized level notwithstanding the daily fire that hits our ship ). Now we are at the eve of a Renaissance thanks to the fact that reality is giving evidence that the king is naked.
Your email and its hypertext, by the way, tells me that you have still a lot to teach in matter of Physics: old lions are younger than young dynosaurs.
Warm Regards,
During the cold weather, was the E-Cat operating at maximum capacity to heat the industrial premises at 25 ° Celsius, or was it still possible to provide more heat?
I wish you a lot of MW to install in the coming months
Best regards and good health
As you are found of saying – “an integrated solution.” Desalinization is needed where salt or other impurities are present in the source water. There is a program in India to pump the cold, deep sea water up to a ship to condense fresh, drinkable water from the vapors of the warm, surface sea water. The cost is the electricity needed to pump the water.
Imagine a large ship powered by eCat reactors to generate electricity for the needs of the ship and the pumps. The eCat reactor would be powered by solar cells (and batteries during darkness). The ship (or barge) is stationary as it pumps, fresh, potable water to the shore and to the thirsty cities.
On-shore eCat powered electrical generation plants provide inexpensive electricity to pump the precious potable water to the rural area and to improve the quality of life of the citizens. These could also be solar/battery powered. All done with no carbon footprint.
Other technologies (e.g., inverse osmosis, etc.) would be applied in other environments. Imagine! To dream, per chance to do?
Caro Rossi
Sono un fisico teorico troppo avanti negli anni per pensare di poter affrontare l’enorme lavoro che le nuove conoscenze della fisica stanno dischiudendo.
Credo che nei prossimi decenni l’interpretazione della realtà sarà completamente rivoluzionata per lasciare il posto ad una visione che sorpasserà di molto non solo l’attuale fisica classica e relativistica ma anche la fisica quantistica e le più nuove ed audaci teorie. Come al solito la realtà quando si rivela sorpassa qualsiasi immaginazione .
Infiniti indizi sono già stati sparsi nel lavoro di migliaia di laboratori, perlopiù dimenticati o non compresi: semplicemente non eravamo pronti. Ma ora si stanno rivelando altri spiragli, molti stanno lavorando a questo perché è evidente che l’attuale fisica non soddisfa più.
Tu stai aprendo una piccola finestra ed anche altri stanno cominciando a vedere i nuovi panorami anche se in modo nebbioso ed incerto; manca per ora lo scatto in avanti risolutivo che illumina e rende chiaro il grande quadro d’insieme.
Sei d’accordo che siamo alle porte di una grande rivoluzione o pensi ( intuisci )che tutto si risolverà in un ampliamento della fisica attuale nella salvaguardia delle basi già note ?
Un affettuoso augurio.
Dear Rossi
I am a theoretical physicist too late in the years to think to face the enormous work that the new knowledges of physics are opening up.
I believe that in the coming decades the interpretation of reality will be completely revolutionized to give way to a vision that will surpass not only the current classical and relativistic physics but also quantum physics and the newest and most daring theories. As usual, what it is revealed by reality, surpasses always any imagination.
Infinite clues have already been scattered in the work of thousands of laboratories, mostly forgotten or not understood: we simply were not ready. But now there are more glimpses, many are working on this because it is clear that current physics no longer satisfies.
You are opening a small window and others are beginning to see the new landscapes even if in a hazy and uncertain way; missing for now the decisive forward shot that illuminates and makes clear the big picture.
Do you agree that we are at the gates of a great revolution (especially in subatomic physics) or do you think (foresee-intuit) that everything will be resolved in an expansion of the current physics in the safeguarding of the already known bases?
An affectionate greeting.
Dr Rossi:
About electron capture, I would add:
Experimental Physics for Dummies: nobody has ever observed or measured any kind of electron capture by stable elements.
Have a nice Sunday,
Dr Joseph Fine:
I have not competence in desalinization, but, as far as I know, inverse osmosis is very cheap and is the worldwide technology.
The Ecat is not a specific tool to make something specific, it is a generalistic tool: it makes heat, then with its heat you can make what you want. We sell the heat at a price, so it is the price that makes it fit or not for specific utilization.
Warm Regards,
Irina and Vitaly Uzikov:
Thank you for your very appreciated information. Thanks also to its deep cultural roots, Russia is contributing to the scientific renaissance that the LENR community is promoting in nuclear physics.
Warm Regards,
My position is the same of always: the nuclear model of Prof Norman Cook is the sole that can be taken seriously in consideration and is the sole that puts remedy to the absurdities of the alternative models. The nuclear model of Norman Cook is a fundamental tool to exit the middle age of nuclear physics, that began in the fifties and is turning now into a scientific renaissance. Also thanks to the LENR.
Warm Regards,
DR Andrea Rossi:
I noticed that in, where is published your last theoretical contribution ( ) going to your profile in the list of your publication there is also the article you co-authored with Norman Cook on Arxiv “On the nuclear interactions underlying the heat production by the Ecat”: what is exactly your position respect the work of Norman Cook after your last publication?
Rod Walton:
Thank you for the information: clearly the coal related industry is striving to reach the best availabe technologies to improve the micro and macro environments.
Warm Regards,
Italo R.:
We have only the 22 kW Ecat sk at industrial grade.
Warm Regards,
Thank you for the important suggestion: just in case…
Warm Regards,
Hello Dr Rossi
This Musician plays piano,drums,and guitar.
A high energy song for another demo.
Dear Dr. Rossi,
Are you using the 22kW module or the new with 100kW?
Best Regards,
Italo R.
Dear Andrea,
Reading the answers to Frank and others your business seems to go very well, congratulations to you and your team!
I hope you will be able to give us some more information:
1. I guess the duration tests with the SK are still going on, right?
2. When do you expect the first turbine test (this year, next year,…)?
3. I would expect that when the SK’s will be build into a turbine, that they will run in a closed loop agon atmosphere. Is that a right assumption?
4. Are you planning to produce E-Cats SK in Scandinavia, US and Japan this year, or just in the US?
5. Have the cumulated orders already exceeded the 1 GWatt output?
6. If I order a 1 MW unit now for a greenhouse in the Netherlands (90C water) will you than still be able to deliver it this year?
7. Are electricity suppliers interested in your heat supply offer?
Thanks, a lot of success and kind regards, Gerard
Dr Rossi:
Power Engineering February 19 2019: Dynergy sought to improve the work conditions in coal bunkers by automating level measurements of coal.
Rod Walton
Pekka Janhunen:
Drums !!! See the final on
Warm Regards
Plan B = Rossi at the piano ?
Vince Antonelli:
Thank you for your kind wishes
1- in this initial period at least 1 MW
2- years to be agreed upon depending on the situation
3- same as in 2
4- yes
5- depends how are assembled the modules
6- confidential
7- minutes
Warm Regards,
Congratulations for your successful presentation on
We wish you a worldwide sucess.
Please allow me the following questions:
1- What is the minimum power your clients must need to get your service of heat sale?
2- What is the minimum period the service must be requested for?
3- What is the longer period ?
4- Do you confirm that the 22 kW modules of Ecat SK can be compined to reach any power the clients need?
5- Dimensions of a 1 MW assembly?
6- How bg are the charge cells?
7- How much time takes to make the yearly recharge of each module?
Thanks for your answers,
Vince Antonelli- BEng
You got me with the tongue in the jam… as a self punishment, I am not going to correct, but leave the error there, as a memo for myself to stay more focused.
Warm Regards,
ME! ME! Me the orsobubu the first with the pedant correction! It is “relative”, not parent of Dvorak, if any
hehe 🙂
Koen Vandewalle:
Thank you for your suggestions,
Warm Regards,
Frank Acland:
a) yes
b) on course
c) on course
d) on course
e) yes
After these 18 days from the presentation of January 31st I can say that momentous events happened that are strongly reinforcing our situation. This allows me to confirm that the presentation of has been very successful and that our target has been fully reached in perfect equilibrium with our possibilities.
Thanks also to the magnificent work made by you and Thomas Florek. Before the presentation , if you remember, I told you both ” Acland at the piano, Florek at the guitar and concertina, Rossi at the drums: if the Ecat doesn’t work, we have a plan B”: it appears the plan B will not be necessary.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Since the event on Jan 31st, can you say which of the following you have done?
a) Responded to inquiries from potential customers.
b) Made agreements with new customers.
c) Built E-Cat SK plants for new customers.
d) Delivered new E-Cat SK plants to new customers.
e) Monitored E-Cat SK installations remotely.
Many thanks, and best wishes,
Frank Acland
Dear Dr. Andrea Rossi,
Have the people who suppress your technology ever explained to you why they want it that way?
Never buy a quantum computer without an appropriate virus scanner!
And how do we protect Artificial Intelligence from Artificial Corruption?
Somewhere in a distant past, people have chosen a wrong path. In view of the freedom of man to make choices, (Genesis, damn!) We will have to recursively tackle all past mistakes. It does not surprise me that many are looking for a virgin planet somewhere far away in the universe.
I just planned to send you an email to ask you to become a dealer / seller of the heat that your appliances make. Given the daily hostile fire that you are experiencing, I will burn my fingers to that, I fear.
Koen, (which according to name experts means “brave.” Unfortunately, these too die sometimes more quickly than desired, unless they wear a suit of armor – or Harness ??- adapted to the circumstances)
George Dvorak:
Are you parent of the great musicist? I listened to the”New World Symphony” hundreds of times…
Answer: USA, Scandinavia, Japan.
Warm Regards,
Dear Dr Rossi:
Considering the importance of your discovery, I think it is important to diversify the manufacturing locations: where are you organizing the production of the Ecat?
George Dvorak
Pekka Janhunen:
He,he,he…besides, the world is united by the different ways to speak and sing English, so this beautiful language is in continuous evolution, therefore leaves us room for inventive neologisms.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Just for the record, I understood that you meant “harnessed” etc., that they were not a spelling errors. I guess sometimes a non-native understands another non-native better, because both have similar deficiencies in language.
regards, /pekka
Elsa Keppner:
Sorry, I cannot answer in positive or in negative to this question,
Warm Regards,
Eric Ashworth:
Thank you for your insight,
Warm Regards,
Dr Joseph Fine:
Thank you for the corrections…but I really meant HARNESSED, not harassed…like horses harnessed…; besides: DYNOSAURS are dinosaurs that work in the energy field, from DYNAMO!
I prefer not to correct, but thank you for the intent: please do also in future help me to correct my Italian-English ( we call it Italish ), albeit, in this case, it was just art-licensed English.
Warm Regards,
Pekka Janhunen:
I have written a paper that is an update of our theoretical R&D:
Specifically in paragraph 2,3,4 you will find my hypothesis.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea,
Where does the E-cat energy come from, in your opinion? If we list the options, since the source cannot be chemical, it must be either some Nuclear process or some uNclear process. Among Nuclear processes, one can make a division into processes where the weak interaction plays a role (protons change to neutrons or vice versa) and where it doesn’t play a role (that is, only electromagnetic and strong interactions play a role, protons stay protons and neutrons stay neutrons and they are somehow exchanged between nuclei). My favourite answer to this question is “I don’t know”, but how about you?
best regards, /pekka
Dear Andrea,
I watched
Observing the plasma I got the idea that you continue to change the opoles and it is this that makes the “ballerina” dance; am I right?
Dear Readers, Andrea,
I have just recently been reading up on virtual particles as described on Quote “virtual particles only exist temporarily as they are exchanged between ordinary particles”. This statement I find is misleading because I believe there is nothing given or received in the creation of a virtual particle, that is to say virtual particles are formed by forces alone. The virtual particle is a creation of spin between the positive and the negative charge. When two particles spin in the same direction a void is created between and into which a creation occurs i.e. an image of the progenitors/virtual particle. When constructed it spins in a counter direction, contains its own identity due to its oscillating feature, another product of its progenitors. Its substance I believe is from an external source that serves as a buffer zone between its progenitors so as to maintain a viable system of existence or you could say a created life force involving three identifiable aspects not two. This creation in the case of the E-cat represents a life force that benefits due to the soft free energy that it produces by the decay of the constructed virtual particles. No doubt some people would refute this information especially those that have denied a demonstration of a mechanism labeled a ‘Unifying field oscillator’ in both universities and government research establishments where it was able to demonstrate that which I have described. This mechanism has been acknowledged as before its time. Only in physics, I believe, such a statement could be made with the sole purpose of trying to prevent future understanding and progress in our much needed developing world, especially with our reliance upon energy and the available E Cat technology, able to provide that which is so desperately needed. Regards Eric Ashworth
P.S. As I have previously stated I know nothing of nuclear physics but I do believe the mechanical parallels the nuclear with regards energy interaction.
ERRATA: Typo/Spelling
“……very intelligent physics professors have been ////harnessed///….harrassed…. and limited in their careers simply cutting funds to their researches, to give money to finance R&D that have produced nothing ( think to the so called Hot Fusion ). I personally am attacked on daily basis by trolls paid to disseminate false information about my past ( fortunately my team has been able to arrive to the industrialized level notwithstanding the daily fire that hits our ship ). Now we are at the eve of a Renaissance thanks to the fact that reality is giving evidence that the king is naked.
Your email and its hypertext, by the way, tells me that you have still a lot to teach in matter of Physics: old lions are younger than young ////dynosaurs////….dinosaurs. 😉
(Your friendly editor…)
J. Fine
Thank you for the links.
Warm Regards,
Hello DR Rossi
This is an interesting video
on Professor Leo Kadanoff.
Giovanni Gonano:
Thank you for the link to the important work of Willi Meinders.
1- I do not know
2- yes, because the critical points are the same
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi,
Here is a link of a series of services made by Willi Meinders for a German TVabout LENR and your activity:
Can you answer:
1- in which Countries will it be faster to obtain the safety certifications for the domestic Ecat?
2- do the SGS and B.V. certifications you got for the industrial plants cover also the SK series?
Giovanni Gonano
Toussaint Francois:
We will give these numbers, as I already said, in due time, when numbers will have a meaning.
Warm Regards,
E. Volpe:
Substantially I agree with you. I think we are at the eve of a Renaissance of Physics; we had with Newton the antique physics era, with Einstein, Fermi the modern Physics Era, then we had the Middle Age of the Physics, limited by the financing oriented within the limits allowed by military and politic interests that have enslaved the R&D where there was money or power to share; during this Middle Age all the researchers, inventors who dared to find the nonsense hidden in certain areas of the guru-consolidated standard, where multiple dei ex machinis had to be invented to cover titanic holes of logic and mathematics, have been attacked with a brutality that in some case has been slandering; very intelligent physics professors have been harnessed and limited in their careers simply cutting funds to their researches, to give money to finance R&D that have produced nothing ( think to the so called Hot Fusion ). I personally am attacked on daily basis by trolls paid to disseminate false information about my past ( fortunately my team has been able to arrive to the industrialized level notwithstanding the daily fire that hits our ship ). Now we are at the eve of a Renaissance thanks to the fact that reality is giving evidence that the king is naked.
Your email and its hypertext, by the way, tells me that you have still a lot to teach in matter of Physics: old lions are younger than young dynosaurs.
Warm Regards,
Dear Andrea Rossi,
One question please will you indicate in your journal the number sk plant installed and the total power delivered ?
Warm Regards,
Toussaint François
Warm Regards,
Steven N. Karels:
Yes, these are interesting dreams. But the best available technology now is reverse osmosis, honestly.
Warm Regards,
Raffaele Bongo:
The Ecat SK was and is at maximum power.
Warm Regards,
Hello A. Rossi
During the cold weather, was the E-Cat operating at maximum capacity to heat the industrial premises at 25 ° Celsius, or was it still possible to provide more heat?
I wish you a lot of MW to install in the coming months
Best regards and good health
Dear Andrea Rossi,
As you are found of saying – “an integrated solution.” Desalinization is needed where salt or other impurities are present in the source water. There is a program in India to pump the cold, deep sea water up to a ship to condense fresh, drinkable water from the vapors of the warm, surface sea water. The cost is the electricity needed to pump the water.
Imagine a large ship powered by eCat reactors to generate electricity for the needs of the ship and the pumps. The eCat reactor would be powered by solar cells (and batteries during darkness). The ship (or barge) is stationary as it pumps, fresh, potable water to the shore and to the thirsty cities.
On-shore eCat powered electrical generation plants provide inexpensive electricity to pump the precious potable water to the rural area and to improve the quality of life of the citizens. These could also be solar/battery powered. All done with no carbon footprint.
Other technologies (e.g., inverse osmosis, etc.) would be applied in other environments. Imagine! To dream, per chance to do?
Dear Dr Andrea Rossi,
Are the deliveries of the Ecat SK on course?
Caro Rossi
Sono un fisico teorico troppo avanti negli anni per pensare di poter affrontare l’enorme lavoro che le nuove conoscenze della fisica stanno dischiudendo.
Credo che nei prossimi decenni l’interpretazione della realtà sarà completamente rivoluzionata per lasciare il posto ad una visione che sorpasserà di molto non solo l’attuale fisica classica e relativistica ma anche la fisica quantistica e le più nuove ed audaci teorie. Come al solito la realtà quando si rivela sorpassa qualsiasi immaginazione .
Infiniti indizi sono già stati sparsi nel lavoro di migliaia di laboratori, perlopiù dimenticati o non compresi: semplicemente non eravamo pronti. Ma ora si stanno rivelando altri spiragli, molti stanno lavorando a questo perché è evidente che l’attuale fisica non soddisfa più.
Tu stai aprendo una piccola finestra ed anche altri stanno cominciando a vedere i nuovi panorami anche se in modo nebbioso ed incerto; manca per ora lo scatto in avanti risolutivo che illumina e rende chiaro il grande quadro d’insieme.
Sei d’accordo che siamo alle porte di una grande rivoluzione o pensi ( intuisci )che tutto si risolverà in un ampliamento della fisica attuale nella salvaguardia delle basi già note ?
Un affettuoso augurio.
Dear Rossi
I am a theoretical physicist too late in the years to think to face the enormous work that the new knowledges of physics are opening up.
I believe that in the coming decades the interpretation of reality will be completely revolutionized to give way to a vision that will surpass not only the current classical and relativistic physics but also quantum physics and the newest and most daring theories. As usual, what it is revealed by reality, surpasses always any imagination.
Infinite clues have already been scattered in the work of thousands of laboratories, mostly forgotten or not understood: we simply were not ready. But now there are more glimpses, many are working on this because it is clear that current physics no longer satisfies.
You are opening a small window and others are beginning to see the new landscapes even if in a hazy and uncertain way; missing for now the decisive forward shot that illuminates and makes clear the big picture.
Do you agree that we are at the gates of a great revolution (especially in subatomic physics) or do you think (foresee-intuit) that everything will be resolved in an expansion of the current physics in the safeguarding of the already known bases?
An affectionate greeting.
Warm Regards,
Dr Rossi:
About electron capture, I would add:
Experimental Physics for Dummies: nobody has ever observed or measured any kind of electron capture by stable elements.
Have a nice Sunday,
Dr Joseph Fine:
I have not competence in desalinization, but, as far as I know, inverse osmosis is very cheap and is the worldwide technology.
The Ecat is not a specific tool to make something specific, it is a generalistic tool: it makes heat, then with its heat you can make what you want. We sell the heat at a price, so it is the price that makes it fit or not for specific utilization.
Warm Regards,
Irina and Vitaly Uzikov:
These references are important. Thank you very much for the links.
Warm Regards,
Irina and Vitaly Uzikov:
Thank you for your very appreciated information. Thanks also to its deep cultural roots, Russia is contributing to the scientific renaissance that the LENR community is promoting in nuclear physics.
Warm Regards,
My position is the same of always: the nuclear model of Prof Norman Cook is the sole that can be taken seriously in consideration and is the sole that puts remedy to the absurdities of the alternative models. The nuclear model of Norman Cook is a fundamental tool to exit the middle age of nuclear physics, that began in the fifties and is turning now into a scientific renaissance. Also thanks to the LENR.
Warm Regards,
DR Andrea Rossi:
I noticed that in, where is published your last theoretical contribution ( ) going to your profile in the list of your publication there is also the article you co-authored with Norman Cook on Arxiv “On the nuclear interactions underlying the heat production by the Ecat”: what is exactly your position respect the work of Norman Cook after your last publication?